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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1889)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1889. 258 Ilrtligi scorned to como a smllo Ilko a nun .beam. To . day that nmllo'a a mem-o-ry, It must havo boon a dream, sor-row that wo tuoth . era havo to bear I Ah, nono can know tho doi ten-dcr-ly, who suf fored for mo, too Our heav'nly Fa thor no'oi MY BABY'S FACE. can know tho dopth of It, w Him who dwolleth them nly Fa thor no'or forjoi,nVa Bared this placo for you." i. p(pliiSiii ggmn l , Written expressly for The American Press Association. By JOHN do WITT. itoderato, E3zmmmsE&F fc rkL.jc.. m - heeim " ' W raW. 1. I looked In to my ba-by's face, nnd lovo Rat bold of 2. For somehow when they're swectest.and ttn hard cat thai If B. llut up thoro with my Fa-thor shln-eth down An an M J mmBllk0 &e M: r iffi IP -x x- :3 fry ".'i fi-g f ' 33 -T- H jp mo, I press d It cloa or to ray breast, and hold It lor -tag. ly; And from Its eyes thoro ? ' A mght.y hand Just reach down nnd tears thorn from tho heart j Then, oh, tho bit tor lace, Y lilcu seems to beck on mo und say. " Dear moth or, hero's a place, For you who loved mo tfac -x y- mmsmmm - j , , rtf. ; irr--i--L -- - Ui-4- Lj M b-i - -x - Boston Store Special Sale Fall Jackets DURING THE COMING WEEK. We are now prepared to give you some special values and prices as an inducement to purchase before the rush of the season. Remember the Place-it is the Boston Store, 143 and 145 South Tenth St., Cor. N. The Cheapest and Best Place in the State to Buy Dry and Fancy Goods. A. E. RICHARDSON & CO. igfelpgpfel ciionus. tensfessfe wtmMgmMm Sweet ba by fao , onco dear to tho heart, Dear ba by fan cs, of heav - en a rt, With rNfeii mmmmmimmmmFMMm mf mmmmmmmm$mmmmmm jgsj.llsa-gjgj- them wo still Un.gcr, tho' for a-way thoy bo, As tho they woro with us, a llv-lnir mctn-o ry, m ' . m m M - a. a. m 1 ' m to A Aki . c3ssam ' ' ' ' &-1 mimm Wf: gqxnFffagj Copjrltfht, 1889, by John da W1U. PIANOS All the Latest and inoit Popular Mimical Conipotltlont may be found at ORGANS CURTICE & TI-IIERS, LEADING MUSIC DEALERS 207 SOUTH 11th STREET. SHEET MUSIC Large Stock of the lending American made Guitar. I'lano Tuning and Repairing promptly attended to. NOVELTIES -H WALNUT PARK ADDITION TO LINCOLN. N. W. cor. 4. B. U 8. W. ti IV. 1U, i. (j J e , .......... , . , , ., , 3 R STREET S loji I 40 T So i T o 1 io i"3 So io j io io 15 I3 la 44.4 4 3 2 1 10 9 8 7 0 6 4 3 2 1 K O O I I O 1 1 to. a Removal Sale We are Disposing of Our Entire Stock of Boots, Shoes and Slippers, PREPARATORY TO VACATING Our present place of business, and will make it an object for anyone wishing an article of footwear to examine our prices. Our goods comprise only the best grades from the leading factories, and even the cheapest are perfect fitters. PERKINS BROS. 1129 O STREET. 143 6 s a o o C Q 142 . CI 110.0 ci no m h n 10 9 8 7 40.7 40 40 41 11 12 13 U 15 16 17 18 19 20 z hi Q KLECKNER COURT 40 gQ STREET 5 10 40 9 40 8 40 40 40 1 40 I 40 40 44.8 Ladies' Fine Stationary at Courier Oice. These Lota for sale at a low price and on easy terms. Apply to McBRIDE & BELL, I&acolv&Mi've A.Exxta 107 S. nth-st, .... LINCOLN, NEB. A NEW THING. The old Spencer Homestead on R street, between Thirtieth and Thirtysecond, NOW ON THE MARKET. Is nas Just been platted as WALNUT PARK. We are prepared to make loans to parties buying lots which will cnableQthem to build. Loans made in all parts of the City. A full line of Insurance both Fire andfnecident. Call and see us before making loans. McBRIDE & BELL.