lp,p,fcg wwwpmmwwwwmtiwmtwm) CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JULY 20, 18S9 i wuiiA V O - Ti"mFt ! tltXr fC- , WHAT A MARINE CADET MUST DE. Two Tears' Sm Service flequlred from All tnil Who Apply. Cnpt. 8mlth, nlto commands tho Chand lw, n boat detailed on special scrvlco by tho trwuury deiwrtmont, gavo tlio following explanation of entrance into niul duties In tlia tnarlno service, which will cover nil tho point of Information desired hylndswho, being denied tho right to enter Annnwll, wish to win thi'lr imn, If naval ofllcoiww purs, which they only do In tho 8n navv, In the rcvenno marlno. "To enter tho ravenuo murine n a rodct,' M(d Cnpt. Smith "ft young fellow mut havo nt leant two years' sen service. Thli two yearn' scrvlco mny havo Iwn forwnrd or aft the mnM, but must Ineludo, u mi acquire ment of tho tlmo icnt, ft good fctumlcdgo of tNimnnshlp. Of courso, It would ho nbsunl to count the two years spent by n Uiy In tho cook's galley or tho steward's pantry. A boy who desires to to a cadet can apply In his own writing to tho socrotnry of tho treasury our service Is completely under his control. His application will bo promptly answered, and, without nomination or any political In fluence, tho lnd will lw allowed to try himself against his competitors on tho day that tho secretary may select. About cloven vacan cles w 111 exist in each examination. Tho ex amination Is very searching, and, of courso, tho cloven lads that pass highest will bo appointed ns cadot. Thcso cadoU will all bo supposed to have ft fair knowledgo of marlln tpiko seamanship, and each youngster will bo presumed to know everything about tho management not only of a full rlggod ship and ft four-and-aftcr, but to havo somo knowledgo of tho ordinary duties of Junior deck otllccr. "Cadots for tho mnrlno service aro taken from nil rnnks of Ufa Tho boy who desires to enter npplies direct to tho secretary of tho treasury, who furnishes all Information. When ncceptod, ho is sent to tho bark Chaso, which lies nt Now Bedford. On board tho bark thcro Is an instructor in seamanship, In gunnery, and in international law, ouuldo tho regular watch olllcors. Ten years ago tho rulo was that thcso lads should spend threo vears on board tho training shin, hut now, in consenuenco of two years' sea scrvlco being required of them, tho period of scrvlco on tho Chaso has been reduced to two. Tho Chaso leaves Now Bedford on Juno t for a threo or four mouths' crulso every year, and generally, like tho St. Mary's, spends her tlmo in European waters, "Tho lad who nro lucky enough to pass tho examination got 67ft n month, and graduate m third nontenants. Thoy aro nominated by tho president for their commissions, and confirmed by tho senate. Thcso commissions aro for life, which places tho rovenuo marlno servico entirely ouuldo tho domain of what to known as practical politics. "Pasxlug out of tho training ship, thoy aro then assigned to rovenuo cutters. Tho lads go still as cadots on board tho rovenuo cut ters, to break them In, and their nominations as third lieutenants depond greatly upon tho reports of them furnished to tho treasury de partment by their commanding ofllecrs. In tho lino of promotion thorovouuo cadot ranks with, and In precedence after, tho midship man of tho United States navy, and tho pay ta tho higher ranks is tho tamo as that of tho United States navy. "I do not see," said Cnpt. Smith at ha leaned back In hit coxy Uttlo cabin in tho Chandler, "why tho government should go to tho trouble of educating a separate class of young men for our service, when tho finest material Is right at their hands. Annapolis graduate every year fully CO per cent, more uds than it can glvo tho chanco to go a float to. Now. whv not turn those bovt over tout A fill such vacancies as there may bo' in ths revenue scrvlco I Our dlsclpllno is exactly tho tamo as that of tho navy, and thcso young men would bo of much more valuo to us than tho young