Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 17, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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    wft'mtMMyyftl "iy www' i-mvu''t"""1gr" -mnir
M rr
wr-Jni -nyr j Wii
if .'
Bound to Take the Lead
Do not fall to see them before buy
tag, Also my litis of
936 1 Street. North Side P. O. Squnrc.
Cushman Park!
Finest Equipped Resort
Elegant DnthliiB ntut Hwliumliig at tho
llonclt only l&c.
Tho Sunday Concert of August 11 should
bo well attended. If tho pooplo desire tho
bost music to bo found east or west they
should pntronlio this grand concort to ho glv
en by tlio Philharmonic Orclioitru ami Mill
tary Band. Trains nt 10:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m.,
S p. in.
Tuesday, August 13, Bnbtlst Sunday Hahool.
Train loaves at 10:00 a.m.; roturni nt 7. p. in.
Wednesday, August U, Lawyer's day. Train
at 2 p. in.
Friday, August, 10, Mothodltt Sunday
Bchools. Train at 10 a. in.
Black, Stripes, and Solid
6c PAIR.
Worth to and I2c One
week only,
August 19th to 24th.
113 S. Eleventh St.
Ladies' Furnishers.
New and Finest
WesselPrinting Co.,
Courier Office, Burr Block.
raw itiiiiiiv Hi? i iri? how
rn i nit hi wr mtereadt.
jus ureUM tvotkii Halenmen wanted
rvywhw. Exclusive territory. Fbm trip
to Strop for live worker. Unparalleled la.
T. -.. ..i" -5ff- TfVlW
A li(hir lt)wrof Modern Ttmrt,
flunseairnos! One Your by Mall or Carrier 11,00
Hlx month', SIM Three inontlM SO Cents, One
month ) Cent Invsrahly In Advance.
InrcNTiaKMRirTai Halo furnished on application
at the offlee. Special rate on Time Controola.
rnNTnttiiTioNs: Short spicy sketches, mvin and
stories solicited. Personal and Social notes are
especially deslmhle,
PniHTiio! Wo waken specially of Fine rrlntliiR
Inallltsbri'uhM. w.rk a specialty
Ad.lreu nil coinmiinicAtlun direct to the office.
WicsHia Printing Co.,
Now llurr llloclt, Cor. 13th nnd O Hlrerts.
Ii. U'ksski., Jn., ICilltor nnd Bole l'roprlotor.
l-'iiKD Ugnziniikh, Associate Editor.
"The Courier" lit the ltcsnrts.
Persons having tlm city for tho uiiuuer
can Imve Tiik CouitlKii sent them without
extra charge. In case of changes of location
during tho absence from home, tho nddress
will m altered whenever desired, This np
piles to present and now subscribers. Have
tho CociUKii follow you ns n menus of keep
ing lasted on homo nITnlrs. Its weekly ap
pearance will prove more interesting than n
Tin: now consul to Athens, ox Chancellor
Mnndtt,of tho State University, U about
ready to start for Greece.
Tiik number of candidates who went to
Kearney this weolt must mnko It seem ns
much Uko a political camp as a soldiers' meet.
The county commissioners hnvo decldod
that Lincoln shall have three Justices of tho
pence, and tho earth will contlnuo to go
A. Y. Ball, n member of the lost legisla
ture, left Wednesday for Washington terri
tory, to net as timber Inspector for tho gov.
IlAHTtNOS got tho republican stato conven
tion without opposition. Lincoln walvoil nil
claims, but will bo on hand for tho big con
vention of next year.
1'UOF. Oaluwkll, of tho Stato University,
has been at work on n history of education In
Nebraska, to bo published by tho department
of education at Washington.
TliK friends of constitutional prohibition
huvoorgnutzed a non-partisan county league
with H. II. Wilson as presldont, M. L. East
erday as secrotary, nnd A. L. Frost as treas
urer. wmmmmmmmmmmm
Dn. FitAKK S. BiLLi.voa, of hog cholera
memory, bos formed a partnership with n
Chicago man, nnd they are advertising a
virus for inoculating hog against tho swino
plague. .
