Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 27, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    -T-FftnTr " rijiwt'mrt'yft'?m-!!-H &'ritfrit0vtin'Q 'WfffW'W
r JT" S
SUNDAY, JULY 21, 1889.
Grent Crowds Present til Cult or I'nrk As
sembly, Luko Mnxlnkurkec, Intl. Test,
"When Slmll I AwnkeT I Will peek It
Vet AriIii."
Lark Ma.ti.vkuckkb, Irnl., July SI. Uov.
T. Do Witt Tnlmnso prenched todny nt
Culver Park nssombly, tills plnco,;rcat crowds
being present from Indlmnpolls, Chicago nml
surrounding regions. Ills subject was: "How
to Conquer " The text wns! "When sbnll I
nwnkol 1 will seek It yet ngnln." Prov
xxlll, n.V Tlio eloquent preacher nld:
With nil Insight Into human tmttiro such as
no other mnn over renched, Solomon, lu my
text, sketches tlio mentnl operntions of ono
who, having stepped nsldo from tho iwith of
rectltutlo, desires to return. With a wish for
something hotter ho snid: "When slmll 1
awnkot When shall I coiuo out of this horrid
nlghtmnro of Iniquity!" Dut, seized upon by
unerndlcatcd hnblt, nnd forced down hill by
his passions, ho crlos out: "1 will seek It yet
ngnln. 1 will try It oneo rnoro."
Our libraries are adorned with an elegant
literature addressed to young men, (Minting
out to them all tho dangers and ortln of Ufa
complcto mnps of tho voyago, showing all
tho rocks, tho quicksands, tho shoal. Dut sup
posoa man has already mndo shipwreck ;suj
poso ho Is already off tho track; suppose he
hits already gono astray. How Is ho to get
back That Isn field comparatively untouch
od. I proposo to address myself to such. Thcro
aro thoso In this audlcnco who, with ovcry
Clou of their agonized soul, aro ready to
such a discussion. They compnro them
selves with what thoy were ten years ago,
and cry out from tho bondago hi which they
aro Incarcerated. Now, If thero 1k any hero,
como with an earnest purposo, yet feeling
thoy aro beyond tho palo of Christian sym
pathy, and that tho sermon can hardly bo ex
pected to address them, then, at this moment,
I givo them my right hand, and call them
brother. Look upl Thero Is glorious and tri
umphant hopo for you yet. I sound tho
trumpet of Gospel deliverance, Tho church
Is ready to spread a banquot at your return,
and tho hlerarchs of heaven to fall into
lino of bannered procession at tho news of
your emancipation. So far as God may help
mo, 1 proposo to show what are tho obstacles
of your return, nnd then how you nro to sur
mount thoso obstacles. Tho first difficulty In
tho way of your return Is tho force of moral
gravitation, Just as thcro Is a natural law
which brings dowu to tho earth anything you
throw Into tho air, so thero Is a corresponding
moral gravitation. In other words, it la
easier to go down than it is to go up; it b
easier to do wrong than It is to do right. Call
to mind tho comrades of your boyhood days
somo of them good, somo of them bad
which most affected you I Call to mind the
anecdotes that you havo heard In tho last flvo
Cr ten years somo of them aro puro and some
of thorn impure Which tho moro cosily sticks
to your memory! During tho years of your
llfo you havo formed certain courses of con
duct somo of them good, somo of them bad.
To which style of habit did you tho moro cosily
ylold! Ah, my friends, wo havo to tako but
a moment of self Inspection to find out that
thero is In all our souls a force of moral grav
itation! But that gravitation may bo ro
tated. Just as you may pick up from tho
earth somothiug and hold it lu your hand
toward heaven, Just so, by tho power of God's
graco, a soul fallen may bo lifted toward
peace, toward pardon, toward heaven. Force
of moral gravitation in ovcry ono of us, but
power In God's Brace- to overcome that force
Of moral gravitation.
