Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 03, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Roberts & Co,
212 North nth Street,
Undertakers e andoEmbalmers.
Telephones. Ofllce 145. Residence t 56
Open Day nnd Night.
E. T. ROBERTS, Manager.
Over a Million Distributed.
Louisiana State Lottery Comn'y.
Incorporated by tlio legislature for Kdu--cat
tonal nnd Charitable purposes, nnd 11m
t rnnchlso made 11 part of tlio present stnlo
constitution In 187U by nn overwhelming pop
ulnr voto.
.place Semi Annually (June and Decem
ber), and Its Grand Single Number Draw-
ings take place in cacu 01 me outer icn
inonths of the year, and are nil drawn In
public, at the Academy of Music, New
Orleans, La.
fami:i Fiiu rrwKNTV yiiaki. ir
Integrity of It limning,-unit Prompt
1'n) nir 111 or rnzes, luicsicu us ioiiown;
"Wo do hereby cortlfy Hint wo supervise
tho arrangements ror uu inn .moiuiiiv iiiiu
Homl-Aiinuul Drawings of Tho Ixulslnnn
fitnlo Iittcry "oinpany, nnd In person lniin
rtgo mid control tho llmwlngs thomsolves,
ond that tho HAiun nro cotiduated with hon
esty, fairness, nnd In good fiitth toward nil
parties, nnd wo nuthorizo tlio Company to use
AUIs cortlllcnto. with fiio-slmlllcs of our Blgna
ires nltnaliod, In Its advertisements."
Wo, tho undorslKiiod Hanks nnd Hankers
wilt pny nil prizes drawn In tho Louisiana
Btnto 1ottorloH, which inny bo presented at
,our counters.
It. M. WALMHLKY, I'rcs't Loulsnnn Nut Il'k
PIKItltB LANAUX, lre.tnlo Nntlonnl Il'k
A. HALDWIN, l'res. Now Orleans Null Ilnnk
OAIILKOIIX. I'rcs. Union Nntlonnl Ilnnk
Grand Monthly Drawing
At the Academy of Marie, New Orleans,
Tuesday, August 13, 1880.
Capital Prize, $300,000.
100,000 Tickets at 20cnch: Ilnlvcs 10j
tcrs, $5; Tenths, sj; Twentieths l.
1 IMUZK OKI 100,000 Is
i piti.n ok iioo.oo) is
ii'iu,i:or go,oodu
l i'kizk ok ar s in
SIMtlZKSOK 10.0UO nro
fi IMtl'KH OK 5.000nro
2.U'IU'KHOK 1,(100 nro
woPKiznsoK Monro
uoo l'ltr.KH OK am nro
GOO l'KlZKH OK 3)0 are . ..
100 Prizes of $VW aro
100 do. X)aro ,
100 do. SOOnro
Tkiiminai. Piiizks.
, 23,0011
,. 7),000
,. :w,ooo
. 20,000
. $00,000
do lOOnrc
do 100 aro
3,1.14 Prizes nmoiintluK to si,054,hoo
Notk Tickets drawing tho Cnpltnl Prizes
nro not entitled to terminal Prizes.
W- KorCluh Itntes or any other desired
.information, wrlto legibly to tho undorslgncd,
clearly staling- your residence, with Stnte,
County, Street nnd Numbor. More rapid re
turn mall delivery will hu assured by our en
.closing nn Envelope bearing your full ad
Addros's M.A.DAUPHIN,
Now Orleans, I.a.
Washington, D. C.
Hyordlnnry letter containing Money Or
ulnr issued by all Kinross Companies, Now
York Uxchango, Draft or Postal Note
Address Registered Letters containing
Currency to
New Orleans, La.
REMEMimil that tho payment of tho
Prizes Is guaranteed by Four Nntlonnl Hanks
.of Now Orleans, and tho tickets nro signed by
the President of nn Institution, whoso char
tered rights nro recognized in tho highest
courts; theroforo, bownro of nil Imitations or
anonymous schemes.
ONKDOLLAIt Is tlio prlconf tho smnllrst
part or fraction of n ticket. ISSUED HY UH
In nny drawing. Anything In our nnmo of
fored for loss than n Dollar Is n swlndl
Philharmonic Orchestra
Room 10, Opera House Block
Buildings completed or lu course of erection
Irom April 1,1880:
lluslnes block. O E nntgo-nery, ltth and N.
do do L W IMllngslcy, 11th near N.
Restaurant (OdelU) O B Jlonigomery, N near
Residence, J J ImhorT, J and 12th.
do J D Macfarlaud, (J and 1 4th.
do John Zehning, Upnd Uth
do Albert Watklns. I) bet 0th and 10th.
do Win M Leonnid. K bet 0th and 10th.
