Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 08, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday Evening, Jrine 8, '89
Ctornar I Oth ami P Streets.
Dry (Stoods and Carpets,
The Couniicn will not t rcsjwnslble for
any debt made by any ono In It nnnie, un
less n written order accompanies the same,
projH-rly signed.
Ij. Wjcrhel, Jr., Prop'r.
Herpolsheimer & Co.
30 Cts. nnd Upward.
The Courier Cnn lie Von ml At
Windsor Hotel New Slittul.
Capital Hotel Nuwh himihI.
Otlell'i Dining Hull New Htnnd.
Clsnon A Fletcher's, HOBoulh lith Btrcot.
A. T. Letnlug A (Vs., 1100 O Htreel.
TheQotliHiii New Stand, Hi Houthlllli HI.
Keith nrox., Ill Ninth llth Htrecl,
Ed. Young, IlisJu ( Htrct't.
Kalon AHmlth, II.OO
"Diamond Pharmacy." l.'tli nnd N l
'Westerfleld's bnrlivr shop, llurr block.
Children's Flannel
Silk and Flannel Blouses.
Hatter and Furnisher, "1137 O St.
l.nritl nnd I'craoiiHl.
Whitebmut Coal nml Lime Company.
Take TurkUh at 1010 O street.
The best Tom . B. V .Btevem &, Co.
Bawyer & Moshor, florists, Mosonlo Temple,
Mineral water used lor bathing, 1010 0 it
Trlckey & Co., wholesale and retail jewelers.
New summer dress good at II. R. Nlsslsy
Ladle look at the Lo Bancy shoes at 1'er-
Perklm Bros, have the finest French shoes
for Infanta.
Try tome of the flno freh fish served every
day at Cameron's.
Canon City Coal again at tlio Whltcbreast
Coal and Llmo Co.
Aik for the "Marie Stuart" collar at Weill
386 couth llth street.
A Patent Leather Soled shoes for lndice full
drew at Perklm Bros.
Itoait meats, and vegetables of all kindmt
Cameron's Lunch House.
A French shoo hand turned for Infants and
Children at Perkins Bros.
Lackawana and Scranton bard coal sold
only by Hutchlna & Hyatt, .
Everybody eats at Odell's nowadays
Board only 11.00 per week.
. Canon City coal delivered to all parts of
city. Call up telephone 23.1.
Only place in Lincoln that uses mineral
water in baths Is at 1010 0 street.
Improved shower for Turkish baths nt 1010
O street, basement Union block.
Mendota, the most popular cool on the mar
ket, sola only by hutcblns & Hyatt.
For choice perf uiiuw, Ann toilet eoaps, go to
1123 0 Street, Chapman's drug store.
Scissors, knives, purses, the fluest and best,
1123 0 street, Chapman's drug store.
Fine Teas, Spices, and the largest lino of
Fine Groceries in the city, at S. P. Stevens.
Best board in the city and at a price within
reach of all, at Oddl's. Twenty -one meals
for .
Brushes, combs, band glasses, eye glasses,
specs, etc., at Chapman's drug store, 1123 0
The finest luncheons In the city arc served
at all hours at Carder s European restaurant,
034 P street.
Call up telephone number 118 and order
your ice of the Lincoln Ice Company. Oflice
1040 O street.
Toilet articles and perfumery of all the lat
est odors at Wilson & Green's pharmacy 139
south Tenth street.
Everything new and neat, finest menu and
best cook in the city at Carder's European
restaurant, KH 1' street.
The finest work in the city at Hoyden's
photographic studio. 1214 O street. See our
fine samples of art work.
We are selling a good solid shoe for ladles
and gentlemen for $2.00. Aik to soe them at
Webster & Rogers', 1043 0 street.
Everybody that baa stopped at Carder's
hotel speaks well of it Day board or meals
a la carte served at popular prices.
All the babies in Lincoln are wanted to be
at the Eden Musee the week of June 3d to
cowpete for prises. Mothers, enquire at the
Musee box office for particulars.
Aafaby St MUlspaugh began yesterday an
old fashioned quarter oft sale, which will last
HBtil June 1st We advise anyone in need of
dry goods to take advantage of it
When Ashby & MUlspaugh advertise a
quarter-off sale it always means the lowest
price that are ever made on fine dry goods.
They began their sale yesterday and will con
tinue it until June 1st
We have one second-hand Edward's jump
sasit buggy, leather top, doors on side, nearly
as good as new, at 1150; cost new (230. Also
two second-hand phaetons, leather tops,
painted and varnished over, been in use from
m to two years, at 175 and 100 each. These
are abarfala. And one grocer's delivery
fHndsbaksr wagon with top, turn-under
wheel, good a saw, 1100. We also have the
oast earriaga work manufactured in this
'eeaatry Hcmphrbt Bros., Hardware.
