Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 13, 1889, Image 3
sspT " rrpsSi;Jr-ri1T!v "r CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1889, drr lw': o. v IS. lv II' R W if'. !' .! OUR HOUSE ON THE HILLS. 8UBJECT OF SERMON DELIVERED BY DR. TALMAGE, SUNDAY, JULY 7. A Homo tho Favorlto lllbllciil Sltnllo for Ilcnvcii "In Sly Father's llnue Aro Mnny Itootns" Tlio Doctor' Men of Tlint the llmno of tho llct Will lie. The IlAiirroxB, N. Y., July 7. tlov. T. Do Witt Tnlmage, D. D., preached hero to day on tho subject! "Our Houso on tho Hills." Hl text nu John xlv, 2i "In my Father's houso nro many rooms." Ho saidt Hero Is n bottlo of mcdlcluo that Is n euro nlL Tho disciples wero sad and Christ offered boa ven ns nu alternative, n stimulant and a tonic Ho shows them that their Borrows nro only a dark background for a bright picture Of coming felicity. Ho lot thorn know that though now thoy llvo on tho lowlands they shall yet Imvo a houso on tho uplands. Near ly all tho Dtblo descriptions of heaven may be figurative, lam not positive that In nil heaven thero Is a literal crown, or harp, or pearly gnto, or throno or chariot, Thoy may bo only used to lllustrato tho glories of tho plnco, but how well thoy do It I Tho fnvorlto symbol by which tho Dlblo presents celestial happiness is n houso. Paid, who novcr owned ft house, although ho hired ouo for two yoars in Itnly, speaks of hoaven as a "houso not mado with hands," nud Christ In our text, tho translation of which is a littlo changed, so as to glvo tho moro accurato meaning, sayss "In my Father's houso aro many rooms." This divinely authorized comparison of heaven to n great homestead of largo accom modations 1 proposo to carry out. In somo healthy uetghlorhood a man builds a very commodious habitation. Ho musit Imvo room (or all his children. Tho rooms como to bo called after tho different members of tho family. That Is mother's room. That Is Georgo's room. That Is Henry's room. That Is Flora's room. That Is Mary's room. And tho houso is nil occupied 13ut tlmo goes by and tho sous go out Into tho world and build their owu homos and tho daughters aro mar ried or havo talents enough singly to go out and do a good work In tho worlX After n whilo tho father and mother aro almost nlono In tho big houso and, seated by tho even ing stand, thoy say: "Well, our family Is no larger now than when wo started together forty years ago." Hut tlmo goes still further by and somo of tho children aro unfortunato and return to tho old homestead to llvo, and tho grandchildren como with them, and perhaps grent-grnnd-children, and again tho houso is full. Many millennia ago Ood built on tho hills of heaven a great homestead for a family innumerable, yet to bo. At first ho lived alono In that groat houso, but after a whllo it was occupied by a very largo family, cherubic, seraphic, angelic Tho eternities passed on and many of tho Inhabitants becamo wayward and left, novcr to return. And many of tho apart ments wcro vacated. I refer to tho fallen angels. Now theso apartments aro filling np again. Thero aro arrivals at tho old homestead of Qod's children overy day, and tho day will como when thero will bo no un occupied room in all tho house "IN JCT FATHER'S HOUSE Aim MANY nOOMS" As you and I oxpoct to enter It and mako thero eternal rosldenco, I thought you would liko to get somo moro particulars about that many roomed homestead. "In my Father's houso aro mauy rooms." You soo tho placo Is to bo apportioned off Into apartments. Wo shall lovo all who aro in heaven, but thoro aro somo very good peoplo whom wo would not want to llvo with in tho samo room. They may bo hotter than wo aro, hut thoy aro of a divergent temtwrament. Wo would llko to meet with them on tho goldon streets and worship with them in tho templo and walk with them on tho river banks, but I am glad to say that wo shall llvo in different apartments. "In ray Father's houso aro many rooms." You soo heaven will bo so largo that If ono want nu entire room to him self or herself, it can bo afforded. An Inge nious statistician, taking