Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 27, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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    $1V?H, Wl'V'lllllWWW'W'?'-'' ,"T,,"'P "iy"TWpyW','
--i- r tisjm , -"
.yfyr, f WfllffiqWiifpW4i);iii ffliWWsJWWWJl VWyy W iP
t !
Bound to Take the Lead;&SSi
Uu nut nil to sco them
liitf. A No my llm nt
936 l Street. North Side IV O. Square,
In order to close
out our stock ot
Single - Generator
Gasoline Stoves,
Wc will give tf oft (or Cnsh until closed
1242 0 St,
We will have on Sale (or tbts week Only
a Fast
Black Hose
Full Regular nnd warranted nt 25c.
Wc have only v limited stock of these
goods nnd as they cannot be replaced to
sell for less than 40 cents, they will not
last long.
We have just received a fresh lot of
our Great Bargain
"Ribbed Vests,"
nt 1 5c, worth much more.
Wc have the finest line of CAMBRIC
wide ever shown In tbe City. Call nnd
tec them. The latest novelttcs In our line
received dally.
113 S. Eleventh St.
K. Meyers, noiwoihlent do
To Knhrlnm
lou will tko notlco tlmt on tbo 17th day of
July, IRS9. Fnblen S. I'otvln, pUlutltr. llled
his petition In tho district court, Lancaster
J.hrnnlc llnrr, Annie llurr, A. C llarr ami
William Henry Hmlth, narrclnlmlng to
bo suroty for you nnd snlil John K. llarr,
nnd to establish his rlchl to a certain nlf(n
iiiuui 01 11 juuKiueui maiio to mm y tno
Qulnoy Nntroual Hank of tjulney, Illinois, In
t....u..., ,....n u. U,MVJ . AIIIIIUI. Ill
on In tho district court of Ijincivtor
tlonal llunlc Win nlulntlir nml vniininfr nml
J ..diiiuiku. vrii.riiiii II1R IJI.lIlfl' rH
John K. llarr, Fablen H. I'otvln wero defend
nnU, and to establish his lien or said Judg.
mont which he paid as Mich luitity upon nnd
against lots nine, ten nnd eleven, U), 10 and 11)
In block twonty.nlno, (a)) nnd loti nve, thlr.
toeii, fourteen nnd uovonteon, (A. 13, It mid 17)
In block twenty-six, OW) all In First Addition
to West Lincoln, nnd nWo lots one, scTen,
eight nnd nine, (1, 7, 8 and 0 In block two, CJ)
In Imlioir Addition to tho city of Lincoln,
and also lot three, (3, In block ctshty-eUht,
(M) Inthoeltyof Lincoln, nnd the west half
of tho south-west quurter of section nine, (0)
township elxht, (S) ranee seven, (7) nil In Lan
caster County, state or Nebraska, to sell said
real cstnto nnd lots ncrordlnir to lnw. to nnv
aaldjudKineut, Interest nnd cost, and claim,
nnd right of snul I'otvln, and to apply the
proceeds thereof to tho payuiont of plaintiff
lion, claim and right.
You are rbaulrod to nnsiror tho said peti
tion on or before the dlth d uy of August, 1S89
Lincoln, Neb., July 18, 1SS9.
T-20-tU Ills Attorneys.
Brown' j restaurant for meals.
Nothing liko It, tbe Elkborn's fast Chicago
Brown la ready to serve bauquets, wedding
olkvUofts and other spreads on short notice.
before buv-
QKJI f rjl VA fc
A VijmflfUjMrof .lMru Timet,
PUHUisHKD Saturday
viwi-nirrtoN On Ynr by Hall or Carrier $1.00
Hlx month. JIM Three months W Ceiita, One
inoiith ' Cents Intarably In Advance.
VDvenTisrrsT: IlAtM furnished nn apllcul-n
ni tin? onlce. ShcIiI rule on Time Contrail
''omtnrcioxsi Klmrt uplcy sMclie. -m aim
itorlcs solicited. lVrwrtUn.1 floclnl nolo pre
reclally desirable.
