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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1889)
r.rrvnnrrvwim'nTim mi,immp.tlf '" i'nf "'f 'i nii.tfcfiWixii'i'wi ) W I'lil CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1S89 1 t,L THE RUNAWAYS. Tho snuio year that Lndy Jnno Jin gnus E resented her beautiful daughter Adeln, ord Glencoro wna tho match of tho son eon. Just of ngo, of nn old family, with vast iosseasloii3 nnd n heavy rent roll, welled by a long minority, tho Instant tho hawk liko oyo of Lndy Jnno fell on tho young peer a thrill of joy assured hor that thero stood tho husband Provl denco had provided for Adela. "You think It is all right, mother, do Sou?" Adela ventured to Bay, growing a ttlo uneasy when tho end of tho season draw near, and Lord Glcncoro had novor addressed a nlnglo remark to her which could by nny possibility bo construed Into love, "Perfectly right, dear. Tho society papers liavo coupled your names to gether. An approaching marrhgo has inoro than onco been hinted at, nnd, na a matter of course now wherever pooplo ask us ho Is asked." "Well, but " "Dear child, you may leavo it to inc. Don't you think bo?" And nn expression of mild reproach wan shot from tho ma ternal oyo. "Do you fanoy that If I saw tho slighest shadow of uncertainty I should accept Sir Jocclyn'a Invitation for Goodwood, knowing that Glcncoro won't bo thero?" "Won't ho? Why, where Is ho go ing?" "Nowhcro; I ascertained that, you may bo euro. Ho Is obliged to remain In town. There'll not bo a soul left for him to speak to. Somo business with his lawyer, ho aid and said it in a very pointed way, too." "Stammering and getting fiery red," said tho would bo flauco disdainfully. Lady Jano shook her head. "Novcr mind tho manner; it is tho moaning wo aro concerned in. IIo joins us immedi ately after nt Thorndean. Thero you will boo that everything will bo satisfac torily arranged. Lady Somcrton has such a happy way of letting young peo ple bo thrown together, and from tho first -1 liar socmod to bo very, much guided by her," Adela embraced her mother with graceful ciTusion. "How clover you aro!" sho said ad miringly; "you hnvo managed beauti fully, for I did want to enjoy Goodwood tree. When I am a countess, mamma, it shall bo very nlco for you." IL Certainly Goodwood week had left London wonderfully empty. You did not meet a bouI you know. Lord Glcncoro repeated this fact to himself most cheerily aa ho walked along Piccadilly with a heart and stop as light aa a bird's. It seems on Impossible circumstanco that a 6talwart young giant, standing over six feet In his stockings, his own master, ablo to do what ho liked and go whero ho chose, should bo In abject throlldom to a plain littlo middlo agod woman who was bent on compelling him to marry her daughter. "And I feel as If I should bo mado to do It, too," poor Glcncoro hod said of late, driven Into his last corner by tho con gratulations of all Lady Jono'a friends, to Bay nothing of theso horrid paragraphs in thoso horrid papers; somo of which had gone so far as to mention an early dato being fixed "for tho marriago of a lovely dobutanto of this season and a young earl recently of age, whoso an cestors camo over with tho Conquerer." If ho could but pluck upcouragoto say ho did not mean anything, novcr had meant anything, never meant to mean anything that he was quite happy as ho was that ho never intended to marry any ono what would ho not givol Full of a wild schomo which had lately como to him, that ho would run oiT to somo far distant country, ho was map ping out tho details as ho walked along, so occupied tliat ho forgot how far ho had come, until within a sudden start ho pulled himsolf up. He was passing tho Albert Hall, closo to that pleasant row of houses In ono of which lived Lady Jano, Tho knowledge