CAPITAL CJTY COURIER, SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1889. 3 t R I HOW TO MAKE FMENDS. DR. TALMAQE SAYS IT IS A SACRED AND DIVINE ART. Friendship nn Altogether Different Thing fnun Ocutiillty Throwing tlio Mnutto of Clmrlty Over tlio Defects In Others Tlio Tntuo of Nnhlo rrlotuU. BnooKLYN, Juno SO. At tlio Tabernacle this morning, fitter tlio pastor, tho Itov. T. Do Witt Tnlniaco, D. D., bad mado mi expo sition of a jK-usngo of Scrlpturo, tlio congrc cation, led by cornot and organ, Bang tho bynin beginning: Now I bavo found a friend, Jesus U mlna. Dr. Talmago's subject was "How to Mako Friends," and his text lYovcrbs xvlll, JM: "A man tbat bath friends must show hltnsolf friendly." Ho saldi About tbo sacred and dlvlno art of making and keeping friends 1 speak a subject ou which 1 novor beard of any ono preaching and yotQod thought it of enough (niportauco to put It in thomlddloof tho II I bio, tbeso writings of Solomon, bounded on ono sldo by tho popular Pbahnsof David and on tho other by tho writings of Isaiah, tho greatest of tho prophets. It seems all a matter of haphazard how many fr'cuds wo havo, or whether wo havo any friends at nil; but thcro is nothing accidental about it Thcro is a law which governs tho accretion and dispersion of friendships. Thoy did not "Just happen so," any moio than tho tides Just happen to rlso or fall, or tho sun Just happens to rlso or set It Is a science, an art, a Uod given regula tion. Tell mo how friendly you nro to others and I will tell you how friendly others nro to you. I do not say you will not havo enemies; indeed, tho best way to got nrdcut friends is to havo ardent enemies if you got their cmity in doing tho right thing. Good men and women will always havo enemies be cause their goodness Is a perpetual rebuko to evil; but this antagonism of foes will mako moro intenso tho lovo of your ndhcrcnts. Your friends will gather closer around you bocauso of tho attaoksof your assailants. Tho moro your enemies abuso you, tho better your coadjutors will think of you. Tho best friends wo over had appeared atsomo Juncture when wo wcro cicclally bombarded. Thero havo been times In my llfo when unjust assault multiplied my friends, as near as I could calculate, about fifty a minute. You nro ound to somo peoplo by many cords that neither timo nor eternity can break, rnd I will warrant that many of thoso cords hero twisted by hands malovoluuL Human naturo was shipwrecked about flfty-nlno cen turies ago, tho captain of that craft ono Adam, and his first mate, running tho famous cargo aground on a snag In tho River Hiddukel; but thero was at least ono good trait of human naturo that waded safely ushoro from that shipwreck, id that is tho disposition to tako tho port of thoso unfairly dealt with. When it is thoroughly demonstrated that somo ono is being persecuted, although at tho start slan derous tongues wcro busy enough, defenders finally gather around as thick as honey bees on a trellis of bruised honoysucklo. If, whon tot upon by tho furies, you can havo graco enough to keep your mouth shut, and pro servo your equlpotso, and lot, others fight your battles, you will find yourself after a whllo with a wholo cordon of allies. Had not tho world given to Christ on his nrrival at Palcstino a very cold shoulder, thcro would not havo been ono-half as many angels chanting glory out of tho hymn books of tho sky bound in black lids of midnight. Had it not boon for tho heavy and Jaggod and tortur ous cross, Christ would not have been tho ad nilrod and lovod of moro peoplo than any being who over touched foot on cither tho eastern or western hemisphere Instead, thcrcforo, of giving up in despair because you havo cnomios, rejoico in tho fact that thoy rally for you tbo most helpful mid enthusi astic admirers. In other words, thero Is no virulence, human or diabolic, that can hin der my text from coming truos "A man that bath friends must show himself friendly." Yocn mjENDsmp must not be a i'kktexse. It