.-mty.lmi tipiMWMWiut'tf 'ilyiy'',"T'HH''1' nin M'lWprt KfMMiMWMMMHMtfM itmmmmm)kmm)m iiymWt w' ' i CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JULY ij, t8Sg. Bound to Take the Lead MONARCH Gasoline STOVES. Do not fall to tec them before buy lug, Alto my tin; ol REFRIGERATORS and ICE CREAM FREEZERS. FRANK E. LAHR 936 P Street. North Side V. O. Scjimic. One-Quarter to Li In order to close out our stock o( Single - Generator Gasoline Stoves, We v 111 give )i off for Cnsh until closed out. 1242 0 St. BAIRD BROS. We will have on Sale lor this week Only a Fast Black Hose Full Regular nnd warranted nt25c. Wc have only a limited stock of these, goods, nnd as they cannot be replaced to sell for less than 40 cents, they will not last long. We have just received a fresh lot of our Great Bargain "Ribbed Vests," at 1 5C worth much more. We have the finest line of CAMBRIC AND NAINSOOK HEMSTITCH EMBROIDERED FLOUNCING 50 In. wide ever shown In the City. Call nnd see them. The latest novelties In our line received dally. J, H. MAURITIUS & CO. 113 S Eleventh St. Notice. Notleo Is hereby given that by Tlrtue of an mas ter lien dtted on the fith Uy of February, HK9, upon which there is now tue the sum of $31,00, default bavin been made In tho ivaytuent of said sum, and no suit or other proceedUiK of law hav lajc been Instituted to recoer said debt or any part thereof, therefore I will tell thw proix-ny therein dtocrlbed, vlii One dark bay borne about It hands high, white atrip in race, 12 years old and welching about 120O pounds, at public auction at the barn of Mllllklu Uros . In tho city of Lincoln, In Incostercouuty, ontiie Sth day of August, ltfcU, at one o'clock, p. m., of said day, to pay said debt, interest and all cents of then) proceed- V.,KV. . ., MH.WKIN HKUa. UyrocNDJt Ucn, attorneys. Dated Lincoln, Nebraska, July 18th, 1SS9. The-following printed signs are for sale at the CociUEHotllce: Room For Rent; Fur nished Rooms for Rent; Unfurnished Rooms for Rent; Boarding; For Sale, For Rent, and many others. Prlco 15 cents, or 8 for 25c. It tho true merits of Dr. Cady's Condition Powders, were fully known by horse owner, they would prefer them to all other remedies for putting their horses in n flue, heal thy con dition. They euro constipation, low of aj Ietite, disordered kidneys, impure blood and all diseases requiring a good tonic, stimulant nuu uuernuve. boiu uy a. U Bhader, Drug gist. Mr. F. J. Smith, editor of tho Ft. Aber cromble, Dakota, Ihtxild, says: "The most wonderful medlclno I have over met with Is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. In caso of colic It gives speedy re lief, On huutlng trips I have found It India ponslble. Put in alkali water, it imparts a pleasant taste and prevents the painful diar rhoea which alkali water produces. I could not feel safe without it In my house." 35 and SO eeet bottles for sale by O. L. Shrader, drywist m nDnwi ! Wulimumm f.ii" ;"' " . -v yr-,t,,viW ,1 Mmiiwr MijwnfMKlrrn JVmc. PUIJLISIIKD SATURDAY rn'CBHTiu"! O110 Year by Mull or Cnrrli-r $1,00 Wx month, f 1,00, Three month 60 Cents, One month 80 Cent Inrarnbly In Advance. ltivnTltuNTSi Itnte furnished on sppllcitlHi At the olflco. Special rates on Time Contracl. "oXTRiiiCTio'dt! Hliort spicy sketch', meins nnd slot Ira solicited. Personal ami RocIM holes are racially desirable. I'atvmot V tnako a specialty of Pino Printing lnalllUbntJiM. ulnv work , nwcMlf ,Vitni nil communication dlrectto ths ontco. Wtcsaict, Printing Co., I'UllMHHKItM. Now Ilurr Block, Cor. I'ith nnd O HlitrU. Tri.kpuonk'JU L. U'khskl, Jli., Editor nnd Solo Proprietor. Piiki) Dknmnokh, Assoclnlo Editor. POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 60,000. "Tlu Courier" at tho Itcsorts. Persons leaving the city for tho summer cnu Imvo Tin: CouitiKU sent thorn without extra charge. In ease of changes of location during tho absence from home, tho address will Iki altered whenever desired. This np plies to present and new subscriber, llnvo tho CovntKH