Tho next thing in tho way of your return
Is tho power of ovll habit. I know thcro aro
thoso who say it is very easy for thorn to
givo up evil habits. I do not beliovo them
Hero is a man given to Intoxication. Ho
knows it is disgracing his family, destroying
his property, ruining him, body, mind and
soul. If that man, being an Intelligent man,
and loving his family, could cosily givo up
that habit, would ho not do sol Tho fact
that ho does not givo It up proves it Is hard
to givo It up. It Is a very easy thing to sail
dowu stream, tho tido enrrylug you with
groat forco; but supposo you turn tho boat
up stream, is it so easy then to row It I As
long as wo yield to tho ovll inclinations In our
hearts, and our bad habits, wo aro sail
ing down stream; but tho moment we
try to turn, wo put our boat In tho rapid
just above- Niagara, and try to row up
Stream. Tako a mau given to tho habit of
using tobacco, as most of you do, and let him
rosolvo to stop, and bo finds it very difficult.
Twenty-soven years ago I quit that habit, and
I would as soondaro to put my right hand lu
tho lire us ouco to lndulgo In It. Why! Bo
causo It was such a tcrrlfla strugglo to get
over It. Now, let a man bo advised by his
physician to givo up tho uso of tobacco. Ho
goes around not knowing what to do with
himself. Ho cannot add up a lino of figures.
He cannot sleep nights. It seems as If tho
world had turned upsldo down. Ho feels
his business Is going to ruin. Whero ho
was kind and obliging bo Is scolding
and fretful Tho composuro that charac
terized him has given, way to a fretful
restlessness, and ho has becomo a complcto
fidget. What power Is It that has rolled a
wavo of woe over tho earth and shnken a por
tent In tho heavens! Ho has trlod to stop
smoking or chowlngl After a whllo ho says,
"I am going to do as 1 plenso. Tho doctor
doesn't understand my case. I'm going back
to my old habit," And ho returns. Every
thing assumes Its usual composuro. II li bus
iness seems to brighten. Tho world becomes
an attractive placo to llvo In. His children,
toeing tho difference, hail tho return of their
father's gonial disposition. What wavo of
color has dashed bluo into tho sky and green
ness Into tho mountain foliage, and tho glow
of sapphlro Into tho sunset! What enchant
ment has lifted a world of beauty and joy on
his soul! Ho has gouo back to tobacco I
Oh, tho fact is, us wo all know In our own
experience, that habit isa taskmaster; as long
as wo oboy it. It does not chastUo us; but let
us resist, and wu find wo arn to bo lashed with
scorpion whips and bound with (.hip cable,
and thrown intd tho track of bone breaking
Juggernauts! During tho war of XHVi, thero
was a ship sot on lire just above Niagara
Falls, and then, cut looso from its moorings,
it camo on dowu through tho night and
tossed over tho falls. It was said to havo
been a scenu brilliant beyond all description.
Well, thero aro thousands of men on lira of
evil habit, coming dowu through tho rapids
and through tho awful might of temptation
toward tho eternal plunge. Oh! bow hard it
is to arrest them. God only can arrest them.
Supposo a man after five, or ten, or twenty
years of evil doing, resolves to do right!
Why, all tho force of darkness aro allied
against htm. Ho cannot sleep nights. Ho
gets down ou his kueos lu tho midnight and
cries, "God help mol" Ho bites his lips. Ho
grinds bis teeth. Ho clenches his list In his
determination to keep his purpose. Ho dare
not look at tho bottles lu tho window of a wlno
store. It was ono long, bitter, exhaustive,
band-to-band fight, with Inflamed, tnntnlyz
leg and merciless habit. When ho thinks
ho is entirely fns. thoold Inclinations pounco
upon him like a p.icl; of hounds with their
muzilcu tearing nway at the Hanks of one
oor reindeer In I'nristhoro isn sculptured
represcntntlon of Bacchus, tho god of rovclry.