is my ambition to project, especially upon tho young, a thought which may bo nlgnly shapo their destiny for tho hero and tho hereafter. Beforo you show yourself friendly you must lx friendly. I do not rec ommend a dramatized geniality. Thcro is such a thing as protending to Iw en rupjKirt with othors whon wo are their ' dlro destruct ants, and talk against them and wish thorn calamity. Judas covered up bis treachery by a resounding kiss, and caresses may bo do monlacoL Better tho mythological Cerbe rus, tho tbrco headed dog of hell, barking at us, than tho wolf in sheep's clothing, its brindled hido covered up by deceptive wool, and Its doathful howl cadencod into au inno cent bleating. Disraeli writes of Lord Manfred, who, after committing many outrages upon tbo pooplo, seemed suddenly to becomo friendly, and invited them to a banquet. After most of tho courses of food bad been served bo blow a horn, which was in thoso times a signal for tho servants to bring ou tho dessort, but iu this enso it was tho sig nal for assassins to enter and slay tho guests. His pretended friendliness was a cruel fraud, and thcro uro now pooplo whoso smllo is a falsehood. Beforo you begin to show your self friendly you must bo friendly. Qet your heart right with Ood and man and this graco will becomo easy. You may by your own resolution got your uaturo into a scmblanco of this virtue, but tho graco of Qod can sublimely lift you Into it. Sailing on tho River Thames two vessels ran aground. Tho owners of ono got ono hundred horses and pulled on tho grounded ship and pulled it to pieces. Tho owners of tho other grounded vesnul waited till tho tides camo in and easily floated tho ship out.of all trouble So, wo may pull and haul at our grounded human nature, and try to get into better condition; but thcro Is nothing llko tho Oceania tides of Ood's uplifting graco to hoist us into this kindliness I am eulogizing. If when under tho flash of tho Holy Ghost wo soo our own foibles and defects and de pravities, wo will bo vory leulcnt and very easy with others. Wo will look into their characters for things commoudatory and not damnatory. If you would rub your own eyo a little moro vigorously you would And a moto In It, tho extraction of which would keep you so busy you would not havo much timo to shoulder your broadax and go forth to split up tho beam In your neigh bor's oyo. In a Christian spirit keep on exploring tho characters of thoso you meet, aud I am suro you will And something in them delightful and lit for a foundation of friendliness. You invito mo to coma to your country seat aud spend a fow days. Thank you I I arrivo about noon of a beautiful summer day. What do you dot As soou as 1 arrivo you tako mo out under tho shadow of tho grout elms. You tnko mo down to tho artificial lako, tho spotted trout floating Iu and nut Miioug tho white pillars of tho pond lilies. You tako mo to tho stall and kennels where you keep your flna stock, and hero nro tho Durham cattle aud tho Gor don setters, and tho high stopping steeds by pawing and neighing, tho only Inuguugo they con speak, asking for harness or saddlo, and a short turn down tho rood. Then wo go back to tho hoiiH), and you get mo iu the right light and show nw the Ren setts and tho UlerstadU on tho nail. and tako mo into tho muslo room, and ihow mo tho bird cages, the canaries iu tho bay window answering tho robins In tho treo tops. Thank you I I novor enjoyed my self moro In tho samo length of timo, Now, why do wo not do that way In regard to tho characters of others, and show tho bloom and tho music aud tho bright fountains! No Wo say como nlong aud lot mu show you that man' character. Hero U n groon scummed frog ond, and there's a filthy col lar, and I guess muter that hedgo thero must bo a black snnko, Como, nnd lot us for nn hour or two regnlo ourselves with tho nui sances. Oh, my frlouds, Iwttcr cover up tho faults and extol tho virtues, nnd this habit onco established of universal friendliness will becomo