fellows who are turaod over on ut through tho present examination system. I do not moan to say that tbo rovenuo marlno It in any way superior to tho naval service, but I do moon to say that tho amo qualities which mako a good naval ofUcer will certain ly mako a good rovcuuo marlno ofllccr. "Do you know that it costs tho United States tU.OOO for ovcry young man It gradu ates from Annapolis, and taking tho fact that out of a class of a hundred only forty can bo tent afloat that means a loss to tho govern ment of tStO,000 a year, part of which, at least, might bo saved by assigning thcso young men to tho rovenuo marine," It may bo just as well to ttato that tho ex amination prescribed by tho treasury depart ment is of a character that no young man can tiopo to pass who has not au excollont English education. Now York Star. Lost nts Head In a Dream, A prominent Worcester business man patted through on oxperlenco in dreamland a few nights ago that is puullng tho local psy chologist and will add Interesting data for the Society for Psychical Research. Ilo had an Idea ho ought to thavo, and proceeded to do to. Just before ho began work It occurred to him that It would bo tho easiest thing in the world to tako off his head, and, placing It on the tablo, facilitate mattors. It seemed in tho dream that this was allowablo for a cer tain number of udnutes without endangering life. So ho bung up tho watch to count the mlnutea. Tbo operation continued till some errand called tho man across tho room, and ho returned to find his head was missing. lie looked at tbo watch and found tho tlmo was near when bo must havo blshoad In its proper place if ho cared to keep it. Then "bo lost hit bead" in two ways, and rushed frantically about tho room looking in ovcry available place. Just as tho mluute hand was about to cross tho fatal point tbo Worcester man woke up and felt for bis bead, and was rellored to find it there. Now York Star. The Name Saved II I in. Proprietor Patent Mcdlclno (In a hospital) My poor friend, 1 boar you met with a ter riblo accident on the railroad near Smith's Crowing Patient Yet, 1 was thrown fifty feet and given up for dead. "So 1 heard, and when you regained con sciousnesa you wore gazing on tho big rock which contain an advertisement of my stomach bitters." "Yes, sir "Well, you havo been snatched from the Jews of death, and I havo called for a testi monial." Now York Weekly. nit vt Wat Dead. Dr. ratcrson, Dridge of Allan, writes at follows: During but mm i dreamt that my favorite pet cat, Tury, a fine Persian, bad died In one of the out house. I saw his dead body ami won much Grieved. When I awoke 1 was much pleaded to find It wot only a dream. You run fancy my disappointment when oue of my daughters came upstairs and told me that poor Turvey was lying dead wbero I had own hint dead in my dreara. Can ay one koIvo tbU strange dream I Scottish American. During bis Mjourn at the czar's winter pal ace the Mmh of Persia occupied rooms mag alflcently fumMinL Decoration! of red ilk, enormous vxua of malachite and doors Bade of tortoise shell pleated hit oriental teate. Fifteen arriaget and forty hertea were p.cd at bU dJpoal CRISP CONDENSATIONS. A German pennant lion been detected In topping n telephone- wlro to euro lilt rheumatism. Now Yorkers recently curled a dr, '? kockIs storo outfit to tucomn, W, (0,000 miles), in n. twenty-eight enr train. John Wnyne, of Hcmllng, hn n leaden Jar C59 years old, In which his great-great-grandfather used to keep tobacco, gold, eta Two Vermont hunters t nipped last winter, near llrndford, over 100 foxes, on which thoy received n stato Iwuntyof fifty conUt n fox. Ono of tho great industries of Nurem berg is making lead toy toldlors. Eight hundred work jieoplo nro engaged, and thoy turn out 10,000 soldiers n day. John Alrhart, of I'lucnxlville, Pa., has a rooster that ho claims enn cat corn off a tnblo threo feet high. Ilo weighs fif teen ikmuhIb ami his crow Is propor