He It rldhig on n panther at full leop Oh,
how suggestive' Lot every ono who is sliced
lug on bad wny understand he Is not riding
ndodlenud well broken steed, but ho is rid
lug n mounter, wild and bloodthirsty, going
atn death leap
How many thero are who roitolvp on n bet
tor life mid sayt "When shall I nwnko!"
Uut, seized on by their old habits, cryi "I
vllltryltonco moro; I will sock It yet ngnln I"
Years ngo thero werosomo Princeton stu
dents who were skating, nnd tho Ico was very
thin, and somo ono warned tho company hack
from tho a!r hole, mid finally warned them
entirely to leavo tho placo. Hut ono young
man, with bravado, after all tho rest had
stopped, cried outi "Ono round moroi" Ho
swept around nml went down, nnd wns
brought out n corpse. My friends, thcro nro
thousands nnd tens of thousands of men
losing their souls in that wny. It Is tho ono
round more.
I havo also to say that If n man wants to
return from ovll practices society repulses
him. Desiring to reform ho snys, "Now, I
will ihnko off my old associates, nnd I will
find Christian companionship." And ho'np
pcars nt tho church door somo Sabbath day,
and tho usher greets him with n look, at
much ns to say, "Why, you hero! You nro
tho last man 1 over exacted to seo nt church I
Como, tako this sent right down by tho
doorl" Instead of saying, "Good morning;
1 nm glad you aro hero. Como; I will givo
you u first rato seat, right up by tho pub
pit." Well, tho prodigal, not yet dlscour
nged, enters tho prayer meeting, nnd somo
Christian man with moro zeal than common
sense, says, "Glad to seo you. Tho dy
ing thief was saved, and 1 suppose
thero Is mercy for you I" Tlio young
man, disgusted, chilled, throws himself
back on Ids dignity, resolved ho nover wdl
cuter tho houso of God again. Perhaps not
qulto fully discouraged about reformation,
ho sides up by somo liighly rcspectnblo man
ho used to know going down tho street, nnd
immediately tho rcstioctublo mnn has an
errand dowu somo other street! Well, the
prodigal, wishing to return, takes somo mem
ber of n Christian association by tho hand,
or trios to. Tho Chrlstinn young mnn looks
nt him, looks nt the fnded apparel nnd the
mnrkfl of dissipation, and Instead of giving
him n warm grip of tho hand, offers him the
tip end of tho long fingers of tho left hand,
which Is equal to striking a man in tho face.
Oh, how fow Christian icoplo understand
bow much forco nnd gospel thcro Is In n
good, honest hnndshnklugl Sometimes, when
you havo felt tho need of encouragement and
somo Christian man has taken you heartily
by tho hand, havo you not felt that thrilling
through ovcry fiber of your body, mind and
soul, an encouragement that was Just what
you needed t You do not know anything at
all about this unless you know when a man
tries to return from ovll courses of conduct,
ho runs against repulsions innumerable, We
i say of somo man, ho lives a block or two
from tho church or half a mllo from the
church. Thero aro people in our crowded
cities who llvo a thousand miles from the
church. Vast deserts of indifference between
them and tho houso of God. Tlio fact is, we
must keep our respectability, though thou
sands nnd tens of thousands perish. Christ
sat with publicans and sinners. Uut If there
comes to tho houso of God a man with marks
of dissipation upon him. people throw up
their hands lu horror, as much as to say,
"Isn't It shocking!" How theso dainty,
fastidious Christians In all our churches are
going to get Into heaven I don't know, un
less they havo au especial train of cars, cush
ioned and upholstered, each ono a car to him
self 1 They cannot go without tho great herd
of publicans nud shiners. Oh, yo, who curl
your lip of scorn at tho fallen, I tell you
plainly, If you had bcn surrounded by the
somo Influences, instead of sitting today amid
tho cultured and tho refined and tho Chris
tian, you w ould havo been a crouching wretch
in stablo or ditch, covered with filth and
abomination! It Is not bocauso you are
naturally any lxtter, but bocauso tho mercy
of God has protected you. Who aro you,
that brought up lu Christian circles, and
watched by Christian parentage you should
bo so hard on tho fallen!
