0,1 "A- P6PdlSR BPER -OFM9DERN 'TIMES w Vot 4. No. 33 Lincoln, Nubkaska, Saturday, July rJ7, 1680. PKICIS FIVI OlCNTS ... :.. . s i l K. I N h BYE THE BYE. Captain Tibblttn. traveling passenger ngent o( tbo Denver tz Rio Grande, whs In tho city the other day and of couroo ho had another of thoso unique pawed of tho Sllverton railroad to exhibit, Tho pass is made of oxydlzed ll ver about tho thickness of tin. All the letter ing U embossed in tho silver except tho name of the holder, and that la engraved, 1ist year' posses wero handsomely lithographed on buckskin, tho hides for which wero ob tained In Colorado and specially tanned for ' the purpose. Tho Sllverton is owned by one tnan,.a Mr. Mears, who, osido from tailing unique and costly pusses, has an original woy of running a railroad. .His chief business is the carrying of ore. and ho regulates his rates by tha value of his freight. If the oro Is rich he charges more than if poor. His road it only sixteen miles long, but, for tho size of it, it is one of tho best paying railways In tho country. Tho passenger fares also aro pecu liar. No ticket Is told for less than n dollar. The passenger may ride ono mllo or eight tulles for that sum. Boyond eight miles and to tho end of the lino the fate Is two dollars. Mr, Mears is Independent and If tho public doesn't like blsMylo it can "lump It." '. V The recent sermon of Bishop Newman at St. Paul' M. E. church mado n profound Im- yirBIUII.Mit ia w.v oi.i.jvi.v vviiiiii..ii. And wew'It might bo. He not only rebuked the pulpit for its endless round of platitudes, but be shot off from orthodoxy nt such n sharp tangent that there w as imminent dan ger of his falling over the brink of liberalism. And danger and audacity, you know, are tpices alluring to the apetitc cloy is I with hum-drum nothingness. The good bishop protected with a righteous display of spirit against the idea of heaven as presented by the preachers of tho day. Ho actually de nounced tho practice of coaxing people to bo good by promising them a mansion in tho skies set in a ' big garden filled with posies, pineapples, oranges, bananas, peaches, etc. It is a fair interpretation of his lauguago to say that ho ridiculed the teaching that heaven was a grnnd loafing placo. He repudiated the theory that in heaven wo shall sit around all day sucking ambrosial sweets from fruits and flowers, In thrumming harps and strumming lyres nnd in filling the neigh borhood with glad but stale hotauuas. He said nothing about tho malcontents who would write letters to the papers "kicking" about tho quality of the gold in tho paving, but that might be inferred from the tenor of his remarks. The good man even went so far as to assert with great positlveness that hell Is not a gigantic, pot with boiling brimstone for soup and sizzling, tormented, cursing souls for meat. Coming from a Methodist, ami n bishop at that, it is no wonder that these sen timents caused a mild sensation, The mem bers'of'tho congregation exchanged approv ing smiles and looked very much us though they Arould like to give the speaker a round of applause. Tbo subject of tho discourse was "Charac ter," and Bishop Newman exulted good Character as the highest aim, tho supremo achievement of man. Heaven or hell, be said, begins hero on earth in tho charac ter of each individual. Heaven is where .God is. Man's heaven must be hei e in its bo ginning and must How from hhnelf. There Is a hovel in Lincoln sheltering a woman without money nnd without a protector or a companion, savo tho child the takes to her bosom and kisses. But heart ami mind have already made the beginning of her heaven. There uro pulace In Lincoln where there is hell and where devils dance around tho festal board. Heaven or hell is within ourselves and we cannot escape' it. Milton indicated the fact when he made 0110 of his devils say: "Wheievcr I fly is hell. I am hell." V BIthop Newman is a brainy man and han dles the president's English with vigorous grasp. The writer can recall a fev of his sentences that will glvo nn idea of his style. After explaining ths impossibility of defining many terms, he said: , , ''But if you insist on my defining character ' I will soy that It seems to me 10 be that which a man, is." "Virtues aro the echoes of the past, tho snl music of Eden." "In our moral and Intellectual degredotlon we ore brooding over 'Paradise Lost.1 Tho time will como when we-will see that 'Para dise Regained' is tho grander work." "Reputation Is not character. Reputation must be forever as fickle as tiie winds, ns fragile ns the flow ers. It is hosunnaed today and