Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 10, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    -'TV mmtiymij
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,"Outwllttd by llio World" Ills SutdrcU
"The Children o! Tills World Am In Tholr
Oetieriitloti Tlinn the Children oi
Llclit" III Tcit
Livingston, 5L T., Aur. 4. Rev. T. Do
Wltt Talmage, D. D of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
preached licro todav, taklug Tor bit subject)
l''Outwlttcd by tbo World." Ho took for hi
text St. Luko xvl, 8: "Tlio children of thli
world nro In their generation wiser than tlio
children of light," and delivered tho follow
ing discourse!
That is another way of saying that Chris
tians nro not so skillful in tho manipulation of
spiritual nlTalrs as ftorldliugs aro skillful In
tho management of temporalities. I sco nil
Around ma peoplo who nro nlert, earnest, con
centrated ami pklllful in monetary matters,
who, In tho ulTuirs of tho soul, nro laggards,
inane, Inert.
Tho great want of this world Is moro com
jmou tenso in matters of religion. If ono
half of tho skill nnd forccfulncss employed In
'financial alTalrs woro cmployod In tllsscnil
'Dating tho truths of Christ, nnd trying to
'mako tho world bettor, within ten years tho
last juggernaut would full, tho last throno of
oppression upsot, tho last Iniquity tumble,
And tho anthem that was chanted over Ituth
llchcm on Christmas night would lie echoed
And ro-cchood from all nations and kindred
and people: "Glory to Qod In tho highest,
(And on earth pcaco, good will to men."
Somo years ago, on a train going toward
tbo southwest, as tho porter of tho sleeping
car was making up tho berths at tin evening
tido, I saw n man kneel down to pray.
Worldly peoplo In tho car looked on, ui much
as to say, "What docs this incanf" I suppose
tho most of tho peoplo in tho car thought tint
man was either fnsono or that bo was n fa
natic; but ho disturbed no ouo when ho knelt,
and bo disturbed no ono when ho nroso In
after conversation with him I found out that
ho was n member of a church In my own city,
'that ho was a seafaring man, and that ho wni
on his way to Now Orleans to tako com
mand of a vessel. I thought then, as 1
think now, that ten such men men with
,tuch courago for God as that man had
would bring tho wholo city to Christ; a
thousand such men would bring this whole
land to Clod ; ton thousand such men, In n short
tlrao, would bring tho wholo earth into tho
kingdom of Jesus. That ho was successful in
worldly nfTafrs, I found out. That ho was
skillful In spiritual affairs, you aro well per
suaded. If men hod tbo courago, tho pluck,
tho alertness, tho acumen, tho Industry, tho
common senso In matters of tho soul, that
they havo In earthly matters, this would boa
ivery dlflcreut kind of world to II vo In.
In tho first place, wo want moro common
senso In tho building and conduct of churches.
Tho Idoa of udnptiveness isnlwnys paramount
In nny other kind of structure. If bankers
meet together and thoy resolvo upon putting
np a bank, tho bank Is especially adapted to
banking purpojcs; If a manufacturing com
pany put up a building, it Is to bo adapted to
manufacturing purposes; but adaptl venoms Is
sot always tho question In tho roaring of
churches. In many of our churches wo wnnt
moro light, moro room, moro ventilation,
moro comfort. Vast sums of money aro ex
pended on ecclesiastical structures, and men
dt down In them, and you ask a man how he
likes tho church. Ho says: "I llko ft very
well, but I can't hear." As though a shawl
factory wero good forovcrything but making
shawls. Tho volco of tho preacher dasho
sgalnst tbo pillars. Men sit down under the
shadows of tho Gothic arches and shiver and
feci thoy mutt bo getting religion or somo
thlug elso, thoy fool so uucomfortnblo
O my friends, wo want moro common seno
In tho rearing of churches. Thero Is no ex
cuso for lack of light when tho heavens nro
full of it, no oxciiso for lack of fresh air when
tho world swims in It, it ought to bo an ex
presslon, not only of our spiritual happiness,
.but of our physical comfort when wo say:
"How amlablo aro thy tabernacles, O Lord
God of hosts. A day In thy courts Is better
than a thousaud."
' Again 1 remark: Wo want moro common
enso In tho obtaining of religious hope. All
men understand that in order to succeed In
worldly directions thoy must concentrate.
