Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 10, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Roberts & Co.
212 North i ith Street,
Undertakers anMinbalmers,
Telephones. Office 14s. Residence 1 56
Open Day and Night.
E. T. ROBERTS, Manager.
Over a Million Distributed.
Louisiana State Lottery Comp'y.
Incorporated by the Let?lstnturo for Kdti
.cnllotml and 1'lmrltnhlo, unit Its
frnnchlso mndo it part of th present Mate
conitltuiliin In 187U by mi overwhelming pop-
place Semi Annually (June and Decem
ber), and lU'Grand Single Number Draw,
ings take place In each of the other ten
month of the year, and are all drawn In
public, at the Academy of Music, New
Orleans, La.
Iiiti'itrlty of It DriinliiK. 11111I Prompt
l'niurnt of 1'rles, attested 11 lollows:
"Wo do bcroliy certify tlmt we niiporvUe
tno arrangement for ull the Mjiithly nml
Heliil-Aiinunl Drawings of The Louisiana
Btnto Uittory 'oiupimy. and In piron innn-
nan nml control the DrnwliiKs themselves.
nnd thnt tho same nro conducted with hon-
City, fairness, and In s;ood fulfil toward nil
onrtlcH, nnd wo nutlinrUo the Company to uso
ihl corttneute, with fuo-llnlllc of our sltfiiu-
urcs attached, In It advertisements."
ff &cx&
We, tbo undersigned Hunks nnd Ilnnker
will pny nil prize drawn In thu Louisiana
Btnto Lotteries, which may bo presented nt
.our counter.
II. M. WALMSLKY, l'ros't LonlsnnnNnt Il'k
I'lKUUK LANAUX, l're.-tnte Nntlonul Il'k
A. HALinVIN, I're. New Orleans Null llnnk
CAIILKOHN. Pre. Union Nntlonul Hunk
Grand Monthly Drawing
At the Academy of Mnilc, New Orleani,
Toeiday, Angait 13, 1889,
Capital Prize, $300,000.
aOO.000 Ticket nt 123 each! Hnlvc 10: Qunr
ters, Tenths, ti; Twentieth ft.
1 IMMZKOKWn.awls 1300.000
i ihi7,i:ohioo,owi loo.uoo
ll'UI.KOK 8rt,s)lH rMx
1 1MUZK OK ailWI 2.1,000
2IMIIZKHOK lO.OUi) nro 3,000
6IMIIZKHOK fi.OOOnre !i),0OJ
251'IUX.KHOK 1,00(1 tiro 25.000
looritr.KHOK doonro m,u
SOU lMtl.KHOK ."Monro , !O,0O
WOPHIZKHOK SuOnre 100,000
100I'rl7.e8 of VX nre fApOO
100 do. iioonre !W,00O
100 do. IWOnro 20,000
Tkuminai. Piiizks.
099 do looare l,tmo
09'J do 100 nro W.QOO
3,134 Prize amounting to 81,054,800
Notk Tickets drawing tbo Cnpltnl Prizes
nro not entitled to terminal Prize.
tW Kor Club Hntcs or nny other desired
information, wrlto legibly to tho undersiKiied,
clonrly Btnling your resldeuco, with State,
County, Htreet nnd Niimbor. More rnpld re
turn mull delivery will bo assured by your on
.closing un Knvolopo bearing your full ml
stress. IMPORTANT.
Address M. A. DAUPHIN,
New Orleans, La.
WiiNhliiKton, D. C.
lly ordinary letter containing Money Or
.dor Issued by nil Kxpress Coinpnules, Now
York Exchange, Draft or Postal Noto.
Address Registered Letters containing
Currency to
Now Orlenns, La.
REMEMI1KII that the payment of tho
Prize Is guaranteed by Four National Dunks
of New Orleans, and tho tickets nro signed by
lbs President of nn Institution, whoso char
tered right nre recognized In the highest
courts; therefore, bownro of nil imitations or
anonymous schemes.
ONE IlOLLAlt Is tho price of tho smallest
part or fraction of n ticket IHHUKD.IIY U8
in nny drawing. Anything In our numo of
fered for less than n Dollar Is a swindle
Philharmonic Orchestra
Room io, Opera House Block
Buildings completed J)r la course of erection
rom April 1, lWs
lluslneji block. O R ontgomery, lltli and N.
do do L W lllllliiirsley, 11th near N.