as easy as It is this morning for a syrluga to flood tho air with sweetness, as easy as It will Iw further on In tho season for a quail to whistlo up from tho grass. When wo hoar Bomothlug kid nbout somobody w horn wo always supposed to bo good, tako out your load pencil nnd snyi "Let mo soo! Beforo 1 accept that baleful story against that man's character, I will tnko off from it twenty-flvo per cent, for tho habit of exaggeration which bolonpi to tho limn who first told tho story; thou I will tnko off tweuty-flvo per cent, for tho additions which tho spirit of gossip in every community has put upon tho original story. Then I will tako off twenty-flvo per cent, from tho fact that tho man may havo lccn put into cir cumstances of overpowering temptation. So, I havo taken off soventy-Avo per cent. But I havo not heard his sldo of tho story at all, and for that reason 1 tako ofT tho remaining twenty-flvo por cent." Excuse mo, sir, I don't bollovo a word of It, A DEFECTlVn MAXIM. But hero comes In a defectlvo maxim, so often quoted i "Whoro thero Is so much smoko thcro must bo somo lire." Look at all tho smoko for years around Jenncr, tho Intro ducer of vaccination; and tho smoko around Columbus, tho discoverer; and tho smoko nround Martin Luther, aud Savonarola, and Galileo, and Paul, and John, nnd Christ, nnd tell mo whero was thoflrol That Is ono of tho Satnnla arts to mako smoko without flro. Slander, llko tho world, may bo mado out of nothing. If tho Christian, fair minded, com mon Bcuslcal spirit in regard to others pro dominated in tho world, wo should havo tho millennium in about six weeks, for would not that bo lamb nnd Hon, cow aud leopard lying down togctherl Nothing but tho grnco of Ood can over put us Into such a habit of mind and heart as that. Tho wholo tendoucy is in tho opposite direction. Thli Is tho way tho world talks! I put my iiamo on tho back of n man's note, and I had to pay It, and I will novcr again put my name on tho back of any mau's note I gavo a beggar ten cents, nnd flvo minutes nftcr I saw him entering n liquor storo to spend it, I will novor ngnln glvo a cent to a lwggnr. 1 holpod that young man start In business, nnd lo, after a whllo, ho camo and opened a storo almost next door to mo, and stole my customers. I will novcr again help a young man start In business. I trusted in w hat my neighbor promised to do, aud ho broke his word, and tho Psalmist was right beforo ho corrected himself, for 'all men aro liars.'" So men becomo suspicious and saturnine nnd selfish, nnd nt ovcry addi tional wrong dono them they put another layer on tho wnll of their cxchnlveness, nnd another bolt to tho door that shuts them out from sympathy with tho world. They get cheated out of a thousand dollars, or misin terpreted, or disappointed, or botrayod, and higher goes tho wall, and faster goes another bolt, not realizing that whllo thoy lock othors out, thoy lock themsolvcs In; and somo day thoy wako up to find themselves imprisoned in n dastardly habit. No frlouds to others, others aro uo friends to them. Thero's an Island half way botweou England, Scotland aud Ireland, called tho Islo of Man, and tho seas dash against all sides of it, and I am told that thcro is no moro lovely nlaco than thnt Islo of Man; but when a man liecomes Insular In his disposition, nnd cuts himself off from tho main land of tho world's symp-ithles, ho Is dcsplcublo, and all around him is an Atlnn tio ocean of selfishness. Uphold that Islo of Maul Now, supposing that you havo, by a dlvlno regeneration, got right toward God aud hu manity, and you start out to practlco my text: "A man that hath friends must show himself friendly." Fulfill this by all forms of appropriate salutation. Hnvo you noticed that tho head Is so olsed that tho easiest thing on earth Is to glvo n nod of recognition! To swing tho head from sldo to sldo, us when It Is wagged in dorislon, is unnatural nnd un pleasant; to throw It bock, Invites vertigo; but to drop tho chin In greeting Is