They think on that ouo subject until their
mind takes (lro with tho velocity of thefr
own thoughts. All their acumen, all their
strategy, all their wisdom, all their common
lense, they put iu that ono direction and thoy
succeed. But how seldom It is true iu the
matter of seeking after God. Whllo no man
expects to accomplish anything for this world
iwlthout concentration and enthusiasm, how
many thero aro expecting after awhllo to got
Into tho kingdom of God without th use of
Any such means. A miller iu California,
many years ugn, held up a sparklo of gold
until it bowltchod nations. Tens of thousand!
of peoplo left their homes. They took their
blankets ami their pickaxes and their pistoli
And went to tho w ilds of California. Cities
spraug up suddenly on tho Pacific coat Mcr
chants put aside their elegant apjwrel ami
put on tho miner's garb. All the Ian J wm
full of tho talk ubout gold. Gold lu tho eyes,
gold lu tlio eurs, gold lu tho wuko of ships,
gold In tho streets gold, gold, gold. Word
comes to us that thu mouutatn of God's lov
U full of bright treasure, that men havi
been digging there, and havo brought up
gold, and nmethyst, and carbuncle, and Jos
per, and sardonyx, and ckrysoprasus, and ull
tbo precious stones out of which tho walls of
heaven wero buiided. Word comes of a man
who, digging lu that mlno for ouo hour, hoi
brought up treasures worth moro than all tl'c
stars that keep vigil over our sick and ilyinj
world. I It n bogus coi niuy that U formed!
Is it undeveloped territory I Oh, no; tho storj
U true. Thero nro thousands of people lu lull
audleuco who would bo willing to rlso nnd tes
tify that they havo discovered that gold, and
have it In their possession, Notwithstanding
All this, whatU tho clrcumitauccf Ono wnulo
suppose that tlio announcement would senC
people in great excitement up and down uui
struets, that ut midnight men would knock ai
your door, asking how they may get tbon
treasures. lustond of that, many of us put
our hands behind our back, and walk up and
down in front of tho mlno of eternal riches,
nnd sayi "Well, If I am to bo saved I will bo
saved; and If I on; to bo damned, I will bo
damned, ami thero Is nothing todo about It,"
Why, my brother, do you not do that way in
business matters! Why do yon not to-morrow
go to your store and sit down nnd fold
your nnns and say: "If these goods nro to
bo sold, they will bo sold, and It thoy nro
not to lo sold, thoy will not U sold, thero Is
nothing for me to do alwut It," No, you
dlsKtteh your agents, you print your adver
tisements, you ndorn your show windows,
you push thoo goods, you uso tho Instru
mentality. Oh that men wero as wise lu
tho matter of tho soul as they nro wise iu
tho matter of dollars nnd cents! This doc
trlno of God's .sovereignty, hot It Is mis
quoted ami skcn of as though It wero an
Iron clinlif which bntmd us baud and foot for
Unto and for eternity, when, so far from
thnt, lu every lllicr of your body, In every
faculty of your mind, In every palon of
your soul, you nro a freo man, nnd It Is no
moron matter of freo choice whether you
will to-morrow go nbroad or stay at homo,
than It Is this momenta matter of freochoico
w bother you will nccopt Christ or reject hint,
In all tho army of banners thero Is not one
conscript. Men nro not to bo dragooned Into
heaven. Among all tho tens of thousands of
tho Lord's soldiery, thero Is not ono man but
will tell you: "I cbosa Christ; I wanted htm;
I desired to bo In his service; I am not n con
script I nm a volunteer." Oh that men bad
tho snino common senso iu tho matters of re
ligion that they havo iu tho matters of tho
world tho samo concentration, tho snmo
push, tho snmo enthusiasm! In tho ono caso,
a secular enthusiasm; In tho other, n conse
crated enthusiasm.
Again I remark: Wo want moro common
sonso In tho building up nnd enlarging of our
Christian character. Thero nro men hero
who bavo for forty years been running tho
Christian raco, and thoy havo not run n
quarter of u inllol
No business man would bo willing to havo
his Investments uuaccumulattvo. If you In
vest a dollar you expect that dollar to como
homo bringing another dollar on its back.
What would you think of n man who should
Invest ten thousand dollars In n monetary in
stitution, then go off for flvo years, mako no
Inquiry In regard to tho Investment, then
como back, step up to tho cashier of tho in
stitution nnd siy: "Havo you kept those ten
thousand dollars safely thnt I lodged with
youf' but asking no question about Interest
or about dtvldcud. Why, you say, "That U
not common sense." Neither is it, but that
is tho w ay wo net in matters of tho soul. Wo
mako a far moro Important Investment than
ten thousaud dollars. Wo invest our soul.