tionate. A Milwaukee man mndo a cannon, filled It with powder and douhlo 11 shot, got in front of It and touched tho thing off, Ills pur(toso was to commit sulcldo, and ho succeeded. In Madlsonvillo, Ky., tho authorities havo passed an ordinanco forbidding brass bands from meeting "for tho pur poso of learning now pieces of muslo within 000 feet of n dwelling house" Up to ninety years ago ovcry shoo was fastened with a buckle, and no man had tho least Idea that tho tlmo would over coino when ho would havo to tako his tooth ton hard knot in a shoestring. Tho gold initio on Douglass Island, Ore., recently bought by an English syn dlcnto for $3,000,000, has been diamond drilled throughout, and It is said thoro is gold enough shown to keep 1,000 men busy ovcry day for 100 years taking out tho gold hearing quartz. A couplo of jackals havo been added to tho Philadelphia "Zoo." Theso littlo animals, which aro known in their na tive country as "lion providers," had hardly been placed in their cage, in a wing of tho lion mid tiger houso, before tho lions set up n roar of welcome Tho auditor's olllco In Walla Walla was invaded tho other day by a man bringing in 807 gopher scalps, represent ing oiio month's work. If tho premium on gophers Is not too tnslgniilcant it would look as though thoy wero tho most profltablo crop a Washington territory farmer could ralso. In n vlllago of Westphalia ches3 is ono .of tho school studies. An examination in chess Is held annually In tho upper form of tho school, and tho best six play ers, who, howovcr, havo to bo victorious threo times running, aro presented with a chess board and feasted for a wholo long summer's day. A Mllwaukco genius lias established a school for tho training of professional beggars. Ilo furnishes disguises, rules for begging and a regular routo for each of his pupils, telling them tho Btorles to usoand tho peculiarities of those thoy aro likely to meet. In exchango ho de mands half tho profits. Advices from Rio Janeiro via Ply mouth Ray that tho inhabitants aro leav ing tho city in thousands, in consequence of tho spread of yellow fovcr, Between 0,000 and 4,000 deaths havo already taken place, and they aro continuing nt the rato of 150 a day. Tho authorities tiro Bald to bo utterly powerless. Joo Wilson, an Alabama river fisher man, colored, caught a hugo catfish and started homo "with It. Somewhere on tho way tho fish flopped its tail against tho hamtner of Wilson's gun. Tho pieco was discharged, sending a load of duck shot through the negro'H thigh, inflict ing a very dangerous wound. tno "mgnesi pneo on record ' ror a postago stamp was realized recently at tho mart, Tokcnhouso yard, London, when au unusual 4 cent British Guiana stamp of 1850 was' knocked down to Buhl, tho dealer, for 8250. Tho samo gentleman also bought a similar stamp, which, howovcr, had been through tho post, for $183. ' Tho wlfo of a prominent Plattvlllo, Ala., citizen mado n lot of batter cakes on April 1 and stuffed thorn with cotton. When her husband sat down to tho tablo ho was very excitodly describing how Hawcs escaped from tho Birmingham jail, and ho becamo so thoroughly ab sorbed hi tho narrativo that ho uto all tho cakes without onco noticing anything peculiar about them. His wifohad to explain to him afterward that ho had been fooled. Ilo claimed that tho joka was on her. MEN YOU HEAR OF. John Bright never would admit that ho oven approached Mr. Gladstono as an orator. Dr. McGlynn will spend tho coming summer in a lecturo tour through Great Britain and Ireland. Tho public Income of tho Prlnco of Wales last year, in addition to his parlia mentary allowance of $200,000 a year from tho consolidated fund, waa further Increased by $81,000 as Duko Cornwall and $1,750 as honorary colonel of tho Tenth Hussars. Senator and Mrs. Hearst havo pur chased ex-Secretary Polrchlld's Wash ington rcsldenco and will mako it ono of tho most attractivo homes in tho capital. Among tho Improvements