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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1889)
tiinniinMiy tfift' mmmmmKtumm il' iimllliijW CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1889 8 nmm ',MWipwiip)Wf wjjwwi in iyi l 1- tn :! 'ft I. 1 v f f P0PULAT10H OF L1MOLM0,000. Saturday Evening, July i3, '89 TAKE NOTICEI The Coviuicn will not I responsible for any debt mmlo ly any one In Ita nnme, un less a written order accompanies the Mime, properly signed. Ij. Wicm-m., Jr., Prop'r. The Courier Can be t'ouinl At Windsor Hotel News Wand. Capital Hotel Newa Htaml. (MeU'a Dining Hell New Htand. Claaon A Fletcher's. 140 Houth Uth BtreeU The Ootlinm News Bland, UK Houth Uth 81, Keith lima., Ill Noilli Uth Htrtet. Kd.Youni.lWOOHtrcet. Satan At4mlMi.lU0(lt , Ui Diamond Vharmacy,' Itth and NHta Weatcrneld's barber shop, llurr block. MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, 238 South Eleventh Street. Children's Flannel WAISTS AND BLOUSES LADIES' Silk and Flannel Blouses. W. R. DENNIS, Hatter and Furnisher, 1137O St. Local anil Fcrionnl. Lincoln Ico Co., 1CH0 O 8t. Telephono 118. TVhltebrcAst Conl and Lime Company. Tako Turkish at 1010 O street. Odell's dining hnll, 81 tickets for $4.00. The Lot Ten. 8. P ,8toveni & Co. E. Hallett, lending Jeweler, 131 N. 11th. Mineral water ucl for bathing, 1010 O it. Brown's refreshments at Cushmon ark. Ladles look at the Lo 8ancy ahoca at Per klnt Uro. Perkins Bros, haro the finest French shoes for Infanta. Try aome of the lino freih flsh served every day at Cameron's, Canon City Coul again at tho Whltebrcast Coal and Lime Ca Aak for the 'Maria Stuart" collar at Welle 968 south 11th itreet. A Patent Leather Boled ahoea for ladlea full drew at Perkins Bros, Remember that Brown, the caterer, ia on hand at Cusbnian park. Roast meat, and vegetables of all klndaat Cameron's Lunch Houae. A French ahoe hand turned for Infanta and Children at Perkins Bros. Everybody eats at (Well's nowadays Board only 4.00 per week. Only place In Lincoln that uaea mineral water In Ivatha Is at 1010 O street. Improved shower for Turkish hatha at 1010 O street, basement Union block. Fine Teas, Sptcea, and the largest lino of Fine Groceries in tho city, at B. P. Stevens. It you have a card pinto wo will furnish you 100 cards from Mine for only It. 60, Wesskl Printing Co. Best board in the city and at a price within reach of all, at Odell's. Twenty -ono meals forW. The finest work in tho city at Hayden's photogrnphlo studio. 1914 O street, 8eo our fine samples of art work. Buy your coal of the Whltebrcast Coal and Lime Ca, and it will always bo, full weight, best quality and at right prices. Ezory body can afford to eat at the leading resort in the city now, Tho price of 21 tick eta now at Odell's is only f 4 reduced from 14.50. Brown has secured the, refreshment privi lege at Cukhmnn'a park, and tho public will be intelligently served by an experienced ca rer. Families desiring pure ice cream or ices tor Sunday dinner or any other time can be acrv ed with a superior quality at Morton & Lelghty's. Have you seen those elegant Canopy top Surreys with full fenders at Camp Brothers, Tenth and M streets I Tho latest styles out, come and seo them, 'Mortou & Lelghty nt their lrandsome new ioe cream arlors w ill servo none but strictly pure ice cream , A line of line confectionery will also be found fresh and at right prices. We havo just received a very pretty lino of paper for covering pantry and closet shelves, etc. They are in cream, salmon, orange, mandarin, heliotrope, royal purple, sky blue, Nllo green and other color. Ladles should call and see these papers. They aro the new est thing out and add greatly to the nppcar anco of shelres. To New York via The Picturesque II. & O Pullman's Vestlbuled sleeping cars are now running through without change from Chica go and St. Louis to New York via B. & O. railway. The Vestlbuled Express leaving St. Louis daily at 8 a. m. via O. & M. Railway, carries , Pullman vestibule sleeping car through to New York without change, arriving In New York the