Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 03, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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y"rfrni ''
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q tfsw''wqr 'WTyB ; V'3iwMWtfgK'a
BiMMtfajS.ia w istini'iii iiinin'linWin s! mi mm
PPPPipipi f J il;V'!;frW ' 'VWfJ' - T- 'w
4 ,
; i
Bound to Take the
Do not fall to ore thorn before buy
Ing. Also my tin; of
936 1 Street. North Side V, O. Square.
Cushman Park!
The Grand Musical Entertainmet
ClVOUlyCUUTICi:.tTHKtltH, will bo tlio
concert of all concerts, both vocal, orchestra
nnd burnt. 8UJNOU UKNltl MAHTINI will
appear with bin own selections.
ltsinombor trains leave nt 0;30 it. in., 2;!W
p. in. nml 0:00 p, in. Return nt 10:30 n. in. 2s50
. m.,5i20p, in. nml 8.00 p. m. Hound trip
rnllrona ticket 91 cent; concert tickets 10
One-Quarter to
In orvler to clote
out our itock of
Single - Generator
flaonlinn Cattqo
We will give tf off for Cash until closed
1242 0 St.
I e will have on Sale (or this week Only
a Fast
Black Hose
( Full Regular and warranted at 25o.
We have only a limited stock ot these
goods, and as they cannot be replaced to
' sell for less than 40 cents, they will not
last long.
Wc have just.recelved a fresh lot of
our Great Bargain
" Ribbed Vests,"
at 15C worth much more.
N We have the finest line of CAMBRIC
wide ever shown in the City. Cull and
tee them. The latest novelties In our line
received dally,
D3 S. Eleventh St.
misviv At 1 ice mow
aeocmiHHiii ur birsHEADr.
Work 1 1 8lnen wanted
ro territory. Fns trip
Uve workers.
workers. UanamlUled
aWsniSjits.. A
aiMiea in-
A l)ttar ltrof Motif rn Timn.
Sl'tiscnimuHl Otis Yearly Mall or Carrier $i,00
Hlx month, $1,00, Three months M Cents, Omi
month UO Out Invarably In Advance.
UivsnTisswcNTsi llatrs furnished on nppllcttUn
nt tint office. Hpeclnl rales on Time Contracts.
OoNTninirrioiisiRliortsploy sketches, nwiii and
stories mllcltid, Personal nml Boclal noli' are
rixcliitlj" desirable.
I'nlNTiidi We make a specially of Finn Printing
InallltshriuoliM. Hioluty work a specialty
Address All comminnontloiif direct to ths olllco.
WiCNNici., Pkintinq Co.,
Now llnrr lllocU, Cor. 12tli nml O Hlrcr.
Ij. Wkhhkl, Ju., Kdltor nml Bolo I'roprlutor.
Kiikh IIknzinoku, Associate- Kdltor,
'The Courier" nt tlin Itesorts.
Persons leaving tho city for tho summer
cnu Imvo TlIK CoUHIKH sent them without
extra charge. In ease of changes of location
during tlin absence from home, tho nddress
...lit lui mIi,...! tfli.titiiv... il.alt.i.l This mi
piles to present nnd now subserlliers. Itnvo
tlio UouniKU follow you ns n menu oi Keep
ing posted on homo nITnlrs. Its weekly up
IK'iiiiiucm will prove inoro InUrestlng thnn n
Tkk hospital for Incurnhlo insane nt Hast
ing Is rondy for use, mid forty pntlonts Imvo
been tnlton to It from Lincoln,
Cuhtkh county presents n caudidato for re
gent of the Htnto University tu tho person of
J. U II. Knight nml will push htm for tho
Kopubllctin tinmiuntlou.
TlIK Inst legislature forgot to Include tho
new county of Thurston In n Judicial district.
Attorney Qcuornl Leoso rule that It should
licloug to tho seventh district.
TlIK bank oxnmlneni found n branch bank
nt Oumlm nnd another nt South Omnhn doing
business on tho credit of their pnrout bonk.
