Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 17, 1889, Page 3, Image 3
rr y7 CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1889. 3 1 f. m M m - THE CURSE OF THE NATION DR. TALMAGE IN HIS SERMON SAYS IT IS DRUNKENNESS. ni Text II King x, lOi "Who Slew All Tin's?" A Mori Iarfiil Mnssiicro Ii Neirr GoIiik on, He Snji, Thnn In tlio Olil Days- 1 Helena, M. T Aug. 11. Tho nov. T. Do Witt Tulmngo, p. 1)., preached hero to day to a vat congregntlon. Taking for lilt text, "Who slow nil thesof" II Kings x, 10, h prenchod n jwworful discourse on "Drunken nets tho Nation's Curso." Ho saldi I sco a long row of bosket coming up toward tho palaco of King John. 1 am somo vrhat InrpiMtlvo to find out w lint Is In tho baskets. I look In and 1 find tho gory hernia of seventy ulnlti princes. As tho baskets iu livo at tho gnto of tho pnlnco tho heads are thrown Into two hcap, ono on cither sldo tho pto. In tho morning tho king comes out and he looks upon tho blooding, ghastly bonds of tho massacred princes. Looking on cither ddo ho cries out, with a ringing emphasis, "Who slow all thesor Wo havo, my friends, lived to seo a moro fearful massacro. Thoro is no uso of my taking your titno in trying to glvo you statistics about tho devastation and ruin and tho death which strong drink has wrougla in this, country. Statistics do not oem to mean anything. Wo aro so hnrd ened under theso statistics that tho fnct that fifty thousand moro men nro slain or fifty thousand less men nro slain seems to mako no positivo Impression on tho public mind. Suf flco it to siy that lutcmpcrnneo tins slain an innumerable coinpauy of princes, tho chil dren of God's royal family; and at tho gato of ovcry no'ghborhood thero aro two heaps of tho slain; and at tho door of tho house hold thero arc two heaps of tho slain; and at tho door of tho legislative hall thero nro two heaps of tho slain; and at tho door of tho university thero aro two heap of tho slain; and at tho gato of this nation thero nro two heaps of tho sWiti. When I look upon tho desolation I am nlmost frantic with tho scene, whllo I cry out, "Who slow all thesof" I can nnswer that question in hnlf a mlnuto. Tho ministers of Christ who -havo given no warning, tho courts of law that havo offered tho licensure, tho women who givo strong drink on Now Year's day, tho fathers mid mothers who havo rum on tho sideboard, tho hundreds of thousands of Christinn men and women in tho laud who aro stolid In their indllToronco on this subject they slew all thesol inn sotmows and the doom of ran dkunk aiid. I propoio in this dlscourso to toll you what I think aro tho sorrows nud tho doom of tho drunkard, so that you to whom I spoak may not como to tho torment. Somo ono says, "You had better let thoso subjects alono." Why, my brethren, wo would bo glad to let them alono if thoy would let us alono, bflt when I havo in my pocket now four requests saying, "Pray for my hus band, pray for my son, pray for my brother, prny for my friend, who Is tho captivo of strong drink," I reply, wo aro ready to let that question nlono when it is willing to let us alono; but when it stands blocking up the tray to heaven, and keeping multitudes away from Christ and heaven, I daro not bo silent, lest the Lord requlro their blood at my bauds. I think tho subject has been kept back very much by tho merriment pooplo mako over thoso slain by strong drink. I uod to bo very merry over theso things, having n keen enso of tho ludicrous. Thero was something very grotesquo in tho gait of a drunkard. It Is not so now; fori saw in ono of tho streets of Philadelphia n sight that changed tho wholo subject to mo. Thero was a young man being led homo. Ho was very much lutoxicntod ho was raving with intoxication. Two young men wero leading him along. Tho boys hooted In tho street, meu laughed, women sneered; but I hapcned to bo very near tho door whero ho wont in it was the door of his fa ther's house. I saw him go up stairs. I beard him shouting, hooting and blasphem ing. Ho hud lost his hat, and tho merriment Increased with tho mob until ho camo up to tho door, nud as tho door was opened his mother camo out. When I heard her cry, that took nil tho comedy away from tho scene. Sluco that tinio, when I see a man walking through tho street, reeling, tho com edy is all gone, and it is a