1 P"re - . hm grow piiwn JTf ,;-s :T3iii-!5,y..T-, wJilfwjHj;"ji '"HHffBVl"Tl"l.Vl"lti.y," ,?,Bff"f T I V CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1889. M ri-rsf ' i- . I . r.r ,0 o Bound to Take the Lead MONARCH Gasoline STOVES. Oo not fall to sre them before buy ing. AUo my litis of REFRIGERATORS and ICE CREAM FREEZERS. FRANK E. LAHR, 936 V Street. Korth Side P. O. Square. One-Quarter In order to close out our stock of Single - Generator Gasoline Stoves, Wc will give H oH for Cnh until closed out. 1242 O.St. BAIRD BROS. fe will have on Sale (or this week Only a Fast Black Hose Futl Regular and warranted at 25s. Wc have only n limited stock of these goods, and as they cannot be replaced to sell for less than 40 cents, they will not last long. We have just received n fresh lot of our Great Bargain " Ribbed Vests," nt 1 5ci worth much more. Wc have the finest line of CAMBRIC AND NAINSOOK HEMSTITCH EMBROIDERED FLOUNCING 50 In. wide ever shown In the City. Call ami ee them, The latest novelties. In out line received dally. J. H. MAURITIUS & GO. 113 S. Eleventh St. Rev.T.DaWiUTalmage's PATHWAY OF LIFE BOOK ItEADT. Ills Greatest Work 1 1 Salesmen wanted everywhere. Exclusive territory. Fbks trip to Europe for live workers. Unparalleled In- duocment. Apply now, B. F. JOlLNsiON'A CO 10UW Mala feu, Hlcnmond. Vo. Nothing like it, the Elkhoru'n fast Chicago train. r it If sIssHft j usss"Vs3liSstfK TssflKsllEsBiii IVh I JBPjBjSv swsst IK " - hsr Jfc JLjk Vm IyJ iIHIhv BgpMaigi A limlu ltiwrof ilinhrn Times. Puumshbd Saturday it'n.cmrriDNi One Year lir Mall or Carrier $WO 8lx month, tA Tliri'e mouth 80 Cent. Oim iwnth W Out InraraMy In Adranre. VPVKaTliiZMIXTSI llfltes furnished Oil AppllcttlMl at the "Mee, Hpeclal rate on Time Contrno s. 'ONTBinnioxsifiliort spicy sketche, oem ntui ste-rles oltclte4. Personal and Hoclal note ure frclallytfHratle. I'aixTlin: We make a npvclalty of Flue Printing nillltl.4ii)in, n ttr vircftpeltlty' A I tm til ciiu'itutuutlu!i4 direct to th ofTlcr. Wiisain. Printing Co., i'Uhmmiku. New Ilurr lllnok, Cor. I'.'tli nnd 0 HIr-V. TRt.F.I'llONKi.Vl j. Wkaskl, Ju., Editor and Sole Pioprletor. l'ltED Benzin'okii, Associate Editor. POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 60,000. "The Courier" nt tliv Iti'.uits. Persons leaving tho city for the summer cmi ha vo Tiik CouiitKU Kent them without extra charge. In cine of clmugei of location during the nbsenee from home, tho mMruM will Iw altered whenever desired. This np piles to pivseut mill new subscriber. Havo tho Coi'ittKit follow you ni n means of keep ing posted on homo nirnlr. Itn weekly np DenriincH will prove more Interesting than n letter. Tiik bank examiner havo liegun on Lin coln hntik. Tho feo for examination Is ?-(). The probability Is that tho grounds ntout tho state houso will not bo Improved thlsyoar. Amoso the week' visitors havo been Hupt, Midlnlleu, Senator Hunl, Representative Chrtsty of Clay, Senator Wctlierold, Editor Mosownternnd CongrtMsumu Commit. It U n little singular that thoru has not lieen n imili room crop of rnudldates fur the regency of the State University. Itepresunt atlve 0. A. Corblu Is tho only man "men tioned" thus far. Tiik legislature appropriated 17,600 for fix-. Hires for tho now state library, and $0,000 hav beenspont on the first floor. Tending another allowance the second floor will be used ns n sort of n lumber room. The soldiers' home nt Grand Island has less than fifty Inmates nt present. Commandant Hammond says about thirty soldier are nw ny on summer furloughs. Home nro visit lug friends and others lire working out. Hon. Jilt Caldwell, has gone to Wash ington to take a place In the department of Justice. He profes.es ignorance of his com ing duties, but rumor has It that they have some connection with the organization of tho new states. Fred Nvk, of the Omaha AVjuiMi'caii, has been spending the week In Lincoln to give his shattered nerves a rest. He finds the fnmous mineral water a bracing tonic, and he is sat Isfled that there Is enough climate to the square inch to be nlono worth the price of nd mission. One of tho latest olltlcal yarns is n story of how President Harrison Is to tako caro of ex-Senator Saunders. Senator Mandersou Is to lie elevated to tho supremo bench, and Editors Itosewnter and Nye nre to me their influence to havo Governor