The branch Institutions woro orderotl to put
up or Mint up.
Tiik Nebrask i Ui'i oommUilon will erect n
new $1,1100 hntohery building at South Uond.
IthninUoonlerodnciroxt'u IJ.UOJ to bo
cxpK'liilly coutti'iite 1 for 1 10 traiiiporUtlou
of fltli and ipawu.
The prohibitionist of Ltncniter ouuty
will Imvo a convention Au. 13 tu lay out a
plunof ciimpiljii. Tlii)lltlolnui uod not
gtoxoltcd JaJt yet. The prontbi. will not
uomlimto cniidlitnte.
Tiik governor' life I not one of uunlloyod
blliu. The South Omihu puckers ntked him
to enforce n ipjiriintluo ajulintdlsetuoil Tex
as cattle, Then the South Onmha pucker
changed their mliuU, but tho governor U Uik
lug time to study tho problem.
Tiik mrgeiiut-ntnriiis of tho Into Senate,
Cnpt, E, C, rnrklusou, wn In tho city the
other day on his way to Portland to net ns
pension examiner. Not being able to get nil
assignment to Nebraska ho went by prefer
ence to tho noi th west, w hero ho has n brother.
A UKPOHTKH who lind asked Secretary of
Stute L.w if ho was a candidate for tho Re
publican gubernatorial nomination received
(his answer: "I Imvo never announced my jlf
as such, ami have no reason to think at this
time that I will. You may print this as a
disclaimer It you wish to."
Mkudkus of tho Nebraska leglslatuie arc
In clover. Hon. A. U. Bull of Tecumsoh, ap
pointed timber agent of tho general land of
fice, was In Washington the other day to get
his instructions. Ho was given his cholco ot
tho Dlack Hills, Arizona or Washington terri
tory, and inclined to th latter.
Tiik bard of traiujiortatlon bos ordered
the railroads to reduce tholr coal rates from
forty o fifty -five por cent. Shipment of
ccal between points within the state are al
most as scarce as hen1 teeth, but tho politi
cians must have a chance to relievo them
selves of buncombe occasionally.
Tiik prohibitionists aro laying plans to cap
ture the Republican ttato convention and ln
ject a satisfactory plank into the platform.
The antis apeak ot It as a rule-or-rulu ollcy,
but to a fair-minded man it looks as though
the prohlbs., it in the majority, had a right
to their say. This is a laud of majorities.
Mb. Knowitall liaa another newspaper
scheme on foot. According to him the Dem
ocrats tried first tu lease tho A'eics for tlve
years. Failing in that, they then undertook
to buy the Coil bocauso It has an associated
press franchise. This veracious authority
bad the prohibitionists after the Cull u short
time ago. It is about time tho proprietors of
that paper had a chance to say something
about It.
The pajorn have announced tho incorpora
tion of tho Omaha, Lincoln & Gulf railway.
Tho Roclc Island is said to be behind it. It Is
only n question ot time when that road m ill
build a lino through Lincoln to connect with
Its Denver line, probably at Falrbury.
Among the Incorporators aro D. Sllloway of
tho Murray hotel at Omaha and George A.
Wolkup, who Is interested in tho packing
business at Hutchinson, Kansas.
Ladouchkuk, tbo editor ot London Truth,
got off mother of bis sensible remarks the
other day, In discussing Vic's request for
another aUowauce for another of her iiumer
our descendants be said that public opinion
was making strides towards the universal ac
ceptance ot the principle that the sovereign,
like tbo head ot any otbor family, ought to
provide for her children. This sentiment was
shocking to English oars, but it sounds like
good sense to Americans.
Thirty Vrum Ago lloup Hint n I'rorinlmi
if I'rlniiiry Color Wcro tlin Proper
Tliloit I'm II Wrupa nml Itldliiff llulilts
Thru nml No,
(Brlal Correspondence,!