I'nixrnnt We make a specialty of Fin t'rliitliiit
nail Its unit u itiint ruu is.j'.littr
A I lrs All uonvirtmoatlons direct to th; omYi-,
New llurr Mock, Cor. IStli nnd 0 Hire'.
Ii. U'khhki,, Jn., FMItor mul Sole Proprietor.
Kiiku IIk.nzinokii, Associate Killtjr.
' i . -
"Tho Courier" ill the lli'snrt.
Persons leaving the- city for tin? huiuiikt
can havo Tiik COL'iitKit sent them without
extra charge. In ease of changes of location
ilurliiK tbrt iihsemi from bom, the mMress
will he altered whenever desired. TbU np
piles to present and now subscriber. Hnxo
the Cot'itlEit follow you ns a moans of keep
ing hUhI on home affairs. Its weekly aj
Pennine will prove more hiUrostltijj than u
Political gossips ore mentioning Land
lord Huggen of tbo Capital for county treas
urer iiml for postmaster. He positively tie
cllues to consider tbe foriuur.
Omaha I scheming to get abeail of Lincoln
on next year' census returns. She is patient
ly but vainly coaxing South Omaha nml
Florence to bo a party to the proceeding,
SenatoivCounkLI. has been appointed reg
liter of tbe lnr.l olllee nt Valentine, bU bomo
town, Havcrnl feminine hearts In Lincoln
nro likely to go plttlpat on learning ot the
Notice Is publlsbeil of a social e ectlou
Aug. lOtb to voto on n proposition author
izing the mayor and city council to Issue ?-),-000
worth of bonds for extending tbe system
of Miultnry sowers.
Isn't It nbout time tbo Omaha nnd Lincoln
imperii gave a long sutTerlug public u rest I
Tbe wrangle about their resvctlve merits
has been pulled out to a length of habylshness
that's nauseating. Neither the baby net tier
braggadocio Is to be admired.
The need of lunik regulation lias been
proved by tbe general looseness brought to
light by the new law In the tint four weeks
of Its oHrutlon. It seems to have been n
practice to run several branch banks on tbe
credit of the parent bank and without capital
of their own The banking board will put a
stop to nil that sort of conlldenco busbies.
A "rnoJMNE.NT politician" Is quoted by
the Omaha Ike ns predicting tbe nomination
of the following county ticket by the Iteuub
Ilcaus: W, E. Churchill, county cUrk; 8.
V. Burnbam, treasurer; V. E. Stewart,
county Judge; Tom Cnrr, sheriff; Dr, Shoe
maker, coroner; J. P. Walton, county sur
veyor, nnd George McClusky, superintendent
of public schools.
Amono recent visiting politicians was Col.
Billy McCann of Hay Springs, one of tbe
bravest chargers on tbo recent legislature and
a very smooth young man, Tbe colonel is a
candidate for register of tbe land oflleo nt
Chadron nnd Senator Paddock Is backing
him. Ho has a mortgage on tho place, but
Congressman Dorsoy has raised an objection
and delayed Its foreclosure.
Will O. Jones has been made associate cd
Itor of the Journal, but divides bis time be
tween chopping out heavy editorials nnd ad
Justing the leading strings ot tbe young men
In his Journalistic kindergarten. Tbe city
editor is a bigger man than the fellow who
writes leaders, but be doesn't have ns easy n
time. Jones' ambition has been to be an
"editor," nnd it Is In a fair way to grntlflca
tion Tiik whirligig of affairs has brought an
other change among the correspondents.
John M. Cotton ot tbe Htrahl has stepped
down and out and W. Q. Bell of tbe U'orM
will handle LI neon business for tho IVarld
IleraUl. Cotton Is 01.0 of the keenest scented
ot news-gatherers, nnd will probably give all
htsattentlon to his other paiers. Bell is a
lawyer by profession, but seems to have taken
to newspaper work kindly. His contributions
to tbe old N'oWd did not attract much atten
tion for tbe very good reason that an outside
erening paper could not get much ot a circu
lation In Lincoln.
Fncn Nye's visit to Lincoln Is explained.
