Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 03, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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    lrFqw' a3jwMn'f pEP T 'Tr T r--rTW""iT"
r-SifBiB'' fwyr mrryinmiWQ'WPi' HWftVi&&'t!ff't Wnu'jfy Wgmwfi'liWfjWPlPWW lUffWWWWVp '
1114 O street.
Axnmlno samples ot our work before
onlcrliiu elsewhere.
Cabinet Photograph! t educed (rom $4 to
$3 per ilocn.
Everybody to examine the
plans and standing of the Un
ion Central Life Insurance
Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio,
before insuring. It has the
lowest continuous death rate
of any company. Realizes the
highest rate of interest on in
vested assets which enables it
to pay large dividends.
Policies incontestibto a n d
non-forfoitablo after third year.
The Union Central issues
endowment policies at ordi
nary life rates; these policies
are now maturing and being
paid in from one to two years
earlier than time estimated by
the company. They protect
the family and estate during
the younger years of life, and
the insured in old age at regu
lar life rates. Other desirable
policies issued,
write for plans.
Call on us or
J, .If. KDMtSTOS, State Autnt.
0. L. MKSllWtt, Ant. State Autnt.
O. T. PUMVBLLW Cttv Solicitor.
lloom ! Hurr lllook,
ShuuUl call nn
see our Good
' Novelties
nud Ornaments
for the hcadv
All the latest
bancs In Rang
Switches, etc.
1114 0 St.
I can cheerfully recommena
Dr 8cth Arnold's Cough
belncnflrst-clsss remedv
r Coiishs shiI Colils. linv.
iBiuoUlt In in v own fnuillv
vrltli very great satisfaction.
L. II. Uuth, Dcs Moines,
DragRUU, 360., 0O0., nnd 11.00.
Will be under tho personal supervision of
H. L. LELXND, and will bo open for tho
reception of irueats, June first in each year.
Visitors will find
la llrai class in all of ita appointments, being1
well supplied with fras, not and cold water
baths, electrlo bells antf all modern lm
provataoats, sUaaa laundry, billiard hall'
bowline alley, etc , and positively free frc
taaoyaaoe by mosquitoes,
3ound tfrip Excursion tf tenets
will be plaoed oa sale at the eoasmenoement
of tho tourist season by tho Burlington.
Cedar Kaplds Xorthora JUUway and all
sMssettst lines, at low rates, to tho follow
law potato Us Zowa and Minnesota t Spirit
lS, Iowa: Albert Lea, WatarvlUe, Itinn
oapeUs, St.VauL iAkeltUnnetonka, White
Boar Lake and Xhdutfe. Minnesota: Clear
liOJM.iowa; uusoan
asatts Park and Mia
Lake. Iowa: Lake Superior points; Yellow
rite tar 'tA. Ivltdaui
Wrtto tor 'fA. Midsummer
kdts' to tho General Ticket and Pass-
Loko, lewa
j. 1 tJBP""1 " "" .
A $4, 100 DWELLING.
Ilgnil Inr Mr, ft, H. OltxMin. Urn
Known Arrliltnt.
Tlio Door plnu given hero linn n sldo tinll.
Whon tlio little !) nml girl rotno homo
from school thoy binv 1111110 In this wny tbnt
U tlio Idea of the ownT Thoy ran haug
their win p In tin' HiM'i or take tlicin up
stairs Tlio front hull U floored with hard
wood. Part of It I covered with ruRi.
Several little feet crossing over thU Iloor
would tunko It nwsisury for somo 0110 towash
Itnftor ocry such rformnneo, honco tlio
ilito entrance Tlio front Imll I rnthor largoi
It U n iplomllil room In It way
Thostalrwny I rich, thoro It n ticautlful
mantel in It Tlio utalrwny nt 0110 cud shows
up ulcoly from tlio front nud projects Into a
bay nt tlio sldo ThU plnn is cnpnblo of
being contracted Into n much smnllor houso.