cruellled tomorrow." "Out of character must llow happiness here and hereafter. Happiness never flows In. It always flows out." It seems that ther Js danger of Lincoln los ing the state fair after this season. The situ ation is fully explained in u circular issued by J. p. McFarland, president, and Austin Humphrey .Jsecretary of the company that owns the fair grounds. It is as follows: "The Nebraska State Board of Agriculture Is an organization created by law, is purely educational, holds annual fairs one week in each year. It collects at the gales 50 cents per capita, collects nil booth, omphithenter and stall rents, nnd disburses tho funds In 'solid chunks' to the farmer, stockman, nrtl ran, and the fellows with hones that 'get there' in 2.75 or better. The Nebraska Expo sition association was incorporated Decerning 10th, 1884, with (30,000 capital stock, divided in shares of (25 each; tJlS.OOO was paid . for the grounds, (about 154 acres); the balance was paid for improvements. The association made a contract with the State Board to lease them tho grounds for a jicrlod of flvo years free of any rent for the years 18b5, 'tO, '87, '68 and '80, so the contract will expire by limitation next (September. At a meeting of the stockholders held October Oth, 1685, It was ordered that the capital stock bo increased to .(50,000-2,000 shares a $.'5 each, as it wos found that the improvements had cost about 180,000. There have been sold to dato 1481 shares, aggregating (37,025, leaving 510 shares uniold. Tho liabilities are today in round numbers 10,000; the grounds need Improve ments that will cost (5,000. The Btoto Board have advertised to receive bids 'or n reloca tion for five years, on the 11th day of Sep tember, 1880. There will lw six or more cit es that will bid for tho fair. Tho stock of tho association is held by nearly three, hun dred subscribers. No one man or company owns a majority of tho stock. Now, if the citizens of Lincoln, who have little or no stock, will subscribe and iy for tho balance of the 610 shares nt (25 ench (tho original price) by August 1st, 1880, the Board of Di rectors will bid for n relocation of tho fair at Lincoln for the next five years; but if this is not done wo will not put In any proposition to tho State Board nt all. The whole has cost (43,000; 1100,000 can lw realized from tho sale of the grounds and buildings." On tho faco of It tho association is generous. It offers to let In n w coiners on tho ground floor, giving them a chance to get a slice in property worth twice tho money Invested. Returns will be delayed for n term of years If the use of the grounds bo given again to the fair coplo, but the Inducements ought even then to be literal enough to enlist patriotic citizens. Bye-tho-Bye has heard of no move ment to act on tho proiosltloiiof the circular, biit'Llncoln must retain tho state fair at all hazards. Havo you noticed anything peculiar about those Japanese fans that tho B. & M . has been distributing' In days agono when they wero a novelty tho fans had pictures thor oughly Japanese In color, form and perspoe tlve.but this year's lmortation contains Inno vations. On one fnn Is pictured a Ian n tenuis game. The players nro Japs. On another Is, a gamo of foot ball In which tho players havo Japaued heads and faces, bit wear European uniforms uud gaiter shoes A third set shows a game of baso ball In full swing. Tho field ers nro hugging the diamond, but it's all there and the players are all in position. In this sceno tho spectators nro all Japs, but the players have been given English faces and regulation uniforms. Amateur collectors of art bric-ftibrac ought not to let tlise nov elties in Japanese escnpo them. They mark an era of transition and aro well worth tha price asked for them just to lighten bare bed room walls with a dash of color. Zlenier, the ticket man, has n big box direct frcn Jap laud, and Is nn nppreciativo encouiager of all efforts to elevate tho art life of Lincoln. Here is a splendid oppo'rtunity for the public libra ry to lay tho foundation of a grand museum whose beneficent Influences would be felt In remote generations. For 60 worthy a cause Zlemer would doubtless donate a set of these valuable pieces, representing, us they do, the renaissance of urt in that wonderful isle of the western seas. The universal uso to which tho nlckel-in-the-slot machine has been put lias set the profes sional Inventor to work cudgeling his brain with the result that today the ietty shopkeep er Is In a fair way to be superseded. A man no longer has his tongue made sticky by lick ing a postage