Restaurant (Odells) O K Montgomery, N near
Residence, J J ImholT, J and 14th.
do J D Mucfarlaiul, Q and 1 Ith.
do John Zehrung, I) uml lltli
do Albert Watkln. D lt fltU and 10th.
do Win 11 UHiiiaiil, E bet 9th and 10th.
Jo K It autlirie, srrth ami N.
do J K Heed, M D, F bet 16th and 17th
do L a M llaldiviii, O lift 18th and 16h.
bfcdltaiinin building at Jlllfonl, Neb,
K1rt Uaptlst church, lltli and K streets,
ortuary on tdl and reoalvhu itonib at Wyuka
Room; 33 and 34
Klchards Bloolc
A $1,700 HOUSE.
Ywo Modification of the Same I'tnn Ttisl
Will lie llitrrr.tltig.
From that admirable little bonk, ArtUtlo
tlomn, (iiiMlahixl nt Detroit by tho Ameri
can Uulldliig IMan nMwlatlon. are taken the
Jyw4 r 'TffrmrSMv
following cuts and ilcscriptlon of twoino.ll.
flcations of "tho sanio general plan, uio esti
mated cost of a house built according to
eltbor of them being 8t,T00t
1 3 1
wu y ,
Plan A, Frame Two Story Dwelling with
stono foundation Height of stories In the
clenri First. 10 foot; second, nine fiut six
inches; cellar, 0 feet (J Inches. First story
coQlniw hnll, 0 feet 0 Inches x U feet 0
inches; parlor (with fireplace), 14 feet 0
inches x IS feet; dining room, 12 feet 0 Inches
z 13; kitchen, 12x12 feet 0 inches; pantry
and china closet, each GxC. Second story
contains three bedrooms, 12x12 foot 0 inches;
12 feet 0 inches x 13, nnd 14 feet 0 inches x 15,
with closeU off. Interior wood work phio
with oil finish, Inside blinds, etc.
H " I I
in , -4
aitomn) FLoon.
Flan O (samo as abovo, except arrangc
mont of rooms, eta) First story contains
holl, 0x15; iwlor (with ilroplaco), 12 foot 0
Indies x 14; dining room, 12x13; kitchen,
12x13; china closet and pantry, each 4x3.
bijcond STony.
Sooond story contains threo chomlwis, 12x13;
12x13, and 12 feet 0 inches x 14, with clos
ets off.
The Theatrical Mnnuccr.
Thero is no moro assiduous publlo poser than
tho theatrical manager. Two centuries ago
bis craft began to fool tho public pulse. No
ono knows bettor than ho the Importance of
keeping his star continuously beforo tho pub
lic. "Llfo" has a clover cartoon, in which an
actress is disturbed in her boudoir by the
ontranco of a footman who announces a
caller. "If it is tho Prince of Wales," says
thefootllght autocrat, 'Tm not at home."
"It's a soap manufacturer," responds the
lackey. "Show him in I" is the gracious bohest
Devices to attract the publlo eye are endless,
bat in no instance is the supremacy of tbs
newspaper as an advertising medium omit
ted. Excbango,
Uulckx.t Trip on llrcorii.
Tho paper nt tho country roconlly con
tained n dltpatch to tho effect that ti runaway
tmiu on tho Dululli and Iron Uango railroad
hal at"ueti tho frightful eiHHMlof lit) miles
nu houn!fore Itelng wreckeil. An Interest
ing ne-Muiit of the wild ride U given In a pri
vate lottor by Hiipcrlntoudent Hldnoy T. Poiw,
of the road, formerly a Boston man. lie
wrote to a friend n follows)
"I had Ihx'ii up the road the day before,
nnd coming back had my car hitched on to
tho rear of tho ore train All the cars had
Iwen iiom ly eiulpHl w ith nlr braki, which
workcl all right until wo reached the big hill
which extends buck from here (Two Harbors,
Mlch.i nlniut twelve miles. When wo were
about three inllos from tho summit the air
gave out nnd the train ran away. I was
nlccp at the time It started, nml when e
had gone about three lull. the conductor
woko mo tip We were ping then fniter than
I ever rode before, ami, knowing that tho
train was sure to leave tho track soon, wo cut
otf our ear. As soon iu w o set our brakes the
train wo out of sight like llaih.