He besieged Congressman Council for means
to display bis lufluenco with that high nnd
mighty official. The Congresmin agreed to
let Fred name tbo postmaster at La Platte,
and in announcing the fact be apostrophizes
the town In tbe following poetic strain: "La
Platte Is an Inixrtant point. Day after day
It gaws out over tbe sandy stretches of the
river from which it takes lu name; day after
day It sees the sun rise in brilliant hope in the
morning and depart in brilliant sorrow in tbe
afternoon. Grass grows round it, trees rustle
over It, and on Its environs tho mourning
dovo is forever telling how sad it is to love.
Tralus pass La Platte every time. A cool
spring trickles from its highest hill and loses
Itself In tbe clustering restnweeds. It is a
quiet place, far from the cark nnd care of
business a. virgin summer resort, an unem
ployed and unexampled opportunity for
leace, Nobody lives at La Platte, nnd yet
the room for )eople U Immense. Who will
bo postmaster at La Platte! Tbe salary Is
40 per year and the labor not too arduous for
an active man." ' '
Thr.r Arc the l)nj In Willi Ii Kurd Voimj
Ijutjr Seek, to Amcrt Her Own IimII
vlclimllt) SiH'linni of (Im Hurler I'.ni
plojiyl for That tamlitldn I'urpnsr.
IHinvlfll Corrvspomlentt'.l
Ni:w YoltK. July M.ln these days
onch youiitf lady Rooltn to imsurt tior In
dividuality nml therefore utinllo liensolf
with regard tohor ilreiwniiil l ponslblll
ties. It Is not enough for lior to look
Hweet nml maidenly, She intmt took dlf
forent from ntiy other girl, nnd hIiu will
not wear n dross Ilka tlmt of nnother
simply leciuire It U the fashion. Tho
young girt of tcxbiy Is n law to herself In
tho mutter of wlmt alio shall wear, nnd
bIio bus discovered that by paying ntteu
tlon to details she may bo picturesque
nml remurknble nmoug n hundred other
fjrla nil us pretty ns she, nnd many of
them moro oxpeuslvcly dressed than she.
The grnco nml benuty of classical cos
tumes has led to their lioing studied in
thulr relation to Nineteenth century needs
and It Is discovered tlmt tlioy require
very few changes to ndnpt them to indi
viduals. Their simplicity is tho first
recommendation, their grnco a second,
nnd tho third is that It isn't ovorylxxly
who looks well In them.
In thu llrtit plneo. tho severity of n
classical costumo requires tho most per
fect ease nml grnco of movement, ns
well ns of outline for nngulnrity ruins
tho oirect, nnd the wearer must nlso pos
sess or cultlvnto slow nnd dignified man
ners. Tho sprightiy coquette has no
business In n classical costumo unless
ah? wishes to bo ridiculous.
In making a classic costumo tho re
quirements nro few nnd simple. White
or cream cashmere, veiling or ilnnncl,
China crepo or soft mull nre suitable If
it should happen that such n dress is de
sired for tableaux, cheese cloth nt three
conts n yard is good. Generally speak
ing, no trimming Is required, but a
Greek key pattern done in silver or gold
thread, or narrow bluo, red or yellow
ribbon is nlwnys nn nddltion. Flowers
nnd leaves can bo ndded for u party. I
give with this a modified classical dress
for a grand hop nt a watering plnco, or
for a corcmonlbus dinner or other even
ing mtertainmont. Tho model is of soft
cream mull nnd trimmed with a trailing
spray nml leaves. It will bo noticed
that there Is n doublo bolt, which is
somewhat of an innovation but very
pretty, and tho costumo altogether shows
what changes the wearer has mado
bor own peculiar tasto or nood.
True, a classical robo in olden days
would not have been supplemented by a
fnu and n pair of Sucdo gloves; nil tho
same, thoy nro not out of placo today.
Tho wearer wanted elooves and sho has
them, and altogether sho has a costume
as individual as it Is charming and
Tho arrangement of tho hair (3 just as
much dependent upon tho stylo of tho
day as over, and yet tboro nro independ
ent thinkers enough among tho young
girU to sot fashion at defiance and wear
what Is most becoming. Girls follow
tho prevailing styles in generalities, but
they, as I saw before, study themselves
more, and so adopt what they like best.
