Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 27, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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    - xrpir Wr' '
jwmmiir 'uHwmnmmyf' m 'epw- " yyy--wy 'yvMI " "
1114 O street
fixnmlnc sample o( our woik before
ordering elsewhere.
Cnblnct Photograph induced (roin $4 to
$3 per doicn,
Everybody to examine the
plans and standing of the Un
ion Central Life Insurance
Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio,
before insuring. It has the
lowest continuous death rate
of any company. Realizes the
highest rate of interest on in
vested assets which enables it
to pay large dividends.
Policies incontestiblo and
non-forfeitablo after third vcar.
The Union Central issues
endowment policies at ordi
nary life rates; these policies
are now maturing and being
paid in from one to two years
earlier than time estimated by
the company. They protect
the family and estate during
the younger years of life, and
the insured in old age at regu
lar life rates. Other desirable
policies issued. Call on us or
write for plans.
J. M. KDMISTOX, Stole AiKnt.
O. h. MESllWU, Aut. State Autnt,
O, T. VUMl'KhLY, City Solicitor,
lloom 2J Hurr Mock,
Should call nn
see our Good
nnd Ornament
(or the hend.
All the latest
shapes In Bang
Switched, etc.
1114 0 St.
I can cheerfully recommend
Dr 8eth Arnold' Cough
11 . . , : .
In urincniirei-cinisrcmcuy
for Couch and Cold, lurv
liicueodU In my oun family
L. II. Uuili. Dei Molnc.
Draggliu, Dec., 60o., and 91.00.
19 ke IBr
Will bo under the personal supervision of
H, L. LELKND, and will be open for the
reoeptton of truest), June first In each year.
Visitor will find.
la first class In all of ita appointments, belnir
well supplied with pas, hot and cold water
hatha, electric belia iai all snodsrn im
prorsMBftnta, atsam laundry, billiard hall
bowliasT alley, etc , and positively free fro
uuaoyaac by mosquitoes).
Jfaund If rip EXcunlon f tclr,eti
will b pUoed on ala at the oosasasmoement
or tas) touzui sesvaon or ia urunsjiont
Cedar Kaplda Northern JUllway and all
eosuawcttncUaea, allow ratea, to the follow
lasr point) la Iowa and Xinneeota: Spirit
JLaka, Iowa; Albert Lea,Watrvllle, mlnn
apoUa, St. Paul, Lake IClnnetonka, White
Bear I-ahs and Dmluth, Minnesota ; Clear
Lake, Iowa; Lake Superior polnU; Yellow
taai Park aad Miata la Colorado,
'' Writ for "A Midsummer rat
dtsM" to the Oeolsral Ticket and Paw-
m toKfeiWtrft
Lake, tews,
tTM.U4 6a1ti. B4a'ITUSls-4rM.iM
-! ft.
The Indians lie stashed aihI pnnhrl And slapped
aihI low nml lfiii:litored
ItaM tot anil nlinut tliu liimlltiK Ul. wtidtqticAtcd
Ami rcelid nnil tottered!
Ita'd tang unit ninths; At overy raiir of robber
Ami innriiider,
Ttiohorso thief strung nn tho limb ho tiling, and
thin k t law nnd order
In orcry fls'it titer luck he struck, And norcr met
In ttlen And drn, 'mid brute And turn, he norcr
found A master!
No ifiuh or nIaxIi could over ilh scnlmt hi front
No foe could stand till rvd right hand thnt slugged
so sclrtitlfla
The rsltlonnnke he punched And crunched 1 he
oterthruw the blon
Ho sought nnd fought An awful lot each beast
'tenth the horUon.
Noaoaror Jar could ever mar, no harm could ercr
Ret lilin,
Dut wAnt of breath nnd speed 4k Verlook nil
things that met hliu'
Dut to the town (in came for fame, ha moted Into
I a fell, nh well 1 1 grloTo to loll-1 he pltyl-oli. the
Ilo'd hit nnd split hit hend. And Ret n brtilto At
iy crowing,
licrdlc niAti And the moving tnn hi
And the
mangled form nu loaning
Wtiono'er he crowed the street till feet with
wheel And thing were tangled
And hi frntiioticcamontiloodyshAtiiu, all maimed
And limned nnd tnnnglodt
Ito'dfnll nudipmwl right thro It All, lit bone
all dislocatod.