tho statement mado In Revelation, twenty-Urst chapter, that tho heavenly Jerusalem was measured and found to bo twclvo thousand furlongs, nnd that tho length and height nnd breadth of It aro equal, says that would mako hoaven in size 'J4S box tlUIon OSS qulntllllon cublo foot, and then re serving a certain portion for tho court of heaven and tho streets, and estimating that tho world may last a hundrod thousand years, ho ciphers out that there aro over five trillion rooms, each room seventeen feet long, sixteen foot wldo, fifteen feet high. Out I havo no faith in tho accuracy of that calculation. Ho makes tho rooms too small From all I can read tho rooms will bo palatial, and thoso who havo not had enough room in this world will havo plenty of room ut tho last. Tho fact is that most people In this world aro crowded, and though out on n vast prairio or In a mountain district pooplo may havo moro room than thoy want, in most caves It is houso built close to houso, and tho streets aro crowded and tho cradlo is crowded by other cradles, and tho gravo crowded in tho cemotcry by other graves, and onoof tho richest luxuries of many peoplo In getting out of this world will bo tho gain ing of unhindered and uncramned room. And I should not wonder if, instead of tho room that the statistician ciphered out as only 1? feet by 10, It should bo larger than any of tho imperial rooms at Berlin, St. James or Winter Palace "In my Father's houso nro many rooms." Carrying out still further tho symbolism of tho text, let us join hands and go up to this ranjestio homestead and soo for ourselves. WE WILL BE USHERED IN. I As we ascend tho golden steps an iuvlslblo guardsman swings open tho front door, and wo aro ushered to tho right Into tho recep tion room of tho old homestead. That is tho placo whero wo first moot tho wclcomo of heaven. Thero must bo a placo whero tho departed spirit enters and a placo in which It confronts tho Inhabitants celestial. Tho reception room of tho newly arrived from this world what scenes It must havo wit nessed slnco the first guest arrived, tho vic tim of tho flnt fratricide, pious AbeL In that room Christ lovingly greeted all now comers, no redeemed thorn and ho has the right to tho first embrace on their arrival 'What a mlnuto when the ascended spirit first sees tho Lord. Better than all wo over read about him or talked about him or song about him in n tho churches and through all our earthly lifctimo, will it bo, just for ouo second to too him. Tho most rapturous idea wo over bad of him on sacra mental dayB, or at the height of somo groat revival, or under tho uplifted baton of an oratorio, aro a bankruptcy of thought com pared with tho first (lakh of his apparanca in that reception room. At that momcut, when you confront each Other, Christ looking ujwu you and you look ing upon Christ, thero will bo an ecstatic thrill and a surging of emotion that beggars all description. Look I Thoy need no intro duction. Long ago Christ chooo that re pentant sinner and that repentant siiiner chow Christ. Mightiest moment of an Im mortal history tho first kiss of heaven! Jesus and the souL The soul and Jesus, i But now iuto that reception room pour tho glorified klusfolk. Enough of earthly reten tion to let you know them, but without tUelr wounds or their sickness or their troubles. Soo what honven has douo for them. Bo radiant, so gleeful, so transporting!' lovely. They call you by name Thoy greet you with an ardor proportioned to tho anguish of your parting nnd tho length of your seuirntion. Fatliorl Motherl Thero Is your child. Sis ters! Urothcrsl Friends! I wish you Joy. For years apart, together ngnln in tho reccp tlon room of tho old homestead. You see thoy will know you aro coming. Thero nro so mauy Immortals filling all tho spaces lw tweeu hero nud henvoii that news llko that (lies llko lightning. Thoy will bo thero In nn iustnuti though they wcro in somo other world on errand from Ood a signal would bo thrown that would fetch them. Though you might nt llrst feel dared and overawed at their stiorual splendor, nil