CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1889. IK ft A A ra t -V y 0 i Ifc Bound to Take the Lead MONARCH Gasoline STOVES. Do not fall to sec Alto mv lliis o( them before ing, REFRIGERATORS and ICE CREAM FREEZERS. FRANK E. LAHR, 936 l Street. North Side t O. Square. Gushman Park! Finest Equipped Resort IN THE WEST I ElORixnt Untiling nnil HwlmmliiB at tho Ilcnch only He. PARK OPEN TO ALL. Tho 8 u n ilny Concert of August It ilioulil bo well attended. If the people deslro tho bent nuislo to lo foil ml east or west tbey should piitronlxo tbl grand concert to bo glv. on by tho riilllinrmonlo Orchestra nml Mill tary Hand. Trains nt 10:30 n. in., 3:30 p. in., 6 p. in. Tuesday, August 13, Itnbttot Sunday School. Trntn leave ut 10:00 n. m j return nt 7. p. in. Wednesday, Auguit U. lawyer' day. Train nt 2 p. in. Friday, Auguit, 10, Methodist Sunday School. Train nt 10 a.m. We will bave on Sale (or this week Only a Fast Black Hose t Full Regular and warranted ntSSc. Wc have only a limited stock of these goods, and as they cannot be replaced to sell for let than 40 cent, they will not .last long. Wc have just received a fresli lot of our Great Bargain "Ribbed Vests," at 15c, worth much more. We have the finest line of CAMJ1RIC ,AN NAINSOOK HEMSTITCH EMBROIDERED FLOUNCING 50 in. wide ever shown In the City. Call nnd see thorn, The latest novelties In our line received dally. J. H. MAURITIUS ft CO. 113 S. Eleventh St. All THE Hew and Finest WRITING PAPERS AT THE lessel Printing Co., Courier Oflicc, Uurr Block. BfiT.T.DeWittTalmage's S&PmWaY OF LIFE A. HU Qretttcat Work It Balwmenwanted 1TOMi&Y2., CO. sr.wlBhi.'v MB buy A mfrt;rof .1im1ti Ttmr. PUUUSHttD SATUKDAY s'UMCKircteMI On Year by MaII or Currier ?,00 8lx inontli, $l,0, Thren month SO Cent, One month W Cent ItiTsrnlily In Advance. InvimimwitxTS! Hale furnished on applloitl'ii at the office, Special rate on Time Contrao'. loifrnmvTioN: Bhort spicy keiclie, xims and torle koIIcIIchI. Personal and Social note ore especially desirable. Panrmoi We make a specialty of Kin .Printline nail It tir Hiatus. ulUf s-iric ispi-lilty Address nil coimii'iiiicntloii direct to th oniee, WusBitN Printing Co., r-Uiii.tmiKiis. New llurr llloek, Cor. 12th mul 0 HtreeU. Tltt.KI'HO.KiiM L. Wkmkl, Jn., Editor nml Solo Proprietor. Khki) llENZtNOKU, Associate Editor. 'POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 60,000. "The Courier" nt tliu Itesort. Person leaving the city for the Rummer can hnve TiikCoumkh sent them without ox tin charge. In cine of change of location during tliu absence front home, tho address will i altered whenever desired. Till np plk' to present ntnl new subscriber. Hnvo tbi Cui'liiRit follow yon n n menu of keep ing jwtod on botno affair. It weekly np Knrnnce will prove moro Interesting tlmn u letter. Tin: tntt tullltliv will go Into camp nt Hen trice, Heptember 14. Duiiino July ten convict nt the pen were punished by "O Itnry coulbioiuent. A CONVKSTIOS will Iw bold nt Templo hnll nt 3 p. in. of Tuesday to organize n county non-partlsnii prohibition league. Eiohtkkn iierson were admitted to the Soldier' Home during July: eight men, three wive, three boy mul three, girl. Junor. Reese, of the upreme court, It I nld, will Imvo n formldablo oponout for ro iiouilnntion In tho toron of Judgo Hninor, of Kearney. The thlnl party prohlbltloiilt lmvo called a state convention to meet In Lincoln August illt mid -id. No candidate for tho nomina tions lmvo yet lobbe 1 up. The Governor hna appointed Captain W, C. Henry of Fllhnoro county to tho command of tho Soldiers' Homo at Grand Island In tho placo of Col. Hammond, resigned. The Woman' Associate Donnl of Charities has appointed Mednme Doeliua, Harlan, McDowell, Davidson nnd Van Court a coin mltteo to pax In the adoption of Infants, Fatiexce is rewarded. Col. nilly McCami has received bis f 3,000 land ollleo nt Chndron. Tlio man ho displaces ,1 Gen. Milton Mont gomery, nt one fine polios Judge of Lincoln. Auditoh Ukto.v ny either he or Insur ance Deputy Allen will thl year attend tho meeting of tho National Inaurnuco Commit- sioneri, which will be hold at Denver, Sep tember 4. The Chicago, Milwaukee ei St. Paul rail way ha abandoned tho only road bed It bad in inn siaie. it was made nine years ago ana extended from Niobrara to Atkinson In northern Nebnukn. J. A. Kiluoy, n candidate for Judgo Stewnrt's ofllclal shoes, ha deemed it neces sary to publish a card