Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 22, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday Evening, Jane 22, '8Q
rnwr I Oth and P atrMto.
Dry Gtoods and Carpets.
The Couiuku will not be resjionslblo for
any lf lit made by any ono In It name, un
less a written order nccomnnlc8 tho Mine,
properly signed,
L. Wkmki,, Jr., Prop'r.
Herpolsheimer & Go.
30 Cts. and Upward.
The Courier Can tie Fiiunit At
Wlndtor Hotel Newsstand.
Capital Hotel News Htmul.
Odell'i Dining Hull Now Htand.
ClMon A Fletcher's, HOKomii nth Blreet.
A. T. Lemlng A Co'., IK11 o turret.
The Gotham N iiniid. lit Houtli 1 It It Ht.
Keith Uroi., Ill Noilli lltti Btieet.
Rd. Young, IWUO Mreet.
too AHmltli, IIJJO
'Diamond Pharmacy," Ivtli nml N Km
Wcsterfleld's barber shop, llurr block.
Children's Flannel
Silk and Flannel Blouses.
Hatter and Furnisher, 1x37 O St.
LmouI nml Personal.
Whltebreast Coal nml Lime Company.
Take TurkMi at 101(1 0 street
The lt Teat. B. P .Stevens 81 Co.
Mineral water used for bathing, 1010 O it.
, TTkskey&Ca,wholeJeand retail Jeweler.
New summer dresa goods at II. 11. Nlssley
Ladle look at the Le Bancy shoe at Per
khMBro. Perkins Bros, have the finest French shoo
-for Infanta,
Try tome of the fine fresh fish aerved every
day at Cameron's.
Canon City Coal again at the Whitebreast
Coal and Lime Co.
Ask for the "Marie Stuart" collar at Wells
386 south 11th street
A Patent Leather Soled shoe forladlesfuU
dree at Perkins Bros.
Remember that Brown, the caterer, Is on
hand at Cushman pork.
Roast meats, and vegetables of all kind wit
Cameron's Lunch House.
A French shoa hand turned for Infants and
Children at Perkins Bros,
For thin dresses go to Ashby & Millspaugh
next week special prices.
Everybody eata at' (Well's nowadays
ooaru oiuy f.w per week.
Only place In Lincoln that uses mineral
water in baths Is at 1010 O street.
Improved shower for Turkish baths at 1016
O street, basement Union block.
Fine Teas, Spices, and the largest line of
Fine Groceries in tho city, at S. P. Stevens.
Best board in the city and at a prlco within
reach of all, at Odell's. Twenty-one meals
for f4.
The finest luncheons in the city are served
' at all hours at Carder's European restaurant,
W4P street
Toilet articles and perfumery of all the lat
est odors at Wilson & Green's pharmacy 130
south Tenth street
Everything new. and neat finest menu and
best 000k in the city at Carder's European
restaurant, H P street
The finest work in the city at HayilenV
photographic studio. 1214 O street. See our
flue samples of art work.
W are selling n good solid shoe for ladles
and gentlemen for 13.00. Ask to see them at
Webster & Rogers', 1043 O street
Everybody that has stopped at CarderV
hotel speaks well of It Day board or meal
a la carte served at popular prices.
Try the delicious cream soda at Wilson &
Green's 130 south Tenth street. Nothing but
pure and wholesome flrult flavors used.
Take that prescription to Wilson & Green's
pharmacylSO south Tenth street, where it
will be acuratoly compounded and prices will
be reasonable.
Have you seen those elegant Canopy top
Surreys with full finders at Camp Brothers,
Tenth and M streets! The latest styles out,
come and see them.
Morton & Lelghty at their iMiidsome now
ioe cream lurlors will serve none but strictly
pure Icecream. A line of fine confectionery
will also be found fresh and at right price.
Knowing the reputation Oliver Maggard's
transfer and van has for moving household
goods, you should not fail to patronise him
when needing such services. Office southwest
comer 10th and O streets. Telephone HI;
residence m.
