Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 13, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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    -jtKjt -gf v
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U14 O strcit.
ISxnmlne sample of our woik before
ordering elsewhere.
Cabinet Photographs induced from $4 to
$3 per tloen
Everybody to examine the
plans and standing of the Un
ion Central Life Insurance
Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio,
before insuring. It has the
lowest continuous death rate
of any company. Realizes the
highest rate of interest on in
vested assets which enables it
to pay large dividends.
Policies incontestiblo a n d
non-forfeitablo after third vcar.
The Union Central issues
endowment policies at ordi
nary life rates; these policies
arc now maturing and being
paid in from one to two years
earlier than time estimated by
the company. They protect
the family and estate during
the younger years of life, and
the insured in old age at regu
lar life rates. Other desirable
policies issued. Gall on us or
write for plans.
J. M. KDMISTOX, State Aatnt.
tt L, MKSlltmt, Ant. State Au)t.
Q. T. VUUVEttLY, City SoUcitor.
lloom 21 llurr Illook,
Should call tin"
tec our Good
and Ornament
(or the head.
All the latest
thanes in Dang
Switches, etc.
1114 0 St.
I can cheer fully recommeni
I Dr 80th Arnold's Cough
l . . ...
n DtmiRanrsi-ciass remedy
for Courtis nnd Onlil.
wiiu TcrygrvntaaiMiacilon.
1 L. II. lluill. Dei Mnlnri.
Druggists, 86c., 00o and t.0O.
spirits BBBr
Will be under tho personal supervision of
H. L. LELKND, and will bo open for the
receptionof guests, June first in each year.
Viaitora will find
la flrat claaa la all of ita appolntmonta, being'
well supplied with gas, hot and eold water
baths, electrlo bella an? all xnodem im
provemeata, ateam laundry, billiard hallr
Dowuntrauay.otu, ana positively rreerxc
annoyanc by mosquitoes.
Iound tf rip Exclusion 'ficeta
will ba placed on aale at the commencement
of the tourist seaaon by the Burlington.
Cedar Kapida Northern Kailway and all
ee&BaeUarUnea, at low rates, to the follow
bur point la Iowa and Minnesota: Spirit
Laka. Iowa-Albert Lea, WaUrvUle, Minn
eapoua, St. raul, Laka Xloneto&ka, White
Bear Laka and Suluth, Minnesota : Clear
Lake, Iowa; Lake Superior points; Yellow
ataa Park and point In Colorado.
writ tor "A. Midsummer Par
adise" to tn General Ticket and Paao
Berer Affect, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and for
Hotel Jtataa to UXJELAMD, Spirit
JUike, low.
mfeMSSulfrift. M'ITbkMMri.lst
- yln. T
JJJftemt&dMLil;, .
An Artlrto of rood Wltlch lite I'lutes
Outlier In Lnrco Uiiiintlllrii.
Whon, In 1 8 ID, tho California gold fovcr
wns milking luolf folt throughout tho coun
try, J, M, Keoler niun young uinri living In
tho east llo wm not proof against tho lm
pulso to sock Ids fortuno In tho mines, nnd
enmo to Now York with tho hoio of finding
lwittncrs. In this ho has not illsnnno ntcd
ntul with niuuiiU'r of others lio clinrtorcil n
Now Orleans pncl.ot, stocked it with pro
visions to lost a year nnd a half, soiled nround
Capo Horn nnd reached tho Golden Onto In
safety, Slnco thou Mr, ICoolor has lived nl
most continuously In California, hut U now
visiting this city, nnd has brought with him
ninny lino mlnernloglcnl spoclmons.
After showing those- to n, reporter tho tther
day, ho handed to tho hitter 11 small bottlo,
saylngi "Do jou know what thoso things
nrot" In tho bottle woro a duen or moro
dark colored objects, shrlvoleil hut Juicy
looking. Tho nvorngo longth was about one
Inch, nnd thoy had tho npoaranco of lus
cious rnlslns. Tho reortor said ho iuposod
that was what thoy were, Tho Cnllfornlan
smiled, too, as ho soldi "No, thoy ore not;
thoy'ro worms." Thon ho went on to say
that thoy woro considered a great luxury by
tho riuto Indians.