follow you n n mennv of kee Iiir posted on homo nfTnlm. Its weekly np Nnrnncn will prove more Interesting than u letter. Tub prize flKht between Sullivan nml JCI1 rain but perhaps you Imvo heard nil nbout It. Wiiitkwaiiiinu done with ncntneM nnd dNpntch. Enquire of tlm Lincoln city conn ell. Tiik stnto library I being moved Into Its new quarters, which will nevormoro echo w Itli tho gay revolt y of Tom, Dick and Har ry. Tho library hns nlwut 30,000 volumes. a Tiir nunouncoment was made Wednesday that I?. C. Parkinson, scrgeant-at-nrms In tho Btato Senate last v Intor, had been np polnted a special oxnmlucr In tho pension of flco at $1,400 n year, The now state banking board has hnd n great many questions fired nt It by the banks. One of Its rulings Is that where an Individual Is doing n banking business all his property Is liable for tho debts of tho bank. . While in tho city tho other day Senator Church How o dsured Interested parties that tho Missouri Pacific w 111 establish a now sta tion for tho convenience of tho villages grow, lug up about Wislejnn and Christian univer sities. iTlsrellnbly leportodthnt Senator Blmn ner is soon to follow tho oxumplo of Senators laggart iul Polk and get married. That wlllleavo'Senator Cornell the only bachelor of tho Senate, and ho ndmlU that his case Is hopeless, notwithstanding his visits to Lin coln. The surprising news comes from Omaha that Q. My Hitchcock of tho World has bought tho ltmiUl and will issuo a morning and an oveulug edition after tho manner of tho llee, Tho jwpor will Imj Independent ith Democratic leanings. Mr. Hitchcock is rich ami ambitious to umko a uamo for himself In journalism. It Is reported that ox-Senator Van Wyck lias bought a high priced lot In Washington and w Itl build a house on It. It is inferred that ho has taken up his resitlenco in tho cap ital city for good nnd will no longer poso as a Nebraska granger nml nnti-monoolt. It I know 11 that Mrs. Van Wyck has been ambi tious to shine In Washington society, nnd her withes nro likely to hnve had considerable weight in making tho change. The Lincoln Packing & Provision company Is receiving more hogs than it can utont pres ent. Tho company Is under contract to put Its other packing house Into operation not later than November. It w III then glvo em ployment to about flvo hundred people, enough to make qulto a town of West Lincoln. There are many good reasons for tho exjwetn tlon that Lincoln will become an important center for tho packing of meats. The politicians are busy trying to figure out who will bo the next Governor. Secreta ry of State Laws is mentioned as one of the strongest candidates. It is supposed Con gressman Dorsey of Fremont would llko tho nomination, but it is argued that he cannot enter tho race without injuring his brother-in-law, Auditor Benton, who is a candidate for ro-nomlnatlon. It is supposed that Gov. Thayer will ask for a third term, but ho has made a mild disclaimer. Whex the legislature cut down the appro priation for the national tnianl It fnnrot tn chauce tho law nrovldlncr for nn finniinl on. campmont and requiring a monthly drill dur ing certain months each yoar. Tho guards are allowed by law ono dollar for each man taking part in thoso exercises. They havo oeen writing Adjutaut General Colo for in structions, and ho has advised them to go ahead with their drills and obey tho law, He holds that tha stato will be In honor bound to pay the debt thus incurred. The depart ment has money enough to pay for ono ens campment, but that of next year is likely to bo abandoned. The new banking law allows a bank to have one-uiiru or Its capital In real estate, but At torney General Loose gives that provision this interpretation: "The law contemplates bank ing with money or commercial paper, and not with real estate, but as it is necessary to havo a bank building to do business in, and the lot or lots ou which it stands, this exception was made, and one-third of tho capital of the bank was allowed for ibis