Tlio room tiro largo, and altogether it Is on
qulta nn extensive scnle. It has been built
several tluins several sltctt smaller nnd nt a
much Ion cost. From tho largo ball 0110 can
go into tho parlor, sitting room nnd dining
Tlio pnntry, china closot and kltchon aro as
couvonlcntly fitted as tho experience of tlioso
Interested would suggest. Tho kitchens and
pantries of tho plans which havonppoarod
from tlmo to time havo boon fully described.
Tho Idea In nil Is tho wimo. Thu requlro
hionts nro no dllTorvut In an oxpotulvo houso
than in ono low oxwnlvo. Labor saving do
vices aro ovon more necessary In a cbcaior
houso tlinn In ono which Is inoro oxhmuIvo,
though It usually happen that tho owners of
moro oxponslvo buildings nro bettor prepared
to oqulp thouumlvM with n comploto arrange
tnent than those who havo to do with tho
moro modem structure.
Tlio Idoa In all those kltchon plans Is that It
ami IU annexes of china closot and kitchen
pnntry form tho workrooms of tho bouso, and
as such should bo treated fromn labor saving
standpoint. Tho saving of ono step in tho
porfortnsneo of a slnglo operation will savo a
hundred whou tho porf ornmnco of that opera
Hon Is multiplied by thu number. In ovory
kitchen thero should bo tho sink with tho tnblo
on ono stdo of It nud a drain board aud tablo
on tho other. Thoso should Ik) ndjnceut to tho
kitchen rango. In tho pantry shelves nud
drawers, a dough board aud a placo for a re
frigerator with drain connection to tho out
side and good veutllatlou aro desirable.
A very uico arrangement to ndd to an or
dinary panty Is n coolor sot bito tho wall
which projects to tho outside. It Is a lat
ticed box covered u Ith slats and wlro ou tbo
inside lu It may bo placod cooked food to
cool or food which it U desirable to Loop cool
during cold oathor, Tho slats protect tho
articles from view from tho ouUlde, nud tho
wlro tcreon protects It from UIos during tho
summer On tho insido is a door which separ
ates the cooler from tbo Insido of tho room.
Tho second floor arrangement of this
building suits tho requirements of tho pcoplo
who occupy tho houso. Au additional room
could bo provided In place of a store room,
and tho attic bo used tor that purpose. Tho
closets In ull rooms are of large slzo and tho
utlro arrangement liberal. Tho back bed
rooms aro nopuratod from those lu front.
Quito a chapter might be written nbout
attics. lu tho miuds of many housokooiwrs
an attto U "a place to put things." Often
times In houses which aro measurably well
cared for In tho lower floors tho attio Is In a
fearful stato of dlsordor
azcon BTORT,
This boose was contracted for In tbo vicini
ty of Indianapolis, Ind., at a cost of 84,100.
xcluslve of water, plumbing, mantel and
Kratea, eat fixtures and furnara. Oy a gen
era) redaction Is size and a simplification of
details and toe use of soft rather than bard
treod Its res would be greatly reduced. A
H Is It Is an exreftllagly wsU built and trail
In fahe.1 bouso U IL OtMOK.
rrtHITCHEN r"i
Wr$ a. ad wwy,
I "URLL Itll
I mai f S
'I 1
Pm if plfe
dl in x id l I wi I
W ' V -uflMnrQ ,
I .& tnrUIWUM l
aVossssajssmwsJ I (
IMi feTo
I "" Hlt.4
Ultl liny' ftoiiKS.
OoL Will U. Hays waschalllna "Hh n group
of friends In front of Tho Courlor-Journnl
building yc'terd ty nf tornoon, when tlio con
vorsntloii turned iion his latent succoss,
"Signal Hell at Hen " Two editions of tbo
melody liavi1 already boon oxhamteil and two
more nre ituw hi pro Homo one asked the
colonel how lu fume to write tho song.
Said hoi "Lint summer a year ago I wont
from Norfolk to New York on tho steamer
flonnnko, of tho Old Dominion Una 1 noticed
along the sen mul floating buoys, and occu
pying a position 011 the liow of tho stvnmcr
until after midnight, I could hoar far out at
sea the tolling bells from tho to of those
buoys, shaken by the winds nnd the waves as
tho steamer il nlont;, Tho Itells had a "
cullar, wolrd, solemn tono, and I tuivcr forgot
thoir voice.
