Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 13, 1889, Page 7, Image 7
"r CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1889. fr k? Roberts & Co, 212 North nth Street, .Undertakers anMiiibalmers, CELEBRATED BY A WORLD Telephones. Oflicc 145. Residence 1 56 Open Day and Night. E. T, ROBERTS, Manager. UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION ! Over a Million Distributed. Louisiana State Lottery Comp'y. Incorpornteil by tho Ix"llnturo for Edu cational nml Chnrltiiblo purnoc, mm It franchise ninilo it liurt of ths present Mnto onMltitlon In 1871) by nn overwhelming pop- UlIt8VMAMMOTII DRAWINGS take place Semi Annually (June and Decem ber), and Its Grand Single Number Draw ings take place In each of the other ten months of the year, and are all drawn In public, at the Academy of Music, New Orleans, La. FAMKI) l'OK TTWKNTV YKAUM, Tor Integrity (r It ItrnulnR, nml Prompt l'liyinoitt uf 1'rlien, nttritcd nn follow: "Wo do hereby certify tlint wo stinorvlno tho nrrnnKOinent for all tho Monthly mul Hcml-Annunl Drawings of Tho Iouhlnim Btnto Ixittory Company, nml In person limn ago mill control tho Umwliw tliemsoUcs, ntul tlint the hiiiiio nro cotuluoteil with hon esty, fnlrnoM, 11 ml In rood fiilth toward nil attics, nnu wo iiuuiunzu wii" umiiuii iu unu a hn cortincnto, with fnc-slinllles of our Hlgiin . nttnnlin.l lit Its n il litrt I Until Olll U tfclUV,llUI4f UJ lU1VIIIVt ...... Aires y Commissioners. We, tho undersigned Hanks nnd Itnnkors will pay nil prizes drawn In tho LoulMmin Btnto XyOttcrlos, which mny bo presented ut .our countor. ... It. M. WAIjMSI.EY, I'res't Loulmin Nnt Il'k PIHHllE LAXAUX, 1'res.Htnto Nntlonnl H'k A. HAIiOWIN, l'res. Now Orlenns Nntl Ilnnk "CAHIj KOIIX. l'res. Union Nntlonnl llnnk Grand Monthly Drawing At tho Academy of Muiic, New Orleans, Tuesday, July 10, 1880. Capital Prize, $300,000. 100.000 Tickets nt 2)cncht Hnlves 10: Qunr tern, 5; Tenths, f J; Twentieths!. I.IHTOKIMII7.K9. 1FM7.K OFSMO.OOOIs $300,000 I PIH.K OK 1100,000 Is 100.0H0 11MUZKOK m,000li 60,000 I l'HI.K OK SJUttlH 23.0U0 al'IUZKSOK 10.0UO mo 20,000 5 PItlZKH OK o.CHiOiire M.CWJ a-)i'iiizi:soK 1,000 nro 23,000 KOl'llIZKHOK Wi) nro W,(p0 am lMti.nH ok aware fio,(no 600 lUUKKS OK 20O nro 100.0UO AVI'IIOXIMATION PHIZES. loorrlics of W0 nro V),000 100 do. aoonro 100 do. 200nro 20,'WO TKnMINAI. I'UIZES. do lounrc mwo do 100 nro w.uw 1100 tttf 3,131 Frlrcsninountlnsto 1,om,hoo Note TIclcDts drnwlnc tho Cnpitnl Prizes .aro not entitled to tormlnnl 1'rlzes. AGENTSWANTED. MF For Club Untes or nny other desired intormntlon, wrltolcKlblytothouuderslKiied, clenrly stntlnir your residence, with 8tnto, County, Street nnd Number. More rapid re turn mnll delivery will be assured by our en .cloning mi Envclopo bearing your full ad dress. IMPORTANT. Address M. A. DAUPHIN, Now Orlenns, La. Or M. A. DAUPHIN, Washington, D. C. llyordlnnry letter containing Money Or jler Issued by nil Express Companies, Now York Exchange, Draft or Postnl Noto. Address Registered Letters containing Currency to NEW OHLEANB NATIONAL I1ANIC, Now Orleans, La. ItEMEMHEH thnt tho payment of tho Prizes Is guaranteed by Four Nntlonnl Hanks of Now Orleans, nnd tho tickets nro Mgncd by tho President of nn Institution, whoso char tered rights nro recognized In tho highest -courts; thcrcforo, beware or nil Imitations or anonymous schemes. ONE DOLLAR Is tho price of tho sinnllest part or fraction of n ticket ISSUED 11Y US In nny drawing. Anything In our nnmo of fored for less than n Dollar U n s hull" HAGENOW&ASCHMANN, Philharmonic Orchestra AND MILITARY BAND, Room 10, Opera House Block J II. V. HAWKINS, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT, DulMliigs completed or In course of erection tfrom April 1, lbWOj i3uUntMi block, O K onlgonery, 11th and X. do do L W Mlllliijnley, litis near N. Restaurant (Odells) O K MoutROinery, N near 11th. Residence, J J Imlioff, J and litli. do J I) Slacfarlaml, Q ami 1 1'.h. do Jolm Zclinniir, uund lltli do Albert Watklns. I) Iwt Mh and 10th, do Win At Ionaid, E bet 0th and 10th. Jo K R Outhrle, UTth and N. do J E Rd, M I), K bet 10th and Kth, do I. O .M DaldHln. O bet ISth and 18tu. bhdltarium building at Illrord. Neb, Flrrt Baptist church, Kth und K streets. ortuary olm Jul ani recelrluj .tomb at Wyuka ceaieterr. SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF THE ART OF 8UN PICTURE MAKING. Ofllco Rooms 33 and 34 Kiohards Bloolc Lonlt Janpic Mnude Daguerre Joseph Nlrepliorc Nlcc Many Uxperliiioutcira llefora Them Curious Storlrt About Anrlrnt I'lcturt's Mndo by Sunlight. 