With moat of til face stuck on the. wrong place,
and both of hi feet mlsmntcd
And loon It cntiio to vu tho rm tho big RA
liouso exploded
And he Ah mo! waa lilt, you ice, ho dldnt know
It wo loaded.
Oh, my I In theakyho ihot a high n war con
tractor' bounties, ,
And hlKcnlUTfd frame wna found, they claim, In
nineteen different counties I
-a W, Tom In YAiikco lllado.
lie Knew.
A tonchcr waa tolling her llttlo boy nliout
temptation, nnd showing how It sometime
emtio In tho most attractive nttlro. 8I10 used
n nn Illustration tho pnw of n cat
"Now," wild ho, "you liavo all (con tho
paw of u cat. It U as soft a velvet, itn't itP
" Ycmjih," from tho claw.
"And you hnvo accn tho paw of a dog I"
"Well, although tho cat' paw seems like
elvot, thcro is, nevertheless, concealed In It
something that hurt. What la Itf"
No answer.
"Tho dog bites,' said tho teacher, "when
ho Is In nnger; but wlmt does tho cat dot"
"Scratches," replied tho boy.
"Correct," sold tho teacher, nodding her
heodapprovlugly, "Mow, what has tho cat
got that tho dog hasn't."
"Whiskers," said a boy on tho back sontt
and tho titter that ran around tho class
brought tho Icmoii to nn end. Young Catho
lic, A Caution Man.
A man who had been hurt by a fall out
Fort street, tho other day, had an ambulance
summoned, but by tho tlmo it arrived ho had
regained much of his nerve, and beforo ho
would permit thorn to lift hltu In, ho In
quirodt "Wlmt will tho charge hot"
"Nothing," he was assured.
"What I Is It free'"
"It Is."
"Well, that's fair enough, but look here,
don't fool with inol If you expect to mako
mo buy a dollar' worth of church fair tick
ota at tho other cud of tho route you'll got
badly lef tt" Detroit Free Pro.
A Hud Drawing.
A Sudden HIms
"How much Is canncl coal, Mr, Littleton!"
"I think It's eighteen dollars. Just wait a
Ho goes over to tho bookkeeper.
"lias uiklns paid HI bill yotr
"No, sir."
"Ah, Mr, Elktns, I find canncl coal has
gono up to twenty-four dollars." Harper's
No Effect ou the Faintly,
Eausonlce Poseyboy, what do you think
ot young Skeekl
Poseyboy Not much. Ilia father was in
soap, you know.
Enuaoulco Indeed 1 I should nover have
thought It, from tho appearance of tho fam
ily. Durllugtoiv Freo Press.
Took Her by Surprise.
"I have sometimes thought" began Mr.
Porridge, whereat Miss Rashly garo an ex
clamation of amazement, and then remarked
apologetically! "It may bo. Of courso I
have no knowledgo ot what you may have
dono beforo I becamo acquainted with you."
ulcbmonu Dispatch.
Nothing to Fear.
Lady Little boy, tsnt that your mother
calling you I
Little Boy Yes'm.
Why ttont you answer her, thenf
"Pop's away." New York Weekly.
A Dark Night.
You kin harp about yer moonlight
As much as er'r yo please,
'Bout It's shimmer an' Its shodders
A-ptsyln' 'mongst the trees.
But Jos' clve me a pitch dark night,
With black clouds hi the sky.
What I ye want to know my reason!
Well I kin kIvo the why
It was jes' ou such an evcnln'
I meniberuell the weather,
Wo's comln' home from stngln' school
A lot of us together
An somebody waa next to me.
But you needn't ask me who,
And In the dark he held my band,
An kep' on boldtn' too.