stamp; ho deposits a nickel and draws forth two steel engravings of George Washington moistened to n nicety in their passage over a wet sponge. Does he wnnt perfume he drops in his money and takes his choice of odors. Clewing gum, sweets, his weight, life liiFurmlco polices nil mny Ikj had with no nioro waste of force than the weight of a dropping coin. He no longer curries a bulky ojiern glass to tho theater, but drops in his dime and finds his glass waiting for him. It has been thought that thoso various devices might havo been suggested by tho innocent looking affair in the front end at a bobtail car which famishes a conductor to the street rur company and which has been the causa of so much profanity, expressed nn tho part of the men and suppressed by tho gentler sex. It is doubtful whether any Inventor responsi ble for any of theso devices could be con vinced that ho was not tho first ono to think of the contrivance, and if ono told him that the principle was known and in every day uso more thnn two thousand yeurs ago, or over five hundred years before tho beginning of the Christian era, ho would probably enter tain serious doubts as to tho sanity of his in formant. Yet such is the fact. Tho Greeks and later tho Romans had a religious cere monial of purification, or as they termed it, lustration. This was performed in various ways, originally by water; that is, ablution in what was known as lustral water. Origi nally on attendant stood nt the door of the templo nnd refused admission until a certain sum was paid. Afterwards the priests do vised a contrivance which allowed a quanti ty of water to escape from a receptacle when a coin of a certain size was dropped into a slot. And the Nebraska editors had a big time nt Salem. Oregon, too. Vrnin tlw n1nt,iii nml a half account in the Oregon Statesman the lonowing extract will give nn Idea of Hie "time:" President J. G. Wright of the board of trade nnd W. F. Senver went out to Clienui wa to meet the excursionists. They were immediately nlnced In cnnifni-tiihln cirri,.,.,..! nnd driven to the fruit orchard of S. A. jiarKe, sown oi me city, wnero .Mr. Clarke nml IiIr (tm pnvn t tipmnfirtnlilnnMin et i.-.la ...... ... .. D.. . v ....... ..... u U.....V.1. , ... ,, vi nn to that eifect, to become thoroughly acquaint ed with the jacli plums, which nro the only iruuripe mere just uow;niso to admire the crmv'nir iwniia. itrunnii nt tuivm-nl vniuH.B n...l O- " "--O ,"-.- , J-. ..... ... UW . ... ... . ,. .vi.l n 1,111, many other beauties of the orchard. They ntro Krvenui urpneu ni me great size and flavor of the fruit and enlnvnl It vnrv i,.i. rt.. .. -.. .....V... They were also entranced with the view trom Al.l- .!. ITL. .1.. . 0... . . ims jiuiiii., tuo i-uj ui ouiem, auiem and Howell prairies, Mt. Angel, Wndo hills, frlnpml liv thn Cnsondn rnurra mmla . m.n...i panorama on tho one hand, with the hills nml valleys of Polk nnd Yamhill counties on the other, all dotted with Immense fields of golden grain, Intermingled with clumps of timber, Kiieii iinus nun uiu iiroivii mnps oi summer januiv, nil cumuuuug 10 lorm a picture of loveliness nnd wealth long to bo remembered. When they hnil lecome satisfied with fruit, scenery and fresh air, they were driven liaek to the city and tho Chcmeketo hotel, where they arranged their toilets nnd ot 1 o'clock sut down to what they oil pronounced tho Wst spread they had enjoyed on tho wholo trip. At 2 o'clock tho carriages wero again on hand nnd tho Nchrn'knu were whirled around among tho vegetable nnd fruit gnr dens and tho wheat fields of Salem prairie, to tho Insane asylum, jienftentlary, orphans' home and other public buildings, through the city In nil Its ramifications and bnck to the state house at 4:30. Here wero nesembled a largo number of Indies and gentlemen of tho city, uud ufter the guests had visited each department, admired tho nichitecture nnd general nrrnugement of every thing, all were wilted in the liull of lepteveiitntives and nn Impromptu programme opened. Mnjor Geo. Williams, mayor of tho city, In a neat speech, extended to tho visitors n hem ty welcome on tho part of tint jx-oploof Salem and Invited remarks by luemleis of tkelr party. , J, S. Hongland, of tbo Nebrarkn Sato Journal, sjieaklng for guest, i etui lied sincere thunksforthe treatment tho nsMiuiat Ion had received nt the bunds of the Sn.emltes. II pilled tho Eastern people who came to tlds coast and stopied at Portland witluui com iuc through the U'lllainetln vnllev. Mr. L. Wessel, Jr., of the Cnpjtul CItjl courier, cnnii man ot the exctu slou, wan culled out nnd responded with