8hcUI PorreHpondenco. New York, July 11. The present year Is being celebrated aa n RCtnl-ccn-tennry nftor it fashion thnt Is, in sov ernl Klut. rather ri'tnnrknblo. Tho eel ebrntlon la not conllned to nny ono coun try, but is scnttorud nil over tho globo; It Is not limited to nny narrow Ixnmda of specific ditto, but linn spread over nt least the first half of the year; hundreds of thousands of (htsoiis nrc tho colbhrcnts, nnd yet, outside tho devotees of n partic ular branch of M-lentllle art, tho public knows very little of what U going on in this world wido ilonionstrutloii. This is the ocml-contounry )car of tho discovery of tho nrt of milking pictures by sunlight. It Is also tho centenary of tho birth of LouN JuciUch Mnudo Da guerro, the dlscoverur of that nrt. These considerations have aroused tho enthusi asm not only of tho enormous regular nnny of knights of tho camera, tho pro fessional photographers, but of tho yet tnoro vrM multititdo of amateurs, whose joy nnd pride In their beloved nrt finds delighted expression this year in ait infill Itudo of papers, which thoy road to each other, and experiences which thoy mu tually nnrrutn in all languages, nnd ap propriate resolutions without number. To give solidity nnd permauencotothoir memories of tho glorious occasion, the Photographers' Association of America liavo prepared splendid "jubllco medals" In gold and Bilvcr, bearing a head of Da- guerre in relievo, which will bo distrib uted among them nt their annual con vention in Boston, in August. Tito nrt crystallized Into a practicality by Daguorro had been the dream of many men before him, and there wore not wanting legends of its meusurable accomplishment iu strange ways by others. It is recorded that ono La Roche, hundreds of years ago, did put into a bowl eoino solution tho secret of which was known to him alone, tho which when steadily gazed upon by any ono would congeal, retaining In its depths a visiblo, clear nnd perfect picturo of tho gazer, If La Itocho over did anything of tho sort he wns in all probability piously burned as ono in league with tho foul fiend, but tho chances aro that ho nover did. Another of tho historical myths in this connection is thnt 11. Charles, a Frcnchtunu. did in 1700 possess some process by which sunlight producod por traits in a dark Impression upon a pre pared surface. The yogcos of India liavo from time immemorial claimed tho power to produce pictures by occult means out of the "astral current," or ether, nnd to fix them iwrmnnently upon material surfaces by sheer forco of will; but ono has to have quite a robust faith to bellovo it. In 1802 Thomas Wcdgo wood published in the journal of tho Royal institute of England "nn account of a method of copying paintings upon glass and of making profile by tho agen cy of light upon nitrate of silver, with observations by II. Davy.' That was tho first recorded attempt to produce images by tho decomposing powers of light. In 181-1 Joseph Nlcephure Niepco, of Cholons-sur-Saone, France, entered upon a series of interesting nnd important ex periments on tho chemical action of light, particularly with referenco to its ptop crty of altering tho solubility of ninny resinous substances. Ills object wns the fixing of the images of the camera ob scurn. Ten years later M. Daguorro, then a sccno painter with M. Degottl, at tho Grand Opera in Paris, entered upon a similar courso of experiment. IIo used paper impregnated with a solution of the nitrato or chloride of silver, but failed to attain an encouraging degree of success in that direction. Then ho turned his attention to working upon polished me tallic plates, upon which ho did better, but made slow progress, owing to tho seeming impossibility of fixing with any permanency tho images lie obtained. Niepco meanwhile had discovered a pro cess by which using asphalto as a sensi tive material on a basis of copper ho got pictures Ho found it In 1810, called it "hellography" and worked nt it up to tho timo of his death, in 1833, without over being nblo to dovclop it into a tiling of any practical value. It was uncer tain and altogether too slow, requiring from six to eight hours of exposure, oven with good sunlight. IIo hoped to make it of uso in producing etchings, nnd iu 1827 put bofore tho Royal society, of, London, sovcral pictures on metal plates, iu tho state of