tragedy of tears and groans and heartbreaks. Never mako any fun around mo nbout tho grotcsquene&s of a drunkard. Alas for his homo! HIS GOOD NAME MELTS AWAY. Tho first sutTcring of the drunkard is in the loss of his good name. God has so arranged It that no man over loses his good nnmo ex cept through his own act. All the hatred of men and nil tho assaults of devils cannot de stroy a man's godd flame, If ho really main tains Ids Integrity. If a man is industrious and pure ami Christian, God looks after him. Although he may bo bombarded for twenty or thirty years, his iutegrity is nover lost and his good namo is never sacrificed. No forco on earth or in hell cau capture such a Gibraltar. Ilut when it is said of a man, "Ho drinUs,"nnd it cm bo proved, then what employer wants him for workman! what rtoro wants him for a clerkf what church wants him for a member who will trust himt what dying man would optwiut him his executor r Ho may havo been forty years In building up his reputation it goes down. Letters of recommendation, tho backing up of business firms, a brilliant ancestry cannot save him. Tho world shies off. Whyl It is whispered all through tho community: "Ho drinks; ho dritiks." That blasts him. When a man loses ills reputa tion for sobriety, ho might as well bo at tho bottom of the sea. Thero aro meu hero who bnvo their goad namo as their only capital. You nro now achieving j our own livelihood, under God, by your owu right arm. Now look out that thero is no doubt of your so briety. Do not creato nny smpiclon by go ing in nnd out of Immoral places, or by any odor of your breath, or by any glaro of your eye, or by nny uuuatural Hush of your cheek. You cannot uflord to do It, for your good namo is your only capital, and w hen that is blasted with tho reputation of taking strong drink, all is gone. HE ULbl'ECTS HIMSELF NO MOUE. Another loss w hich tho Inebrluto sliders Is that of self respect. Just as toon us a man wakes up and finds that ho is tho captivo of strong drink, ho feels demeaned. 1 do not enro how reckless ho acta. Ho may say, "1 don't caro;" ho does care, no cannot look a puro man In tho eye, unless it is with positive forco of resolution. Three-fourths of Ids na ture is destroyed; his self respect gone; ho says things ho would not otherwlso suy;ho does things ho would not otherw No do. When a man U nino-tenths gone with strong di Ink, tho first thing ho wants to do is to pcrsuudo you that ho can stop any tlmo ho wants tf. lie cannot. Tho PhiltstiiiM havo bound him band and foot, uud shorn his locks and put out his eyes, and nro maUng him grind in tho mill of a groat horror. Ho cannot stop. I will prove it. He knows that his course is bringing disgrace and ruin upon him self. Ho lvt's himself. If ho could step l.e would. Ho knows his course In bringing ruin upon his inmlly. He lovts them. I would stop if he could. Ho can l i'ir....j no could thieo months cr u year ago; not now. Just nsV him to stop for a mouth. Ho cannot t ho knows he cannot, ' so ho does not try. I had a friend who for fifteen years was going down under this evil habit. Ho had largo mean. Ho had given . thousands of dollars to lllblo societies nnd ro- I formatory institutions of nil sort. Ho was I very genial nnd very generous nnd very I lovable, nnd w henover ho talked nbout this , evil hnblt ho would sayt "1 cau stop any tlmo.'' Hut ho kept going on, going on, down, down, down. His family would snyt "I wish you would stop." " hy," ho would reply, "1 can stop any tlmo If I want to." After nw hllo ho had delirium tremens; ho had it twice; and yet after that ho saldi "I could stop nt nny tlmo If I wanted to." Ho is dead now. What killed him! Huml Ilunil And yet among his last utterances was: "I can stop at any tlmo." Ho did not stop it, bo causo ho could not stop It, Oh, thero Is a point in Inebriation lioyoud which, If a man goes, ho cannot stop! TDK TUHUIUU: CIIAVINO FOR DnlNlt Ono of thoso victims said to a Christian man, "Sir, If I wero told that I couldn't get a drink until to-morrow night unless I liad all my fingers cut otr, I would say, 'llring tho haU'liot nnd cut them oil now.' " I havo n dear friend in Philadelphia, whoso nephew camo to him ono day, and when ho was ex horted nbout his ovll habit, said, "Undo, 1 can't givo it up. If thero stood a cannon, nnd it was