fWI r,1T(w;r9t Jjm ,1Jrw5wSfiF CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1889. P?yPB!B!)Mrery?T' if I; I ' ' ! r i h , . " if t r':f " ,' fcv. ., fe to 1 . Sfe FINE : ART : STUDIO , U14 O strctt Rxninlnc sample of our work before ordering elsewhere. Cnhtnct Photograph reduced from $4 to $3 per iloxen WAITED ! Everybody to examine the plans and standing of the Un ion Central Life Insurance Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio, before insuring. It has the lowest continuous death rate of any company. Realizes the highest rate of interest on in vested assets which enables it to pay large dividends. Policies incontestibd n n d non-forfeitable after third vcar. The Union Central issues endowment policies at ordi nary life rates; these policies arcjjnow maturing and being paid-in from one to two years earlier than time estimated by the company. They protect the family and estate during the younger years of life, and the insured in old age at regu lar life rates. Other desirable policies issued. Call on us or write for plans. J. 3t. KDMM2VX, State Agtnl. 0. L. 3IKSHWJt, Aitt, State Ant, 0. T. PUMPKLLW Cltu Solicitor, ltoom 21 Ilurr Week, LINCOLN, NEB. Leaders in Photography. JlEUf jffi 5tudio5- We mak a kpeclaltyj'of the celebrated BROMIDE Life sized picture and furnish the flnetl work at lowest price. Best Cabinets $3.00 Elegant line of Picture Frame In tcck and made to order. Call and ice us. H. W. KELLEY 4 CO. 1016 O Street. LINCOLN, NED I can cheerfully recommen. Dr ftoth Arnold' Cough Killer a being aflrat-eUu remedy for Courtis and Colds, Imv Inirutoult In my own family with Tery great sstlsf action. r. H. Ilnali TV flnlti.. tuwn. -. ... -, ... .,...., JtaMltU, 380.. BOe., and 11.00. HOTEDORLEANS SITUATED ON SOUTH SHORB SbiTitH. Lake W ON Will bo under the personal supervision of H. L. LELHND, and will boopenfor the reception of miesU, June fin t In each year. Visitor will Ond THE ORLEHNS is fir t class in all of its appointments, betar well supplied with na, hot and cold water baths, electrio bells antf all modtm im provsaaeats, ataam laundry, billiard halb bowling alley, eto. , aud positively firoe fro sjuaoyauco by mosquitoes. Hound tf rip Excursion tf iclr,ets will be placed on sle at the commencement af the tourist season by the Burlington. Cedar Xapids Northern Ksilway and all eeaaectina; lines, at low rates, to the follow ing; points in Iowa and Xinnesot ! Spirit Lake, Iowa: Albeit Les, Watery tile, Minn- Bear Lake and Duluth, Minnesota t Clear Lake, Iowa) Lake Superior points; Yellow trn Park and points in Colorado. Writs) for "A MidHummer Pur- adit" to the General Ticket and Paaa- martr itarirnT. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and for '122 jlstM to W. U LKiAND, Spirit LsJm, lew, C.J. IVES, J. E. HANNEQAN, rrM.M4aMia.rt. ow'itwm . fMt Hi 8H& WA3 FROM BOSTON. Why the Professor lll II n llittlrimm le l.noU for Refreshments. Tlioilry a to marrow, tlio leathery a to heart, but ventnut a to iirnln, tlio professor found himself In tlio ballroom, nud, llko the fly In author, wondering how tlio deuco he got thero. In n bower corner snt tlio rosohudlost of rosohud In n Rnnlfliiof exquisitely engowned Klrl. 