second evening at 7:30. The O. & M. express leaving St. Louis at :05 p. m., dally, carries Pullman palace sJeeping car through to New York without change, arriving in New York the seceud morning at 0:45. TbeB. & O. Express leaving Chicago dally at 10:10 a. m., carries Pullman palace sleep lag car through from Chicago to New York without change, arriving In New York the second evening at 4:50. The Vestlbuled Express leaving Chicago at 2:55 p, in., dally, via the B. & O. R. It., car ries Pullman vestlbuled sleeping car through from Chicago to Washington and Baltimore without change, and Pullman veatlbuled pars lor car from Washington and Baltimore to New York without change, arriving In New York the next evening at 8:55. All through cars between the east and west via the B. & O, R. R, run by way of Waah Jswten, Baltimore and Philadelphia. Tiekstavi fee B. & O. R, R. can be pro-ewr-rf at a the principal ticket offices shrwubowt the country. M6t M SOCIAL AND PERSONAL, The quietude In Lincoln's social circles wns broken thl week by n reception on Tuesday evening given by Mr. ntnt Mrs. J, J. Imholf nt their elegant home In honor of Mlm Jclo Morton nnd MIm Annlo Roydaton of Nobrna kn City, Mr. John S. Brown of Onislm, Mr. W. W, Russell of MtunenM)lls nnd Mr. John W. Simmons of Phllndolphln. Tho lnst two nro collcgo mates of Mr. Joo Itr.hoff, recently returned from tho military academy at Chea ter, Pa. Tho wrlors were beautified tilth cut flowers nnd Ices were served for refreshments. Among out-of-town guests wero Mr. nnd Mrs, Win. Rector nnd MIm Minnie llawke of Ne braska City, Mrs, Henry Brown and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hill of Omaha. Among tho other favored guesU wcroi Mr. and Mrs, C. II. Imhoir, Mr. and Mra, A. O, Beeson, Mr. and Mra. Kd Ewlng, Mr. nnd Mis. C. O, Dawea, Mr. and Mra. Will Ionard, Mr. nnd Mrs. Will MoArthur, Mr. and Mrs. (Jeorgo Rayncr, Messrs. Sandoison, Hnll, Hnmmond, Maxwell, Lowe, Funko, Kind, Peckham, Ma goon, Rlchter, I"ddy, Burr, Porcainau, Polk, Mulr, Hnrdy, Stout, Clark, Hntbaway, Clint, Burr, Bcott, Mansfield, Herman, A. II. lliick staff nnd Alger; Mines Howell, Marine, Mln nlo Lntta, Ollvo Lntta, Loomln, Hammond, Lccse, Alleen Oakley, Hollo Oakley, Hooper, Hathaway, Agey, Fuuke, Clark, Ulles, WIN ion, Burr, Dorrls, Hardy, Orldlth, llnrr, Lll llbildge, Walih, Uws, Miller. Mr. and Mrs. John Uoolittlo of Fifteenth and K street were at homo Wednesday oven. Ing to a very largo company of friends. Tho lawn wns Illuminated with lanterns, and dollghtful entertainment was furnished In doors. It was tho anniversary of Mrs. Doo llttlo's birthday, nnd the Inglcsido club left a memento of tho occasion In the form of a sal ad set. One of the nsalttanta In n well known Indies furnishing establishment hns leen wearing n hnndsomo ring for several days, nnd there hns beon a deal of speculation about It nmong tho Indies. 1 ho young lady had liar choice of a ring sot with flvo dlnmonds orono sot with a slnglo stone, nnd she took the solitaire. She has a largo well wishing acquaintance, and tho fortunate young man, a plumber, is do ing finely In business. Their friends nro very much gratified and predict happiness mid pruqierlty. . Cards aro out for the wedding of Mr. James M. Cochran and Miss Roao Barwlck. It will occur at flvo tomorrow evening at the homo of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. S. Bar wlck, 1W0 Q street. Lincoln Ixiys who wero frlenda of Gerry Baum have received a written card bearing hla name, ago and date of death . Tied to tho card with a bit of satin was a green sprig nnd a slnglo blossom. Tho card was entilooed in a mourning envelope marked "In Memortnm," and tho whole was encloaed in an outer plain envelope. Little Alvah Slater, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sinter, Seventeenth and K streets, cele brated his thlnl yenr Thursday afternoon with a party at which twelvo littlo tots were entertained. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. I. Jones, Mr. R T.Vnn Bmnt and fnmtly, Mr. nnd Mrs. V. B. Wol cott, Mr, and Mrs. Hartley mid Mr. and Mrs. Mately made a Jolly plcnlo party atCushman Monday. The annual regatta of tho Iowa amntenr rowing association will be hold at Spirit Lako July 24 and 25. Nebraska people who want to see that resort at Its best should visit it during that week, but thoy had better en gage their rooms in advance. Tho Hotel Or leans will bo crowded with tho society peoplo of Iowa cities, the friends of the oarsmen. Tho way to go to Bptrlt Lake and the Okobo jis is by the Northwestern system. Tako the Sioux City & Pacific sleeping car at tho Web ster street depot in Omaha, and breakfast tlmo finds you nt the door of tho Orleans, Returning you enn get into your berth nfter an evening hop at tho hotel and be In Lincoln for dinner, coming all tho way by tho Norths western lines Further information can be had of George Foresman or A. S. Fielding at tho Elkhorn ofllco. Miss Gossip lias It thnt a well known drug gist and a joung lady nt present away from Lincoln nro to bo mated In the fall. The Methodists mo In possession of Cuih man park for ten days. There Is an Increas ed train service except on 8unday. Society's movement seems at present to bo towards the Dakota Hot Springs, Hardly a day passes that 0110 or more of our peoplo do not leave for that health and pleasure resort. In her fashion letter this week Ollvo Har per gives considerable apnea to man nnd hla flannel ahlrt, nnd we thcro have tho latest dic tum of New York, the American ornclo of fashion. She aaya n surah saih is tho thing In place of suspeuders, but the picture shows a belt. It Is to bo feared that Olive's woman ly love for the dudlsh got the better of her good sense wheu she recommended a sash. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Pitcher left Tuesday to spend two montlis at Owego, N. Y. John M. Tnayer, Jr., returned Wednesday from a flying trip to Denver. He accom panied tho editorial excursion from Omaha. Senator Cornell of Valentine was in the city Tuesday. It is not generally known which one he camo to see. Contrary to expectations Mrs. Weber did not start for her European sojourn until this week, Mies Marie llohmon has returned from a visit with Mrs. T A. Wilcox at Cedar Rap ids, Iowa. The latter is n graduate of Votsar, a beautiful singer, has an elegant homo and is a cuarmlng entertainer. George O. Smith of Shelton & Smith has arrived from Santa Fe. J. II. McMurtry and family returned from tho eait the other day and went through to Colorado Springs. The Misses Oakley have been entcrtalninc MIm Cook of Omaha. Mr. and Mra. Frank L. Sheldon have gone on a visit to Dixon, III. James U. Douglas of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a member of the cracker Arm of Jones, Douglas & Co., was In the city Sunday. Ar thur Clarkwho&o father Is tho Co. of tho Arm, has arrived to take a place in the Lincoln fac torry. Mrs. J. R. Shelton has gono to Mackinaw, Mich., for a cool summer. Mr. and Mrs. O. Frost have gono to San Diego, California. Councilman Meyer the other day entertain ed O. R. Oieen, a Dei Moines banker, and drove hhn about the city to sho x its growth and Improvement. Louie Meyer is a loyal citizen who never loses an opportunity to impress etranctra with Lincoln's greatness. C. G. Burr and family are visiting in Dix on, III. Miss Crocken of Kansas City and Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Crocken of Chicago are visiting at tho home of their parents, 1000 E street. Mrs. 8. V. Williams and Miss Annie Bresua han will visit Mis Crocken for a few weeks. Mrs. James A. Keith hns been called to Pleasant Hill, Iowa, by the sickness of a sis ter. Miss May Wilson of Hartford, Conn., has arrived to spend tho summer with her broth er, O. F. Wilson. Mrs. Thomas II. Benton and mother have gone to Manitou and Miss Jeanle Hard to Colorado Springs, At tho meeting of tho grand lodgo of Elks In New York Tuesday It wns stated thnt the lodge owned property valued nt over $200, x), nnd sHnt 10,0(X) In chnrlty last year. Cnpt. Hill, state trcnurcr, has been recu perating nt Hot Springs, Dakota. Miss Kthel Hnrpor of Lincoln, Neb,, is (H'tidlng tho summer vacation with Miss Ho lm Case m thla city . ViribmtH, J6111,, lle pubUcun. Miss Clnrkle Pnco returned Saturday from a visit In Atphlson, nnd wns accompanied by MIm Jnckfton. Charles Hall la off for a trip to Des Moines, Chicago nnd tho enst. A. B. Cherrlrr, tho energotlo directory man, hns opened an ofllco In tho Sheldon block nnd is beginning preparations for the ncwdlrectory of Lincoln. Miss Laura Ullzznrd has been entertaining Miss Callahan of Kansas City. Prof, Edgrcn and G, II. Daughman aro off for n summer trip to tho City of Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. L, M. Hupcrt left Wednes day for Pueblo, Grand Chancellor Lovo of tho Nebraska Knights of Pj thins is visiting away down In Varmount. Mrs. E. L. Moore hns gone to Salt Lako for the summer. Mr. and Mrs, Guy A, Brown havo been en tertaining Commander A. D. Brown of tho navy and daughter nnd Mrs. George W. Ty ler of Brnttleboro, Vermont. MIm Brady of Lnwler's dry goods store is visiting her parents nt Albion, Harry Ilannn of tho Missouri Pacific ofllce Is visiting nt his old home, Cndlz, Ohio. John B. Cunnlnghnm hns been entertaining Lawyer Hutchlns of Broken Bow. Misa Cnrrlo Wnsmer of Grand Island Is vis iting Miss Nellie White. Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. W. Brown have gono to Boiton for n'ahort atay nnd will return with their daughter, Miss Chic. Mrs. O, A. Atkinson nnd niece, Miss Schel llnger, nro visiting nt Jackson, Ohio. J, E, Thompson of Herpolsheimcr's is en Joying Ufa in tho mountains nnd will go as far as Salt Lake. Wednesday is tho day for you to attend the Musee. It's Willie Duncan's benefit. John 11. Clark, for years cashier of tho First National, hns Wen elected president. D. D. Mulr Is now cashier nnd C. 8. Llppln cott assistant. These changes will probably set tho tongues of tho men gossips a-wagging, Julius Westormnn, tho recently arrived brother of Mnx nnd Fritz, has taken charge of tho AVuV circulation. Mason Gregg and family aro off on a two month trip enit. The Curtice & Thiers band vi ill ge a freo concert in government tquaro next Saturday evening. Assistant Cashier Wilcox of tho German National hns relumed from Colorado. The Mises Pershing aro visiting nt Dcnni- son, Iowa. Rev, A. II. Thomas hns arrived from Mich igan and is mentioned for tho pastorato of tho M. E. church nt University Place. He Is part owner of the Xcbmska Mtthodist. Mrs. Fishbnck, of Herpolsheimcr's. hns gono to Winters!, Iown, on n'short visit. Tho Young Ladles' Missionary Society of St. Paul's will give nn Ice cieam social ut the church parlors Wednesday ovenlng next. Miss Lillian Potvin is on tho sick list. Miss Ltllle Upham will entertain her friend Mlsa Eva Amberger of Columbus, Neb., next week. Mr. Hartman, agent for the phonograph, will glvo an exhibition for tho beneOt of tho Young People's society of the Free Baptist church, at Mrs. Peckham', 1117 L street, Wednesday evening, July 17. , A special telegram of Thursday from Wash ington says: "Hon. J. L. Caldwell, of Llns coin, was today selected by Attorney General aimer on iK-imii ot tno department of Justice to perform an ImjKirtant and special servico for the government, nnd was ndvised by telegraph to rejwrt at onco at Washington." It Is sometimes qulto amusing to witness the careful actions of untrained waiters who nro called upon to servo a swell rowd. The other night an indifferent caterer was en gaged to feed nn aristocratic nssemblace. nnd he hnd to augment his regular force with a number of men who understood "Zwel und a suit" better than they do "One portion of chicken served for two." In tho afternoon the caterer held a sort of a dress rehearsal and impressed uion tho minds of his force tho uecesklty of obe lug his prescribed nlgnnls, In the evening tho flrst course rend "bluo points on the shell," The shells were forgot ten, and ench guest was served with threo "bluo points," each ono of which was ast big as a small steak. Ono lndy present dieted of ono oyster and then told her husband she would finish up with 11 cup of coffee. He called