I think men av aro often hindered from
return by tho fact that churches aro too
anxious about their membership nud too
anxious about their denomination, and thoy
rush out when thoy seo a man nliout to give
up his sin and return to God, uud ask him
how ho U golug to bo baptized, whether by
sprinkling or by Immersion, nnd what kind
of a church bo Is going to join. Ob, my
friends! it is a poor timo to talk about Pres
byterian catechisms, and Episcopal liturgies,
and Methodist lovo feasts, and baptisteries tc
a man that Is coming out of tho darkness of
sin into tho glorious Hght of tho Gospel.
Why, it reminds mo of a man drowning In
tho sea and a lifeboat puts out for him,
and tho mau in tho boat says to the
man out of tho boot: "Now, If I get
you ashore, nro you going to livo in my
street)" First got him ashore, nnd then talk
about tho uon-eysoutlals of roligiou. Who
cares what church ho joins, if ho only jolm
Christ and starts for heaven! Oh, you ought
to havo, my brother, an Illumined fnco, nnd
a hearty grip for every ouo that trios to turn
from his ovll way! Tako hold of tho same
book with him, though his dissipations shake
tho book, remembering that ho that converts
eth a sinner from tho error of his ways shall
Eavo a foul from death, and htdo a multitude
of sins.
Now, I havo shown you theso obstacles Ihj
causo I wai.t you to understand I know all
tho difficulties In tho way; but I am now to
toll you how Hannibal may scalo tho Alps,
and how tho shackles may bo unrlvctod, and
how tho paths of virtue forsaken mny be re
gained. Firstof all, my brother, throw your
self on God. Go to him frankly and earnestly,
and tell him theso habits you havo, and ask
him if there Is any help In all tho resources of
omnipotent lovo, to givo it to you. Do not
go with a long rigmarolo tieoplo call prayer,
made up of "ohs" nnd "nlm" nnd "forever
nnd forever aniens I" Go to God nnd cry for
help! help! help! And if you cannot cry for
help just look nnd livo. I remember In tho
wur 1 was at Autietam and 1 went iuto
the hospitals after the battle, and I said
to a man. "Whero nro you hurt!"
Ho mode no answer, but held up his arms
swollen and splintered. 1 saw whero In
was hurt. Tho slmplo fact is, when u man
has a wounded soul, nil bo has to do Is to hold
It up before a sympathetic Lord and get It
healed. It does not tako any long prayer.
Just hold up tho wound. Oh, it is no small
thing when a man U nervous and weak and
exhausted, coming irom his ovll ways, to feel
that God pit ft. two omnipotent arms around
about him and says: "Young mau, I will
stand by you I Tho mountains may depart
and the hills hi removed, but 1 will nover
fall you." And then, as tho soul thinks the
nows Is too good to bo truo, nnd cannot bo
llcvo It, nnd looks up in God's lace, God lifts
his right hand nud tnkes an oath.uuaflldavlt,
saying; "As 1 llvo, taith tho Lord God, I
have no pleasure In tho death of him that
thank oon ran tub oosrru
Blessed bo God for such a Gospel as this.
"Cut tho idlecs thin," ki d tho wlfoto tho hut
. bmd, "or thero will not lo enough to go nil
around for tho children! cut the slice thin."
UUcd I Ood thero Is n full loaf for every
, ouo that wntit It, bread enough nud to svm
. No thin slices ut tho Iord's tnblo. I reiuoin
Iter when the Mnoter StivCk luwpltnl, lu Phlln
I delphln, uu opened during tho wnr, n tele
gram cnnii) wtylnj, "There will bo three- hun
drcd miiiiuutl men to-night, ho ready to take
care or menu" nud from my church thero
went In mi:ii twenty or thirty men nnd
women to Kmk after these oor wounded fel
lows. As they came, fome from one part of
tho land, tome from another, no olio usked
whether this man wns from Oregon, or from
Massachusetts, or from Minnesota, or
from Now York. Thero was a wounded
soldier, nnd tho only question wns how
to tako off tho rags most gently, nnd put
on tho lnudngo, nud administer tho cordial.