"I call them tho nut plno worm, hecouso
thoy feed on tho nut plno tree; what tho
scientific tmmo Is I do not know. On tho
Mstorn slopo of tho Sierra Novnda mountains
hi Southern California, botweon Bodlo and
Bishop's creeks Is a groat stretch of thoso nut
plno trees. Thoy boar a small nut oxtromoly
rich In oil. Bo rich nro thoy that you don't
want to oat mnny of them. In August the
ground under tho trees begins to bo covered
with green norms, as thick at n mnn's flugcr
and from ono nnd n half to two mid n half
Inches In longth. Tho worms soon grow
wings nnd fly Into tho trees. Tho worm,
which should now bo dignified by tho namo
of buttorfly, doos not lonvo tho tree, but soars
nround nmong tho branches extracting tho
oil from tho nuts. In nbout a month tlio
body Is full of oil; so full, In fact, that tho
ontrnlls havo boon forced out. Thon tho
wlugs fall off,
"It Is about this tlmo that tho Plutes mako
their nppoarnnco nnd camp nmong tho trees.
Thoycomoln largo numbers mid provide!
with sacks. Tho worm having lost its wings
ngnln, It crawls along tho limbs of tho trco to
tho trunk nnd falls to tho ground. Inci
dentally It falls Into n trap prepared by tho
Indians. To prevent tho worms from escap
ing thoy dig trenches around tho roots of tho
trco, tho trenches having conenvo sides. I
hnvo known of a busholof worms being taken
from ono of theso trenches. When tho crop
of worms has boon harvested tho Indians build
fires on flat stones or tho hard earth. When
tho bed has becomo hot, not hot enough to
roast, tho worms aro spread upon It and
dried. They nro then placed In tho sacks nnd
carried to tho Pluto camps. A friend of mlno
onco told mo that ho had ono season estimated
that fifty tons of theso worms woro gathered
nnd dried."
"How do tho Indians uso tho wormsr
"In sou Tho Plutes seem novor to tiro
of soup. Thoy huvo It almost ovory day, A
buck Is allowed two worms and n squaw ono
for each illi'.i of soup. Sometimes a gallant
Indian gives n pretty or popular squaw om
of his portion. Tho worms nro not eaten
until tho soup has boon consumed, thoy being
rosorvod as n fliml tld-blt. I hnvo tasted tho
worms mid found them very palatable, Thoy
nro rich nnd oily llkothonutupon which thoy
feed." Now York Tribune,
Chinese and I ml Inn Teas.
Ono of tho groat advantages which Chinese
tcasjnro said to powu over thoso of Indln Is
their greater w holesomonoiw. On this subject
tho Urltlsh consul nt Ilnukow, In his lout re
port, gives n tnblo of analyses of tho two kind
of tea mndo by Professor Dlttmar, F. It. 8.,
from which It nppoars that tho quantity of
tnmilu In Indian tea Is 0,C3 per cent, and In
Chlneso 0.01. Aftor twenty minutes' Infu
sion of 100 groins of each thoro Is pres
ent In tho rcspectlvo liquors 2.00 grains
thonlo nnd 0.63 grains tannin In tha
Indian and 3.SS grains thonlo and a 80 grains
tannin lu tho Chlneso ton. "Tho teas in
question," concludes Mr. Allen, "wero both
high class teas, and tho analyses given abovo
certainly tend to show that thoro U an excess
of tanuln. with all Its astrtugeut and doloto
rlous qualities, lu tho Indian tea." London
Uow They Catch FUh In Georgia.
Tho other dny It was our ploasuro to go a
Ashing with a party on Alapaha, near Gro
vcr, and too how lluli aro caught tho "now
way." From four to six men go Into the
water with a log lu front of them, nnd a
sheet with ono edge on tho log aud tho other
odgo hold up by tho mon that tho flsh can't
Jump over, but fall on tho sheet. Tho log is
pushod along to tho land, and when near it
tho fish begin to try to mako their escape
back to tho deep wator by Jumping. If thoy
fall to mako a good leap thoy lodge on the
cloth, thereby becoming victims of their own
destruction. It is amusing to seo how they
Jump. It Is supposed that about S00 pounds
wero caught, Abbovlllo Times.