which they contcmpluto Is tho addition of n ball room 200x150 feet In size B. P. Shlllabcr ("Mrs. Partington") la crippled with rheumatism, and says: "With pen, paper, pipo and pills I sit hero from year's end to year'a end, pa tient as may bo, receive my friends and wait for tho bettor lite." "Let us have p's" seems to bo tho genial humorist'b motto. ThoAbbo Perettl, a Corslcan priest, member of many scientific nnd historical societies, has written a remarkablo work called "Christopher Columbus, French man, Corslcan and Nntivo of Calvi," maintaining that America was not dis covered by Christopher Columbus tho Genoese, but by Christopher Columbut tho Corslcan. Am IN THE HIGHLANDS. Riddles niul Muslo i:rJoyed nt n Crofters' (t lulling. Tho local gotstp of tho township, being fortunately unlmtwrtant, Is quickly disposed of, and then It Is that tho entertainment proper of tho evening begins. Tho first thing Is a round of riddle, which gives occasion to n great deal of ear scratching and lifting of eyes to tho rafters overhead In eager search of tho Mentions, which, whon an nounced, ate as often as not absurdly Inado quato nnd astray, and givo rlno to no littlo laughter mid nmusomont. Thoso Gaulle rid dles aro muttly In rhymed couplets and aro dllllcult to render Into KnglWi, but tho fol lowing arc specimens likely to Ik) pronounced on such occasions: thoso nresont who havo heard them already, and who know the solu tlons, being considered out of tho running, and understood to ho on their honor not to toll "Who Is It that goes across tho water, nnd omcs from over tho water, whoso volco li not heard, who cannot seak a word, and who yet can toll us a story f Tho answer Is a nowspnicr. "A girl went out between two woods and returned between two waters; what was sho doing P1 Tho answer Is that sho went out with n pair of woodon water stoups empty, one In ench hand, and thnt she returned with them full of water "Who It It thnt Is alwnys cross and combnttlvo, that novcr wears n coat of his own, but somebody olso'sl" Tho answer Is n soldier crab; it Is nlwnys found In n whelk or bucklo shell, with threatening claws protruding through tho aperture. "What Is that spoclcs of caper callzlo flltcrnlly, horso of tho wood) that owns a numerous sot of sharpest teeth, whoso otuy food Is woolen thread, that is always doublo bridled but novcr saddled, and that can go as fnst ns tho wind nnd yot inovo not from tho samospotl" Tho answer Is a spin ning wheel Hundreds of better riddles than theso go round, for tho Qacls of Alba, as of Erin, havo from very early times been great propouiulcrs of riddles, but as thoy cannot bo rendered Into English without somo loss of pltli nnd point, nnd In many cases cannot bo rendered Into English at all, wo must for tho prctwiit past them by, Tho riddles ended, Ewcn Drocntr, tho fox hunter of tho district, a bachelor of mlddlo ago, blind of au eyo, nnd with cloely cropped head and stubbly board, which gives him a marvelous rcsemblnco to ono of his own ter riers, volunteers "awhllo upon tho trumps," as tho Oocllo phrnso is, a proposition which is received with great fnvor, for Ewcn Is n thoroughly good follow, n prodigious favor ite wherever ho goct, and nt the sumo tlmo known to Iw "ns mnsterly a performer on tho trumps," so our host puts it, "as is to bo found In all tho Highlands." Putting his hand In ono of his rapacious pockets (ami capacious thoy had need to lo, as wo shall afterward explain), ho takes out a couplo of bottlo corks of tho largest size, to each of which n Jow'i harp Is closely bound by a bit of string, thcro being, as wo noticed, a notch or narrow furrow or silt across tho head of each cork for tho tonguo of tho trump to Ho In comfort ably nnd without fear of damngo whilo being carried about In tho pockets of ono so con stantly on the tramp as a Highland fox hunter, who Is out among tho hills in all sorts of weather, and liable to any numtor of rudo joltings and tumblings