that ho could walk boldly by and fling a look of deflanco at tho papered windows and closed shut ters, as ho had dono tho day beforo, sent a thrill of satisfaction through tho young man. Ho draw himself up and turned his head to when, oh, agony I exactly as ho was opposlto to it tho door opened and a voico called out "Glencorol" "Freddy! Is It your Lord Glencore managed to say, seeing ho was addressed by a weasel faced young gentleman be tween 10 and 17. "Why, how camo you here? Is-s-s your mother Lady Jano with your Freddy's eyes wcro apparently so edu cated that in order to give full expression to one ho was forced to shut tho other, and regarding Lord Glcncoro through his single optic ho said, "You bet if she was, 1 shouldn't bo hero," Glencore's heart seemed restored to Its native position. "I'm very glad to see Sou," ho said, closing his hand over the ttlo fin Freddy had extended to him: "it's qujte a surprise to me." "Here; I say," said tho ostuto Freddy significantly, "what's up? How is it you ain't down there with them?" Is- thero Is somo uuilnoM for mo." Freddy's oycllil went down llko a cover of n box, "Exactly! Just so," liosnld, nlrlly, put ting his thumbs Into his nrmliolcs. "My cauo Is nil over. I'm nt my tutor's, you sco, so iilciwo to remember that It isn't pomlnlo for you to liavo scon mo." aicncoro laughed cheerily. "All right," ho snldt "you nro qulto stifo with mo hut whnt on enrth nro you up to?" This question seemed prompted by tho sight of n nondescript dog cart just led np to tho door. "Aro you nil by your self hero?" "Thoro's Unrrls, my old nurse, nnd Jim, her hushnud our butler ho used to 1)0 and Peggy. You know Peg, don't your "Peg! No, I don't think I do." "I say," exclaimed Freddy, "Isn't It a beastly Bhamo tho way thoy always try to Bhun her? and slio'a just as good as nnybody. Her father was my father's eldest son, only o married his tutor's daughter, nnd my lady set tho governor on to cut up rough about It, So tho poor chap got tho kick out, and then ho died, and so did his wlfo, nnd a jolly good thing for mo, too, or I would liavo had to sing small Only watt till I nm mas ter, though, nnd If thoy try It on with Peggy then, I'll let them know. Sho's older than I nm, but nil tho same, I'm hor undo, and I say you'll bo her undo, too, If you marry Adda, and you'ro go ing to, ain't you? Lord Glcncoro blushed furiously, and Freddy, taking sllonco for consent, added with n snort of Biipromo content, "It's a jolly good thing for her I ain't you. Catch mo marrying Addat Oh yes, rathcrl" Not desirous of pursuing this toplo fur ther, Lord Glcncoro put n question. "You'ro not going to drivo that," ho said, nodding toward tho horso, a most vicious looking scrow, "nro you?" "Why not? IIo's n real good ono to go. Como in and sco ub Htart; it's capital fun. Wo'd a regular crowd round us yesterday. Any ono clso but Peg would havo been frightened to death." Incited by curiosity Lord Glcncoro obeyed Frcddy'fl Invitation. "Wo keep all tho front well shut," said Freddy, as ho marshaled his wny to a den nt tho fnr end of tlio narrow hall. Passing tho stairs, ho gavo vent .to n Bhrill whlstlo, answered by a similar ono whicli might havo boon taken as its echo. "Ain't you ready?" was piped up from below. "Coining," nnBworcd a girl's voico, and at tho samo instant with tho word. down tho flight of stairs, flop on tho mat, camo n ilguro which, through tho cloud of dust sent up, Lord Glcncoro surmised must bo Peggy. "I'm so sorry. I thought it was only Freddy 1" nnd then, better ablo to sco who stood thero, sho gavo vent to an agonized, "Oh, Lord Glencorol" nnd Boomed unablo to say more, Freddy, who was enjoying her con fusion to tho full, hero burst In with, "Don't mind him; ho'a squaro enough, ain't you?" "Certainly'Iam," dnd'then turning to Peggy, ho