advanced etchings, tho etching of which hail been effected by acid subsequent to that part of tho pro cess in which light had laid baro certain portions of the resin covered plate. Daguerro, as early as 1820, becamo ac quainted with Niepco and made over tures for joint experimental work, but was re poll oil coldly, ami it was not until 1827 thnt cordial relations were estab lished between them, and not until 1820 that thoy formed a coalition for joint ex periment and mutual interest in their re spective discoveries. When Niopco died, in 1833, his son, M. Isidore Niepco, took his place in a continued arrangement with M. Daguerro for conjoined interest in tho results of their continued experi ments. It docs not appear that the younger Niepco discovered anything, though it is posslblo that his researches among materials may have been of valu able aid to Daguerro. Notwithstanding all their years of patient experimenting and study, they failed to attain what it seemed tho ironical humor of nuturo to at length reveal to Daguerro by nn ap parent accident. A silvered pl.ito, sensi tized with iodine, when properly exposed, showod on its turfuco no sign of an Imago. Why It did not was not appa rent; but it was a failure, one of tho many, nnd as such was carelessly put aside in a cupboard, where It remained over night When brought out tho next morning to bo polished up nnd tried over again, It bore to M. Dnguerro's great astonish ment n distinct nnd perfect picturo, tho best ho had ever got. Searching for tho cnuso of this development, he found it to bo an open dish of mercury, in tho cupboard, which had tniulu n deposit on tho Iodized silver In oxnet proportion to tho Intensity of tho light by which each part of the plato had been affected. Na ture had given up tho key to another of her mysteries, From thnt hint It was but a short step for tho experimenter to hasten the process by exposing his plates thereafter to the fumes from n dish of warm mercury nnd so nchlovo success. That wns lato in 1833. Dy tho closo of Jnnttary, 1830, Daguerro deemed his pro cess (verfected and brought It to tho knowledgo of tho eminent scientist, AL Arngo. From tho first It was doomed that tho discovery was so grand n ono thnt it should bo given to tho world; and tho French government, to accomplish thnt nobly liberal gift to humanity nnd nt tho snmo timo In soma measure reward tho discoverer, voted on Jtmo 10, 1830, a pension of 0,000 francs nnnunlly to AL Daguorro and 4,000 annually to AL Niopco, one-half of thoso amounts to bo continued to their respective widows, In casoof their survival. What a beggarly sum It now seems to hnvo bcou, viewed In tho golden light of tho untold millions gained by others from tho omploymout of that art and Its developments! Still it contented the gouorous inventor and possibly looked much Inrgor then than it docs now Atid then thcro wcro honors, intangible rewards, but dear to French men's henrts at least. Peoplo spoko very well of both Daguorro nnd Niopco whllo thoy lived, and long after thoy woro dead statues woro raised to their mom ory. Tho one commomorntlvo of Da guerro was a bust put up at Cormoilles (whero ho was born in 1780) by contri butions from tho photographers of tho civilized world in 1633. Niepco's was a full length stntuo, erected by French men at his birthplace, Clinlons-sur-Saono, (n 1835. Daguerro died iu 1851. A man named August Orassart, who mado the plates for his experiments, is Bald to bo still alivo and resident In Naugatuck, Conn. Tho peoplo of Paris went almost wild over tho new process when it was mado known, as it was on Aug, 10, 1830. Everybody wanted to tako nun pictures. Tho fover lasted about a year. Then ex ceedingly fow continued tho attempt. Tho great army of amateurs dropped it as ono man. It was too difficult and un certain for any but tho most patient and persistent. Ono in Pnris wroto to a friend in tlds country: "Do not nttempt it un less, after making 100 failures, you aro ready to go on and mnko COO tnoro." And ho was right, In tho condition of tho nrt at that time. And not only wns iuflnito patienco demanded, but considerable means. Tho silver coated copper plates woro costly; tho polishing of them re quired skilled labor, which was not cheap; tho chemicals required wcro expensive. And tho results wcro so disproportionate! Gradually, howover, improvements wero made. Sir Jolm Hcrschcl, as soon ns tho pro cess was mndo known, pointed out that hyposulphite