Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 20, 1889, Image 1

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    WjmWMm-Pz: S:so&oes' '"', -"issgM 6J iM
Vol, 4. No. 32
Lincoln. Nbdraska, Saturday, Juuy SO, 1680.
The Nebraska editor who ore "doing" the
great northwest under the leadership of the
CaI'ITAL City Couitisn man nre evidently
having a grent time. Tho inannger 1ms been
too busy looking after other people' comfort
to tend tho Couhieu nny but the briefest
statements of their going mid doing, but
the following from tho Denver Acw tells of
their first stop: "The moulders of Nebraska
public oplnlon.that state's gigantic brain pro
duct and her fairest of ladles nro honoring
Denver with n visit. Yesterday tho after
noon Union Pacific train brought In two car
load of pencil pushers and their ladles, in
charge of Clarence Brown, tho young and
handsome advertising manager of the Union
Pacific, and Chairman Wessel of the Ne
braska press northwestern excursion. As tho
train rolled into tho Union tlvfiot, Frank Sem
pie, chairman of the local reception commit
tee, wearing one of his most gracious smile,
bid the Nebraska editors n cordial welcome.
Mr. Semplo had prepared a How of reason and
a flood of wit, but friends interfered and the
Nebraska editors were spared tho pain. The
party, numbering sixty, were tendered luxu
rious accommodations by tne union racnic
and wero occupying two cozy, comfortable
buffet cars stocked with substantial and del
icacies so abundant in Nebraska. The party
made permanent quarters In the earn, where
every comfort and convenience was afforded
and the most glowing eulogy upon the Denver
hotel accommodations would not induce tlieni
to change their abode. The excursion, w hlch
will cover twenty days, headed Irom Omaha
and Is bound for Oregon, British Columbia
and la general good time. The ciowd is a
jolly one, having the upearance of well-fed
high-toned journalists, with wives, Maters and
daughters higher toned, and better fed. They
reflect credit upon Nebraska and Omahu,
which is in Nebraska. Last evening was
spent in seeing Denver by gas and electric
light and In tho newspaper man's usual habit
of church attendance. All the scribes with
the exception of tho Omaha contingent wero
surprised at Denver s greatness, but It is un
becoming for an Omalia man to be surprised
at anything, this or tho otlur side of Omaha.
To-day tho party will be taken over the loop,
returning this evening, and tomorrow morn
ing they leave for Salt Lake. Besides good
wearing apparel the excursionists aro clo:hed
with a huge red badge symbolic of the color
they propose to fresco the great west. The
badge acta in a dual capacity, first as a sym
bol, secondly as a card of admission to tho
good graces and hearty welcomes awaiting
them from the towns they honor with a visit.
Denver maks her best bow to the Nebras
kans and while they nro in tho city, in Monte
Cristo vernacular, the world is theirs."
After the above was put on the printer's
copy-hook the following telegram was receiv
ed frotu"the old man," dated Pocatello,Idaho,
July 14: "So far so good a liner time than
fondest anticipations governor's reception at
Cheyenne drive over city and banquet ar
rived at Ogdcn Thursday city all decorated
carriages at depot banquet in the after
noonreception and ball at night left for
Bait Lake Thursday night in special met at
depot by reception committee drove over
Bait Jjike excursion to Parley's canon first
train over the line went to the laku lieoch
enjoyed bathing governor's reception in
evening now en route to Portland."
And here comes a bundle of Ogden papers
with glowing accounts of the reception in
that city. Tho following Is extracted from
the Commcrcfaf:
"Tho editors wero met nt the depot by the
reception committee, nnd citizens who took
with them n score or more carriages and a
few minutes later wero being driven in all
directions about tho city and given on oppor
tunity to breathe, tho fresh tiiouuUiin air and
rest up from their long journey Tho visitors
were lauded at tho Broom later in tho day
where at noon they were Invited to sit down
to an elegant repast. In the afternoon tho
carrloges were again called out and the visit
ors were driven up the Ogden canon, where
tbey ient n couple of Iioujs most enjoyably.