Thayer appoint Mr. Saunders to tho senatorial vacancy. And yet they accuse woman of monopolizing silly gossip. It Is seldom tknt n state or ustlonal appro priation Is refused If the authorized parties have halt a chanco to use it, but such a case has occurred nt Grand Island. An Item of (1,000 for an elevator slipped Into the bill for the soldiers1 home, but tho commandant says It will not bo used. Tho home Is only three stories high, nnd disabled veterans will be kept below. It has lx?en known for some time that Con gressman Dorsoy was rich enough to have pie three times n day If ho wanted to, but here he has gone nnd hired n whole Pullman car and Is taking n jwirty of eastern congress men on a tour of the great northwest. It is to be hoped that our jKor brother can nfford this extravagance. Perhaps ho has besu rav ing up for it. The bank examiners havo found 514 banks subject to the now state law. They are ready to make their tour of examination, and will have little time to waste for tho first year at least. Mr. Saundors will take the first con. grcsvlonal district with 103 banks, Mr. Mo Nuughton the second with 103 and Mr. Brink the third with SU. Mr. Saunders will help out tho other gentlemen if necessary. It is believed that other banking Institutions will be discovered, but If they have received no blanks the examiners will be lenient. Several counties Rent representatives to Lincoln the other day to Induce the board of equalization to reduce the rate of their taxes. The system of levying tho stato tax in Ne brnvka offers a premium to overy assessor who will violate his oath of ofllce. It is for the Interest of every county to escape state taxation by assessing its property as low as possible. The law says assessors must return full value, but in some localities the assess-, ment Is only one-tenth of tho value. Thete Is not an assessor in Nebraska who has not perjured himself, but ho has the sentiment of his community to back tilm. The revenue law of Nebraska is wotully defective. Here is an opportunity for foine no wspapcr seeking u mission to start a crusade of merit, and one that will win a considerable following. The building boom has struck Hot Springs, Dak. A MethodLt college, South Dakota's Soldiers' Home and numerous cozy residences are being erected. Now seems to be the time for a good Investment in that town. Lincoln people should eet to the front as usual. Patronize the Elkhorn's uew Chicago train, Fastest time on record. Through sleeer. HATS FOR THE CHIMJIIKN. BUNSHADES OF ALL SORTS TO KEEP AWAY FRECKLES. Ilin'errnt St) If. of Huts The Sun Umbrella. Piny l)rcr. rut Children Deign for ft Co.tume Uncfiil Hint, on Children' Styles, (Special Comvpomtetico.l New YoiiK, July 18. To prcservo lit tlo girls nml big ones from freckles Is ono of tho tlutlcs of motherhood, nnd n very dlllluult labor It would Ik? If It could bo ilono, but It enn't, nml no tlioy Imvo their Inbor for their pains. Hut tlmt docs not hinder them from trying, nml lints as big ns ordinary parntols nro supplo- TO KEEP OFK TUB NAUOIITV SUN8I1INE. inontod by nun umbrellas, which nro qulto largo enough for touts for tho llttlo tola who carry them. Soino of the prettiest llttlo hats for midsummer sunshlno nro illustrated In this latter, nnd thoy nro of straw of vnrlous colors, trimmed simply with rlblxms, though often lints nro seen with llowers nnd feathers. Such nro for vory full dreaa occasions. For ordinary use, ribbon trimmings nro by far tho most durable Tho upper lint on tho left eldo la of whlto Milan brnld or fine Leghorn, and trimmed by n sash of rich satin or Armuro ribbon tied in tho back In flat loops. This hat can bo worn by a very small boy or n Rlrl from "small to mid dlinV Tho hat beneath Is of fancy straw, brown nnd whlto Btrlod, and has a full bow and loops of brown and drab and whlto striped ribbon on the left sldo nnd a smooth band around tho crown. Tho upper one on tho right side is of blue nnd whlto striped straw, faced with dark bluo velvet, with n bluo nrmurc ribbon sash and upright bow with ends. This hat is suitable for children from 4 to 12 years old. Tho hat below is of brown straw, soft and flexible, nnd tho front faced with velvet. A largo Alsatian bow la rundo of brown and ecru ribbon with long ends. Tho bud umbrella Is made of cream colored pongco, with a border of