IlKHtlliK Milk.
Experimental ntudles of this question at
Coruell university snow tho following results s
Firtit, that there Is 11 Iom of butter when the
milk ts allowed to cool much below the nor
mal heat of tho cow before being put lu the
creamer, scrond, that while thero may not
bo any very great Increaso of butter when
tho milk Is luMtod, there Is uorlsk of Injuring
tho quality of tho butter by Incorporating
an oxcess of casein, ovou when tho milk Is
heated ns high as 135 degrees. Sclentlflo
Force of Uablt.
"Did you ovor notice," nsked a man who
spends most of his tlmo loafing in tho park,
to a reporter, "that wheuover tho bell In tho
stono church rings every ono within 100 yards
of tho church will look up to the tower I This
is especially tho caso If thoy aro south of It,
whether approaching or leaviug tho church.
You can't too anything, and I don't know
why people look up. I do it unconsciously
myself while wondering why other people do
It." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Ilaroiuetrlo Doll.
To inhabitants of Lobbeke, Delglum, th
bearing of certain small, bells four or Ave
miles away ts a' certain tvileation of rain.
One boll, about six miles distant, ts beard
twice a year in March or April and In Sep
tember or October and always during th
aamo atmospheric commotions. M. do Kid
der finds that uot only does moisture favor
the transmission of sound, but that contrary
winds are uot always an obstacle, New
York Telegram.
A Sensible Judgs.
In tho trial of a criminal caso at Lexing
ton, Ky., Judge Morton ruled that the fact
of his having formed an opinion should uot
disqualify a man as a Juror. He said that
ono of the highest qualifications for a Juror
was the tact that be bad formed an opinion
from what he bad read in the papers, and
that a man who was not capablo of forming
aa opinion was not qualified to alt In the Jury
box. Atlanta Constitution.
ii Mil lasWaj!.!. '?!! iH .tassiirf. ra 1 .' fl .itoiiMrt,,"! 1 ViUtiWIjsljsfltitorHjAnB'U.
Tho t'nulno In Slilntttng,
Tho Itev. Alfrs. O. Jones gives tho follow
(ng details of tho famlno ns olxcrvod by lilin
In Shlutuug, Tha letter It under date nt
April 4 "Thoro U no vitiligo which has not
had deaths from starvation, probably about
ono iwrson starved to ilontu In every flvo
families, lo say nothing of tlioo w ho nru suf
fering dally on tho verge of such n horriblo
futo. Ileganlliu tho snlo of women nnd chil
dren, It Is n mutter of ns much notoriety as
tho selling of mules and doukoys, oxi-ept that
they aro not brought to market Slnco tho
very cold weather imnsed over death from
starvation has decrensed, but not so tho sale
of womiui nnd children. Women Iwtwccn 'M
and IX) years of ago nro sold for f ." or (10, tho
latter being a high price. Children under 10
)onrs, say $1'
Mrs. Ncnl wrotoon April Hi "I hear on
all sides the saddest tales told In tho quietest
way, m If It wero only nnturnl, how this
man's wlfo or daughter, this wotnnn's only
son or her tuo or three llttlo chlldicn hnvo
been starved to death, how So-nnd-So sold
his Ittflo girl or boy to get food for his othor
children for n month to come, or how a
certain man's wlfo hung herself to got away
from tho sight of her famishing bnbles. 1
heard our gatekecjier say to a man whoso
wife was llli 'Your wlfo hasn't the courago
mine hndl She took her life most bravely
(ate araenlc) to save herself from seeing our
chlldi'en die slowly before her eyes.' Tho
other man, determined that tho sterling char
acter of his family should lo appreciated, re
plied! 'Hut my loy ran away from homo to
Join n theatrical troupo, and my only daugh
ter drowned horxelf last winter, so that her
mother nnd I mlcht hnvo moro to eat if sho
woro gono.'" North China News.
Tho Vii)S of Cliliiuntan.