loaded, and a glass of wlno set on tho mouth of that ennnon, and I know that you would flro it off Just as I enmo up uud took tho glass, I would start, for 1 must havo It." Oh, it is a sad thing for a mar. to wako up In this life nnd feel ho Is n captive. Ho says, "I could havo got rid of this once, but I can't now. I might havo lived mi honorablo llfo nnd died n Christian death; but thero is nohopofor mo now; there Is noescapo for mo. Dead, but not burled. lain a walking corpse, I nut an apparition of what 1 once was. I am a caged Immortal, licating ngalust tho wires of my cngo In this direction nnd In that direction, Iwatiug ngalust the cago until thero is blood on tho wires and blood upon my soul, yet not nblo to get out. Destroyed without remedy I" 1 go further, nnd say that tho luebrlato suf fers from tho loss of his usefulness. Do you not recognize tho fact that many of thoso who nro now captives of strong drink, oulv a llttlo whllo ago wero foromost in tho churches and in reformatory institutions! Do you not know that sometimes thoy knelt In tho family clrclo! Do you not know that thoy prayed In public, nud soma of them carried around tho holy wlno on sacramental days! Oh, yes; they stood In tho very front rank, but thoy gradually fell a way. And now, what do you suppose. Is tho feellug of such a man as that, when ho thinks of his dishonored vows nnd tho dishonored sacrament; when he thinks of what ho might havo txxm and of w hat ho is now! Do such men laugh and seem very merry! Ah! thero Is. down in tho depths of their soul, a very heavy weight. Do not wonder that they sometimes soo strnngo things and act very roughly in tho house hold. You would not blame them nt nil, if you knew what tuey suffer. Do not tell such as that thero is no futuro punishment. Do not tell him thero is no such place as hell. Ho knows thero is. Hois thero now I Tnnm health ooes too. I go ou, nnd say that tho luebrlato sufTcrs from tho loss of physical health. Tho older men in tho congregation may remember that somo year ago Dr. Sowcll went through tills country nnd electrified tho pooplo by his lec tures, in which ho showed tho effects of al cohol on tho human stomach. He hod seven or eight diagrams by which ho showed tho devastation of strong drink upon tho physical system. Thero wero thousands of pooplo that turned back from that ulcerous sketch, swear ing eterual ubstlncnco from everything that could Intoxicate. God only knows what tho drunkard sulTcrs. Puiu files on every norve, and travels ovcry muscle, and gnawg every bono, and burns with ovcry llamo, nnd stings with every poison, and pulls ut him with every torturo. What reptiles crawl over his creeping limbs! What fiends stand by his midnight pillowl What groans tear his ear! What horrors shiver through his soul! Talk of tho rack, talk of tho Inquisition, talk of tho funeral pyro, talk of tho crushing Juggernaut ho feels them nil nt ouco. Havo you ever leon in tho ward of tho hospital whero in ebriates aro dying, tho stench of their w ouuds driving back tho attendants, their voices sounding through tho night! Tho keejer comes up nnd says, "Hush, now, tw still. Stop making nil this noise." But It is effec tual only for a moment, for ns soon as tho keeper is gone thoy begin again: "Oh, GodI Oh, God! Help! help! Hum! Glvo mo mini Help I Takotliemoir mo Take them offmol Oh, GodI" And then they shriek, and they ravo, uud they pluck out their hulr by handfuls, aud bito their nails into tho quick, a. id then they groan, and thoy shriek, aud they blasphcmo, and thoy ask tho keepers to kill them: "Stab mo. Smother me, Stranglo me. Take tho devils off mo!" Oh, it is no fancy sketch. Thut thing is going on in hospitals, aye, it Is going ou hi somo of tho finest residences of every neighborhood on this continent. It went on last night whllo you slept, nnd I tell you further that this is going to bo the death that somo of you will die. I know it. I seo it coming. HIS HOME IS RUINED. Again: tho iuobriuto suffers through tho loss of his home. I do not caro how much ho loves his u ito and children, if this passion for strong drink has mastered him, ho will do tho most outrageous things, and if ho could not get Jr'nk in uny other way, ho would soil his family Into eternal bondage How mauy homes have boon broken up in that way, no one but God