announcing that he was born at Lockiwrt, New York. He nlso challenges Judgo Stewart to a joint debate. It wo mi uiiujual coincidence last week that Mrs. Gov. Thayer, now in Massachu setts, was quite III,' that Lieut. Goa. Melkel John was too sick to relieve the Governor and that tho latter' private secretary was alio conllnM to hi room. The Journal deemed it necessary to issue n circular letter denying tho Cor story that Fred Nye, of Omnha, had Iwught tho former paper. Tho Omaha Republican nlso thought iniecessarj to editorially deny the report, which was a ''fake" on its face. Judqj? Gnorr of Omaha, who was Invited to Washington by President Harrison, called 011 the latter last Monday. The judge is being pushed by Senators Mandersou and Paddock for n place on the national railroad commis sion. Congressman Connell say ho will get that placo or n land comtiilMionershlp. With it next issue, The Couuiku will be gin a series of nrticles regarding the great northwest, written by the editor, who per sonully visited that section as chairman of the recent Nebraska press excursion. Being at the head of so prominent body, be certain ly had more than ordinary opportunity to become thoroughly posted, and therefor tho articles will bo of moro than passing interest. The state fair management Is negotiating wun t'ror. Uiiawln, the areonaut, to secure his attendance. It is teamed that he will be present In consideration of 13,000, mid make tlnve jumps from n balloon on three succes sive days. It Is understood that bo make these remarkable Juuqw from hi balloon at a height of 1,000 to 1,500 feet, and with the aid of n parachute decends successfully to the ground. Duni.NO the past ten days the editor of tho CouniEit has received numerous copies of Xebraitka pai r with marked notices com pllmeuthig him on the management and suc cess of the recent editorial excursion to tie northwest, and it is only owing to modesty that the same aro not reproduced in our col umns. However, the pleasant opinions are duly appreciated, and it i to be hoped that many cf those who were on the last may join in a subsequent press Jaunt to renew acquaint ance and friendship. It is certainly very gratifying to the writer to receive these acknowledgement and to know that his ef forts were duly appreciated. Thanks, kind friends, thants, and may you ever look back on the $$ press excursion with pleasant thoughts and satisfaction that the time war well speut. THE SK ASIDE FASHIONS. HINTS FOR MAIDS AND MATRONS ABOUT WATERING PLACE 8TVLES. Untiling I)i-cm nml Whist They Ar Made Uf Soma I'.renlng Costume A New mul I'rvtty Conceit In llnlr DrcM lug Hide Tour Eur. (Htlnl Correspondence.) New Yoiik, Aug. 8. What tho wild waves nrc saying is now the question Mint interest tho fnmiuliio ponton moro tlmn what I t bo worn next spring, nml wliuro woman's heart is there nlso will go my pen, yon, ovon though it lins to wntlo through riven of ink nml travel oror renins of foolscap to got there. Bluo llnnnol or sorgo Is used to mnko tho modest nml ladylike Imthiiig dross Illustrated, nml It Is trimmed witli wlilto molmlr lirnld nml tint blue buttons. Tho skirt of tho dress comes to tho knees nnd tho trousers three or four Inches below.' This snmo stylo Is cnrrlod out for chil dren nnd to n certain extent for tho men. A Br.NSIUI.i; IIATIIINO HU1T. In ninny, ovon the most bathing nnd seaside places, the bathing costumes nro anything but modest, nnd young girls nnd matrons loll nbout the sands in n innnnor tlio revcrso of delicate, nnd many bather dress for bnlh in their own rooms nnd then throw n long clonk over the ficanty costume nnd run down to tlio bench. In tho Idcnl place, however, you will sco mothers nnd children going hand in iinnd down to tho bath houses, nnd from tlicnco into tho invigorating sen, nnd nil tho while habit ed as nny man would like toseohiswifo, or father his dnughter. In tlio pretty Illustration which shows n mother nnd child going down to tho bench, I do' uot wish to linvo nny ono supposo thnt the mother's bathing cos tunio is locked up in her little I mud bag. It is only the Nowport nnd Long Urnuch belles who can curry their bathing dresses in their bonbon boxes nmoug their cara mels. Wc will suppose, therefore that she keeps hers nt tho bath house. Costumes for tlio seaside for nil occa sions should bo of such goods ns will neither shrink, spot or grow llmpsy, nnd, therefore, for ordinary day wear ergo, black, bluo