Many of the ladles of the party, as well as
the gentlemen, had never seen a mountain
canon and hero they found one of the grand
est, most picturesque canons in the Wasatch
mountains. The editors, many of them, took
considerable pains to collect Information con
cerning tho resources of tho country. They
wero all generous with their praise for tho
manner in which they had been received. The
ball given during tho evening was a grand
affair. The large east room of tho city hall
was used by the merry waltzers and tho elite
of the city was present. As it was known
that thu excursionists had to leave tho city
early, the dancing began eailym the even
ing. Tho editors with their wives and daugh
ters mingled with the citizens and their fami
lies, ami whirled away tho hours In the most
pleasant manner. Most of the city ofllclals
and members of tho chamber of commerce
added dignity to tne occasion by their pres
ence. Tom Richardson, on behalf of the peo
ple of Ogden, made a short address, in which
be expressed the pleasuro the people felt in
having the Nebraska PresB Association as
their guesU; that they apologized for lack of
preparation for their better reception, regret
ted the fact that their visit must be brought
to a close so suddenly, and invited all to re
turn and stay a week. L. Wessel, Jr., of the
Nebraska association, responded briefly. He
assured the people of Ogden that the members
of the Nebraska Press association would al
ways remember the many favors and courtes
ies extended them by the citizens of this city.
Before the party left for the traiu, J. 8.
Uoagland of tho Lincoln Stat (Journal made
a stirring address in behalf of the association.
He referred to tho fact that in Nebraska corn
was king, but Ogden had for its support
many and varied Industries, being an agri
cultural, mining and railroad center. He
predicted that Ogden would soon bo a big
ity. He spoke of the beautiful scenery and
the many natural advantages by which the
city was surrounded, He referred to the nu
merous railroad facilities and predicted that
Ogden would bo th j great railroad center of
tho west. Ho thanked the people of Ogdon
for their hospitality, and closed by proposing
threw cheer for Ogden, which wero given
with a will, At the close three cheers wero
given for the Nebraska editors, and tho hour
for the departure of tho train approaching,
the ball was brought to a close."
The Ogden Slanthml had a three column
account nf tho afTalr, from which the follow
ing report of tho speech of the Coumkh'h
"old man" is taken:
"Mr. Wessel said: 'Ladles, gentlemen and
friend, I think wo can call you f rlcnds.for in
the few short hours wo have been with you
you have shown yourselves as such, Wu
shall always feel grateful for tho treatment
you have extended to us. We novo enjoyed
tho ride over your and appre
ciated tho drive to your scenic canon nnd this
evening we certainly apprcclato this receji
tlou. As far as the Nebraska Press associa
tion is concerned Ogden will always have a
warm spot in tho heart of each member. We
leave suddenly and icgretfully, for wo have
just received word that our train will leave
at 10:30. Wo had been In the hope of spend-,
lug the time with you until midnight at nny
rate, but we must leave,' A voice, 'Salt Lake
is In a hurry to seo the editors ' Mr. WesHel
continued, 'In behalf of tho Nebraska Press
association i exieuu to you our nenmesi
thanks and wish for your beautiful city
tho prosperity It deserves.'"
As already noted In the Couuren the edlto-
-ii ... .i. .- .!.. ..i
lielonglngto Ed Itothery, tho O.imhn spoit. i
The Ogden Union tells of the release of one ;
"One of the most interesting incidents con
- . . . . I
nected with the visit of the Nebraska Press
association to Ogden yesterday, was the send
lug of n message by the Chamber of Com
merce to tho TWtatne tit Omaha, by a carrier
pigeon. The excursionists have quite n num
ber of the birds wiih them, which they use
to send communications back from tho im
portant points they visit. The uses which
are made of these birds mid their intelligence
as to directions nod locations aro too well
known to need n description.
It had been arranged beforehand to scud
the bird to Omaha from the Broom hotel, so
long before the time set for tho winged mes
senger to start, quite a crowd had gathered
to witness the stait. Lady Patterson, that
was tho pigeon's name, Is n beautiful bird and
a fine representative of tho species; she was
brought from her quarters nt 3 o'clock and
tho following message in n neat little roll was
uttached to her neck by a dainty ribtxm:
'Ooiien, Utah, July 10, 18S0.
We thoroughly appreciate tho presence of
tho Nebraska Press association in our city.
The Territory of Utah sends greetings to the
Stntx of Nebraska, ion havo the commer
cial metropolis of the valley and we aro the
commercial giant of Utah.
Signed S. M. Pjieshaw,
President Chambtr of Commerce.'
The bird was taken over to tho city hall
grounds and turned loose. Lady Patterson
was In no hurry to jump at conclu
sions In relation to directions, so slio look
ed around at the different points of tho coin
iwihh before starting. At first she walked
around on the ground mid then flew to the
roof of tho city hall. She surveyed the sur
roundings for quite a while, and then spread
ing her wing' nrose and struck out directly
east, The spectators watched her as far as
possible and it was found that she went di
rect for Weber cai on.