the nearest waiter nnd asked him to bring two cups of offee. But tho waiter re membered the signal rehearsal in the after noon. "Shdi-ht" he hissed, warnlugly, "I can't go dill do pell rings;" nnd when the bell did ring he marched toward tho kitchen, re turning later with the, coffee. He Intended to muke no bad breaks. A. B. Cherrler and Newton Hall have associated themselves together In business un der the Arm name of tho Cherrler Directory and Publishing company. Mr. Cherrler has been In the directory busineu nineteen years. He compiled and published last year's Lincoln directory, which la conceded!) tho belt nnd most complete work ever Isnued for tho capi tal city. Mr. Hall has been with the Stttte Journal for somo time past In charge of its advertising department. Mr. Cherrler lias taken up his permanent residence in Lincoln and gone to housekeeping, so that patronage extended to these gentlemen goes not to stran gers but to home people. They aro at work at present on a clarified business directory and shopping guide for Lincoln and West Lin coln. The Arst issuo will be ready for distri bution about September 1st and will be con tinued yearly hereafter. Work will also be gin soon on tho new city directory. It will contain many new features and will be Issued about Christmas. Tho Cherrler Directory and Publishing company ofllces nt room 14, 8heldon Block, 1037 N street, and will bo a welcome addition to tho business interests of Lincoln. Straws show which way the wlr-d blows, and there are many straws Indicating the growth of Lincoln in metropolitan ways aud conveniences. Ono of the latest of these is the establishment of the Martin Towel and Supply company, which undertakes to keep ofllces, stores and rooms furaishea with clean towels and other toilet conveniences. This concern will be a boon to ofllce men who And It a nuisance to look after the washing of towels, t or a small sum per mouth the Mar tin company will keep a place supplied with clan towels, nnd tho occupant Is relieved of all care and thought on that score. For n small additional sum a handsome rack is fur Ished. It has a roller.a bevel-edged mlrror.a case for unused towels and Is furnished wltn bruih and comb. The new conijtnny ia meet ing with encouraging patronage. Persons wishing the service will And the towel com pany's ofllce at 637 South Eleventh street. The quarter-off sale just begun by Ashby & Ulllspaugh wont last always, so it you intend taking advantage of it don't wait too long. 1 f, 1 For the coming week arc getting accustomed to notice the Bargains we offer, for of the word. NO. L Is your choice of 500 different stles of Fine Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, assorted Borders, positive beauties that usually sell for 50 to 75 cts, we'll let you have 'cm for 42o. NO. 2. Ncxt is your choice of 40 styles of beautiful lisle English and French Balbriggan Hosiery, in Stripes and plain colors, etc. These goods are worth every cent of 75c to $1.00 per pair. This week wc throw 'em at 49c. Catch onto this, they're awfully cheap. NO.-3. Isl largc lot of Fine White Shirts, Wamsutta Muslin, Pique Bosoms, Reinforced front and and back. They'd be cheap at $1.50, but our price for this will be 98c NO. 4. Last not least choice of any of our Fine Silk Neckwear in the house, goods that sell regularly at $1.00. All go this week at 68c. Besides these bargains we make the greatest cut on Prices of Suits you ever heard of Sec Daily Papers for particulars. Finest line of Flannel and Silk Shirts in Lincoln. Also Hot Weather Garments. Come in and visit us. 1029 r 4 Business Men---Attention ! LOOK AT THIS! WALNUT, Curtain Desks from $27 to $84 HARDY & PITGHER '211-213-215 South Eleventh Street. NOTABLE BIG JM BIG BIG ! B1G BIG ik BIG BKRCKINS. we introduce four notable bargains, and wc find tfiat gentlemen OUTFITTSRS TO 7UmiSKIND O STREET , b OAK, OR ONLY $36 OQ. Mwsaiaaa8jaasasStBS?Biir i' , 4 they are bargains in every sense 1031 CHERRY "JT O J r r, 'Mu .' SF s-iiaJsEdS2 iWBWWWsjHIWsBWIWIsllJ lBiajAijsjiuiJ-x;-Jj-Jisisiii.i'J,i''ui 1 11 XZgfi&ym m ?