ns, with dogs at heel, ho scrambles up and adown tho roughest scaurs and sgridaus. Ills Jew's lmrjs, wo uotlco, aro of largo tizo; In clrcumfcrcnco of bulgo and length of neck and breadth of tonguo more than twico tho slxo of the tiny schoolboy toy trump with which wo aro all familiar. Taking tho trumps, ono In each hand, Ewcn places them In tho corners of his mouth, and using tho littlo fingor of cither hand as plectra, where with to touch tho tonguo tl ho strikes up "Mackintosh's (.anient," In a stylo that makes you hold your breath in admiration of tho exquisitely mellifluous and silvery notes. As ho rutis through nil tho intrlento fingering and many variations of tho mnrvclcusly sug gestive and wildly plaintlvo melody, you aro thoroughly convinced of two things that thero Is n wealth of oxqutslto muslo in tbo JowV harp for which you novor beforo guvo It credit, and that Ewcu Drocalr is thor oughly and entirely master of all the instru ment can yield. Ilo next plays tho "Plo brachd of Dotiull Dubh," and after that tbo wildly sweet and plaintlvo airs "Cha till ml tulllo" and "Crodh Clmtleln mo OhaolL" During tbo tlmo thoso beautifully plaintlvo airs nro being played with a deftness of touch and mntcry of execution even In minutest details thnt nothing can surpass, all tho coplo sit hushed mid still as If they were carved of stono, and It Is not a littlo nmuslng to see how suddenly, as If at an olectrlo touch, tho attitudes and aspect of us all un dergo tho change from gravo to gay, when Ewcu, without hardly a moment's interval or intermediate noto of preludo or warning, launches Into tho danco music, reels and strathspeys of which Highlanders every where nro so fond. "Dob of Fottercalrn," "Lady Mary llamsny," tho "Brldgo of Perth," "Lord MacDonald," tho "Marquis of Huutloy's Highland Fling" thcso and other favorites Ewcn dashes oil in a stylo that Is simply perfect. For ntry lightness of touch, and faultless precision and iwlnteducsi of in dividual uoto and phroM), from no other In strument, not oven tho violin in tho most masterly bauds, could a corrector or more dulcet rendering bo extracted. Good Words. A nussluu Dille. 8tepniak, tho Russian exilo, is a fluent conversationalist, but easily relapses Into si lence and brooding If it strikes him that all that ho is saying Is not being understood His strongly marked Hussion features, crowned by n magnificent head, havo a look of delicacy and refinement singularly in con trast with his vigorous build and tho largt hands, which seem at somo tlmo to havo been employed In much rougher work than litera ture, Stepnlak has tho oycsof a dreamer. Ho teems to lx nequulnUxl with nil litera tures nnd nil language. Now York Trlbuno. Ooo Authority. They tell of a Judjo in Bennington, Vt, who, having soUcn of buying u safe, was In tcrviowed by two rival agents, each of whom bod so much to say in favor of bis own par ticular safe that tho judge iw quite at a loss to docldo which to buy, In a happy moment ho thought of Burglar Price, whom ho him self had sentenced, and going to tbo jail bo obtained this expert safo breaker's opinion and then gave tho order Brooklyn Eaglo. To Toughen I'uper. A plan for rendering paper as tough as wood or leather boo Ut-n recently Introduced on tbo continent. It conluof mixing chlo ride of zinc with tho pulp In the course oi manufacture. It has Ik-cii found that tb creattr the desrw of concentration of the tine solution tno greater will U the tough-nosM-of tbo pacr. It can bo utcd for mak ing boxes, combs, for roofing and oven for making boats. Bobton Budgot. Caasa for Depression. Medical Examiner (for insuranco company) You appear to bo In a very weak, nervous, depressed physical condition. Applicant for Insuranco Yes, your agent have been chinning at mo for six mouths. Puiladolphla Record, iwf . JW4sfe4t- "Y ftlintrtenre's CiirIIsIi Klne. One gracious prerogative, certainly, Shake PvWu't English kings possess, they aro n cry elo pient