Tho bird left hei eat 8:30 o'clock and will
arrive in Omaha at 0 a. in. tomorrow. Tho
meffngo will bo delivered to the Tribune,
which will immediately telegraph tho news
of tho safe arrival of Lady Patterson. As
Omnha Is something more than ono thousand
miles from Ogden tho bird will travel at the
rata of seventy miles un hour, if sho mokes
tho time predicted.
ThoofTairwos Interesting and serves to
show how intelligence and physical endurance
oven in the feathered trlbo can bo utilized for
the benefit of mankind,"
A special dispatch dated, Ashland, Oregon,
on Thursday says: "The Nebraska press
exurslonlsts arrived here at S o'clock this
morning and were met at tho train by citi
zens in carriages and taken to the Oregon ho
tel, where they partook of an elegant break
fast, previously ordered by tho bourd of trade
After n drivo over the city, a bath in the sul
phur springs mid a grand dinner, also fur
nished by tho board of trade, tho party pro
ceeded north ai'd will be entertained at Eu
gene and Portland cities Friday and Saturday
morning they will start by boat from Ta
coma for Victoria."
Sunday Excursions to Ctohiimn I'nrk.
Commencing Sunday, July 21st, and con
tinuing until Sundav, September 15th, tho B.
& M. will run trains each Sunday as follows:
Leave Lincoln depot for park 10;30 a, m.,
2:30 ). m. and 5 p. in. Returning leave Park
at 10:50 a. in., 2:50 p. m. and 8 p. in. Fare
for round trip 20 cents.
Information for Tourists.
Round trip tickets at reduced rates to the
following points are now- on sale at tho Elk
horn, C. & N. "W. lino ticket ofllces at 115
South Tenth street, and depot, corner S and
Eighth streets;
Spirit Lake and Clear Lake, la.: Minne
neapolis, St. Paul, Duluth and Superior,
Minn., Ashland, Bayfield, Madison, Wauke
sha an J Manltowock, Wis.; Petoskey, Goge
bee, Mncklnuc Island and Trovers City , Mich, ;
Old Point Comfort, Va., mid other summer
resorts. Geo. N. Forksman, Agt.
Drive out to Cushman park Sunday and
get ono Brown's famous dinners
Patronize the Elkhorn's new Chicago train.
Fastest time on record. Through sleeper.
Turn horses out in a gooiLpasture for a few
weeks, when they get iu bad condition. If
that can not bo done use Dr. Cady's Condi
tion Powders; they will put n horso In icrfect
health. A well horse don't need medicine.
Hay, grain and good care is better. Dr.
Cady's Condition Powders are a true horse
medicine,(not a dope,) they aid digestiou, euro
constljwtion, kidney dUorders und dlstroy
worms. Bold by A. L. Sbader, Druggist.
Modjeska, oecompai.led by tho Booth and
Barrett company, will appear nt Funke's op
era house on Wednesday evening next In
Shakespeare's romedy, "Twelfth Night ." In
Vloln, the part assumed by Modjeska, thero
Is presented nil ideal maiden, half smiles and
half teals, who seems so near to us, so win
some, so gentle, that we imagine wo have
known her long ago, whllo the characters of
Malvollo, Sir Toby Belch, Sir Andrew Ague
cheek, the witticisms and frolics of Marin and
the Clown, nppcnl to tho sense of humor.
There Is probably no one of the heroines of
Bhnkespeai-o so well adapted to the charming
personality of Modjeska a this same gentle
nnd winsome Vloln. The supporting compa
ny, being the mine thnt tin traveled through
the present season with Booth and Barrett,
limy bo deended upon for n thoroughly ar
tistic performance. Of course Booth nnd
Bnrrett will not be here, but their . company
will. It wlllbeieineml.ertd that Booth mid
Mwljeskn will star together next season,
Several years ago Miss Jetrrey-lAwls play
ed through this pa t of the country In
f lilnt t' fltlfl nilfttlistl itl'niitn rt Ti'Votwilt llo
or She was unknown In this section and
(jj(j no (
Iraw large audiences, but she left the
impression of a brilliant, powerful nctiess
Shu hns Wen deseited since then by tho tnnn
who should hnw protected her, mid vnrlou
..,.,.... I....... ntt...l I. lir ..I. 1. 1..