Nkw Yoiik, Aug. 1. How grntoful
wo should bo tlint 1 1 loso who got up tho
fmililon wont linclc to dlrcotolro days
for tho prcticnt inodoH, nnd did not top
nt 1800 for tho Rtylcfl which woro then
In vogttul I enmo ucross noino fashion
bookii of those l;i,v, nml tho pictured in
them tiro onougli to ninltc ) our hnlr
ntnuil on end I Iiojhi I nhull die lioforo
fiiRliInu got around to tlioin again. I
prcHont two of tho otylos of thoso days
in contrnst to thonoof todny, bo Hint If
thoro nro nny persons now living who
Insist that "old times woro hotter thnn
tho nuw," thoy tuny look nt them nnd
forever after hold tholr pence.
1'AI.I. COSTUMIM 1800 AND 1889.
Ill reading tho hooks over wc llnd in
the resume of fashions for the month
that "all tlin brightest of tho primary
colors nro worn," mid ono silk street
gown of astonishing proportions is of
Solfcriuo (n bright crimson) silk with
purple flounces in festoons, "n very nt
trnctlve combination." tho book Bays.
Another gown, that certainly must Imvo
required forty ynrds of silk in tho
making, is of "royal purplo silk with
inlet, fan liko gores of emerald silk,
headed by rosettes of green nnd purplo."
It is distended by nn enormous hoop.
"A graceful nnd nttructlvo full wrap,"
which is reproduced here, is Hindu of
n.uro liltiOHlik trimmed with black vel
vet, In Grecian pattern, nnd worn over
a black silk dress, with n blue bonnet to
"correspond" with tho clonk, with "ar
tificial (lowers In tho cup." Tho pretty
fall milt of today opposite this ono,
which looks like the groat bell of Mos
cow, Is of soft gray cashmere, with
braiding of silver and a darker idindo of
gray, a vest of white surah and a jacket
of flno striped chovlot, gray nnd fawn.
A glanco at tho difference In tho fash
ion of riding habits hero presented also
gives a few cause) of thankfulness. To
day tho habit Is trim, snug, with no su
perfluous length or breadth of skirt to
tanglu or flap nbout a horso'a legs, nor
petticoat or hoops to catch on the saddle
horn and drag a woman to death, as
often happened in those days. Indeed
how they ever managed to ride in thoso
ungainly clothes I don't see.
And, besides, 1 think our stylo of
writing fashion letters is better than
theirs was, and otTcr, that every ono
may judge, a paragraph descriptive of
that surprising riding habit:
"Gray cell like hat, tho brim trimmed
with gray velvet and trimmed with
tuftH of. curled ostrich fcathors of two
shades, ono light and one dark. Veil of
green gauze. Dress of green ladles'
cloth, embroidered with black edging.
High neck waist, opened at the top nnd
showing a small frill: short straight
collar: small basque, well adjusted.
Long sleeves, with clbows'unil half flat
with rounded corners at the end. Tho
waist, tho sleeves and tho pockets of tho
skirt ornamented with a Hungarian liko
drawing in edging. On tho left sido it
(son tho right In tho picturo n hook
descends, composed of crochet like
ornaments In gimp and edging, which
helps raising the skirt when tho rider is
not on horseback."
Tho Indy of tho trailing robo wears her
hair in n Ioomi pulled arrangement, and
has gauntlet gloves and goodness knows
how many petticoats, whllo now tho
newest styles are for a lady to havo ev
erything snug and trim. Tho rider of
today wears hor hair braided and fast
ened tightly, and n Derby or high hat is
held by an clastlo passing under tho
hair. No jewelry, no whlto Bhlrt fronts,
no fancy neckties nro to bo seen. A neat,
plain linen collar and cuffs, dark gloves,
rather loose, aud a whip aro her adorn
ments. Alt her underwear Is snug and
no corsets aro worn. Tho boots aro or
dinary walking style, and tho trousers
nro strapped down. Tho skirt has tho
least possible fullness, and has dart
seams, which are taken in whllo tho
young lady is seated on her saddle. Tho
opening is closed by means of a tly, with
flat buttons under
er it.