"In traveling nlxiut through thu stnto dur
ing tho Mit nIx or wvoii mouths I would (hid
myself singing Impromptu vemes nbout them
bells, lu the course of tlmo I found myself
singing tho wing Just as 3 011 see It written nnd
published. Those who heard mo slug It woro
pleaod with It nnd legged mo to publish it
Thou I concluded to write It out, send It on
to my publlnhor and let It go to tho world.
Now, I hnrdly know how I got tho melody
for the song It loomed that with the words
camo tho notes, nnd with tho two enmo tho
song. It Is mnrvolous though thnt tho very
noten thnt repromiuttho bells nre tho Identical
tones of tho liells I hoard during my trip, nnd
If you nk 1110 to sing It for you In n mouth
from now I'll not bo ablo to do so without
putting the words nud iniulo boforo me."
"How is thatl"
"I can't explain. I do not know tho words
and very little of tho inuilo of nuy song I
over eoiiipotoil. It Ix n singular fact that 1
can remember tho word nml (inula of n song
unwritten for years, but as soon as I write
mid publlnh It 1 forget it only to mnko room
for another, to bo forgotten by 1110 as soon as
it Is put upon paper." Louisville Courier
Journal Tlio Woman Miirtjrr of MoluUnt.
MIni Nolllo Flavin, a Llvertiool clrl, Is tho
only woman who has jot volunteered to
lalior In tbo dreaded spot at ICalawao, con
secrated by tho work of "tho uwtIo of the
loers " Blwi (vuued through Now York nov
oral weeks ago, aud hor proseuco becamo
known through tho action of tho custom
bouso authorities, n ho solzod tho vestments
sho bail brought for tho use of Father Da
mien. Blio refused to sitoak about herself,
and ninny woro of U10 opinion that her story
was a subterfugo to obtain free admission to
tho vostmonts. Thoy woro shipped to San
Francisco to le given to her at her departuro
from that ort, and her KnglUh friends bad
a brief sketch of her llfo published m an an
swer to tho charge of tho custom houso au
thorities. The I.I vorjiool Catholic Times, Just to hand,
tolls who sho U: "Nolllo Flavin is highly ac
complished, well educated and very well
known In woll informed Cntholio circles in
Liverpool Thoroughly taught at tho board
lug school of the Faithful Companions of
Jeu, Deo hou-w, Chester, she became a dally
goverueHS, some time after leaving school, to
Mr. Pierce, Denver house, Llnuot lane, Hof
ton ark, Lhorpool, aud romalned in that
family until IStiO, when sho left for London
to undergo thero a course of hospital train
ing. Miss Nolllo Flavin Is a brilliant pianist,
nnd (s of mi nmiablo, energetic anil resolute
disposition. Bho has broken miuiy strong ties
to dovoto her llfo to tho service of Uod's most
nflllcted creatures, nnd has left behind her n
mother, sister nnd brothor, ns well as many
friends, holding hor In their heart of hearts."
Dounhou's Magazine.
Tlio t.emim Lunch.
Lawn turtles nro tho thing in tho suburbs,
and tluv lemon lunch is tho favorite of nil,
nud It must bo confessed it is not n bad Idea
for n hot day. Tho Invitations to tho lomou
lunch botir u luinon for a cretit, nnd every
body w ho attend wears n knot of lemon col
ored ribbon. Each 0110 brings n lemon, too.
801110 jouug ladies of tho hostess' family or
acquaiutnuco cut tho lemons lu two ns thoy
come, nnd put tho seeds Into a lemon colored
bowl. Tho Ingenuity of tho lady of tho es
tate Is displayed In the decoration of her ta
ble. Everything is yellow, so far us possible
flowers, chliin, the border of tho unpklui
nud cloth, Knob dish has tho flavor or sea
soning or gnruUhlng of lemon. At tho end
of tho lunch tho lemon seed bowl is brought
ou, nud each lady has a guess how ninny
seeds It contains, tho 0110 guessing nearest re
ceiving a prize of 11 piece of yellow china,
tho ono making the wont estimate a lemon
qucozor. Boston Advertiser.