Is it accumulntlvo? Aro wo growing In
gracot Aro wo getting better) Aro wo get
ting worso) God declares many dividends,
but wo do not collect them, wo do not ask
about them, wo do not want them. Oh that
in this matter of accumulation wo wero as
wlso in tho matters of tho soul us wo aro lu
tho matters of tho world!
How llttlo common senso iu tho rending of
tho Scripturcsl Wo get nny other book and
wo oix-n It, and wo say: "Now, uhatdoes this
book mean to teach mot It Isa book on astron
omy ; it will tench mo astronomy. 1 1 Is a book
on iwlltlcal economy ; It will teach mo political
economy." Taking up tho Biblo, do wo nsk
ourselves what it means to teach ) It moanj
to do Just ono thing: got tho world con
verted and get us all to heaven. That Is what
It propose to do. Hut Instead of that, wo go
Into tho Biblo as botanists to pick ilowors, or
wo go as pugilists to get something to fight
other Christians with, or wo go as logicians
trying to sharien our mental faculties for a
better argument, and wo do not llko this
about tho Biblo, nnd wo do not llko that, and
wo do not llko tho other thing. What would
you think of u mnn lost on tho mountains!
Night lias como down; ho cannot find his
way homo, nud ho sees a light In a mountain
cabin; ho goes to It, ho knocks at tho door;
tho mountaineer comes out aud finds thu
traveler and says: "Well, hero I havo a lan
tern; you can tako it nud It will guido you
ou tho way homo;" and suppose that man
should say; "1 dou't llko that lantern; I don't
llko tho hnndlo of it; there aro ten or fifteen
things nbout It l dou't llko; If you can't give
mo n better lantern than that I won't bavo
Now, ,Ood says this Biblo is to bo a lamp to
our feet nud a lantern to our path, to guido
us through thu midnight of this world to tho
gates of tho celestial city. Wo tako bold of It
in sharp criticism, and depreciate this nnd
depreciate that. Oh, how much wiser wo
would bo If, by Its holy light, wo found our
way to our cvei lasting homo!
Then wo do tho Biblo as wo read
other books. Wo road it icrhupsfour or five
minutes Just beforo wo rotiro nt night. Wo
aro weary and sleepy, so somnolent wo hardly
know which cud of tho hook U up Wo drop
our eyo perhaps on thu story of Samson ami
tho foxes, nr up-m toino genealogical table,
important in its p.'nco, hut stirring no moro
religious emotion than tho announcement
that somebody Ugat somebody elso and ho
begat somebody elso, Instead of opening tho
book and saying: "Now 1 must road for my
immortal life. Jly eternal destiny is involved
in this Book."
How llttlo wo uso common senso lu prayer!
Wo say: "Oh, Lord, givo mo this," and "Oh,
Lord, givo mo that," and "Oh, Lord, givo
mo something oUo," and wo do not expect to
got It, or, goitlng It, wo do not know wo hnvo
it. Wo havo no anxiety nbout it. Wo do
not watcli aud wait for lu coming.
As a merchant you telegraph or you writo
to somo other city for a bill of goods. Yon
say: "Send mo by such express or by such a
steamer or by such a rail train." Tho day
arrives. You send your wagon to tho depot
or to tho wharf Tbo goods do not come.
You immediately telegraph: "What Is the
matter with thovj goods) Wo haven't received
them. Send thorn right away Wo want
them now, or wo don't want them at all."
And you keep writing and you keep tele
graphing, and keep sending your wagon to
ftio dejrat, or to tho express office, or to tho
wharf, until you get tho goods.