Wlion n Chinaman moots another ho shakes
and squeezes his own hnnds and covers his
head. If groat friends had net seen each
other for a long tlmo thoy would rub shoul
ders until thoy got tired. Instead of nsklug
each other's health thoy would snyt "How is
your stomach P or "llavo you oaten your
rlcoP' "How old nro you I" "How much did
you pay for you sandals I"
Men wear long petticoats and carry fans,
whllo.tho women wear short Jackets and carry
canes. Boats nro drnwu by horses, carriages
move by sails. Old men play ball and fly
kites, while children fold their arms and look
on. Old women, Initond of the young, are
tho idols of society, Lovcmnklng is only douo
throo days beforo marriage. It Is uot only
considered tho safest way to got ahead of a
rival, but tho surest way to got n wlfo with
out losing much tlmo.
A previous acqunlntnnco botweon tho male
nnd femnlo prevents thorn from marriage.
For this reason a man seldom w wis a girl of
his town. It a Chinaman desires tho death
of an enemy ho goes and hnugs himself upon
that enemy's door. It Is considered a suro
way to kill not ouly that particular cnomy,
but members of his entire family will bo In
jeopardy of losing their lives. St, Louis
As Cuto as Yankees.
About a) ear ago tho most disagreeable
task lu tho llfo of a Sandy Hook pilot was to
board an incoming Norwegian, Italian or
Portuguese shl. Then llfo becamoa misery,
for not only was tho unlucky pilot compelled
to dlno on tho vilest hnrd tack nnd macaroni
threo times dally, but ho was also guyed by
all his shipmates. Slnco then times have
changed; foreign vessels nro now the most
delightful craft whon compared with the
fifty-two Eugllsh aud German steamships
which carry potrolcum In bulk to Curo;ean
ports. Thoy probably nro nccorded more
forcible condemnation than all tho others
combined. Previous to salliug from abroad
theso vessels, by moans of steam, are pumped
full of salt water, which makes a five nnd
hervlceablo ballast. When within 200 or :J00
miles of Now York, If tho weathor Is pro
pitious, tho skippers, who rival the keenest
Yankees In shrewdness, cot their pumps work
ing and In short order rid their ships of their
worthless and easily obtainable ballast.
When tho chipper pilot comes aboard with
expectations of catching a twenty-two footer
ho Is chagrined to find that tho pumping out
process has lessoned tho draught of tho vessel
mul his foes CO per cent, or more Now York
Cvenlng Sun.
It Won't be Lang,
Nothing lasts, and yot nothing is lost.
Hnvo you over studied tho faces lu a gallery
of family portraltsi If you havo, you have
probably noted tho erslstonco of a type
through successive generations. Sometimes
it Is very faintly apparent; but In tho next
generation It Is as dtstluct as over, Tho type
endures; tho Individual perishes. How grim
ly Death, that supremo master of Irony,
peers through tho windows nt tho Imppy
tlrcsldo group. He knows that ho has only
to wait. Just as surely as tho Ore shall burn
low and smolder thero on that hearthstone
shall tho family circle bo broken aud scat
tered link by link, That boy with tho curly
head will be burled in a sailor's grave, that
Innocent, prattling babo will die with the
shout of battle on his lips. Tho girl will
wear auothcr namo in another house, and
tho old folks w ill sink at last bcucatb tho bur
don of their years. Whllo tho firelight leaps
tho shadows will dancoon tho wall; It won't
bo loug. Now Orleans Picayune
Sud Story or a Cat.
A favorite cat In Lowiston recently en
tered a room where sho had threo llttlo kit
tens, nnd taking ono In her mouth advanced
and cried plteously to tho mistress who fed
hor. The latter took tho 'kitten In her lap.
Then tho cat went languidly to her nest,
secured another kitteu aud took It to her mis
tress. Sho repeated tho act with tho remain
ing kitten, and thou rolled over nnd died. It
was thou discovered that tho animal had been
fearfully Injured. It transpired afterwards
that sho had run foul of a mower In a Hold,
who had nearly cut her in two with his
scythe, Tho cat had commended hor or
phaned llttlo onus to tho caro of her mistress.
Lowlstou JournaL
The Wheutstoue Telegraph.
The Wheatstono telegraph is a system
which has long been used with a high de
gree of success In Qreat Britain, and bos in
late years proved a valuable adjunct to the
Mono in tho Western Union servlco, particu
larly where large volumes of business must
pass over fow wires. In this system inoe
tdgos aro automatically transmitted by a
strip of perforated paper, while their recep
tion is effected by an ink marker which,
under the action of a receiving electro-magnet,
makes Morse dots and dashes upou a
mo v lug baud of paper. Charlos L. Ducking
ham lu Scribnor,
A Virtue of Necessity.
