Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 15, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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ffni i i; hi iii- qray
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Saturday Btening, June 1 5, '80
Ot)rnr 10th anil P ItrMtt.
Dry Goods and Carpets.
The Couiukii will not to responsible for
any debt mad by nny one In Its name, un
'Jess a written order accomanlcs the mine,
properly signed.
L. Wxsmch, Jr., Prop'r,
Herpolsheimer & Go.
30 Cts. nnd Upward.
The Courier Can be Found At
Windsor Hold Now Stand.
' Capital Hotel New Htitnil.
(Well's Dining Hull News Hlnnd.
Olason A Fletcher', HOHouth lltti Street.
A. T. Lcmlnir A iVs.. UOU O Mticcl.
The Gotham KeniHtauil, HI Houtli Ittli HI.
Keith IIhih., Ill Ninth nth Htreot.
1 Kit. Young, iwuo mrcci.
Katon AHmlth.lttOO
"Diamond rtia,inacy," Mil nnd N HI
M'rktcrnta' bmbor hup, lluir block.
Children's Hnnnel
Silk and Flannel Blouses.
Hatter and Furnisher, 1137 O St. and Personal.
Whitebreast Coal nnd Lime Company.
Tako Turkish at lOld O street
The Lest Teas. S, P .Stevens & Co.
Sawyer & Mother, florist) Masonic Temple.
Mineral water, used (or bathing, 1010 O st
Trkkey & Co,,wh61ealeand retail Jewelers,
Mew summer dress goods at H. It Nlsslsy
,LadkwlookattbeLaSancy shoes at Fer
ktttsBro. Perkins Bros, have the, finest French shoes
Jot Infant.
Try some of the flno fresh fish served every
day at Cameron's.
Canon City Coal again nt the Whitebreast
Coal and Lime Co.
Ask for tho "Maris Stuart" collar at Wells
MS south Uth street.
A Patent Leather Soled shoes for ladies full
dress at Perkins Bros.
Roast meats, and vegetables of all klndsat
Cameron's Lunch House,
A French shoe hand turned for Infants and
Children at Perkins Pros.
Lackawana and Scranton hard coal sold
sdy by Hutchins & Hyatt
Everybody eats at Odell's nowadays
Board only f 1.00 per wk.
Canon City coal delivered to all parts of
city. Call up telephone 835.
Only place In Lincoln that uses mineral
water in baths is at 1010 O street.
Improved shower for Turkish baths at 1010
O street, basement Union block.
Mendota, tho most popular coal on tho mar
ket. sola only by hutchins & Hyatt.
For choice perfumes, fine toilet soaps, go to
1133 O Street, Chapman's drug store.
Scissors, anlves, purses, the flnest and best,
1106 O street, Chapman's drug store.
Fine Teas, Spices, and the largest lute of
Fine Groceries In the city, at 8. P. Stevens.
Best board in the city and at a price within
reach of all, at Odell's. Twenty-ono meal
Brushes, combs, baud glasses, eye glasses,
specs, etc, at Chapman's drug store, 111 O
Tho finest luncheons in tho city are served
at all hours at Carder's European restaurant,
W4P street
Call up telephone number 118 and onler
your ice of the Lincoln Ice Company. Office
1040 O street
Toilet articles and pert uiuery of all the lat
est odors at Wilson & Green's pharmacy 181)
south Tenth street.
Everything now and neat, finest menu and
beet 000k In the city at Carder's European
restaurant, 034 P street.
The finest work in the city at HaydeuV
photographic studio, is! 1 4 O street. See our
flue samples of art work.
We are selling a good solid shoe for ladies
aad gentlemen for 13.00. Ask to see them at
Webster & Rogers', 1043 O street
Everybody that has stopped at Carder's
hotel speaks well of it. Day board or meals
a la carte served at popular prices.
All the babies In Lincoln are wanted to be
at the Eden Musee the week of June 3d to
cossnete for prises. Mothers, enquire at the
Musee box office for particulars.
Asfcby fc MUlspaugh began yesterday au
eM iaaWoaed quarter off sale, which will last
atU Jut 1st. We advise anyone in need of
dry good to take advantage of it.
When Aehby & MilUpaugh advertise a
gwarter-off sale it always meaus the lowest
pries that are ever made ou fine dry good.
Tfcsjr began their sale yesterday and will con.
jtfBe U until June 1st.