The beo keepers of tho state aro bestlrrl ng
themselves nnd pro.nlso tho best oxhlblt this
year's fair thnt thoy ever made. Hero Is n
chance for Senator Uurd, who bos taken to
herding bees.
Axoxo the most worthy candidates for
political olllce this fall is Dr. E, L. Holyoke,
who It inontionod for tho coronershlp. Tho
doctor Is an educated man and has built up a
flue practice on ability.
The stato board of pharmacy cancelled
107 druggists' certificates Wednesday for
failure to pay the annual fee. There was no
excitement, however, as the holders had loft
tho stato or quit business. Tuirty-soveu drug
clerks were oxamtned.
The set of standard metric weights and
measures due from the government has been
sent for by Gov. Thayer. It will bo put In
chargo of Labor Commissioner Jenkins. It
may bo a thing of beauty mid a Joy forever,
and probably some use may bo found for It.
GovxRXon Thater has accepted an Invi
tation to go to Creston, Iowa, for the opening
of the blue gross palace, and will probably
be acoomiMUiled by his staff In all tho glory
of gold lace and military trappings. Gov.
Larrabee of Iowa will also bo present, and
the contrast will be Immonsoly favorable to
the dignity and courtly bearing of our gov
ernor. In Lincoln good olllce rooms ure scarce.
Quite a contrast when compared with Oma
ha, There olllces are, and have for a year or
more, been idle. The two jumbi buildings,
namely the flee block and N. Y. Life Insur
anee, are both almost empty and go bogging
for tenants, as also do several other blocks.
Capitalists wanting good Investments can
tlnd them by putting up olllce buildings in
Walt Seelkt, secretary of the senate, did
not go to California with his father last week,
ns reported. He went only to Cheyenne, but
will go to Los Angeles later. He is now In
Lincoln at work on the Journal of the senate.
His labors will not lost much longer, but the
Journal will not Iw issuod until after the
campaign. Certain politicians need not
worry this yoar about their records while In
Lincoln last winter. cf his observations In New York,
Hon. G. M. Lambertson says: A half day
spent at Monmouth park at the races gave
me an Insight Into the betting mania. The
bookmakers were surrounded by hundreds of
men fighting for tho chance of placing their
money on their favorite. In the grand
stand messengers were running to and fro
taking bets from the women. Old womon,
young women, shop women and sorvant girls
vied with each other In venturing their
money on the horse they named to win, A
Saturday afternoon at the races when all the
clerks of New York are off duty Is a Jolly oc
casion and affords food for the reflection of
the moralist.
fMu..zsj :, 'H
Tlmy Will Show figures Lnriter Than r.rrr
llnfolc In I'url, It Will Not lie I'lW.lldo
tit Oct tlm Wliolo Pattern In One Sleeve.
Full Wrap.
rtKH.Ial Correspondence.
New Yoiik, Aug. 15. Tho now fall
goods show figures larger, If iwsslblo,
tlmti before, mid It will bo impossible to
got the whole pattorti In ono bIoovo, nnd
tho wnlst will hnrilly display tho design.
Spread tioii tho counters tho nowest
silks look K'lrlnh nnd coarso, but when
made up with tho proper combinations
thoy nre hI.vIIhIi nnd striking, If not pret
ty. I saw ono dress which wna mndo
for nn expectant hrldo for n promenmlo
dress nnd It was of sago green, with
Inrgo flowers In terra cottn, with leaves
of shnded green, Tho skirt was of sago
green, of exactly tho samo shado as In
tho ovordrcss for groundwork.
The drnpyy at tho back and sides
hung straight In deep plaits, wittiout any
bustle. Tho front waa richly draped,
and tho wnlst was outlined with threo
narrow belts with email loops and fish
tall ends. Tho sleovca wcro full and
gathered into dark green velvet bands
and tho collar was of tho same, Tho
sleeves wore shirred in such a manner
as to form a puff abovo tho shirring and
a sldrring around tho neck, about five
inches deep, forms a yoko and gives full
ness which is gathered In bolow tho rib
bons at the waist. A dainty llttlo whho
laco capoto with Alsatian bows as! green
ribbon finishes this slmplo but stylish and
handsomo dress.