The unsightly fence or shod back of tho
house, that with all your asking you cannot
get removed, may be converted Into a con
stant delight to the eye. Cover It with vines.
The climbing nasturtium, scarlet bean, morn
ing glory or Virginia creeper will grow In al
most any soil aud with but little care, and in
a short tlmo will make a brilliant display,
more than repaying, with their beauty, the
carospeut iu their cultivation. The bitter
sweet and woodbine serve well for this pur
pose aud live many years. Lowlstou Journal.
0w the Duke of TVelllngtou Got Even
with Homo Practical Jokers.
It may Interest sooio of your readers to
bear a characteristic story of the great dnko,
which was told mo by n gontleman prlncl
pally concerned In tho affair,
Tho Duko of Wellington nt ono period of
his life was ratho" fond of tolling a certain
pigsticking story, wnd persons who know of
this weakness mod to lead tho conversation
so that Mm great man might havo an oppor
tunity of relating his fnvorlto anocdoto. Dut
at length he bivnmo suspicious, nnd nny al
Imlon to the subject inadu him oxtromoly
angry About this tlmo nearly sixty years
ago tho ilnko w as staying at Dolvolr. Ono
of ths visitors at tho castlo had never
hoard anything about tho pigsticking
adventure, nnd was easily persuaded
that the duko would bo pleased If ho woro
asked to toll his famous story Accordingly
ono morning after breakfast In tho long gal
lorj'i when sontud uot far from tho duko, tho
gontleman ventured to toll Ids graco how
much ho should llko to hear some of his ex
periences of Indian sport. At first tho duke
wns Inclined to bo seriously offended, but
looking round, and discovering from tho
fact's of tho company that tho Inquirer
bad Un prompted, and that tho re
quest was made In perfoct good faith,
ho quietly got up, mid, drawing his
arm through tho gontloman's, saldt "1
shall to delighted to toll you all you want to
know, but let us como to tho end of tho pil
lory, where wo ran talk quietly." A pleasant
half hour's conversation ensued, and It was
not till Homo hours later that tho Intended
victim ponrnod what a triumph ho had
achieved over tho practical Jokers, nnd what
a qulot rebuke had been administered to
tncm. Tho Athonamm,
No Uso for Ileccptlons.
Tho social phaso of public llfo which so
many find tho chtof delight of high station is
notnsourcoof plcnsuro to Senator Coko. Ho
doos not feel at homo at balls and receptions.
Just prior to tho president's Now Year's re
ception, when It was tho social ovont agitat
ing Washington people, n brother senator re
marked to tho Toxant
"Coko, I supposo you aro going to tho re
ception f"
"Well, I don't know," wns tho reply. "I
hnvent mndo up my mind."
"Oh, you ought to go," urged tho senator
to Coko,
"Yes," said the latter, "I supposo I ought,
but I Jdto those receptions, thoso crowds. I
don't find room enough to get nbout, nnd nm
always in somebody's wny, or somobody'w lu
my way Now, the last tlmo I w as nt one of
tho big receptions 1 got off In a comer w here
I thought i was out of tho wny. Pretty soou
along came n lady dressed In style. Sho com
menced to txiw nnd smllo nt mo, nnd though
I did not know her I bowed and smiled back.
Thero sho stood bowing mid smiling, aud then
I noticed that sho was pulling nt her dna
that trailed over tho floor. I noticed n young
fellow standing behind her, nnd so I reached
over nnd, slinking him by tho shoulder, said:
'Why don't you get off tho lady's drcssf
Well, sho looked straight at my foot, nnd, by
Oeorgo, I was standing on her dross my
self." St. Ix)uls Olobo-Democrnt.
Ituluio'it Serious ailstnke.