We have one second-band Edward's Jump
eat buggy, leather top, doors on side, nearly
as Rood u Bew, at 160; cost new 3n0, Abo
two aseettd-baBd phaetons, leather tops,
yited and varnished over, been in use from
e to two yean, at $75 and 00 each. These
are abargala And one grocer's delivery
Hudsbaker wagon with top, turn-under
whe), feed as mm, '1100. We also have the
est aarriafa work manufactured Intfcla
isry mcmmuut a., aaniware.
One of the most notable weddings of the
year, though n quiet nlTalr without ostenta
tious display, was that of Mr. Kdgnr A. Rog
er and Miss Cora, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs.
II. N. Krsklno. Tho ceremony was informed
nt tho brldo's homo. Sixteenth nnd K street,
at high noon last Wednesday by ltov. O. A.
Williams of tho First Bsptlst church. Dur
Iiik the service the bride nnd groom stood un
der a beautiful canopy of roees nnd smllax
siisiendeil In tho boy window of tho back par
lor. Scattered ntout tlm roomr were row nnd
smllax decorations, also n largo numtor of or
chids nnd other rare flowers sent by n New
York friend of Miss Ersktnc. Tho brlda was
nttlrotl In n white faille silk, ti limned with
lilies of tho valley. Tho gown was short
length and tho conventional veil wns dis
pensed with. Tho brldo woro llllus of tho vnN
ley In licr hair nnd carried a bouquet of white
01 rlilds nnd Nlphctos roses. Tho groom woro
n frock cont
Only n small coinimny of friends wns pres
ent. They were Rev, nnd Mrs, Williams,
Deacon nnd Mrs. Bingham, Mr. nnd Mrs. J.
J, Gillian, Mr. mid Mrs. E. H. Jenkins, Dr.
and Mrs. Houtr, Mr. A. C. Mastemon,
Misses Mlnulo UtU nnd Edith Doollttle,
Messrs. J. W, Smith, C. H. Jenkins and H.
J, Leo of Pawiico City.
Immediately nfter tho ceremony tho com
pany sat down to nn elntorete luncheon serv
ed in courses by Brown. Mr. nnd Mr. Rogers
left on tho 4(15 train to visit the groom's rel
atives In Illinois, mid they may go thence for
a trip on tho lakes. On their return they will
tako up their residence In tho Ersklno homo.
Tho brldo wns geuorously remembered by
friends nnd kinsmen, nnd among thoglft was
a chock from her father for 11,000, Mrs.
Rotors Is n member or 0110 of Lincoln's w ualth
lest families nnd Is n lady of many clinrmlng
qualities, Mr. Rogers Isa comparatively now
comer to Lincoln, but as a member of 0110 of
tho leudlng bulneaa firms has taken a high
rank In the commercial Ufa of the city.
The l'rlie llnhle.
Tho last day nt tho baby show nt tho Eden
Museo drew lnrgo crowds and there wns
enough excited electioneering for u wnrd
caucus and to spare. Tho friends of tho sov
cral candidate not only canvas! Individual
votes, hut raised purses to toek their favor
ite. Agent Klomer Interested himself in the
11. & M. bnby, nud, ns might hrvo toon ex
iected, the representative of tho great llnr
llngtou 1 onto got there by n large majority.
That hum Kleiner think nnd dreams of noth
ing but tho U. & M. and lis Interests.
Conscious of being represented by the pret
tiest, brightest, smartest nud altogether tho
mot dimming mother, tho Couhikh threw
It eiiergk Into tho content for that prlso nnd
Is proud of lu endorsement by n majority ot
8,800. Tho commltteo were up nil Saturday
night counting tho votes, and announced the
wiuuei-s a follows:
Prelttest baby No. SO, Mr. John O. Sauls-
berry's sou, 50!I3. (Next largest voto for Mrs.
John Gross' son, the Joiii'mil toby, 2450).
Most charming mother No. 3, Mrs. W. M,
Allen, 3853. (Next highest vote for Mrs.M.M.
Lyons, 1573).
Largest baby No, 4, Mrs. A. uemko's sou,
8590. (Next highest vote for Mr. Jas. Ner-
vlnVi son, 8801).
Prettiest twins -Mr. Rough's daughters,
9108. (No opposition),
Smallest )by Na 17, Mrs. M. M, Lyons'
daughter, 8548. (Next hlgest vote for Mrs.
