Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 03, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday Evening, Aug, 3, '89
Tho CountKH will not ! resjtonslble for
any debt made by nny ono In tt name, tin
Its a written order nccomnnlc the same,
properly signed.
Ij. Wkmkl, Jr., I'rop'r.
338 South Eleventh Street.
The Courier Cnn tin Found At
Windsor llotol NewsHtand.
Capital Hotel Now Htand.
Odell's Dining llnll Now Htand.
Clnson A Fletcher's, 110 South llth Htroct.
Thetlnthnm Now Bland, lit Houlh lltli HI,
Keith Ilros., Ill Nnilli llth Htreet.
Kd. Youniri Itwoo Hiroot.
Eftton AHmltli, UJOO
Diamond Pharmacy," lltth and N Hu
WcntertleWl's barber shop, llurr block.
Children's Flannel
Waists and blouses
Silk and Flannel Blouses.
Hatter and Fufnliher, 1137 O St.
l.arnl mill Fcrinunl.
Whltebrmst Coal nnd Lime Company,
. Brown' restaurant for meals.
Take Turkish at 101(1 O street.
Telephone nt tho Couiuku otllco li 2M,
Odell't illntiiK hall, SI ticket for (4.00,
The l-ct Tens. 8. P , Bto vens & Co,
E. Hntlott, leading Jeweler, 131 N. llth.
Lincoln Ico Co., 10 W U St. Telephone 118.
vClnernl water used tor bathing, 1010 O it,
Nothing llko It, tho Elkhorn' fait Chlcngo
, Ladle look at the Lo Saucy shoe at Pcr
kln Bros.
Perkins Broa. have the finest French shoe
for Infante,
Try ome of tho flno fifth llth served every
day at Cameron'.
Canon City Coal again nt the Whltebrcast
Coal and Lime Co.
Ask for the "Marie Stuart" collar nt Well
M8 touth llth ttreet.
A Patent Leather Bokxl ehoea for ladle full
Are at Ferkln Bro.
Roatt meat, and vegetable of all klndtat
CftKeron's Lunch House,
A French thoe hand turned for Infanta and'
Children at Perkln Bro.
Everybody eat at Odoll' nowaday
Board only $4.00 per week.
'"Only place in Lincoln that ue mineral
Water In hath 1 at 1010 O street.
" Improved shower for Turklih bath nt 1010
O ttreet, basement Union block. .
Patronize tho ElkhomHi new Chlcngo train.
Fattest tlmo on record. Through sleeper.
Brown U ready to servo bauquota, wedding
collations and other spreads on short notice.
. Fine Teas, Bplce, and the largest lino of
Fine Groceries in tho city, nt B. P. Stevens,
Beat board In the city and at a prlco within
reach of all, nt OdeU's. Twenty-one meals
for 14.
Fancy Silk solo Monday, August &th. SOo
yard; reduced from 11, atAshby& Mllls
paugh'a, New noveltlea In hats and bonnet arriving
dally at Well' millinery parlors, 13 south
llth street,
The dining room at Brown1 caf 0 Is the finest
In the city and tho cuisine Is the best and, to
make It better, tho price are reasonable,
Exery body can afford to eat at tho leading
retort in the city now. The price of 21 tick
et now at Odeir Is only 4 -reduced from
. 14.50.
Families dceirlng puro Ice cream or iocs tor
Sunday dinner or any other time can bo serv
ed with a superior quality at Morton &
Have you seen thoso elegant Canbpy top
Surreys with full fender nt Camp Brothers,
Tenth and M street! The latest styleout,
come and see them,
Morton fc Lelghty at their hnndsomo now
ice cream parlor will servo none but strictly
pure icecream. A line of fine confectionery
will also be found fresh and nt right price.
It will pay you to purchase one of those
fine white embroidered suits of Foreman &
Crowe and put it away 'till uext summer it
you dont need It now. You can get ono at
your own price.
Handsomely embossed cards with emblemri
Ot A 01 r., U. d. IV., O, Ul ., iUMUIUU m
all degrees. O. of R. C., B. of L. F., B. fffh.
E. B. ofR,R:-flU P. B. O.E., L.QrO F.,
A. O. U. W., U. iCfttof JP.rvfc-JtfA. at the
Courikh olllce, iii new Burr block,
'-ftWand tho hewgag, beat the tomtom, make
the hurdy-gurdy yell far and wide aero the
prairie praise of Quaker Oata to tell. If
the dandy dWi for breakfast or to eat three
time a day, and the people who have tried it
will respond, " Well, I should y P .
