Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 10, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Sttnrday Evening, Aug. 109 '80U
The CouniKH will not I responsible for
any debt made by any one In Iti name, tin
lea n written order accomnnlc tlio same,
prope rly signed,
L. Wkbhki., Jr., Prop'r.
38 South Eleventh Street.
The Courier Can bo Fount! At
Windsor Hotel News Htnml.
Cwpltnl Hotel News Htnml.
Odell's Dining Unit New Htnml.
Clason A Fletcher's, 140 South llth Btrcet.
The Gotham New Stand, UH Houtli llth Ht.
Keith llrtx., Ill Noitli llth Htrcct.
Ed. You ii k, 1030 o Htrcct.
Eaton AHmlUi, U'JOO
" Diamond J'harmscr," lth nml N Ht
WeterneUl' barber shop, llurr block.
Children's Flannel
Silk and Flannel Blouses.
Hatter and Furnisher, X137O St.
l.acal nml 1'crsonal.
Whltobroast Coal nml Llmo Company
Brown' restaurant for meals,
Take Turkish nt WIO O street.
Telephone nt thu Couiiieh oillcc Is 2.V1,
Odell's dining hall, 31 ticket for fl.OO.
The Lett Ten, ti. P ,8tevens & Co.
E. Hnllett, leading Jeweler, 131 N. llth.
Lincoln Ice Co., 1010 O St. Telephone 118.
Mineral water used tor tattling, 1010 O it.
Nothing like, It, the Elkhorn's ftut Chlcngo
Ladles look at tho Lo Sancy shoes at Per
kins Bros.
Ferklm Bros, have tho finest French shoe
for Infant.
Try ome of tho fine fresh flh crvcd overy
day at Cameron'.
Canon City Coal again at the Whltebreatt
Coal and Lime Co.
Ask tor the "Marie Stuart" collar nt Weill
8 south 11th street.
A Patent Leather Soled shoes for ladies full
dress at Perkins -Bros.. .... . . .
Roast meats, and vegetables of all kindtat
IJ Cameron's bunco House.
Ij A French slioe hand turned for Infants and
vmidren at Perkins Uros,
Everybody eats at Odcll nowadays
Board only 4.00 per week.
Only place in Lincoln that use mineral
water in baths is at 1010 O street
Improved shower for Turkish bntlis nt 1010
O street, basement Union block.
Patronize tho Elkhorn's now Chicngo train.
Fastest tlmo on record. Through sleeper.
Fine Teas, Spices, and the largest line of
Fine Groceries in the city, at 8. P. Stevens.
Best bourd in the city and nt a price within
reach of all, at (Moll's. Twonty-ono meals
New novelties in hots nnct bonnets arriving
daily at Wells' millinery parlors, 533 south
llth street.
The dining room at Brown's cafe is the finest
in the city and the cuisine is the best and, to
make it better, tho prices are reasonable,
Exery body can afford to eat nt tho leading
resort in the city now. The price of 81 tick
et now at Odell's is only 4 -reduced from
Families desiring puro ice cream or IcesJor
Sunday dinner or nny other time can be serv
ed with a superior quality at Morton &
The best place in tho city of Lincoln to get
good board is at Brown's cafo. You have a
great variety to select from and the prices are
reasonable. m
Have you seen those elegant Canopy top
Surreys with full fenders at Camp Brothers,
Tenth and M streets! The latest styles out,
come and seo them.
Morton & Lelghty at their handsome new
ioe cream parlors will serve none but strictly
pure ice cream. A lino of fine confectionery
will also be found fresh and at right prices.
It will pay you to purchase one of those
fine white embroidered suits of Foreman &
Crowe and put it away till next summer if
you don't need it now. You can get one at
your own price.
Handsomely embossed cards with emblems
of K. of P., O. A. R., S. of V., Masonio in
all degrees, O. ef R. C, B. of L. F B. of L.
E. B. of It, R. B., P. B. O. E., I. O. O. F.,
A. O. U. W., U. It. K. of P., T. P. A. at the
Courier office, in new Burr block.
We have just received a very pretty lino of
papers for covering pantry and closet shelves,
etc. They are in cream, salmon, orange,
mandarin, heliotrope, royal purple, sky blue,
Nile green and other colors. Ladles should
call and see these papers. They nro the new
est thing out and add greatly to tho appear
ance of shelves.
