Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 27, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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There Are I'cit People of licit Come
qncnro In Town Jmt NoTi nml So tlio
Gossips of tlio I'lnco Talk of Fornlcn
Minister "nml Slrli."
iSpcclal Correspondence.)
Washington, July 25. In tlio dog
days gossiping Washington lias fow boh
utors nutl other public men and their
families to talk about, nnd so it turns it9
attention to tliu poor foreign ministers,
their wives nnd attaches. American
curiosity, irroverenco and jest hnvo
driven one poor follow, tho Persian min
ister, out of tho country. Tho Persian
minister on tho street was a fow short
weeks ago one of tho sights of tho capi
tal city. Small boys surrounded him
iind dogged tits footsteps. They mado
life in tho open air bo miserable that ho
bocamo very much of a recluse. Sir
Julian Pauncefote, tho British minister,
on tho otlior linnd, actually enjoys theso
jittlo attentions so characteristic of tho
Americans. Sir Julian is a brcozy old
fellow himself, nnd likes nothing better
than to take a party of his young men
out to tho races, to tho thentro or n
gamo of baseball.
Tho customs nnd manners of tho peo
plo are nil a great study to him, nnd ho
ilocsn't appear to caro a whit if tho peo
plo staro at him and talk about him
within easy car shot. Ho astonished
everybody n fow nights ngo by going bo-
hind the scenes to call on tho summer
opera queen, nnd when he wns nt tho
circus, shortly after his arrival hero, ho
acted liko n big boy out for n good timo.
Ho actually indulged in red lemonado
nnd peanuts, nnd when tho concert ticket
Boilers enmo nround ho bought a ticket
for every mombcr of his company. They
eat in their seats till tho last falso noto
of tho "concert" had died nwny, and
wcro even then loath to go home. Sir
Julian has seen enough of baseball to
cnablo him to tell when tho home club
is knocking out runs, nnd with a local
prido and patriotism that reflect great
credit upon his catholicity of spirit, ho
applauds tho good plays of tho Washing
ton club nt every opportunity. Sir Julian
is what tho boys call "n trump." IIo is
on Englishman who knows how to mako
a joko nnd how to tako one. IIo is in
clined to bo tho least bit unconventional,
nnd Washington can scarcely contain it
self while, waiting tho arrivnl of his fam
ily and tho throwing open of tho legation
house for tho social season.
Washington peoplo aro nlso eager to
got into the housooccupied by tho Corean
lad I os. Society in tho capital is nothing
if not curious, especially whore foreign
ministers nnd their families aro con
cerned. Tho mule members of tho Corcan col
ony aro often seen in public, as thoy aro
fond of both riding and driving, but tho
ladles aro rarely or never seen. Gossip
has it that theso interesting women pass
tho long summer days sitting on tho
eomowliat secluded rear veranda of tho
legation houso, smoking tho pipes which
thoy brought with thorn from SoouL
This is u lazy sort of llfo, but Corcan la
dies aro accustomed to seclusion and
don't mind it. Besides thoy nro having
great sport with an American sowing
machine, which occupies their attention
eovoral hours dally. Thoy aro. too, pa
tiently studying English and endeavor
ing to maator tho uso of a fow pretty
phrases for uso during tho approaching
"season," for these Corean ladies hnvo
in their qulot way organized a llttlo re
bellion against tho traditions of thoir na
tivo land and determined to seo some
thing of society's whirl in tho American
capital nuxt winter.
Tho departure of Hadji Hassein Ghooly
Khan for Persia caused tho shedding of
no tears in tho Corean houso on 0 street.
In fact, the round faced Corean women
aro said to hnvo clapped their hands in
Cloo, for did not tlio august nnd uustero
Ghooly Khun onco biiuo tho Coreans un
mercifully? The thin skinned Oriental
affected disdain of tho Chinese and Core
ans, deeming them much inferior to him
eolf In rank and lmportnnco, though as
men of culture nnd iutelllgonco thoy
wero us far above him ns Prussia is abovo
The Coreans appear to bo very scnslblo
men. Though tho transition from thoir
country to this must bo like that which
a backwoods boy oxporionces on flrbt go
ing to a largo city, thoy nolther seclude
themsolves nor tako tho opposite oxtromo
of vulgar ostentation. Thoy nro not nt
All sensitive to tho curiosity hunting
yM 4j
stares with which they aro ovcrywhero
met, nnd tako no nottco of tho smiles
which follow them as they go nbout tlio
city. Had Ghooly Khan Imitated tho
example set him by theso neighbors ho
would have saved himself much mortifi
cation of spirit.