sold, "I'vo novcr had tlio pleasuro of seeing you hero, havo I?" "No." "But you'vo scon him, haven't you, Peg? And onco don't you remember when tho door opened and I scuttled oil and your frock caught mid you,tuinblod down? Oh, I Bay, what n camel It was a shavo wo weren't caught that time," Poor Peggy's faco was llko a beet root. "Thoro wasn't anything to sco," sho said to Lord Glcncoro, reassuringly. "It really wasn't for that wo looked, but I I was bo curious to know what you was llko," and bIio gesticulated violently to Freddy behind Lord Glcncoro s lock. "What's tho harm?" responded tho young man, cxpoBtulatlvcly. "You'd do tho samo if you wnro locked off Into acock loft of a garret, wouldn't you? That's what they do with her stick her anywhero out of tho way." "No, Freddy, no," Lord Glcncoro from out of tho corner of his oyes saw her Bay, and, hoping to change tho conversation, ho Bald: "I'm afraid I'm making you loso tho best of tho day. I camo In to sco you start," Perhaps Peggy fathomed his kind effort, for sho looked at hiin fairly for tho first timo. "Yes!" and bIio gavo him a littlo shy smllo; "did you?" "It's very pleasant, a drlvo out of town, now. Whoro nro you going?" "To Richmond park," answered tho lrrcprcssiblo Freddy. "Would you llko to go? Wo'll tako you; thcro's heaps of room behind. Why why shouldn't he?" Tills was evidently in answer to inoro pantomlmo from Peggy. "You don't want mo would rather I didn't gor Lord Glcncoro liad turned suddenly round and was asking this question of Mia rramiT irlrl . ". W..W J V..Q (, "Oh, no; it Isn't that, only I'm frald" and hero Peggy stopped an J blushed fu riously. For a wonder Gloucoro did not catch tho complaint, Quito persuasively ho saidt "But do let met it's what I should so enjoy." There was an Instant's pause and then they all began laughing; and good fel lowship being thus established, oouio twenty minutes later the three, Loid Glencoro behind, Freddy driving and Peggy by his sldo, wero on tho road to Richmond. m. It might bo tedious to retail all the folly that fell from the lips of the trio as under Freddy's guidance they pursued their way. Their united yearn did not mako up tho sober age of 00, nnd they had tho spirits of schoolboys out for a holiday. Lord Glcncoro had never felt so much at his ease beforo: none of thoso who in society know him would have recognized him as tho same shy indi vidual Tho hours flow like minutes. It was 5 o'clock when they thought It 8; and then to have looked at tho tuno would not have occurred to nnybody, only that Peggy, heaving a tremendous sigh, had supposed it would soon bo time to think of returning home, Tho horse that was so good at going, wo havo omitted to state, had, at a cer "Well, I couldn't 1 linvo thnt tain small hostelry, "Ooat and Compass" namo, shown signs of rebellion Stir from that door ho would not, nnd Lord Glcncoro, to cut short tho dlflkulty, had proposed that they should leavo tho bruto thero to get n feed, whllo thoy took a stroll In thu park. Returning from this walk thoy passed tho "Star and Garter." "I Bay, n dinner In thero wouldn't 1m half bad fun," said Freddy. "Oh, I don't think bo," said Glcncoro. "Why, havo you over been there?" "Yes, I dined thero twico this season with Lady Jnno nnd your Bister." And a chill ran through tho young man as ho recalled tho dreariness of thoso solemn ordeals. "Ohl"sald Freddy, drawing In his back as If about to succumb, whllo Peggy burst out Inughlng. A bright inspiration camo suddenly to Glcncoro. "Why shouldn't wo stop hero now," ho said, havo dinner, nnd go homo after?" Freddy and Peggy camo ton standstill, absolutely dumb with tho bjfc'lancy of thoproiKwItlon. "That's what wo'll do," continued tho cnthusiastio Glcncoro; nnd ho mado ns If to turn In at tho door, but Peggy stopped him. "I don't