accom panied with so llttlo oxertlon that all day long and ovcry day you might practlco it with out tho least somblanco of fatigue So also tho structuroof tho hand Indicates hand shak ing; tho knuckles not mado so that tho fingers can turn out, but so mado that tho fingers can turn In, as in clasping hands; and tho thumb divided from and sot aloof from tho fingers, so that whllo tho Angers tako your neighbor's hand ou ono sldo, tho thumb take it on tho other, and pressed together, all tho faculties of tho baud givo emphasis to tho salutation. Five sermons iu ovcry healthy hand urgo us to hand shaking. DC KIND TO EVERYBODY. Besides this, overy day when you start out, load yourself up with kind thoughts, kind words, kind expressions and kind greetings. When n man or woman docs well, tell him so, toll her so. If you meet somo ono who is im proved in health, and It Is demonstrated In girth and color, say: "How well you lookl" But If, on tho other hand, under tho wear and tear of llfo ho appears palo and exhaust ed, do not Introduce sanitary subjects or say anything nt all nbout physical conditions. In tho caso of Improvod health, you havo by your words given another impulso towards tho robust and tho Jocund; whllo In th caso of tho falling health you havo arrested the decliuo by your silence, by which ho concludes: "If I wero really so badly off, ho would havo said some thing about It." Wo nro all, especially thoso of a nervous temporamout, suscoptlblo to kind words and discouraging words. Form n con splracy against us, and let ten tnon moot us at certain points on our way over to business, and let each onosayi "How sick you look;" though wo should start out well, after moot ing tho first and hearing his depressing salute, wo would begin to oxamtno our symptoms. After meeting tho second gloomy accosting, wo would concludo wo did not foul quite as well as usual After mooting tho third, our seusatlons would bo dreadful, aud after meet ing tbo fourth, unless wo oxp;cted n conspir acy, wo would go homo aud go to bod, and tho other six pessimists would bo a useless sur plus of discouragement. My dear sir, my dear madam, what do you mean by going about this world with dtshourtcnmontsf Is not tlio sup ply of gloom aud trouble aud misfortune enough to meet tho demand without your running a factory of pins and spikes Why ihoitld you plant black and bluo iu tho world when God so seldom plants them I Plenty of scarlet colors, plenty of yellow, plenty of green, plenty of pink, but very seldom a plain black or blue I never saw a black (loner, and there' only horo ami thero a bluo bell or a violet, but tho bluo W for tho most art reserved for tho sky, and wo havo to look up to soo that, nnd when wo look up no color can do us harm. Why not plant along tho paths of others tho brightnesses Itntend of theglooitisl Do uot prophesy misfortune If ou mii-t lo a prophet nt all tio an Rzckiel and not a Jeremiah. In ancient times proph ets who foretold ovil wero doing right, for thoy wero divinely directed; but tho proph ets of ovil In our timo nro genornlly folsn prophet. Somo of our weather wlso peoplo nro prophesying wo shall havo a sum mer of uiiarnlleled scorclu It will not bo that at all. I think wo aro going to havo n summer of groat harvest and universal health; nt any rato 1 know as much nbout It as thoy do. Iwt fall all tho weather pro phets ngreod In saying wo should have n win ter of extraordinary novorlty, blizzard on tho hecli of blizzard. It was tho mildest winter I over rcmomlier to hnvo jvissod. Indeed, tho autumn nnd tho spring almost shoved winter out of tho procession. Real troubles hnvo no heralds running nhead of their som ber chariot, nnd no ono has any nuthorlty In our timo to announce their coming. lad yourself up with helpful words nnd deeds. Tho hymn once sung In our churches Is unfit to bo sung, for it snysi Wo should susioct somo danger near Where wo iushcm delight. In other words, manngo to keep mlscrnhlo all tho time Tho old song sung nt