that feeling w 111 bo gone nt their llrst touch of heavenly salutation nnd wo will snyi "0 my lost boy," "0 my lost companion," "0 my lost friend, nro wo hero togctherl" What scenes havo been witnessed In that reception room of tho old homestead I There met Joseph nud Jacob, finding It a brighter room than anything thoy saw In Pharaoh's palace; David nnd tho littlo child for whom ho once fnstcd nud wepti Mary and Lazarus af tcr tho heartbreak of Bethany; Timothy and grandmother Lois; Isabella Oraham and her sailor son, Alfred and Qoorgo Cookman, tho mystery of tho sea at last mado maulf est; Luther nud Mngda leno, tho daughter ho bemoaned; John How ard and tho prisoners whom ho gospollzed; am multitudes without number who, once, so weary and onco so sad, parted on earth but glo riously met In honven. Among all tho rooms of that Iioum) thero is not ouo that moro en raptures my soul than that reception room. "In my Father's houso aro many rooms." WE AUK OF THE IIOVAL FAMILY. Another room in our Father's houso is tho throno room. Wo belong to tho royal family. Tho blood of King Jesus Hows in our veins, so wo havo n right to enter tho throno room. It is no easy thing ou earth to get through oven tho outside door of a king's residence During tho Franco-German war ono ovcutido in tho summer of 1871) I stood studying tho exquislto sculpturing of tho gnto of tho Tull cries, Paris. Lost lu admiration of tho won derful art of that gate, I know not that I was exciting suspicion. Lowering my eyes to tho crowds of peoplo I found myself being closely luspoctod by governmental officials, who from my complexion Judged mo to bo a German, and thnt for some belligerent purpose I might bo examining tho gates of tho alace. My explanations lu very oor French did not satisfy them nnd they followed mo long dis tances until 1 reached my hotel, nnd wero not satisfied until from my landlord they found thnt I was only nn Inoffenslvo American. Tho gates of earthly )alaccs nro carefully guarded, and, If so, how much moro severely tho throno room! A dazzling placo Is it for mirrors and nil costly nrt. No ono who over saw tho throno room of tho first nnd only Na poleon will over forget tho lotter N embroid ered lu purplo and gold on tho upholstery of chair and window, tho letter N glided ou tho wall, tho letter N chased on tho chalices, tho letter N flamlug from tho colling. What n confiagaration of brilliance tho throno room of Charles Immanuel of Sardinia, of Ferdi nand of Spain, of Elizabeth of England, of Bonlfaco of Italy! But tho throno room of our Father's houso hath a glory eclipsing all tho throno rooms that over saw scepter wave, or crown glltUr, or forcigu am bassador bow, for our Father's throno is a throno of grace, a throno of mercy, a throno of holiness, a throno of Justice, a throno of universal dominion. Wo need not stand shivering and cowering beforo it, for our Father says wo may yet one day como up and sit ou it bosido him. "To htm that overcometh will 1 grant to sit with mo in my throne" You seo wo are princes and prlucesses. Perhaps now wo movo about in cognito, as Peter tho Great in tho garb of a ship carpenter at Amsterdam, or as Queen Tlrzah in tho dress of a peasant woman seek ing tho prophet for her child's euro; but it will bo found out after a whilo who wo aro when wo get iuto tho throno room. Ayo, wo need not wait until then. Wo may by prayer and song nud spiritual uplifting this moment enter tho throne room. 0 King, llvo for over! Wo touch tho forgiving scepter and prostato ourselves nt thy feetl Tho crowns of tho royal families of this world aro tossed about from generation to generntiou nnd from family to family. Theroarochlldrenfour years old In Berlin who havo been tho crown on three emperors. But wherovcr tho coro nets of this world rlso or fall, they aro des tined to moot in ono place And I look and seo them coming from north and south and east nud west, tho Spanish crown, tho Italian crown, tho English crown, tho Turtdsh crown, tho Russian crown, tho Persian crown ayo, oil tho crowns from under tho great archl