"Y fF? CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1889. -7 s giiiiL'taeggg u , i I fi I :j,e$ ni Roberts & Co, 212 North nth Street, Undertakers andErabalmers. v 1 g j jmB.wtiVy -MMPBfrfcpvjT Telephones. Office 145. Resilience 1 56 Open Day and Night. E. T. ROBERTS, Manager. UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION I Over a Million Distributed, Louisiana State Lottery Comn'y. Incorporated ly the U-Klslature for K.lii cat tonal nnil Chnrltahle put poses, ami Its f rnnchlso made n part of the present state constitution In 18 !' n ovcrwkelinliiB pop- U,IUV0MAMM0TH DRAWINGS tnke place Semi Annually (June and Decern, ber), anil Its Grand Single Number Draw ings take place In each of the other ten months of the year, and arc all drawn In public, at the Academy of Music, New Orleans, La. fami:i rit rrwKNTY yi:,iw, rr Inteirrltv r Il Drawings, ami I'r" mi.it .. . ... V ..r ..-I..... .ilf.iuf.iil fi titllnu.,, I'JIJIlieill fll iifcvwt ,n;i,i', "" .w.,.,..... ..... 1 . .. 1... dallfll tll.lt ,. U1, l,.,.l'l h "WOOD non-U- mno ii "-- "'i'""" trio nrriinKOiiiejilH for ull tho M jiiUiIj urn ODD. AND ENDS. "Wo do horohy certify Unit we supervise ... ..II flu. t ilttlllV llllll CIlll'rt"ll"l I'lnnii'B" . ............... Btnto Lottery Company, nml In person man HKo nml control the Drawings themselves. Mid that the Kiuno arc conducted with lion istv. fairness, ami In eood faith toward nil nartlcs, nml wo authorizo the Company to 1110 Jiits cortltlcntp, with fne-slmllles of our slcna uros nltachcd, In Its advertisements." JP &c& Commissioners. Wo, tho undersigned Hanks nml Hniikors will par nil prlres ilrnwn In tho Loulslann Htato lotteries, which may ho presented at our countors. ... . . ,,,, It. M. WALMSI.r-Y. I'res't LouNnnii Nnt Ik 1'IKltUK LA.NAUX, I'res.rttato N.illon.il I Mr A. HALDWIN, I'res. Now Orleans Natl IJnnk OAHLKOHN, I'rcs. Union National Hank Grand Monthly Drawing At the Academy of Mnitc, New Orleans, Tuesday, Stptelnber 10, 1889. Capital Prize, $300,000. 100,000 Tickets at 20 each: Halves 1 10; Quar tcrs, .V, Tenths, U; Twentieths l. MSTOK I'llIZKS. i pnij:oK.w,tiooi I i vuv.v.ov ino,ois .... li'iu.noK Bo.ooi) is .... llMtl.li ok asnuoii ... 2 1MIIZKHOK 10.W nro ftIMU'KH OV fl.OnOato... 23IHI.I:hOK l.OoOaro... llfll'ItrKHOK flOOuru... 200 IMUZKSOK SHI nro .. NW 1'HIZKS OK auOnte... Al'l'HOXIMATION ritlSCKS. lOOPriios of i.VMaro tun tin. SuOaio ilo. awaro TKnMtNAL I'nizns. ilo 1) arc ilo 100 aro 100 100.000 WO.UiO iyooo 20,000 2..,00'J 2"),(K) C0,(Hi0 00,00) 100,000 $.W,000 30,000 20,000 090 099 $0!ooo WJ.OOO 3,131 Prizes amounting to., Nl.OM.HOO Notk Ticket drawlnc tho Capital Prizes nro not entitled to terminal Prizes. AGENTSWANTED. tW For Club Hates or any other desired Information, wrlto legibly totho umlershtneU, elenrly Ktnllnir your residence, with .State, County, Street nml Number. More rapid re turn mall delivery will bo assured by your en. closing an Envelope" bearing your full ad dress. IMPORTANT. Addross M.A.DAUPHIN, New Orlenns, La. Or M. A. DAUPHIN, WnniiliiBtnn. D. C. By ordinary letter containing Money Or der Issued by all KxprcM Companies, Now York Exehnuge, Drnft or Postal Note. Address Registered Letters containing: Currency to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL HANK. Now Orleans, La. IlEMEMHEIt that tho payment of tho Prizes Is guaranteed by Four Natlonnl Hanks of New Orleans, and tho tickets nro signed by the President of nn Institution, whoso char tered rights nro recognized In the highest courts; therefore, bewnro of nil Imitations or anonymous schemes. ONEDOLLAItls tho price of tho smallest part or fraction of a ticket IHSUHD HY U8 In nny drawing. Anything In our namo of fered for less than a Dollar Is n swindle LcArnlni; hath Rained most by thoso book by which tho printer have lost. Thomnt Fullor. Iron Halo Feather, 8loux Indian, luu Just complnted tho iclcutlflc courso at Dick Inson collo,;o. Ocn. Sherman recently mado