hearty thanks for the welcome exteuted. Ho said he was not much of a talker, but he and his company were chuck tun ot appreciation (and plums) nnd would long remember with pleasure their treatment. Tho visitors having expressed a desire to hear something nbout tho country from residents. Dr. L L. Rowland was colled md ho gnvo n short and entertaining recital of his experience here during 45 yenrs. E. M. Wnlte, n reside ,t for 40 years and the oldest printer In Oregon, responded to a cull with one of his witty sHeches which elicited much applause nnd plensuro. Rev. J. L. Pnrrlsh, 64 years old and 50 years in Oregon.nlso recounted his experience and mentioned the possibilities of Oregon to tho great delight of his hearers. Short fceeches weio also made by F. F. Rooso of the Western Workman, Lincoln, Nebraska; C. B. Moores. of this city, V. F. Seaver, also of this clty.but only n short time from Nebraska, and others, after which tho meeting adjourned and the memlnrsof the pnrty were escorted in enrrioges to their cars and accompanied by several citizens to the depot, where Mujor Hendeihott,the drum mer boy of the Rnppnhnnuock, exercised his world known abilities In a few lively airs nn tho drum, after which the Nebraska party gave three hearty cheers and a tiger for 8a lem and its people. The latter then responded Intumfor the Nebraska editors and their state, and the train started, carrying away a jolly, brainy pai ty.wlio tako with them the best of feeling toward Salem nnd who leave behind a fond remembrance. AMUSEMENTS. It wo n largo and well pleased audience which witnessed "Twelfth Night" on Tuesday evening nt the opera house by the Booth-Barrett company with Modjeska in the lending role. The company gave n letter terform nnco than could well bo expectel on such a midsummer evening, but it would bo dflllcutt for Modjeskn as Viola to do otherwise. In this character she portrays moro lervor nnd life than one would expect from an m-tress of her years. Her suport was excellent and her work bore tho mark of a great artist. The company tlirougho.it is composed of good ac tors, and they gave a finished pei formance. When Booth nnd Barret ended their season last April In San FrancUeo, Modjeskn took the company supporting them and has slnco been pluying tho far northwestern cities. Sho touk in the British Columbia, Washington territory, Oregon, Montana, Utah and Col orado circuit. At the end of her perform ance in Cmahn tonight she goes direct to Now York, nnd will at onco begin ieparn tions for next season's work with Booth. Through the personnl efforts of Lawrence Barrett these two great stars wero brought together and will join their efforts in form ing about tho strongesc dramatic combina tion over organized In America. More in terest will nttacli t it than Booth nnd Bar rett created, becauso of Modjeska's popularity and powers. While these two heud ono compnny, Barrett takes another nnd will produco his new piny "Uanelou" writ ten by William Young expressly for him. Beforo launching the separate enterprises nbout the first of October, Booth and Bar rett expect to appear ono week In Louisville. While tho Booth-Modjeska combination opens nt the new Broad wny theater No w York, Barrett will be bringing out his production for tho first time in Chicago. "GuneJon" Is dramatized from u romantic love story, Its scenes are .located in tho island of Corsica and introduces incidents of wnr times. Min nie Gule, the lending lady of Booth and Bur. rctt's company, will go with Burrett. John A. Lane, who plnys leading man with Modjeskn, is an actor of great ability and experience, having supported tho late John SIcCullough for several ynrs, and moro re cently having been o prominent member of the Booth-Barrett company. Miss Eleanor Tyndale is a nelco of Henry Villnrd, tho railroad kins. Miss Tyndalo's father Is also a prominent railroad magnate, and the young lndy herself has been ono of the most distinguished members of the Booth-Barrett company. She plays leading female roles with Modjeska. TIIEATIUCAL 0088IP. Harry Dixey's admirers havo been wonder ing what that burlesquer Intends to do when "Adonis'1 in worn threnilluin. Tim .iw,i.i... is solved by the Dramatic .S'ews, which gives n description or a piece colled "Tho Seven Ages," which is underlined for next season: "Tho scene of 'The Seven A '..' laW.i (.. v. York, nnd it gives DIxey o much greater ennnco lor me exhibition of his versatile tal ents than was nfforded him by 'Adonis.' He plays eight different characters. At first ho Is a young fellow, connected with the oldest and best families In