Jo K It fluthrle, Wth nnd N.
do J E Heed, M l, V bet 16th and 17th
do I. O M Ualdwln. O bet 18th and 18tli.
hteJltartiun building at illlford. Neb,
Flret liaptiat church, Uth and K streets.
ortuary oluljl unJrdOillai tomb at Wyuka
Room; 33 and 34
Hioharda Bloolc
One) of David Iter's Queer I'.sperle nces la
81. Prtendiarg.
I&isrclal Corrmpondenco.)
New Yoiik, Aug. 1. At the time when
tho grunt Russian statesman, Nikolai
Aloxeluvitch Mllutlno (thu chief ugent
iu bringing nbout tho sorf emancipation
of 1601), wni Ural nttnckctl by tho dlsenao
which proved fatnl to him uouio years
Inter, his nlllcial residence nt St. Peters
burg was thronged for several days to
gether by nntlvo grnndcoa of overy class,
.ill engor to leiirn which wny tho chnnccs
of life nnd death woro likely to turn in
tho easo of u man whom tunny of thorn
loved and inoro of thoin feared, nnd
whoso vncnnt pluco not n fow among
them would have been very glad to (111.
It wns nt this tltno that I, luippenlng to
bo staying in tlio house, met with nn ad
vonturo thnt would Imvo tnmlo an ad
mirable "stngo situation" for ono of tho
comediosofHcriboorDtituas tho younger.
Running briskly down stain ono morn
ing to 6tnrt out for my early walk, 1 on
countered it man who was coming up so
hurriedly that beforo 1 could stop myself
wo ran right into each other. Tho stran
ger a man of middlo age, whoso broad,
heavy, rather sullen faco was framed In
a pair of long grayish brown fildo whisk
ers woro the uniform of n Russian naval
officer, but tlu Increasing coi pulcnco of
his short, thick sot tlgure and tho dull,
shortsighted look of his large gray eyes
(in ono of which wan stuck a gold rim
med eyeglass) were anything butsalldr
As wo clashed together he growled out
something that sounded not nt nil liko n
blessing, but I Hew past before ho could
finish and reached tho foot of tho stairs
just in time to collide with another man,
younger and taller than the last, whoso
thick cavalry mttstacho and firm, hnnd
boiuo, sun browned '.ice harmonized
well with Ids drev- .-llvo green unl
form nnd (.H .... ! 'r- of a Rus
sian general.
I was just beginning to npologlzo,
when ho caught mo by tho arm and said,
iu a tone of undisguised anxiety:
"Do you know how Nikolai Alexelo
vltcli (Nicliolat. tlm eon of Alexis) is this
"A llttlo better," answered 1, and
passed on.
I arrived at tho front door just at tho
right moment for n third collision with
another visitor who was just entering
n tall, stately, very handsome man hi
the gorgeous uniform of tho Russian im
perial guard, with a troubled, weary
look in lits largo, lustrous eyes, nud a
visiblo tingo of gray in his short, dark
brown liuir.
I apologized for tho accident, but ho
was apparently in such a hurry to pass
in that ho hardly noticed mo. But I had
noticed him sufficiently to remark tho
closo resemblauco of his face to a por
trait familiar to all Russia, and 1 began
to havo a dismal suspicion that my hav
ing bumped against him in this way wns
neither more nor less than high treason I
This suspicion was changed to certainty
on my return from my walk, when M.
Milutino's son nnd heir, Vury (George),
a sharp, littio 10-year-old (who has slnco
had somo stranga adventures iu Contrnl
Asia), told me, as well as ho could speak
for laughing, that tho three men whom
I had jostled so unceremoniously were
tho czar's eldest brother, tho Grand Duko
Constantino (lord high admiral of Rus
sia), liis second brother, tho Grand Duko
Nicholas, commander-in-chief of tlio
Russian army, and last, but certainly
not least tho czar hlmsclfl
A fow years later, I was tolling this
story to somo frionds in England, when
ono or them suddenly remarked: "Well,
it's odd that almost tho same thing hap
pened just tho other day to an old lady
that I know very well, who has lived a
good many years in Vienna. She's ono
of tho strong minded sort and dolights
in rambling nil nlono through tho most
cut throat slums of tho town, with no
weapon but a big cotton umbrella.
Ilowovcr, there's no fear of any man
molesting her, for tho mero look on her
faco when anything puts her out would
bo enough to scaro tho boldest thief who
over stolo a purse.