1?",. .e.""t " "" "'" "' ". " MT .T
one win nun iier i einiuiiioii mi inn riicinc
0,,t m ,l rt: l thither after her starring
tri' "lrt" MoilJn foum. her out and gnvo
iiiHTforinonceinSanl-rm.clscoforher ben-
i.flf A i fii'i'tikiuiiiilj.iit rtf 4n. h win, i iii tl,i
scribes mi affecting incident as follows:
"I think the world should know more of
the noble action of that grand woman, Hel
ena Modjeska, at the benefit of Jeffreys Lew
is. I have nver in nil my exnei fence as n
theater-goer known of anything approaching
It. Modjeska is one of the few who appreci
ate her sister artiste'N trials and sufferings,
terrible events in her lite, nameless here, tho
memory of which has gnawed her inner heart
for years. Hearing of her overty mid dis
tress, Modjeska extended her hand to the
poor woman and gave her a benefit that filled
the Baldwin theater. When the two were
called lieforo the curtain Miss Lewis thanked
the audience for their kindness, and then raid
gracefully that she could not take It ns a trib
ute to herself, but to Modjeska alone, 'with
out whoso presence,' she added, 'there could
be no audience In this theater tonight.' Sho
then stepped to Modje-ka, and, lifting her
hand, kissed it like one who considered even
such mi net presumptuous. Like a flush Mod
jeska drew her hand from the other's lips,
mid for an Instant the nudleuce thought she
had spurned the familiarity, and then she
folded the ioor woman In her arms and kiss
ed her twlco uiion the mouth. The act can led
a but st of applause to ring out such as has
seldom been heard In any theater In San Fran
cisco, and then a man in the pit mounted a
chair mid shouted: 'Three cheers for Modjes
ka, the noblest tf women!' And you earnest
assured that three cheers were given with a
Tho Eden Musee "loses its first and success-
fill season with this week nnd will re0,wn
Sept. 2d. Tho chief attraction of the week
was the Rlnehait family, whose tnl"uted
members gave a new bill, Tuesday was ben
efit day for the genial manager, Mr. Ed Lnw
ler, and in the evening li- was presented with
n gold-headed cane. ediiesday was benefit
day for the energetic treasurer, Mr. Win, T.
Dunce I), and he was surpilsed with n tilver
mounted umbrella. In both cases Capt. 1111
llngsley made the presentation spceclus.
Thursday was benefit day for Mr. Clarence
Leonard, the musical director, and today
the general director, Mr. J. E. Sackett, will
come lu for the public's favor. A special en
tertainment is announced for tomorrow for
tho benefit of the widows of the men who
died of sewer gas the other day . Tho pro
ceeds aro to be paid to tho Woodmen to bo
applied to that purpose.
Minnie Palmer goes to Europe. July 23.
Neil Burgess will probably never act again.
Roland Heed is in the Katskllls, where he Is
hunting tho festive trout.
Rose Coghlan Is spending her summer vaca
tion nt Monterey, California.
M. B. Lenvitt will havo on the roed next
seasjn a new sjiectacular puutomlmo entitled
"The Spider and tho Fly".
It turns out that the attraction which man
ager Henry E. Abbey proposes to send to this
country next season, to fill tho dates mude
vacant by Mary Anderson's illness, Is the
Loudon Gaiety burlesque company. They go
to tho Broadway, New York, late in the fall
for six weeks, and will probably play "Faust,
Jr.," while there.
The following attractions ran this week in
New York: "The Oolah" at tho Broadway
theater; "Tho Brigand" at the Casino; "The
Burglar" nt the Madison Square; Juvenile
"Pinafore" at Proctor's Twenty-third street
theater; English 0rn ut the Windsor;
Dockstader's minstrels and "Tbe White Ele
phant" nt tho Bijou theater.
"El Toro Espada'"(the Lull tighter), which
Is described as a romantic, picturesque, spec
tacular and sceufo melodrama from Spanish,
will open the preliminary season at the Union
Square Theatre on August 12, All the scenes
of the play are laid iu Mexico and it Is to have
n bund of Spanish fandango dancers nnd
mnndolln serenade. It will be presentod for
two weeks,
William Calder, who Is to manage Pntti
Rosa next season, is nil American actor, who
went to England eleven years ago with Jar
ret & Palmer's big combination to piny tho
title role in "Undo Tom." His wife, Alfy
Chippendale, since deceased, was the "Top
sey," Mr. Cnlder remained abroad, where
he branched into management and accumu
lated quite a fortune.
Prininent among the notable (revivals for
which the coming season will be distinguished
will 1)0 "Richard III,," by Richard Mansfield,
"Twelfth Night," by Marie Walnwrlght.
Manager Daly is also to revive a Shakespe
rian play if rumor is not wrong. Then thero
aro Salvini in tho great role of Othello; Julia
Marlowe in Shakesiieariaii drama; Booth and
Modjeska In Shnkrtorlnu tragedy, and Mrs,
Pot'erln thnt nwfultrnvest von "Antony nnd
Cleopatra," Verily, It is to be a great season
for the immortal bard.