The Coreans nro nmong tho fow for
eign residents who do not keep their own
stables. If tho two young nnd pretty
Corcan women now horo wcro at homo
in Seoul their servants would carry them
through the streets In n tolg-hio, or
ladles' chair, swung on poles nnd caro
fully curtained. Hero thoy tako tho com
mon every day American hansom or
coupe. I)y such convoynnco thoy hnvo
boon to tho Capitol, tho museum, tho
Washington monument, tho phntogtn
phcr's nnd on mnny evening journeys over
tho pretty country rends in which Wash
ington's surrounding abound.
Tho handsomest onuipago In "Washing
ton Is that owned by Count d'Arco Val
ley, tho German minister, whoso family
has rvecntly received such n great shock
by tho sulcldo of a daughter near Berlin.
Tho count nnd countess nro now out of
town, enjoying, ns best thoy can under
tho circumstances, tho great American
custom of "summoring," but their coach
and chasseur, which created such n sen
sation last winter, nro still hero. Tlio
coach wns drawn up before tho stato de
partment tho other day, nnd from it
alighted Mr. Mumm Von Schwnrzcnsteln,
secretary of legation. Mr. Mumm Von
Schwnrzcnsteln, though a. learned nnd
cstimnblo gentleman, is, after nil, a tncro
clerk, but as ho was on business with tho
state department, tho German notion of
etiquette required him to uso tho lega
tion carriage,
Tlio footman, who descended from tho
box to open tho carrlago door for tho
secretary, was so gorgeously attired that
n crowd collected nnd stared nt him for
hnlf an hour. Tho chasseur woro gaudy
livery, resplendent with gold and lace.
It must hnvo been n very uncomfortable
suit for a hot day, ns a dark blue cloak
of broadcloth, with a doublo row of gilt
buttons down its front, enveloped the
cntiro figure. But tho chasseur sat im
movable and apparently imperturbablo
in tho broiling sun, whero there wns
scarco enough breezo to stir the feather
plume nnd cockndo of tho German colors
which decorated his tall bluo chapeau.
That which most attracted tho nttcntion
of tho curiosity hunters wns tho hand-
boiuo sword worn nt his right side, de-
pendent from heavy rows of gilt cord
caught across the breast from his left
Bhouldcr. When this gorgeous footman
first made ills nppenranco last winter,
tlicro was a disposition to criticlso him
as a piece of ostentation.
Tlio sword was particularly puzzling,
and self appointed critics gravely dis
cussed tho question: "Can a lackoy wcui
a sword?" ftut on second thought the
critics have concluded to let Count d'Arco
Valloy's yager nlone, thoy having discov
ered that while tho employment of uni
formed chasseurs is an innovation In
Washington it Is an established custom
In Berlin, St. Petersburg, London, Paris,
Madrid, Vienna and Rouio.
Tlio Chineso minister and his lively
young men aro always being talked
about. If hnlf tho stories told of them
wero truo, and tho young emperor of
China was much of a stickler for tho
proprieties, probably thcro would soon
bo a shaking up in tho celestial legation
at tho western capital.
Theso young Orientals aro extremely
fond of driving about tho city, and may
bo met any ovening on tho quiet country
roads or in tho Soldiers' Homo grounds,
nearly always accompanied by young
ladies. Tlio penchant of tho Chinese
attaches for American ladies is ono of
tho-romarkablo phases of lifo in tho for
eign colony, and as long as thcro is any
number of young women, entirely re
spectable, but n llttlo fndiffercnt to pub
lic opinion, who aro willing to exchange
smiles for carringo rides, suppers and
boxes at tho opera, tho gossipers may bo
expected to goon wagging their tongues.