or maroon is letter than anything else Soft silks nnd Inco dresses for evening are nice, nnd so Is turn's veiling. Cash meres nro npt to feel sticky. Surah for trimming on dresses Is good to use, for its principal claim is its softness and flexibility. All who go to the Bcasido should tako plenty of wraps, nnd none should go without Annuel undcrvests, as there is always n chill in tho atmos phere. Feathers, except stiff ones, nro ruined by tho dampness. Thick shoes nro safer than thin ones. Tho costume represented in this cut is of dark blue serge, with a front and vest of cream surah, witli a band of Persian embroidery up tlio center, nnd blue Btraw hat with cream lace and daisies. Tho child's dress is of two shades of bluo serge, trimmed with whito braid and whito flannel vest nnd collar. Tlio other day I happened in tho lead ing jewelry house to look for dog collars, nnd among tho mass of silver collars, leather bands and chased nnd decorated neckwear for rich folks' bowwows I found eoveral silver chains two and threo yards long, and I ualuraliy asked if thoso woro to lead tho dogs with. Tlio clerk said no, that thoy were for young ladies to wear in their hair, and ho showed several different kinds, sotuo in gold, somo copper and bronze, and be sides thoso woro several Greek. fillets of gold and silver. Thoso I was told are sold to young ladles who have discovered that this stylo of dressing tho hair is be coming to them. Tho fillets malic of tho baser metals nro for day use and tho more precious ones for ovening. I am glad that women liavo como to a realizing sonso that each should adopt a stylo of hairdrosslng for herself that ex actly becomes her stylo. Just now much latitudo is allowed, but somo light rings or curls of hair lying over the brow soften any face, yet no ono should overlook tho fact that in arrang- OFF TO TUE BEACH. ins tho (rout hair there u no rule that will produce tho samo results for two womon; but it is safe to say that curls or frizzes should not bo too com pact, and they should bo brought down as far around tho ears as possible. Many women wear a compact mass of frizzes straight acrosa tho forehead, having tho hair drawn' tightly back from tho torn pies, leaving tlio car to stand out bare and ugly when it should bo partially conceal ealed In a soft mass of hair. OlJVE IlASFKa SoliK of tlif Cjrll.t. Farewell to winter, cold and drend To snow nnd blow nnd Icicle, Kxelnlm Ailolphu In the shed A ncrilbhlug lip hi InVy 'le. O soon t'll piuli o'erdmty street Till thirty Inch "Hnperlor." And pnrnt.vzoenclt timid 1 meet With grnco of my exterior. And they'll not riicm. now, I dure say In tlii'KO Inti-nno cuthrnllmcut,olil That I for this mnchlne do pay Oun plan thnt called lntallinont oh. And that from seven to six I stand Helling Q'lnker Hulled Oat o'er the runnier nht And nil tho time nt my command I mom nml night tn mount lierohl Another Center I'or Miiiiiim. There 1 abundant evidence of the stab ll'y of Lincoln real estate vnltie, and ono of the latest ciiv in jmliit occurred In connection with the new nddltlou known n Wnlmit 1'nrk. A rhort time ago Mcllrtde & Hell sold the J. K. Swncer hoiueMeml, live acres, to I)e .Moines jmrtle for f 11.000 cii'h. Coun cilman Dean ha two itere nil joining, nnd tlio two trnctx have Wn platted nstho new nddl tlou. McHrldo & Itell nre the exclusive agents for the I)e Mollies Investors, mid nre oirei lug choice lots nt 7.V) to 1,'.'00. This property I located at nbout Thirtieth mul It street, four blocks enst of Grace M. K. church. It Is cover! with tro and a fine grass soil, and the buyer will not linvo to live In the weed and the sun for ten year. It I eieclniy uotoworthy that tlio place ho ninny fruit tree of fifteen to twenty years groutli Everything combines to make this one of the most deslrnbl nddltlou for rel deuce. Mclliido & Dell nre prepared to assist buyers with loon to erect houses. Their of fice 1 in the basement of the Capital National bank, 107 South Eleventh Street. I.ot or Nusel Mending, Look. .1es-rs. A. E. Richardson Si Co., the enter prising proprietors of the new Boston dry good house, linvo Just ndded n new feature to their business that will certainly prove In teresting to their large number of patrons. They haw Just opened 11 largo Hue of piqier cover novel, w.ilch will be sold nt tt n cents vr copy. Tho assortment Jtiit opened I only n forerunner of an onler now in trunslt of 1,000 