Turn horses out iu a good pasture for a few
weeks, when they get iu bad condition. It
that can not be done use Dr. Cady's Condi
tion Powders; they will put a horse in perfect
health. A well horse don't need medicine.
Bay, grain and goal care is bstter. Dr.
Cady's Condition Powders nre a true horse
medicine, (not a dope.) they aid digestion, cure
constipation, kidney disorders and dUtroy
worms. Sold by A. L. Sbader, Druggist.
The Union Pacific R'y takes pleasure iu an
Bouncing that it will run Harvest Excur
sions to Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah,
Idaho and Montana on the following dates:
August 0th and 20th, Sept. 10th and iMth,
and October 8th. For these occasions a great
reduction iu rates has been made, thus giving
you a splendid opportunity to visit nearly
every place in tho great west. Do not miss it.
It affords the business man, stock raiser, min
ing prospector aud fanner an unequaled
chance to see the unlimited resource of the
western country. For tickets, rates, pamph
.. eti, etc., apply to your nearest ticket agent.
(Oct. 8)
A company of Pleasant Hour Junior young
IH-oplo under tho generalship of Messrs. John
Stout ami Charley Burr picnicked nt Ciishmnn
pnrk Tuesday, and claim to have lienten tho
record for' 'great" evenings out. They went
to the park In a carry-all aliout 0 o'clock nnd
returned nt an hour not to bo given nwny to
oilcltous mamma. It's all right, though,
for Mrs. L, C. llurr was nlong n chncroiio.
One of the first events w nan lunch provided
by tho young Indies, nnd Its 1cIIcIouiicm Is
still tho praise of the boys. Mlis Wllloughby
at the Instrument In muslo hall provided tho
Inspiration for dancing, mid It was coo)
enough to Indulge with somo comfort. Mluws
Wilson and Latta added, to the entertain
nient with an Impromptu program. Tho lat
ter gave a recitation and Miss Wilson capti
vated tho comjxiny by whistling "The Mock
ing Bird." AneiKorewns Insisted on and
she gave "Cricket on the Hearth." Miss
Wilson, who Is visiting her sister, Mrs. I). I).
Mulr, has her unusual accomplishment high
ly deveIoied. Tho plcnlo party comprised
Messrs. J. R. Stout, W, K. Clarke, O. II ,
Clarke, O, L. Burr, Oscar Funke, Lew Mar-
shall, Harry Hall, Chns. Hall, Sam Low,
Will Hardy, Aaron Duckstaff, Geo. Holden,
Frank Evarts, Mr. Meyers, Mr. Wilson,
Misses Mlnnlo Latin, Alleen Oakley, Lona
Giles, Jeanetto Wilson, Gertie Laws, Fay
Marshall, Mabel Kemper of llurllngtoti,
Iowa, Gertie Marquette, Katlo Miller, Maud
Burr, May Burr, Miss Butler, Miss Loomls,
MlssWnsmerof Grand Island, Miss Buck
staff aud Miss Elkenbnrry,
Mrs. Walter B, Hnrgreaves gave a delight
ful conqwuy Monday ovenlngfor her guests,
the Misses Tntum of Omnhn nnd Miss Forbes
of Chlcngo. Tho lav, it was brilliantly Illu
minated ulth n locomotive, head-light and
Chinese lanterns. A big Jnpnneso umbrella
hung with gay lantern mado n very pretty
bit of decoration. Tables wcro scattered
about tho lawn, nnd tho guests enjoyed tho
novelty of playing cards In tho ojhjii air. In
doors an orchestra played at frequent Inter,
vals, and tho young people Improved their
opportunities for dancing. The man material
was satisfied with tempting delicacies, and the
entlro evening was exceedingly enjoynble.
Tho favored guests weio Mr. nnd Mrs. Dco
son, Mr. nnd Mrs, Funke, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Ltonnid, Mr. nnd Mrs. Uticfcstntr, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Low, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ewing.Mr. nnd Mrs.