tho ascent of Tike's cak nml was delighted It li tho ez perlonco. Llmo has of Into toon used to draw frost out of the gmuud. It is wot slightly and covered over with blanket and other non conducting materials. A fliootnakor hung out n new sign, nud thou iiomtcrcd what uusscrs by found so amusing. Ills sign ran as follows: "Don't go olM hero to bo cheated. Walk in horo." Tho heat In Russia and other parts of northern Euroo lias ixwn Intense of lato. Tho central observatory at St. l'utcrsburg has not recorded such n high tempernturu at the sumo tlmo of tho year sluco 1774. According to a Pittsburg physlclnn tho bow legs pre alcnt In that city aro attribut able to tho descent of tho hills by young children, in whom the ankles J lold to cam tho strain on the limbs. Equal and exact Jintlco to all men, of whatever stato or enuaslon, religious or po litical, peace, commerce and honest friend ship with all nations, entangling alliances with none Thomas Jefferson. An oiler has been miulo to tho Drltlsh gov eminent of 20,000 kt annum for tho privl lego of advertising on tlra bucks of postcard and iKMtngo stamps. Tho saw Is largely used now I nt tend of the ox In bringing douu the giant redwoods In California, Tim tree Is sawed partly through nnd then Is forced over by wcilgcs. The latest addition to tho methods of sui cide has been furulsheil by n soldier In I'leus burg, Prussia, uho loaded n cannon nnd killed himself ttaudluK in front of It after having ignited a slow mutch. Thero is n Cosmic k girl In Dcrlln Jutft now uho is uttractlng ii good deal of attention. This Is not to bovtoudcrcd at, seeing that though sho Is only 11 years of ngosho is noarly "thrco ynrds high, neighs twenty stone, and is still growing very rapidly." All plants and trees consume water In large quantities. Sir John Lnns discovered that an acre of barley will tako up 1,001 tous of wiftor in two days. Trees and plants aro competed more largely of water than nny other substance. Tho brunch of a tree will loso nine-tenths of its weight by drying. John Tcnnlcl, tho cartoon artist of London Punch, will bo 70 years of ngo during 1S0O. Ho joined tho stall In 18.51, succeeding Rich ard Ooylo, Vt ho resigned on a question of con science, and has worked under four editors Mark Lemon, Tom Taylor, Shirley Hrooks, and now Mr. Uuruaud. It Is believed by tho Moslems that tho Judg ment day palmers v. ill bo required to furnish with souls all representations of human beings which they linvo mado. Failing in this or deal, thoy ill loso their own souls as a for feit for their presumptuous Imitation of tho work of tho Creator. Sulss watchmakers hnvo Invented a watch for the blind. A small teg la sot in tho mid dlo of each figure. When tho hour hand Is moving toward a given hour, tho peg for that hour drow. The person ilnds tho peg is dowti and then counts buck to tnelvo. Thero Is a uhUtling well at Logan county, Knn., which Moras jxxple of npproachlng storms from six to twelve hours iu advance. It Is ISA feet deep, nnd sends out a strong current of air, v, hleb, us It ccatics through tho nurtures about tho pump, whistles In a loud, (luto llko touu that is distinctly nudlble to every per&ou iu the ton nship. From Kilkenny a remurknblo 11 nd Is re ported. A boy named Martlu was spearing eels in tho River N'oro and displaced a stouo lying at tho bottom. Uudcruc-ith ho saw a sparkling object, which on being fished up proved to bo a valuablo gold ring. Tho ring has been Identified as ono belonging to tho lato Mr. Carter, tho county surveyor, who dropped it into tho river twonty-nlno years ago m hen mooring his ploasuro bout. Iu tho ofllco of a uowspajxir in Luther, Mich., near a window, hangs n saber cap tuixsl In tho Mexican war. It hnugs so that Just tho jwlnt touches tho glass. About o00 feet from tho olllco Is a sawmill, and tho minute tho gang saw starts tho point of tho saber begins a tattoo on tho glass. An In crease, of Ave pounds of steum