"Wo followed up slow ly, and in about one
nnd n half tulles found them In a ditch. Thu
(lrcmnn mid head brakoumn, both of whom
wvro on the engine, were not scratched even;
the engineer had ono hg broken, but It is do
ing nicely. It is a wonder that the engineer
was not killed, n thu rods on tho engine
broke nml siuahel tho c.ib almost to pieces.
IIo thinks ho fell through tho bottom of tho
cab Just ns tho engine left tho track. The
machinery of the engine Is most of It liter
ally burned up owing to tho friction of tho
f ;reat speed, and tho englueer says that tho
ast part of tho way tho lower part of his eu
glue nnd tho track looked like a streak of
lira Of course It was only n guess, but I
don't think thu statement made that tho
train was running 110 miles was much of nu
exaggeration. Two-thirds of tho ears werea
total wreck, if the spool was 110 miles nu
hour and the train went but one tulle nnd n
half after tho car wascut oil It may bu called
a cloo call for tho ocoujwints of tho car."
Doston Special.
A Cli-irr Kngllnh Ilitscitl.
The cleverness of un English rascal has ex
cited the envy of nil the rascals Iu Parts,
who, with typical Parisian egotism, have long
claimed to bo thu cleverest rascals In thr
world. Tho English rascal iu question was a
professional Loudon pickpocket. Shortly
before tho French exposition opened ho
bought n small hotel in Paris on tho install
ment plan. Tho purchato price of tho hotel
was IW.000 francs, and tho first nnd only In
stallment which the Englishman paid was
2,000 francs. Tho Englishman Iwught a fow
pieces of cheap English furniture for his now
house, ciulpied tin English bar, and then ad
vertised far and wide for English boarders
during tho exposition. His prices wcru so
low thnt ho soon tilled his Iioumj.
Every one of his lodgers was warned by a
placard over his bod that tbo landlord would
not bo responsible for tho loss of nny valua
bles which had not been dcioslU.J In tho hotel
safe. Of course tho safo deposits increased
with tho popularity of tho hotel, nnd both
reached high water mark two days before tho
second installment of 2,000 francs on tho pur
chase price of thu hotel fell due. There was
then 33,000 francs' worth of UrltUh jowelry
nnd bank note in the safe. Thu pickpocket
landlord stole every sou of It. Ho concealed
his plunder In his tmartors in another part of
Paris, dyed his hair, shaved his lieard, fin ton
a French suit of clothes nnd began picking
pockets at thu exposition. Hu was Caught by
tho h)1Ico with lit hnud in tho pocket of an
English member of parliament, nnd was
locktxl up. A police Investigation led ton
revelation of his hUtory and tho recovery of
tho Jowelry nnd monoy which had been
given to him for safo keeping. Now York
I'litli'iiru on n IliilLhead.
Down on tho bulkhead nt tho foot of Mar
ket street thero sits an old uegro who is the
most patient fisherman I ever saw. Ho bos
been there sinco 8 o'clock this morning, nnd
It Is now 0 p. in. Let's go down mid see .ho
has caught anything, Ho must bo nearly ono
hundred years old; icrhaps ho was one of
Ooorgo Washington's nurses, who knowsl
Ho Is a veritable old undo Nod, with
patched but cleanly garments, nnd tho wool
on his liead, what thero is of it, ami that on
bis chin is as whlto as and resembles cotton.
Ho holds the lino In bis hand and his bleared
oyes aro tlxed upon the far off cork with pa
thetic wlstfulncss.
"Havo you caught anything, unclol"
"No, sab, not deznckly, sah."
"Do you expect to catch nuythlug"
"Yes, sah, I suttluly does, salt. IV gwine
tor cotch er big catty blmoby."
"But, undo, you've been fishing all day
and haven't bad a blto yet. What makes you
think yoj'U catch anything!"
"Well, sah, I'll tell er all erbout it. Las'
yeah, dos erbout dls tlmo, I was er Uitiln' in
dls ycr uxtlcklor spot, an' I cotch er catty
welghln' ulgh outer ten poun' Den I cotch
ernutber, but he twls' hiso'f ollen do hook
and went kerflop back inter do water."