company and Elohar 1 is tho UMt sweet tongurd of them nil In oo other n:iy perhaps Is thcro such a flush of thoso uy, fresh, variegated flowers of speech ol'or and llguro not lightly attached to, but fucd Into tho very phraso Itself which lli.'ikojKviro cannot help dispensing to his tni meters, as In this "play of tho dejioslng if ICIng Kli lard tho II," au exquisite )xxit if he Is nothing o1k, from flrst to last, In llit and gloom alike, ablo to seo all things Kvtlcnlly, to glvo a poetic turn to his con luetof them, and refreshing with his golden ititi'igo tho trltcst oHct of thnt ironlo nmtrast liotwccn tho pretensions of a king tud tho nctunl necessities of his dcstluy. Vhat n garden of words! With him, blank verso, Infinitely graceful, lellk-rnto, musical In Inflexion, becomes In Uvd a truo "vorso roynl," thnt rhyming lapse, which to tho Shukespcaronn ear came ,i the Inst touch of refinement on It, being lero doubly appropriate His cloqueilco lends with that fatal lcnuty of which ho .;i.w frankly aware, so nmlablo to his f i lends, to Ids wlfo, of tho effects of which on tho x.oplo tils enemies uero so much afraid, on which Shake)oaro himself dwelU so at tentively as tho "roynl blood" comes nnd goes In tho fnco with his rapid changes ol temper. Scrlbncr's Mazngluo. A Curo for Wurts. , Evcrylxxly Is moro or loss interested In the subject of warts, for almost ovcrybody has nt somo tlmo or other been troubled, to a greater or lesser degree, with theso annoying excrescences. Dr. Andrew Wilson's well known publication, Health (London), some tlmo ago gave tho vlowt of numerous cor rcsK)udcnt8 on tho cnuso and curo of warts, and somo of tho theories advanced were de cidedly peculiar, to say tho least. Ouo cor respondent, for cxamplo, writes that hobas had oxperlenco of a crfoct curo in tho slmpo of raw bocf, plus a certain mysterious work of burial, as follows! Hlj hands were covered with warts, nud ouo day a "benevolent old gentleman" ad vised film to procure a small pleco of raw beef, to rub tho warts with tho beef, and "immediately nftcr doing so to bury tho piece of beef In tho ground. At soon ns tho liecf has rotted away," said tho old gentleman, "your warts will Iw gono." Tho correspond ent acted up to tho Instructions received, rubbed his warts and burled tho beef. In a fow days ho was ablo to notoadlirercncoin tho slzo of tho warts, and In about a month afterwards thoy had dlsnpiwared. Wo are not Informed If curiosity, either of scientific or commonplaces kind, Instigated tho corre spondent to sec if tho beef had undcrgouo com ploto decay ; but bo ndds that his adviser "laid particular stress" on tho burial of tho beef. Herald of Health. Jnckvin. King of UJitc. Tho death of Richard JackKon, In Rath, Mo., closed a career llllod with moro than ordinary romance. Jackson was born In Bath, and in 1SSI shipped as a sailor aud was wrecked on tho coral reef near Ujao, lu tho South Pacific. Tho king of Ujao being In fear of tho Unit ed States government, treated Jackson welL On ono occasion tbo king, who was anxious to go to an adjacent island for somo savngo fes tival, mado our Rath boy temporarily king of tho island. For thirty days, Jackson, king of Ujao, held bis .lonely court on tho Island beach, guarding bis provisions and hoping aid would coma A crow of whlto wreckers arrived and to them Jackson sold, for about (00 tho cargo and wreck of tho vessol ho had landed, and with them returned to Jalult, whence, ho worked his way to 'Frisco, where ho delivered his hard carnal 300 to tho on tier's n gent nnd was rowardod with $75 for bis endeavors. After being washed overboard In rounding Capo Horu ho for two years sailed to tho northern seas and was noted for his feats of daring. Then ho becamo n steamboat man, roso to bo third ofllccr of tho City of Pckin, ono of tho largest steamers afloat, and was steadily mounting up when bo was knocked down by a runaway hoiio whilo ashore on a vacation and killed. Ho was only