Parties going to the Dakota Hot Springs
for pleasure or health can add to the attrao
hors there by purchasing on or more lot
that have Just been platted and put on the
market The prospect are good that such in
vestment will prove profitable. Quito a
'. Buwber of eoHages are being built there this
year by people who make annual trips to the,
ytm, uw o idncoin rrsiaeut, who re
.eesHly retamed from the Springs, purchased a
site for a eottege and will erect a cottage
hereekt far M family's future use. We un
- darsaaad aVbuBdlng boom ha been laaug.
rt4tattriaee by the location there of
Sow Dakota's Soldiers' Home aud M. K.
oekUaje, Work is bow In progress on both
.OttHnS)gS. It
a&Mivj L.-jZJjJLh':
HMfcMKriJta,u liftJi MmsM" Ki'L.r.iL al.fe.Xi 1"' " i JTTT. fl! '. " . t!
Lincoln society has found a topic of much
Interest this week In tlio marrlago of Ml
France I. Moore to Mr. Henry 8. Fleck of
Newark, Ohio. The ceremony was tierfomitil
Tuesday evening at the homo of tlio bride's
sister, Mrs. Win. 11. Ogden, 17U1 F street, by
Hov. Lewis Gregory. The only spectators wero relatives of the contracting par-
ties, asfollowsi Mr. and Mrs.Ogdcnt. .Mrs.
Grace Fleek aud Miss Alice Fleek of Nowark,
mother and slater of tho groom; Mr. Kdwnrd
C. Wright of Newark, Mrs. Moore, mother of
the bride; Mr. and Mrs, Iolgh Wnllaco of
Washington, lown, Mr. aud Mrs, Kliuer Dun
ly Jr., of Oinahnniid Mr. and Mrs, T. K.
Sutton of Omaha. Tho In Me was nttlrrd In
a heavy white silk, perfectly plain but In prin
ce stylo nml en trnlne. Sho carried a large
bouquet of white roses, nml her only orna
ment was n magnificent diamond necklnce,
tho wedding pmeont of tho groom. The cler
gymnn used a vnry pretty nuptial service,
and It was ;orformed in the twilight, without
Tho ceremony was followed by a wedding
rocvptlon, Tho Ogden homo Is 0110 of thoso
elaborate modern structures known as cot
tages for want of a better namo, and ono of
Ua features Is n great broad veranda. It was
a charming evening, and the guests wero re
ceived In tho veranda, which had been en
flowed for tho occasion. The bridal couplo
wcroasdstcd In receiving by Mr. nnd Mrs,
Ogden, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Fleek, Miss Fleek,
Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. Dundy, Mrs. Carl Funke.
Mrs. B. K. Mooio, Mrs. llussoy and Miss May
Moore. Though not a long resident In Lin
coln, tho brill., had become a favorite In ex
clusive circles, and a hundred or more called
to pay their respects and tender well withes.
Musicians werw stationed in tho swell of the
veranda, and tho soft strains of either nnd
guitar floated out upon tho owning air with
exquisite sweetness, Within doors flowers on
every hand tilled tho apartments with r
futno, and in tho dining room Ice engrossed a
share of attention. Many of tho ladies dis
played toilets dainty nnd lovely, and alto
gether the affair was ono of tho capital city's
most elegant. Tho present woro not exhib
ited. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fleck remained nt tho Ogdou
home until tho following morning, when
they ileKiitl for MinnonKlls, They ex
ported to inako a wedding Journoy of two or
three weeks iu tho north, but will enjoy plan
ning It n thoy go. They will bo at home In
Newark about tho tnlddlo of next month. Mr.
Fleek Is n wholenalo merchant of means In
that city, mid the bride will find henwlf
among friends, Newark having been her home
previous to coming to Lincoln.
Ono of the merriest of picnic pintle invnd
od Cushmnn park Mnmlay.golng out ntten in
tho morning and remaining all day. Thev
wero Indebted to tho Mwur. Andrus for help
ful attention and are singing the praises of
Cuthman as a pleasure resort Tho party was
composed of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baldwin,
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Jnnsen, Mrs. John Zch
rung, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Oakley, Mr. O. It.
Stokley and family, Mr. W. S. Huffman and
amlly, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Wiley, Mr. E.K.
Crlloy and famlly.Mr. and Mrs, E. E. Drown,
Mrs. Geo. Cook and son, Mrs. O. M. Thomp
son, Mrs. Tho. Sewell aud daughter, Mrs. J,
A.Marshall, Mrs. Foreman, Mlsees Hattid
Hoor, Alleen Oakley, Belle Oakley, Maud
Butr, May Moore, Miss Tierco and Messrs.
Will Maxwell, Lieut Griffith, Dr. Reeves.Dr.
Kernun, Welmer Murray, Frank Zohrung,
Matt Baldwin, Clint Andrus.
The pltfiio of the Old Settlers' association at
Cushman park Wednesday was an immense
success in every way. It Is estimated that 600
settleri and 3000 other persons were on the
grounds during the day. The addresses
contained a fund of Interesting history and
The traveling men's outing at Cushman
par): will begin tomorrow, nnd tho commit
tee havo arranged for n week full ef enter
tainment Tho Twlce-a-month club enjoyed a plcnlo
at Cushman Monday evening. About thirty
five ixirt'clpaU'd.
Kvenllig 1'artle.
Mrs. II. P. Foster gave a child's party
Wednesday to celebrate the birthday annl-yersar-
of her llttlo Edith. Eighteen chil
dren iure present and had a supremely hap
py time, as only llttlo folks can.
Farmer Branson, who has a hospitable
home out near the asylum, entertained a Jolly
jiarty Monday evening In honor of two visit
ing young ladle from Chicago. Several from
tho city were nmongtuo number.
Miss Grace Snolllng entertained tho high
school graduate of 1887 Wednesday evening.
Ray Edmlnston read a class history, Miss Jen
nie Buncher gave a recitation and the even
ing was rounded out with dancing, music and
Miss Josle Redway entertained a few girl
friends Friday of last week. Games, dancing
and strawberries wero features of a pleasant
evening, Mrs. Uuford presiding at the Inttru
ment Thoso present were Mix Gertie
Baldwin, Ina Hatch, Tot Miller, Salllo Uu
ford, Winnie Hyde, Grace HuuUInger nnd
Katlo Winahlen.
Master Charles and Mint Stella Elliot gave
a pjeasant farewell lawn wirty Tuesday even
ing at their homo on Fourteenth street in
honor of Miss Cora Kelley, whoso family havo
removed to Omaha. The grounds wore haud
somely decorated with Chinese lanterns aud
flags, and the Elvhe family gave an enjoyable
Urogram of music.
rieuiHiitly KnterUlned.
One of tho most delightful affairs of the
week was the party given Tuesday evening in
honor of Miss Eisfeld of Burlington, Iowa, by
her sIster.Mrs. 811111 Herschler,on M street,as
slsted by Mrs. M. New mark. The comiany
present numbered twenty-five guests, all of
whom, Judging from bright countenances anil
merry laughter, seemed to thoroughly enjoy
the passing hours,
Tho evening's entertainment cemprUed va
rious social pleasantries, prominent among
them being the soap-bubblo pastime, which
elicited much Interest and enjoyment. Miss
Mayer, of New York, wa awarded the lady's
royal, having succeeded in passing the great
est number of bubble through the wicket,
and Mr. Goldberg wou the gentleman's royal,
while Mr. Henry Mayer captured tho booby.
Later In the evening the guest wore regaled
with a sumptuous collation served by the deft
hands of the (Table hostess. It was a dainty
and toothsome spread, one that would do
credit to Delmonlco and Kinsley. After
supper the time wo spent in social chit chat
until time for departure. It was it pleasant
evening and certainly each one preeeut enjoy
ed the affair in it fullest sense.
A Prise Winner.
A short time ago the Daughter of Bethel
of the African M. E. church held an anniver
sary entertainment and among other attrao
tion was a contest for the ma popular lady.
The priae was won by Miss Mattle Banks. It
was presented Wednesday evening by Rev.
Mr, Braxton of the A. UtZ. church and
proved to be a large and handsome lamp. Mis
Bank I very grateful to all her f rlends, both
white and colored, who contributed to tho re
sult Among the former were: Mr. aud Mrs.