Helskell, Mr. and Mrs, Balrd, Mr. and Miss
Buckstair, Mrs. Miller. Messrs. Mngoon,
Clarke, Edwards, Mntmell, Mansfield, Burr,
Polk, Fiiuke.Zehrung, Foresman, Thomson,
Rlehtcr, Murray ami Hardy, Misses Lnttn,
Oakley, B. Oakley, Burr, Giles, A gey, Dawes,
Butler, Barnard aud Miller.
An outing party left Thursday noon for n
week's recreation at tho Crete Chautauqua
grounds. They took nlomr cooks nnd nntmtni
on Dunning hall for their headquarters. The
party included Mrs, J. F. Barnard, Miss
Frltslo Barnard, Clara Walsh, Anna Barr
and Nnnnlo Llllibridge, Messrs. J. it. Cun
ningham and Malcom McKlnnon. Several
gentlemen friends will run down tomorrow
ror a short visit. G. G. Walto has also been
planning a similar picnlu party to lenvo to
day, Mrs. J. F, Barnard Is acting as matron,
and a letter received yesterday from one of
the party says they mo enjoying tlie time
hugely. The camper expect to be out a
week or ten days, and tho following
Invited guest have signified their intention
of visiting the party: Mr. and Mrs. C. B.
Cofroth, Messrs. 8 tan wood, Howe of Boston,
W. Morton 8mlth, A. C. Carper, Potters
son, George Foresman of Madison, Wis., and
-MisaJLulu Young oiJQll South Fifteenth
street celebrated her birth anniversary Tues
day evening by entertaining her friends, who
reciprocated with a number of presents, lbo
young folks enjoyed themselve with music,
games and dancing. Among the participants
were: Misses Root, Peckham, Closson, Cook,
Wilburn, Closson, Masterman, Smale and
O'Mally; Messrs. Root, Mooro, Orr, Hadly,
Wilson, Tom and Will Hurdman, Clowell,
Williams, Kernel), George and Coleman.
A correspondent of Tub Couiuku at Fari
bault, Minn., writes: Miss Scbn Caso gave
n lawn party Thursday evening of last week
iu honor of her guest, Miss Ethel Hooper of
Lincoln, Neb. The spacious grounds were
beautifully lighted Muslo and dancing
made the evening pass very delightfully. Miss
Ethel ha mado many lriends among tho
young people, who will regret her departure
in September.
An intimation was given the guests at Miss
Katie Kleutsch's birthday party that pres
ont should not lie brought. However, a
friend signing himself "Landsmnnn" sent her
a pair of golden buttons with the following
tioto to hor father; Dear Major I seo by the
News that your little daughter is to liavo a
"birthday." Please grant mo tho pleasure of
sending her a little present of a pair of gold
There is considerable speculation as to
which of tho Pleasant Hour Juniors will nat
urally fall in with the Senior this fall, and It
is predicted that the coming season will be
one of tho best the old club has had,
Curtis & Thiers, tho enterprising muslo
men, have put a good band in the field in a
remarkably short time, and it is giving the
publlo a series of free concerts iu front of the
firm's store on South Eleventh street.
Miss Gossip has a reliable tip, so she says,
that J. I. Cushlng, now of Omaha, familiarly
known here a-. "Jot," Is to lead a young lady
to tho altar early next month,
Beatrico has a "gypsy encampment" drill
squad composedof young ladies,and they pro
pose to enter a competitive drill at the en
campment of the state militia.
There are prospects of several visltinir
young ladles to remain for the winter, whoso
presence win stimulate social gayety the
coming season.
Ground was broken Tuesday for the now
Y, M. C. A. building, and the association will
soon havo one of the handsomest homes in tho
A young lady now visiting in Lincoln has
proven to be a fine whistler find is attracting
special interest because other accomplish',
The Sunday school of the church of the
Holy Trinity picnicked at Cuvhman park
Thursday. The party filled four cars.
The Baptist Sunday schools will plcnlo at
Cuvhman park next Tuesday, aud on Wednes
day the lawyers will have possession.
Soverul society belle nro distinguishing
themselves by getting up at five o'clock In
the morning to play tennis.
Mia Marion Petitt Is home from Crete.
Miss Myrtle MannlsvisltingatGrlggsville,
Mrs. George Wing is vliltlngat Daenport
Rev. H. Wacker and mother are visiting in
Miss Florence Baker left Tuesday for
Sallda, Col.