knows. Oh, is thero nny thing that u ill so destroy a mau for this llfo and damn him for tho life that is to comer I hato that strong drink. With all tho eoneontrutod energies of my foul, I hato it. Do you tell mo thut a mau can bo happy when ho knows that ho Is break ing his w ife'ts heart and clothing his childrcu with ings! Why, thero nro on tho streets of our cities today little children, bare footed, uncombed und unkempt, want on every patch of their faded dress and on overy w rinkle of their prematurely old countenances, who would huvo lieon in churches today, aud us well clad as you are, but for tho fact thut rum destroyed their parents aud drove thorn into tho grave. Oh, rum! thou fooof God, thou desnoiler of homes, thou recruiting offi cer of tho pit, I abhor tlieol WORST OK ALL. HIS bOl'L IS LOST. Rut my subject takes a deeper tono, and that is, thut tho iuobiiuto sutlers from tho loss of tho soul. Tho lllblo lutlmatvs thut in tho futuro world, if wo aio uuforgivcu here, our bad passions aud appetites, unrestrained, will go uloug w 1th us aud mako our torment thero. So that I suppose when an incbriato wakes up in this lost world ho will feci an iufluito thirst clawing on him. Now, down in tho world, although ho mny havo been very poor, lie oculd beg or he could steal five :ents, with whirli to get that which would tlako his thi'ist for a llttlo whllo; but in eter nity, where Is tho i uui to como from I Dives jould not got ono drop of water. From what ;halicc of eternal llro will tho hot lips of tho drunkard drain his draught! No ono to brew It. No one to mix It. No ono to pour It, No oi.o to fetch It. Millions of worlds then for tho dregs which tho young man Juit uow lung ou the Mwdustod floor of the restaurant. Miliums of worldi now for the rlud thrown out fro,.i tho imnch bowl of on earthly banquet. Divot crlod for water. The Incbriato a lot for rum. Oh, tho deep, exhausting, exax pcratlng, ovcrhstlng thirst of tho drunkard In hell I Why, If n (lend camo up to earth for some Infernal work in n grog shop, nud should go back taking on Its w ing Just on drop of that for which tho luebrlato in tho lost world longs, whit excitement It would mako there! Put that ouo drop from off Ui fiend's win.; ou tho tip of tho touguo of ths destroyed Inebriate; let tho liquid brightness Just tou.'h It, let tho drop lo very small if It only have iu It tho smack of alcoholic drink, let that drop Just touch tho lost luebrlato in tho lost world, and ho would spring to ids feet nud cry i "That Is rum! ahal that Is rum)" nnd It would wako up tho echoes of the damned: "Givomoiuuit Glvo mo rum! Glvo mo rum!" In tho futuro world, I do not lo llovothat It will bo tho absence of God that will mako the drunkard's sorrow; I do not bellevo that It will bo tho absence of light; 1 do not believe that it will bo tho nbsenco of holiness; I think it will bo tho nbttoucoof strong drink. Oh I "look not UKn tho wlno when It is red, when it moveth Itself nrlght In tho cup, for nt the Inst, It biteth llko a ser pent nud it Ktiugcth liko nil adder." A WOHD TO THE VICTIMS. Itut I want, In conclusion, to say one thing (KTHonal, for I do not llko a sermon that has no personalities in It, Perhaps this has not hail that fault already. I want to ray to those who nro tho victims of strong diitik that, whllo I declared that thero was a Iolnt beyond which a man could not stop, 1 want to tell jou that, while a man cannot stop In his own strength, tho Lord God by his grace cau holp him to stop at any time. Years ago 1 was In n room in New York whero there wero many men who had Uvn reclaimed from drunkenness. 1 hcutd their testimony, and for tho first tlmo iu my llfo there Hashed out a truth I never under stood. They said. "Wo weio victims of strong dt ink. Wo tiled to givo it up, but ulwuvs failed; but, somehow, since we gave our hearts to Christ he has tnken enro of us." 1 bellevo that the tlmo will soon como when the grace of God will show Its (lower hero not only to save man's soul, but Ills body, und reconstruct, purify, elevate uud lodccm it, I verily believe that, although you feel giuppllug at tho roots of your toirguos uu almost omnipotent thirst, if jou will this moment glvo your heart to God ho will help you, by Ids grace, to conquer. Try It. It isyourlastchunco. I huvo looked off upou the desolation. Sitting under my ministry thero aro (xxiplo in aw fill eril from strong drink, and, Judging from ordinary circumstances, thero is nut ouo chauco iu five thousand that they w ill get clear of it. I sco men in this congrcgatl m of wUom I must make tho remark that, if they do not change their com so, within ten years they w 111, as to their bodlej, llo down iu drunkards' graves; aud as to tin ir souls, lie down Iu a drtuik aid's iierdltmii. 1 kuow that it is an awful thing to sat , but I can't help saying It Oh, bewuiv! You havo not yet been cap tured, llewaro' As yo ojien thodoorof your wlno closet today, tuny that decanter Hash out upon you, "Hewnrol" and when you pour tho bevcrngo Into tho glass, in tho foam at tho top, iu white letters, let thero ho sjielled out to your soul, "Howard" When tho books of Judgment aro ojieii, and ten million drunkards come up to got their doom, I want you to licar witness that I, today, in tho fear of God, and in tho lovo for your soul, told you with nil affection, and with nil kindness, to bowuro of that which has already exerted its Influcnco tiKn your family, blowing out somo of its lights a premonition of tho black ness of darkniss forever. Oh, If you could only hear this moment, Iutemcniuco, with drunkard's bones, drumming ou tho head of tho wine cask tho Dead Mmch of immor tal souls, tuuthiuks tho very glance of awino cup would mako you shudder, nnd tho color of tho liquor would make you think of tho blood of tho soul, and tho foam on tho top of tho cup would remind you of tho froth ou tho maniac's Up, and you would go homo from this service and kneel down and pray God, that lather thau your children should become captives of this ovll habit, you would llko to carry them 01 1 mhho bright sprlngday to tho cemetery, nud put tl.un mvny to the last sleep, uutll at tho call of tho south wind tho flowers would como up all over tho gravo sw ect prophecies of tho rosuncctlon. God lias n balm for such a wound; but what flower of comfort over grow on tho blasted heath of n drunkard's scpulchcr! The Way tii Keep Cool. "Doctor, glvo mo a suggestion as to tho best way to staud this hot weather." "Well," replied a prominent physician, "thero nro n fow simple things to remember. I'll tell you how I do it. Iu tho llrst place I get plenty of sleep. I do this by eating a light supper, without coffeo oud with very llttlo fluid of any sort nud but a mouthful of beefsteak. My day's work ends w ith thoday, nud after sunset I Just sit around without my coat and vest. About 0 o'clock I slip quietly Into my bathroom and soak myself ten or fifteen minutes in a bath tub full of cold water. Without drying myself I draw on my sleeping garment and go to bed. My temperature has lieon reduced and my pulse has slow i-d up. This condition is preserved by tho ovnjioration which goes ou for half an hour or more, during which I go to sleep. Try it. "Now, for tho daytime, I eat a moderate breakfast, with but llttlo hot coffeo or tea. I avoid tho butter nnd anything else very greasy. I oat my fill of bread, toast, toma toes cold milk, etc., with a small plueo of lean, raro steak. 1 do not smoke or drink anything alcoholic. I occasionally take a glass of somo aerated water, llko vlchy or seltzer. I wear light clothes and but few of them, nnd I am not ushumed to carry an um brella. Tho lesult is that I suffer as llttlo from tho as Is possible during tho sultry woatlier." Louisville Post. The S.ilwitlnn Army. Tho Man Aliout Town chanced, the other dny, ncross a prominent evangelist whoe namo is known throughout the length und bruidth of tho continent, and who U boyowl n doubt iiniei-sally rgiiiiU.d as one of tho ablest men In his profession. During the convrs.itl m which took place the Salvation Ariuv wumllM'iiwMMi.nud tlio evangelist gave it us his jpuii.m ttiat while that organization h id many i!W,;rwubio frnttirvs. ho had gruwaio look ukjii It as one of thogrt-at Kiwei-R for good, und that it tlllwl a purport which liiillmig i-Im could auswer "Thiro ar certain MiUtrat. t of society," he said, 'w hich it U almost impossible for us to reach There aro undercut rents of degra dation which w6 cannot fathom, and tho only fuui' that seems to reach them Is tho Salvation Army With t Ik lr crude methods they dig down into the depths, ns we never could, and do a