New York life. While waiting to take his cousin to the circus he falls asleei) in his irrnndfntlior'n nhnlr mi, I lit. dream makes up the subsequent action of tho piay, a mi mental vision carries him back to tho time when is grandparent was nn Infant, and DIxey presents his grandfather all through the old gentleman's life, appearing first as n baby In n perambulator, next as n school boy. and so mi up through tho various ages of human life, up to the time of the old gentleman's death, when tho dream Is broken and the young fellow finds himself ngnln In tho drawing room of the family mansion, where In reality ho has Ikhii dozing tor only five minutes. Compniiles w 1th repertoires of short piece ilro gradually growing in favor with tho pub lie. The coming season there will be three or four such on tho road. Roslun Vokes' success for the post few seasons at Daly's theater with these pleurnut little dramatic offers has been marked, There Is one thing certain, an insutllcleut company of players could not think of nttemptpig thirty five, forty or fifty minute otmedles and farcies. Their great chnrm Is tho perfection with which they are acted, Tho success of thvo works suggests that n nn ill theater running three of these plnys n night would become Hpulnr, Let the flrst pleon U' out say at 8 o'clock, the tvo oud at 0 nnd tho third nt 10, and a sliding s.'alo of prices, according to the hour the vis itor arrived nt tho theater, be charged. If, for instance, tho visitor wanted to see the whol iierformnnce he should pay (1.50; If lie wanted to see only tho Inst piece nnd ho got there nt 10 o'clock he would have to pay only 50 cents for his se.it and be nccommodaled. The company to do this kind of acting would have to bo carefully selected. The scheme Is worth considering. Veronn Jarlieau, dressed in n carnation bathing suit, spends her days at Lawrence, Long Island, languidly watching the clouds mil tiy. She Is nn excrt sw immer,and takes secial delight In rusticating. Miss Jnrhemi is the victim ot a wild passion on tho part of a Polish gentleman, who dogs her footsteps and declares she shall be his or die. Jul beau declares sho doesn't propose either if she can help it, nnd the , Polish gentlemnn, whoso inline I Lczltisky, mid who has n heud on him like n door knocker, scowls nnd bld"s Ills time. He is taking his revenge out on the carnation bathing suit, for, urmed with a Kodak, he seats himself at a respectable distance from Jnrbeau's cottngo nnd photographs her twen ty time a dny. This is very provoking to Miss Jarleau, but she has to keep a serene countenance so ns not to be given away, so to speak, in the photographs For nearly a year thoro has been a bitter feeling between W. II. West and George Thatcher, of tho great minstrel organization. The end enmo recently when Mr. Primrose gnvo notice of his withdrawn! from the firm to asvociato himself with Mr. West Mr. Thatcher immediately secured Barney Fagan as a partner for u new company to be organ ized nt once. This will leave W. S. Cleve land as the minstrel leader, and puts another company in tho field Tho dales will bo tilled by the Primrose nnd West minstrels, which w 111 contain the best talent to be had. The celebrated Rluchart family, which gave such satisfaction to the pntrens of the ( Alusee during, the, threo weeks they appeared in ims ciiy, win sinrt out i.ex- season Willi n comic ojiera company of their own. They hnvesecured a new ojh.tu written forthemuud will have a company of 35 persons to support them. The little ones, especially Stella, the marvelous child dancer, mid Minnie, tho black face comedian, will make n hit wherever seen. "May good luck attend them and fortune be friend them," Slnco the advance agent first en mo In um there have U-eu many chances In his position. ; In companies where strangers are needed, us i a gathering of citizens or u mob, ns in Paul . Kauvar, the ngent now lias to drill these peo ple a week In-fore the company reach the contracted iKiint. With this additional re sponsibility it looks very much ns If tho iuU Vance agent, or business manager, as they call them, will bo of more linportaiico thnn tho malinger, Mr. F. C. Burton, who took the role of Ber nard Cuvenuugh in Kathleen Mavourueen nt tho Museo last Sunday, filled his pluco most acceptably and proved himself an nctor of no mean ability, and bus boon secured by the Colson company, (which npears Wednsdny evening next nt tho Funke), to take the title rolo in tho Dutch Recruit. Tho new Hnverly-Clovelni.d minstrels, di vided into two equally strong companies, opened the season in Rochester nnd