There U nothing uncertain about the effect
of ChamberUia' Collo, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Kenedy. The fact l. It t the only
nnmantioti is the market that oen always be
depended upon, and that i pleasant and safe'
to take. ana ou cent uoiue lor cote uy u.
L. Hhrader, druggist
We have jiut received a very pretty line ot
.papers for covering pantry and closet shelves,
etc, They are in cream, salmon, orange,
mandarin, heliotrope, royal purple, sky blue,
Kile green and other color. Ladle should
eall and see tbeeo paper. Th'jy are the now
et thing out and add greatly to the appear
ance of shelve.
Turn horse out in a good, pasture for a few
week, when they get in bad condition. It
that ea not be done use Dr. Cody's Condi
Men Powders; they, will put a horse in perfect
htsrrh" A well horse don't need medicine.
Mar. eraln and good rare k better. Dr.
Cady' Condition Powder an a true horse
MMUeme,(not a dope.) they aid digestion, cure
wt.paUoB, uaney aisoruer and aistroy
hom iy a. ij. Boaaer, uruggtrt.
A social event of grnt Interest in Hnedlsh
circles nnd among oilier friends of thu two
young persons mot inrtlcularly concerned
was tho mnrnngo WiHlncMlay ovening ot .Mr.
Frank Anderson, for tlirco years pat n sales
man In Parker's shoo store, nnd Miss Iiune
Krlcksou Tho ceremony was crfurnied by
llov, J. A, Kckstrnm nt tho Bnrdlsh Lutlien.
nn cliureh, which was elaborately decorated
with plant nnd Mowers, most noticeable I
Ing n llornl nrch ncroM tho innlu nUle. The
Vroont wns stipjiorted by Mriwr. Olseii, Os
tcrhnlni, Anderson and U'isterinnn, The
bridesmaids were MImc Den Pearson, Ida
Anderson, U LundU'ig nnd Loo Krlandsou.
After the ceremony n reception wns given the
young Mop1o nt th riorum homo on Bycn
inoie avenue, nenr Blxteenth street,
ThoOmnha llcinilllam correoudent, who
Is resjiousiblo for tho following, might have
nntlc!Hited n natural curiosity liy supplying
namrsi "Two lenutiful nnd fascinating
)oung society Indies 1110 engaged In copying
bank statements nt tho cnpltol by way of pas
time. Tliu banking nmrtmcnt nro now tho
most Kpulnr olllces In the building."
Mnx Westermnti, who wns nppolutcd somo
time ngo clerk to the chancellor nnd the stow
nrd ot the Btnte University ,bcgan In hit new
place with tho month, IIo wns formerly In
the ofllco of Plumincr, Porry & Co., nnd lilt
fellow employes evidenced their esteem by
presenting him with a gold bended enne on
Wednesday evening.
Mis Kiln (Jnroutto left Monday for Add,
Iowa, to visit Mr. and Mrs. F. E, Houghton,
whom alio accompanied homo. Beforo Iter
departure alio was presented with n haudsomo
gold mounted umbrella by tho member of
her music class. Ono of tho llttlo misses,
Josephine Lotrcdze, mndo tho presentation
Ono of tho dallies gave It out tho other day
that Mr. Join M. Thnyer, jr. , wns cngnged
to n Kearney young lady, From tho devoted
Intercut of John M, In tho going nnd coming
of tho editorial excursionists it Is very evi
dent Hint th fair one, If tlioro Is ono In tho
case, does uotresldo In Kearney.
Mnny Inquiries nro being mndo nbout tho
probnblo fnto ot tho Plensaut Hour Juniors.
Thei 0 fcems to bo n goneral fear thnt tho club
may not lw ro-orgnulted.
Prof. Aschmnn, lender of tho military
bnnd, wns presented by thnt body nt Cush
man ark Inst Sunday with n handsome ebony
baton having mi ivoiy hnmllo nnd silver tips.