H. W. Brown, Miss Florence Brown, W. B.
Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Moore, Misses
Msmisisaswsiaw)irtiiit.rtiiwriijiiii mmmm
.u.ku. ..,1....'.. J.jj.ji., ' i-,:.. ri.t -l -.'. . .. .j- iuu
Fanalo nnd May Moore, A. L.McDona)d, Mr,
and Mrs. M. I). Welch, Miss Helen Welch,
D. K, Msher, F. E. Fulsom, Henry PofclfT,
Mrs, C. W, Lyman, Mrs. Leonard, Misses
Kinma nnd Ilerta Falk, Mrs. llussey, Miss
Clara Lason, Mrs, C. M. Jamison, Mls Jami
son, Mrs, Atkinson, Mrs, J, K. HotiU, Ml
Graclo taming, Harry Lctnlng, Mr. Har
grenvrs, Mrs, A, II. Talbot, Mrs, Ensign,
Mrs. Parker, C. M. Cobb nnd O. E. Rector.
Samuel Low has returned from Arkansas.
Mis, Frank Burr will summer nt Madison,
Horace W. Orr Is vMtlnghlsold Now York
Frank Zehrung will do Colorado next
The Funkos will enjoy life In a cottage at
Miss Maggie English visited at Plattsmouth
this week.
Mrs. Gov. Thayer Is spending tho summer
In tho eat.
Miss Mateer has n visit to Davenport, la.,
in prospect
Mrs, I. C. Wise has gone to Atchison for n
summer visit.
Mrs. J. E. Colsmnn is visiting nt Grand
Harlior, Dakota.
II. Wells ami daughter, Lottie, have gone
toOcala, Florida,
Mrs. J, D. Calhoun and children are .visit
ing In Nemaha county.
Mrs. M. M. White and children are in
Michigan for the summer.
Miss Grace Griffith has returned from col
lege at Allegheney City, Pn.
Miss Grunlnger contemplates a visit to Den
ver with a side trip to Manltou.
Col. Harry Hotchklss will be chief of staff
at the K. P. encampment at Columbus,
Mrs. C. It. Clapp and Miss Efllo Hunt of
Kearney are guests of Mrs. Harry Werts,
Mrs. J, E. Montroso nnd daughter May
havo gone east to visit at Rochester and Cleve
land. Mrs. Cal Thompson Is one of a B. & M.
xirty who are doing tho mountains in Colo
rado. R. T. Van Brunt has tecn enjoying a visit
from his sister, Miss A. E. Van Brunt of Now
Ml Holmes, the guest of Lieut nnd Mrs,
Townlsy, Ims returned to hor Kansas City
Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Dell had as Sunday
guests Mr. and Mrs. W, E. Burllngrln of
Max Rich of Bird City, Kan,, win two
days' visitor In Lincoln, leaving for St. Louis,
J. L. Popo and daughter, the guests of Hon.
nnd Mrs. H. A. Babcock, huve returned to
New York.
Dr. J. O. Carter has gouo to Newport to
attend tho meeting of the American medical
Joe Kubat of Zehrung & Dunn's has re
turned from a visl to his old home at Cellar
Rapids, Iowa,
Ed Brown of tho Nebraska City lhvii ran
up Tuesday to register his name for tho edi
torial excursion.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sawyer havo been en
tertaining Mrs. Hazen of the Mt Carrol, I1L,
conservatory of music.
Morris Rich of New York arrived Wednes
day and after a day's sojourn In Lincoln went
west over the Uurlington.
Mrs. Emery Caldwell, Walter and Miss
Clara Caldwell and Miss Osborne have gone
to Portland for the summer.
Miss Estelle Morrison of Chicago, a niece of
F. F. Roose, has arrived in Lincoln and is
taking a course in ihorthand.
C. E. Yates and family left Monday for the
mountains of Colorado, accompanied by Mrs.
Ys sister from Burlington, Iowa.
Miss Cora Outcalt is the proud possessor of
a tlno pony nnd hnndsoms llttlo phaeton, nil
of her own selectlon'nnd purchase.
Court Rexrter Mullln Is being assisted by
his son, James Mullui of Omnha, nnd expect
to go on the excursion to Portland.
Frank A, Manly Immediately on graduat
ing from the State University Joined n B. &
M. engineering corps near Culbertson.
Lieut Griffith expects to leave today and
will eud two or three weeks at Hot Springs,
Ark., on his way to his Pittsburg homo.
Misses Frances Dunscombo and Louisa
Tucker of tho city schools havo gone to Fre
mont to attend tho normal for n few weeks.
Rov. R. H. F. Galrdner has Joined his wifo,
who Is vlsting her parents at Detroit They
will visit Canada before returning next
John Riley, an old Lincoln boy, but now
telegraph editor of the Omaha llee, was In
town Monday but wouldn't divulge tho uame
of tho attraction.
Mrs. R. H. Oakley's home and lawn were
tho scene last evening of a highly successful
social under the Mrectlon of tho ladies of the
church of tho Holy Trinity.
Mrs. M.D.Wolch had a trip to Hot Springs,
Dak,, in contemplation, but the robbery of
her husband's sufe has caused a change of
plan. She had her trunk packed an her tick
et bought
Prof. F. M. Glbeault leaves today for a vis
it to the old home at Momtnce, 111., for a stay
of several mouths. He may go to Europe,
but expects to open regular classes again in
Elmer Hnnkle, lata with tho Hart hardware
company, has accepted n position with the
Omaha hardware company. He will go on
the road for them and will drop in on Lincoln
friends occasionally.
Charles Shelper. late with Ashby Si Mills-
p.ugh but now representing Edson, Keith &
Co., a Chicago wholosalo dry goods house, has
had Lincoln added to his Kansas territory
and will havo his headquarters hero.
Mr. A. C. Zlemcr received a novel and ac
ceptable present from her husband on her re
cent birthday anniversary. It was a five dol
lar bill for each year of her age. The bills
were In sheets. lust as the local bank receives
them from the government.
Miss Ada W. Smith, of New York Cltv.
has liecome a resident of Lincoln for an In
definite length of time, and Is making her
borne with Dr. Mrs. Painter. Miss Smith
was a volunteer nurse in the union army dur
ing the rebelllon.and much of the time nlde to
Dr. Painter by appointment of General Grant.
through whom she received her passes.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Burr returned yesterday
from a delightful trip to the Shattuck milita
ry school at Faribault They attended com
mencement exercises and saw their son
Charles graduate with honors. There was
additional gratification in the fact that Lieut.
Burr' company, Co. C, took the flag In the
competitive drill.
Mr. Adolph Weber and Nat Brlgham will
sing at Cushman park tomorrow. Mrs.
Weber expect tostart for Europe next week
to pursua her musical studies aad also to take
dramatic lessons. She has no Intention of go
ing on the stage, but thinks it well to Improve
her splendid opportunities to acquire an ac
compiiskmeat that may bo of use on occa-don.
What's in a Name?
Not much perhaps, generally speaking but the name of Summons somehow seems
to identify itself with popularity. We've worked hard to'gct where we arc on top
of the heap of competition and we intend to stay there, too. It's easy enough
to tell what put us there; simply honest business methods. One price for all. A
tremendous stock which contains everything good that the market affords, and
coupled with low prices making in all a combination that is always a sure winner
and hard to bent.
We have an idea that there's nothing too good for the Lincoln populace at least that's
what we think, some few fogies perhaps. may think our stock too good for this town, but our
methods wjll pay best in the long run, i. e., supply the best quality for the least money, nullis:
The tremendous cut wc arc making in the price of our entire stock, be it
Clothing, Hats, or Furnishings, has stirred 'em up, and though our business was lar
ger last week, we expect more the coming week. Elegant Neckwear this week for
a trifle. Straw Hats. Buy now while the iron's hot and your dollar will do you
double service, at .......
Who Lead them
. isai.s -
Business Men-Attention !
HKHMLn M jf jgjte. ijBaw'gEf Ly ffl jff1 Bpfff TBSails.s.Bs.sH
B1EM Hon
Curtain Desks from $27 to $84.
211-213-215 South Eleventh Street.
ouTFirreRs to tohnkind
all in Style, Quality
ONLY $36
'" J -'
and Low
Prices, im
', I
' ;
BfllilTMMsmF'g'- :i.:'. w' ?w"ir: :ia"a,m-v..;-jLai. taAMJ