Tlio Chineso legation Is near Dupont ctr
clo, and hero the gay young Asiatics nrc
often found cracking jokes with nuree
maids and taking lessons in American
coquetry. So common and ridiculous is
this practico that peoplo living in that
part of tho city now often say to one
another: "Let's stroll dijwn by tho circle
and seo how tho Chineso attaches are
getting along with tho nurso girls."
Attache Koo Shune Ing, a "student
translator," has gono back to China. Mr.
Koo is not ono of thoso who frequent tho
circle for a chanco to say pretty things
to nurse maids. Ho lias n romance of
his own, nnd has gono to Pol; in to wed
one of the prettiest daughters of tho
Flowery Kingdom.
Walteu Wellman.
l" H l Vf $fi-iKt J rT-iVv
Wednesday afternoon n motley collection of
Lincoln sport hied themselves to tlio bull
pal k ntut played nil aliened Katue of bull.
The "collection'' formed two iiIiim under the
name of lawyer nnd Merchants nnd when
time was willed nt the end of the lUth round
It wiim found tlio Merchant Iind won tint light
by n woro of 7 to 0, nil of which was duo to
the Indefatigable elTorts of Ackeriunn to pitch
the bnll over tlio plate. The strain was too
much for lilin, however, nnd nt tlio end of tho
woml Inning ho was curried to center Hold
nnd laid In tlio shade of the fenco nnd cover
ed with leave. Mr. Ackcrmaii will go '"
training next week mid challenge tlio Ht,
Louis Drowns for mi exhibition gamo thli fnll.
Lincoln was treated ton really i?ood rmiio
of Imll, yesterday. Tlio Kearney tenia ami n
picked nine of local player mot at tlio park
nml for the Mrst eight Inning put up a flnu a
liall gamo a one w uUl waul to nee, tlie scoro
Muiullng3to2ln favor of Kearney. In tlio
lust liming however, with two men on Imso,
a mifo lilt hy Hull liroiDihl In two more run
for tho visitor and Hall scorlnuon a paed
bnll gnvo tlio boys from tlio rnglng cnmU tho
gainoltyancoroofll to 2. Umpire Chlpiiiau
had some trouble In Katlsfyliiu tlio crowd at
Mrt,nsthcy were not onto tho now rules of
this season, hut hit Judgment pleasednll and
gnvo good satisfaction to both side. Hovernl
piny on both sides elicited much applause,
tho homo run or Morau mid the long running
catch by Kent of tho Lincoln, donervlug par
ticular notice. Tlio kiiiiio tenia play again
till afternoon, the Lincoln nine, however, do
ing Ktrenxthcued by the addition of a nrofe-
slonal battery and when the game I called at
4 o'clock there Nhould bo ono of the largcHt
crowd thcro iMisstbto to got In tho ground, ns
llio liianngcuieut aro doing their best to fur
nlsh u with bull giiuic, and the public aliould
tliow their appreciation hy turning out en
The man detailed to tako In tho
lacrosse gamo lut evening wa one of tho
worat fooled men on the ground. It was hi
llrst game, and although much ha been mild
nbout the game, It never Mruck him that It
nltbrdcd much auiUKOiiicnt to a pcctator.
Hut hint night he went, ho yelled, ho hollered
nnd outdo n much nolso a tho ordinary
Mil id 1 boy, for It struck him a bolng great.
To seo six or eight gully uniformed hoy ly
ing III a heap l.x feet high, with a Jlliublo of
xtlck, log anil arm vainly clawing at tho
empty air, I truly uxcIIIiik. Hut ayl have
you noon a iranio played? If not, turn out to
tho next ciuuo nml tako It In. Tho itnino hint
oveiilm; resulted In a -core of II to 1 In favor of
the Heuiiuou team, tho champion of tho
Mute. (lood plays Hint deserve peclal men
tion were iniulo by l'ltrnernld of tho Lincoln
and Tenvlalo of the Hcnunon.
There nro Jut n fow of tho handsomest
white embroidered ult In Lincoln len nt
Korciiinn & Crowo'. It will puy you to look
nt them ns the xeaNou I Into and you can buy
Ihcin nt your own price.