Mr, and Mrs. O. P, Shoemaker are visiting
at Pittsburg.
Mr, and Mrs. J.N. Somen are visiting at
Cleveland, O.
Mr. M, Hebbnrd he returned from ft visit
among friends nt Wahoo.
Mrs, A. E. nnd Miss Graco Stoxart left
Tuesday for Golden, Col.
Mrs, E, Motr. Is entertaining her sister.
Miss Evn Kllno of Omnhn,
Rev. and Mrs. E. S. Halston went to Mil-
ford Monday for a tnsto of camp life.
Mrs. P. V, M. Raymond's father, E.G.
Rice, died at Osnge, Iowa, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Loughrtdgo are on nvls
itlng tour through Ijwn nnd Illlncls.
Frenk Tullo of Iowa Cltv. a friend of K.
L. Beesoujnns (11 tho city this week.
Mrs. J, E. R)oiicer's guest, Miss Laura
Bliss, hns returned to Rock Island, 111.
State Treasurer Hill returned Wednesday
from Colorado, but Mrs. Hill remains.
Mrs, D. L. Koyser and children are home
from their trip to Colorado aud Utah.
Miss Josle McWilllaius hns been entertain
ing Miss Mnbel Buuell of Plattstnoutb.
Mrs P, B, Hohmntin has lecn entertaining
Dr, Emma O, Melnhart of Wheaton, 111.
Mrs. J. D. Jones hns as guests Mrs. A. J,
Foregraves nnd d tighter of Perry, Iowa,
Miss Anna Taylor, of E street, has been
entertaining Miss Stella Fletcher, of Seward.
Miss Elkenbnrry, ono of tho strangers at
the Junior picnic, is tho guest of Miss Latta.
Clnrenco Smith and Bob Mulr left Sunday
to Join tho other sixty Lliicolnltes at Maul
tou, Mr. John B. Finch has been enjoying a
visit from her brother, Edgar O. Thomas of
Mrs. Cal Thompson nnd Mrs. Henry Pick
ett have gone to swell tho Lincoln colony nt
Rev. nnd Mrs. II, T. Davis spent Wednes
day and Thursday In Omaha visiting their
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. 8. Fielding hnvo been en
tertaining Chnrles Dunu and family of
Mrs. Oeorgo 8jcnccr, of East Lincoln, is
entertaining her sisters, Mrs. Kennedy and
Miss Young.
Miss Efllo Ia'cso left Monday for Colorado
Springs, accompanied by Miss Anna 1 ow
land, of Seward.
Mrs. Anglo F. Now man left Monday to fill
lecture engagements nt Bay View, Mich.,
and other points east.
Miss May Potvln returned Thursday from
her visit to Michigan nnd tho Inkcs In tlmo to
start west with tho family.
B. & M. Zelmer provided tho Mulr nnd the
Raymond parties with Itineraries of Colorado
trips of his own arrangement.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jninc B. llnll left Wednes
day for n visit ninong old friends at their
former home, Cleveland, Ohio.
Atr. nnd Mrs. Graham returned from 5lan-
iUu Sntuulay evening. They visited several
other Colorado points while nbsent.
Miss Lillian Upham left for Des Moines
this week, whero she will visit with her pa
rents during August and September.
J. C. Miller or this city received last week
from tho American collego of music, of New
York, n diploma for its association degree.
Misses Helen nnd Minnie Walto of Jack
sonville, 111., nro visiting their brother,
Georgo O. Walto, with Jones, Douglas & Co.
John D. Bain nnd family, of Harvard, are
about to remove to Lincoln, and Miss Helen
Bain will enter the stato ualverslty this fall.
Dr. A. V. V. Raymond, of Albany, N. Y.,
prenohedat tho First Presbyterian church
last Sunday, and mado a profound Impres
sion. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yates are off on a
month's vacation, which they will spend nt
Boston, Ocean Grove and other seasido re
sorts. Miss Marlel Gero has gono to Milwaukee in
company with Mrs. James Dawes of Crete to
spend a month with friends of tho latter.
Mrs. C. H.Gere accompanied them to Omaha.