This bride expectant is Miss Sara Lay
ton, who has written bo many books
undor tho names of Arrah Leigh and
Mrs. C. C. Hotfman fifteen in all, I
think. She is young and very protty,
with beautiful hair. Sho is to weur a
whlto Batln and brocado gown, with a
tullo veil and orango blossoms, and wiU
havo eight bridesmaids,-and bo married
in church. Sara Layton is tho friend of
Mrs. Mary E. Dryan, tho novelist and
writor so dear to tho hearts of south
om women, and it in not very long slnco
sho camo very near ending both hor own
and Mrs. Bryan's career of usefulness
by carelessly handling a Derringer pis
tol. The ball went through Miss Lay
ton's hand and hit Mrs. Bryan on tho
side, glancing off, fortunately, howover,
without inflicting greater injury than a
torriblo shock and fright and a great
bruiso on her side. Miss Layton's wound
was very seriou?, but is now well, and
tho two are firmer friends than over.
Thoy camo near making a long journey
Another pretty costumo which will bo
worn to that wedding la mndo of emer
ald green velutlna and shrimp pink
surah. Tho costume consists of a rodln
gotoof tho velvet ovor a surah skirt Tho
jacket lids aro very dcop and tho cuffs
the samo. Tho front is so arranged that
tho lapels can bo folded back or fastened
across tho chest with llttlo tabs of tho
volutiun and handsomo onamelod but
tons. Tho vest is of surah with flat
poarl buttons with a shrimp pink shado,
and tho tlo is mndo of crapo of tho samo
shado. Thcro is a llttlo shoulder capo of
tho velutlna. Tho hat is of yellow straw
with bows of shrimp pink intermingled
with laurel blossoms and leaves. Across
tho foot of tho skirt is a box plaited
band of velutina, which is moro used for
handsomo dresses now than Lyons vel-
vot in colors.
Fall wraps aro mado mostly of silk,
other gros grain, slcllicnno or ottoman.
Tho beaded wraps can bo of quite ordi
nary quality of silk. Tho very protty
wrap of lace and beaded silk Is of plain
black silk, finished by a drapery or laco
which is brought down in ho back in
the same manner and fastened with
loops of ribbon with a fall of tho loco.
Bows finish the shoulders. Any handy
young lady can make this dressy wrap
at the cost of about $3 less if sho has
any of the materials on hand.
Tho basque wrap can bo mado by tak
ing on old silk waist and nearly cover
ing it with beading, and a Spanish laco
scarf will mak tho tabs. The back to
be trimmod Uko tho front, but without
tabs. Ouvx IIa&peb.
JTt7 KNQt.
Tlm MllwiiiikfiF thriOmclul llonil.
J. H. Diivis, G. A. 11. department com
mander for Nebrntku, nnuouuees thnt he has
Hecti'.l the Union I'ncllle nml the Chicago
Milwaukee and St. l'aul rnllroml as the of
ficial route to tho national encampment at
Milwaukee. A sec!n! train will leave Cmnlia
nt 7:.W p. m,, Saturday. Au?ut 21th, reach
ing Milwaukee the following forenoon. This
train will run through to Mllwmilt-o without
change. Senior Vice Commander 8. II. Mor
rison will hnvo charge of this tinln, nccom
imnli'd by his olllclnl stall nnd the delegates
to tlio encampment. Tho Wnho musical
union Is dHgmited m the department bntnl.
The route selected Is the shortest nnd mot
direct, nnd ndequnte accommodations will bo
provided for nil comrades nnd their families.
Mrs. Mnry It Morgan, presldi-nt of the de
pnrttneutof Nebraska womnn's relief corps,
lins npprovid of this route also.