volt of heaven; aud whilo I watch and won der they aro all flung in rain of diamonds around tho pierced feet. Jesus shall reign where'er tho sun Does hU successive Journeys run; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore Till suns shall rlso and set no more Oh, that throno room of Christ! "In my Father's houso aro many rooms." rLENTY OF MUSIO IN HEAVEN. Another room In our Father's houso Is tho music room. St. John and other Bible writ ers talk so much about tho muslo of heaven that thero must bo muslo thero, jwrhaps not such as on earth was thrummed from trem bling striug or evoked by touch of Ivory key, but If not that, then something better. Thero nro so many Christian harpists and Christian composers and Christian organists and Chris tian choristers and Christian hymnologists that havo gono up from earth, thero must bo for them somo place of especial delectation. Shall wo have music in this world of discords and no music in tho land of completo har mony? I cannot give you tho notes of tho first bar of tho now song that is sung in heaven, I cauuot imagino either tho solo or tho doxology. But nil this Bible talk about striuged aud wind Instruments in heaven moans music, and can mean nothing else Occasionally that music bos oscapod tho gate. Doctor Fuller dying nt Beaufort, B. C., said; "Do you not hearp "near what!" oxclaimod tho bystanders. "Tho muslo! Lift mo up! Ojion tho window!" In that muslo room of our Father's houso you will somo day meet tho old Christian masters, Mozart and Handel and Mendelssohn nnd Beethoven; and Doddridge, whoso sacred poetry was as rotnarkablo as his sacred proso; and James Montgomery, and William Cow per at last got rid of his spiritual melancholy, and Bishop nober, who snug of "Greenland's icy mountains and India's coral strand;" and Dr. Rallies, who wrote of "High in yonder realms of light;" and Isaao Wntts, who went to visit Sir Thomas Abnoy and wifo for a week, but proved himself so agreeable a guest that they mado him stay thirty-six years; and, side by sido, Augustus Toplady, who lias got over his dis like for MethodUts, nnd Charles Wesley freed from his dislike for Calvinlsts; and Georgo W, Buthune, as suot a song maker as bo was great as a preacher, and the author of "Tho Village lljmns;" and mnny who wroto In verso or sons. In church or by eveutida cradlo, nnd mn-iy who wero passionately fond of music, but cculd make uono themselves. Tho (worest singer thero moro thau any earthly prima damn, aud tho poorest players thero tuoio than any earthly Gottschalk. Oh! thut muslo room, tho headquarters of endoncu a '.d rhythm, symphony and chant, psalm and nntlphonl May no be thero somo hour when llnydtt sits nt tho Leys of onoof lit otfn orntorlos, nnd David tho ixnlmlst fingers tho harp, nnd Miriam if tho lied Sea banks claps tho cymbals, nnd Gabriel puts his ll to tho truuiiot, nnd tho fonr-nud twenty soldiers chant, nud Llud nnd Pimn render tuntchl'li duct lu tho muslo room of tho old ho.vvenly homestead. "In my Father's homo ni e many rooms." UOOMB KOU TltK FAMILY. Another room in our Father's houso w 111 bo tho family room. It may correoud somo what with tho family room on earth. At morning nud evening, you know, that is tho placo wo now meet. Though overy mcinlcr of tho household havo n sopnrnto room, In tho family room thoy all gather, anil Joys nud sorrows and cxerlonceaof nil stylos nrothero rehearsed. Sacred room in all our duellings! whether It bo luxurious with ottomans nnd divans nnd books in llusslnn lids standing in mahogany caw, or thero bo only n fow plain chnlrs nnd n cradle So tho family room on high will bo tho placo whero tho klusfolk ns somblo and talk over tho family oxperlencos of earth, tho wedding, tho births, tho burials, tho festal days of Christmas aud Thanksgiv ing, reunion, Will tho children deinrUd re main children thero? Will the aged remain aged theroi Oh, no; ovcrythlng Is erfoct there Tho child will go ahead to glorified maturity aud tho nged will go back to glorified maturity. Tho rising sun of tho ono will rlso to meridian and tho descending