threo bands of brown ribbon sown on over a ploco of black lace, tho wholo a very cf fectivo pattern and n durablo parasol, which It needs to be for children's use. Of courso, thero nro times when it Is nocessary for n llttlo girl to be dressed up, for instance when sho goes to church, when uho goes to a party or is bridesmaid to her big sister, and on tunny other occasions, and for such an occasion a prettier, daintier little gown could not bo Invented than tho Luta dress. This Is equally pretty in many materials nnd even colors. Tho model, however, was In cream whlto nun's veil ing with tho panels to tho skirt and tho vest uiado of deep embroidery. Tho sash, cuds nnd rovers nro all of blush pink moire rlblon. Tho sash Is tied loosely around tho waist, partially over tho hips nnd brought around to tho back whero It Is formed in a largo bow with long loops. Tho design for this protty costumo can bo altered In somo ways, ono being to omit tho rest fronts of moire nnd veil ings and lot it all bo of embroidery. Tho basquo In tho back is quite plain and hangs looso from tho skirt nnd tho sash Is tied under it. Tho skirt is plaited nil around. Whlto lawn, challtes, chain bcry, satlno, and even woolon good3, arc all adapted to this pretty dress. Tho llttlo bonnet la of whlto mull, shirred and trimmed with rosetto of narrow, pink baby ribbon, Insldo tho poko brim, and with bows of pink molro on top and strings of tho same. If this LUTA DRESS." wore tnado of bluo nnd cream, or lllao or corn color, It would also bo lovely aad exactly adapted to a costumo for a llttlo bridesmaid. Dlack stockings nro almost tho only ones worn .by boys or girls, and Newport or Oxford shoes aro worn for dress. For every day uso canvas shoos or those of russet leather are very serviceable, though not at all pretty. Stockings of silk to match tho dress trimming could bo worn If for a wedding or party, Oute HAcru. SOME TIMELY SUGGESTIONS. Hon to iMrnnile nnd I'lirnl.li n lloma luntrfiillj, The Art Amateur, which Is considered protty good authority In such matter by people of tnatc, Is running nn excellent series of nrtlclciiou "Homo Decoration nnd Fund turo," from No. 10 of which tho following Is taken. Tho great temptation now is to over docc rato. Even In n liouvj of tunny rooms of nm plo slzo one can easily produro the effect of over crowding, n hllo In tho small npnrtments so common In largo cities It Is very dllllcuU tonold It. It neeins as If tho decorator stiircred from nn "elnbMrraslk1lrlche!ises., The temptation to uso nil tho (luvk-es at hand Is often too strong to bo Wthslood, nnd accordingly pan eled wAliifrotn, car veil pilasters, wooden ceilings w f tli heavy trnnsvorso rafters, tapes tries, rug, brlc-n-brnc, stained glass and nil tho rest of It piny a prominent part in help ing to disfigure nnd distort mnny a small room that by Judicious treatment might hnvo been cozy, nrtlstlc, and, nlwvo nil, hnbltnblo. Wo may havo too many rugs on tho floor, too ninny (tort lores and scarfs, too much brlc-a-brnc In other words, too much d&corativo art is not decorative. Tliu prime uso of an apartment must al ways bo rcmemliered. If it is otdy for tho display of n collection of objects, then tho nlrofn museum is not objectionable. But If it Is n room for dining, reading or sleeping in, then tho comfort of tho occupnuts should bo tho first consideration j and beauty need by no moans 1 overlooked U-cnuso utility Is TO ' FtRErLACE AND COZY COnXER. borno In inlmL I havo seen a dining room whero tho buffet nndother plecesof furniture for tho display of silver nud glassware gavo tho effect of a shop, and I hnvo seen others whom a much greater amount seemed entire ly npproprlnto nnd unobjectionable, Tho satno may bo said of collections of curios, faience or tho Ilka If arranged merely for show, to Impress tho beholdor, tho Intention is always evident; but tho col lector's own way of placing his treasures U tho best from nil points of view. Tho tempta tion to overcrowd a moderately largo room Is, perhaps, natural, but our small npartniont houses bear nbundunt witness not only to tho cmbarrnssniiuit of visitors nt trying to crowd In between pieces of furniture, but to tho thoughtless nbuo of schotnes and Ideas that might havo given beautiful results. Arm chairs entirely upholstered may bo our ideal; but if wo hnppou to havo