is uotlccablo in tho increased noiso on tho glass. When tho saw has iwsmx! through a log tho snlxr Indi- dicates it Itutuutly by keeping quiet. Hainan is ono day feasted with tho king, and the next day mado u feast for tho crows; tho princes of Babylon were high in Darius' favor ono day, and cast luto tho lion's den tho uoxt; Scribed and Pharisees that cried up Judas ono day did, iu effect, bid him go hang himself tho next. Such men's favors and friendships aro as Venice glasses quickly broken and not much to bo prized. The world Is both hard and tickle. T. Hrooks. HAGEHOW A ASCHMAHN, Philharmonic Orchestra AND MILITARY BAND, Room io, Opera House Block A COTTAGE FOR THE SOUTH. Its Cost About S30O lljr I'nllUrr, lilllr A Co. In n southern climate tho requirements for houses, either groat or small, nro very differ ent from what thoy nro nt tho north. Special attention must bo paid to keeping coot in summer rnther than warm In winter) therefore tho rooms must bo Inrge nud tho ceilings high. Collars are not among tho requisites. Neither Is It necessary Iu somo parts to build solid foundations, there being no frosts to get clear of; nud liisomo Instances lioiiM-s niv set on logs stood on tho ground. In the ic here given, tnken from l'alllsor's American Architecture, N. Y., J. S. Ogllvlo fi Co., the frame Is suported on brlek piers, and a large open space is left under the floor, which Is prox.rly prepared so as to keepdow.'i damp. J, H. W. HAWKINS, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT Hulldlngs completed or Iu course of erection from April t, 180! llnslne-H block. O E ontgoinfry, nth and N. do do L W Illlllugsley, llth near N. Restaurant (Odells) O E Slontgoinery, N near llth. Itesldence, J J ImhofT, J and ICtli. do J D Mncfarlaml. Q and 1 Ith. do John Zehnuig, I) and llth do Albert Wntkln. I) lt t'th ami 10th. do Win 1 I-onaiil, K bet 9th and lOth. Jo K It Outhrie, irrth and N. do J E Iteed, M D, F bet 10th and 17th do I. O -M Huldwla. O bet lslli and 18Ui. rultnrluin bullilliu at Jlllronl. Neb, Flnt Uaptlst church, llth and K streets, ortunry cli.i M an J reeei'lu tomb at Wyuka cemeterv, Office Room.; 33 and 31 Klohards Bloolc Tears of a Hum Fumlno. Thero Is sorrow in eastern Connecticut, and in all seaboard Now England, too, It is said, for tho beau crop is likely to bo a failure. There huvo boon no first rate bean seasons in several years, nnd beans hnvo been scareo and high. Cold, wet summers havo caused tho trouble. All tho virtue In n bean rnu into vines, no matter whother it was planted In the fnll or tho old or now of tho moon, for all the moons were wot ones, mid frost fell iu the autumn beforo the pods could rljien. A wnil camo over tho telegraph wires into Connecticut from Boston the othor day de manding all tho beans thero woro In the Nut meg state at any cost; but Connecticut could not spare many for her suffering sister state. Tho pricoof beans was never so high beforo In tho land. Some farmers Iu this statu had dlfllculty In getting enough for seeding lat spring, and what were planted acted Just ns badly as did the crop last season. Tho vines ran right up u twolve-foot pole, wrnppod It iu foliage as denso as that of a hop vine, and thou soared skyward from tho top of the polo, making a dying tnuglo of wreaths anil tendrils iu the uir. Willimoutic (Conn.) Special. A It lull to tho Telephone. Mr. W. S. Rogers hus a company in pro cess of formation to introduce tho writing telegraph machines. Mr. Rogers projioses to operato them on the telephone system, hav ing u central olllco connecting with all the private or public instrument. If u business man wants to hold a conversation with u customer or friend he pulls a little lover, which rings u bell at tho central office. Ho then writes down on his plata tho number ho desires, the connection Is made, and he pro ceeds to wrlto down his mesuge, which Is Immediately reproduced nt tho other end. If tho party the message is add reused to Is in ho answers in tho sumo way, and the conversa tion can lo carrlwl on Indefinitely, Tho ques tions aud answers being all iu writing, thoy can be filed away for future roferonco. Whon the party called up Ij not Iu tho message Is reibty for blm when lie returns to hU office. Mr. Rogers ulso Intend to use the macbino In furuisbiug baseball scores to public resorts. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. COTTAOi; AT 8COOI1A, MISS. It will lie observed there Is no kitchen pro vided, the cooking being done In a small out house provided for that purKxe, so as to keep thu heat out of the house ns far as km1 blc. It is, however, necessary at somo sea sons of tho year to haven lire, and for this pun) a largo oon llreplnco Is provided In the parlor. This fireplace is built of brick, with an arch turned in it, ami the brick hrvust continued up; tho brick Mug loft ox po.d in the room, nud iu this flreplaco it Is intended to burn large Iocs on the hearth. Tho second story or loft Is merely n lumber room nnd nlr space Iwtween tho roof nud tho rooms below. Living Room iV-O-Mfc'-o Badroom. IS'-Cxf-o: fit HU, l. a ftrei. IT' Pdrfor. is '-c' u'-r. I FLOOIl PLAN. Tho nrrnugement of the windows is ono of tho principal features in the design. Tho lower sashes aro arranged to slide Into the walls and tho tranxom sash to swing. In this wny the whole of the windows can bo opened Instead of half, as is usually the caso. This cottage w us designed for tho residence of a laborer on tho estate of J. A. Mlnnleco, Esq., nt Soooba, Miss., to lie built of yellow plno throughout. Cost, nhont f.VX). A SOon Cottage. Hero nro cuts of plans nnd vlow of a cot tage at ilirmingbnm, Conn., designed for a workingmnu of large family, taken from h :"Bs HI SMsHllllM tlJif DAcur3337 VIEW. Gbt. Tall'er's American Architecture, New York J. S. Ogilvie & Co. It is a neat little cottage, mid well adapted for tho purposes intended nd tho requirements of Its occupants. Tho CL X2j Bad Room. HI flrxftj'- J 6Ilitj Rmm. I Kltaliafei (C-ajaV-at: ltVu!-2'. 1 HalL Virndi. F.J.J onofKD rixxm. first floor contains living room, kitchen uul bedroom, nnd on the second floor four bed looms, with tho necessary closet room. There Is a cellar under tho w hole. Interior flnlshnl r Capital City Courier, BURR BLOCK. Lincoln, Vol?., Attn. , SSp. CO otu Frujnds : Having been asked repeatedly why we did not handle the better grades and liner qualities of ' Correspondence Papers and Fancy Papetries, we have placed on sale the finest line of these goods ever brought ' to Lincoln. The stock comprises the best makes, including Whi ting's celebrated papers and in quantities to suit the pur chaser, viz.: from a quire to a ream. The very latest styles are now all in and some of the finest novelties ever seen in tho city can be found in our new stock. You are invited to call while the assortment is com plete. Very Respectfully Yours, P. S. We are prepared to furnish these papetries with Monograms, Crests, and other dies, etc., all in th highest style of the engraver's art. i j', ii- 7 t , V e ' Miss Ethel Howe, Teacher of Singing Room t3i Burr Block Hours, io A. M. to 6 P. M. WESTERFIELD'S Palace Bath Shaving PARLORS. Ladies - and - Children's - Hair Cutting AS?.i.AI.TV. COR 12 & O STS., NEW BURR BLK1 KMySKKKKR Steam and Hot Water Heating. Plumbing C.A.SHOEMAKER,M.D, HoraoBopatliist Physician, Telephone No, 6S; ftt South nth Street, Lin'" iLS Neb ; isM F. A. KORSMEYER & CO. Telephone S3 213 S. Eleventh St. Bftd Room.. 8'-0"C ?' Dad Ketm. E3 Ha.Il. Baxl Roon. A We are the Leading: Carriage Manufacturers ! Our Stock is very Complete and Prices are Low. Q Com and See us. Old Buggies taken in Exchange for New Ones. SECOND BTOnV. In a plsJb manner, and iwlntod in tints. Colors on oxtorior aroi Clapboards, light slato; trimmings, light brown, aud trlmmod up M-ith red; blinds, olive green. Cost, tWO, CAMP BROS., Telephone 664. Cor. Tenth and M Sts.