'I innko It n rulo of three, professor," nyi the rosebud, "I dance throo dance only of a night, oho In orory hour. Tlio drat a Bjuaro dance, to tiring my vohmtnry ruut oloi, with their fftm'lcull, Into gentlnplny i th iocond n x)lkft, to work tlio voluntary inus lot Into perfect notion, and tlio third a waits, for absolute oiijoyinont," "Hlowi my soul I" oxolnlnu tlio professor. "I employ tlio Ititorlm by following Mint train of thought. Tonight I mil ecklug tyx. 1 wntit to find my Cleopatra, my As pasta and my IMiyriio." "Hies my wiull" oxolnlnu tlio professor. "Did Clcupntrn ond tlio wlutorof 40 II. a with Antony In Alexandria, or wn It 411 Did ulio Imro licr bosom or only hor nnn t thoanpr1 "Hie my wiull" oxolnlnu tlio profowor. "Was Amln fftt or only a lllrtl W'ni Socrato hor lovtOf Va tlio ill vorco of l'orl cles ns crfiH't n n Clilcngo illvorcol Why doos ArNtoplmiion nucrllio tlio Hnmliiii nud relopoutioxlim wars to her lmply Ihh-iuw1h tout her Indy' mnldr Do you think I'lutnrch'i defmiM iixculNita her I U'n hor mhmihI litis hniul, Lyolcloi, n Krk (mcker or merely a cattlo itoalorl" "llloAi my roiiII" oxclnlm tlio profewtor, "Was riiryno's mothor n InuudroM. nud li It truo thnt alio got her living nt ono tlmo by gnthorlus riiieml Woro thom rnpor for tnuco or lK)ll(d lojf of mutton f Wn her olTor to mhulld tlio walls of Theho If hor nntnt woro Inncrlhcd on thorn houn lido Did h profnuo tlio KhiHlnlnn mystcrle, or wn It a put up Job to bring hor to IlolhuU, In ordot Vo lot tlio council oo her bonutlful nnntomyl I Inclluo to this, for Apollo jmlntoil hor m Uw Venus Aiinuyomono, nud I'rnxllolM kii1hxI her oa tlio Cnodlnn Vonu. Wai Aiiollo hor lover, ns woll n Prnxltole!" "Wen my soul I" exclaim tlio professor. "You aw, profewor, I am from Ilostou." 'Aim I" nud tlio vonernblo professor bound- llko 0110 of hi crack pupil In tlio dlrcctloc of tho refreshment room. Onco a Week. The Content Dliplnyril, Froshlngton Going out of town, old foil WhUtlor Jut for tho night, don't you know! Tho Uiuhlln glvo a bit of n dnnco at Telbaiu, uud I'vo bundled in a chw hammer and Holy gralll thero'a my train I Ta-UI ULAWST THAT STgr, ASTTWAVI Time, Fair Warning. Johnnie, aged 0, had been banUhod to th bodroom for using bad words to his younger brother, 8am, and told thnt ho must remain tbcro until ho was sorry for his misconduct. After a fow luluutoa of kicking and scream log, and then of quiut, be called Bam to the door to receive the following communication! "8am, If I'm over sorry for calling you names and I'll havo to stay hero an nW ul whllo boforo I am the first thing 111 do when I get out will bo to lick you for telling on me." Another long pauso and he con tinued: "YouM better bo getting ready, Sam; I'm U ginning to feel pretty sorry." Philadelphia IYeos. Of Course. It was a llttlo Fifth ward loy who was walking on tho btrect with blr .nother, when hi attention was attracted by a dog which wagged n htub that showed ho onco x.smxJ a tall. "Isn't It too bad," said tho mother, "that tho doggy has lot his tall I" "Yen," replied tho llttlo follow, sadly, and then brightening up asked, "But, mamma, why don't thoy (nko hits to tho tailor's shop!' Ulmlra Advertiser. Spring. In the spring when tliu grtwn gits back In the trees. And tlio sun comes out and stays. And yer Uxt pull on with a good, lltf lit squectv, And you think of ycr barefoot day; When you ort to work and you want to net. And you and yor wife agrees It's tlmo to kia(Iii up the garden lot , When the Kruen glta back In the trees Well, work I tho lentt of my IiImm When the green, you know, gits beck In th trttm. , When tho greet) glu back In 'the trees, and boes 1 a-buxilu' aroun' agin, In that kind of a laiy "go-as-you pteado" Old gato they hum rottn' Int When tho grouud's all baU wbero the hnj rick HtOOj, And the crick's rlx, and tho breexa Couxtu the bloom In the old dogwood. And the given git back In tho treea 1 like, a I miy, in uleli itouen a themi, Tho tlmo when tho green git back In thi