Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 31, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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1214 O it rot.'.
fixntnlnc sample
of our work before
ordering elewncro.
Cabinet Photograph
$3 per dozen.
induced from $4 to
Everybody to examine the
plans ilml standing of the Un
ion Central Life Insurance
Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio,
before insuring. It has the
lowest continuous death rate
of any company. Realizes the
highest rate of interest on in
Tested assets which enables
to pay large dividends.
Policies inconU&tiblo
non-forfeitablo after third year.
The Union Central issues
endowment policies at ordi
nry life rates; these policies
arc now maturing and being
paid in from one to two years
earlier than time estimated by
the company. They protect
the family and estate during
the younger years of life, and
the insured in old age at regu
lar life rates. Other desirable
policies issued. Call on us or
write for plans.
J. it. EDMISTOS, State Ainl.
C. L. MKSHWtt, Aut. State AiXitt.
a, T. PUMPKLLY, CKtf Solicitor,
ltoom 22 lliirr Mock,
Will be under the personal supervision of
H. L. LBLKND. and, will to open for the
reception of gtieeU. June first in each year.
Visitor will ftnd
la tra 1 claaa In all of it appointments, being
well supplied with ni, hot and cold water
hatha, aleetrlo hells sins' all nodern Im
provement, steam laundry, billiard hallr
aowllas alley, eta . and positively free fro
annoyance by s&osquitoes,
Hound -f rip EXcunlon I'icleti
will be placed on sale at the commencement
of the tourUt seaaon by the Burlington.
Cedar Rapid Northern JUllway and all
otuMctlnjr line, at low rate, to the follow
Ui point la Iowa and Minnesota 1 Spirit
Lake. XowatAlbert Iea, Watervllle, Xinn
apolia, St. Faol,Xaka Xtnnetonka, White
Bear Z.ak and Duluth, Minnesota t Clear
Lake, Iowa; Lake Superior point; "xellow
ten Park and point In Colorado.
Write for "A. MldRummer Par
adise" to the General Ticket and Paee
Boer Agent, Cedar Rapid. Iowa, and for
Hotel Rates to H. li.LKIxA.ND, Spirit
Lake, Iowa.
rr.t4(i.'i8i. Of'iruttM4rM.'Mt.
Should call nnd
see our Goods
and Ornaments
for the head.
All the latest
shapes In Bang,
3wiii;iii: ciu.
1H4 0 St.
I sell more bottUts of
Dr. Beth Arnold's
sn of siiv ntlier rniiTh
.fillclne kept lu stool:, u.
ioukIi I keen tllteen vrl.
F. M. Uobertsou, Coyrllle,
1 11.00.
A ftiwrful Wniiinii I'roactier unit Ilia
U'urh film lla Hour.
Hk"vIaI CorroponJonco.
Ciucado, Aii(7. SO. A picture is fin
ished when nil trnco of tlie menus tmod
to bring nliotit tlio end has disappeared,
says Whistler, Judged by this test tlio
work of tlio Nov. Floronco Kollock Is
"llulshetl work," Whatever alio tloea
bourn no u vlilcnco of strain or r (Tort. Hor
splendid vigor gives tlio strong Impres
sion of resource which hna never np
prone I icd exhaustion, nnd in listening in
her one Hints himself convinced that It is
good to live, lecniise tlioro is so much in
life worth dolni;.
"Why did I become n preacher?" alio
said, In nnswuring tlio question us to her
choice of n life work. "Docnuso I was
consumed with n desire to glvo forth tlio
beautiful faith which had como with its
elrulnoM nnd hono to Ira n part of my
In her pulpit, clad in princess gown of
dark lino stull, tlio severe lines of which
reveal tlio perfection of hor tall, llssotno
figure, with her flnu head thrown baok
and hor dark oyos glowing, sho is tho
cuibodltuout of inspirational enthusiasm.
Sho Is wonderfully magnotlo, nnd car
rios forward hornudlenco as if by tnagio.
Still she is not in the least sensational
either in method or mutter. Dealing in
facta rather than dialectics, sho is broad,
Intense nnd original, nnd thosowho havo
listened to her for years declaro not only
that her work Is not a replica of early
efforts, but Improves lu power, strength
and finish as tlio years go on.