S. A. Allen's son, colored, 1804.) The friends
of Mrs. Allen claim that there was an error
in the count depriving her of the prise.
Mr. E. A. Johlison and Miss Tilda McLaugh
lin were married Tuesday evening at a real
denoe already furnished for their reception,
adjoining the homo of the groom's father, J,
D. Johnson, 1130 T street A merry compa
ny of fifty young people were present
Mr. It. O, Haskins and Miss Sadie Ilrowno
were married Tuesday evening nt tho R street
home of Mr. Samuel Thurbcr.
Mr. J. V, Lewis, manager ot the Arcade
hotel at Vnlpalralso, and MIm Molllo Eosom
of Wahoo were married Monday at the home
of G. E. Blgelow, P street, Elder C B. New
man officiating. Tho company, including a
number ot friends, were regaled with n wed'
ding supper, nud Mr. and Mro. Lowls took
tho evening train tor Vulpairalso,
Mr. J. C Klotx of Omaha and Miss Maggie
O. Wallace ot Lincoln were married Tuosday
at the home of Mrs. John Fox, 1141 R street.
Rev. K. S. Ralstor. officiated, nnd after tho
ceremony tho bridal party sat down to a fsiut
ot good things. Tho newly made couple went
to Omaha In the evening. The groom wua
formerly a resident of this city, He was
freight Inspector for the Union Pacific and
new holds a similar position with the B. & M.
at Omaha.
Ml Fannie I. Moore is to be married next
Tuesday to Mr. Harry S. Fleek of Newuik,
Ohio. It will bo a quiet wedding, but fn the
evening Mr. nud Mrs. W, B. Ogden, at whoeo
residence the wedding Is to take place, will
givo a reception In their honor.
The High School Graduate.
The graduates ot tho It gh school have nn
aluiuul association, which has thu pleating
custom of giving a reception each year to the
graduating clans. This year It was given at
Temple hall Monday evemrtf JrWfl 9 to 10.
. . . 11 . v.. ... .ihL i'.i. r.
Aiier miiiguiifi irroij
the company r5alr
queu Aiier me IW',M
made a happy litWJvwJ
Kh ;
M vVfvKMMh , ) w
I) welconihift iV,v
Weekly, Harjwr's Monthly, Islle's AVeekly,
Century, Lincoln Call, Lincoln News, State
Journal, Capital City Courier, Bcrlbnor's
Mngnrlue, Chicago Times, Chicago Tribune,
St. Louis GIolw-Democrat, St. Louis Sport
ing News, Now York SortIng Times, N. Y.
Mercury, N. Y. Worhl. N. Y. Tilbuno, Lin
coln Olobe, Omaha Boo, North Am. Review,
Publlo Opinion, New York Mirror, Outing,
Forum, Scientific American, Omaha Herald,
Omaha Republican.
A special meeting will to held nt 3 o'clock
Sunday afternoon to decide on the part to to
taken in the cnvnlcndo of King Tnrtarrnx,
Tho Plrnsant Hour club nnd Indies, twenty
five couples or more, drove out to CushmMti
park lato Thursday afternoon, nnd tho first
hour wns given up to the disposition 0' lunch.
Tho rent of tho evening was given over to
dancing, moonlight molls and tete-n-tetes.
The picnickers were scattered In too many
K rou 1 is to tell who were there.
Tho junior Pleasant Hours followed suit on
Tho traveling men's outing during the week
of Juno 84th promises to to well attended nnd
full of Interest
Tho old settlers will hnvo a picnic at Citsh
man's next Wednesday,
Young 1'eupta nnit the 1'lano,
Tho pupils of MIm Goodln gave their first
recital Weducsdny evening In the mrlor of
tho Wlndior hotel. M I Mnrine assisted with
two soprano solos. All other number were
upon tho plnno. Quite mimtor of the pa
rents of tho perfonnoi s were present, and
were much plcaitcd with tho progress made
by the young oople. Tho participant were
Master George Scott, Minos Little Whedon,
Daisy Jlonuell, Clara Smith, WinnloBonuolI.
Katlo Criley, Mngxle Whedon, Mattlo Crlley,
Hattio Huffman, Silence Dales, Lcttle Bon
toy nud Gmco McFudden,
Minor Mention.