treo. When tlio wholu tall feather o w Inter time Is nil pidled out nud gone. And the sap It thaw and begin to climb. And the sweat it starts out oa A foller' fonvd, a glttln' down At tho old pi log on his Looim I kind o' like, aC a Irtafertii' roiui' When the greou glw back In the treos Jos' a-potterla ruuu' a I durn-pleasd When the grwn, you know, git back In ths trees. -juom waitoomo ru. ' p A a Maltor of Porn. "Mr. KaJouos," tald young Bprlngbyla, clearing hi throat, "I havo called to nk per' mlmlon to pay my addroue to your daugh ter." "Whlchono, Julliur lnqulio.1 Jlr. Knjono. "Ml Marin, lr." TliJ father looked flxoilly nt tho young man. "What nrn your pnwpect in life, Jullusl' ho ivtld. "To toll you tho truth, sir," acknowledged youngBiiringhylo, "I hnvoiioprosectMorth montionlng, 1 11111 In modornteclrcumstnucot and hnvo no iwiuiroi oxcopt n knowlmtgo of my huilnefM, gmxl health, and sternly habits." "Jut so, Jiillti," miKvd tho father. "Your Incomo, I ilaro nay, I" "Al)outl,,.'00ftyear." "And on this, my young friend, you would expect to RupHrt youmolf and a young wo nian who Im lived In n homo whoro sho has nover boon uwl to anything llko prlvotiou or ovon Judlclou economy I" "It does acorn nrewumptuou for mo to think of it," faltered tlio youth, "audn Ineo ltdoe not moot with your approval I will say no mora about It nnd nsk your jwirdou for" "Btny, Jullu," oxclalmotl Mr. Kajonos, Mtuowhnt hastily, "I only akcd you thoo question a n matter of form. If you want Maria, my lwy, you can havo hor I" And ho hook tho young man wnrmly by tho hand. Mr. Knjoncs, It tuny bo proor to stnto, has eight uumarriod daughters beside Maria. Chicago Trlhuuo. They Never Would See It There. Author Jane, I promised Professor Hlo cum I would icak favorably of lifa "Tron tLtoon l'hllofophy" In this hook of mlno, and I've got to do It, I upioso, but I hnto to hnvo tho puhllo think I tniiorso hi work. If I could only smuggle In n favornblo montlon of It In somo wny thnt would osca)o tho nttentlou of tho reader Author's Wifo-Thnt's easily dono. Put it n tho profneo. Chicago Tribune. An Kgg Htory. TUB KOOB AnntVE UOUE 8AFGI.Y. Chlcngo Herald. Didn't I.Ike Their Company. Llttlo Johnny wo paying his tint visit to Frionds church. I to soon becanio dls (ustod with tho qunlnt old hats and bonnets, and tho "thoos" aud "thys" of tho preacher, and was just about to loavo whon tho preacher exclaimed: "I want nil thoso who wish to enjoy tho eternal llfo of tho beautiful homo abovo to rlso to their feet." Tho congregation roso in n body, but Johnny remained soatod. Tlio preacher no ticed tho llttlo Dinner and oxclalmodt "What, uiy sou, doosik't theo wish to go to heaven I" "No, slroo," said Johnny, with emphasis; "not If this crowd goes." Philadelphia Press. A Candid Criticism. "Miss Doddloton," said a young man, "did you read tho oout that I sent yout" "Yea," replied tho young lady, rather Ian (uldly. "How did you llko Itl" "I had only ono fault to find with It" "What was thatr "It was n llttlo bit too long thero wore Just about two verses too many." And tho youth sat down In tho corner and sadly remembered that thero wero only two verso to tlio composition. ilorchant Trav eler. Supply and Demand. Miss Hlghup Mario, has Tho Ilightonod Monthly como yot? Mario Yes, mum. "What's In itl" "War articles an' travels in foreign coun tries, an' astronomy cr arlthmotlc, cr some thing I can't make out." "Oh, dear I Put It on tho library tnblo whoro folks can soo It, and then I wish you'd go nrouud to tho nowstaud and got mo a copy of Tho Lovo Story Weekly. Bo sure and say It's for