A native of Wisconsin, Miss Kollock
was educated at tho state university lo
cated at Madison. For fivo years nftor
her graduation eho was n most success
fill teacher. During this tlmo she was
much oxerclsod lu regard to religious
'matters. Tho demands of her broad nnd
humane naturo were such that ordinary
cruel limitations wcro quito iiuposslblo
to her; in tho end sho bocumo a Unlver
sallst, and determined to preach tho Gos
pel as a minister of that church. To
this end sho took a courso of study to fit
herself for tho work of tho ministry,
nnd began preaching at Wavorloy, Wis.,
in 1870. Sho remained nt Wavorloy two
yoars, nnd then followed tho ltov. Au
gusta Chnpin as pastor of tho Unlver
sallst church nt Blue Island, 0110 of Chi
cago's suburbs. During hor pastorate
tlioro sho established a mission nt Englc
wood. Aftor tho regular morning scrvico at
Dluo Island sho was in tho habit of go
ing across tho country, a distanco of be
tween eight and
ten miles, in nny
vohiclo which by
chnnco she could
00 mm nnd, or,
other moans fail
ing hor, of mak
ing tho distance
on foot. Thollttlo
group which first
gathered about
hor rapidly in
creased in num
bers until within
a year a church
was formed and
sho becamo Its pastor. This was ton
years ngo, and during that tlmo tho
church has steadily increased in num
bers, popularity and influence. It now
includes a largo congregation of wbaltli.
culture aud refinement, whoso members
lcm) n hand In many different lines of
tho homo missionary work which offqra
an ovor abundant harvest in nnd about
all largo cities. In tho amount of this
kind of work which it accomplishes I
think Miss Kollock's church is, for its
sizo, exceptional. This may bo account
ed for from tho fact that a much largor
proportion of hor congregation than is
usual nro men.
Miss Frances E. Willard, in her "Wo
men in tho Pulpit," declares that whon
women nro f rooly allowed to ontor tho
ministry tho preponderance of church
memboru will not, as now, bo women,
but that men, if not in tho majority,
will at least bo equal in number with
women. Howovor this may bo, it Is
cort&inly truo that tho number of men is
fully equal to tho number of women in
Miss Kollock's congregation.
As fearless as sho is earnest, her gen
erous, loving chnrity is always equal to
tlio uomamls upon It. ono moots tho
young with the ready understanding
and sympathy which insures coufldonco,
and tho erring with tho strong, helpful,
hope Inspiring oncouragomont which sot
their feet in better ways.
At ono timo I know of her taking up
the causo of a woman who had been tho
subjoct of a publio scandal, but who was
at tho tlmo leading an cxoinplary Hfo.
Sho dofended her with an oloquenco and
power or which rortla hcrsoir might
havo boon proud. Tho matter came up
boforo an organised body of womon, and
In no uncertain way Miss Kollock de
clared that no man or woman had any
right to exceed in sovcrity tho judgmont
of Jesus, who said to tho woman "go
and sin no more;" that tho ouly cardinal
dlfferonco between tho righteous and tho
wicked is that whilo tho former repent
tho latter do not, and that any human
being who places dlfllcultles In tho way
of thoso who deslro to wako their futuro
better than their past is unchristian, nay
more, inhuman. After hearing this do
fenso It was no longer a wonder to mo
thnt tho Rov. Floronco Kollock has car
ried forward a work of such far reach
ing nnd enduring helpfulness as sho has
Antoinette Van Hoesen.
Swnllow R Dlspit'tcli Carrier.
Sotuo bird fanciers have almost per
suaded M. do Froyclnct that if it is not
easy, it is quito possiblo to train tho
swallow to do tho work of a carrier of
dispatches. Their method is kopt a se
cret, but tho governor of Lillo has been
charged to test it, and to havo certain
experiments which wero mado at Rou
balx under tho supervision of Capt. Do
gouy, of tho engineers. Tho captain is
to bo present nt a grand flight of carrier
swallows next month, and if his report
Is favorable a swullow cot will bo con
structcd and placed under tho enro of
special minors at Mont Valorleii. Paris
Talmacs'i flinll.
Bitch ft imllo.