a tiny room and need sovcra) chairs, wo bad lictter ovorcomo our yearning for luxurious cushions with good graco nud content ourselves with lm plor forms. Nothing can bo tnoro luxurious than a spa clous loungo covered with a Turkish rug, and possibly having auothcr rug stretched on tho wall as a background, with plenty of soft sllkon cushions. But it takes up room. Now wo must consider If tho spaco at our disposal Is sufficient for our purposo beforo wo fit up oar loungo, oven If wo aro fond of eastern rugs and soft pillows of silk. If tho spaco at our command Is uot enough to do this proper ly, wo had much better glvo up tho idea and havo a simple scttlo with turned spindles and a flat cushion. This may bo excellent in color, flno in lino, and will bo altogether better iu placo than tho divan out of placo. Tho satno thing is truo of our chairs. I bcllovo tho French know how to treat a small salon hot ter than any other people, Thoy roly strict ly on precedent and tako a stylo, say Louis XV or Louis XVI, but what could bo better! Lot us glvo uporiglnallty if it only means doing what has not been dono bofore, for tho obvious reason that it is undosirablo. Criti cism is easy nnd wo aro apt to say that those French styles aro conventional and linck noyed and admit of no scopofor tho designer. I do not think this is so. Working under tho strict limitations of a historical stylo Is, per haps, a hard task; but a designer of force and education will declare, to somo extent, his individuality, but always subordinate to tho general characteristics of tho stylo in which ho works. 8COOESTION8 KOn BOOK 8UELVE3. Wood carving, that most dollghtful form of decoration. Is rapidly becoming abused. Too much carving vulgarizes hopelessly a piece of furnlturo that half the amount of ornamentatlou would havo enriched. A carved border or molding around tbo odgo of a tablo gives a flno effect, but 1 havo lately seen tables tho cntlro tops of which havo boon carved. Now a tablo U meant to put things on, and tho carving completely spoils Its usefulness, besides defeating its own pur poso of decoration; for thodecoratod edgo would look richer by contrast with tbo plain center Caro must bo taken not to havo tho carv ing sandpapered down to a perfectly smooth finish, and tbo background should bo irregu lar and not speckled nil over with little holes. Tho beauty of carving Is to feel tho touch of tho carver, to seo a tool mark hero and there. It is well to uso carving rather sparingly. Rathor havo a llttlo and havo It good than much that Is second rate. In somo of the Italian work nearly every molding was en riched and vaticl carved. But In tbo best ex amples the sawing Is Judiciously disposed and somo plain surfaco used as a folL The cuts accompanying this aro from the same publication, The Art Amateur, and give excellent hints as to tho treatment of bookshelves and a fireplace with cozy corner. REDUCED PRICES ON Spring and jtammer Suits Wc have made a deep cut in price to close all our Light Weight Suits. This will a great BENEFIT SALE for you to attend, at the Globe One-Price Clothing House, Cor. O and Lincoln Savings Bank and Safe Deposit Co. CAPITAL, $290,000. LIABILITY OF STOCKHOLDERS, $000,000. Interest paid on deposits nt any rnt of fi per cent por annum for nil full calandnr months Hnfes to rent In burglnr proof nnd flro proof vaults, at annual rental of 3 and upwards. Money to loan on rent estate and collnteinl. YOUll HAVINGS ACCOUNT SOLICITED. 1IKN11Y K.LEWIS, A. P.M. STUAItT, JNO. H. McCLAY, It. WELSH, President. Vice President. Treasurer. Teller WE INVITE TO EMBROIDERY OUR Ceinqtoric, Neiiqsoolv gincl S-wiss Rlou.rcirg;s, In 22 and 45 inch widths is exceptionally large. MATCHED SETTS Wc show some of the finest goods Imported in very handsome new designs. ' ' . fl M I O 7 The One Price Cash Dry DRY One-Quarter Off , ON CASH Ashby & a - CO - lJ. Wall 1134 O Wo Only EEB ALL OUR Tenth Sts. ATTENTION OUR : DEPARTMENT. LINE OF -IN- Goods and Carpet House. SALES. Millspaugh. fTOW - it FOE Paper STREET. FINEST IN THE STATE. GOODS MOO RB ELITE STUDIO 226 S. 11th St. mako a specialty of Flno Photograpulo and Crayon work. Ground Floor Studio in Lincoln Call and. Sbb Dur Work, M ' i '""tSJMT "'h"1"'1'"1'"1" "' ' W'liwm-sf-tsii vQBCK m'''Uim0mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmHmm J23FJ