In matters of religion wo aro not so wise as
that. Wo ask certain things to bo sent from
heaven. Wo do not know whether thoy
como or not. Wo havo not any 6cclnl anxi
ety n-s to whether they como or not Wo
may get them and muy not gut them. In
stead of ut 7 o'clock in the morning saying:
"Havo 1 got that blessing f" at PJ o'clock,
noonday, asking: "Havo 1 got that bless
lugf" at 7 o'clock In tho uveulug saying:
"Havo I received that blessing J" and not
getting It, pleading, pleading bogging, beg
giug asking, usklug until you get it. Now,
my brethren, is not (hat common sense I If
wo ask a thing from God, who has sworn by
his eternal throno thnt ho will do that which
we ask, In it not common senso that we should
watch and wait until wo gut It I
But I return k again Wo want mure com
mon sense in doing good How muiiy .oplu
there are w ho want to do good, nnd yet nro
dead failures' Why Is It r They do not ox
ercisy thu same tuct, tho snmo Ingenuity, the
samo stratagem, tho snmo couuuou sense in
the work of Christ that they do iu worldly
thine. Otherw Imj they would succeed In this
direction as well as thoy succeed in the other
Thivouroin&iiy men who havo nn arrogant
way with thorn, although thoy may not feel
arrogant. Or they havo a uitronUlng way,
Thoy talk to a man of tho world In a manner
which s ems to say, "Don't you wish you
wuro as good 1 ami Why, I havo to look clear
down before 1 can seo you, you aro so far
beneath inn " That manner nlwnys disgusts,
always drives men away from tho kingdom
of Jesus Christ Instead of bringing tlioiu In.
When I mima l.ul 1 was ono day lu a village
store, nnd thero was a largo group of young
inoti thero full of rollicking and tun, and a
Christian man ennui In, nud without any In
troduction of the subject, and whllo they
wero In groat hilarity, said to ouo of theuit
"George, what Is tho Hot step of wlsdomf
Georgu looked up and said: "livery man to
mind his own business!" Well, it was a very
rough answer, but It wns provoked Reli
gion had boon hurled lu there as though It
wero a bombshell, Wo must Ik) adroit lu tho
presentation of religion to tho world.
Do you supKio thnt Mary lu her conver
sation with Christ lost tier simplicity tor that
Paul thundering from Mars Hill took thu put
pit tone) Why Is it people cannot talk as
naturally in prayer meeting nud on religious
subjects us they do In worldly circles ) For
no ouo ever succeeds iu nny kind of Christian
work, unless ho works naturally. Wo want
to Imitnto tho 1-ord Jesus Christ, who
plucked a poem from tho grass of tho field.
Wo all want to imitnto Him who talked
with fanners nbout tho man who went forth
to sow, nud talked with tho fishermen nbout
thodrawu not that brought In llshof nil sorts,
and talked with tho vino dresser about tho
Idler iu tho vineyard, and talked wit h tlioso
newly ulllunccd about tho marriage supper,
and talkod with tho man crnuiK-d In money
matters nbout tho two debtors, and talked
with tlio woman ubout tho yeast that leav
ened tho wholo lump, and talked with tho
shepherd about tho lost sheep. Oh, wo
might gather oven tho stars of tho sky, aud
twist tliein llko forgot-me-nots lu tho gar
land of Jesus. Wo must bring overythlng
to lilm tho wealth of language, tho tender
nets of sentiment, tho delicacy of morning
dew, tho sairron of floating cloud, thu
tangled surf of tho tossing sea, thu bursting
thunder guns of tho storm's bombardment.
Yes, every star must point down to him,
every liellotroo must brcntho ills prill.',
overy drop in tho summer shower must Hash
his glory, all tho true branches of tho forest
must thrum their music in tho grand march
which shall celebrate n wot Id redeemed.
Now, nil this being so, what Is tho common
senso thlug for you and for mo todo) What
wo do 1 think will docud ujion threo grent
facts. Tho first fact that sin has ruined us.
It has blasted body, mind and soul. Wo
wont no Biblo to provo that wo mo sinners.
Any man who Is not willing to acknowledge
himself an luiicrfect and a sinful being is
simply a fool aud not to bo argued w Ills. Wo
all feel that sin linn disorganized our entire
nature. That Is ouo fact. Another fact Is
that Christ camo to reconstruct, to restoie,
to revise, to correct, to redeem. That Is u
second fact. Thu third fact is that tho only
time wo nro sure Christ will uirdou us Is thu
present. Now, what is tho common souse
thing for us to do In vlow of these threo
facts) You will all agree with mo to quit
sin, tako Christ ami taku him now. Suppose
homo business mnn iu whoso skill you had
perfect conlldcnco should tell you that to
morrow (Monday) morning, between tl nnd
12 o'clock, you could by a certain financial
transaction make 11 vo thousand dollars, but
that on Tuesday, perhaps, you might mako
It, but thero would not bo auy posltiveness
about It, and on Wednesday thero would
not bo so much, and Thursday less, Friday
less, and so on loss and less when would you
attcud to tho matter) Why, your common
senso would dlctato: "Immediately I will
attend to that matter, between II nnd IS
o'clock to-morrow (Monday) morning, for
then I can surely accomplish It, but ou Tues
day I may not, aud ou Wednesday thero is
less prosiiect. I will attend to It to-morrow."