It would frlghton (jlooir from tlu torture
of tho toothache and ri. oy oil tlio wing
of tlio morning
It spread out llko nii overflow nt the
mouth of tliti MUiljlpil, nml sink In llko tlio
ilcntli of thoooonu,
U'ltli n eouut.-uiinco ns solemn nml ai
homely a tho sphinx, tlio smllo breaks over
It llko tin silver rift hi n storm elotul, or 11
dancing suuhcnni across tlio gloomy moiitli
of tho Mammoth cava, Tho wholo mini li
transformed, nml tlio morgue lllte shadow
dlimpixMir In tlio glowing brlgliluvKt of the
noondny tun.
You enn two that smllo as It shyly twinkles
nml wrinkles lu tho corner of the oyo, then
slyly steals downward nml tklrinlxhu nlong
thooxpniiKoof check to tlio twitching lls,
until it charge nil nlong tho lino, enpturos
tho wholo eounteiimieo, nml li loit In tho
mouth, which ocns llko n widening erovico
In tho earth's ourfneo, or tho hollows to a
church organ.
Bueh n smllo would sit chill mid lonesomo
on mi ordinary mouth twolvoor fifteen Inches
wide, but on tht 0110 It gniuholt llko a frisky
colt nt piny on n now mown lawn, mid with
tho uprightly movement of a dog firmly at
tached by n lull coupling to nil Ignited bunch
of cannon cracker. It is tiono of your fnlr
wenthor smllo, hut ono thnt gives a Qnvco
ilotumi fnll to dyspepsia, nnd plants mirth on
tho fneo of sorrow lu throo round.
It I a gcnulno brain reaching rlslblo wig
glor, ns spontaneous n a klttou's antics, lin
gering ns an unpaid bill, mysterious ns n wo
man's reason, sudden a an unpleasant fact,
receptive a a baby's mouth, as Infectious as
smallpox, with tho goUhero quality of tho
bedbug, mid would tleklo an Indian cigar
sign Into h) stories.
It senro orrow, creates mirth, nnd throw
out tho longest polo to knock olT tho laughter
persimmon that over eonvcrUx gloom Into
a sido show or turned melancholy Into a clr
It ebb mid flows llko tho ocean's tldo and
leaves as inueh trnco on tho place it travel
over as tho t-erpctitlna fluttering of a feather
on a bald mnu's head.
Hut Its effect on tho audlonco Is llko tho
opening of spring, or eaehes unci cream to a
hungry tram). It Hint wissesover ono like
tho mitt of a gcntlo rain, gradually curls the
tho comers of tho mouth with tho suddenness
of an April shower, mid finally bursts over
tho countenance llko a rainbow of promise
mid merges Into laughter thnt peals forth
llko tho rumblo of thunder from tho gcntlo
men, nnd sits enshrined In tho oxqultlto dim
ples on beauty's cheok llko tho glistening dow
drop on a shell pink rose.
It 1 n ninth wonder, and stands upon tho
faco of Dr. Tntmngo llko Edmund Oantos on
Ids tiny Island In mid ocean, exclaiming "tho
world U mlno."
It is a grin winner with a bluo ribbon tied
to Its tail, mid drives away slumber llko a
Mlnnctonka mosquito.
It is a grin thnt would make a monkoy
laugh, and waft a breozo through a baboon'
whiskers. Minneapolis Tribune.
Dnrwln nnd Ills Neighbor.
I was fossil hunting tho other dny,
writes a correspondent, In a chalk pit near
Keston, when a thunderstorm forced mo to
tako shelter in a shed, where I had an inter
esting conversation with two old workmou.
"Do you And ninny fossils hero!" I asked.
"Yes, sometimes wo git ono or two, then we
may bo And a lot more of tho tamo sort near
It. Gentlemen comes along about every two
days aud picks 'em over. I found xomo
shark's teeth ouco. Mr. , at Dromloy,
said thoy was mammon's (1) teeth, but I took
'em to Sir John Lubbock aud Mr. Darwin,
mid they both said thoy wcro shark's as soon
ns thoy saw 'em. May bo you've heard of
Mr. Dnrwln I" "Yes, I havo hoard of him.
Did tho people around hero often take things
to uhnl" "SontetlincSj when thoy wanted to
know what auything was. Ho could always
tell 'em. Master Frank will uow If you go to
liitii; lio' very clover."
"I ouco took a effot (eft) to 8lr John,"
chimed lu his comrado. "I killed It up yon
der by tho barn. Dob saw It llrst but he
was frightened. Ilo'd been boozing for a
week nnd would 'a boon scared nt auything.