Tho Grand Army llncititipineut nt Mil
waukee. It I estimated that fully 120,000 jieoplo Mill
pas through Chicago etirouto to Milwaukee
to attend tlio Grand Army Encampment, Ah
thero nro but two railway lines lictwccn tho
two cities, nnd this Inuu'iito number of peo-
ple will havo to bo transported in two or threo
days, it I apparent that the resources will bo
taxed to tlio utmost.
I'nrtles tloslrlne to attend from point hi
Nchrnka, will, hy taking tho Chicago, Mil
wnukeo & St. Paul railway from Council
Illuir (which 1 the only direct lino to Mil
waukee from Council Illuu) avoid tho great
crowd and rush at Chicago nnd bo sure of tho
best accommodations In tlio way of free chair
car, sleeping and dining car through to des
tination, and will hnvo tho privilege of re
turning via 8tcamloat from Milwaukee to
Chicago If they so desire.
Half faro has been tnnde for tho round trip.
Children between tlvo and twelve years of
age, half of the excursion rate. For further
information apply to J. E. McCluro, Western
Pas. Agent, C, M. & St. P. It'y, 1501 Fnr
nain street, Onmlin. it
Convenient MurloU,,Good Soil, I'urs Wa
ter nnd Kxcvllent Clliiiutu
Aro advantage to bo considered when look
ing up a home, ImsIneKs location, farm, etc.
West Virginia, Maryland and the Hhcmindo
nh Valley, Virginia, afford theso with many
more advantages. No section of tho United
Htates offers uierior opjiortiuiitlos, and ior
ous seeking a now homo should examine
these States tHjforo deciding on n location
elsewhere. Improved farm lands adapted to
stock raising, dairying, grain, grass nml fruit
growing can bo obtained at low prices and
upon easy terms. Thriving towns invito tho
nierchaiit,inecliunlo and business man. Abun
dance of coal, timber, ore, water ower, otc.
Free sites for manufacturers.
Persons desiring further Information will
bo answered promptly nnd f reo of charge by
M. V. Hlclmrils, Land nnd Immigration Ag't
U. & O. It. It., Baltimore Md. 7-1U-W4
How Ho Hucniiio 1'iiiiiiiliN.
The Walker, Iowa, AVirs say: "Our old
friend, Robert Baird of Muscatine, Iowa, has
been necrctary of tho State senate, and an
active politician for yoars, but was never
generally known until he had tho colic and
used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diar
rhoea Remedy and got Into ono of their ad
vertisements. "Now ho is famous." Here Is
what Mr. Ilalrdsuld; "While in Des Moines
I was taken with a severe, attack of bowel
complaint. For two days I suffered intense
ly, trying several drug store nnd paying
them for relief, but In vain. I finally Iwught
a small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, and two doses of it
brought mo out all right, I consider It n
grand remedy." 23 and 50 cent bottles for
sale by O. L. Shruder, druggist.
A New and Fust Train With l'uliicu Sleep
ers to CIiIchk".
Tho recent change hi time card by tho
Nortwestorn line F., E. & M. V. R. R
gives to Lincoln the fastest and most conven
ient train in its time of departure now run
between this place and Chicago.
Noto that this train leaves Lincoln at 0:30
p. in., carries a palace sleeper through to
Chicago, whero it arrives at noon the follow
mg day, making all fast train connections
east. Reserve sleeping car accommodations
in advauco at 115 South Tenth street.
Geo, N. Fouesuax.
Harvest Excursion Tickets nt half rates will
be bold at Lincoln, Aug. Oth mid SOth, Sept.
10th and 2-Uh, and Oct. 8th, over tho Fremont,
Elkhom & Missouri Valley R. R. to alljiolnts
reached via that line In Noi them Nebraska,
the UlacU Hills and Ceutral Wyoming. Call
on G. N. Foresman, agent, or wrilo J. It. Uu
clianan, General Passenger Agent, Omaha,
Neb. tf
Tho Union Pacific R'y takes pleasure In an
nouncing that it will run Harvest Excur
sions to Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah,
Idaho and Montana on tho following dates:
August Oth and 'JOth, Sept. 10th and tilth,
nnd October 8th. For these occasions a great
reduction In rntos lias been made, thus giving
you a splendid opportunity to visit nearly
every place in tlm great west. Do not miss It.