And w hen a soul comes to God, ho does not
ask w here you enmo from or whnt your nn
costry wns Healing for nil your wounds.
Pardon for nil your guilt. Comfort for nil
your troubles.
Then, nlso, I count-el you, If you wnnt to
get back, to quit nil your bad nssociatlons.
Ono unholy Intimacy will nil your soul with
moral dltcmcr. In nil tho nges of the
church them has not !ccn nn instnnco where
n mnn kept ono evil rvsoclato nud wns re
formed. Among tho fourteen hundred mill
ion of tho race not ono Instance, Go home
todny, open your desk, tako out lottor pnpor,
stamp nud envelox, nnd then wrlto a letter
something llko thlst
"My old companions: I start this dny tor
heaven. Until I nm persunded you will join
mo ly this, fnrewell,"
you jiuht UKNOu.vcn o.i: on the other.
Then sign your unmo nnd send tho lotter
with tho lirst post, Givo up your bad com
panions or give up heaven. It Is not ten bad
companions that destroy n mnn, nor flvo lind
compinlons, nor three bail companions, but
one. What chauco Is thero for that young
man 1 saw along thostreet, four or llvo young
men with him, halting lu front of n grog
shop, urging him to go In, ho resisting, vio
lently resisting, until nfter a whllo thoy
forced him to go lu! It wns n summer night
nnd tho door was left open, nud I saw the
process. They held him fast, nnd they put
tho cup to his litis, nnd they forced down the
strong drink. Whnt chnuco is thero for such
a young man!
I counsel you nlso seek Chrlstinn ndvlco.
Every Christian man Is hound to help you.
First of nil, seek God; then seek Chrlstinn
counsel. Gather up nil tho energies of body,
mind nnd soul, nud, appealing to God for sue
cess, declare this day everlasting wnr against
nil drinking habits, nil gnmbllng practices,
nil houses of sin. Half-and-half work will
amount to nothing; it mutt I hi n Waterloo.
Shrink back now and you nro lost. Push on
and you aro saved, A Spartan general fell
at tho very moment of victory, but ho dipped
hU linger In his own blood nnd wroto on a
rock near which ho was dying, "Sparta hm
conquered." Though your strugglo to get
rid of slu mny seem to lu almost a ilcntL
strugglo, you can dip your finger In youi
own blood nnd wrlto on tho Rock of Ages
"Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
Oh, what glorious nows It would 1h foi
somo of theso young men to send homo tc
their parents. They go to tho postolUci
every dny or two to seo whether I hero an
nny letters from you. How anxious they an
to hear.
Somo ouo said to a Grecian general, "What
was tho proudest moment in your lifef II(
thought n moment, nnd said: "Tho proudest
moment in my llfo wns when I sent word
homo to my parents that I had gained the
victory " And tho proudest nud most bril
Hunt moment in your lifo will bo tho moment
when you can send word to your parents that
you have conquered your ovll habits by th(
graco of God nnd becomo eternnl victor. Oh
despise not parental anxiety I The tlmo nil
como when you will hnvo neither father noi
mother, and you will go around tho place
whero they used to watch you and fine
them gono from tho houso nud gono froir
tho field, nnd gono from tho neighbor
hood. Cry ns loud for forgiveness us yoj
mny over tho mound in tho churchyard
thov will not answer Dead! Dead! And
then you will lako "ouf tho Iilto lock of
hnlr thnt was cut from your mother's brow
Just beforo they buried her, ami you wit
tako tho enno with w hlch your father used e
walk, and you will think and think and wisL
thnt you had done just ns they wanted vol
to, nnd would glvo tho world If you hat
never thrust a pang through their dear olo
hearts. Ood pity tho poor young man w he
has brought dlsgrnco on his father's name
God pity tho young man who has broken bit
mother's heart! Better if ho had nover been
born better If, In tho first hour of Ids llfo,
Instead of being laid against tho warm bosom
of maternal tcudorness, ho had been coffined
nnd sepulcbered. Thero Is no balm .powerful
enough to heal tho heart of ono who hai
brought parents to a sorrowful gravo, and
who wanders nbout through the dismal
ccmotcry, rending tho hnlr nnd wringing the
hands and crying, "Mother! Mother!" Oh,
that today, by all tho memories of tho pas!