sun of tho other will return to meridian. How ever much wo lovo children on earth, wo would consider It n domestic disaster If thoy stayed children, nnd so wo rojolco nt their growth here And when wo meet in tho family room of our Father's houso wo will bo glad that they havo grandly and gloriously matured; whllo our parents, who wero aged nnd infirm here, wo shall be glad to find re stored to tho most agile nnd vigorous Im mortality there If forty or forty-llvo or fifty years bo tho npox of physical nnd men tnl llfo on earth, then tho heavenly childhood will ndvnnco to that aud tho heavenly old ngo will retreat to that. When wo Join them In that family room wo shall havo much to tell them. Wo shall want to know of them right away such things ns this: Did you soo us lu this or thnt or tho other strugglof Did you know when wo lost our projKTty and sympnthlzo with usl Did you know wo had thatnwful sickness! Were you hovering nnywhero around when wo plunged Into that memornblo accident! Did you know of our backsliding? Did you know of thnt moral vlotoryl Wcro you pleased when wo started for hoavent Did you cclo brato tho hourof our conversion! And then, whether they know It or not, wo will tell them nil But they will havo moro to tell us than wo to tell them. Ten years on earth may bo very oveutful, but what must bo tho biog raphy of ten years In heaven? Thoy will havo to tell us tho story of coronations, story of nows from all Immensity, story of conquer-oi-s nud hicrarchs, story of wrecked or ran somed planets, story of angelic victory over diabolic revolts, of extinguished suns, of obliterated constellations, of new galaxies kindled nnd swung, of stranded comets, of worlds on flro, nnd story of Jehovnh's tun Jostle reign. If In that family room of our Father's houso wo havo so much to tell thorn of what wo havo passed through slnco wo parted, how much moro thrilling nnd Mous ing thnt which thoy havo to tell us of what they havo passed through slnco wo parted. Surely that family room will bo ono of tho most favored rooms In all our Father's house What long lingering there, for wo shall novcr again bo in a hurry. "Let mo open a window," said an humblo Christian scrvaut to Lady Rallies, who, becauso of tho death of her child, had shut herself up in a dark room nud refused to see nny ono; "you havo been many days in this dark room. Aro you not ashamed to grlovo in this manner when you ought to !c thanking God for having given you tho most beautiful child that over was seen, and in stead of leaving him in this world till he should bo worn with trouble, lias not God taken him to heaven in all his beauty? Lcavo off weeping nnd lot mo open n w Indow." So today I am trying to open upon tho darkness of earthly separation tho windows nud doors nnd rooms of tho heavenly homestead. "In my Father's houso aro many rooms." IN CONCLCBION. How would it do for my sermon to leave you In that family room today? I am suio thero is no room In which you would rather stay than in tho enraptured clrclo of your as cended nud glorified kinsfolk. Wo might visit other rooms in our Father's house Thero may bo plcturo galleries penciled not with earthly art but by somo process, unknown in this world, preserving for tho next world tho brightest and most stupendous scenes of hu man history. Aud thero may bo linos and forms of earthly beauty preserved for heaven ly inspection in something whiter and chaster and richer than Venotlau sculpture over wrought. Rooms besido rooms. Rooms over rooms. Largo rooms. Majestic rooms, opal escent rooms, nmethystino rooms. "In my Father's houso aro many rooms." I hope nono of us will bo disappointed about gettiug there Thero is a room for us if wo will go and tako it, but in order to reach It it is nbsolutcly necessary that wo tako tho right way, and Christ is tho way; and wo must enter at tho right door, nnd Christ is tho door; nnd wo must start in tlmo, and tho only hour you nro suro of is tho hour the clock now strikes, and tho only second tho ouo your watch Is now ticking. I hold in my band a roll of letters inviting