A verv lienutlful little volume, containing
the text of Miss Marie Wnlnrlght' version of
"Twelftn Night," as arranged fcr her by Ben
TmI, will ho published within a few weeks.
The play will have its first production, In this
version, which Is purely ShnVcspenrlnii, nt
Chlcngo during August, Besides the text,
the book will contain nil Introduction to tho
pin v by Gcorgu Edgnr Montgomery hlstor
Icnl, dei-crlptivn mid critical nnd on epilogue
In blank Vei so by the same author to be
spoken by Miss Walnrlght.
Tho souvenir presented to tho Casino pa
trons In New York on the occoslou of tho fif
tieth performance of "The Brigands" was in
the form of a sntlu sachet bag filled with
French perfumed iHiwdcr. On the ono side Is
mi engraving representing the first net of the
open,, wU, tho inscription of the event.
The other side Is made of vnri-cniorcd satins,
and bears thu cast and synopsis of the produc
tion. Gold build k used for tr'mmliigs and
ornamentation and the whole was enclosed In
an Miihowd box. The housu was handsome
ly decorated,
Enoch Arden as now Mug produced In
Chicago has some remarkable effects, Tho
storm at sen Is particularly impressive. The
ponderous hulk of the Good Fortunn tos'ci
Ixnvlly lu the louring, maddened waves;
darfciicM hovel over the scene, but the Inky
blackness of the utght is pierced by terrlllo
flashes of lightning, during which tho audi
ence sees the panic-stricken sailors In tho
rigging mid on the deck, vainly lighting for
lite. At last the vessel goes down under thd
relentless waves; n biokeu spar carries Arden
mid two companion away from the wieck,
mid, as the thunder crashes und amid the
shrleklngN of the gale, the rush mid roar of
tho rain and wild scene of desolation, the cur
tain goes down. To work this scene requires
every eiroi t or. forty men for three minute.
All the fierceness of tho elements Is produced
Inn very pro-ulc manner. To make the
lightning (4 worth of magnesium is burned
at each performance mid its flash Is far incite
brilliant thou nny electric light effects; the
thunder is produced by three stalwart men In
shirtsleeves, wiio hurl iu rapid succession
twenty-five pound vmiuoii balls down an in
clined piano tho entire width of tho stage;
tho bowling of the wind N only the rupld rev
olutions of a sort of spinning wheel, to which
is fastened a fifty cent musical top, and the
rain effect is produced by rolling a quart of
peas inside" of a bass drum.
Concerning Rudolph Arouson's reported In
tention of starting a Casino in Paris after the
plan of. the New York Casino, Chas A. Byrne
write! "Quito a stress was laid on the Idea
of u'rOof garden, nnd tho notion Is given out
that It would boa great novelty in Paris.
The projector seem to forget that the oeii
olr cu'en cliMitonU furnish all the mateiial
of this sort that Is wanted. Iu New York
they havo not a single open-air concert of
magnitude duriug-tho evenings, and there
fore tho i oof garden of the Casino U n wel
come resort. But thero are more serious con
siderations than this, for the basis of the en
terprise would have to be a first-class comic
opera entertainment. Purls already has eight
"i1"" ",,r' "'""' "' ' j '."
com c opera theaters, and tho managers are
lu dispalr there at having no new comic op
eras to produce. Lecocq, tho principal com
poser, has been making failures. Planquette
is wiittu out, and Chussuiguo writes pretty
poor stuff, as witness 'Nadjy,' lu which all
that remained of Chassnlgiiii was n song and
a finale. And finally, the receipts of Purls
theaUl'4 me ridiculously behind ours. Iu the
midst of Sarah Bernhurdt's great success of
Theodora' tho receipts were on an average
of 02 ,000 francs n mouth. That was consid
ered phenomenal. It Is about $12,000 for the
month, or a great deal less than what the Ca
sino is now playing to here. Comic opera
tlieaters In Paris aro very luck if they ploy to
from $5,000 to tO.OOO u month."
A gentleman stopped our Talmoge Sermon
editor on tho street this week and asked him
the respective heights of Re s, Sullivan and
Kllraln. Ho nt once, turned tho disgraceful
Item over to the sporting man, who, after
hard and laborious research finds Sullivan to
stand 5 feet 10 1-S In., whllo Kllraln measures
5 feet 10 1 i in. in Ids stockinged pedal ex
tremities. Thero is nprosjiect that Lincoln will hove
a ball team in the western league, rsioux
City it tired and offers to give its franchise if
its club bo taken with it. Several gentlemen
interested in sjiorts held meetings yesterday
with n view to mnko tho rlflle. A prop
osition was sent to Sioux City that Lincoln
would give n good man u bonus of $2,000 to
bring tho club here mid run it. An answer is
Tho exhibition game of lacrosse played by
the Lincoln and the Semmons clubs nt the
bull pork last evening attracted three or four
hundred spectotor,many of them ladles.Only
one goal was mode, which was won after a
long aud stubborn contest by the Llncolns.