think wo can," as sho looked at Freddy significantly;" "No," came tho answer n trlflo crest fallen. "I expect they wouldn't stand tick In there," was ndiusd by way of ex planation. "That Isn't of any consoquenco to you," exclaimed Glcncoro. "It's ns my guosta I invito you. Think how many times your mother has entertained me. "Oh, I nm not proud," laughed tho do lighted Freddy. "Isn't this ilrst rate, Peg. Como on." But Peggy still hesitated. "I don't know whether I ought whether it's quite right with you." nnd though her faco was turned to both, her oyes wero fixed on Glcncoro. "And I your undo that Is," oxclaimcd Freddy, "and ho going to bo. Shut up, do." And, considering this speech to bo conclusive, Freddy cut short further dis cussion by nt onco turning into tho hotel IV. Well, if nny dinner over was a success that ono was. What thev had or how tho courses camo not ono of thorn know, but, to quoto Freddy, everything was Al. Freddy magnanimously insisted that going homo ho would sit behind nud leavo tho ribbons to bo handled by Glcncoro, Tho clock struck 0 beforo they wcro fairly oil, nnd then, Peggy exclaiming at tho latencssof tho hour, UlencoroBnld: "But it won't matter much, will It?" "No." Bald Peggy, a trlllo bitterly. "Harris knows I'll look after Freddy, nnd thcro's no ono to bother about what becomes of mo," "You havo neither father nor mother, havo you?" Glcncoro put tho question gently, and, not waiting for her answer, went on to tell her that ho too had lost his parents when n child and was, liko her, lonely, with no ono to euro for him. "Yes," sho said, "but you'ro a man with lots of money, nnd I'm poor and dependent; and then it's horrid to bo a f;irl. Evcrslnco 1 can remember I'vo icard nothing ol?o hut all I owo to everybody, as if it was my fault that I owo anything to them. I can't help having been bom. Hero I am, and until I dio hero I must stay. No, dependent, though. , I'vo only waited to bo taught something. I'vo had to owo that much to grandmamma," Lord Glcncoro remained silent, and thinking that probably her troubles wero of no interest to him, Peggy changed tho subject. Directing his attention to Freddy, now sllontly sleeping, sho man aged to prop tho lad up into a more comfortable position, and assented to Lord Glencore's remark that ho did not seem llko tho rest of tho family. Then Bilcnco fell on them, nnd for n tlmo not a word was siwkcn. Suddenly, as if from out of what sho was think ing. Peggy said abruptly: , "Aro you very much In lovo with Adda?" "I! I'm not In lovo with her at nil." "But you'ro going to marry her?" "Who says I sun? ' "Why, overybody; and grandmamma, I knows, means you to." "I see, nnd that makes you think it qulto certain?" Peggy laughed contemptuously. "It wouldn't mako it certain with mo," sho said, "but men seem different; what sho chooses, they do. Oh, I haven't patienco to think of It," and tho great brown oyes sho turned on Glencoro sparkled indig nantly. "Why, do you think unless I loved somebody dearly, I'd marry him to filcaso grandmamma? Never! Sho knows hat as well as I do. Sho may 111 treat mo, but sho can't mako mo do what I won't: I'd dio rather. Shall 1 tell you what I mean to do?" sho was speaking very fast and excitedly "I mean to run away. You'll promlso not to tell any ono, won t you? I mean to go very soon now If I can, beforo thoy como homo. Other girls earn their own livings, 60 why shouldn't I? I'm not stupid, and I'm awfully 6trong." "But whoro will you go?" "Oh, I know, but that I don't mean to tell. Perhaps I oughtn't to havo said n word about it to you. but it sllnned out. nnd you won't betray mo. will you? Most Xt nil, don't brcatho a word to Adda; sho liatts mo, and well, thero s no uso dis guising it 1 hato her. When you'ro marriel to hor" Which I never shall bo," interrupted Lord