and by all tho hopes of tho f uturo, you would
yield your heart to Ood! May your father'!
God and your mother's God bo your God
I'lno Writing.
Thcro Is a grent denl of flno writing done
on somo of the Now York dnllles. A repor
ter on ono occasion wishing to state that Joe
Coburn, tho ox-convict and prizo fighter,
struck his benefactor, tho eceeutrlc million
alro, Luw, a blow on tho faco for refusing tc
udvauco a loan, uses tho following language
"Tho story goes that Coburn asked for
It.OOO on tho spot, thnt Law didn't seo It,
and thnt Coburn promptly landed tho par
ticular nuserino fowl of auriferous tenden
cies on whom ho has constantly backed, o
'swat' which tumbled him in tho sawdust."
This is positively an improvement on the
words of tho fastidious clerevmnn whe
altered a well known text to, "It is tho pro-
rogiuivo oi innocence to project tno initia
tory liowlder." Texus Sif tings.
A Long Journey for Six Cent.
Two weeks ngo George, tho l.Vyenr-old son
of Mr. HerU'rt, of the city eugiueer's office,
ran away from homo nud was no: heard of
ngnln until yesterday, n lieu his futher re
ceived a letter from him nniiounehig his safe
arrival lu San Francisco, whero ho is camped
with relatives residing lu that city. When
George faded awuy from Deuver his financial
assets aggregated six cents lu postngo stamps.
At tho closo of a 1,300 mllo Journey ho had nn
accounting nud found himself tho proud pos
sessor of f 5. Should he continue hi Journey
nround tho world it is apprehended that ho
will return to Denver in possession of n
handsome competence. Deuver Republican.
A Chapter of Cnliiniltlrs,
A southern merchant had u chanco tho
other dny to tlntl tho first cause of an acci
dent which happened lu his storo, A rattle
snnko frightened a cat, that scared n hen, that
knocked u Jar of Jam from n shelf, w hlch hit
the fnueet of n barrel of molasses, which
turned the faucet, causing the loss of n barrel
of molos4. Uut the man who sends a boy
who orders goods which nourishes tho body
which supports the mau who nover intends to
ay for a bat he received is often moro expen
sive tbnu this rattlesnake Northwest Trade,
Whnt tho lllll ItimnU llilu The Truth
About It.
The man who designs tho works of nrt
thnt decorate tho bill boanls throughout tho
United Stntes nt this season of tho yenr
should hnvo K-en consulted beforo tho first
menngerle wns mndo to order for Adam nnd
Kvonnd turned loose In tho garden of Eden
Lrtnr arnoNO-noLn in his nore nAtNciNo
Ho could hnvo given valuable- pointers nbout
tho proKr pruortloiu of tho vnrlous ani
mals, nud would hnvo nddeil to tho collection
bensts nud birds and reptiles which could now
bo used to advantage.
The circus nrtlst Is n wonderful mnn, with
n piieuomeuni sizuot imagination ami a in-l
preum contempt for fncts. Ho looks with
disdain upon the modern renllstlo school of
nrt. He has no uso for realism. Tho circus
nrtlst probably knows Ids business. For
ninny, many yenrs ho hiu been drawing pic
tures of elephants forty feet high tramping
their wny majestically through scene of
Oriental splendor. Flvo generations hnvo
stood wllli glaring eyes nnd ojien mouths be
foro these grent works of tho lithographer's
nrt, They hnvo patronized each succeeding
circus, nud swallowed tho rising lump of dls
apK)inlnient occasioned by tho discovery
that the seventy-llvo foot glrnffo could stnnd
erect In n seven foot cnge. Ono hundrod
yenrs from now It will lie tho snmo.