One of tho surprising things It to seo the
"Dude' Fntturo" occupied by tennis player
Ixifore eight o'clock In tho morning nnd by
young ladles nt thnt,
J. B, Harwich nnd fnmlly nnd family, Mr.
nnd Mrs. W, B. Morton nnd Miss Alice Van
scoyoo mndo n plcnla party to Cuihman tmrk
Miss Katy Bmlth celebrated her twelfth
birthday anniversary Monday with n nnrty
nt tho pnrentnl homo, P and Twenty llrst
Miss Frcderlcka Harnett entertained a
small comtai)y Tuesday ovenlug.
XV,. II. Coffin Is n Bplrlt Lako visitor.
C. Y. Bmlth leave for Minltou tomorrow.
Mis Lena Winter I visiting at Wymore.
llov. Ilodemacher is vising In Pennsylva
J.H. Miller has returned from Hot Snrlncs.
Dr, and Mrs. Hoover havo returned from
tho east.
O. W. Mother returned Wednesday from
Mr. and Mr, D. D. Mulr left yesterday for
Lathrop M. Taylor I vlsltlntr in Mon
mouth, 111.
Henry E. Lewis and 8. Schwab havo cone
to Colorado.
Councilman Loulo Mover I In Now York
on business.
Harry Hanna ha returned from his visit to
Cadiz, Ohio.
Mrs.Zlemcrhas returned to her homo nt
Clovclaud, Ohio.
Dr. Shoemaker is in Colorado for a breath
of mountain air.
Miss Cora A. Preston has returned from
Blnghamton, N, Y.
Mr. and Mm. Joseph Earl aro visltinir nt
Brockvllle, Ontario.
Miss Lccso has been entertaining M Is Anna
now land, ot Boward.
Mrs. Dr. Hoover la ontertalulng Mrs. Clias,
Luterof Pittsburgh.
Messrs. Schwako and Well returned from
Spirit Lako Wednesday, ,
Mr, and Mr. Frank E. Gregg aro home
from their mountain trip,
Mn. D. Winnott has been ontrtnlnlng Miss
Maud Hay ward of Omaha,
Walter Mellck, who is acting deputy sher
iff, Is only sixteen year old.
Charles Shelpor has gono in to Chicago and
will remain most ot tho mouth.
Mrs. Georgo Athman is entertaining Miss
Kate Miller ot Fort Leavenworth.
Mrs. J, W. Outright, wlfo of tho Calft city
editor, has been visiting in Omaha.
II. D. Hathaway' family havo gono to
Manltou for a summer recreation.
Remember thnt the Counixn Is nlways
glad to get social and personal now.
Miss May Manchester's friend, Miss Carter
orMadison, has gono to Sutton to visit.
Cqarlea Hall, ho ot range and stovepipes,
returned Tuesday from his eastern trip.
MisVwia Giles has returned from Omaha,
where uV'iad teen visiting several week.
Mm Betj Rot Springfield, III., thaguett
(ndrs, WwsTWSvyer, has returned home.
Bnro cAjiflW Is visiting in Indiana.
Al rr.:riavj"r .i;Auurnea irom lecumsen.
0cf Jinjge u' to Max Westerman's
place a WJrotSMn01' riuraner, Perry &
co. t('r" iv'
Paul biu cone to Omaha to take a
place with the Nebraska Electrio Light com
Mr. odd Mrs. J, W. Hoffaan havo gone to
Clear Lake, Iowa, a Methodist camp-meeting
place. 1
Mla Maud Heath, the guest of her tlster.
Mr. O. II. Randolph, ha returned to South
lienu, ma.
Joe Imhoff and hi friend, Mr. Simmon of
Philadelphia, have gon6 to vUit Mr. Russell
at Minneapolis,
Mr. and Mr. C. Richardson started Mon
day for n trip on the great lakes, going by
way or uuiutn.
A. O. Carper ot the B. & M. up-town office
enjoyed a visit this wetk from Ed. L. Parsons
of Burlington, Iowa.
B. B. Ellis ot the German National bank
his gone to hit old home at Bradford, Pa.,
and may not return.
Deputy Land Commissioner Carter and
family, who attended the Long Pine chautau
qua, are home again.
W. Mortou Bmlth of the Omaha JfrpuMf
cn bureau visited Sioux City on hit way
home from Spirit Lake.
Mr. C. A. Barnum and ton of Michigan
are visiting at E. J, Stover', in University
Place, and expect to remain during the winter.