you nil to make that your home forever. Tho New Testament Is only a roll of letters inviting you, as tho spirit of them practically says: "My dying yet immortal child in earthly nolghliorhood, I havo built for you a great residence. It is full of rooms. I havo furnished them as no palaco was ever furnished. Pearls ai o noth ing, emeralds aro nothing, chrysophrusus Is nothing, Illumined panels of sunrlmj nud sun set, nothing, tho aurora of tho northern heavens, nothliiK compared with tho siilen- dor with which 1 havo garultured them. But you must lo clean beforo you can enter thero, and so 1 havo opened a fountain whero you may wash all your sins nwny. Como now I Put your weary but cleansed feet on tho up ward pathway Do you not seo amid tho thick foliago on tho heavenly hilltops tho old family homestead f" "In my father's houso aro many rooms." Trees and tlio IUInfull. MaJ. J. W. Powell, who is as good authority ns wo havo, writes that In his Judgment tree planting does not Increaso rninfall or aid in reclaiming arid lauds in that easy nnd direct manner. But trees servo to equalize atmos pheric coudltlous and nld tho soil nud air in retaining the rain that does full. He Ulloves thut by tree planting to supplement irrigat ing methods, nearly all arid lands may bo reclaimed for tillago, and that somo of our worst wastes will U-como our best pasture lands nnd most productive farms. It mutt, however, Ik) nllowed that other good authori ties believe that rainfall is directly affected by forests. St. Louis Globo-Deiuocrat, Tho Row E. P. Terhuno thinks that it Is useless to lay out n course of reading for other iieoplo to follow In this inntter n man must bo hit own Judgo, nnd tnke his time when ho can get it. Ho knows of ono man who has sjont an hour on tho street cars overy day, and who, by improving that time, read tlio stiuvlwd novelists and kept himself generally well Informed. ODDS AND ENDS. A nw st . lo of sword Just Introduced Into tho ilcrninn army for tho uso of officers Is straight, Mr. Itusklu has a littlo friend, tho daugh ter of n Loudon fnmlly. who has bestowed tiiou tho sago tho shaking tltlo of "St, CrumnL" If tho faoo seems constantly dry, rub It w itli a trlllo of ollvq oil overy night for a tlmo; if too oily, put a littlo borax In tho wnter used for bathing. In tho Dutch portion of Borneo tho natives used to adorn their huts with human heads, nnd they wero not particular wlioso hend It wo. Over 8,000 of them had to Ihj killed In order to put ft stop to this practice, which Is now obsolete It may servo for n great lesson of humilia tion to mankind to liehold tho habits nud pas sions of men trampling over Interest, friend ship, honor nnd their owu personal safety, ni well ns thnt of their country. Swift, Tlio shall of Persia has granted to Baron Router tho privilege of establishing "Tho Im perial Bank of Persia," with a capital of twenty millions of dollars, nnd to Imvo tho exclusive right to Issuo notes, Tlio woman who weeps Is not n pleasing ob ject to look upon, but heartless husbands may console themselves with tho thought that the woman who dissolves Inn flood uf tears novcr throws fiat Irons. Somervlllo Journal. Whatever tho number of n innu's friends, thero will bo times in his llfowheu ho hoi ouo too few; but If ho has only ouo enemy, ho Is lucky Indeed If ho has not ono too mnny. Uulwcr Lyttou. Anthony Burrows, of Wnlker county, Ga., has n small plno stump that has lieen petri fied. It is as heavy ns stone, cuts hard nnd resembles n rock, though tho streaks of rosin and growth can Ihj seen, nnd beyond a doubt has been n small plno stump, which ihowi tho marks of an nx. Tlio largest naturnl gns well over struck ti near Bell Vernon, twenty-six miles from Pittsburg, Pa. It is yielding -lO.OOO.OOO feet per day, under tho pressure of WO poundi to tho Inch. Tho discovery of this well is re garded as significant of nu unlimited supply of this useful product, Ono of tho vestlbulo trains from Savnnnnb to Jacksonville, ran tho distance of 173 mile nt tho nverago rate of 62.