No mau looks nt tho bill boards nfter tho
circus has left town. As ho passes by ho
looks the other wny. It Is n matter of rcgrot
thnt the circus Is so far behind tho progress
mndo by the nrtlst nnd tho ndvnnco agent.
The ndvnnco agent Is n talented gentleman,
with nn enthusiastic tenierament. As tho
circus becomes moro nnd more nntiquntcd
the udvnuco ngcut grows moro eloquent. Ho
announces thnt nil former achievement!) will
bo cast in thoshndo; that tho colossal aggre
gation is grander than over nnd thnt tho
price of admission will not lw increiwed. Tho
circus urtlxt Is equal to tho occasion Ho de
signs a new elephant, with a trunk thirty
feet In length, nud draws n vivid representa
tion of a llfo and death fight between tho
wild ynt of Patagonia and a comiuiny of
sailors who hnvo stepped ashoro from a man-of-wnr.
Tho Chlengo Herald presents a series of
pictures, I oducod from photographs, depict
ing nctunl scenes in ouo of tho greatest ag
gregations over exhibited beneath canvas.
i Their accuracy will not bo questioned by
' thoso who hnvo visited tho circus recently.
Ilcfercncu Is made to tho spirited drawing of
"La Ttttcot, tho Human Fly," lu her daring
act of diving iuto a net, Tho artist has evi
dently made a mistake in his perspective, for
as tho picture Is drawn tho suggestion that
tho stakes uro too short force? ((self on alj
who mako a critical analysis of this spirited
sketch. Tho "La Tascot" on tho bill boards
Is a far prettier female, but her faco lacks
tho decision and chnrncter portrayed In tho
original. Mnny are disappointed that tho
dlvo is not mndo head first, as per advertise
ment, but this feeling soon passes away.
The urtlst has shown Signoor Kelly hi tho
star act of tho evening. Signoor Kelly Is tho
champion "lienr-buck" rider of tho world.
Those not acquainted with tho dangers which
surround tho llfo of a circus performer may
fall to properly appreciate tho risk taken by
Signoor Kelly In tho feat undertaken by him
ns thowu lu tho sketch. Thero is a chnnco
that tho upright so firmly grnK-d by tho
rider mny break or pull out, Whnt would
becomo of tho unfortunate mau! He would
bo dashed to tho sawdust track. Then, again,
the horso might drop dead Thoso not In th
business hnvo no right to crlticiso, but it is
bard to keep out of ono's mind tho recollec
tion of n sreuo shown on tho bill boards,
whero u flying horse dashes around tho groat
ring, currying on his back a graceful rider,
whoso toes seem hardly to touch tho gallop
lug stood.
Thcro Is no uso in kicking becauso the man
who was advertised to turn thirteen times
over twelve largo elephants simply jumps off
of a ip'liigboaiil and turns a somersault over
ono solitary, melancholy pachyderm with a
far away look in ills olf eye. Not half of the
people (n the vust audience would dnre to per
form that act.
But lu spite of all theso petty disappoint
ments it U everlasting fun to seo the circus.
A .llr In Nitmo Only.
Mrs. Parvenu Mr. Travis, you know ev
ery IkxIv. Who Is that pretty girl over there,
sitting on thedlvauf
Mr, TravU That Is oti of my Mr rs, Mrs.
Mr. Parvenu Indeed! You don't look ni
If you lieloiiged to the samo family.
Mr. TrnvU (sadly) No, nnd we never shall
Burllugtou Free Press.