Now, let us bring our common sense In this
matter of religion. Hero aro tho hopes of
tho Gospel. Wo may get them now. To
morrow wo may get them aud wo may not.
Next day wo may and wo may not. Tho
prospect less and less and less and 1cm.
Tho only suro tlmo now now. I would
not talk to you lu this way if I did not know
thnt Christ was ablo to savo all tho people,
aud savo thouvind.-i as easily as save ouo. 1
would not go Into a hospital aud tear olT tho
bandages from tho wounds If 1 had no balm
to apply. 1 would not havo tho face to tell a
man ho Is a tinner unlets I had at tho snmo
tlmo the authority of saying ho may bo saved.
Suppose In Venice thero Is a Raphael, a faded
picture, great In Its tlmo, bearing some mnrks
of its greatness. History describes that pic
ture. It is nearly faded away You say:
"Oh, what a pity that so wonderful n picture
by Raphael should bo nearly dofuced." After
a while a man comes up, very unskillful lu
art, nud ho proposes to retouch It, You say:
"Stand off I I would rather havo it Just as It
Is; you will mako it worse," After a whllo
thero comes an artist who was tho equal of
Raphael. Ho soys: "I will retouch that pic
ture aud bring out all lu original jower."
You havo full coufidenco lu his ability. Ho
touches It hero aud thero. reaturo after fea
ture conies forth, and when ho is dono with
tho picture it is completo iu all Its original
power Now God impressed his imago on
our race, but that Imago has boon defaced
for hundreds and for thousands of years,
getting fainter nnd fainter. Hero comes up
a divino Raphael. Ho says: "I can restoro
that picture" Ho has nil power lu heaven
nnd ou earth. Ho is tho equul of tho Ono
who mado tho picture, tho equal of tho Ono
who drew thu imngluo of God lu our
soul. Ho touches this sin and it is gone,
that trausgrcMion and it disappears,
and all tho defacement vanishes, anil
"whero tin nbounded graco doth much
more abound." Will you have tho de
facement or will you havo tho restoration)
l nm well eruaded that If 1 could by a
touch of heavenly pathos lu two minutes put
beforo you what has been dono to savo your
soul, tliero would bo an emotional tide oxer
wheiming "Mumma," said a llttlo child to
her mother when she was lieing put to bed at
uight, "mamma, what makes your hand so
scarred and twisted and unliko other (wople's
hamUr "Well," said tho mother, "my child,
when you wero younger than you aro now,
years ago, ono night after I had put you to
bed I heard a cry, a shriek upstairs. I camo
up aud found thu bod was on tiro and you
weru on lire, and I took hold of you and I
tore oil thu burning garments, and whllu I
was tearing them otf and trying to get you
away 1 burned my hand, aud it has been
scarred and twisted over since, aud hardl)
looks uuy more like a bam), but I got that,
my child, lu trying tosavoyuu." Oman!
0 woman ' I wish today 1 could show you
tlio burned hand o't Christ burned in pluck
ing you out of thu fire, burned in snatching
you away trom thu flame A)o, also tho
burueil fiHit, uml tho buruud blow, and thu
buruud heart buruud for you
ye are healed
Japanese oranges tire as different from our
Idea i'f an nrjiigons they can Well li. sepa
rating fr.j:n tlio nl almo-t as easily as a
gra dividing into suctions at tlio slightest
pull, each section tike u separate fruit, and
dlssolvluj in ttm mouth with a llavor of cher
ries. lea ing no pulp liehlud
A Oritnil i:xrurtl(in to Vollowslono Na
tional 1'iitk ami Other 1'romlnvtit
I'laeos lu tlm West,
On Thursday, August bth, tho Union Ta
enia Hallway will run on excursion from
Omaha, Nob., to Yellow sttmo Nntlonnl I'nrk
nnd other places In the West, Including Great
Shoshone Falls, (tho poor of Nlagrn), Cgdcn,
Halt Iiko City, Denver nnd over tho far
famed Bow Knot I,oop, Ono ieclnl fo'tturv
of this occasion is that the Union l'nclfio will
take its own stages, (mnKUlurcut Conconls)
and fine stago hoisos along on tho train, and
tho pal ty will have the pleasure of staging
around tho different places nt which stops nio
mado, free of cost. ,
The visit to Khoshono Falls will also lw of
stoking Interest. Klogant I'ulliuali nUepem
will bo furnished for tho occasion, nnd tho
trip will last SM diijs. Tlio exceedingly low
into of $I"MM has been made 'or this excur
sion, which includes rallioad faro, hotels,
meals, sleeping car accommodation aud
staging iu tbo i'nrk and elsewhere. Arrange
to go on this excursion you will never rcgiet
For full particular? address,
K. 12. l.OMAX, Omaha.
(I. a. it.