-1 miles per hour. Sovernl runs aggregating 00 miles wero made ntthornteof 00 miles r hour or over, IS miles nt over 70 miles per hour, nnd ono run of 5 miles wns mado at 75 miles per hour It Is not easy to gain a mule's confidence They nro nbsurdly timid, and if onoof a drovo is scared tlio rest aro also panic strick en, An old black log always makes n mule shy. Snakes terrify and lienrs paralyze thorn. Ou tho plains no spurring or whl plng can drlvo n tuulo up to nn Indian. Tnke a number of mules and throw their relut over somo of tho others' enrs, and thoy will stand nil day in tho belief that thoy nro so curely tied. Only old men enn remember when Amer ican nowspnpers used to rojiort In full tho do bates in congress. An approach to a liko In difference is now exhibited in England, al though thero parliament does nearly all the work which ou this sido of tho Atlantic It porformed by congress aud tho state legisla tures combined. Tho Times Is now tho only daily nowspn!er in London which publlshct ostensibly completo reports of tlio debates in parliament. Cava Dwellers round In Mexico. A dispatch from Doming, N. M., says "Lieut. Schwatka has arrived here lilt party has boon successful beyond exiectatioui in their explorations, and especially In south ern Chihuahuu, whero living cliff nud cavi dwellers wcro found lu groat nbuudauco.wild as any of tho Mexican tribes at the tlmo ol Cortez's conquest. Tho abodes they llvo Ir aro exactly similar to tho old, abandoned cllfl dwclliugs of Arizona nnd New Mexico, about which thero has tx-en much speculation. II wns nlmost luiosslblo to get near them, sc wild and timid wero they UKn tho ap proach of whito jeople they Ueo to thcii caves by notched sticks placed against the fnco of tho cliffs. If steep, although they cat. ascend vertical stono faces If there nro the slightest crevices for their fingers nud toes. "Those cliff dwellers nro suu worshipers putting their new born children out in the full rays of tho sun tho first day of theli lives, and show lug many other forms of do votiou to tho great luminary. They aro usu ally tull, lean and well formed, their skic being a blackish rod, much nearer tho coloi of tlio negro than tho copper colored Indian of tho United States. "Schwatka claims thnt nothing has hereto fore been known about these pooplo except by tho hulf Indian mountain Mexicans, and thinks his investigation will bo of immcns anthropological aud archaeological value II estimates tho cavo and cliff dwellers to U from 3,000 to 12,000 In number, armed only with bows, arrows nnd stono hatchets." A Hon Mechuulc. Archimedes was tho first boss mechanic t tell tho true story of things. Ho lived Ir Sicily, nt Syracuso, and was born 2S7 yean beforo Jesus. For a vivid idea of how long beforo tho Christian religion had a founder Archimedes was among men, let us ndd thest 257 yenrs to tho year 1U07, which was thoflrsl English settlement nt Jamestown. Tho same will tako us to tho year 1S1M, and therefor Archimedes wns lorn longer lniforo tho time of Jesus than wo llvo nftcr tho tlmoof Ralelgl aud John Smith. Archimedes picked up somo ideas in Egypt nnd distributed others there This is the mar who shouted "Eureknl" when ho discovered tho law of specific gravity. Ono yarn nbout him is that he destroyed Roman ships lcsleg Ing Syracuse by tho nld of great burning glasses. Tho mathematical works of this old chap aro still to Ihj hail, and they show that ho was a lino mathematician. Ho discovered tho ratios of the sphere and cylinder, and the ratio of n circumference to n dlamoter on va rious kinds of lilies, nnd asked that tlio cylin der nud whoel bo placed upon his tombstone Tlio Romans stormed Syracuso and n com mon soldier killed Archimedes In tho havoc, but tho Roman general had him burled in stylo, and 140 years afterward, when Cicero was tlio Roman governor of Sicily, ho hunt ed among tho weeds and thorns to find the tomb of Archimedes, who left ablo pupils in mechaulc8. Oath in Cincinnati Euqulrcr. A Dob Thut an Tell Time. Samuel Held, tho truckman, is tho owner of a very intelligent Irish setter, nud ho nover tires