.wv" .v lv mnsTgi " MJt
1 122 N
BEK---. r
Wo ben lenvo to Inform our Lincoln patrons nnd the public In Kcncrnl thnt
our Importation of FINE
Novelties for Sprii g and Summer
Arc now rendy for Inspection. Wc hnvc n much Inrjjcr nnd liner uisortiiKiit
thnn ever beforo. Cnll nnd sec our Inlcst novelties from London nnd I'nrls.
Dress Suits a Specialty.
guckert & Mcdonald,
316 S. 16th St., Omaha, Nob.
linndllouuht nnd Hold, Mouses llented. Abstracts furnished, Tuxes Pnlil for Nou-ltcslilcnts
uud nil other ImMiRMt pertalnliiK to Ilea! Kstuto promptly attended to.
Where nil .ilnds of -i;
Buggies, Carriages or Saddle Horses,
Cnn he lind nt nnv lie, Dny or Night, on hhort notice,
Horses Boiirclod and w. . .nken care of at Reasonable Rates,
Call p.nd sc us, io: Q street, or give all orders by
Telephone 147.
IwHilSliHSBB? f
3JDM IfllailiflKnSiiMIJiillfl. .8L
ltntes lenMiniiMe, Kverytluntt new nud complete. IPronipt rervlre nud tho bett menu In
Ouuihii. Hot nnil cold wilier In every loom. Olllc. nnd dlnlnit hull on ttrxt lloor. All mod
ern Improvement. I Inutilities uIwiijh Heelve n enrdlnl welcome. Cnll nmUeo us whllo In
Omuhii. You cnn net into the rnrs nt depot nnd tnko HAHNKY ST., CAULK LINK
lUUKCT TO Tim 1)0011, Cor. Hth nnd Hnrnoy.
In . P Iliniiv, Clerk. II. HILLOWAY, Proprietor.
the nick of time, and "just strikes the spot." The quiet' enjoyment of n frngrnnt Ha
vana In a charmingly decorated nnd gorgcotif smoking apartment, nnd finally n pence
ful deep in n bed of mewy linen nnd downy soltncts. Such Is life on the "HUR
LINGTON" KOL TE. What other line or combination of lines can offer )0 thcic
advantages? NOT ONE. Please remember thU when next you travel.
:5S22TTO&&22i 'V
Information of all kinds pertain
ing to Railroad or Ocean steam
ship Tickets promptly answered.
G. V. HOLDREGE, GenM Mgr.,
J. FRANCIS, G. P. and T. A.,
l i 1 it iT m fcrrini n niMriMfii i
Leonard Refrigerators,
Hot Air Furnaces,
Van's Wrought Iron
Max Meyer & Bro.,
wholttsla and RcUII Otslers In
General western iikchIs for tlio Htoln
wiiv, Kiialie, Uhlckerlnir, Vose, Krnst
Onliler, llchr llros., Newby A Kviiiin, nml
Hlcrllng. '
Pianos mnrkrd lu plnln fltures-prlcei
iilwnH tho lowest for the grade of planni
C. M. HANDS, Manager.
A'2 North 11th Stroot.
Fire Insurance and Loan Broker.
Itoom lllltleliurd's lllock.l IWrfll W Vah
Cor. utii nud o HtrcetN, LlnliULU, fl60,
In the City nil come from the
Graham Brick Stables
1027 Q STREET,
Omaha's Leading Hotel.
Opened Hcpt. 1, 1888.;
Finest Hotel in the West
thnt is the very embodiment " re nr.d 'i vi n , u friendly game
of WliUt, n choice vo.un.e from the w ' KtocUu hbmr), n proui
ennde from enr to car (the hnndtotue vitiibulc excluding all diut,
smoke, rain or wind, nnd thu rendering the promenade n de
lightful nnd novel pastime). A sumptuous meal that comes in
My superior advantages enable me tc
ticket to and from Europe at the lowest rati
and to secure desirable cabins In advance of
fallings. The generous patronage accorded
me by prominent people of Omaha, Lincoln
and other Nebraska clticb attest the popular-
ot " ow,ce-
City Passenger and
Ticket Agent.
Lsr s