yoursolf." PhiladoiphJa Record. A Sen i of Safety. I asked my own r lass of boys nud girls If thoy nlwuys said their prayers night nnd morning. Most replied that they did, but ono small child said sho only said her prayer In tho morning. "Indeed, and how is thntf" 1 inquired. "I should think you would ueed God's caro moro at night than In tho day time. Why don't you say your prayers at night I" " 'Cmiso I always sleep in tho mlddto," was tho quick reply. Pittsburg IVesa. Ills Father' Ciuttc. A lot of Irishmen wero working together, whon ouo thn. was always complaining of his work said: "I wish I was homo In mo father' folno old castlo." A companion rotorted: "Your father' folno old castlo, Is Itl It was a folno cld cas tlo yvr futher had. Ye could stand on the roof of yer father's castlo, put yer arm down tho chimney uml open tho front door of yer father's folno old castlo." Philadel phia Press. Self Kvfdent. Agricultural Editor Well, what you boon doing today! Lltorary Editor (wearily) Oh, grinding out some jokes to fill up. Agricultural Editor Ah, yes; prolwhly need to bo ground to get a point to thorn. Detroit Freo Press. SB. MANOKI.AKKVIKV 11UVHACA8KOKF.OU8. " ft 0003 AND ENDS. Thero aro moro than 800 Indian dialects la North America alono. Our greatest glory I not In nover falling, but rising overy tlmo wo fall. Confucius. Tho weight of tho heart is from eight to twolvo ounce. It leat 100,000 times a day. A London milliner has invented a cork bonnet. It I made wholly of tho bark of tbs cork tree and I very light. If all tho tolophono wires In this country wero stretched In a continuous lino thoy would go seven times around tho globa. Prldo, llko tho magnot, constantly points to ouo object, soIf but, unllka tho mag net, it has no nttrnctlvo polo, hut nt all Klnts repols. Coltou. Tho greatest snuff taking country In the world Is Franco, though It shows n decllno In tho habit. In 18CJ tho consumption was 13, 000,000 pounds, or soven ounces jer hood. Now It Is flvo ounce. Tho Christian Inquirer thinks that ono of tho latest proofs of the "Indellniteuess" of the term "Christian" ,1 seen In Poouah. Tho natives say of tho total abstaining soldiers: "Thoy cannot bo Christians (thoy aro so good." A soldier belonging to n detnehmont of tho Austrian army In Transylvania was re cently killed by n bullot from n Manllchcr rlflo discharged during target practico at distnuco of moro than two aud a halt miles. Ono of tho finest opals In tho country is worn on his cap by tho Chlneso minister at Washington. It I as largo n n pigeon' egg, and 1 surrounded by diamonds. Tho valuo of the cap, with its ornament, Is placed at 13,000. Tho "fur" on tho Insldo of tho tea kottlo comes from tho salts of llmo Inthonntcr. Thoy nro hold In solution by tho carbonlo ncld gas present, but when this Is driven off by boiling, thoy nro precipitated on tho sides of tho kottlo. Scale in steam boilers Is duo to tho samo causo. Apod farmer James Martin, of Balllotts vlllo, Pa., carried to hi gravo n fifty-year-old grudgo ngninst his daughter. Ho loft an ostato valued at 13,000, but all tho daughter received was n llttlo packago which contained nn ancient comic valentine which had causod nil tho trouble. Tho most eastern point of tho Unltod States Is Quoddy Head, Mo. ; tho most northern point is Point Harrow, Alaska; tho most western Is Alton Island, nud the most southern Key West, Working from theso four point, ninny will bo surprised when thoy locnto tho googrnphlcul center of tho United States. Tho most remnrkablo roof lit Danbury, Conn., or perhnps In thnt state, covers a greenhouse at tho