Mr. Win. I), Asklun nnd Mix Lillian O.
llhode wero mnrrlcd Tuesday nt tho bride's
homo on O street by llov, P. B, Btoln.
llov, Lewis Gregory nnd sou nro on for n
month's vacation They go to tho Now Eng
land coat by way of tho Ht. Lawrence nnd
the Whlto Mountains. ,
Druggist Brow u writes of n great tlmo with
wife nnd daughter at Nantasket Itcneh. Ho
Is now nt his old home, Sidney, Maine, which!
110 li'tt so many years ngo.
Maj. Ntid Mrs. A. G. Hastings havo gono to
the Massachusetts shore for n long breath of
salt nlr. The major will attend tho supremo
council of tlio Scottish Hlto Masonry.
W. H, II, Stout captured tho contract for
supplying the brush to 1 Iprnp tho Missouri nt
Omaha. Ho will furnish 0000 nr.ts nt 9M8
per yard, nnd thinks that Is "just n stnrter,"
O. T. Martin, representing tho People'
loan and building association of Mlnncno1ls,
Is In the city organising n branch board to
take chargo of Nebraska business for his com
any. Tho Misses Tntum of Omaha and Miss
Forbes of Chicago nrrlred In tho city Thurs
day evening and will spend several weeks
visiting in Lincoln, tho guest of Mrs. W. D.
Mr. nnd Mrs. O.M, Hands' now daughter
wns ulven tho pretty nnino of Maraucrlto.
and tlit llttlo ono has decided to keep it for
life, having thriven wonderfully wollunderlt
for tho )nt month.
ExClinncellor Mnnntt, tho now consul to
Athens, ha returned to Lincoln to prcpnro
for tho trip to tho classic shores ot Greece. It
It not decided yet whether his family will no
company him orliot.
U. C. llurr Is minus his dog. Tho nnlmnl
mounted It kennel nnd jumped through the
stable window. Tho chain was not long
enough to let him down to tho floor, and tho
dog naturally hung himself.
D wight N. Lewis, stenographer for rnllwny
commissioners, Dts Moines, Iown, guest of
his hi others, L nnd Will E, Lewis, wns given
n reception Saturday evening by Mr. nml
Mr. W. M. Frlel nt their pleasant homo on
Miss Minnlo Gnjlord, who hndbocii spend
ing three weeks nt Wnterloo, Iowa,, has gono
to Chicago for two weeks and will also visit
relative In Northern Indiana before her re
turn. Two or threo partle wero glvon for
her In Wnterloo, nnd sho hid n delightful
visit. Sho nlso took n prominent part In two
musical entertainments.
With tho ndvent nnd return of tho crent
Forepnugh shows may also bo looked for tho,
over-welcome nml smiling countenance of
Fred Lawrence, tho versatile prom agent,
whoso regular visits ahead of this grand ag
gregation of talent nnd curiosities nro nlwaj
Interesting alike to business manager and cd-.
Itor. Lawrcuco Is n hall fellow well met, al
ways ready to crack n joko or turn a dollar,
cither for Law renco or F01 cpaugh, tho latter,
however, always being first in his mind. Ho
has Itecu In tho business long enough to know
how to "work" tho press, nnd there Is not
n not her man In the "perfesh" thnt got moro
kind words or stands better among tho quill
driving fraternity than ho. He will , be n
welcome guest In Lincoln.
Fancy Trimming Silks will go on sale Mon
day morning nt 8 o'clock nt W) cents a yard.
Regular price tl. Ashby & Mlllspaugh.
Buy your coal ot the Whitebreast Cdnl and
Lime Co., nnd it will always bo,
full weight, best quality nnd nt right prices.
If you havo a dress to make over attend
tbesaloof Fancy Trimming Silks Monday
morning nt 8 o'clock nt Ashby & Mlllspaugh's.
Tho best place In tho city of Lincoln to get
good board is at Brown's cafe. You havo a
great variety to select from and tho prices aro
Ladles and gentlemen using flno stationery
and wanting tho most correct paers as used
In New York should examine tho now stock
just received by tho Counmi.
The choicest brand ot cigars, tho finest
fruit nnd confectionery nnd tho vnrlou flnv
ors ot pure Ico cream may bo found at Mor
ton & Lelghty' now store, 1130 N street.
Thcieare just n few of tho handsomest
white embroidered suit in Lincoln left at
Foreman & Crowe's. It w HI pay you to look
at them, as tho season Is lato and you can buy
them at your own price
The reason there aro so many widows In
Lincoln it duo lo tho fact that tho ladles all
eat Quaker Outs, and tho men do not. You
never sea snakes nfter eating Qunker Untt.