Thoy set tho absolute rules of fashion at
dotlanco in a bewildering way, and look
all tho prettier for it. Married women
bavo so many other things to think of
that it is rather a relief to thorn to blind
ly follow a fashion, without studying Its
relation to their own appearance, rather
glad that fashion has taken tho trouble
of thinking out of their hands.
As it Is now you will find, for instance,
at a ball as many styles of Iinlrdrcsslng
as thero aro girls. Tho curls over the
forehead aro too becoming to over aban
don. Thoy havo been in roguo uluco
Evo's timo, I verily bellovo, ofl and on,
though I bellovo thero was a period when
it was ardently doiired to havo a high
forehead. I was lu a great juwclry es
tablishment a few days ago and thero I
saw hundreds of Greek fillets in silver,
gold, bronze, copper nnd mother of pearl.
Somo wero in tho form of chains, others
flat plain bands, nnd others again wero
richly chased and somo wero jowoled.
Thoro is nnother abuso against which
I now lift my pen. That la the abuso of
tho dlrcctolro rcdingoUn Those gar
ments nro hniidsomo, picturesque nnd
very It'comlugtoBomo figures itud mndo
in tin1 proper materials, which nre cash
ui'.mo. tight ladies' cloth and lustrliio,
with suitable accessories, but they nro
not to be worn everywhere nor by every
woman, nor should they bo mado of nny
of tbo cheap and slnr.y materials, "Imi
tations" of this or that other goods, nor
should thoy be mado of great glaring
plaid or figured goods, nnd they only
for outdoor wear
To be what thfl(f nre designed for,
these dlrecuilri' coats want to take the
place of jacket mid wrap, and no stout
woman tdiould allow herself to dream of
having one. A good gauge is to nay, no
Ionian weighing over M0 Kunds ought
to be permitted by law to have one.
The coat presented with this is 0110 of
tho very best models, nnd Is to bo mndo
of wool or wool and silk goods firmly
woven The trimmings nre of volvet
and Htirnh of tho sumo shado.
Thure nro bauds for thu neck made to
wear outside or Inside tho collar, with a
very narrow beading along tho edgo,
nnd where thoy join In front a doublo
fall of dimly plaited laco, or mull, In tho
shape of a priest's cravat bow Theso
latter are very much fancied now and
nre quite now. Long mull nnd tmiiOln
ties nre mado, one-quarter of a yard
wide nnd 11 yard and a half long Theso
are tied in a doublo bow knot, til-' loops
nnd ends bulng pressed together in tho
band after they nro tied so they will fnll
gracefully downward. The ends nro
sometimes embroidered and sometimes
havu lino lnco, nnd sometimes hlmply
hemmed. Olive IIartuu.
Nothing Ik Mnro Cm Ions Thero Than tho
Algerian Juggler.
Sxv1aI Correspondence.)
I'Attis, July 12. Tho exhibition haa
brought to this city many curious things,
but 110110 moro so than a troupe of Al
gerian jugglers, who have established
themselves on tho Esplanade des Inva
lldcs, and who each evening draw a
lnrgo crowd of curiosity bookers. Theso
men aro known in their own country by
tho iiamo of Ayssoun, and they nro most
expert, but their X)wers seem to bo
given moro to horror producing thnn
pleasing sights, but thero is u fascina
tion that forces tho beholder to remain
until the lost act Is finished.
Tho performance begins with an Infer
nal din of drums of a pcculinr make, and
this is continued until it is supposed that
tho higher overs have listened to their
appeal for aid. When this noise be
comes Insupportnblo it ceases suddenly,
and a silence almost painful reigns for
somo minutes, nftcr which one of tho
jugglers brings n brazlor and places It in
tbo center of tho stngo, and throws a
powder Uhii it, which sends up a light
smoke with n pleasant pungent odor.