"Well, bIio was coming homo lato ono
evening from ono of these- adventurous
rambles of hers, whon thero suddenly
camo on such n tremendous pour of rain
that oven her trusty umbrella was not
proof against it, mid alio began to look
about for some place of shelter. Dy
good luck sho happened to bo closo to
tho arched gutoway of a concert hall,
whero somo famous singer of' tlio day
was giving an ovening performance; so
in sho went.
"Sho had hardly got Inside when sho
found that sho wus not tho only ono who
had run for tlio samo port. Three men
wcro crouching under tho archway who
seemed to bo oven worsoofT than herself,
for thero wasn't a single-umbrella nmong
thorn, nnd tho foremost of tho threo
whom sho could just uiako out in tho
dim light to bo nn old man witli a long
wliito beard was shivering liko a dog
tied up in a wet sack. So sho took pity
on him, nnd went up and offered him
her umbrella to go homo with, saying
that ho would certainly catch a very
bad cold if ho stayed whero ho was.
" 'Madam.' said tlio old gentleman with
a magnificent bow, "I would not for tho
world deprive a lady of her umbrella on
such a night as this, from any tsolllsh re
gard for my own personal comfort.'
"Tlio voico sounded familiar to her
(for sho know every ono nbout tho Aus
trian court), nnd when sho camo to look
closer at him, who should ho bo but old
King Ludwig, of Bavaria, Wagner's
friend (tlio "mad king," as tlioy used to
call him later on), and tho other two
wcro tho elector of Wurtcmburg and tho
Grand Duko of Baden t
"You may think what a lot of jokes
wcro made about "tho threo kings of
Cologne," nnd all that sort of thing,
when tho story got abroad noxt duy, and,
better still, ono of tho ultra Radical
Vienna pnjicrs unnounced that tho con
cert had gono oiT very well, but had
been slightly disturbed at ono oint by u
nobf mado In tho gateway by u lot of
kings nnd other low people who had con
gregated there.' " David Km
IiiiVfllng on Check.
1 ttltucssod n comedy enacted iu front of a
t'aentro n few evenings ng which, for a ills
play of rciiiiIuo ehwk, is worthy to l placed
on record. A gentleman on mo out nf ter tho
first net nud stnrted to go up streot, when a
handsomely dnwscd young fellow accented
"I bej? j our pardon, sir," ho snld, "but I
have lo'tt my door check, nud If you nro not
going to rotum would you Krmlt mo to use
The gentleman un golux to return, nud so
Informed tin individual, uho thanked him
Just us fervently ns if ho had leoolvodtho
check Tlio next goiitlouinu that camo nlnng
wns similarly accosted, nnd Iu gave tho fol
low his cheek
"Have y on a sent coupon ntso" asked tho
This wasnlnuMt too much.
"Yes, and hero's n clgnrottn to imoko bo
tMcoii tlio acts."
Tho cotions nnd clgnrotto were handed
over nud I followed tho fellow lusldo to ob
serve how ho succeeded. Ho passed tho door
nud tho usher seated him. I could not resist
tho temptation of Informing tho uinungor of
tho event,
"That bent anything 1 havo heard of," ho
said. "If ou know where tho fellow Is sit
ting I'll send him that bouquet," pointing to
a bunch of flowers resting on his desk.
Tho fellow w as located and nn usher enrried
down tho flowers. Tho man was not tho
slightest bit put out. Ho looked nt tho flow
ers, then at tho usher. Delllierntcly taking
n white roso from the bunch ho placed it In
tlio buttonhole of It's coat, nud Instructed
tho usher to return tho (lowers, ns ho was not
fond of them.
There Is uu old saying to tho effect that a
cheeky man generally succeeds. If this rulo
holds, that follow should somo day (111 tho
oxecutlvo chair at Washington. Ilrooklyn
Tim Thlrty-seroml Day,
On tho thirty-second day of tlio thirteenth month
of tho eighth day of thu week,
On tho twenty-fifth hour of tho slxtydmt minute,
we'll find all things thnt wo seek.
They aro tlicroln tho Umbo of Lollliop Innd-n
cloud Islntid resting In air.
On tho Nowhere side of tho Mountain of Mist In
tho Valley of Ovcrthere.
On thoNowhero sldoof tho Mountain of Mist In
tho Valley of Oterthcro,
On a solid vnxr foundation of cloud aro mlaws
grand and fair,
And there Li where- our drontns will coma true,
and tho seeds of our Iioihi will grow
Ontbo thitherward sldoof tho Hills of Hope, in
tho Hamlet of Hocus I'u.
On tho thitherward sldoof tho Hills of Hopo, In
tlio Hamlet of Hocus l'o,
Wo shall seo all tho things that wo wrnnt to too,
and know all wo euro to know;
For there tho old men will novcr lament, tho ba
bies they neer will squeak,
In tho Cross lload Corucrs of Chnosvllle, In tho
County of Hldeangoseek.