Somethln' 'at made me so happy
I cant tercet the night,
An' I know he wouldn't her said It
Ef the moon M beu shlntn' brlfihk
Bo jes' harp about yer moonlight
Aa much as ev'r ye please,
'Bout It shimmer an' It shodders
A-pUyln' mooRst the true
But fee kIto me a pitch dark night,
With cloud a-rollla' graad.
An' my sweetheart walltin' by my aide,
A-lioldlo of my band.
-OaetnnMt Enquirer.
ALFneD PAn80N3.
A rainier Who Is it Ixirer nf III Niitlrt
Kngllitli llower.
Mr, Alfred 1'urxnu, who Is still pearsiiient'
Iy young, awakened to his (lnavtIi'n0fplen
ant material In tho comprehomdvo county nf
Someret a capital center Of linprnulnn for
n (Milliter of tint bucollo. Ho lini tieen to
Atnenca, he has oven rcproilueoil with ro
mnrknblo discrimination nnd truth somo of
tho waysldo objects In tbat country, not. mak
ing them look In tho least llko their I'ngllsli
eUlvaleutn, If equivalents thuy limy lie iwild
to hnvo. Was It there thnt Mr Panxinf
lenmed mi "ell how Americans would llko
Htigland tonppenrl I nsk this Idle question
simply liecaUMi tho England of his iene,and
not hfw of his brush (of h s eminent hi list)
thoru would I hi much to say), In exactly the
England thnt tho American Imagination, re
stricted to iuulf, constructs from tho kxjU,
tho novelists, from nil tho delightful testi
mony it Inherits. It wn scarcely to hnvo
been supKsed posullilu tlmt tho native mlnt
of vlow would embrnco nnd ohsorve mi mnny
of tho things that tho moro or less fnmlihed
outsider Is, In vulgar parlance, "after," In
other wonls (though I appear to utter a fool
ish arailoxi, tho danger might have I icon
that Mr. Parsons know his subject too well
to foul It to feel It, I mean, I'Amerlcnlu. Ho
U as tender of It as If ho worn vnguo nliout It,
ind as certain ns if ho wcru blaso.
Uut after having wished that lib country
should bo Just so, wo proceed to discover that
It is In fact not a bit dllferent. Detwcen
theso pliaws of our consciousness ho Is an
unfailing inesMjngor. Tho render will remem
ber how often ho has accompanied with pic
tures tho toxt of some amlablo paper describ
ing a wtornl region Warwickshire or Sur
rey, Dovoiuhlro or tho Thames. Ho will
remomtfer his oxqulslto deslgnsfor certain of
Wonlsworth's sonuots. A sonnet of Words
worth Is n difficult thing to Illustrate, but
Mr, Parsons' rto tasto has shown him tho
way, Then thoro aro lovely raorxel from his
hand nssoctntcd with tho drawings of his
friend Mr. Ablwy hond pieces, tall pieces,
vignettes, charming combinations of llowcr
nnd foliage, decoratlvo clusters of all sorts of
pleasant rural ombloms. If ho has an luox
haustlblo fooling for tho country In general,
his lovo of tho myriad English (lowers U per
haps tho fondest fxirt of It, Ho draws thorn
with raro (wrfcctlon, and always llttlo, def
inite, delicate, tremulous things as thoy nro
with a certain noblessness. Tills latter qual
ity, indeed, I am prono to (hut In all his work,
and I should Insist ou it still moro If I might
refer to his tuqiortant paintings. 80 com
posite aro tho parts of which any distinguished
talent is made up that wo hnvo to feci our
way as wocnumcrato them; ami yot that very
ambiguity Is a challeugo to nnalysls and to
characterization. This uoblouess on Mr. Par
sons' iart Is tho elomont of stylo something
largo and manly, expressive of tho total char
actor of his facts. Ills landscuo Is tho land
scapo of the imilo vision; ami yot his touch Is
full of sentiment, of curiosity and oudear
mont. These things, nnd others beside, mako
him tho most living of the now wutkers In
his lino. Harper's Magazine
A Simko Swallows IllaukeU
Snakes have been known to swnllow live
dogs and rabbits, says Tho Cloveland Plntn
Dealer, but tho narrator of snake stories has
nover yet had tho hardihood to uublushingly
mako tho nstcrtion thnt snakes can feed nnd
thrive ou blankets. Uut future snnku his
torians may lucludo that story among the
snake's accomplishments, for w Ithout stretch
ing the facts a particle tho twcnty-flvo foot
snnko now liolug lotted nnd caressed by Mrs.