nursery of J. II. Ives. It Is comKsed of negatives from tho photograph galleries of K. R. Illttou. Mr. Itltton had at ouo tlmo 20,000 of these negatives, tho accu mulation of tho long years ho has been In tho business. Robert Louis Stevenson was in Honolulu when ho henrd of tho death of Matthow Ar nold. His conception of tho lato poet's char acter was aptly shown In hi comment "Woll, well, so Mntthow's dead and gouo at last!" ho said w 1th n sigh. "Poor follow, ho'll nover get on with God." Tlio London Spectator pays this tributo to tho United States: "Her people nro becom ing tho greatest nation In tho world. It Is probable that nothing short of actual vio lence would uow Induce any nation to attack hor, whllo sho could, if sho pleased, almost ruin tho coiumorco of any nation on tho globe." It predicts that there aro children who may Ilvo to see tho republic with a pop ulation of 200,000,000. Tho quality of roof slates, says a German trado journal, mny be easily tested by care fully weighing samples, then putting them for a quarter of an hour Into boiling water that 1 fairly free from llmo, saltpeter and ammonia; on re weighing tho slates, thoso that show the greatest Increase In weight aro the most capablo of resisting deterioration. A fuuny caso was trlod In tho justlco's court in Jasper, Go., for damago to a hog by roasou of tho loss of ono of tho hog's feet In a collision with a train. In a throo hours' legal fight tho defendant's counsel contended that tho rulo of apacsslng damage was tho loss In weight of tho hog by roasou of being run over, which In this case was ouo foot, weigh ing half a pound, which at ten cents a pound would bo ilvo cents damages. Tho plaintiff's counsel insisted that tho rulo for assessing damagos was the valuo of tho hog when hurt, with tho cost of nursing and medical treat ment, togothor with such damages as tho on lightened minds of tho jury thought proper for tho men tnl pain and anguish of tho hog. Tho jury gavo tho plaintiff $3, A Fellow Fooling. Judgo Hunt, of tho San Francisco superior court, Is an enthusiastic fisherman. It is said of him that ho will at any tlmo adjourn court to go a-fishing, but this has not boon proved. Tho othor day a caso camo up before htm la which an Important witness failed to respond when his uaino was called. "What's that!" said tho judge, "a witnoss absoutt Wbero U hor' "I think, your honor," ropllod tho at tornoy whoso witnoss ho was, "I think, your honor, that ho Is In tho country." "In the country I" said the judgo, with a flush of anger, "I'll see whether tho court can be trifled with in this manner. Let a bench warrant Issuo" "But, your honor," said tho attornoy, In his blandest tones, "ho must bavo missel tho tralu this morning. Ho went fishing on Saturday, and" "Went fishing, ohl" said Judgo Hunt, mollified, "ah, yes; woll, ho probably will bo hero to-morrow. Call thonoxt witness." And tho wheel of justice again rovolvod. San Frauclsco Argo uaut Puis In h Studio. Goorgo C. Phelps' photograph of his cat 8neozor has attracted as much attention in tho picture windows of Broadway and in bis studio at Now Haven a tho ladle of tho Eugllsh nobility or tho famous actresses. Sneezer stands with hi foro paw on the back of tho chair, facing the camera, and yet showing a part of hi profile. Ho wears a uoblo air, nud shows himself overy Inch a goutleman. Mr. Pholps trained Sneezer to Interest babes and children while their photo graphs woro being taken. Tho cat, on com mand, bops up on a chair and strikes an attitude a tuuch a to say, "Now, you look at mo for a moment," Ho acccept only tho coulldenco of hi master, aud dUdalns to associate with othoi- cat. He puts out his paw when askod to shako hands, mow when told to speak, aud If requested to (peak louder emits a screech that no one can mis take us a feliuo blast New York Star, Taper Doors. Wo always chronicle with special pleasuro each gain tn the way of social and domestic qulot comfort The latest Invention to do away with noise is tho manufacture of paper doors, which Mam noiselessly after Bridget and tho northwest winds. They are formed of two thick paper boards molded Into panels and glazed togethor with glue nud potath, and put through a heavy rolling process. Covered with a watoqiroof coating, and then a fireproof coating, they are huug like wooden doors, and aro both beautiful aud serviceable. This is one step toward paper houso, which will soon folio.., St LouU Globe-Democrat Fashionable Millinery! WWws New Spring and -ARE NOW IN AT John McWhinnie's -The Old Reliable Tailor. First Class Workmanship, Fine Trimming, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. 305 S. ExjE-ve3sti?i3: St-reiietl Lincoln Savings Bank and Safe Deposit Go. CAPITAL, $250,000. LIABILITY OF STOCKHOLDERS, $600,000. Interest paid on deposit at any rntn off, per cont per annum for nil full cnlnndnr mouth Sure to rent In biirglnr proof and llro proof vaults, nt nnnunl rental of to nnd upward. Money to loan on rcnl estute nud collateral. YOUR HAVINGS ACCOUNT SOLICITED. IU:XKYK.LKWI8, President. A.l'.HjSTUAItT, Vlco President. Established Dec. JU, ItiSG. The German National Bank, LINCOLN, NEB. Capital Paid up, $100,000.00 Surplus . . . 13,000.00 Transact n jionerai bunking business, Issue letter of credit, draw dran on nil part of the world. Foreign collection n specialty. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. HERMAN H. SCflAHBRCI, President. O C. MUNSON, Vlco Prcgldont. JOSEPH HOEHMER, Cnshlor. O. J. WILCOX, AslstnHt Cashier. C. E. MONTGOMERY. A1.F.X HALTER V. A. UOEIIM EK. II. J. IIROTHERTON WALTER J. HAIUUS. T. A. HUDELSON R. E. MOORE, Pre. E. E. IIHOWN, UNION SAYINGS BANK, 1 1 1 outh Tenth 8troot. Capital, $200,000. Liability of Stockholders, $400,000. INTEREST Paid on Deposit nt the rato of S per cent per annum for nil full calendar mouth YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT SOLICITED. Money Loniied on Rent Estute and Collateral. Stockiioldkks: John Fitzgerald. E. E. Ilmwii, John R. Clnrk, J. McConnltr, F. M. Ha1.:, .al Thomtwou A. H. Raymond, J. J. Imhoir. tuivld Itcmlok, O. M. I.nmbdrtHon, L. Meyer, O. E Yale?. K.K.Huyden. It. K.Moore, T. K. Culvert, J. V. Deweese. J. W. ltowiiinn, Clms. ' Hammond, E. Finney, J. I). Mncfnrlnnd, Joseph Wlttman, H. L. Hmftli O. II. Imhotr, O. W. Holdrege. For Late Styles and Immense Satisfaction, CD GO TO THE Iiqcoln Shoe Store They make a Specialty of Ludlow's Celebrated Fine Shoes For Ladies. They combine Service, Solid Comfort and Economy. 1228" O STREET. J. F. LANSING L andliought nnd Sold, House neutod, Abstract Furnished, Taxes Paid for Non-Resldents nnd all othor business pertaining to Real Estate promptly attended to. MX THE LATEST NOVELTIES TO I1B FOUND AT Mrs. W. E. Gosper's 1114 O Stroot. This Is the oldest Millinery establish ment In Lincoln, enjoy the finest trade In the city nnd state, employ none hut the best help In the trimming depatttnent and offer good nt reasonable prices. Summer Goods JNO. II. McCLAY, It. 'WELSII, Treasurer. Teller V. Pros. C.H.IMHOFF, Cashier. LINCOLN, NEB REAL ESTATE Fire Insurance and Loan Broker. Room iOIUcliiird'sllloekJIupnTU Uflh Cor. 11th nnd O Street, LlfllUliB, HOD. k ! I O wSSA