The feature of the game was the ploying of
Fitzgerald of the winning team. He made
some beautiful long throws, almost from goal
to goal, that mndu the spectators shout with
delight, lilsmtful dodging and recovery of
the ball was a sight good for sore eyes, ami
tho enthusiastic crowd broke out lu regular
base ball howls. Brydon also made several
good throws and hard ploys and cmno in for
a share of the applause. The game was excit
ing from start to finish and thoroughly stirred
uptbe enthusfasn of the on-lookers, ninny of
w horn hardly knew what to exjiect. The next
gome, now that people hove had a tasto of It,
will probably draw a bigger crowd yet, al
though that of last evening must havo been
gratifying to the boys. Ono thing tho la
crosse players might do for the green 'uns.
Their uniforms aro badly mixed, but they
could a( least distinguish the two clubs by
colored hats. Think of It, boys.
Ashby & Millspaugh show n beautiful line
of colored silks, all of which go at one-fourth
off if bought during tho sale.
Nothing like it, the Elbhora's fast Chicago
Maurus Jokat, tho famous Hungarian nov
elist, has published some two hundred vol
umes nlremly, not counting hit novelettes and
thort stories.
The. Browning Society of London havo
reached n "oem" by their Idol which they
can't explain, nod have hud to ask him to In
terpret it for them,
William Black Is just finishing n now novel
dealing with theatrical and literary life In
Imdon nnd describing deer shooting nnd sal
mon fishing in tho Highlands.
Milton Nobles, the actor, Issues a small
book colled "Shop Talk," which Is full of
theatrical gossip nnd anecdote. Somo of tho
nrticle nro quite entertaining,
Sir Edwin Arnold hns had nn Imperial Per
sian order conferred upon him, tho shah hav
ing recently been inntlo acquainted with Ar
nold's ikk'Iii, ' With Ha'dl iu tho Garden,"
Max O'Rell hat accepted a second invita
tion to lecturo In tho United States and Can
ado, Hit first nppenrnnco will bo In January
at Boston under tho nusplces of tho piers
Just before-Mr. Lowell soiled for England
he put In Mr. Aldrleh's hands n long poem
entitled "How I Consulted tho Oroclo of the
Goldfishes" It will nppenr In nn early num
Ikt of tho Allnntlo Monthly.
A Newnoit Story, a "Co-Ed." Story, an
Army Story, n Purls Exposition Story, n
Story of "Two Jacks," a Story of Two I'll
grlni, aro s.mie id the attractions of Jrmor.
Ml' monthly magazine for August, which
makes it just such a munlier as everybody
wants lu tho hot summer months.
The Chicago Liar Is the newest coiner to
the CouittKlt'H exchange table. It Is a sixteen
page journal with many lllutrntlons and
much Interesting rending. It belles Its name.
for n reading fails to disclose tho promised
lies. One of tho editors, Eugene Hunt by
name, had a unique and checkered career In
Iowa Journalism. Ho is one of tho smoothest
men in Ids line mid will doubtless get along iu
the big town.
How peculiar aro often tho careers of books
Is shown In tho news which comes from
abroad that Andrew Carnegie's "Triumphant
Democracy" is "stirring tho reading publlo
of Europe, nnd extracts from it aro Iwlng
printed In all the leading newspapers of the
old world." Mr. Carnegie's book was pub
lished hero three years ago by tho Scrlbners,
who have sold nearly twenty thousand copies
of the book In tiiit country alone
Somo parographer has been betraying the
agetof our literary women. According to
him or her Gail Hamilton is alwut tlxty,
Miss Broddon fifty-two, Blanche Willis How
aril forty-two, Jennlo Juno Croly fifty-seven,
Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett thirty-nine,
Marlon Hnrland fifty-nine, Lucy Loreom
sixty-three, Harriet Prem-ot Spolfonl fifty
four, Jullu Ward Howe seventy, Cello Thax
ter fifty-three, Coiutanco Fenlmoro Woolson
forty-one, Susan Coolldge forty-four nnd
Mary Moet Dodge fifty-one, with a number
of others ranging down to Amello Rives ut
Cheap pirated edltiois of American novels
are said to tie among tho most opular books
sold at the railway stations In India. A trav
eler says he has liought Lew Wallace's "Fair
God" and "Ben Hur" for 15 cents each. Anna
X. Green's "Leavenworth Case" it offered
for 12 rent,. Tho w orks of Undo Remus nlso
aro for sale iu paper covers. All of Bret
Harte's books aro pirated and Mark Twain'
books are sold for n song. Ixingfellow's po
enu can Ik had for n dime and Emerson' es
says In cloth for 20 cents. Mrs. Burnett's
novels nre sold nt ouo-flf teen the prlco they
bring Iu America.