William Doris in tho dime museum got uwny
for a light lunch with a doublo woolen
blanket. Tho snnku tiad not tasted food for
some tlmo, nnd Mrs. Doris left him crawling
about ou the t-oft, white blanket, and wlion
she returned tho blanket was gono, but his
snakeship's tlguro was not qulto as prdtty as
it used to be. Ho was nil bunions, knots and
bolls, ami bad evidently grown much stouter,
when the truth dawned upon Mrs. Doris that
tho reptile bad swallowed ber ?o blanket.
Medical aid was summonod,aud ho wus given
a keg of beer with which to wash the blanket
down, and at last accounts ho was as chipper
and frisky as a 3-year-old. Tho doctors claim
thnt It will bo Just a easy for tho snako to
digest the blanket as the live chickens nnd
rabbits, feathers, fur, hopes and nil, on which
ho lives. A new blanket was furnished him,
but this tlmo It was unllcd down to tho tloor
of tho cago. Tho blanket has been working
Its way down tho snake's body, and lato last
night it was In a fair way of gettlug near hit
tall. It Is proposed to cousult n surgeon
with n vlow of cutting a holo near tho snake's
toll and pulling tho blanket out rather than
wait for tho uatural process of digestion.
A New Start In Sucnr.
The sugar industry of this country hoi
taken on entirely now start, owing to the
employment of now methods In manufactur
ing. The methods now In use greatly lescn
tho cost of production, and an ordinary crop
can bo worked up and sold for flro cents er
pound, leaving a handsomo profit for tho pro
ducer, Tho now process of manufacture 1
attracting tho attention of agriculturists in
tho uorthcra nnd central states, ns well as
thoso of tho southern ortlon of tbo country,
By tho new method of ovaporatlng tho cane
raised In tho northern states can bo modo a
profltablo crop, although It contains less sac
charine matter than that raised in tho south.
Southern sugar cano, under tho present pro
cess, will yield about 200 pounds of sugar to
tho ton, while tho northern yields about ISO
pounds to tho ton. Tbroo sugar manufacto
ries aro now being erected In Kansas, with
ovory prospect of success for their projectors,
and tho Industry will doubtless oxtoud to
other state as soon as tho success ot those
factorial Is demonstrated. Intorviow in
Ills Ilald Head Won Illni a Wife.
In the book of Mrs. Lnulll Willis, tho Sa
moan woman, whoso husband, a contractor,
loft Alameda several days ago nnd has since
boon missing, occurs tho following quaint
story of how sho fell In lovo with her hus
band) "Tho first thing I saw when wo wont along
sldo tbo ship was a white man with a bald
bead. That looked very funny to mo, as 1
had uovcr socn a bald bcadod man before.