Brothers, look to your live: Eat Quaker
Oats and keep tho creo veil oil jour widow.
, Emily "It Is delightful to feel that ono Is
so nenr home. Wo ought to sight Sandy
Hook this afternoon." Dora "Shall we!
How delightful! Don't tell mo which he is.
Ifnn always pick cut a Scotchman out of n
hundred they look so healthy. They eat
Quak'er Oats."
We have a largo stock of Canopy top Sur
reys, Phntons, light buggies, etc., ou honl
and aro making ery low prices on nil our
work. If you nro contemp'utlug the pur-cr-ase
of a carriage of any kind, como and seo
us. V ill take your old buggy in exchange at
it fair cash value, Camp Brothers, corner
10th nnd M.
Real estato values in LfncolU are ilirn.
Mark that down for a fixed fact. Threo
tchool lots at Eighth and J street sold at
auction tho other evening tor (5,82.1, and it
wasn't n very good day for lots, cither. When
loU in a not partlculntly desirable, location
bring nemly two thousand dollars under tho
hammer it look very much n though thcro
was solid value In Lincoln dirt.
Send the nnmes ot your friends in tho Ea
whom you wish to visit you, or who are seek
ing new locations, to J. R Buchanan, Gen'l
Passenger Agent of the Freemont, Elkhorn
& Missouri Valley R. R. Co., Omaha, Neb.,
that he may send them information relative to
tho "One Faro Harvest Excursions" which'oc-,
cur August Gth and 20th, September 10th and
3Jth, and October 8th. octl
The newspaper made the community tired
by their exhortations to "remember the un
dertakers' convention" and other llko weary
some admonitions. There was no sense or
humor in it, and the reiteration was silly. If
theM) papers hail had tho good ot tho public
at heart they would have advised tho people
to remember Hallett when in want of jewelry
or anything in the line of silverware, becauso
Hallett has a big stock to select from ana is
an honorable dealer. The Coumkr urge
people to Remember Hallett.
The Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley
R, R. and tho Sioux City & Pacific R. R.
the "Northwestern Line," will sell ticket
from all stations on their line at One Fare
for the round trip for the National G. A. R.
Reunion at Milwaukee. Comrades and other
dceirlng to charter sleeper should make. ar
rangement ut once. Through coaches will
run from important station to Milwaukee via
Chicago without change. Call ou G. N. Fores-
man, agent, Lincoln, or write J. H. Uacitau
an, G. P. A., Omaha, Neb., for further in
formation, augSO
A Woman's Chance to Marry
At the Age of Twenty to Twenty-five Years is 52 per Cent,
And a man's chance to purchase a Summer Coat and Vest of any description- of us.
now at 33 per cent reduction was never better. There's no doubt but what vc
supply the greater portion of the Lincoln populace with their Clothing, Hats,,
and Furnishings and the fact that trade is constantly increasing is somewhat sur
prising at this season of the year, but due probably to the several trade stimulators
we introduced in all our departments in the way of reductions, that arc counted!
genuine bargains. Think of it; then come in and sec the Hats we offer next week,
at $1.98. Choice of any stiff hat in our store at that price. Tennis Blazers and
Neckwear prices cut plumb in two. Children's Clothing at prices that will please
mothers and tickle the little fellows. Mark this and if you don't need an elegant:
suit, pass it to your neighbor.
Choice of any Spring Suit in our store from $14 to $20, this week' at .
bbbbbbbsSbwHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Bfl
IIPfvisTawLiifl gfH , SHg - wf (WLMJmBmmfm
ulBBBBBiinrkr1 bbbbbbbbbbbI t ?iPg,aCTFif73llaM
i HsjgaansMBPppiisiii Ibbbbbbbbbbb1 ( jBHBSESSSe33B VH
IlLlBir: TjtBBlBBtiBBBBr HHiSaBSll
Curtain Desks from $27 to $84.
211-213-216 .South Eleventh. Street.'
$13.99. $13,99.
Men-Attention !
ONLY $36 OO.W-
- It J '
-.... -
103 1
!I ts
lUUiSi'ili.'ii'Miti iii'i liS
znnavuummfmrtt'!v.izp;(iy 11 yjfr