- s -
r $ltim (III
If It m 'Mr 1 tm.
niDI.NO I1ADIT3 OF 1800 AND 1830.
1 really hnto to confess It, but I know
that about a year ngo 1 condemned tho
Bcnntiiicss of tho present stylo of riding
dresses and praised tho grace of the long,
(lowing robo. It Is novor too lato to
mend, nnd, besides, I hadn't tho contrast
so vividly before 1110, so now I tako It all
back nnd declare unequivocally la favor
of tho safer, neater style of today,
Olive Uauter.
The ln who boos to colloif, yet who knows
Just what to do
With veiretable-innrrownnd with cockr-looky
Whoonn niusonn tho dlnnmma or nuopliol-
Yet never ho unmindful that tho porrlilRO pot
Is on,
The girl who's up In puddliiK. In plos nnd
Who ran riimpoiimt n umvy or confound
church heretics,
Tntkrluhl feellnnly of Henol or knowingly of
And yet tio with hireookory-book ns dcoply
Tlioinnlilnn whofl'in elmriil you with Much
or Mendelsso'm
Knowswho'i tho moon's In npoec,rnii n nolo
And yet nan holl gutter (MM, knows whoti
n turnln's done.
Can mould tho restful itotwhnitt nnd tho fes
tive currant bunt
And tin niMhoni'itlo mnldon who can criti
cise, T.finlACP,
Or whoso ohomloal doxtorltv ein nnulyro n
can nlo sew n button where n button
nnnht to ho
And. If needful, wletd tho duster nnd tho
broomstick sklllfullvj
And sho tho host nnd doarcst whoso native
common jono
r.schowcth loo cream htnndlshmout, cat
(Jifcifcrr Oil nt smnll nxiwnse,
,Whn nuntotliMn Lowls, goes "early to hor
Andrlseth Inthoinomlni? with n eloar nnd
cheerful bend."
Convenient Mnthots, flnoil Bull, l'uro Wn-
Irr nnd lCxritllent 01 1 mute
Are advantages to 1k considered when look
Imr no n home, business location, farm, etc.
West Virginia, Maryland and tho Shenando
ah Vnllev. Virginia. nfTortls theso with many
mom advantages. .No section of tho United
Stntes offer superior oporttinltlo, nnd per
sons seeking n now homo should exnmlno
theso BtntoR hofore deciding nn n location
elsewhero. Improved farm lnnds adapted to
stock raising, dairying, grain, grans and fruit
growing can be obtained nt law prices nnd
mwii easy terms. Thriving towns Invito tho
inerchant.ineebanlo nnd business man. Abun
dance of coal, tlmlior, ore, water power, etc.
1'Yoo sites for manufacturers.
Persons desiring further Information will
lie Answered promptly and freo of charge by
M. V. Richards, Land and Immigration Ag't
H. & O. R. R llnltlmoro Md. 7-13-w4
Tho Union l'neiflc R'y takes pleasure In an
nouncing that it will run Harvest Excur
sions to Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah,
Idaho and Montana on tho following dates:
August 0th nnd COth, Sept. 10th nnd 24th,
nnd OctoW 8th. For theso occasions n great
reduction In rates hns Iksou made, thus giving
youn splendid opportunity to visit nearly
every plneo in tlin grent west. Do not miss It.
It affords tho business ibnn, stock rulscr, min
ing prosjiector and farmer nn unequaled
cluiuctt to seo tho unlimited resources of tho
western country. For ticket, rates, painpli
ets, etc., npplv to your nearest ticket agent.
(Oct. ft)
To Knhrlnm K. Meyers, iion-roldent de
lendnnt. . ., ,, ,
You will tnko notlco tbnt on tho 17th dny of
July, IM'i. Tahlen H. Potvln, p:.lntltr, tiled
his petition In tho lUstrlct court, Lancaster
Oounty.KehrBska.ngiilnst you, John k. Ilarr.