Grand Reunion of tho Soldiers and Sailors
of Nebniska nt lCearnoy, August Villi to 17th,
161). llio committee havo secured for loca
Hon tho spacious grounds overlooking IjiIco
Kearney, and tho program, consisting of
sham battles, dress parades, artillery drills
and duels, nud magnificent display of llro
woiks, wilt bo tho most attractive over offer
ed. For this occasion tlio Union l'aclllc, "The
Oveilahd Route," will sell tickets from all
points on its HtiiH lu Nebraska, at a rate of
Ono Fine for tho Round Trip. Don't fail to
attend, For other infoituatioti apply to your
nearest ticket agent, or H. K. I.oma.x,
Don t .Alius tlio OiM'oitmilty to Visit Otf-
don nud Suit l.iilio C'lt), Utnli, nud
llalli-), Idaho.
A grand excursion to tho nbovo named
points will leave August '.'(Ith via tho Union
l'nclllc, "The Ovci land Route," nnd for this
occasion thu exceedingly low rato of $.10 to
Ogdeu nud Halt biku City and return, aud
i'.Vi to Halloy, Idaho, nud return, has been
mado from Missouri River terminals.
This excursion affoids our patrons a mag-,
nillcent npKi Utility to visit Gat field Beach
ou Great Salt I.aku, thu llnist bathing resort
lu tho vorld, nud also visit thu Halloy Hot
Hprlugv, famous for their medicinal proper
ties. Ticket good thirty days. For further
partlculaiH address K, K. l.oiuax, Oninha.
(1. A. It.
The National Hucainpiueia of tho U. A. R.
will bo held this) ear at Milwaukee, Wis.,
August !.') to :ilt. Agents of tlm Union l'a
clllc Railway will sell tickets to Milwaukee
aud return at the lowest one way first class
faro lu Nebraska ami Kansas, August -In to
J9th Inclusive; In Colorado Mid Wyoming
August '.'Oth to'JTth Inclusive; limited to re
turn leaving Milwaukee August v!7th to Kept.
Ath. final limit Sept. loth. Forthotu whode
siro to teturn later than Be) it. Mh tho limit
on tickets will bo extended to Sept. JiOth ou
application to the joint agent at tho terminal
Hues at Milwaukee. Nebraska, Kansas, Colo
rndo and Wyoming should bo well represent
ed nt this encampment nnd nil should go via
"Tho Overland Iloutw." For further Infor
mation apply to any agent of this company
or E. K. Lomnx, G. P. A., Oninha. 8 111
Harvest Excursion Tickets nt half rates w ill
bo sold nt Lincoln, Aug. Oth and Will, Sept.
loth aud ti-ltli, and Oct. bth, over tho Fremont,
Klkhoru & Missouri Valley R. It. to ull points
reached via that lino Iu Northern Nebraska,
tho Black Hills and Central Wyoming. Cull
on G. N. Foivsman, agent, or wrllo J. R. Bu
chanan, General Passenger Agent, Oninha,
Neb. tf
Convenient Markets, (looit Soil, I'll re Wa
ter nnil i:eullint Climate
Are advantages to bo considered whu look
ing up n home, buslues.. location, farm, etc.
West Virginia, Maryland ami the Shenando
ah Valley, VlrgluU, affords these with many
moro advantages. No section of tho United
States otl'eis superior opKrtun!tles, mid er
sons seeking a new homo should examine
these States before deciding on n location
elsewhere. Improved farm landu adapted to
stock ralMng, dairying, grain, grass and fruit
growing can bo obtained at low pi Ices and
upon easy terms. Thriving towns invito tlio
merchant, mechanic and business mnn. Abun
dance of coal, timber, ore, wntir jiower, etc
Freo sites for manufacturers,
Persons desiring fuitber information will
bo answered promptly nud freo of charge by
M. V. Richards, Ijiml and Immigration Ag't
B. & O. H. It., Baltimore Md. 7-13-w I
Rend thu names of your friends In thu East
whom you wish to visit you, or who are seek
ing new locations, to J. R Buchnnnn, Gen'l
Passenger Agent of the Freemont, Elkhorn
& Missouri Vnlley R. R. Co., Oninha, Neb.,
that lie may send them information relative to
the "One Fare Harvest Excursions" which oc
cur August Cth and 20th, September 10th ami
2-Uh, and October 6th. octl
Not lee.