purpose, aad where the corporation, Arm or Individual does not own tho building aud lot or lots on which it stands, then tholr capital must be in money or com merclai paper and cannot be represented by having one-third in other real estate." THE PRESENT FASHION. THE MEN RECEIVE A FEW WORDS FROM OLIVE HARPER. She Kindly Tolls Them How They May IlrpM ( n lo Keep Cool During tho II.it Nrntlinr Tho Need of the Day for Woiiipii. Hpivlnl Conrspondeneo.l Nkw Voiik. July U. I have bouio doubts ns to whether men nro really en titled to tin1 llrHt place In a fashion letter but, iim tin1 lawyers nay, "let us glvo them the U'liellt of tho doubt," and, Ih sides, I will get through with them sooner, ami m give tho fashion column to ltd legitimate owners tho women, I do admit, however, that men may have some feeling, uh do (lsh, nnd their pre vailing wntlmont just now-Is one of such Intense millerlng from tho cliects of tho hent that I feel it a duty to bhow thorn how to keep cool nnd yet not transgress tiny of the rules of strict propriety. There nru thousands of gentlemen who would rather hldo themselves forever In a damp, dm It collar than to appear bo fore tho ladles of tholr families or ac quaintance In tholr shirt sleeves, and they go on millerlng nnd sweltering in tjiose Instrument!! of torturo, starched shirts nnd stllT collars, from a sentiment which docs them honor, but In theso days fashion absolutely admits of com mon sense nnd comfort in dress, and there in no reason now why a man may not uinlce himself comfortablo In ono of the handsome surah or fine woolon shirts, which nro cool, comfortablo and quite dressy enough for all day wear, whether in tho counting house or in the country. NEEDS OP THE DAY FOIt MEN. Heretofore, while a gentleman might wear ono of theso comfortable shirts in tho country or nt tho scosido, he felt himself obliged by tho stern law of fit ness of thltigs to suffer in a starched shirt at his business, or nt home, nnd it has always called up n tear of sympathy to sco a fat nmn, or oron n thin ono, with his handkerchief tucked under his chin around his collar. This no longer needs to bo so, for thero are vory pretty shirts tnadoof whitonnd palo colored surah, shirts daintily stitched and but toned or laced in front, with well fitting turndown collars, nnd altogether finished in tho neatest manner, and theso are now being ndopted eagerly by ono after an other, as old prejudices disappear. Somo gentlemen wear a black surah sash around tho waist, and this takes tho placo of a vest when It Is necessary to go into tho street, for tho shirt is consid ered sufllclcnt for tho offlco, a light mo hair or linen coat is Blipped on for tho street, nnd a man is as comfortablo as tho season will permit, and looks well at tho samo time. Tho nicest of tho surah nnd flno Scotch flannel shirts cost $4.00 apiece, but they keep clean a long tlmo and can bo washed like calico, Tho beautiful creaturo in tho cut rep resents a young man dressed in sensible summer style, and shows how well theso garments look. Speaking of funs makos mo think of a display of fans v hich I saw this last week at tho largest jowelry establish ment in this country. Thero was one mado with puro amber sticks so finely cut that they were nlmost flcxiblo, and beautifully transparent. The fcatuora THE NEEDS OF TUK DAT FOR WOMEN, vrcro whito marabouts, with flakes of whito floss; tho wholo is transparent and light as n flako of snow. Tills fan costs $1001 Thero aro many other closing fans of loco, gauzo, crapo and other filmy materials, nnd others of ostrich feathers, which closo also. I noticed one where tho feathers wcro even curled, still five inches broad, and it took seven of them to make tho fan. Theso were cream, mottled with yellow, brown and maroon, Tho feathers to mako such a fan must bo of uniform slzo and quality, and aro very dlfllnult to obtain in perfection and therefore nro very expensive tho cheap est being $05, others of puro whito aro as high as $135. Queen