Buffalo one night last week to largo houses. Man ager Cleveland used n special engine in order to bo present at both openings. Paulino Hnll re-apiwars at tho Now York Casino" Sept. 17 in "La Mexicaun," tho new opera of which so much is eepectcd by Ru dolph Aronson. In "Ln Mexicann" Mis Hall T.ill Imi seen in boy's nttlro for the first timo in sovornl seasons. Johnnie Webster nnd Nellie Mcllenry are at their Naveslnk villa on the Jersey High lands, enjoying themselves. The Highlands, by the way, is a very lively theatrical resort this summer for the upper tendom of the the ntrlcnl profession. Stuart Robsou first enme into prominence ns a comedian in Baltimore, where he mado his flrst In 1857 ns Benjamin BowIelI In "Bur led Alive." Tho cast contained thirteen jkk) pie, nil of whom aro dead, with tho exception of Mr. Robsou. Mnrgnret Mather' apeal from the decision which compelled her to uct under J. H. Hill's management, has been decided in her favor by Judge Baitlett. She Is at liberty to uct with wiioni sho pleases. Robert Downing is the only nctor who ever played Spartacus in Dr. Bird's Olndlutor, for n continuous run, ho having ployed it for nearly 800 nights In less thnn three years. Henry E. Ulxey Is summering nt Monches-ter-on-tho-Sea, where he will remain until time for rehearsing his new play, "The Seven Ages." W. J. Florence, has gone to Europe with his wife to join A. M. Palmer in search of some ploys suitable for Mrs. Florence's style of act ing. Sixteen New-York theaters havo been closed for tho summer but u dozen nro still running wide open, with no prosixwtof a vacation. Jennie Yeamans is looking for a malinger. No cue seems to care to handle her. She has two new plays for starring purposds. Mrs. Alice Shaw, the professional whistler, has gone abroad for the summer. She cleared 125,000 during the late season. The following attractions were nlinouncod for this week in New Yoik; "The Ooloh" at tho Broadway; "The Brigands" at tho Casino; "Clover" nt Pnhner's; "Tho Whlto Elephnnt" at the Bijou, Mario Wnlnrlght has left London with n truck load of costumes for her production of "Th Twelfth Night." Tommy Russell has n new piny. It Is call ed "The Earl' Heir," and Nym Crinkle Is ro sK)iislble for It. Not Goodwin will noC produce tho Book maker. Trouble about tho royalties Is the cause of It. Arthur Thomns will look after tho business end of Funny Davenport's tour next year. Illinium's circus Is announced for nil entire season In Ixnidon, beginning next Mny. Emma Abbott I In Bayreuth, Oermnny. She sails for home, August 10. The stories afloat that DIxey and E. E. Rico have separated ore not true, Roland Reed Is in the Cntskllls, whero ho Is hunting the festive trout. Frederic de Belleville Is In Berlin, Germa ny. PEN, PAPER AND INK. "What doe it cost you n year to havo your mnuuscripts rendl" was asked recently of one of our largest publlsheis. "Well," was tho answer, it is u wiy huge sum, so largo that if -I lionird it tiie public would not credit It. Let in-glvo .'on n single Instanco which oc curred lecently The manuscript of n novel by nn author of whom we havu a book on our list came, in nbout two month ngo. It wns sent to ono of our leaders, and the report made upon It was such Unit we considered It wise to rend it out to n second reader. In n week it came back again with the result of the second reading. Tills critic coincided in a measure with the opinion of tha first, yet neither rcHrt was decided enough In favor of the woik to induce us to accept the novel for publication. Piom reoi ts we saw that there was something in the book tho dllfereuce in the opinions of the critics wns ukjii u tech nical point, yet it largely directed the wholo work. It was sent out ngnln, and then, tak ing the three reiwrts liefore mo, I rend tho manuscript myself, spent two evenings on it and flunlly declined it. That was u manuscript nll'M....... I.I - . .1 .. of 000 iwiges, und the cxpento of three read ings uy accepted critics, whoso timo is vnlu able, Is considerable. And tills not an uncom mon Instance. I tell you, the cost of manu script reading in a publishing business of any size Is a large item and one never taken into account by those who uro continually crying about the pioflU of publishers. We have flvo legular reader on our salary list, and seven others who nro nt our bidding at nny timo wo oro crowded. This year we havo kept six steadily employed, Sit down nnd figure out w hut you would charge to read ft single man uscript novel of 000 pages, on a rcasouablo basis, multiply that by about 200 or 250 and you will get a fair idea of