volumes, embracing the work of nil the lending nuthors of the past mid present. Theso books nre substantially bound, hands somely printed nnd unabridged. See their largo ndvei tUement on page four of this Issue, then call and make your selection. Ladles, Look lit Thlst The CouniEii I requested to announce to tho ladles of Lincoln that Foreman & Crowo will commence next .Uondny to Jell every thing in their handsome store at prices that aro beyond honorable competition. On Sep tember first this firm takes its annual Inven tory, mid being especially desirous of having tho stosk as low ns possible, tbey offer a fine lino of corsets, hoisery, gloves and all ladles' furnishing goods nt prices thnt cannot fall to lie appreciated. This menus business, and if you want bargains, now's the tlmn to buy. On 11 Tombstone. Hero lies the body of a man O'er whoso denth so ninny weep, If he'd only eaten Qunker Onts Ho wouldn't tie nslcep. Sho ons the htarllcht. sunlight, moonllcht of her !eope. The enrth wns buthed In the golden hnze of nutumn. 'Twos Priscilla the Puritan maiden who arm in arm with her John Aldeu wandered mid tho pumpkins mid tlio golden crooknecks. They were going over to Plymouth Rock to buy a puckage of vunuer uonea uats iromcol. Miles ataudlsh the grocer of the colony. Like all sensible IK-opIe they think thoy can't keep houso with out Quaker Oats. Host Thomas Williams Hud Urent T.uck m holding a ticket which drew tho $2.5,000 prizo m 1110 aiay urawiug or the Louisiana State Lottery. He was found nt hi work in tho Jefferson Iron works, whera lm hm Immi employed for yoars as a nailer. I was unsuc cessful In capturing anything;, but kent on until before tho May drawing, when I sent tWO dollars to M. A. Daiinhln. N'niv Drlniini. La., and received a one-tenth ticket number ing 87,520. The drawing took place May 14, and on the 17th I learned that ticket 87,H2tJ had drawn the M,000 prize. Steubenvltlc (O.) Herald, Juno 0. When tho small boy goes in swimming in a costume of the mode, That was worn by Godlvn when through Coventry sho rodo. When yachts aro fitting out for young on their summer cruise, And there's n big demand ngalu for low cut tenuis shoes. Tls sweet to sit besldo tho sea and listen to tho notes, Of tho folks who are n singing "We Shall Eat Our Quaker Onts." If I'rlncess Loulso wants to mnko a good. wife, To her husband from Scotland the Earl of Fife, Sho'll write out a postnl nnd say if you pleaso Will you send us some Quaker Oats from over tho sens? Huvo you used any Quaker Oats yet? If you have not you had better go and get some at once. Don't you kuow that delays are dangerousl Boston A NEW DEPARTURE! Popular Literature at Popular Prices. Beginning next Monday and continuing thereafter, we will offer an immense line of PAPER COVERED NOVELS, by the most popular authors, including the works of Mrs. Braddon, Dickens, Cooper, Irving, Hawthorne, Duchess, Rider Haggard, Jules Verne and others at the remarkable low price of These novels are made Remember 143 and 145 South Tenth St., K NEliC Shoo We take pleasure to announce to the people of Lincoln and vicinity that we will open a First Class Shoe Store, Tuesday, August 6th, 1225 O Street, and respectfully solicit part of your patronage. SWARTZ & CO. Lincoln Sayings Bankjnd Safe Deposit Co. CAPITAL, $280,000. LIABILITY OF STOCKHOLDERS, $600,000. Interest paid on deposit at any rntn of 5 per cent por annum for nil full cnlandar mouths Hafe to rent In burglnr proof and llro proof vaults, at annual rontnl of 15 nnd upward, Money to loan on renl ctnte nnd collnternl. YOUlt SAVINGS ACCOUNT SOLICITED. HKNUY E.LEWIS, President. A.P, H. STUAUT, Vlco President. WE INVITE TO EMBROIDERY : OUR CairqlDric, Neiiqsoolv ein cl Swiss Klou.rcir)g;s, In and 45 inch widths is exceptionally large. -IN- MATCHED SETTS We show some of the finest goods Imported dn very handsome new designs II f n 1 i t 0 7 ' The One Price Cash Dry TAKE OFF SALE ! Attend the Great Take Ashby & 10 CENTS PER COPY. to sell at 25 cents, are the Place-it is the Cor. N. The Cheapest and Best Place in the State to Buy Dry and Fancy Goods. A. E. RICHARDSON & CO. Store J NO. II. McCLAY, Treasurer. U. WELSH, Teller ATTENTION OUR DEPARTMENT. LINE OF Goods and Carpet House. Off Sale now in progress at Millspaugh. Store unabridged and complete. Boston Store, L r i n ' Mi " "" ggjgggpWHM .nt iiii a nr.iimn wssBswatajS!aMMWg! MMK1 lunlt iiYnW.TnTlUli.Sai ISSSmSSSSSm