Uo was real fat and nlco looking, but ho did
not bavo any balr ou his head; and 1 got my
brother, who could talk English, to ask him,
just as soon m ho got aboard, where was all
tho hnlr that belonged ou his head. And the
white mun told him that ho tlvod In Califor
nia, and thoy did not have any cold weather
there, but had what thoy called 'a glorious
climate,' end tho 'climate' bad taken all the
hair off his head. Wo got very well acquaint
ed, and 1 liked htm, tiecAUso v. hen another
white man kept talking to mo this one
with the bald bead quarolod with him and
knocked hhn down so ho should not bother
me," Oakland tCoi.) Tribune,
Aquoer but true story comes from Ne
sbanuock, east of Sharon, Pa,, where lived
an old lady &), who woutod to go to Iowa,
but was ufruld to becausn she had never
traveled by railroad- She remarked to a
friend at the station that It would lie ber first
nnd perhaps lost rldo on the cars. Several
days ago frleuds In Iowa received word that
she bad actually died on the train. The noise
sod excitemeut had been too much for her
tiib wonKixns or thk wrxNT mind,
Thtitnn JolTcrson, when nlwut 4 years old,
was playing with his blocks one dny, when
tllo sound of nn Infant sister enmo drifting
In from the distant nursery, "It seems to
iiu1," rcmnrked tho Infant statesman, wiuslng
In his childish labor, "or, rather, It strikes
me, that Anna Marin has taken her base on
Imwk" "Hut," lnterioses tho hypercritical
reader, "Thomas Jefferson had no sister
Anna Mnrla, and baseball nnd Its slang woro
unknown In his tlmo." Yes, nil thnt I know;
but I ngivc with Mr. Howolls thnt In n novel
dealing with modern Hfo "n plot of close
texture I not only unuectssnry, hut Is nn
anachronism. "Hut, you say, "tho In
fancy of Thomas Jclfcrsou is not n finture of
modern Hfo." No, goosey, but baseball Is.
Clo; get thee to a kindergarten, and learn
the sliiplo en nous of criticism.
"What limo you there'" demanded tho ed
itor, with smoldering fire In his 0)0, "nn nr
tlcln on tho Into wnrT "No, indeed," replied
the. distinguished contributor, for it wn ho,
"It Is nn article on the noxt wnr." "I will
gladly oeoept It," replied tho odltw, "bo
cauv) that Is something w lilch you probablv
know something nliout, nnd tho people, will
bo glad to get hold of bottom fncts which
cannot lie denied or disproved by all the rest
of tho partlcljiants. Hero is a check for '00
a 1 vigo; count tho pages, add up the check,
and get tho cash on It yourself. Nnr, do not
thank ma" Adding in n strained, hoarso
voice, as the distinguished contributor goes
down the wlndlugstnlr, "You will not, when
you go to cash tho check."
A correspondent wants somo hints on how
to train a dog. Well, aboutns good a way as
any is to train him as you do a morning glory
vine with n tight cord to a high hook. Ho
will never bark If you train him this way.
0, yes, and Ihi suro you bury him deep enough
10 that drought will not nftcct him. Then ho
enn't help being it good dog. Dog gono good.
I lord the man who knows It all
From onxt to west, from north to houUi;
Who knows all things, both great and small.
And tells It with his tireless mouth)
Who holds a listening world In awe,
Tho lillo ho works his iron jaw
Otttlmes In evening's holy calm
When tw lUght softens sight and sound,
And zephyr breathes a eaceful psalm,
Tills fellow brings lit mouth around.
With Its long. gaMop that can tiro
The eight day clock's Impatient Ira
Ills good strong mouth I Ho wields It well I
Ho works It Jiutt for all It's worth;
Not Samson's jawbone famed could tell
Suoh mighty deeds njion tbo earth.
IIo pulls tho throttle oien wide.
And works her hard on cither side.
Up hill and dou 11, through swamp and sand,
It never stoM, It never balks;
.Through nlr nnd sky, o'er sea mid land,
IIo talks, and talks, and talks, and talks,
And talks, and talks, nnd talks, and talks,
And talks, and talks, and talks, and talks,
Qood Lord, from evils fierce and dire,
Bare us each day from fear and woe;
From wreck and llood, from storm and (Ire,
From sudden death, from secret foe;
From blighting ralu and burning drouth
And from tho man w ho plays hu mouth.
Brooklyn Eagle.
A forlorn hnbecllo, who hnd been expelled
from the asylum for frivolity, enmo In to
suggest that on Arbor dny tho planting of
trees be observed with oino regard to what
tho xxr creature called, with n hoan-o chest
nut chuckle, tho external fltnevi of things.
For Instance, he bald, wo should plant beforo
thohalooim thohlu o'rye, nt the kitchen door,
young n idies. In tho zoological garden, tho
fur; at the homo of tho married man, tho
yoko: In the kchool yards, the yeH'em, and
in At this, iolnt, however, a bolt of veil
geuueons lnrgonsnboot fell upon the offender
llko n ical of banana from a cloudlevi sky and
carried blm nwny as with a thud. Not tho
dull, sickeuiug kind, hut one of tho long
drawn, such us usually heard in tho dead of
ulght, when wearied peoplo yawn nud tho
patient evening caller waits to bear tho over
welcome breakfast Ml.