tho pianos a quarter of n century tigo was rlsjhtt "Kind word can noverdle" Such kind words havo their nosts In kind hearts, and when thoy nro hatched out and tako wing they clrclo round In flights thnt novcr ceaso, and sxrtsinaii's gun cannot shoot them, and storms cannot rulllo their wings, nnd when thoy cento flight In tbeso lower skies of earth they sweep nround amid tho higher altitudes of heaven. At Baltimore a fow days ago I talked Into a phonograph. Tho cylinder containing tho words was sent on to Washington, nnd the next day that cylinder, from another phono graphic instrument, when turned, gnvo back to mo tho very words 1 had uttered tho day Iwforo, nnd with tho samo Intonations. Scold Into n phonograph, and it will scold back. Pour mild word Into a phonograph, and it will return tho gentleness. Society mid tho world, nnd the church, aro phonographs. Glvothom acerbity and rough treatment, nnd acerbity and rough treatment you will get back. Give them practical friendliness, nnd they will give back practical friendliness, A father asked his llttlo daughter: "Mary, why Is It that ovcrylKxly loves you" Sho answered: "1 don't know, unless it is bocauso I lovo every body." "A man that hath friends must sho himself friendly," Wo want something like thnt spirit of sacrifice for others which wan seen In tho English channel whero In the storm n Iwut containing three men was tiisot, and nil threo wcro In tho water strug gling for their lives. A boat camo to their rellof, nnd a rojw wns thrown to ono of them, nnd bo refused to tnko It, saying: "First iilng It to Tom; ho is Just ready to go down. I can Inst somo timo longer." A man liko thnt.'lie ho sailor or landsman, bo ho iu upper rank of socloty or lower ranks, will always have plenty of friends. What Is truo manward It truo Godward. Wo must Ik) tho friends of God If wo wnnt him to bo our friend. We cannot treat Christ badly all our lives and oxjiect him to treat us lovingly, I was read ing of n sea light, in which Lord Nelson cap tured a French officer, and whon tho French officer oirerod Lord Nelson his hand, Nelson replied: "First glvo mo yoursword, nnd then glvo mo your hand." Surrender of our re sistance to God must proccdo God's proffer of pardon to us. Itepcntnnco beforo forgive ness. You must glvo up your robolllous sword lieforo you can get a grasp of the dlvlno hand. IT Ifl OOOD TO UAVK GOD'S FIUE.NDSIIII'. Oh, what a glorious state of things to have tho friendship of God I Why, wo could afford to havo all tho world against us and all othor worlds ngnlnst us If wo hnd God for us. Ho could In a minute blot out this.univcrso, nnd in another minute mako a better universe. 1 havo no Idea that God tried hard whon he mado all things. Tho most brilliant thing known to us Is light, nnd for tho creation of that ho only used a word of command. As out of a flint the frontiersman strikesn spark, so out of ono word God struck tho noonday sun. For tho making of tho present universe I do not read that Uod lifted so much as a Anger Tho Blblo frequently speaks of God's hand, nnd Ood's nrm, nnd God's shoulder, and God's foot; then sup poso ho should put hand nnd nrm nnd shoulder and foot to utmost tenslou, what could ho uot mako! That God, of such demonstrated and uudemoustruted strength, you may havo for your present nnd overlast lug friend. But n stntoly aud reticent friend, hnrd to get nt, but as approachablo as n country mansion on a summer day when nil tho doors and windows tiro wldo open. Christ said: "I nm tho door." And ho Is a wldo door, a high door, a palace door, au always open door. My four-year-old child got hurt, and did not cry until hours after when her mother camo homo, aud then she burst Into weeping, and somo of tho domes tics, uot understanding human uaturo, said to her: "Why did you not cry boforor Sho answered; "Thero wns no ono to cry to." Now I havo to toll you that whllo human sympathy may bo absent, dlvlno sympathy Is always accessible. Givo God your lovo and got his lovo; your