Beforo the Chicago historical society the
other evening, Mrs. Mnry llnrtwell Cnther
wood rend two chapters of her forthcoming
book, w hlch is about to bo issued from the
Scrlbner press, and has already appeared as
a seilal in the monthly magazine. Mrs. Cath
erwood is n plensmit-focwl lady, whoso brown
hair, bi Ight eyes and rosy cheeks nil give evi
dence of youthful vigor. Iu n sweet voice
she rend the flrsf chnpter, n pretty legend of
LaSnlle and Jean do Veur in 1078, and treat
ing of early French days in Quebec and tho
romantic story of n plout young girl, Jennno
Le Her The second chnpter wns entitled
"The Undlspnlrliig Norman," and its Inci
dents were located at Starved Rock, in La-
Sallo county, Illinois, and Included a touching
picture oi tne ileatli or LaHalle.
Tennyson is described at Mng very angry
at the recent throwing upon the market of
iiie.iJ3.oisoine oi his earlier works, to
gether with original edltlont containing inter
lineations by his pen. That very Intimate
frieiuU to whom those wero given should
have disposed of them for filthy lucre is a
queer vagary of Uritlsh taste. It Is said of
the Tennyson of to-day: "His tendency to
shrink from proximity to the madding crowd
is well Known, tven tne queen has not such
n dislike for casual human kind as his the
jioet laureate, who, it Is well known, gavo up
the loved abode of many years because it was
approachable by asscrs-by. His horror of
intrusion upon his privacy is peculiarly
evoked by this handing nbout of his manu
scripts, on which are set forth many evi
dences of his innermost self-coinmunlngs. He
has token the best jxwsible means to prevent
his memoirs being written, keeping no record
of his correspondence, much less n diary.
'When I am dead,' he said to n friend permit
ted to join him in the companionship of a
pipe, 'I will toko good cure they shall not rip
mo up like a pig.'"
A curiosity show in New York is a fan val
ued at $250. No matter how closely It is ex
amined the sticks seem to be fringed with
rilmymid costly lace. But what looks like
laco Is human hair. It it split and woven to
flue thnt it nods before the brenth like swan's
down. It Is a beautiful thing, but there ore
few places to which one can carry a 250 fan.
Most women prefer something less expenslvo
and more practicable,
Tho Rev. Fiost Craft, a well known Meth
odist minister, prenchid on "Wicked Debts,"
nt Trinity church, Lafayette, Intl., and cre
ated consternation, He sold that a milliner
at Lafayette had said to him that the reason
tho didn't belong to Trinity church wns that
to ninny of tho Indies of the congregation
owed her for their bonnets nnd would not pay
her, He snld, furthermore, thnt n dressmak
er of that city hud Informed him that n num
ber of the ladles liclonglng to tho church wero
wenrlng dresses not pflld fori thnt tho gro
rsrymnu complained of church people owing
them, mid that nearly every business hi La
fayette was full of "wicked dbt," contract
ed by people who wero lending church inein
liers. The.-n Is mora fun In n church choir than
n good many jK-ople Imagine, Somo tlmo ago
one of tho young ladles lu tho choir of a fash
ionable church felt dlKed for n Inrk, Dur
ing tho service shn whispered over to tho or
gnnlstt"Why don't you piny 'Tho Turkish
Pntrol, for them to go outf1 "I don't know
'Tho Tin kith Patrol,' "replied he. "Well, I'll
get It for you." Hiiro enough, on next Sunday
he turned over his nitislo to piny the exit
march nnd found "Tho Turkish Patrol"
thumping out f i oiii um'er hit finger almost
beforo ho knew It. He couldn't ttop whero ho
was, mid It watn't for him totpoll a lnrk, any
how, Ills attention wns very soon called to
the fact that tho pastor of tho church wu
waving his hand violently, Ho looked bonk,
and Ids heart went down among tho organ
pedals, There was tho reverend shepherd of
the flock gestlcul itlng In tho most emplmtlo
manner, evidently for the purjiOHo of stopp
ing tho music. Tho playing ceased In tho mid
dle of a measure. "I wish to call thonttontlon
of tho comrctfttlon," slid tho pastor, "to a
fnct which I forgot to mention. Thero will ho
a social meeting of tho Ladles' Society of
this church at 7:110 o'dock next Wednesday
evening." The organist's heart Iwundod In
joyful reaction, and "Tho Turkish Patrol"
wnt played ton finish with a vim and vigor
tdat It had seldom known beforo
Tim Grand Army Knciiiiipiiient ut Mil-
w attken.