It was about that length (about a foot), mid
Mr, tolled mo to tok It straight down to
Sir John, It bed such oyos. 1 went into Sir
John' room ho was nt homo but ho couldn't
tell mo what It was, 'Walt a bit hero,' ho
said, 'and I'll look at my books.' So ho wont
out for abouta qunrtor of an hour. Ills room
was full of all sorts of thing lizards, toads,
vipers aud nearly everything. When bo
eamo Iwck ho told mo what It wns and gave
mo half a sovereign. 'That's tho male,' ho
said; 'you'll find tho fcuialo nmr tho iniuo
pot."' "Which Sir John was that I" "Thnt
was old Sir John. I took a pair of hvo olTots
oneo down to young Sir John. Sir John as
Is; tho ono as knows a lot about ants. "Pall
Mall Gazette
Homespun Folk.
Tbo settlers of Vermont wero such home
spuu folk that oven their penalties wero homo
mado. Tho Green Mountain houso, a noted
tavern of Bennington, had for a sign a stuff ed
catamount grinning doQanco toward Now
York, whoso authorities claimed jurisdiction
ovor Vermont.
When ouo Dr. Samuel Adams, who sided
with Now York, too freely criticised tho nets
of the Dcnulngton settlers, ho was hoisted up
by tho sido of tbo huge cat and allowed for
sovoral hours to tit tlioro and reflect.
Stark' speech to his mou on tho morning
of tho battlo of Bennington t well known,
but it was preceded by a homespun act from
a fighting parson, tbo ltov. Mr. Allen. Early
(p tho morning tho parson went, as a mes
senger of peaco, to tho frout of Raum's
works aud called on tho Hessians to surren
der to avoid bloodshed. Thoy answered with
a volloy of musketry.
"Now, boys, glvo mo a gun ("shouted tho
parson, whoso blood was up. Youth's Com
Sterilised Cow's Milk.
It is now recognized as Imperative that all
cow's milk given to young children should be
sterilized by boiling wlivro It Is not used with
hi three or four hours aftor it comes from
tho cow. Aud when It 1 known that tlio
soi'ireo of tho milk supply Is nlisolutoly free
f:om all contaminating Influence, then ster
ilization should bo Invariably practiced, 110
matter how frexh tho milk may bo. Consid
ering that this need Is generally recognized,
It U surprising that some enterprising dairy
man has not ere thl begun to furnish steril
ized milk In bottles, tightly corked It would
add but little to his expense, nml urh milk
would bo In dumand, oven at a rnto nbovo
tho u.-nial. tat such a custom tocome gen
eral and Infant mortality in town and cities
especially lu suminer.w 111 bo inueh lower than
It uow Is. Boston Herald.
A Quarts ltef It Inc.
Intelligence ha arrived from Sydney an
nouncing tbo d-atb of Mr, J. B. Watson, at
tho ago of Australian quartz reef king,
and ono of the richest men lu Autnillu,
who j wealth li without limit. Ho him a
native of PaUIey, ami emigrated with hU
father' family to Sydney, and afierwnrds
to California mid Sumlhurnt, and Anally to
the Beudlgo gold mine, where ho made a for
tune, estimated ut forty million storllug
ifjn0.0C0.0lW).-Ouco a Wwk
Tlio university of Oxford has nppllnnce
for printing In IA0 different language.
Ono man In western Australia own and
ocntnits n-.vly 4,000,000 acres of lamb
There aro twouty-eoven trust companies In
tho stnlo of Now York, with resoureo aggre
gating f aW,M7,ll.VJ.
A Miss Olnnf, of Pittsburg, married her
unclo-stepfnthor mid becomes stepmother to
her brother.
Who Is wlsof Ho thnt learns from every
one. Who Is Kiverfiill Ho that governs Ids
passions. Who Is rich I Ho that I content.
A man named Cleinmer hns boon discov
ered lu I loading who ha made 1KM clay Idols,
which ho keeps In hi houso nnd sondilps
with Idolatrous dovotlou.
Tho strength nnd safuty of a community
consists lu tlio vlrtuo mid Intelligence of Its
youth, especially of Its young men. J.
Haw oe.