of soda would bo better than a strong solution of chloride of eo diutn for washing away tho iodido of silver that had not been acted upon by the light. AL Firzcau discovered a means, by tho uso of chlorldo of gold, for making permanent tho pictures that previously wero too apt to tarnish nnd dctcriornto. AL Goddard, of London, in 18-10, found nn improvement iu putting bromide of silver, in addition to tho Iodido of silver, upon tho plato. In 1841 AL Claudct used chlorino vapor to in crease the sensitiveness of tho pinto, thereby materially shortening tho timo necessary for exposure, bringing it from five minutes down to ono mlnuto. And iu all this progress American scientists wcro keeping well to tho front. Professor Alorso, tho inventor of tho tele graph, set up in Ids room in tho old uni versity building on Washington Square, Now York, in 1830 tho lirst daguerreotype apparatus in tho United States, and with Professor John W. Draper mado tho first portrait of a human face produced by the process, which up to that timo had only been successful in picturing statues and other things that had to keep still any desired length of time. Professor Draper's wifo was their first victim. The appellation of "victim" is justly applied, for tho sitter's faco was covered with a whito powder and shohndtosit in strong sunlight, motionless, for half nn hour! To modify tho painful effect of tho glare of light Professor Draper filtered out most of tho heat rays from tho sunshine poured upon tho sitter by causing It to pass through n glass tank containing a clear bluo liquid but tho process could hardly liavo been pleasurable- to tho vic tim even then. It was not long, how over, before thoy got tho timo of exposure cut down to flvo minutes, then to four, three, and finally ono. At that point it was a practical thing for popular uso in making (lortraits. So much bettor was tho work dono by tho American dagucrreotypcrs than that produced iu Europo, thut over thcro Its superiority was affirmed to bo duo to "tho greater brilliancy of tho American atmosphere," and thut was insisted upon until some of tho American artists went over there nnd beat tho Europeans on their own ground. But for a long timo the process continued to bo a btupendous and amazing mystery to tho general pub lic. Among tho crowds always staring at tho exposed sample pictured at tho daguorrcotypor's door, one would ex plain: "You look in tho muchino and tho picturo comes if you look long enough." Another would say: "It U not so much tho looking, but tho sun burns it in when you look." And a third: "It is not so much tho looking, but tho plato itself is a looking glass, and if you sit in front of it loug enough your shadow sticks on tho plato." And tho "dark room," whero tho developing was done, provoked many a row through sitters resent ing tuo supposed suspicion of tho artist that thoy wonted to steal his art, wlion ho declined to leave the door btandlng open that thoy might boo him nt work. J II. Connelly, Capital City Courier, IBUlR 13 LOOK. 9i". ,! ' i ' . 'f v Lincoln, Arcb., July .s7, iSSp. To our Friends : Having been asked repeatedly why vc did not handle the better grades and finer qualities of f'h ' Correspondence Papers and Fancy Fapetries, wc have placed on sale the finest line of these goods ever brought to Lincoln. The stock comprises the best makes, including Whi ting's celebrated papers and in quantities to suit the pur chaser, viz.: from a quire to a ream. The very latest styles are now all in and some of the finest novelties ever seen in the city can be found in our new stock. You are invited to call while the assortment is com plete. Vnvy Respectfully Yours, P. S. Wc are prepared to furnish these papctries with Monograms, Crests, and other dies, etc., all in the highest style of the engraver's art. 'a t v i vC t' , Miss Ethel Howe, Teacher of Singing Room 13 1 Burr Block Hours, io A. M. to 6 P. M. WESTERFIELD'S Palace Bath Shaving PARLORS. Ladles-and-Children's -Hair -Cutting A SPECIALTY COR. 12 & O STS NEW BURR BLK' C.A.SHOEMAKER,M.D. HomoBopattiist Physician, Telephone No, 68; 61 South nth Street, Li.v iln Nrt Steam and Hot Water Heating. Plumbing flVrTR ' tl ML1! rf F. A. KORSMEYER & CO. Telephone 536 215 S. Eleventh St. We are the Leading: Carriage Manufacturers ! Our Stock is very Complete and Prices are Low. Come and See us. Old Buggies taken in Exchange for New Ones. BROS., CAMP Telephone 664. Cor. Tenth and M Sts. 4 i