To Kphrlam
non-retldcnt !e-
You will tako notice tbnt ou tho 17th dav of
July, JiW). 1'alilon S. l'otvln, pMlntlir. riled
ills petition In tlio district court, Lancaster
County, Nebraska, UKalnsl jon, John K. llarr.
J. Frank llarr. Annlo llarr, A.C llarr ami
William Henry Smith. llarr claiming to
be Hiirtty for ou nud said John K. Ilnrr,
and to establish hi. rU'hl to a certain n-shrn-meat
of a Judgment made to lilm by tho
(Jolncy National Hunk ofqulncy, Illinois, in
an action In the district court of Lancaster
County. Nebraska, wherein tho tjulncy Nn
tlonnl Hank was plnluttll' nud nurse! f and
John K. llarr, Fntilen M. I'otln wvre defend
ants, and to establish bis lien of sulci judg
ment which be paid uf such surety upon ami
aifalllst lots nine, ten and eleven, U. iflancl Hi
In block twenty-ulnu, '.". and .ot (He, itilr
teen, fourteen ami seventeen, VIS, llandlT
In block tvcnt-Hl, 'M, nil lu First Addition
to West Lincoln, and nlo lots ono, i-eren,
elirhtnild nine. J, 7, 6 unit U In block two, .'
lu ImhotCs Addition to tho city of Lincoln,
and nlsb lot three, 3 In block eltflity-elifht,
Wi In the city of Lincoln, and thu wist half
of tho Houth-wist iiiaiterof section nine, Ui
township oluht, Hi ramie seven. ,7 nllln Lan
caster County, state of Nebraska, to sell said
real esiate and lots according to law, to pay
said Judgment, Interest ami cost, and claim,
and rlcht of said l'otvln, nnd to apply thu
proceeds thereof to tho payment of plalntlt! s
lieu, claim and rlw'ht.
You nro required to nnswer the said peti
tion ou or before the SMIi d ay of August, li0
Lincoln, Neb., July Is, !.
T-alt. hU Attorney.
Not lee.
Notlco Is hereby uUenthnt by lrtue of anncl-
tor Ilea dated on tho.Mh day of Fibrunry. 1"".
iixin which there Is now due the sum of ?J.oj,
default Inula-- been Hindu in the Mi) meat of suul
Ilv liistrHx..,! I u". and no stilt or other inwwiiui: of Inw hn
" "'"m"' Ink' been Instituted to reoorr snld debt or nny
I pnrt thereof, therefore I will sell tlw roerty
iiierein uescriliril, lz. iineitnrK imy iiorsennow
H hands high, whltestrlp in fnre. IVrnrsoldniul
welching slmtit 1'Jtn) oiuids. nt public miction nt
the barn of Mllllklu llros . in the clt) ot Lincoln,
lu Lancaster county, on the Mh lny of August,
!sHi, nt ono o'clock, p. m , of snul dny, to uy
Hid debt, Interest nnd all costs of these proceid
liiK. MILLIK1N llHOh
lly 1'ocxn.C IUrh, Htinrtiv)'.
hated Lincoln. Nibrnska, July 1'tb, lssl
1,li Men and Horsosl ,1 (treat Railway Trains! 20 Hnvatrest l,M)0 Wild Ilenslnl Acre
ami Acres of Cloud Toworlnu Canvas! HimlliiK Capacity for an entire County I TnmiioihImhh
V,"r?."L'!,Jil..r,U,,r, Wiul Dnwnl AI I uslness Huspoude.l! A (loneral Holiday IWory
wliorul Hlx Million Dollars Invested! Dully llxpcnsosa I'ortunH
Tho Moat MnBnlfloont nnd Stupontlous Amusomont Com
bination tho World Hno EvorSoonI
A Holiday for Town and Country 1 Will Exhibit In All Its Vast Entirety at
gS:- AUGUST 23
tts'.'tllli Annual Tour, and has now Joined with It tlio national nnd patriotic
Willi all ItHcharmluu, dashliiK nud daring
French Female Charioteers, Riders and Drivers I
hi throe Hoparnto arenas. Mammoth moiiauorlnof
i i
Lions, Tigers, Hippopotamus, Giraffes, Sea Lions, Polar Bears, Etc,
All In vrnud combination with tho renowned, romantic rcnllstlo WILD WEST EXIII
IIITION, with all Its thrilling and remarkable features Illustrative of civilization's march
across tbo plains and supplemented with tlio seuiatlonal military frontier spectacle.