Supt, and Mrs. Calvert started Monday on
a novel route to Hot Springs, Dakota. They
went out to tho end of tho B. & M. lino be
youd Alliance, and then drovo overland to
tho Elkhom railway.
Dr. Leese, who has been invited to tako
Prof, Bennett's place at the head of tho State
University Latin school, arrived In tho city
Monday to confer with tho authorities. Ho
is n graduate of Johns Hopkins university,
M. I. Altken returned Monday from his
outing at Spirit Lake. Ho had a good time,
including somo fine fishing, nnd Is healthily
brouzed. Ho Intimates that Banker Schwnko
got his color by going fishing without a hat,
Lou Ksensky left Sunday on a trip of sev
eral weeks east. Ho will visit New York, see
tho scenic Hudson, stop at Saratoga and gen
erally enjoy a brief vacation. He will also
visit "tho old folks at home" before return
ing. Charles Weckbach'ls nt tho First National
bank again temporarily. It will be remem
bered that he left tho bank somo time ngo to
take charge of business affair of his father
at Plattsmouth during tho latter' absence in
Mrs. L. C. Pace left for Manltou last Tues
day accompanied by her guest, Mrs. Robert
Ruttiuof Evnnsvllle, Ind., nUo Mls Fine
Adams of Atchison. Mrs. Pace entertained a
small company the' preceding Saturday even
ing in honor of her visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs, A. G. Beeson are at home
after several weeks camp life at Dixon, 111.,
where the Burrs and Sheldonsare still enjoy
ing the outing. Mr. Beeson reports having
had a delightful tlmo and his only regret was
at leaving when he appreciated tho surround
ings most.
"Jack" Stobbs, theefllcient manager of the
Whltebreast Coal companys Lincoln interests
left Tuesday for Chicago, Buffalo nnd tho east.
He will visit the great coal centers and after
enjoying life at the watering places and "at
home" for a week, he will return to Lincoln
about September 1st.
Mlis Forbes of Chicago, the guest of Mrs.
Walter B. Hargreaves, left Wednesday after
noon for home. She had been absent several
months on a tour through Mexico, Colorado
and the west, and the urgent desire of her
family to have her home cut short her stay
in Lincoln. Miss Forbes proved a charming
young lady, and her early depnrturo was
greatly regretted.
Mrs. F. S, Potvln and daughters leave
Monday for Seattle to visit the head of the
family. After a two weeks stay in tho burned
city, they will visit Tacoma and afterwards
take a trip via tho Pacific Coast steamer line
to San Francisco. They excct to bo gono
several months. During their absence Mr.
K. K. Hayden of the State National bank
will have charge of Mr, Potviu's business.
J. II. Mauritius, the Eleventh street ladles'
furnisher, left Tuesday for New York. He
will make a personal lnsecttou of the notion
and ladies' furnishing maiket, and after
selecting the cream of the same he will take
a few days run to tho seashore, enjoy a brief
spell of metropolitan life and return to Lin
coln about the first of September, when the
fair sex of Lincoln may look for the latest
and prettiest thlugs that go to make lovely
woman attractive.
Athlittonctt personal anflrtt page
Old trunks made as good as new or taken
in trade for new ones at trunk factory SOS
So. llth st tel. C03. Wlrrick & Hopper.
Also a flue line of trunks, values, etc.
"Every man to his trade' and we make a specialty of Dressing people. It's
our Business. Wc study the fashions and keep posted on what's stylish and make
it our business to have on hand ever) thing that's new as soon as it's produced in the "
market. '
There's not a store, in Nebraska so well posted on style as Semmons
and in the short time in which wev'c been here, wc have gained the well merited
reputation of being the " Leaders in the Outfitting of Mankind."
It's now the season when we inaugurate great Clearance Sales in every De
partment, and the policy we pursue is not to carry over a particle of stock that
should be sold now; hence the Great Reductions in every department.
$io-$i2-$i4 Fine Suits of any description at $9.99. $ 14-1 6-$ 18 and even
$20 Suits at $13.99.
500 Patterns of Fine Trousers at $4.99 worth double the money.
A new invoice of Windsor Scarfs and Scarf Rings, the proper thing with
Flannel Shirts, and a thousand other articles of dress.
1 1
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