SO years old. Philadelphia Times. How Tliey Vote In Greece. "Auy man in Grecco can bo a candidate for any ofilco," wld Dr. Constantino, "and wheu a mcu announces himself asacaudi dato tlio government must provide a ballot box for him. If ten men announco them selves as candidates for mayor, a separate box Is set up for each candldato aud ovcry voter must vote In each of tho ten boxes." , "Then each candldato would get tho tamo number of votes, I should think." "That Is posslblo, but I never know It to happen. Let mo explain a littlo further. "Wo vote with black and whlto balls. Each ballot box Is divided Into a black and whlto compartment, with a funnel In tho middle. Every voter is given whlto balls and black balls, aud putting his hand down in tho funnel drops them as ho chooses. A white ball Is for aud a black ball against a man. If tho citizen wishes to vote for Mr. A., anu lor mm amy, uo urops a wnuo uau into his box und black kills Into tho other nlno (thero nro ten candidates!, or ho can voto for two of tho candidates, or for tho wholo ten If ho chooses, his voto being really of no account In that com), of course. Tho man who has most white tails tu his box Is elected Wheu two representatives are to bo elected tho man having tbo next highest num ber of whlto balls gets tho w ond placo, and to on." LowUtou Journal Tho Men Who Stand to Win. Peoplo go to a public gaming, tablo with their eyes open. Thoy know at Monto Carlo that tho zero is against them at roulette, and they aro content to faco tho certainty of tho refalt at tho rougo ct nolr. Consequently they aro assured that tho bank mufct win in tho long run, nnd they back their highly soculatlvo chunccs in full comiah&anco do cnusc But tho sharp wltted innocents who stand "to win" upou unknown horK, w hllo professing to calculato chances, novcr care to count with certainties. Yet surely it might bo worth their whilo to consider that tho great world of betting men and tipsters must llvo. A few of tho bookmakers mako for tunes out of tho victims who aro fleeced; many moro might retlro upon contingencies wero thoy only docently prudent; and, in any caso, tho IndlspeiiMblo expenses of tho professional tire enormous. Tho net proQts at tho bot nro hut a small perceutago on tho heavy grois outlay, Saturday Review. Ohler mid Wlr. A good apjetito is a great blessing. It speaks well for ouo's physical condition ; some times, too, It shnreus one's wits. "Ma," remonstrated Charllo, "when I was at grandma's sho let mo havo two pieces of pie," "Well, sho ought not to have dono so, Charlie,'' said his mother. "I think two pieces of pio are too much for littlo boys. Tbo older you grow, Charllo, tho moro wis dom you will gain." Charlie was llvnt, but only for n moment. "Well, ma," IdkiUI, "grandma Is a good deal older than 70. are." Youth's Comjianiou. !mlm,nnmmmmmi mmimoMmn n'MHwUBSHU FAST MAIL ROUTE ! 2 DAILY TRAINS - 2 TO Atchison, Lenvcnwo'th, St.Joicph.Knnsas Citv, St. Louis and nil points South, East nnd Vt. The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parsons, Wichita, Hutchinson and all principal joints in Kniis-i-.. The only rond to the Great Hot Springs if Arknnas. Pullma- Sleei'lrs and Free Reclining Chair Cars an all .rains. I G. HAISKA. R. P. R. MILLAR, City Tkt Agent, Gen'l Cor. Onnd i:th Sts. gent. 1& tp( A( UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY 01 THE COUNTRY, WILL ODTAIIf MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND ft PACIFIC RAILWAY, Including main llnos.brancbos and extensions Eaat and Wo at of tba Missouri Rlvor. The Direct Route to and from Chicago, Jollot, Ottawa, Peoria, La Salle, Mollne, Rock Island, In ILLINOIS Davenport, Muscatine. Ottumws. OskaJoosa. Des MolnoB.Wlntorsot. Blutrs. in lOWA-Mlnneapolls and ana ttioux aus, in uaauia-uameron, ac. MlHSUUKi-umana, aimury, ana U.. .!....... nTlAltlln .ll.illn nUVVUIUDUU, VVIUUIW, UtiOVUIS ureeK, n.inKTiBnor, con, neno, in tno iiMuwxni icHtinuui-Bna