service and securo ids help; your repentance and havo his pardon. God u friend 1 Why, that means nil your wounds medicated, all your sorrows soothed, and if somo sudden en tastropho should hurl you out of earth it would only hurl you Into heaven. If Ood Is your friend, you cannot go out of tho world too quickly or suddenly, so far ns your own hap piness is concerned. Thero wero two Chris tians last Tuesday who entered hoaven; tho ono wns standing at a window In perfect health watching tho shower, ami tho light nlug instantly slow him. but tho lightning did not Hash down tho sky ns swiftly as his Bpirlt flashed upward Tho Christian man who died nn tho samo day noxt door had boon for a year or two failing Iu health, and for tho last threo mouths hnd suffered from a disease that made tho night sleepless and tho dnys an anguish. Do you uot really think that the caso of tho one who went Instantly was moro deslrablo than tho ono who entered tho shining gate through a long lane of Insomnia nnd congestion) Iu tho ono caso, It was llko your standing weari ly at n door, knocking nnd waiting, anil won dering If it will over open, nnd knocklug and waiting again; whllo iu tho other case, it wns a swinging open of tho door nt tho first touch of your knuckle Glvo your friendship to God, aud havo God's friendship for you, and oven tho worst accident will bo a victory. HUMAN riUENDSIIIP IlEKItE8III.N0. How refreshing Is human friendship, nnd truo friends, what priceless troasural Whon sickness comes, aud trouble comes, and death comes, wo send for our friends first of nil, and their appearance in our doorway in nny crisis isro-cnforcement,nnd when they lmvoenterod wo say: "Now it Is ull rlghtl" Oh, what iuld wodo v ithout friends, personal friends, himnoss friends, family friends! But wo something mightier than human friend ship iu tho great exigencies. When Jonathan Edwards In his final hour hnd given tho last good-by to oil his earthly friends, ho turned on his pillow nnd closed his eyes confidently saying: "Now whero U Jesus of Naziuetti, my truo nnd never falling friend!" Yes, I admire human friendship ns seen In tho enso of David and Jonathan, of Paul nutl Oneslphorus, of Herder and Goetho, of Goldsmith nnd Reynolds, of lieiumont and Fletcher, of Cowley and Harvey, of Era'smis and Thomas More, of Less'ng and ik-n i-U'hn, of Lady Churchill nnd Prim vfs iViuo, of Orestes and Py lades, each re questing Unit himself might tnko tho jKiInt of tho dagger no tho other might bo snared of Epntninondns nnd Pelopldoj, who locked their shield in bnttlo determined to dlw to gether; but. tho grandest, tho mightiest, tho tenderest friendship In all tho unlverso Is tho frlondshlp between Jesus Christ and a bollovlng soul. Yet after all I havo said I fool 1 havo only dono what James Marshall, tho miner, did in 1813, In California, Moro Its gold mines wero known. Ho reached In nnd put tiK)ii tho table of his employer, dipt. Sutton, a thimbleful of gold dust, "Whero did you get that I" said his employer. Tho reply w nsi "I got It this morning from n mill race, from which tho water had boon drawn off." But that gold dust, which could havo been taken up between tho finger nnd tho thumb, wns tho prophecy and eclmeil thnt revealed California's wealth to nil nation. And todny I havo only put beforo you a specimen of tho vnluo of dlvlno frlondshlp, only a thimbleful of mines Inexhaustible mid Infinite, though all timo and nil eternity go ou with tho ex ploration. ODDS AND ENDS. Tho Primrose loaguo comprises 600,000 members. A cord of Missouri hickory turns out 800 ax handles. Tho two great movers of tho human muid nro tho dcslro of good and tho fear of evil. What next! Cowboys aro seriously con templating tho uso of ostriches for herding cattle Thero aro nlnoty-savon cotton mills In In dia, which consumed 28:1,000,003 pounds of cotton Inst year. Most peoplo would succeed In small things If thoy wero not troubled with great nmbl tlons. IiOiigfcllow. Tho electric light from