Qldwcoro decidedly. Peggy faced round andvookod her surprise at him. , mm, ho said Don't laMc llko that at mo. hastily; "I yiean what I say. "You do? v Oh, I am awfully sorry." "For htf r for me?" "I don't ,vink I was thinking of cither of you. it was for myself there's so few ever earo to bo kind to me," "And you think I should be?" Peggy didn't trust herself to speak, but her head nodded assent," "Let mo tell n secret to you, Peggy" ho qulto unconsciously called her by name, "Doyou know that I mean to run away to?" "Youl" "Yes: only I want somebody to run away with mo. Can you guess why?" "No." "Somebody I'vo soon today." "Today I" The eyes of eacli looked Into tho other's questioulngly "Can't you guess who?" Lord Glencore's voico camo tremu lously, "Oh. you know," ho said,"I sec you do." "Me! ' spoke the word breathlessly. " Yes, you. Y i will go, won't you? You'vo no one to -aro for you, and I'vo no ono tu-caro to.' me, why shouldn't wo care for each other? I'd try and make ml linip' nnd I'd certainly be good to .'m unit In lime you might get to well, ii Hid inc. you know." "In lime? Why, 1 llko you now." You do? Oh. Peggy!" I wiyl what's up with you two?" It w.m Freddy Mpenklng Freddy, whono wry t'Niiitt'iiL'v they had forgotten, but w hi. In t'omnion with nil sleepers, awoko at tln very moment ho was not want- I'll to, What do you think?" said Glencore in ti w liiiHr; "had wo better toll him?" i'M," said Peggy; "up to now my iinl.v f i lend has been Freddy." iii I'n'ddy, thoroughly wldo awako now Mint desired to lean forwnrd, and Ix'lwovii them tho two conveyed what It wax their Intention to do. 'I niiv, what a chouso for Adda!" mated Freddy delightedly; "but hero, urn know, you'll havo to mnrry Peggy." "Oitnlnly: of course thnt's what wo mean to do. ' "Ho we? ' Bald Peggy: "oh, my! why I never thought of that!" "Didn't you?" said Freddy, nssumlng the air of a Mentor, "but I did though. You mum bo Lndy Glcncoro before I sco the hint of you." 'Hut. Freddy, think of grandmamma: you would get Into tho most awful I rouble. No, It would never do." "Stuff nnd rubblshl" nnd Freddy snnp iK'd Id lingers; "what, I should liko to know, can a couplo of women do? Bo uillon, I'm not going to blab on myself never four. How can I help It if, while I am i unitizing with my tutor, you choose to bolt with Glcncoro? V. Arrived nt Thorndean, happy and un 8us:ectlng, Lady Janp nnd her daughter waited for Lord Glcncoro In vain. Even to the "dear Lady Somcrton" not n lino had como from him. As ovcry ono said, it was so strange, bo Incomprehensible, "You don't think anything could havo happened to him, Lady Jancr With a bravo nplrit worthy of n hotter woman, Lndy Jano nnBworcd that bIio did not feel anxious In tho least. Lord Glcncoro had spoken to her of having sovoral most Important things to scttlo, and naturally at times such ns thoso Lady Jano wnB forced Into ii littlo vague ness of speech n thousand things crop ped up, which ono hnd novcr dreamed of before Still her heart legan to have misgivings, nnd her courage to 6ink a littlo lower, when all was revived by a paragraph In ono of tho papers inform ing all whom It did not concern that Messrs. nulllon & Gold had been in trusted with the family jewels by Lord Glencore with tlio view of ascertaining which had best bo reset to suit their fu ture lovely owner. "Addal Lady Jano slcnalcd to her daughter to follow her, and In her own room sho painted out tho notice, "Mother! (Mi, 1 nm so glad. I kept on thinking of those jewels. Everybody says the diamonds aro moro than lovely. "It's inoro than a fortnight now," said Adela, discontentedly, Lndy Jano sighed. "Thero seems to bo nothing else for me than worry." "What more?" "Oh, well, I didn't want to bother you, and if everything else was going right 1 shouldn't let this troublo inc. It a