Or, the Battle of the Little Big Horn.
Cowboys, Mcoutn nnd Soldiers nro brouuht Into requisition lu tho reproduction of this traulo
and fearful frontier episode, Dr. W. K.Curvuriut tbo Hero of the Llttlo 111k Horn I
Masterly Representation of tho Atrocious
Vividly Illustrating tho DaiiRers of Early
for a llrldu! Pony Express llldlnir!
Horses and Steers! Wonderful How nnd Arrow HhootliiKl Iluirlu Hill's Cow
boy llram Hand! HiitiKliiRn HorsoThlef! Wild Western (llrl Riders!
Hettler's Homo Attacked I Port Llfo In tho Par West I CowImijs'
Sports ami pastimes! 'llio Famous Hloux Sun Dnucol
All tbo Crack Mhots! Robbery of llio Overland Mall!
Indian Klelits, Raids and Hcxcucsl Jinlco
Lynch's Court! Kemnlo Hlmrpshootcrsf
A Western Cyclone!
LnrifCftlCamporiU'nl lllnnket IndlniiH that over loft tho Plains Rucks. .Chiefs. Mcdlclno
Men.Hnuawsand Papooses, toircthor with id! their Paraphernalia!
ADAM KOIIKPAIIfJII .III )'" 1,r",'1!,,co fr, the Plr.t Time In Ibis city, bis
.iH-f-'VJi1i l UWi ' 4VU,J ' .. VlV,iu ""'J Act of Hiding ami Drlvlrin
30 b lory Horses Threo Times Around tho Hup) Hlppodrntno Track. Thu Urentest l'ouui.
trlun Triumph of tbo AkoI Ho will also appear with bis Wi-ild-Henowned Troupe of Perfor-
' Biomnr, The Tight Rope Walking Horse,
Anil A. KorcpaiiKlit Jr.', Lutein ami most Henni!onal Novelty,
liUbn-sii, ne J. raiDezc . Horse
A Ilenson-Olfted Anlinnl that Fearlessly Faultlessly, and Orandly I-ans from HwlmMn
HwIiib ai Feet n the Mhl-AIr tho most Phenomenal KxhM t L i of KxulneZnclty and
Intrepidity tho World has ever scon? ihu okiu ii
Increased In rverythlnc Kccpl In the I'rlco of Admlslou o.VF TICKLT Admits to nil
tlio Antrcnated attractions of the Comtilniled Forepaus'h and Wild West shows, presented
under the greatest spread of cousas ever erected ou this or or any ulher continent. Tho
Grand and
of tbo Mltfht.v Combine takes place nt lo n in. dully, unfoldlni: to Public View, freo as air to
oNerjiioiiy, an the ilnzzllui;, sensational, unique, plcturcic. historical and sumptuous,
eessionnl resources or the Coi.oshai. I liter rt, Wli.n l.T, lIll'I'oHKiu
r"lS,l splendid seats Admission, to cent ; children under nine, i5 cents. Deserved
numbered seals, wltli back and foot rtsts, aud with inaKiiltlcent vlow of Custer llattle amt
start Hint llnUli of Hlppixlroine Knees, extra. JsyTwu Complelo Exhibitions Dally. Doors
open nt 1 ami .' and s Ohetp Ronad-Trip llicanloni on ill Ltcti of Travel - Oonialt Local Agenti.
For the nccomuiiHhitlou of thoM won would avoid the crowds nt tho ticket whkoii on tho
Krotuid, tickets ami rcercd teats can 1h obtained at
Harley's Drug Store, 0 and 11th Streets, all day of Exhibition,
at tho usual ellw'ht advance,
Exhibits it Hastings, Aug. 24, Bontrlco, 26, Nebraska City,
27, and nowhoro olso In this State.
i-jii Limi
Wild West!
Emigration across the Plains! Indians'
A Vlmtnla Heel on Ilorsiibiirkl liiu-u
-w. ,
ptuous, pro-dt:.SA(n:iiIf,
4 s ') $J 'rt "-
' nsSs"nsl: