Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 29, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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Bound to Take the Lead
Do not foil to ea them before buy
hitf. ANomyllnioi
936 l Street. North Side P. O. Square.
238 South Eleventh Street.
Let Live
Everything in our im
mense stock, we told jou
several weeks since, and
would still inform you, wc
will sell at prices which have
never been made before in
the line of Dress Goods,
Silks, Sateens, Batiste, Chal-
lies, Lawns, Zephyr Ging
t hams, Seersuckers, India
Linens, Prints, Victoria
Lawns, Nainsooks, Swiss
and Hamburg Embroider
ies and Flouncings, Parasols
Silk Umbrellas, Handker
chiefs, Fans, Table Linens,
Lace Curtains, Sheetings,
Hosiery, Gloves, Under
wear, Corsets, Bed Spreads,
in fact everything we carry
in our Dr.y Goods Depart
ment. Remember, we lead
IES. Price our goods and
you will find BARGAINS.
io and no N. loth, Opp. P. 0.
There is nothing uncertain about the effects
f ChamWlaln'i Collo, Cholera and DIar
rhoea Remedy. The fact is, it is the only
preparation in the market that can always be
depended upon,- and that is pleasant and wife
to take. 85 and 60 cent bottles for sale by 0.
h. Starader, druggist.
The following printed signs are for sale at
Nut Codrikr cco: Room For Rent; Fur
aUtsd Rooms for Rent; Unfurnished Rooms
for Reat; Boarding; For Sale, For Rent, and
ay others. Prfot 15 coats, or S for 25c.
A I'opultir liier of Modern Times.
PUHLisHitD Saturday
UiunirTl!! On Year by Mall or Carrier J,0
fllmnth, $t,(M, Thn month M Cmit. On
month 9) Out liiTAralily In Adrancr.
InvKRTMKMKNT: lutes fiirnlshrrinn appll aIImi
at thi) o(tlet. Hxclal rat on Tlmr Contra t,
CoNiiiinuTioxdi Hliort aploy sVetchM, ioniri ami
stories sollcltori, IVraonal and Hoclal nolo are
Mnclall) titrable ,
I'aiKTiifli V make a ppcolaltjr of Klna Printing
tililllubfkiout. H JJltr w)rlcai.Klltr
Mr.M all e iiiitiinntottlon direct to thn onV.
Wicaaitu Pkintino Co.,
Nwr llurr lllook, Cor. litli nnd O HtrrrU'
U Wkmki., .In., Editor nnd Solo I'roprlotor.
1'ilKI) IlKNZlNdKH, Aoolntn Editor.
"Tim Courier" lit llm llrsurt.
lVrwm lenvlutr tho city for Urn Huminur
cnu Imvo Thk ComilKH sont thorn without
cxtiii olmriro, In who of cl.nnirw of location
during tho nhsntiro from home, tho nddreM
will Ikj nltnol MliiMiovm' desltiM. This nil
pllti to iinwuitt nml new nulworlln'm. Havo
tho Coi'HIKil follow you n n moaiii of keep-
lnvr im)UI on homo nlTuIr. It wookly nn
IMiirancM will prow moro Interesting tlmn a
Tilieclty of Lincoln liai nwukenod to Its
needs nml will Imve it hospital,
Thk Jnurnnl's corrmpondonco at tho Hoat-
I loo Chautauqua I being 1J0110 liy A. A. Hood,
of llenlilce.
Ho everyone for tha Fourth of July celo
liratlou. Ami If you don't know how to ho
irut n homo ami Join tho procession.
Editoii FAiitonoTllKiiot tho Call litis Ikoii
wrestling with tho rliouinatUm thU week, hut
hopes to llml relief, at Hot Spring, Dakota.
TilK Uontlumen'M TrottliiK club I naiil to
Imvo cleared $100 from Inst week' race nml
will probably have another meeting next fall.
Ah exited, Prof. Charles K. Dennett hm
novuttsl the portion of teacher of Lntln In
tho Julverslty of Wisconsin, ami has nlreudy
gone to Mndlson.
Tub Louisiana lottery U llke'y to linvo n
1)1(5 om In Lincoln. Two attendant nt the
lnnne hospital nnmeil Parker are said to liavo
drawn 2,500 In the last event.
Smith Caldwkll, state oil Inspector, lms
appointed the following deputies: J. W,
McDonald, Omaha, Capt. a. H. Hoover, Dlue
Hill; Joseph Cnrni, EewAtd.
Friends of tliu Coumicn can do tho piptr
an appreciated service by giving It notice of
personal and social happenings. Too Couhikii
Is always grateful for such news.
Thank heaven I the funeral directors have
gone. Walt Mison and Al. Falrhrother will
have to ilrop that silly, meaningless chestnut:
"Walt for the undertakers' convention."
Isn't It about time Lincoln took stos to
ward lighting her streets with electricity?
The advantages of the system are too well
known to need repeating. Many smaller
places hate outstripped u In this matter
Senatoh Ciitmou Howe was In the city
Wednesday and announced his readiness to
entertain the newspaper boys according to
promise made last winter. A party of eight
or ton will (to down to his farm tomorrow.
To Manager Deb McReynotds belongs the
honor of suggesting tho Tartarrax pageant,
and to him belong the credit for au enor
mous amount of work In pushing the celebra
tion to a suocessful issue. No one shall rob
him of It.
IlErouThasltthat W. E. Anln, secretary
to Senator Paddock, it to return to the Dee as
an editorial writer, but a more probable ru
mor has It that he will conduct a news bu
roau in Washington next winter and corre
spond for the Omaha Republican,
Senator Oallooly was In the city Tues
day on his return from San Diego. He went
to California in quest of Otto Foster, who left
Merrick county with about 35,000 belonging
to the county. The absconder was found a
Santiago and brought back to Central City
E. L. UtLLKxriE, doorkeeper for the Son
ata, who disappeared from Valentine somo
time ago, has leeu heard from. He is s'op
piug with au old army comrado at Evans
ville, I ml., to recuperate. He denies that
there is n shortage In hi accounts with the
Insurance companies, and says that he will
return. He hints nt domestic trouble.
Tou Cook is back from his northwestern
trip, better satisfied than ever with Lincoln.
He was in Seattle a few hours after the big
Jlre. At Portland h met a son of exAudltor
Dabcock In the real estate business. At 1'a
coma he found T. F. Honlenburg, who is as
sociatod with A. D. Kitchen and running a
real estate and abstracting business. He
found ex-Senator V, H. Snell getting about
with a cane. Mr. Snell is city attorney of
Akranokuenth ore being mode to have
the mooting of King Tartarrax and Corona
do Illustrated iu Frank Leslie's Weekly. This
is another of Dob Moueyuolds' ideas, and one
of the best. Probably 'no better way of at
tracting tho country's attention to Lincoln's
pageant could bo devised. This celebration
should be made an annual event, and nothing
will letter impress the public with its impor
tance than to have It fully Illustrated in Lea
lie's or Ilarjyer's,
Could Mm He Made to lmk I'rrttjr and
nullity liy Dri-Mliig Them Up In Attire
as tlellrntn n That of tlio Kadlr? Ilnw
fltnnrt Woinrii llrniltlrjr Thrmsolvri.
8n-clal Cinvsi)oudencn.
Nkw Yom;, Juno 557. I womlurlf men
could bo inmlo to look n pretty utnl
dnlnty in tho llttlo trlilea tlutt tnnko foin
Iniultynoclinrtnliig? Iinngitioii iimti with
his wlilakerti blending nml IohIiik tlicm
nolvca in tho soft folds of n Inco lltlui. or
with n Imw'tldoring nrriiy of ribbona and
flowera on IiIh head tmitohiiiK tho color
of hi oyert! Ami wouldn't a lovely nofl
flclitt, nil ono labyrinthine tnnglo of Inco
nml dollcnto Hiirnh, '.ula a way Hint liuril,
conruo look that coiiioh of n lMard two
days old? You know that women rely
largely tion thoso efTects for their own
toudor lcniity.
Tnko n face that Is hard in outline, un
decided In color, lonirof featuronnd with
a baro ugly forehead, wrinkled and prom
inent. All that misery belongs to one
woman of uncertain ago. First n llufT of
waving or curling hnlr is brought down
over thougly forehead, hiding tlio wrin
kles and its undue prominence, brenkiug
tho hard outline by thetrnllingcurls, nnd
shortening the long features.
Thon a pair of earrings attract tho
glaneo that might linger upon tho wuu
checks, nnd somehow tlioy lend a sort of
roundness to them. It Btrlkes mo right
hero that it is n gtent mistuko that wo
don't wear noso rings too. They would
attract admlriug regards to themselves,
which now fnll with cold disapprobation
upon bad teeth or an ugly mouth.
I once saw in Montenegro a wedding
whero tho brldo was tho ugliest girl I
think I over saw, but her bridegroom'r
eyes followed her every movement with
utter delight, and ho took in his hand
nnd held up for tho admiration of kov
cral guests tho long ends of a crimson
ribbon which was fastened on her hair
just above tho forehead, tho ends float
Ing down her back. For him this rib
bon hod transfigured tho girl into an an
gel of beauty, and in his eimplo mascu
lino mind ho could not disusgoclnto the
two. What he might think when ho be
held her without it after murringo I can
not tell, but there was tho principle.
Tho cunning woman can, by studying
hor own possibilities, mnko herself at
tractive if not altogether lovely.
Tho woman wo aro speaking of, our
woman, can apparently round her checks
with jewels. Slio can nlso shorten her
faco and round it still moro by judicious
bonnet strings. Velvet in dnrk color is
tho best for that. Ribbon is not bo sof
tening. Next, a woman who has passed her
25th birthday should wear laco frills,
cropo llsao ruffles und fichus, nnd nil her
nock wear should bo In broken lines and
transparent effects whero it comes near
cat hor face. Only fresh young faces
look well over tho sovoro linen collar.
Tho sensible woman knows her own
shortcomings, and therefore puts a bit
of bright color, a dazzling jewel, or a
softening fold of luco noarcst to tho defi
ciency, so as to attract tho eyo from that
ono weak point, and perfect cleanliness
of person and oxquisito neatness in attlro
will do tho rest. No paint nor white
wash is necessary, for they betray most
what thoy wish to conceal.
Pure water tepid, hot or cold, as best
suits each individual is tho best beaut i
fler, aided by a good rough towel. After
that Balm of Ollead. or even tincture of
benzoin In water, is all that is required
to keep a face fresh and healthy. Be
yond that no ono can go. Tho hnlr may
and should be dressed in tho most be
coming way: tho shno of bonnet or hat
studied in its relation to tho shape of the
face. Colors should bo such us will
harmonize best or bring out Intent beau
ties. I have seen women that looked
llko sallow frights in green npiear utmost
radiant In some other uolor that v?.s tho
proper ono to wear.
The general rule la that brunette?
should wear black, white, yellow, cream,
brown, pink, nnd any of tho reds, leav
ing tho blues, greens, lilacs, ;;ruyH and
other pale and delicate tints to the
'ff-Ajfljijy JTr? fc
blondes, nnd as n general rulo this can
lo otMorvcd, yot tho tasteful woman who
studios her own possibilities will learn
to mnko nil colors her own by Judlclotu
combination. Mnrlo Gordon, John T,
Raymond's first wife, used to look su
perbly beautiful in a dark green volvet
gown, with a bunch of palo pink roses
nt tho throat, her dark beauty shining
out resplendent thus decked. And tho
lato Mrs. Thomas A. Edison, a magnifi
cent blonde, used to wear every color
under the sun nnd look equally beauti
ful In all, because she had tho gift of
adapting each to her own personality.
Tlio dnlnty llttlo accessories which each
lady can make for herself after tho do
signs herewith will aid in adapting any
color or material to any lady, nnd being
nil exceedingly easy to mako will help,
I hope, with theso few hints, to render
each woman who wears them Irresistible.
Tho o)on linen collar Is tho newest nut,
and Isndnpted to young ladles who atrect
tailor gowns in hot weather. Tho velvet
sailor collar is postlcho, and can bo of
any color. Tho beaded front nnd collnr
aro very elegant, particularly for laco
dresses. Tho laco ones nro for tiny or nil
toilets, nnd pretty enough to excito envy
in tho hearts of men, I am sure. Poor
fellows! To bo condemned to their un
lovely Btylo of npparcl is truly painful
punishment. Ouvk IIaiu'EU.
llow Tropin ul All (Inulrn 'Knjny mi
cailiiiuil llnrmlcM Strcut Dunce.
Sixi'lal Coimpondunce.)
London, Juno 10. Tho strangest sight
that I hnvo comu ncross Iu London is ono
that I don't think could bo duplicated
anywhere in tho world, and you will seo
it overy fair evening In nearly nil parts
of London, from Rag Fair to Regent's
park, nnd in fnct in almost every street.
About sundown, as tho Htores and busi
ness houses begin to closo, tlio hand or
gans nro out iu full force, and no polico
niaii hustles them along or othcrwiso ill
treats them, and thoy stand along by
tho smoothest stretch of pavement thoy
can Und and begin to piny. They all play
ono tune. It is a sort of jig tutio or
country dnnco and quite catching.
Ilnrdly vlll the man start tho crank
when you will seo tho nearest four per
sons stop nnd begin to dnnco a rnthor
pretty and quite complicated step, and
then they will tnko hold of hands by
twos, advance, rotreat, cross over nnd
balanco, nil in ierfect thno nnd with
ovldent enjoyment.
Ninety-ulna times out of n hundred
tho pooplo who dnnco nro utter btrangers
to each other, and they nro for tho most
part respectable people, clerks, shop
girls, milliners, etc., and often I havo
scon women danco with llttlo babies in
their nrms. Sometimes there will be
three or four "sets" dancing together,
but moro often only one. Few stop to
look, us the sight is so common.
It appears as if this was a recognized
custom, and that it wasquito proper, for
it excited no comment, and as soon
as tho four hud danced out their fig
ure thoy went their way with scant
ceremony In tho way of leavo taking. It
was hut a bit of harmless amusement,
and no ono thought it in any way wrong,
neither dancers norspectators, and no one
presumed upon tho fnct of dancing as a
vis-a-vis to try to forco a further ac
quaintance. Sometimes tho dancers would be all
girls; often quito elderly persons, both
men and women, und they would each
and all fnll into n set nt onco without the
slightest ceremony und dance with a vim
and gusto that only equaled their grace,
for tho danco is very pretty and graceful.
Ono evening, jiibt before dark, I had
been a short distance to post some let
ters, and on my way back cumo to where
a man was playing tho familiar tune,
and there were three girls all impatiently
tapping their feet. I saw that thoy ex
pected mo to join, and hurried by, look
ing about for acquaintances; and seeing
none, I joined them, but tho stop was
beyond my power, and I had to givo
it up.
I know Lady II (Mary DufHn-IIar-
dy), who is well known in America, and
sho and her pretty daughter danced four
or five "figures," oa they called them, with
a couplo of shop girls right in Oxford
street ono evening, after which they en
tered their carriago and drovo away.
Another timo I saw a jolly faced ld
Englishman, a real typo of tho Engliak
gentleman as wo read of him, take his
place and danco with pleasure within a
stone's throw of tho British museum.
Afterward I saw him in Westminster,
where ho was pointed out to mo as a
prominent member of parliament (Mac
Donald Cameron). I should not bo a bit
astonished to know that his royal high
ness and perhaps her royal highness
joined in ono of thoso innocont sidowalk
dances, and, in fnct, I feel sura that Ids
royal highness has. But Imagino, will
you, a Fifth avenuo girl dancing on the
sidowalk with tho first person sho meets
to tho muslo of a hand organ! Tlio skios
might fall, but that would uovcr happen,
and yot it is a harmless amusement and
a llttlo pleasure in ugly Loudon.
Mary Brknnan.
He 'Cumo Out Well."
Most readers of storios like to have the
characters "como out well" and tho good
deeds rewarded, perhaps because grati
tudo is moro common than Ingrutltudo
iu real life, tho pessimists to tho contrary
notwithstanding. It is even moro grati
fying to read of ono of theso actual oc
currences, an account of ono of which
couics from Aroostook county. Years
ago, reports tin exchange, Mr. Shepherd
Boody, then n protqiorous citizen of Old
town, took from the town a motherless
infant boy, cured for him nnd sent him
toschool. Twenty-live years ugo this boy
went away from homo and was not heard
from for twenty years. Meanwhile Mr.
Boody, who had moved to Horsey, had
lost his property nnd was sick and nearly
penniless. The boy whom ho had lo
friomlcd, now a prosperous mechanic,
hearing of his misfortunes, came to his
aid, and for the last six years has sent
froquont remittances und in othor ways
cared for his benefactor, oven to search
ing out and rewarding thoso who had
been kind to tho old gentleman in bis
misfortune. Lewiston Journal.
Spring andummer Suits
Wc have made a deep cut in price to close all our Light
Weight Suits. This will a great
for you to attend, at the
Globe One-Price Clothing House,
Cor. O and Tenth Sts.
During the Summer montln wc shall offer a sciles of BARGAIN SALES
that tor PRICES made and QUALITIES shown, will go ahead of anything yet nt
tcmntcdln Lincoln. Monday will Inaugurate our UNDERWEAR SALE.
200 Dozen Ladies Underwear,
Odds and Ends, all kinds, shapes, styles, qualities, and sizes, '
Remember it is the BOSTON STORE, 143-145 S
Tenth St., Lincoln, the cheapest and best place in the State
to buy Dry Goods.
Netirjsook sind
Swiss Plou.:qci:qg;s,
In 22 and 45 inch widths is exceptionally large.
We show some of the finest goods Imported In very handsome new designs.
The One Price Cash Dry Goods and Carpet House.
At Special Prices Next Week.
Ashby &
S. E.
1134 O
FOXi '
226 S. I 1th St.
maito a speolulty of Kino riiotogniphb and
Crayon work.
Ground Floor Studio in Lincoln
Call and Sbb Dur World
V 1
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