C. C. Bui rand V. L. Sheldon returned yes
terday nceompnlned by their families. They
have been enjoying n delightful fitting for
past two mouths at Ulxou Midi Mlnnltonkn, the
Inttrr Wing the sceno of recent enmn life. Tho
fresh air Mid recreation has done all hands good
nnd the geutelmeii return to city life nnd labor
w Itli renewed vigor nnd energy.
An oft Told Tttln of Hurlim.
Hero Is tho result of the 230th Grand
Monthly Drawing of tho LotiUlnna Stnto
lottery which took place nt New Orleans,
kn., on Tucsdny, July 10, ISSi). Ticket No.
'.,7M drew tlio First Capital Trlre of !),
.i .. " ,v'" ol,l I" fractional parts of twen
t,0'l"nt1.0o each sent to M. A. Dauphin,
if, Two went to Herman Fisher, St. Louis,
'o. ; ono to n corrpsimiident through elU,
Jnrgo & Uo.'s Hank, San Francisco, Cnl. ; one
Ike Lurfo, Chicago, III. ; ono to n depositor
union National Bank, New Orleans, Ln.; one
l' Lugono Chretien, Jr., 42-5 Chartres St.
ew Orleans, La. ; ono to Miss Amanda I Isli
l;ri 101 Cliamplnlne Rt. Detroit, Mich. ! ono to
; brnlinm Welnger.lOl 8. Canal St, Chicago,
'I'.; ono to Preston Nntlonnl Bank, Detroit,
Mich.; one to Manufacturers' National Bink,
Boston, Mas.; ono to F. Miles Jnmos, Bos
ton, AIass, ono to First National Bank,
Cheyenne, Wy. Tor.; ono to Bnnk of Coanl,
Cozad, Neb., oto., etc. Ticket No r9,007
drew tho Second Capital Prize of $100,000,
nNosold In fractional twentieths nt el.00
each: ono to Hugh T. Carlisle 202 Magazine
St. Now Orlonns, La.J one to Geo. N. Daven
port, Springfield, III.; ono to Henry Luce,
Mint Saloon, Salt Lake City, Utah; ono to F.
U. Pair, Bellows Falls, Vt.s one to C H.
Brlggs, Gnllon, Ohio; one to II. O. Kerchner,
Bethlehem, Pa.; one to a correspondent
through Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Bank, San
Francisco, Cnl.; ono to S.Weil, Meridian,
Miss.; ono to Beutschler & Oreashabor,
Beading, Pa., etc , etc. Ticket No. 15,100
drew tho Third Capttnl Prize of $30,000, olbO
sold In fractional parts: flvo to Max Stndler,
401 Broadway, Now York, N. Y.;flvo to
Clark & Anderson, COI 8.13th St. Omaha,
Neb. Any further Information can be had
on nppllcntlon to M. A. Daughln, Now Or
leans, l,n.
O. A. It.
The National Encampment of the G. A. R.
will be held this year at Milwaukee, Wis.,
August 20 to 31t. Agents of the Union Pa
cific Bailw-ay will sell tickets to Milwaukee
and return nt the lowest one way first class
fnre in Nebraska and Kansas, August 21sc to
2Sth Inclusive; In Colorado and Wyoming
August 20th to 27th Incluslvo; limited to re
turn leaving Mllwnukeo August 27th to Sept.
fith, final limit Sept. 10th. For those who de
sire to return later than Sept. 6th the limit
on tickets will bo extended to Sept. 30th on
application to the joint agent at tho terndnnl
lines nt Milwaukee. Nebraska, Kansas, Colo
rado and Wyoming should be well represent
ed at this encampment and nil should go via
"The Overland Houte." For further Infor
mation apply to any agent of this company
or E. E. Lomax, G. P. A., Omaha. 8 24
G. A. It. Kxcurslon to Milwaukee, Wis.
The twenty-third National Encampment of
tho Grand AnstY of the REPunuc will be
held nt .Vllwaukeo during the last week In
The excursion rates from all points on the
lines of the Chicago, .lfllwaukee & St. Paul
riflllwnv to .tnin-nlllmtt nml rut urn n-MI rn
rf ... ..........., ...... .....,..., ..... wv
ono fnre for the round trio half rate In each
direction. Children between the age of five
and twelve years nt half excursion rates. The
sale of tickets will coiiiiiinnen nn Auinut QUf.
and continue until August 24th inclusive.