of telling of tho mauy wonderful per formances of his pet. Last night Mr. Held told his wife, in tho pretence of tho dog, tc nrouso him at 0 o'clock this momlm as lie wished to go to tho llosednlo dock to begin ' woric on 11 largo stock of freight which was awaiting his attention. This morning Mrs. Held failed to awako at tho hour named, nnd Mr. Reid was aroused by hearing his know ing dog scratching nt his bedroom door. He instantly arc, nud upon looking nt the clock discovered that it was three minutes past 0 o'clock. Mr. Held wys It would tako considerable money to tempt htm to dupoe of tho dog that seemingly so well understands tho English lauguago, and Is withal to faith ful aud knowing. Uridgeport Farmer a QUICK MEAL RUDGE & 1 1 22 N sssssssMH flrflrsssssssssssssssssssssssslrssssssssssssssssMrssssl I SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT We bey Icnvc to Inform our Lincoln patrons nnd the public In general Hint our Importation ol FINL Novelties for Sprii g and Summer Arc now rcmly for Inspection. We Iinve n much larger nnd finer nssortment than ever before. Cnll nnd see our latest novelties from London nnd l'nrls. Dress Suits a Specialty. guckert & Mcdonald, 315 S. 15th St., Omaha, Nob. J.F. LANSING I.nnillloiiKht nnd Sold, Houses Hented, Abstracts Kurnlslicd.Tnses 1'nld for Non-ltesldouts and all other business pertaining to Heal Entitle promptly ntlended to. Where .ill Buggies, Carriages or Saddle Horses, Cnn he had at nnv ne, nay or Night, on short notice, Horses Hoarded and . .alien care of at Reasonable Rates Call and sc us, io: Q street, or give all orders by Telephone 147. I Ilntes rrnnomilile, KerjthnK new nnd complete. 1'rrirpt senlcc and the best menu in Oninlin. Hot mid cold water lu iery room Qfllcc nml dlnlni; hall on first floor. All mod ern Improvements. I nicotinics olwtijs receive n cordial w Ironic. Call and see us while In Omaha, iou can net Into the cars nt depot and take HAItXI'Y .ST., CAHLi: LINU DIltl.tT TO Till. IMioil tor Utli and Homey. I III I" III- ni.t lerlt j. shj.0W.VV, Proprietor. A BEAUTIFULLY UPHOLSTERED RECLINING CHAIR that is the very embodiment ot ease nnd luxury;; n friendly game of WliUt, a choice volume from the well stocked library, n prom enade from car to car (the handsome vestibule excluding all dust, smoke, rain or wind, and thus rendering the promenade a de lightful and novel pastime). A sumptuous meal that comes In JflPiMBj the nick of time, and "just strikes the spot." The quiet enjoyment of a fragrant Ha vana In a charmingly decorated and gorgeous smoking apartment, and finally a peace ful sleep Inn bed of snewy llren and downy softness. Such Is life on the "UUR LIXGTON" KOI TE. What other line or combination of lines can offer you these advantages? NOT ONE. IMcasc remember this when next you travel. iSS- Information of nil kind pertain Ing to Railroad or Ocenn Steam ship Tickets promptly answered. G. V. HOLDREGE, Gen'l Mgr, J. FRANCIS, G. 1 and T. A., OMAHA, XEI1. &SMESK2 HARDWARE, STOVES -ANH TINWARE, Loonarcl Refrigerators, Hot Air Furnaces, Van's Wrought Iron Ranges, MORRIS. Street. LINCOLN I1RANCII OF Max Meyer & Bro., Wholeulo and Retail Dtsleri In PIANOS ORGANS (lenenil western intents for tho Hloln wny, Kmibe, Chlekerlntc, Vose, Krnst (laliler, llclir llr Nowby A Kvium, mid HterlliiK. l'lnnos ninrkcil In plnln nVures-prlccs always the lowest for tho grade of pianos C. M. HANDS, Manager. 14 North 11th Streot. REAL ESTATE Fire iDsuraRce and Loan Broker. Itoom lOItlchiird'slllock.rturnTH Voh Cor. 11th nud U Htrocts, LlIUAJLNi N6D. FINEST LIVERY RIGS In the City nil come from the Graham Brick Stables 1027 Q STREET, .ilnds of THIS MURRAY Omaha's Leading Hotel. Opened Kept. 1, 1SSS.; Finest Hotel in the West My superior advantages enable me to ticket to and from Europe at the lowest rates and to secure desirable cabins in advance of sailings. The generous patronage accorded me by prominent people of Omaha, Lincoln and other Nebraska cities attest the popular ity of this office. y2 --itX City Passenger atul Ticket Agent. LINCOLN, NEU, 4' r " r i m I m