work which i certainly a grand ono in U way "St. Louis Republic Wedding albums are tho latent f.inhlim among Tr.uiMtluutic ladli-s. A ,jorgiMiiJy bound volume contains tlio marriage certifl cate Usually illuminated in mo-t artistic stylo and photographs of tho bride and' bridegroom, bridesmaid aud bast man, wed ding gueCs iu their finery, and theotllci iting clergy, with tho autograph of each under tho corresponding iortrult. Illuminated Inscrip tions of date, time and place complete tho record THE DURLINQTON EXCURSIONS. Milwaukee, AVI,, National llnrninpiuent (I. A. It, Round trip ticket nt IO,4l) will bo on sale August Ut to ','S, Inclusive, good for return until Hepteinbor 80 under certain condition. Tickets nro good by lako or rail between Chicago nnd Milwaukee. Pullman slrepeis, touilst cars nnd free iccllnlug chair "uis and day coneher will Mill through to Milwaukee on social train. It in Important that early application lie ninde, ns tho number of Pull man us well us tourist sleepers 1 limited, Further Infoi iiiutlon nt 11. & M. depot or city ollbv, comer O nnd Tenth stuets. AVOVHT W. Another ban cut excursion Cheaper nnd better than ever. Only i'M for round trip, Halt Luko and Ogdeii, or :)3, llalley, Idaho, and return, good thirty days with stopover privilege. Half lates will also bo in effect ou above date to points In Nebraska, Kansas, i Colorado, Montana, Utah, Idaho nud Wyom ing. You cannot afford to miss thses exclu sions, esieclnlly that to Salt Iiko, ns It in eludes n visit to tho "Reo Hive" nnd "Lion House," (the residence of tho Into Rrlgham Young) tho great Mormon temple, tnbornu cle and useinbly hall. 1 ho woudeiful scenery of tlio lilnck canon, Mai shall pass, lloyul gorge, Mnultou nud Garden of tho Clod, all of this at n rote haul ly exceeding 1 cent n tulle. Cull ut R. it M. depot, or city olllce for full particulars. A. C. ClK.MKII, C. P. & T A. Don t Ml the Opportunity to Visit Og deii nud Suit l.nke fit j , Utah, and Halle), lilalio, A grand excursion to the nbovo named points will lcno August '.'nth via tho Union Pnelllc, "The Ovei land Route," nnd for this occasion the exceedingly low into of f.'H) to Ogden ami Halt Ijike City and letilin, nud JI15 to llalley, Idaho, nud letuiu, hns been made from Missouri River teimlnnls. This exclusion affords our pntions n nmg- ulllceiit oppoittmity to visit Gai field Reach on Client halt Lake, the llnest bathing iisort In tho voi'lil, and also visit the llalley Hot Springs, famous fur their medicinal prucr ties. Tickets good thirty dujs. For further pal ticuluis nihil ess K. K. Lotnux, Onuihu. uonol? Mnt. McCube, of New llrunswick, HI,, offeis to pay live dollars to nny person troubled with bloody Itux, wlio will take Chamberlain's Colic Cholera nud diarrhoea Remedy according to directions nud does not get welt In tho shortest possible time. One half of u 'Hi cent bottle of this remedy cured him of bloody flux, nfter ho had tried other medicines and tlio prescriptions of physicians without liouollt. Mr. McCubo lspeifectly safe In making this offer, ns mine Ihaiin thousand bottles of this temedy me sold each day and It lias tioxei been known to fail in any case of colic, cholera liioibus, djKiitery, dlnilhoea or bloody llux, when tho plain pi luted directions weio followed. For side by O. U Hhrader, druggist. Harvest Excursion Tickets ntlialf rates will bo sold at Lincoln, Aug. Oth nud ','Oth, Sept. 10th nud 24th, nnd Oct. Mil, over tho Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley It. It. to all points reached via that lino Iu Noithern Nebraska, tho Rlack Hills nnd Central Wyoming. Call on G. N, Potvsninu, agent, or write J, R. Uu cliannn, General Pnsseuger Agent, Omaha, Neb. tf Thero wns n terrlblo epidemic of dysentery nnd bloody flux iu Poie county, Illinois, hitt summer. As many ns flvo deaths occurred in one day. Messrs. Walter RrMhers, of Wnltersburg, sold over USO bottles of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy during this epidemic nnd say tlmy never heaid of it's falling in tiny case whin the directions were follow oil. It wns tho only medicine used that did cure tho worst cases. Many jK-rsous wero cured by it aftir the doctors had given them up, 25 und MJ cent bottles for sulo by O. L. Sluuder, druggist. .Send the names of your friends In the Fast whom you wish to visit you, or who nre seek ing new locations, to J. R liuchuuiiu, (len'l Passenger Agent of the Freemont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley R. R. Co., Omaha, Neb., that he may send them Information relative to the "One Fare Harvest Excursions" which oc our August lith and 20th, Septfinber 10th nnd '-Mtli, nud October Mil. octl Fnmilles not ulrendy supplied should loose no time in piocuring n bottlo of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera, nud Dlurihocu Remedy. It Is tlio only remedy that can always be de pended uoii forlKiwel complnlut in all its foi ins, 25 nnd 50 cent bottles for snle by O. L. Shrnder, druggist. Will You Kniliirsti Our Work. Through our representations nud assurance of appreciation by our cltlicim we havo se cured to Hum u competitive llrst class train between Lincoln mid CIiU-hko. As representatives of our lluo and ns your follow cltUcus wo personally solicit tlio put (image of all hoo necessities or Inclinations duiiuiliil such scrs lee and who desire Its con tinuance We do not ask) ou to sacrifice any comfort or pleasure to do us a favor but Invito )ou to accept, all tiilims considered, the best service goliiK at present. Plainly stated, our train leaves Lincoln dully at 0:30 p. m inukes the run to Chicago Iu seventien and one-half hours, carries a through palace sleeper from Lincoln and n dlnlni: car from the river. Hy this train pa trons reaih Pittsburg In tlilrty-no and one half hours, llullluioro nud l'hlliidelphln In fort) -six and a iiiarter, Washington, (oil) -soon; New York, forty-eight nnd a half; llullnlo thirty-six and Huston In lift) -two, which is soerl hours less than lu othir Hues. Hlfcpcr aeeiiiiiiuiidatluns ritcrwd Iu ndvanco to destination points. G. N. FiiliKHMAN. Audit Northwestern I Line, P., V. ,V M. V. it. It. A. h. l'lMiiiNii, City Ticket Agent, in South Tenth Mncl .Nut lie. To Kplir'um K. Miners, non-resident de ui.tlaiit. "1 ou 111 tuke uotl'V 'tint on the 17th day of Jul). !). Kntoeii N. liivln, pl.Wntur. riled his poiiiKin lii Hie d.siM-t court, Laiu-jisti-r ( omit), N4liinka ngulnil you, John K. llnrr. J. Prank Tiurr. Annie lttr, A.l J tar r and William ll.'iiry Smith, --lliirreliilinlnn to In- sunt) f" ).'! and uld John K. llnrr, and to (-stab, i)i his righ 'i a ei-rtalu assign ment of a ,u uiiii nt ihmIi to him l' the Hollies NiiUm.U Hunk nl ijJUii), Illinois., in an in linn in r Lv" district wart of Lnmasur i omit), N( tji-islia, lien Hi 'ho ijuliu) Na tional Hank v. i. iiulnlt't ,oid onrsilf mid Julio K Hail ) uliH-ii s !'ot In were di fi ni iints. and loivtnMlsh ln iUii of s.i.i judg ment w hlrti ho paid iu si oh surety upon and iigiilust nt, ten an I tliNcn, II, Jl) ami 111 In tiliK-k l4i'.'y-nlue, i and '.ots fle, thlr ticii, fourU'Hwim! striiticu, i 13, llnndlTi In hl.H-krii.-ni) -six, jii all In Klrst Addition to Ws Lincoln, mid also lots ono, seven, clphiuii' u'.uc, I.T.miiiiIU 111 block two, i 111 In loirs Addition to the elt) of Lincoln, and Uo lot time. 3, In Mock light) -eight, I u ihe city of Lincoln, ami the wist half (.f the south-wist ipiartir ol seetliin nine, ti township eight, Sifuupe si-M'U, T all In l.iin. asler County, state of Nebraska, to sell said rial estate and lots according to law, to pa) said Judgment, interest and ist, ami claim, and right of said Pntvln, and to apply the priH'ieds thereof to the pajlilcllt of plulntlll"s lien, claim nud right. You nre reo ill red to answer Ihe said peti tion on or hofore tbe'.iith day of August, If'!' Lincoln, Neb., July InIssV. KAlilUX H. POTVIN. 11) POUND .V lll'RK, TOHt. Ms Attorneys Forepaugh AND TI-IR 3 TIMES THE Bia&EST SHOW ON EARTH! Moo Men ami Horses! .,.- . ................ " . ....,,,, ,,,,,,,. i, j 1riPn.ll If nll,(.n. .,..., ...,,. ....,.,,.,..,.. i ,..K . .,,,,; ,. ii im v ii mi'ii.v iur mi enure louuiy i i reinniiuoiin Mil I imurliiK if t ht I'uhl If l'.t.rwlii;rol ll I.lnr. of Truvi-I Crowded! Helmuts DlsmUsedl Wnii. U'iseil' MM; , ?luil Iinwnt ll lluslness Muspciidcdl A (leliernl Holiday Cvcry wlufo! H Million Dollars Inxeited! Dally i:xpcncs I'ortuiml Tho Most Mngnlfloont nnd Stupontlous Amusomont Com bination tho World Hns Evor Soon I inn iini'i mi mini ti iTinsr iinviisi rM'itiiuu " CUSTKll'H LABT lhLhff A Holiday for Town and Country! Linsrcoi-jisr, i !.timiviUw ivn mipMiMn t'l' JSSSjl FOREPAUGH SHOW t I t il'Uil 11 I ' 14 l111VI 1 I Its -llth Minual Tour, and has now Jollied with it tlio nalloiial and patrlotlo wild wEer nximirrtuN, and first hijahon in ampru a op tiii: ohp.atly (iuand PARIS HIPPODROME 1 With nit Its charming, dashing uud daring French Female Charioteers, Riders and Drivers 1 3 COLOSSAL CIRCUS COMPANIES I In three Hcpuruto arenas, Mammoth inenngerlo of W&Sf&fJ '6TANO Dw'ffML" Lions, Tigers, Hippopotamus, Giraffe, Sea Lions, Polar Bears, Etc. All In ifraiid eoiiihlnntlon with tho nnowfied. roiiiautlp reallstle WILD WKST KX1II lllTION, with all Its thrilling and reiiuirknblo features Illustrative of civilization's march across tho plains and Biippleiiientid with the reiisntloual military frontier spectacle. CUSTER'S LAST RALLY; Or, the Battle of the Little Big Horn. 2iOO GENUINE SIOUX INDIANS, Cowlio)s, HcoiitMiind Soldiers nro brought Into requisition In tho reproduction of this traglo and fearful frontier episode, Hr w. r Ciirxera" the Hero of the Little Hlg Horn! Masiuny ltepreseiitiitlon of tliu Atrocious MOUNTAIN MEADOW MASSACRE ! Vividly Illustrating tho Dangers of Karly Kmlirmtlon across tin l'laliiit Indians' Chaso fur a Hrlde! Pony Kxiiress Hiding! A Virginia Heel on Horseback! HuckliiK Horses and Steers! Wonderful How and Arrow Khnotlngl Iluglo Illll'a Cow boy llrnss Hand I Hanging a HorseThlef! Wild Western (llrl Hlders! Stttkr's Home Attueltull Port Llfo In the Far West! Cowboys Sports nud l'nstlnusl 'Ihe PniiiiiiiN Sioux bun Dimco! All the Crack wliots! ltobl.ery of tho Oserlnnd Mull! Indian Klglits, Halds and Hcscues! Judge Lynch' Court! Pemnle Sliarpsliootersl A Western C) clone I Largest Camp of Ileal Illnnket Indians that ever left the Plains Uncles, Chiefs, Mcdlclno Men, SipiaMs and Paiinon-s, together with all their 1'nniphernallul W K l.'nPli ) VI ' IF I l Wl" Introduce for tho Plrst Time Iu this city, his AW.A.U I UUI'il A. fJ 11. IiarliiKiuul I'nparnlleled ActofHIdliiK und DrlvlliK IIOKIir) ilmses 'llirte Tliius Around tho Huge Hippodrome Track. The rireatest Kipies trliinlrluiiuih of the Age! He Mill alto appear with his W ihl-lleiiowned Troupe of Perfor ming Llephnnts the (iuiulrllle. Mlislcul. Pyramid, and llleyelit-Hiding Klephants; "I'lca nluu.v." the Clown Llephaut; "John L. hulllvan," tho Piiglllstlo Llephaut; and "Holtvar," tho limit of Tliem All! BIOHDIIT, The Tight Rope Walking Horse, And A. Forepaugh, Jr.'s, Latest nnd must Scnsallounl Nowlty, ECLIPSE, . The . Trapeze . Horse ! A Iteiisna.t lifted Animal that Penrlissly Paultlessly, and Cirnndly Lenps from Swlngto tswlng 'ju Pi 1 1 In the MM-Air tho most Phenomenal Lxhililtl m of Lxulne Bagoolty and Intrepidity the World hns ever n-m? Vm Inrrtasid In iMrithUiK Kxeept in tho Prlco of Admission i -SK it U Admits to all the AggngiitedntlraetloiiKof thelomlilnded Korepaughand lid West bhow, presented under tin greatest spnadof cohmik ever eneted on this or or nny othvr eontliient. Tho Uriiiidainl .n . t-v -. GORGEOUS DRESS PARADE of the MlghtrCoinMnc talus place ntlmi m dally, uiifu.dlng lo Pulilii View, freo as nlr to iurliod).ollthodiiizltiig, sensntl.iiml, nnliUe, iifeturcjue and suniiituous, pro cissi.mal rininras of the tmnssAL CntifN Willi nvr, Uii'i'oMtoMi., MitNAdKHie, IllAlMIl AMMAl.s.l'l 8TI.IH IINTIMI1 NT. KTl ,1'Tl ,.,.. 8 15,t splendid seats., 5o edit ; ihtldrvn under nine. J-1 cents, llf served lunula rid suits, with back and foot risU. and with magnificent Mew of Custor Hattle and art and MnUli of Hlppodroine Itaces, extra. 8?-T' i oinpleto Lxhlhltloos Dally. Doors open at 1 and J and s Ohtap Roond-Trip Excnriioai on ail Liau cf Travtl.-Ooniult Local Agtsts. 1'iirtheaeciiiiiiiiiHlatluniiftUoso who would avoid tho crowd nt the ticket wiiKQtl on tho ground, tickets and reserved scots can Iki obtaliud ut Harley's Drug Store, 0 and 11th Streets, all day of Exhibition, at tho usual alight advance. Exhibits nt Hastings, Aug. 24, Beatrice 26, Nebraska City, 27, and nowhoro olso In this Stato. Wild West f'...,l....t nulU .......I I ful llhLI ll.-.l. I .ltlllll.1 .wniUHIil'FI J,l"l lltl IH'MHiril i niHieiiy rnr mi emir ,.-. ...... ... .n. r., ..u..n A nrA, Will Exhibit In All Its Yast Entirety at AUGUST 23 , AT a and S O'CLOCK P. M. TMU (MtP.AT d uml 4 iVf't.nrMs? 1 M. Till! fJltllAT unit jsw - - .,-.....-- ftG&W& O P (D XA 6 .f!-3ryif rsi