uoioraac? Springs, Donvor, Pueblo, in COLORADO. FREE Reclining Chair Cars to and from Chicago, CaldweU, Hutchinson, and Dodgo City, and Palace Sleep ing Cars botwoen Chicago, Wichita, and Hutchinson. Traverses now and vast areas of rich farming and grazing lands, affording tho best facilities of Intercommunication to all towns und cities east and west, northwest and southwest of Chicago, and Pacific and transoceanic Seaports. MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS, Loading all compotitors in splendor of equipment, cool, well ventilated, and free from dust. Through Coaches, Pullman Sleepers, FREE Rocllning Chair Cars, and (east of Missouri River) Dining Cars Dally betweon Chicago, Dos Moines, Council Bluffs, and Omaha, with Froo Reclining Chair Car to North Platte, Neb., and botwoen Chicago and Colorado Springs, Donvor, and Pueblo, via 8U Joseph, or Kansas Citv and Topoka. splendid Dining Hotols (furnishing meals at seasonable noura) west of Missouri Rlvor. California Excursions dolly, with CHOICE OF ROUTE8 to and from Salt Lake, Ogden, Portland, Los AngelOB, and San Franclsoo. Tho DIRECT LINE to and from Piko's Peak, Manltou, Garden of tho Gods, tho Sanitari ums, and Sconlo Grandeurs of Colorado. VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE, Solid Express TralnB doily between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul, with THROUGH Reclining Chair Cars (FREE) to and from those points and Kansas City, Through Chair Oar and Sleeper betweon Peoria, SplritLako, and Sioux Falls, via Book Island. Tho Favorite Lino to Pipostono, Woter town, Sioux Fulls, and tho Summor Rouorta and Hunting and Fishing Grounds or the Northwest. THE SHORT LINE VIA SENECA AND KANKAKEE offers facilities to travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Counpil Bluffs, Bt. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul. For Tickets, Maps, Foldors, or desired Information, apply to any Ticket Ofilco In tho United States or Canada, or addresB E. ST. JOHN, General Manager. CHICAGO, ILL,. WEDDING BHLL PROGRAMS, meiS VS Wessel Printing Co., New Burr Block. mnrntitvit90rmt 1 aw m1' 9BJRS l;remont, Elkhorn & Mo. Valley t3T Operates nnd con trols Its own service- IJIUIIPSJII Ml imumi-g 'ii betu ecn .. LINCOLN, NED., and OMAHA, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, SIOUX CITY MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL. t3T" Through Tickets niul IIakrhko Checked to ll points In United States nnd Canada. Vestibule Sleeiers, Palatial Dining Cars and "ulon Depots, CITY TICKET OFFICE : II South 10th street, - - Lincoln GEO. N. FORESMAN. Agent. ft. O. IlfnT, J, 11. IIUCIIANAN, Ocnernl M'ger. (Jen'l Pass. Ag't OMAHA, NEB. 3 PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH -AT 1044 O STREET. Vflog 'Milwaukee i 'StPAVt &4 ons nnd operates 5.50O miles of thoroughly onlpped rond In IIUuoIh, Wisconsin, Iown MlSRourl.Mlniiftotiiaiidlmkotn. It Is the Hoot Direct Houto between all tbo Principal l'olnts in tho Northwest, Southwest ml Far West , For innpn, tlmo tnhlci, rntes of pnssneo nml 'reltiht. etc.. npply to neiirect station ngent ol Chicago, Mii.waukek a ht. Paul Rail way, or to nny Railroad Agent anywhere lu the world. R. MILLER, A. V. II. C.VRPRNTER, General Mtyr. Cleii'l Pus. AT'kt Agt. 1 1 ( H 1 , GEO. It. 11EAFFORD, YsM.Gon' Mtir. Asst. G. I'.AT.Agt. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Kn- In form nt Inn 111 refctvnci' to J.nmlS ind Townt owned by the Chicago, Milwau kee & St. Paul Hallway Compnny.wrte to II. G. IlAUOAN.Lund Conimlftioiier.Mlllwaukeo Wisconsin. reoi, .miauooii. tmnun.una council St. Paul, In MINNfesOTA Watortown St. Joseph, and Kansas City, in , In NEBRASKA Horton. Topoka, o, Caldwell, In KANSAS-Pond poison, 11 AhllnnA aUIIDUD) WIMWUI1, 114 4mu4.u rvuA JOHN SEBASTIAN, Oea'l Ticket ft Fan. ArjK. INVITATIONS n WAlfl' j .. wn. .. . n , , , . ipp-r-i-t-rrTf TsujsiwAjTi BSfcSKSffS T1-."""' ".'.'y l""'f T1?"1 "I'J1 wJWSMgyadi :y e' n t