Brown is ready to servo bouquets, wedding
collations and other spreads on short notice.
Ladles look at tho Lo Saucy shoes at Per
kins Bros.
Convenient Markets, Good Soil, Pure Wa
ter unit Kxcellent Climate
Aro advantages to be considered when look
ing up a home, business location, farm, etc.
West Virginia, Maryland and tho Shonandc
nh Valley, Virginia, affords these with many
more advantages. No section of the United
States offers superior opportunities, and jwr
sons seeking a now homo should examine
these States befort) iWMInr. nn n Inontlmi
elsewhere. Improved farm lands adapted to
bhk;k raising, uairywg, grain, grass ana irutc
growing can be obtained nt low prices and
upon easy terais. Thriving towns invito the
merehant,inechanio nnd business man. Abun
dance of coal, timber, ore, water power, etc.
Free sites for manufacturers.
Persons desiring further information will
be answered promptly and free of charge by
.. . lucuarus, mua ana immigration Ag
B. & O. It. R., Baltimore Md.
Lovers at Novel Mending, Look,
.lfessrs. A. E. Richardson & Co., the enter
prising proprietors of the new Boston dry
goods house, have just added a new feature
to tholr business that will certainly prove ln
terestlng to their large number of patrons.
They havo just opened a large line of pajmr
cover novels, which will be sold nt ten cents
per copy. The assortment just opened Is
only a forerunner of an order now in transit
of 1,000 volumes, embracing the works of all
the leading authors of the past and presout.
Thesobooksnre substantially bound, hand
somely printed nnd unabridged. See their
largo advertisement on page four of this
Issue, then call and make your selection.
O. A. It.
Grand Reunion of the Soldiers and Sailors
of Nebraska at Kearney, August 12th to 17th,
1869. Tho committee have secured for loca
tion the spacious grounds overlooking Lake
Kenruoy, and the program, consisting of
sham battles, dres parades, artillery drills
and duels, and magnificent display of fire
works, will be the most attractive ever offer
ed. For this occasion the Union Pacific, "The
Overland Route," will sell tickets from all
points on Its lines in Nebraska, nt a rate of
One Fare for the Round Trip. Don't fall to
attend. For other information npply to your
nearest ticket agent, or E. E. Louax,
Our .Milwaukee Short Line is unsurpassed
by any other line as by taking tha Chicago
Jf llwaukee E St. l'aul itatiway only can you
avoid that terrible rush ln Chicago en route,
and have ample time to return by Chicago
for business or pluasure. For further infor
mation Mid tickets apply to your nearest
ticket ageut or to
Next week we will
among them some imported novelties which
will not be shown later in the season. We
make a specialty of
Black Dress Goods,
and invite attention to our present except
ionally attractive stock.
"Terms Cash, and one-price to all."
133 to 139 South
Lincoln Savings Bank and Safe Deposit Co.
Interest paid on deposits at any rate of 5 per cent por annum for all full calandnr months
Safes to rent hi burglar proof and tiro proof vaults, at nnnunl rontnl of 3 and upwards.
Money to loan on real estnto and collateral. YOUlt HAVINGS ACCOUNT SOLICITED.
President. Vlco President. Treasurer. Toller
We take pleasure to announce to the people
of Lincoln and vicinity that we have opened a First
Class Shoe Store, at
1225 0 STREET,
and respectfully solicit part of your patronage.
vGO -
S. E.
1134 O
NewGoodsJ NewGoodsl
Ashby & Millspaugh.
Corresponcleri ce !PgixDers,
Go to the COURIER OFFICE, Burr Block.
100 Engraved Calling Cards
And Copper Plate, for $2.50.
If you have a Plate, we will furnishj 100 Cards from
same, at $1.50.
Courier Office. Telephone 253. New Burr Block.
open several large lots
Eleventh Street
i'iAr1(STif"k'h,,f VfM