Tho proposed Balzac monument gives riso
to on enormous uumborof anecdotes apropos
or tho great writer iu tho French press. Hero
Is n good one from nmong them. Tho lato
Barou James llnthschlld was nlwnys on ex
cellent terms with Balzac, who dedicated
moro than ono uovol to him. Onco, w hen ho
was obliged to mako a trip to Germany, and
when, as often happened with him, ho was
in monoy difficulties, Balzac went to tho
baron, who, with his usual bonovolcaco,
advanced him tho sum of O.OOOf., giving
him also n lottor of recommendation
to his nophow nt Vienna. The letter
was unsealed, according to custom. Balzac
rood It, found It cold, poor nnd unworthy of
him, anduover took It to tho nophow r.o
turnlug to Paris ho wont to seo Baron Roths
child. "Well," said tho latter, "havo you
seen my nephowl" Balzao pro idly said that
ho had kept tho lottor. "I am sorry for you,"
said tho baron, "havo you got It with youf"
"Yes, parblou hero it is." "Obsorvo this
llttlo hieroglyphic bolow tho slgnaturo; It
would havo openod a credit of 23,000 francs
for you at tho Vienna firm." Balzao bit his
nails and said nothing mora Pall Mall Oa
A Story Abont 11 u Maurlcr.
In appearance Mr. Du Maurlcr bears n
striking rescm bianco to Mr. Alma Todcma.
This likeness has given rlso to many amusing
complications. Somo tlmo ago, at a dinner
party, ho happened to sit noxt to a daughter
of bis host, " 1 cannot understand," remarked
tho young lady, "how pooplo can bo so ab
surd as to mistake you for Mr. Todcma. To
mo tho tlkeuoss is very slight." A llttlo later
sho saldi "Oh, I bought your photograph tho
other day. Would you mlnd-cr putting
your autograph toltr Mr. Du Maurier ex
pressed his willingness, and later on in tho
evening tho young lady conducted him to n
writing tablo and handed him tho photo
graph for his signature, Mr. Du Maurlcr
looked at It, sighed, aud then laid it very
gcutly on tho table. "That," ho said, "is Mr.
Almn Tadoma's portrait." London Globe.
Tho Story of u Country Town.
"Aro you still in tho real ostato business at
vnow's buslnessP
"Bad. 1 haven't boon ablo to borrow a dol
lar for a month." Nebraska Stato Journal
Duilng a Cluclnnatl Morning Call.
Miss Oury I'm never going to spook to
Daisy Bletbon again as long as I live. She
didn't Invito mo to the reception.
Miss mights Nor ma either, and she dldnt
area ami ma a box of tha wedding ham.
Tina. Tsawsjss
dr 5IS1
For Late Styles and Immense Satisfaction,
Lincoln Shoe Store
They tnnkc n Specialty of
Ludlow's Celebrated Fine Shoes
For Ladies. They combine Service, Solid
Comfort and Economy.
New Spring and
John McWhinnie's
The Old Reliable Tailor.
First Class Workmanship, Fine Trimming, and
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Q05 S- IBijE-rEisri'ia: Steeei.
Established Dee. IU, 1886.
The German National Bank,
Capital Paid up, $100,000.00
Surplus . . . 13,000.00
Transacts nsronernt banking business, Issues
letters of credit, draw drarts on nil parts of
the world, torolgn collections n specialty.
HEUMAN H. SCIIAHKlta, President.
C C. MUNSON.VIcoI'rcsldont.
O. J. WILCCX, Assistnnt Cashier.
oE. HIIvIv,I
Tailor and Qraper
I shall display for your Inspection n new and very carefully selected
Stock, comptlslng many of the latest nnd newest designs of the European
Manufacturers, nnd I am now prepared to take all orders for making up
garments for gents In the latest styles.
Having for seventeen years met with great success In Brooklyn, N. Y.,
In cutting and making Ladles Jackets and Riding Habits, shall be pleased
to receive patronage from the ladles during the coming season.
I.nm also prepared lo receive orders for all kinds of Uniforms nnd
Smoking Jackets.
1230 O Street. LINCQLN, NEB.
Most Popular Resort in the City.
1 1 19, ri2i and 11 23 N Street.
Meals 25 cts, $4.00 per week.
100 Engraved Calling Cards
And Copper Plate, forl$2.50.
If you have a Plate, we will furnish 100 Cards from
same, at $1.50. '
Courier Office. Telophone 253. New Burr Block.
Summer Goods
- -t