It nirords the business man, btock raiser, iniii;
ng prospector and farmer an unequnled
clutucd to seo tho unlimited resources of the
iwestern country. For tickets, rntes, immpli
lets, etc, apply to your noarest ticket agent.
(Oct. 5(
Nothing like It, tho Bighorn's fast Chicago
Pullislicd through Tho American Press Association, by permission of T. B. Jlarms cfl Co.,
810 Broadway, Now York,
-'r-f f
f. 4
tlS rSlr a
4 mi I II - U
u-' fr a- fcrmFZ Cp-- w ta-i r-i F-f
(Iw r iseH a&BEBap
m - r-.. I m
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li 0 1
I C-1 I , y , J u :
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yr T-l-
) " ). A ol Fln$.
fch. i i ijri i frF::?::i"lhf J iT3 J--lli J ' "E ' lteFliriF: v. l ll
We are Disposing of Our Entire Stock of
Boots, Shoes and Slippers,
Our present place of business, and will make it an object for anyone wishing an article of
footwear to examine our prices. Our goods comprise only the best grades from the
leading factories, and even the cheapest are perfect fitters.
1120 O STREET.
Custom Park !
The Finest Equipped Resort
Tlio best of iKjitlnir, 70 uwlni;. W 1I nlc
tables, HwlmmliiK pool with Moulin.' wiUr,
tlcht roic, ilaiioliiR lum wim piano a na ,
baiKiiict lmll with piano ." it uuy. AttmUMon
toI'iirklOocacliiivrioii. Picnic ami Hm.ilny
kcIiooI partlen oiie.hitir rates. Ico freo foi plo
nlc. Tlio bct of refreshments at tho l'aik
Cafe. Let tho peoplo coaio anil enjoy thuiii
elves. K, II .ANDItCB HON, Malingers.
WodnesJny'H Kull Orchestra Train leave
tlopot at2i) p. in., returns at 10 p. m. Houml
trip tlokots with ailinlssloa to Park, only 20e.
Hunduy trains leave at !0;30 a. m 2:30 ami 5
p. m., return nt I0:W. 2:W, 5:!W nnd 8 p, in.
Hound trip tickets 9)e. Admission Himdnys
to Grand Concert and all attractions, 10a each
ma nan.
-Hj W -X - -3 J I
m"m w
PI) Ultimo,
f m ii
i t.
r T" 1 H JB. i '
yrJ rIp -JiMziB:
Copjrlgbt, 1830, by T. O. Raras A Co.
the Latest and most Popular Musical Compositions
may be found at
Large Stock of the lending American made Guitars,
Piano Tuning and Repairing promptly attended to.
-JJltiJ 4 .4. '"'ri'
p-ipas rT ur-1
trti ttn do. ft
Ills Grcatwt HMll Salesmen, wantedl
everwhere, Knn'CHiVq territory. FilEKtrl?
to KurojKi Kvt U'-'V Vorlccrs. Unimrnlleleil In
iluccmcnti. Ap.'ilynow. H. l JOUNSON A
CO., 1M Main it., nichniond. Va.
Notice Is litTebi ifhi'lilliat bv lrtiiuof nnairl.
tor lien dattM on tho Mlt ilny of Kebniarj, lsU,
uKa wlucli there Is nw ilue llw sum of J-V..O),
default list uu been nmde lu the payment of said
ruiik nad no suit or other proeeedintr of law lmv
liiK heii Instituted to recover said debt or any
Kirt tliereo'. therefore I til sell tliw proiH-rty
iliereln decrlbwl. vU: One dark bay liorco nbout
It hands hi.'h. wblte strip hi face. 12 ears old and
weU'lilu? nUiut 1'JiK) xhuhU, at publlo auction ftt
tho lutniof Mullklu llros., in the city of Lincoln,
In Utncaster county, on the Mh day of August,
!mU, at one o'clock, p. m.. of said day, to ivy
said debt, interst nnd all costs of thee proceed.
llv l'ocNn.t! Ili'iii. nttomers.
ST. ."... "T.."1 i.'.."-r.r ... ..... ijm
uaiuu uncoil!, neurusKii, Juiy uui, i.
ib& J F J Fl3igg , e W