tho EIITel tower can lo distinctly seen at Foutaliieblenu, thirty Boven miles away. Tho laco trado gives occupation to almost 70,000 women Iu Normandy mid to nearly 200,000 .'i-M)u In France Boys digging Iu sand nt Hnverstraw one day camo ujion Ixmos supposed to bo thoso of n revolutionary soldier, Wodo lovo beauty at first sight; and wc do ceaso to lovo It, if it Is uot accompanied by amiable qualities, Lydla Maria Child. Thero nro now about fl,000,000 owners of farms In the United Stntes. Aliout 1,000,000 of tlio farms havo been acquired since 1880. An eminent urtlst recently painted a snow storn so naturally that ho caught a bad cold by sitting near It with his cont ofT. A Sau Francisco firm has built tho largest wlno collar In tlio world. It Is capable of holding .1,000,000 gallons of wine Itscost was fiW.OOO. What is tho dilTcreuco between a summer dress in w Inter and an extracted tooth f One Is too thlu aud tho other Is tooth out. Somo men get on in tho world upon the samo principle that a chimney sweep passe uninterruptedly through a crowd. Douglai Jcrrold. Youth is tho time of hojie. When a man gets a little older ho stojis hoping mid beglm reaching out for what ho can get. Parson (to candidate for Sunday school) Havo you been christened, my boy I Boy Yesli, shir. Got marks In threo plashes on ray left arm. Ijudou Punch. In a sixteen pago lovo letter exhibited in court iu Provldenco tho other day tbo word "darling" occurred thlrty-soven times, nnd yet tho girl In tho caso said it was "a cold, unfeeling epistle" A Philadelphia policeman who stole certain clothing contributed for tho Johnstown suf ferers was arrested, indicted, convicted, sen tenced .and taken to prison iu threo hours nnd twelve minutes. Who says thnt Philadelphia is slow! A now Industry is developing on tho Island of Guadalupe Thoro aro now nbout fifty thousand wild goats thcro, aud thoy aro being killed for their skins and tallow. Stcamcrf havo already arrlvod at Sau Diego, Cal., with cargoes of goat skins nnd tallow. John Williams, a bachelor in Augusta, Me, was told that a certain widow ha I set her cap for him, and Join was so afraid that he might bo roed into mnrrlago that ho went to tbo barn ami hung himself. Another library of women's writings is tc bo founded this timo lu Germany It is tc bo started in n small town, whero a room in tho public library will bo loaned for tho col lection until It Is sul'.lcleutly formed to be taken to Vienna or Lclpslo to bo formally mado over tothoAUgcmcinoDcutschoFrnucn vereln. A Belgian Journal gives an account of a beauty show held at Paris in 1033. In re membrance of tbo oldest competition of the kind tho prizes wcro golden apples. Tlio first prlzo was, of courso, awarded to tho- queen of Franco, aud tho second was obtained with 1,723 points by a Mile Semuro. Most of the prlzo winners wero ladies from Normandy, Thirty yen: s ago tho Thomas Dickason, a Now Bedford whaling ship, was lost In the Okhotsk sea. Lost summer tho tork Cape Horn Pigeon took n whalo lu tho samo sea, and Imbedded iu tho blubber was tho Iron of a har)Oon, with tho words "Thomas Dlckn son" stumped ou It, It was as bright and shorn as when it was first struck Into tho whale, at least thirty years ago. A wonderful Miuko story comes from Mur rumburrnh, In Now South Wales, A man killed a largo black snnko, aud, seeing that tho reptile was of a peculiar shape, ho opened tho body Iusldo was a bullock's horn, out of which opped a rat, still alive It issup posod that tho snnko chased tho rnt Into tho horn, and, King unable to dUlodgo him, swnllowod rat ami horn together Tho Rev Mr Wllgus-1 hox you aud Brother Wlggs bocaum fully reconciled be foro ho illol Deacon Pod wothy O, yes. 1 went around and told him that as ho was about to I miss In his checks I would fully for give him for nil tho dirty tricks ho had over dono mo, though I didn't prcsumo to bay that tho Lord would do so, and (gleefully) you ought to have seeu how- tho old tinner looked. Terro Haute