It If estimated that fully 120,000 ieop!o will
pass through Chicago euroiito to Milwaukee
to attend the Grand Army Encampment. A
thero aro but two railway lines between tho
two cities, and this Imnriito number of jk?o
ple will havo to ho transported lu two or threo
days, It It apparent that tho resources will bo
taxed to the utmost.
Parties desiring to attend from points in
Nebraska, will, by taking tho Chicago, Mil
waukee (C St. Paul railway from Council
Bluff (which Is the only direct lino to Mil
waukee from Council BlufT) avoid tho great
crowd and rush at Chlcngo and bo sure of tho
best accommodations In the way of free chair
cars, sleeping and dining cam through to des
tination, and will havo tho privilege of re
turning via Steamboat from Milwaukee to
Chicago if they to desire.
Half fare hat been made for the round trip.
Children between fivo and twelve years of
ago, half of the excursion rate. For further
Information apply to J. E. McClure, Western
Pass. Agent, C, M. & St. P. R'y, 1601 Far
nam street, Omaha. 2t
Convenient Mmlet, (loud Null, l'ure AVn-
ler and Ktcvllent Cllmiitu
Aro advantages to bo considered when look
ing up n home, business location, farm, etc.
West Virginia, Maryland and the Shenando
ah Vulley, VirgliilH, affords these with many
more advantages. No section of tho United
States offers tutierior opportunities, and per
sons seeking a new home should exumino
these (states before deciding on a location
elsowhere. Improved farm lauds adapted to
stock raising, dairying, grain, grass and fruit
growing can bo obtained at low prices and
iqiou easy terms. Thriving towns invito tho
merchant, mechanic and business man. Abun
dance of coal, tlmU-r, ore, water jiower, etc.
tree sites for mmiuiiictuiers.
Persons desiring further Information will
tie answered promptly mid free of chorgo by
M. V. Richards, Laud and Immigration Ag't
B, & O. R. R., Baltimore Md. 7-13-nt
How llu Hecmiio Kniiioiu.
Tho Wnlker, Iown, AVici says: "Our old
friend, Robert Halrd of Muscatine, Iowa, has
been secretary of tho Stnto senate, and an
active politician for years, but was never
generally known until ho hod tho colic und
used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy and got into ono of their ad
vertisement. "Now he Is famous." Hero la
what Mr. Halrd said: "Whllo in Dps Moines
I was token with a severe attack of bowel
complaint. For two days I sulfered intense
ly, trying several drug stored and paying;
them for relief, but In vain. I finally liought
ft small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
mid Diarrhoea Remedy, und two doses of it
brought me out all right. I consider it a
grand remedy." 25 mid 50 cent liottles for
sale by O. L. Shrader, druggist.
A New and l'ust Train With l'uluee Sleep
er tu ClilrHgo.
Tho recent change in time card by tho
Nortwestem line F E, & M, V. R. R
gives to Lincoln the fattett and most conven
ient train in it time of departure now run
between this place mid Chicago,
Note.thot this train leaves Lincoln ut 0:30
p, m., carries u palace sleeper through to
Chicago, whero it arrives ut noon tho follow
lug day, making all fust train connections
east. Reserve sleeping car accommodations
In advance at 115 South Tenth street.
Geo. N. Foiiesman.
Though the latest railroad In the field com--petlng
for Chicago and eastern business tho
Northwestern line now offers our citizens tho
best service they have ever hod. The fast
train recently put on this line leaves Lincoln
at 0:30 r.u. In this hour is comprehended
convenience, satisfaction nnd pleasure. It is
ufter tea, after business hours and in tho cool
of the evening, A frch, clean and elegant
sleejier, provides them through to Chicago
with as much comfort as ran be'purclmsed on
any railroad train. That our tx.'oplo will ap
preciate this line's efforts to accommodato
them by liberally patronizing this train Is a
foregone conclusion.
e have a large stock of Canopy top Sur
reys, Phaetons, light buggies, etc., on hand
and aro making very low prices on all our
work. If you aro contemplating tho pur
chase of a carriage of any kind, come and seo
us. Will take your old buggy lu exchange at
its fair cash value. Cmup Brother, comer
10th mid M.