nlcttcr I had from Harris. Sho says that Peggy, If you pleaso, lias chosen to run away from home, Harris hopes I won't worry myself, or blame her. as tho young lady has had it in her mind for somo tlmo. That's gratitude you know after all I've dono for her." "I'm suro I should let her be. She'll novcr come to any good end. that girl. Haven't I always said so?" "My dear." said Lady Jano, "I must go to town. I dare say Lady Somcrton will guess why, although I shall Invent some reason to give her. 1 fear I was India crcot in losing sight of this young man. But don't (k'sjmlr; nothing beyond rem edy. If I can only And out whero ho Is, rest assured this will never hnppcn again. "I always thought you wero too san guine," said Adda, ready to vent her dis pleasure on everybody. "I don't bo llovo he ever wanted to marry mo, only you would have It ho did." Lady Jano went to London, was absent a week, nnd then returned a sadder but not n wiser woman. Not a traco could bIio find of Glencoro, not a word had she heard of him. , "And Peggy?" bald Adda: "what about her?" "Not n syllable. Sho had been gono a week and moro beforo Harris wroto to mo. It 6ecms, however, a planned thing. Sho had had it in her mind nt least a year." "I wonder," said Adda, "will ho over turn up again?" Her thoughts had re verted to Lend Glencore "Of coun.0 ho will," said Lady Jane decidedly; "and wo must profit by the lesson wo havo learned from him. Now, my, dear, gooff and tell Stevens to como to mo. I have a trying ordeal lcforo mo to answer all the (iuetioiu that the people hero will put. I heard them In tits of laughter over their uftemoou tea, 1 begged Lady Somerton to oxcuso mo un til dinner. 1 really didn't feel as If 1 could face them then, Ah, Adda," and Lady Jano nodded her head mournfully, "perhaps burnt day, when ypu havo daughters ot your own. you may know. Talk of martyrs! You have only to look at mothers." That evening, when Lady Jano Joined tho guests assembled in the drawing room, sho noticed that every one looked at her with un air of inquiry. It had been agreed, at tho request of the hostess, that not a word on the subject upper most in tho minds of all of them should bo mentioned until after dinner. Poor Lndy Jano, sitting in a fool's paradiso, actually fancied tho object of her nb senco hnd lost its interest to everybody. Alas! a mine was about to cxplodo, and Lady Somcrton, nettled at tho want of contidenco shown, was ho ono to sot tho mutclu Advancing to tho comfortablo armchair In which, tho ladies having re turned to tho drawing room, her smiling guest was reclining, sho said: "Of coursu, dear Lady Jano, you havo seen tlio announcement in Tho Times of today; "No, indeed; I waited until I got here to look at the paper," and sho stretched out her hand for ft, languidly. Anything of Interest?" "To you, yes, of great interest, I should say. Listen. 'On tho 12th of September at St. Simon's church, Battlesea, Peggy, only child of tlio lato Wynford Mugnus, Esq., to Harold William, tenth earl of Glencore." Adda gavo a bound, " Peggy 1" sho shrieked. "Mother? Oh!" But Lady Jano interrupted her. With a supremo effort tho modern martyr rose to tho occasion. "Becalm, dear child," sho said. "See what your coldness has driven him to. However, poor fellow, in spite of Ids dis appointment ho was determined, it soeins, to marry ono of the family," Longman's Magazine, FAST MAIL RODTE ! TtTereHril'X'jf ' v Bv 2 DAILY TRAINS - 2 TO AtchUon, Lcavenwo'th, St. Joeph, Kansas City, St. Louis and all po'lnts South, Eaot and West. The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parsons, vVichita, Hutchinson and all principal points In Knna. The onlv rond to the; Grent Hot Snrlnes of Arkansas. 