Express. Tho bravest and most clear headed aro also tho most patient; they know how to "bide their timo" simply another form of expres sion for patience Where two men generals, diplomatists or lawyers aro equal In every thing but patience, the one who has tho most of that sovereign quality will triumph; and the samo is truo of governments aud nations. "Lot patience havo her orfect work." In tho United States postal service thoro aro W.200 postmasters, 7,000 rail way mull service employes, 7,000 lot tcr carriers, 100 Inspectors, 6,000 clerks In tho postofUccs, COO clerks lu tho postolllco devrtmcnt This gives a total of 77,000 employes. Every postmaster averages two assistants, and this iu round numbers amounts to 110,400 persons, which number addul to 77,000 gives HU.tfOO persons over Whom tho service has control. It is xr encouragement to toll through llfo to uiinv a fortune to ruin your children Iu muo cohm out of ten a largo fortuno U tb grenbwt curso which could bo boquen'ted to tho youn and Inexperienced. Durko. f U ( I MEAL RUDGE & ii22 N SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Wc bey lenvc to Inform our Lincoln patrons nnd the public In funeral thnt our Importation of FINE Novelties for Spring and Summer Arc now rendy for Inspection. Wc linvc n much larger nnd finer nssortment than ever before. Call nnd sec our latest novelties from London nnd l'nrls. Dress Suits a Specialty. guckert & Mcdonald, 315 S. 15th St., Omnhn, Nob. SLINCOLN'S new am STUDIO A COMPLETE SUCCESS! ELITE STUDIO ONLY GROUND FLOOR PINE ART WOI?K. 22b South Eleventh Street. sHsfl F'.sr tpkXSsRXCZs!MHIsssssssW 'ssssBSsssslisiMHMPissB) L&iisVssVjCniflfliiflH f8BIwimu9!NMBi. SHStHlMHiHls9fliflH4al Hates reni-oimble. KverjlhuiK now and complete. Prompt service mid the best menu In Omnhn. Hot unci cold w liter In e cry room. Otllcc nnd illuliiK hull on first tloor. All mod em Improvements. I.lncolnltes nlwii rteelve a cordial welcome. Call nnd see us whllo lu (linidin. You enn wl Into tho cant nt depot nnd tnko 1IAUNKY ST., CAULK LINE niltKCT TO THi: nooit. tor. Jltli nnd Harney. I iia l Uiciin.l lerk. ' 'NWMLMsMsflf IiiIIIIiibW the nick of time, and "just strikes the spot." The quiet enjoyment of a fragrant Ha vana In a charmingly decorated and gorgeous smoking apartment, nnd finally a peace ful sleep In n bed of snewy linen nnd downy softness. Such is life on the "HUR LINGTON" ROL TK. What other line or combination of lines can offer you these advantages? NOT ONE. IMchsc remember this when next you travel. Information of lug to Railroad all kinds or Ocean pertain-Steam- khlp Tlcketfc promptly answered. G. W. HOLDREGE, Gcn'l Mgr., J. FRANCIS, G. P. and T. A., OMAHA, NE11. HABDWAKE, STOVES AND TINWARE, Leonard Eefrigerators, Hot Air Eurnaces, Van's Wrought Iron Ranges, MORRIS. Street. STUDIO IN THE CITY. T. W. TOWNSEND, Proprietor. LINCOLN HRANCII OF Max Meyer & Bro., W holeiilt nd Retail Dfsleri In PIANOS 0 ORGANS Oencrnl western intents for tho Htcln wiiy, Knnbe, Chlckerlnic, Vose, Ernst (lahler, llehr Uros., 'ovby A Uvans, nnd Hterllni.'. linr.os marked In plain nmircs prices nlwnjH tho lowest for tlio fc-rndo cf pianos C. M. HANDS, Manager. lA'J North 11th Street. THE- MURRAY Omaha's Leading Hotel. Opened Sept. 1, 1S68.; Finest Hotel in the West II. HIM.OWAY, Proprietor. A BEAUTIFULLY UPHOLSTERED RECLINING CHAIR that U the ery embodiment ot case nnd luxury;; a friendly game of WhUt, n choice volume from the well stocked library, a prom cnadc from car to car (the handsome vestibule excluding all dust, smoke, rain or wind, and thus rendering the promenade a de lightful nnd novel pastime). A sumptuous meal that comes In My superior advantages enable me to ticket to and from Europe at the lowest rates and to secure desirable cabins In advance of sailings. The generous patronage accorded me by prominent people of Omaha, Lincoln and other Nebraska cities attest the popular ity of this office. 'tstrUlS City Passenger and Ticket Agent, LINCOLN, NEB. y S jl? CyLV t 'i