Thero has latoly lieen such a glut of her
rings that tho Scotch fUhlng smacks aro
leaving Ardglass for homo, herring being so
cheap nml plentiful thnt It does not pay to
catch them.
Tho present estimated population of the
United States Is 01,000,000. Tho annual
growth by natural Increaso and immigration
is placed at atiout a million. The i-tttltnatod
foreign imputation Is not far below 14,000,
000. It was lately stated by ono of tho heads of
doMtrtmcuts of tho London and Northwest
em Ilailwny company that that company Is
sue yearly fifty tons of railway tlekots.
A Gothic government was established In
Castllo nlwut X). Ily tho mnrrlago of Fer
dinand of Aragon nnd Isabella of Castllo, in
1474, tho first step toward tho union of Am
gon ami Castllo was taken. Both kingdoms
bccnuioono monarchy hi 1470.
It is rumored that tho queen has at last
yielded to her physicians nnd will tako a long
sea trip, pcrha to India, or possibly to
Canada aud tho United States.
A recent discussion about tho height of
trees in tho forest of Victoria brings from
tho government botanist tho statement that
ho has seen ouo 6'J.I feet high. Tho chief in
spector of forests measured a fallen ono that
was 483 feet long.
Aro wo not to pity and supply the poor,
though they havo no relation to us I No re
lation t That cannot bo. Tho gospel styles
thorn all our brethren; nay, thoy havo a
uoaror relation to us our follow mombers;
nnd both theso from their rotation to our
Saviour himself, whocalls them his brothreu.
Tho prlmato of all England has two chairs
considerably over ono thousand years old
tho chair of Augustiuo at Canterbury and
tho chair lu which bo sits at Lambeth, which
belonged to U10 abbot of Rcculvor In tho
Seventh century.
Ho that will not permit his wealth to do
any good to others whilo ho Is living, pro
vents It from doing an v good tcdiimsolf when
ho is dead, and by an egotism that Is suicidal
and has a doublo edge, cuts himself off from
tho truest plcasuro hero and, tho highest hap
piness hereafter. Colton.
Willard Matteson'spctcatof Hoo Valley,
Conn., killed slxty-ono chickens for him in
fivo days, making a good record of ono
dozen slaughtered each day. Thon Matteson
killed tho cut.
A coon killed ndozon chickens for Alden F.
Miner, of North Stouington, Conn., and
within an hour aftor Minor had discovered
his loss bis deaf dog Pontius Pilate, tho first
coon dog in tho county, had treed tho coon in
a neighboring wood, and Mr. Miner shot It
That coon was tho tiOHd ono that Pontius Pi
late has aided In slaughtering In tho last
fourteen years.
In Australia thero aro nearly 2-17,000 more
males than females. Including Now Zealand
and Tasmania, tho oxcess of males over fe
males is iXH.OI'J.
Tho ways of auctioneers In different parts
of tho world vary greatly. In England and
America tho seller bears tho expense of tho
salo, but In Franco tho purchaser bears tho
cost, 0 per cent, being added to his purchase
In Holland It Is still worse, tho buyer befng.
required to pay 10 per cent, additional for
tho expenses of tho salo.
Refrigerators of enormous sizo aro now
being placed in all lurgo commission houses
luClovelauiL Sonio of them aro largo enough
for tho storage of from 10,000 to 40,000 pounds
of butter. Tho tempernturo within them Is
kopi. at IX) degs., aud tho publio has tbo enter
talulng sight of seeing Ico form on buckets of
water In midsummer.
Tho meeting of orango grotvers and dealers
recently hold, was hardly woll enough at
tended to glvo promise of any immedlato and
far reaching revolution in tho methods of tho
orange trodo. Less than a dozen persons in
terested lu tho business wero present, and only
two of them wero from Now York.
Thero Is no reason to bellevo In tbo carry
big out of too project now boforo tho Domin
ion government for laying a now cablo in tho
Atlantic. If laid, it will bo tho shortest ocean
cablo Hue between Europe mid Amorica, or,
in other words, will bo les than 2,000 miles in
length. Tho project Is strongly supported by
tho press in all tho provinces of tho Now Do
minion, and is favored by several of the lead
ers of tho Dominion government. The cablo
can bo laid at a cost of (1,700,000, and thero
appears to bo no difficulty In procuring tbo
capital required.