Thnt Awful Clguititto.
If good advlco would stop tho use of the
pernicious clgarotto, It would bo sccu uo
moro. Profcsacr Lnflln says there Is but one
poison In a good cigar, but thero aro II vo In a
clgarotto tho oil in tho paper, the oil of nic
otine, saltpeter to pnervo tho tobacco, opi
um to make It mild nml the oil lu tho flavor
ing, A mouthful of tho smoke blown through
a handkerchief will leavo a brown stain; but
blown through tho nostrils uo stain appears
It Is left In tho bead and throat, Iastyear
thoro woro 1,'JOO.OOO cigarettes mado In tho
United States; and tho consumption war
rants the enormous manufacture. It Is a
wholesale system of polMinlng. Dr. Holmes
says tho habit of smoking cigarettes especial
ly enfeebles tho will powor, St. Louis Globe
Democrat. A Itobln Vanquishes a Cat.
This morning a young robin, lu trying to
fly from Its nest In ono of tho tall trees In
front of the court bouso, fell on tho grass
ilnt. A largo cat sprang Into tho yard, and
taking the bird Into Its mouth started with it
toward tho barn. Tho bird gavo a cry, when
tho parent roblu (low from tbo troo and at
tacked the cat with such firmness that puss
dropped tbo bird. The cat then backed up
acalnst tho fenco and showed flght. Tho old
bird, not ono bit dlsmnyod, with bill wide
open, loatuers rutiieu ana screaming witu
rage, struck tbo rellno tw Ice. 1 ho fur Dow,
Tho cat was so frightened that It ran away
as fast as it could and crawled undor the
comer of a building. Kingston Freeman.
t.imr Literally of Iron.
A fortnight ago Aaron Smith left this city
for Swautou, O., to superintend tits father
estate. Shortly after arriving be became 111
and died a few days later A post-mortem
examination was hold. The result of tho In
vestigation was singular, A large artery
bad crown Iwtweon the heart and lungs, aud
tho lungn were as hard as stone, caused, It
was supposed by the physicians, from Inhal
ing Iron dust at the safe works where he was
employed. In tho heart was an opening of
about half au Inch, caused by his tovere ef
forts made to breathe, Philadelphia In
quirer The Educated Uoy's Error.
The trouble Is that a boy who graduates
from our public or high schools or colleges
would foci It a disgrace to become a tip top
carpenter or cabinetmaker, and so uhooses to
become a i-ouutor Jumper, sell pin by the
penny's worth aud tape by the yard, bow
and scrae to Ids lady customers, and delude
himself with the idea that be Is In one of the
gentlemanly callings. New York Herald.
i -
Raving (lit NrcUturo of the Idol from the
Clutch of m ltvitrHtn Gemliler.
Mnny years ago I wnsquarteral nt Fuiara
bad, an lniiorUtiit military station alHiuta
hundred mill llfty miles from tho Madras
coaHt. Unfortunntely, at the tlmo 1 was
thoro, gambling nnd hotting weru much In
voguo, and mnny men plunged nnd ramo to
grief over thoir debts of honor Of all that
&ay romuiuy, uobotly wns more nud
otter llkwl by both moil and women than
young Fltroy. but, unfortunntely, he lost
money nt tbo ntecs, tried to recover himself
at tho whiht table, but failed, got Into the
bands of the Mnrwnrroes, and got deejier nnd
deeper Into the inlro of debt. At length he
told the narrator ho Intended to go to Hug
land to ralw money "Will you como away
with mof" hoaslced. "Olvoout that wo havo
taken ten da)s' Iwtvo for somo shooting, and
boo me down to tho coast. If 1 go off nlono,
1 shall be stoppod by thowi cursed Marwar
reos." After nomo hesitation I agreed, llo
sent in his application for leave to uiiropo on
private alTalrs, nud I gnvo out th it 1 was go
ing on a ten days' shooting expedition.