"Do you call on tho Trlppleplntes, Mrs.
Jommonerf" "No, thnt Is, I hnvo nover
called. I hear my husband say that ho calls
thcro qulto frequently, two or three times a
week." "Why. I don't"- "You see, he's
out of employment Just now, nud Is collecting
hard bills for Grub oiGrozer." "Ohl" "Yes,
A Uimculty About Witnesses.
"Mr. Smith," said tho electric light man
ager to his foreman, "wo wnut somo men to
testify to the absolute barmle&moss of tho
electrlo light current as used by us. You
might send Rolierts"
Foreman He was killed wbllo fixing a
w Iro loot night, sir.
"Well. ackson will do, then."
"IIo accidentally grounded a wrong wire
last week, and Is scarcely expected to live,
"Such nwkwardness. Send Williams."
"Sorry, sir, but ho was paralyzed whllo
fixing an electrlo lamp on Ihursday."
"Really I It's most annoying. Employ
somo new men nt ouco, and scud them to tes
tify to tho commtttco before thoy bavo tlmo
to get themselves killed." Now York Herald.
A llUngreciiblo Featare.
Friend (to theatrical acquaintance) No
doubt thcru nro a great many disagreeable
things connected with tho theatrical profes
sion I
Actor Yes, Indeed.
Friend What do you find to be most dis
agreeable I
Actor Tho way in which tho railroad ties
aro made. They are cither too far apart or
too uoar together for comfortable pedestrian
ism. Yankco Blade.
Koopoun By tho way, Douds, what caused
tho decline in your bank shares today divi
dend off!
Bonds (lacoulcallyi No, cashier. Life,
A Natural Question.
"The captain was as cool as a cucumber
when tho vojisol struck the Iceberg."
"How was tho iceberg" Harper's Bazar.
Au Kasy FIU
"Now, Daffy, do It seem to fltf"
"Yes, urn-, It seem to fit splendid; I kin Jes
wabble ray foot all "round In It. Harper's
For Late Styles and Immense Satisfaction,
Lincoln Shoe Store
They make n Specialty of
Ludlow's Celebrated Fine Shoes
For Ladies. They combine Service, Solid
Comfort and Economy.
New Spring and
John McWhinnie's
The Old Reliable Tailor.
First Class Workmanship, Fine Trimming, and
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
305 S. ELE'vEjasT'TiEa: Street1.
Established Dec. W, 1SS6.
The German National Bank,
Capital Paid up, $100,000.00
Surplus . . . 13,000.00
Trnnsnctsn jrcnernl bitnltliii? buslnegs, Imues
letters of credit, draw drafts ou nil. parts ot
tho world. Foreign collections a specialty.
C C. MUN80N, Vlco President.
O. J. WILCCX, Asslstnnt Cashier.
E. HIIyIv,l
Tailor and Draper
I shall display for your inspection n new nnd very carefully selected
Stock, comprising many of the latest and newest designs of the European
Manufacturers, nnd I am now prepared to take nil orders for making up
garments for gents In the latest styles.
Having for seventeen cars met with great success In Brooklyn, N. Y.,
In cutting nnd making Ladles Jackets nnd Riding Habits, shall be pleased
to receive patronage Iroin the ladles during the coming season,
I am also prepared to receive orders for all kinds of Uniforms and
Smoking Jackets,
120 O Street.
Most Popular Resort in the City.
1 1 19, ri2i and 1123 N Street.
Meals 25 cts S4.00 per week.
' 'mm""mmii ' ' IM' ' ' ' "" " " -"y'" VV
100 Engraved
And Copper
If you have a Plate, We
Courier Office. Telephone 253,
Summer Goods
Calling Cards
Plate, foi$2.50.
will furnish 100 Cards from
at $1.50.
Now Burr Block.