Tho latest story of Kansas productiveness
comes frouvFord county, whero a Mr. Stern
berg planted twenty acres to melons and sold
tho seeds to an eastern seed houso for (400.
From tbo melons ho manufactured 1,000 bar
rels of vinegar, which ho values at 110 per
barrel. This melon vinegar he claims to bo
fully equal to, If not bettor, than tbo cider
vinegar. If this story is true Kansas will
bo principally devoted to the production of
watermelons In a short space of time. Just
think of Itl (10,400 for tho product of twen
ty acres of land.
A Orrat I'owder Man,
Henry du Pont, who has just died near
Wilmington, Del., was tho second sou of
Eleuthcro Ircnoo du Pont do Nemours, tho
French refugee who founded tho greitVjiow
dor mills of the Drandywluo. Ha rrns crtl-
uated at West Point In 1833 It tlioeliavwltu.
Gon. George V. Cullum, but 'fANlUy ro 1
signoj to carry on mo powuer vesatwa Y.uh
his brothor. From IBM until W Heath
wholo business wus conducted I a; '-,tm alono.
'Tin. ...Mid linltil aIh'MP. tkiiA.t flin '.l.rjtt In tlul
country and now havo a capunty twnty I
times what It was In 1812, when tyey 'm.r
tlio solo source of supply for thoAnKvcan
army and produced 2,000 pound adiy.
Detroit Freo Frets.
Well ArkaiiM Negror.
LJttlo flock has a colored citizen whoso
property Is worth upward of $100,000. It
slso has another rolored citizen, who camo to
tbo city a dozen years uso worth compara
tively "nothing today ho own several
houMM and lots, ami his wealth (1 estimated
at f-iOix). Th lost named U a contractor
and plasterer, nnd moved from Illinois to
ArluuiMH.-Llttla llock Pros.
For Late Styles and Immense Satisfaction,
IAr coin Shoe Store
They make a Specialty of--
Ludlow's Celebrated Fine Shoes
For Ladies. They combine'Scrvicc, Solid
Comfort nnd Economy.
1220 O STREET.
New Spring and
John McWhinnie's
The Old Reliable Tailor.
First Class Workmanship, Fine Trimming, and
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
305 S- ZEjLE-VEisr'm Steeet.
ii BssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssaeVlsssssssssK
isssssssssssmKssssssIbssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssN v
E. HIIvIv,
Tailor and Draper
I shall display for your Inspection a new and very Carefully selected
Stock, compiislng many of the latest and newest designs of the European
Manufacturers, and I am now prepared to take nil orders for making up
garments for gents in the latest styles.
Having for seventeen years met with great success In Drooklyn, N. Y.,
In cutting nnd making Ladles Jackets and Riding Habits, shall be pleased
to receive patronage from the ladles during the coming season.
I am also prepared to receive orders for all kinds of Uniforms and
Smoking Jackets.
1230 O Street.
Most Popular Resort in the City.
1 1 19, ri2i
Meals 25 cts
We beg leave to Inform our Lincoln patrons and the public In general that
our Importation of FINE
Novelties for Fall and Winter,
Arc now ready for Inspection. V'c have a much larger and finer assortment
than ever before. Call and see our latest novelties from London anil Paris.
Dress Suits a Specialty.
guckert & Mcdonald,
315 S.
1?rTMrfmnla.l trtrtm Vi n,h tlna MnnMftntM1
flouts," am to be aroMal. as tUey Invariably
315 S.'lSth St.,
mmmwa mnmawmwmm
tin 1 niiiKlJlilllzkiiiivrin FsJswu-juvrBuixii:iiV
l iiiMsWsMII mxmrmrsmvm 1 1 1 1 .wmmmmm
, III aMJHLii&kal.lHI ,
Ml IDyaillMi j
X Wmm
Summer Goods
Max Meyer & Bro.,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
General western agents for tho
way. Knnuc, Ciuckcrlug, vosi
anolcr, llehr Uros., Nowby & Ev
Voso, Ernst
aim, ana
l'ianos marked In plain fluures prices
always tlio lowest for tlio grade of plauos
C. M. HANDS, Manager.
142 North 11th Street.
1 127 N Street.
$4.00 per week.
Omaha, Neb.
Afl lintno
equsllr s Roo-l
result la ooaJmloa, expeaio aai dUsstUf satloa