1'uli.mas SLCEi'EKb and Frke Reclining Chair Cars an all trains. H. G. HANNA, R. P. R. MILLAR, City Tkt AKCnt, Gcn'l Cor. Oand uth St. Agent, 1&. JMIApit UNACQUAINTED WITH THE OEOOHAPHT or THE COUNTRY, "WILL OBTAIN" MUCH VALUABLE mrOBMATION FROM A STUD7 OF THIS MAP OF THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAYr Including1 main linos, branchoa and xuissouri raver. Foorta, L,a VblUUJWU. UDIkaiUVDIh JLfUO UIUIUUD. 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Through Coaches, Pullman bloopers, FREE Reclining' Chair Cars, and (oast of Missouri Rlvor) Dining Cars Dally betwoen Chicago, Dos Moines, Council Bluffs, and Omaha, with Froo Reclining Chair Car to North Platte, Nob., and between Chicago and Colorado Springs, Donvor, and Pueblo, via 8t. Josoph, or Kansas City and Topoka. Splondld Dining Hotels (furnishing moals at soasonablo hours) west of Missouri Rlvor. California Excursions doily, with CHOICE OF ROUTES to and from Salt Lake, Ogden, Portland. Los Angeles, and San Franolsoo. The DIRECT LINE to and from Pike's Peak, Manltou, Gordon of tho Oods, tho Sanitaria urns, and Scenlo Qrondours of Colorado. VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE, Solid Express Trains dally between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paulr with THROUGH Reclining Chair Cars (FREE) to and from thoso points and Kansas City, Through Chair Car and Sleepor botwoon Peoria, Spirit Lako, and Sioux Palls, vlaock Island. Tho Favorite Lino to PlpeBtone, Water--town, Sioux Falls, and tho Summer Resorts and Hunting and FlBhlng Grounds of tho Northwest. THE SHORT LINE VIA SENECA AND KANKAKEE offers facilities to travol between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayotto, and Council Blune, Bt, Joseph, Atchison. Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul. For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or desired Information, apply to any Ticket Offlco in the United States or Canada, or address E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, General Mutger. OHIOAQO, ILL. Oen'l Ticket ft Pan. Aeri. WEDDING INVITATIONS BKLL PROGRAMS, 7CeNUS Wessel Printing Co., NewjBurr Block, Fremont, Klkhorn & Mo. Valley mi ESPOperntcs nnd con trols Its own service 111 L'MJJ J.l.ll lAAiULkJMiUa between LINCOLN, NEB., and OMAHA, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, SIOUX CITY MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL. Gtn Through Tickets and IIakriikg Checked to ill polntg In United SUtt-s and Canada. Vcfttlbulo 81ee)ni, Palatial Dining Cars and Union Depots. CITY TICKET OFFICE : ill Bouth 10th ttreet, - - - Llncolu GEO. N. FOUESMAN, Agent. II. 0. lltnr, J, It. UratANAN, Ueneral M'ger, Oen'l 1'ivw. Ag't OMAHA, J?ED. aco .ajliXj PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH -AT- 1044 O STREET. cncm 'MILWAUKEE! LDtBAUl 6SSI. l n nnd operate 8.500 miles of thormiRlily quipped rond In IlllnolH. Wisconsin, Iownr Missouri, Minnesota nnd Dnkotn. , , It Is tlio Host Direct Uouto botwioii nil tliir Prluclpnl Points in tho Northwest, Southwest ml Far West For nmp, tlmo tables, rntes of pnssniH) nnd freight, etc.. apply to nearest station ugent of Chicago, Milwaukee a st. Paul IUil vay, or to nny ltnllrond Agent nnywhoro l the world. . K. MILLEIt, A. V. II. CAItPENTEK, Oencrnl M'g'r. Oen'l Puss. AT'kt Agt, 1 1 l h n-, GEO. H. HEAKFOIU), UmGcii' Mgr. Asst. U. P.&T.Agt. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Mp-For Information In reference to !,ands ind Towns owned by tho Chicago, Milwau kee & St. Paul Itnllwny Conipnny.wrte to II. O. IlAUOAK.I-and Comml'sloncr.Mlllwuukec Wisconsin. extensions East and West of tho jMTra fi lUfflrtflB ON SALE o IMltalka ltl ! WeWNWW meAmffimkti&i jWftlj6ijiitiiiiiiiiMi 'inmnuiiHiHipriiiiiiiwi f i ,tn,mmmmm i iiiftiiiiWii MtfM1aS4M ewiffr nielli ri 4i4tt0m sssmfcws; T'lljl rflBI ill I J "WFWIHWI .kffmmiftrymmi ll , MM)j)epViPk XjgJ!,, m rtw wAni.! t 4 Wv , )