what it costs us to havo our fiction r-ad, and mind you, that Is only fiction. I nm not now spei.king "' "'" "i wsiurjr, meuiuyj', uuvl, essay, and juvenile books which come to us ny the huudreds during a, jenr. To have our manuscripts rend is one of tho lurgest Items on our nccouuts, nnd yt It Is an Item never thought of by tho public. Chorle Barnnrd Is i living proof ot the nd ago that one cannot becomo n captain by climbing in at the cabin window. Today he stands very nenrsueeesHnsndramutic author, but lie has worked hard to reach that goal, "The County Fair" has established. Ids repu tation as n writer of what Is jiopularly called tho "home-spun" drama, but until tho pro duction of that piece his spurs had yet to be won. As long as seventeen years ngo he was studying dramatic construction from Steele Mueknye; and he not only studied from books, out iook onject iesons, going with his mentor behind the scenes at the theater, whero he learned the names and uses of stage parapher nalia. Then he wrote little one-act pieces that were played by amateurs; but years pass ed before he attempted a play for the profes sional stage. Mr. Barnard used to edit the department called Tho World's Work In tho Century, and while inspecting nil the Inven tions that were made, In !ilscuwieity ns scien tific editor, he added to his stock of Ideas on mechanical subjects and wrote a number of clever stories whoso plot hinged UKiiMno chanlcul contrivances. The idea of a revolv ing house, built uiwn nn unused locomotive turn-table, in which every room should have u southern exposure by turns, took possession of him and resulted In a farcical comedy coll ed "We, Us & Co.," but the only part for which Mr. Barnard was resjiousltde was the revolving house. Th mechanical Ingenuity of the piece attracted the attention of a num ber of actors ln quest of novelties, and result ed in un arrangement with Neil Burgess by 1 tvlifali . Tint fViititv Villi- ' ivltli ltt ...n.l..lll race truck was produced. Now Mr. Barnard bus us many orders for plays as he can conven iently fill and he may be regarded hereafter as a full-fledged playwright. So much has been done by perseverance. The would-be dramatist who expects his flrst play to enrich hint should thlntc of Mr Barnard uud histev euteeu yeurs' apprenticeship. John Kendrick Bangs rect ntly won the np pluuse of Mrs, Cleveland and one of the most fashionable audiences ever gathered In the Metropolitan opera house, at a production of his travesty of "Mephlstopheles." Although not yet thirty years of age, this young writer Is mukliig his literary work bring him nn ex ceedingly nent income. For a long time lie wns editor of Life, and for a timo brightened the pages of tho evening 6'im witli a column of "Spotlets." From this lie strove higher, nnd accepted the active editorship of tho "The Editor's Drawer" in Harper's Mayatine, at n salary of 2.500 a year. Retaining this posi tion, he also nskumed that of editor of .Vim ej's Weekly, to which is attached the neat Income of (150 jwr week. Aside from these Ksitlons ho ha an Independent income from the estate of his father, who was founder of the law firm of which ex-President Cleveland is now a memlcr: From early spring until late fall Mr. Bangs lives in a lieautiful homo at Youkers; in the winter he comes to town, taking a fashionable uptown flat. He is Imjs pl!y married and has one child, He Is exceed, ingly popular with his friends, dresses stylish ly, looks well, and talks even better. Frank G, Caroiiter, who I traveling 'round tho world nnd sending latter to tha lite, write from Egypt I "During my visit to tho pyramids, ono of the first question that my Arab friends put to mo wns whether 1 knew Mark Twain, and I find that Mark Twain I better known abroad than any other Ameri can, I seo In book sold In pirated edition nn every book stand, Ha Is quoted by tho English, tho French and the Germans, nnd such bazaar merchant ns ho mentioned In "The Innocent Abroad" Imvn nindo fortunt out of tho advertisement. The llcdoln nt the pyramid offered to run up one nnd down tho other for me in tjn minute for "Mnrkeo Twnln book," Mr, RMhuI Ioul Stevenson chartered tho schooner Equator In Honolulu a few weeks ngo nnd has silled for Gilbert Islands; thonro ho Intend going to the Mnrshnll Islnud nnd tho i'.llls group. Hi object In undertaking thl risky Journey Is to Iwconio muiu lully m qunllited with the habits of tho less clvlllz.