Mrs. Cooloy entertained n small company
of sophomores WcdncNday evening,
Tho Ladle' Eastern Star lodgo gave Mrs.
Dr. Lane 11 pleaMint surprise call Wednesday
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. J, Wiulnger enteitaimsl a
small coniany Wwlnelny evening very
A small company of young people dropped
in on Mr nud Mrs. J, A. Buckstalf Wednes
day evening nnd had n Jolly time.
The Oinulin tire has Issued Invitations to a
reception next Wednesday, which will open
Its new building and celebrate it eighteenth
Grand Chancellor Will Love has sent n cir
cular to subordinate lodges of tho Knlgiits of
Pythias, urging them to contribute for tho
Johnstown sufToreis.
Miss Gosip hints mysteriously about n wed
ding soon-to-to that has been kept very quiet
hut tho lirlile lor which is a member of swell
circles. Wonder whol
The Capital Chemical company is building
up a lino buslncvs, and is having n gratifying
sale of its now jierfume, Tycoon. Tho com
pany includes J. E. Rlggs nud Geo, II, Hoi
ilen In It personnel.
Le Grand Boynton's dog found a pocket
tiook on the street the other day nnd carried
it home. It contained 118 and the card of
tho owner, Miss Emily (linns.
Ladles should remember that the only thing
society reoognlzes for calling purposes Is en
graved cards, and thoy are so cheap now that
every lady in Lincoln should leave her or
der with the Wessel Printing Co.
Miss Power, trimmer at Miss Gosper's, has
been suffering from an ankle sprained on a de
fective sidewalk, and has had to go to and
from home in a carriage Evidently there is
work for tho sidewalk inspector's attention.
Thoro has beeu talk of a congress of natioas
at tho Musee for the last week in June, but
on account ot the absence of many eople
from town, preparations for the Fourth of
July, etc, it will probubly to postponed un
til fall.
The brotherhood ot St Andrews, forming
n society of Trinity church, will glvo nn en
tertainment at Funko's ntout tho 85th, com
prising recitations nnd musical features,
among tho feature being Air. uomnow or
Omaha and tho bent home talent.
A small but delightful irty of an im
promptu character was given at the residence
of Mason Gregg Monday evening in honor ot
his brothers, J. II. Gregg of St Joe, Mo., and
Dr. Hallday of Burlington, Iowa, who Imd
been visiting nt tho homes of Jlnson and T. E,
Gregg for a few days.
General Passenger Ag?nt Carpenter of tho
CM & St P. has issued tn circular giving
minute Information about the railroad ar
rangement for old soldiers who wish to at
tend the G, A It encampment at Milwaukee
in August. The faro will to half rate. Copies
of tho circular may to had by wi itlng John
E. McClure, western passenger agent, 1501
Fnmnm street, Omaha.
There is soino feeling betw een tho high school
graduates and nlumnl. Of tho nineteen grad
uates this year only five were present at the
reception tendered them by the alumni asso
ciation. It Is said that some ot the absentees
became "huffy" because, tho Invltatious were
not as costly as in years past. The alumni
explain this with the statement that they
thought to Improvo on former receptions by
adding a banquet Instead of putting all the
money Into Invitations.
graduates ot o0. iWJfakh Mr. Thos. Wlwirfr
spoaded. Mh$4,ft Oihple, hWMwlsh to show their esteem for a frl-sml, ana in
read a record oOWoclatlou, and tb folJordor remind that friend of their constant
lowing officers MMUycted: ) ood will they give it tangible and lasting ex-
It Is very natural for men and women to
(, wish to show their esteem for a frlnd, and In
President, HwAUrown;
ireemau; iroejmmTj
rrjuww Tucker.
Tho first class JllViiWrt Uvl U W.i "Vw WWl
uates have been 114 liwiWWmtoh -r
the. banquet the TOmrttfyjfciflvWiW.Teniple
hall nnd danced fourteen humoWl. Thu par
ticipants, many ot tho young ladles in pretty
evening toilets, were:
Messrs. Goodell, MuDowuell, OppenLelmcr,
Hallett, McCrosky, Wooils, Seabolt, Wing,
Tucker, Shepard, Hardy, Richardson, Welch,
Du Tiel, iCamp, Melone, Philip, Cosgrovo,
Bush, Brown, Fife, Tinker, Heatou, Gllesple,
Oppenhelmer, Cope, Edmlnston, Johnson,
Clark, Dorgau, Blnsford,
MUes Pound, Hutchinson, Moon of Ash
land, Meudentmll, Dew, Hallett, DelHie, Lat
ta, Buncher, Hammond, Rlchter, Underwood,
Gutherage, Cook, Ulover, llurch, Urockena,
Pace, Ixmls, Clark, Morgan, Heaton, Barna
by, Mullen, Weaver, Freeman, Caldwell,
Taylor, Friend, Gllesple, Witloughby,
The Klks Active.