"But you don't expect to catch that fish
now, do your
"Tor bo sartln 1 docs, sah. I cut or notch
In dish yero plank dezackly whero he got er
way, an' my lino am er runnln' straight out
fum dat notch. Qwinotcr cotch dat fish afo'
I goes home, sah." Jacksonville (Flu.) Timos
Uuion. A Curo fur Sleeplessness.
The abuse of tho eye is tho crlmo of tlio
ago. I am prepared to demonstrate that at
least nine-tenths of the prevailing sleepless
uess of w hlcli wo hear so much Is duo to nerv
ousness directly traccablo to thu optic ucrve.
Wo ore wearing our eyes over books and
desks nnd tyjies, and tho effect shows itself
tiot only iu tho appearanco of tho or gnu it
self, but In Its retroactive effect on uervo and
brain. I have discovered a remedy for sleep
lessness, and for tho reason that I have uovcr
known it to fall I am fortified in my opinion
that tho wholo trouble arises from overstrain
of tho eyes. Tnko a soft cloth y n ploco of
napped towul and fold In it two small pieces
of lee at a proper distance apart to exactly
cover tho eyes when tho cloth Is laid across
them. Tuch lie down, adjust the cloth with
thoicoorer th? clood oy, aud you will bo
asloop In a very short whlto. Cor. St. Louis
Unlucky Tourist.
Mount Etna has beeu nsceudod by u party
of Americans under very unpleasant circum
stances. They insisted on taking the asceut
during n wind storm, when dust ami clouds
covered the mountain, but took tho precau
tion of carrying somo branfly In ciue any of
the party required support Unfortunately1,
they gave tho bottle to tho guides to carry,
and the Italians indulged Iu repeated nips on
tho road until they became erfvctly drunk,
and lost their way So tho unlucky Ameri
cans spent three days and ulghu wandering
amongst the l.iva bed till they were rescued
by a search nrty. European Letter '
A Trap for th Unwary.
Try this on some unsusectlng friend i
There wu a caqvuter who made a cupboard
door. It proved too big. He cut it and uu
fortuuatily he cut It too little. n thero
upon cut it Again and made It fit beautifully,
IIow was this! He didn't cut It enough tho
rtm tltno
r i . i i -1- " "7" ".MilsT! iiT -?
Capital City Gofiricrr"
Lincoln, A'eb., Ann, .y, $$q,
' i U '
' ')
t'0 ouu FufuNDS :
, Having been asked repeatodi.v.hy....,
we did not handle the better grades and finer qualities of jsJ
Corrtisnondonco Pnmrj nnd Kmwt. P,,,,. ,...:.... ... i'...v .'(
-, , -..,-. .,v. . iitJ l ll'l.l.l ib-a( .,!.- IHIVC '
placed on sale the finest line of these goods ever bTdughT
to Lincoln.
i " ,' v '
The stock comprises the best makes, includin" Vlfi"' ' .' j
-. - - n-T
' tf -- . ti4 m i in iwii si iJ rf" -
I..I.J, o vn.wi.nv.u .ij;v;is auu ill tJllilllllllCS IO SUll' tile pij, ,.,
chaser, viz.: from a quire to n ream. . ' ' ,-'
The very latest styles are now all in and some of the- -
r ''
finest novelties ever seen in the city can be found in our . "'.",
new stock.
, -i r
Vou arc invited to cnll while the nssortmunt is com ','.
i,Iotc' .'-. 4,-
Very Respectfully Yours,
P. S. We are prepared to furnish these papctries
with Monograms, Crests, and other dies, etc., all in th
highest style of the engraver's art.
v -
Kiss EtM Howe,
Teacher of Singing
Room 13 1 Burr Block
Hours, io A. M. to 6 P. M.
Palace Bath Shaving
Ladles - and - Children's - liair - Gutting
HoraoBopatliist Physician,
Telephone No, OS;
ftt South i ith Street, Lis-ilk Neb
Steam and Hot Water
vpss? lmTWfSWfcR
' " 7 '- --1-"
Telephone 536
2:5 S. Eleventh St.
We are the Leading Carriage Manufacturers !
Our Stock is very Complete and Prices are Low.
Come and See us. Old Busies taken in Exchange for New Ones.
1A if'' alBW
Telephone 664.
Cor. Tenth and M Sts.