A woek Inter, with a coupto of tongas, wo
had started 011 our long nud wearying Journoy
to tho conxt, where my poor young friend
hoped to pick up a steamer to tnko him to
I'uroH On tho second day wo met crowds
of pcoplo tramping along. In reply to our
inquiries wo were told thoy were nil return
ing from the great festival of Juggernaut,
hold at Purl, niyv only somo throo days'
Journsy from wlioro wo were. Tho tonga
wallah kept us interested with a graphic de
scription of tho festival and of tho great god,
which was es)cclal!y remarkable for tho
wondci fill Jowols It jwmossoiI two emerald
oyc of Inestimable value, Its lips formed of
tho llnrst rublos In tho world, and a iiockloco
of prlcelosH tioarl.
Tho sun wns sinking nsnt last woncarcd
tho town of Purl, nnd wo could soo tho pin
nacles of tho temples rlso abovo tho trees
which siirivuiided tho place. Half a milo
the other sldo of tho town stood tho Travel
ers' Umigalow, whero wo Intended putting up
for tho night. A moro uncomfortuhlo meal
I novcr ato than tho dinner which was served
up to u Hint evonlng, nud I wns qui to thank
ful when tho oor lad said ho was dead boat
and would go off to bed. My own room was
on tho other sldo of tho bungalow, and I took
my pljio nnd sat smoking In tho veranda.
Tho moon wns Just rising whon I thought I
saw tho flguro of a European stealing along
tho wnll of th'e compound. Strnngo, I though!,
and wondered what other European thoro
could bo hero nt tho snmo time. An Idoa
struck mo, nnd I wont across to my compan
ion's room. Thero was nobody In It, tho bed
was undisturbed. I throw down my pipe,
and rushed out Into tho moonlight. A fow
seconds later I was out in tho road, aud turn
ed instinctively lu tho direction of tho temple.
I could not see tho young ofltccr, but ran
on until I reached tho wall of tho tomplo
compound an enormous courtyard of paved
stono, on which ncro lying a number of
priests, thoir whlto garments wrapod round
their bead nnd bodies. In tbo background
wns placed temp'o uftcr tomplo, but In tho
vory center stood ono solitary slirlno raised
ou thrco separate flights of steps, nud Insido
I could soo tho groat black god raised on
thrco other smaller flights of colored marblo
Tho moonbeams sliono directly on tho god
mid lit up tho emerald oyo nnd ruby lips,
while tho pearl uecklnco glowed on his hugo
black bosom. To my uuuttcrablo horror I
saw my companion walking right across tho
courtyard. My touguo clovo to tho roof of
my mouth. I dared not shout oven if I could
huvo rnlbod my voice A ghastly horror
too!; hold of mo as tho Idea struck mo that
lu his madness my poor friend Intended
to savo hi honor by the creator dis
honor of robbing tho IdoL Speechless I saw
him mount step after step, nnd tho next mo
ment I saw him enter tbo snored Mirlno,
across tho threshold of which 110 other foot
but thnt of tho Ilrahmln has over passed.
Nino steps led up to tho god I Ho pau&od. I
trlod to shout, but' uo sound would como.
Ho rulacd his hand as If to tear off tho poarl
necklace. It was still abovo his reach. His
foot then touched tho seventh. Oh, Godl
can I over forgot thoslghtl In the moonlight
flashed out two arms cuvorod with a hundred
uay, two hundred duggors, and clasMxl
tho daring youth to tho black god's breast.
At tho snmo moment tho touud of n gong
broko tho htlllucss of tho night, aud lu ono
moment tho priests had cast off thoir cover
ings and wero rushing to tho shrlno." Two
minutes later I taw tho amazed and horrlflod
priests carrying out tho llfcle&s body of tho
dishonored Englishman, and 1 turned aud
Qod. Times of India.
The Jnp.incso Doll Festival.