-d South Sen Islander. He I accompanied by hi wife, J. II. Strong thourtlrt, nnd Mr, Os borne, TmiAYciifnyHiatrcpoit contribution to forty-ilvo American college during the pnt yenr aggregating 3,20.i,5J0. Thl doe not Include $400,(100 voted by Congress for u new Instruction hull nt the Military Academy, or 100,000 for u now gymnasium theio. The first of tho six volume of which "Tho Century Dictionary" will consist when coin completed mado it oppearnucolait week. Itl I n largo and linmlsoiiiply bound book of 1200 page, defining tho vocabulary from A to Con ocephnlltlJae. Tsimyson' "Daisy" brought 1123 nt a re cent sab of Kiino of hi manuscript nnd let in London; tho dedication to tha Queen 1150, the Brook 255, Stanza to tho Rov. F. D. Maurice (115 and Tho Lctto: (02. Tho Lloyd Oslioriie who npK-ar a n col laboratcur with Rolwrt Low Stevenson In the latter' last story, "The Wrong Box," It Mr. Stavenson's stepson. Ho Is Just twenty one. Mr. France Hodgson Burnett I to bo paid (7,500 n year for editing theclilldren'depurt ineiit of a (yndfcntu of English and American piqier. The number of men w ho ndmlro and wear diamonds, either In pin or i lugs, I cinstant- I.. I I -.. I !,. . ly Increasing, and the aggregate value of these preclou article worn by Lincoln men would reach un nstoulihlng figure. Many men talk learnedly about diamond, but to get a rellnble opinion ono ought always to consult incompetent Jeweler of well known Integrity. Such u man I Uallett, tho Elev enth street jeweler. He ho a fine line of rings and plus to select from. Many young men nre confronted with the duty of choosing ft ring not for their ow;n use but for n fair ono. In Hollett they "will find a gentleman who Is a cometent advisor and one who can keep a confidence. Ashby & MJHspough havo Just begun on other quartcr-ofr solo. Thl mean tho lowet price for Dry Good that aro ever made. Now novelties In lint nnd lionnoU arriving dally at Wells' millinery parlors, 538 south 11th street. Ashby Si Millspaugh show a Iwautlful lino of colored silks, ull of which go at one-fourth off If bought during the sale. There I nothing uncertain about tho eirecta of Chamlierlnln' Colic, Cholera nnd Diar rhoea Remedy The fact Is, it Is tho only preparation in tho market that can always bo deluded niton, and that I pleasant and sofa to take. 25 nnd 60 cent liottles for snlo by O. L. Shrnder, druggist. Ladles mid gentlemen uIiik flno stationery nnd wnntlngtho most correct potmrs ns used In Now York should examine tho now stock Just received l,y the CouitiKit. The choicest brand of cigars, tho finest fruit and confectionery nnd the vnrioils flav ors M puro Ico cream may lo found nt Mor ton & Iylghty' new storo, 1130 N street. "Why didn't I buy my dress during the 'qunrter off' sulci" wns the question asked by many ladles after our lust sale closed. Now wo give you another opportunity; don't get left tliir time. It won't last always. ASIIIIY & MlLLSl'AUOH. Wo have a large stock of Canopy top Sur reys, Phaetons, light buggies, etc., on hand and nre making very low prices on all our work. If you nro contemplating tho pur chnse of ft carriage of any kind, come uud seo us. Will take your old buggy In exchange nt It fair cash value. Camp Brothers, corner 10th and M. Patronize tho Elkhorn's new Chicago train. Fastest time on record. Through slecjer. Sunday Kxcumloii to Ciisliiiiun Turk. Commencing Sunday, July 2Ut, nnd con tinuing until Sundav, Septeml)r 15th, the B. & M. will run trains each Sunday as follows: Iavo Lincoln depot for paik 10:30 n. in., 2.-W p. m. and 5 p. in. Returning leave Park at 10;50 n. in,,2:.Vip. m. and 8 p. in. Faro for round trip 20 cents. The dining room nt Brown' cafe is the finest In tho city nnd the cuisine Is the best and, to make it better, tho prices ore reasonable. Send the names of your friends in the East whom you wish to visit you, or who nro seek ing new locations, to J. R Buchanan, GenT Passenger Agent of the Freemont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley R. R. Co., Omaha, Neb., that he may send them information relative to the "One Faro Harvest Excursions" which oc cur August Oth and 20th, September 10th and 24Ui, and October 8th. octl The Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Volley II. It. and the Sioux City & Pacific R. R.t the "Northwestern Line," will sell tickets from all stations on their lines nt One Faro for the round trip for tho National G. A. R. Reunion ut Milwaukee. Comrade and others desiring to charter sleepers should make us rniigements at once. Through coaches will run from Important stations to .Milwaukee via Chicago w ithout change. Call on G.N. Fores man, agent, Lincoln, or write J. R. Buchan an, G. P. A.,' Omubu, Neb., for further in formation. aug20 .1 i In M c;l m