The Elks bavo arranged with Mr, Wylle,
formerly head waiter at the Windsor, to re
open and conduct a grill room in connection
with the club rooms. The furniture and room
have been turned over to the new manager,
and ha runs the business on his own aicouut.'
He hss employed one of the best cooks In town
and offer a short order bill about the sotn
as Brown's in variety and prices.
The price of billiards has been reduced to'
15 cents per game.
W. S Huffman has been chosen secretary '
In place ot J, U. illglubotham, realgned.
The Elks Installed their new officers Monday
night and spread themsels es around a spread.
The following periodicals are now regularly
on file; Judge, Puck, Life, Time, Harper's
Is the superb outlay of Men's fixings in our store. Expressions of surprise
mingled with delight is what we hear every day from throngs of pleased customers-
commenting as to whether it pays in Lincoln to carry so fine and extensive a line of
Haberdashery, but we find that T DOES PAY.
People entering our store will find throngs of buyers who arc purchasing noV'
cities that heretofore they were unable to buy in town, such as Tennis Blazers and
Belts, such handsome patterns in Summer Neckwear, pure Silk at 49c and English
Linen four-in-hands at 35 and 49c and a thousand and one other styles. Further
along in groups arc assembled buyers of Underwear, then Fine Hosiery, Silk and
Linen Handkerchiefs, and the innumerable other articles of men's wear too
numerous to mention.
and who is doing the furnishing trade
Thus these groups illustrate which way the wind blows
of Lincoln.
Everything that's desirable.
new and elegant you will always at the tireless toilers for trade.
, if-.
Business Men-Attention !
presslou in a present. Of court they want it
to be handsome ami useiui. It me recipient
to a gontleman nothing fills tho bill better
than c watch. If it bo a lady a set of silver
spoons, knives, forks or tea service is moet
acceptable. Persons desiring anything of this
kind should Inspect the stock of Hallett, the
Eleventh street jeweler, who Is glad to exhib
it Ills goods and lend his exerienced counsel
Norway, Silver, Spruce and Hemlock trees,
opKwlte Peoria House,
Tnko thnt prescription to Wilson & Green's
pharmacy 130 south Tenth street, where It
will beacurately compounded and prices will
to reasonable.
Sawyer & Mwhter's greenhouses supply cut
flowers, boquets, ete., on short notice.
Branch floral conservatory in Masonic Tem
ple basement
Remember you get nothing but the pure
.shI HwfeggilMsssssssssssBsEBErryBW
EEniCTHsH gj
s isiiniiinri'fyrytsyfffff ;bbsbhJh
HHRjt H I JBrliffjf TCTIWnLsi
iBsiSswig!g IH P vSLtsvsnsMsaSaaaB
ffljyBg tg -s-j-u. 1 ja 1 H KUBci- 'JTtnrTrTTssrrssssi
j'-. TT sssBB ( 3' '""Hm
bjsBbubAw yppjpflpH f gEBl ( (w sMsV lH
article when you order your ice from the Lin
ooln Ice Comjwmy. Telephone number 118.
Office 1040 O street
Have you xeen those elegant Canopy top
Surreys with full fenders at Camp Brothers,
Tenth and MstieetsJ Tho latest styles out,
come and see them.
Remember that Brown, the caterer, is on
hand at Oushman park.
Morton &: Lelshtv at their handsome new
loe cream imrlors will serve none but strictly
pure Icecream, A line of fine cont ecUonery
will also be found fresh and at rjght prices,
Evergreeen trees from Blacks Hill, opposite
Peoria House.
Special line of White Goods at reduced
prlcesat HerpoUhelmer & Co.'s.
Curtain Desks from $27 to $84;
211-213-216 Soutk Eleveatu Street,
A. 2