Tbo llttlo Jajuueso girls assert thoir rights
on ono day lu tho year, tho Ud of tho third
month. This Is tho doll festival aud the girl's
birthday. According to tho old computation
of time, tho Now Year Is everybody's birth
day. A child Is ono ) ear old when it Is born,
aud, should this occur even on the last day of
tbo last mouth of tho old year, tho child
would bo two years old on tho 1st day of
January. Tho failure to rccogulze a person's
Individuality by ignoring bis birthday must
havo seemed u calamity oven to tho Japanese,
whoso whole training In llfo is conducted with
roforctico to the suppression of nil personality
lu order to bo lit ted for "MIravaua," tbo dual
state of solf obliteration. The doll festival
soeins to bo nn approach toward recognizing
personality, nnd is said to havo originated
long ago, when an old dalmlo, at tho blrtb of
a daughter, made a foast for his friends, who
presented tho child with dolls nnd doll furni
ture iu lacquer nud bronze, Tho custom thus
Inaugurated bos been kept up, the pretty
girls that havo boon handed dowu for gener
ations aro ou this dny brought out nud the
girls iu holiday attire entertain tho dolls with
rloo and sweetmeats. Tho shops aro gny with
gorgeously drcscd dolls durti'g that sensou.
Now York Telogram.
The lltneily Very Simple.
Tho rcuiody of tho ovll of permitting wo
men to wear their hats at tho play lies en
tirely with tho managers of tho theatres. If
Mr. rainier cares to compol his utrou to do
what thoy would havo to do at the Vleniin
Qrandopeia and ut many other houses lu
Europe or England, he has the abxiluto pre
rogative at baud. Mr. Daly 1 IUcowIm) sup
plied, and so is every other manuger hi the
world. They are ufrnld to institute the rule.
It might keep somo women out of tho theatre
who aro too lazy toai rango their hair neatly
or who think they look their bust in a inoun
taluous hat. But, as Iioh been iM, the way
out of the uupIcaxuntucKs Is us straight u an
arrow, A manager would not allow n man
to keep bis hat on In 11 theatre for Ave min
ute. U the women nro commanded In the
some manner to remove theirs, and hold them
ou their laps or tuck them under the soats.
ever thing is then clear and lovely. But the
managers might lose us much as $10 during
tbo Una week of a reform like this. And
never, never esect a manager to low) $IUI
U Chat Noir,
Thu Juxtaposition, brought nhouf by a
headline writer lu a morning paper, U a strik
ing com. of the uutHnos of tblugsi "Revo
luilomiry ilellcs Mrs. Cleveland a Central
Flynro at the 0euing of the Exhibition."
h - i tirhJt-afcrriflrtnrtirf imwmnllstf
For Late Styles and Immense Satisfaction,
Lircoln Slioe Store
They make a Specialty of
Ludlow's Celebrated Fine Shoes
Kor Ladies. They combine Service, Solid
Comfort nnd Economy.
New Spring and
John McWhinnie's
The Old Reliable Tailor,
First Class Workmanship, Fine Trimming, and
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
305 S ZE3ijBrE3sra?i3: Street.
Established Dee. IU, 1V86.
The German National Bank,
Capital Paid up, $100,000.00
Surplus . . . 13,000.00
Transacts n general banking bulnes, Issues
letters of creillt. draw ilrnfts on nil parts of
the world, Foreign collections n speclnlty.
HKHMAN II. 8CIIAI1KI10, Presldont.
C C.MUNHON.VIco Presldont.
U. J. WII.CCX, Assistant Cashier.
xK. HIIvIv,o
Tailor and Draper
I shall display for your inspection a new and very carefully selected
Stock, composing many of the latest nnd newest designs of the European
Manufacturers, and I am now prepared to take all orders for making up
garments for gents In the latest styles.
Having for seventeen years met with great success In Ilrooklyn, N. Y.,
in cutting and making Ladies Jackets and Riding Habits, shall be pleased
to receive patronage from the Indies during thu coming season.
I am also prepared to receive orders for all kinds of Uniforms and
Smoking Jackets.
1230 O Street.
Most Popular Resort in tho City.
111Q.-M21 and
Meals 25 cts
100 Engraved
And Copper
If you have a Plate, we
Courier Office.
Telephone 253.
i !ilfiii)llifff&ilfiJ1liikMrt?i1ii(r'frfiiTffilffl'l'i ilftmAH
Summer Goods
1 123 N Street.
$4.00 per week.
Calling Cards
Plate, for $2.50.
will furnish 100 Cards from
at $1.50.
New Burr Block.