Anno fans, with silver und oarl handles, cost less, about 50 for a flue ono. They can bo built up feathers, which cost less than tho natural ones. Ono puro whito ostrich feathoi sliding fan, which had just been finished for Miss Droxcl, had tho sticks of moth er of pearl with a silver monogram. Mrs, Frank Leslio had ono also from this house of black Brussels point of the finest quality, stretched over ebony sticks, and with on ozydixed silver monograns let with small brilliants upon it. OUVK IliRTtT. ATTRACTIVE FRAME RESIDENCE. Its Cost Is Mixlcrat nnd Its Arrangement Cniitoiilttiit. Tho following plans nro taken from The Notional Building Plan association's book, At tlstlc Homes, published at Detroit. The momornnda accompanying them nro as fol lows: VIEW. Ono nnd a Half Story Frnmo Rcsldi-nco Post foundation. Height of stories In the clear First, 10 feotj second, t) feet. Cellar, 0 feet 0 inches. First story contains parlor (with flrcplni'ci, 13 foot U Inches x 14, dining GROUND FLOOR. room, 13 feet 0 Inches x 10; kitchen, 10x13; pantry, 6x8; china closet, 4x5, front hall, 10x19; back hall, 4x0; front aud back stairs. Second story contains chamber, 12x14. cham ber, SxiH, chamber, OxU!, closot to each. SECOND STORY. Bathroom, 6x3. First story, clapboards; second story, shlnglos. Estimated cost of building, ei.SOO A Corner In n library. Tho accompanying cut, from a design by J. P. McIIugh In Tho Decorator and Fur nisher, shows a corner In a library, which, whllo not rotnarkablo in arrangement, at the samo tlmo presents a pleasing and homollko picture. Nothing can bo moro depressing than the sight of baro walls and empty cor ners. It Is a very easy task to placo a cabi net in tho position as seen In tho cut, and it adds wonderfully to tho nppearanco of the room. Tho Judicious placing of a fow rugs, portieres, easy tfiolrs and pictures, and vollal tho rocm ts finished, A Dutch nenatssanco Chimney riece. Tho accompanying cut is a design for a Dutch renaissance cblmnoy piece, and is taken from Franz Eworbock's "The Renais sance lu Belgium and Holland." It ts one of the most artistic creations that wo have late ly seen. On the other side every ornament usually made In other stone is now seen in garnets; brooche, pins, bracelets, combs, earrings, rings and nocklaces, nnd In addition, very .uirf frames In various sizes. KMJ I 1 rj I Pantry. ICMrulJ I Kltchsn. I U I L Dining I I r Rocm.. I .HU. I 11 Parlor. F HalL I J Piaxxa. 1 -n pr "-"""TriFl I .Clone.! CioTcrj Chambv. I I I J Chamber. I Room.' Hnrffln i J . Chamber. I REDUCED PRICES ON ALL OUR Spring and Summer Suits We hnve made a deep cut in price to close all our Light Weight Suits. This will a great BENEFIT SALE for you to attend, at the Globe One-Price Clothing House, Cor. O and Lincoln Savings Bank CAPITAL, $250,000. LIABILITY Intct est paid ou deposits at any rntn of 5 ier cent per annum for all full calandnr months Hnfes to rent In burglar proof and lire proof vaults, at annual rental of $3 and upwards. Money to loan on real estate and collateral. VOUU HAVINGS ACCOUNT SOLICITED. IIKNRYC.LUWIS, A.I'.H. STUAIIT, JNO. II. McCLAY, It. WELSH, 1'icsldent. Vice l'rcsldout. Treasurer. Teller WE INVITE ATTENTION TO OUR EMBROIDERY : DEPARTMENT. OUR LINE OF Ceirqbric, ISFeiiqsoolv giind ' S"wiss Plou.r cii g;s, In 22 and 45 inch widths is exceptionally large. MATCHED SETTS We show some of the finest goods Imported In very handsome new dcslgnsl T"T" TT 1 r The One Price Cash Dry r DRY GOODS One-Quarter Off ON CASH SALES. Ashby & Millspaugh. WGOTO S. E. MOOR6 TOTS. Xat t Papfp 1134 Wo Only SHsHIRhI Tenth Sts. and Safe Deposit Go. OF STOCKHOLDERS, $600,000. -IN- "" T Goods and Carpet House. O STREET. FINEST IN THE STATE. ELITE -STUDIO 226 S. 11th St. make a specialty of Flno Pliotojtraphlo and Crayon work, Ground Floor Studio in Lincoln Call and Sbb Dur Work. ' r. A I 5T J : Wm-shiiiiiiiii 1 aWWaSMaawaata lllJSSMiurtlWtsfSisiili'ii'i''''1'11 lir'' ''' ' " .V'.'.M....fr.MirtiMiW.Mpic&uMia sVi5TiS?sriMrt