In tho Ctosj Coment of Chnom llle, In tho
County of Hldeangoseek,
On tho thirty-second day of tho thirteenth month
of tho eighth day of tho week,
Wo shall do all tho things that wo plcaso to do,
nnd accomplish whatever wo try
On tho sunset siioro of Bonietltneonithcr, by tho
beautiful Day of Ulmeliy.
-ti. W. I'oss In Yankoo Iltado.
Tho WIo Virgin.
Pcrdlta (heroically) I cannot, I will not
mnrry you, Alfred, ngaiust your mother's
Alfrod I wUh you wcro not so sensitive.
Perdita It is not ftecnuso I am sensitive;
It is becauso your fatner's estate Is left nt her
disposal. Life.
Lire's Ileal Kplsotles.
Jones Thero uro only two )eriods in a
mail's life when hu Is groutly Interested hi his
personal npiearance.
Bmlth When do thoy occurf
Jones Ono Is nt 20 when ho watches tho
hnlr coining out of his upper Up, nnd tho
other Is at 40 when ho wutches tho hair
coming out on tho top of his head. Omaliu
A Possibility Might Arise.
A physician says: "Olrls In feoblo health
should tnko a tramp through tho woods or
fields every day." But supjioso a tramp
should object to being taken through tho
woods or llelds every day by girls hi feoblo
hcaltuf Diugtiuiiitou Republican.
They All I)u It.
Visitor at Kindergnrtcn School Children,
your teacher has asked mo to say a fow words
to you. How hhnll I begin?
Pupil on tho Hack Seat Just as thoy all
do "when I was n boy." Burlington Froo
A Foregone Conclusion.
Young Doctor Well, I've got n caso at
Young Lawyer Glad to hear It Whon
you get him to tho point w hero ho wants a
will drawn, telopuono over. Life,
Gcmilno Cut Ilutos.
Squareprlco What nils your fncol Looks
liko you hnvo boon toying with barbed wire.
Savcjicniiy No, I am patronizing tho now
fivo cent barber shop. Qot cut rates thero,
you know. Omaha World.
A Joko Within a Joke.
Togg Isn't it detrimental to your health
to writo k many Jokes I
Bragg (a humorist) Oh, no, tho readers
dou't know who writes them, you see.
Yankee Blado.
Concealing tho Truth.
Miss Houlor And pray toll mo truly, pro
fessor, what do you think of my voice!
Professor Excuse mol, mademoiselle I
positivooloo could not bo so incourteous.
Moruli Don't Kut Them.
Ono groat drawback to llfo at Pittsburg U
tho fact that you can't toll whether you have
!opperod your egg or uot until you havo
tasted it, Time.
All Honest Mull.
Clauilo Did you over cheat at cards!
Richard N, I am near sightod. Tho
Children Cry for It.
A milk shuko Weaning tho baby. Lynn
Not Knougli to (let u Squure Mont.
A round sum a penii' . Lowell Courier.
'To our Frirnds
You are
highest style
Miss Ethel Howe.
Teacher of Singing
Room 131 Burr Block.
Hours, 10 A. M. to 6 P. M.
Palace Bath Shaving
Ladies - and Children's - Hair - Cutting
HomcBopathist Physician,
Telephone No. G8;
(n South uth Street, Li.v ln Nku
We are the Leading Carriage Manufacturers !
Our Stock is very Complete and Prices are Low.
Come and See us. Old Buggies taken in Exchange for New Ones.
Telephone 664.
Capital City
Lincoln Arvb,, July
Having been asked repeatedly why
we did not handle the better grades and liner qualities of
Correspondence Papers and Fancy Papetries, we have
placed on sale the finest line of those goods ever brought
to Lincoln.
The stock comprises the best makes, including Whi
ting's celebrated papers and in quantities to suit the pur
chaser, viz.: from a quire to a ream.
The very latest styles are now all in and some of the
finest novelties ever seen in the city can be found in our
.new stock.
invited to call while the assortment is com
Very Respectfully Yours,
Ussl priptir; Qo.
P. S. We are prepared to furnish
with Monograms, Crests, and other dies,
of the engraver's art.
Steam and Hot Water
i 'VH 7
, rtOO-
n grerA,
KMM. n 1 1 h -
Miwiii ".?""AMi'
is, iSSg.
these papctries
etc., all in the
KLI a. .?. T-.-XI-lZ1
, h- .
Telephone 536. 215 S. Eleventh St.
Cor. Tenth and M Sts.