Two of tho jugglers then advance nnd
one supports tho other's bend over tho
smoke. After this tho man lifts his
eyes towards the sky and rolls his head
around rapidly, nnd it Is probablo that
thin rapid movement of tho head causes
n partial Insensibility of tho body, for
suddenly ho precipitates himself upon a
pllo of broken glass and cactus leaves,
and dovours tho glass and sharp cactus
spines. During this ho throws himself
tint on Ills stomach, rises, lifts tits cyos
to heaven in an ecstasy, while tho others
beat on thoir drums, and then ho rises
nnd after saluting tho chief takes his
placo on a bench as calm and placid as a
pool of water in a dark forest, though
tho cactus thorns inflict painful wounds.
A second rises, is conducted to tho
brazier, breathes tho smoke and then
gives himself up to tho most cxtraordl-
Pnary contortions, us though lu a terrlblo
fit and with ovory expression of agony,
throws himself on his stomach and begs
for tho box of vipers. TUis is given him
and he beams with joy, nnd opens tho
box, Liking out tho poisonous snakes.
They enlace his arms and neck, which
arc bare, utid thoy bito him in a dozen
places, whereat ho laughs gleefully and
kisses thorn ns ho replaces them and re
tires totho bench.
Ho is followed by others who Inflict
tho most revolting cruelties upon them
selves. Thoy stick nails and needles
through their legs and checks, and then
smllo ob tho public looks for tho blood to
flow in vain. Ono of thorn takes special
pains to show how ho sticks a flno uccdlo
into his oyu, and another pulls his oyo
from its socket, and when tho blood
trickles down tho check hu laughs and
turns swiftly around and it Is in its placo
again, and ho tries to look as if ho is in
spired. Tho last thing on tho programme after
a number of things all curious, to say
nothing of being horrible, is for ono of
them to tako a small box and from that
set looso a scorpion, which ho allows to
run around on his faco, and ho provokes
it as much as possiblo until at last it
turns and stings him, after which ho
Bwallows tho littlo rcptilo, or at least ap
pears to.
Tho placo whero this curious perform-
anco is carried on is handsomely fitted.
up and hung with barbaric tapestry, and
though ono would think no person of ro
flnoment would caro to visit such a re
volting entertainment. It Is always full
of tho ollto of French society. Tho price
of admission is very high, and ovory
evening may bo seen a ong lino of pri
vate carriages waiting for the perform
ance to finish.
The rich pcoplo In Franco And It as
hard to amuse themselves and pass tho
timo as tho peoplo of tho same class do
in every country. Hut tho women show
that tho old tasto for horrors has never
died out in tho hearts of French women
sinco tho days when thoy used to pity
tho horses who wero whipped to mnko
them pull harder so as to tear somo
wretched offender to pieces.
Among tho carriages which stood at
tho door of this placo to-night wero
thoso of tho Countess do Pourlatcs, tho
Princosso do Sagan and Madamo do
Nolrot. Buffalo Bill is popular, but ho
does not glvo so many horrors at short
rango. Tho Algerians aro thin and dark,
but plcturesquo in thoir tribal costumes,
and they aro something now, Perhaps
to-morrow it will bo something olso.
Mahy Buoxnan.
Spring and
We have made a deep cut
Suits. This will a
for you to
Globe One-Price
Cor. O and
Lincoln Savings Bank and Safe Deposit Co.
Interest paid on ileiwult nt any rato of S per cont per annum for nil full calandar mouths
Safes to rent lu burglar proof nnd lire proof vaults, nt annual rental of $5 and upwards.
Money to loan on rcnl cstnte and collateral. YOUH HAVINGS ACCOUNT SOLICITED.
Vlco President.
ISTaiirisoolv emcl
Sviss Plou.rcirg;s,
and 45 inch widths is exceptionally large.
Wc show some of the finest goods Impoited In verv handsome new designs.
mm Mm m m m a I mm
i f My 1 mffi Sm. Jm y I S7i i .WmV - SmVm. If J
The One Price Cash Dry
One-Quarter Off
Ashby &
S. B
Summer Suits
in price to close all our
attend, at the
Clothing House,
Tenth Sts.
Goods and Carpet House.
226 S. 11th St.
malto a specialty of Flno( I'uotographls and
Crayon worlc.
Ground Floor Studio in Lincoln
Call and Sbb Dur Work.
I , r.
iUi - .b.uU ,&m,vu, ,