J. Krauk Ilarr. Annlo llnrr, A. C. llurr ami
William Henry Smith, llnrrclnlmliiR to
bo surety for you and said John K. llnrr,
and to establish his right to a certain nslgti
inent of iv Jiidument mado to him hy tho
iunoy Nnlfonal Hank or Qulncy, Illinois, in
nnnctlon In the district court of Liuienster
County. Nelirnskn, wherein tho Qulncy Na
tional llank was plnlntlir nml yourself nnd
John K. Ilarr, Katilen H. Potvln worodefen.l
nnts. nml tocstnhllHh his lien of said Judg
ment which ho pnld nr such surety upon iiiui
iigulnst hits nine, ten nnd eleven. (0. io una II)
In hloclc twenty-nine, (2U) nml .ols live, thir
teen, fourteen nml seventeen, (JJ. 13, Hand 17)
In block twenty-six, (91) nil In First Addition
to West Lincoln, and ulsn lots one, seen,
elKht nnd nine. (1,7,8 nml 0) In block two, (J)
In Imhoirs Addition to the city of Lincoln,
nnd also lot three, (S, In Iiloek clghty-elitlit,
(.) In the city of Lincoln, nnd tho west half
of the noulh-west inmrtcr or section iilno, (0)
township eight, (S) rnniio seven, (i) all In Lan
caster County, stiito ofNchraskn. to soil said
real estate nnd lots according to law, to pay
said Jiidgmcnt, Interest nnd cost, and claim,
nnd right or said Potvln, nnd to uiiply tlio
pniceeds thereorto tho payment or pliilntltl
linn nliillit ntlil llltlt.
"-. w" :.: .......i.i .i.
lnuuro reiiuiriNi io unswer .uum.iu !--Hon
on or lioforo tho lth dny or August, PW)
Lincoln, Neb., July IS.HS'J.
7-20-lt. ins Attorneys
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of an ngls
ter lien dated on tho Mh day of tebruary, 18MJ,
upon which there is now uue wie sum i ""';
ilefmilt having been made In the payment of said
ruiii, and no suit or other proceeding of law hav
ing been Instituted to recover said debt or any
part thereof, therefore I will boII thu property
therein described, vtis Onedark bay hontoahout
II hands high, white strip In face, Kycursoldand
weighing about lax) pounds, at pnblto auction at
tlin luimnf Milllklnllroa.. In the city of Lincoln.
In Lancaster county, oo the Mh day of August,
IUO.1'n ... tt Bftlll llltV. tfl Wl
said debt, Interest and all costs of these proceed
Uyl'ouMD lJuaa, attorneys.
l)ated Lincoln, Nebruskn, July IStb, 1S39,
Our Bargain Barrel has Capsized
We are not going to give goods away (on paper) but we have
Many Odds and Ends, Remnants, Etc.,
which we shall close out at very low prices even for this season. The earlier you
come the better you fare.
Remember the Place-it is the Boston Store,
Cor. ioth and N Streets. The Cheapest and Best Place in the State to Buy Dry Goods.
7X NEiAi
Shos Store
We tke pleasure to announce to the people
of Lincoln and vicinity that we will open a First
Class Shoe Store,
Tuesday, August 6th,
1225 0
and respectfully solicit part of your patronage.
Lincoln Savings Bank
Interest pnld on doposlts nt nny rate of n per
Hares to rent In burglar proof nnd lire proof
Monoy to lonn on renl estate nnd collateral. YOUR HAVINGS ACCOUNT BOLICITKU., a.p.h.stuaut, mcclay, n. welsh,
Prcs Idont. Vlco President. Trenmror. Teller
Neiirjsoolv sincl
S-wiss Plou.r)cirg;s,
In 22 and 45 inch widths is exceptionally large.
Wc show some of the finest goods imported in very handsome new designs.
The One Price Cash Dry
Ashby &
Doable Store Under Opera House.
and Safe Deposit Go.
0F STOCKHOLDERS, $000,000.
cent per nunum for all rull cnla'ndnr months
vaults, at iiununl rental or $.5 mid upwards,
Goods and Carpet House.
; t
wsi n.y.jim.y. iimi hs.iii