Anions; the liable.
ThoKdmi Museo ho quite overshadowed
every Interest In Lincoln this week, Tho at
traction has liocn nn array of nearly thirty
babies nnd their mothers attracted by tho fol
lowing prlres offered t For tho prettiest baby,
33 largest, 12.1) innllot,933 prettiest dress
ed, I2S prettiest twins, .V) prettiest triplets,
100; to thomont charming mother, n gold
watch and chain to the mother of tho pret
tiest lnby, n diamond ring. There Is so much
of human Interest In tho laby show that It
has nttrncted n continuous stream of visitors,
nnd this will be tho banner week of tlio Mu
see. Following Is tho list of tho mothers,
the names nnd ages of their little ones nml
their residence)
No. 1Mrs, M. J. (laiighnn liaby, Pearl,
aged 7 months residence, 8.VJ North Twelfth
No. 2 Mrs. James Mervin 'Grant, 13
months 760 North Twelfth.
No. 3-Mn. W. M. Allen-Connlo (girl), 0
months 404 South Klovonth. Tho CoimiEH
No. 4 Mrs. A. Dcmko Charles Kdwln, 7
months Tenth near Hill.
No. ft Mrs. C. F. Heard Maudle, 11 mo.
No, 0 Mr. A. II. Ileckton Harry, 10 mo.
1408 O. Tho Metuinoni baby.
No. 7-Mrs. J.V. B. Bliackelton-Joslc(girl)
10 months-827 B.
No. 8 Mrs. L. Ullcw Norrl (boy),7 months
No. 0 Mrs. II. F. Geckler Augusta, 8
months F near First,
No. 10 Mrs. John Gross John A., 7 mo.
423 North Tenth. Tho Joumul baby.
No. 11-Mrs. M. II. Hlckman-Nettlo H
No. 12 Mrs. K. P. Kcmlnll-Kdna Stella,
0 months 020 South Eighteen. The Fore
man & Crowo baby.
No. 13 Mrs. J. Walter Freldn, 7 months,
2130 N.
No. 14-Mrs. S. A. Allen Arthur (colored).
8 months Eighth between B nnd C.
No. 16 Mr. J, Myers lUhih. 0 months
No. 10-Mrs. 11. Pnrkcr-Mllllo O., 6 mo.
-1030 U.
No. 17 Mr. M. M. Lyons Marguerite, 0
months 118 South Eleventh. Tho Gotham
News-stand baby.
No. IB-Mr. U.S. Hubbard-Frnncl Ell
t, 7 month 016 South Thirteenth.
No. 10 Mis. ltoughtn Ins, Pearl and
Pansy, 18 mouths Wyuka cemetery.
No. 20 Mrs. John O. Balsbury John, 17
months 430 South Ninth. The B. & M. baby.
No. 31 Mrs. M. McFarJnnd Pearl, 11 mo.
1245 South Eighth.
No. 22 Mrs. F. M. Pcrduo-Ennld (glrl)12,
months Twentieth nnd H,
No. 23-Mrs. T. M. Wrlght-Llulo.lOmos.
V near Fifteenth. Tho Hcniolscheimcr ba
by. No.24-Mrs. J, II. Bird-Floyd P., 8 mos.
-2210 P street.
No. 26 Mrs. II, M. Glnther Dora May, 10
months 2003 Q.
No. 20 Mrs. J., Jones, Carrlo, 0 weeks 228
No. 27 Mrs. Al Beach twins, Emma and
Alice, 4 years.
No. 23-Mrs. J. M. Martin-Myrtle, 10
months 638 North Fifteenth.
No. 20 Mrs. L. Klunkor Lulf (boy), 5
months E near Twelfth.
Each visitor is entitled to ono vote on
his admission ticket Additional votes can
bo bought of the mothora nt live cents each,
The ladles get a lilieral share of tho proceeds
In addition to the prices. Several of the ex
hibitors, as will lie seen by tho list, are pa
tronised by business firms nnd linve been pro
vided with booths that have been made pretty
with laces and draper es. Whatever the re
sult of the contest may be thoCouiucn will In
sist that It hss boon represented by the bright
est, the handsomest nnd tho most interesting
mother, nnd ns for tho baby well, she is a
lovable bud of promise that any mother
might adore. Mr . Allen has charming man
ners and Is tho picture of health, with rosy
cheeks that may well lw the envy or all Lin
coin womankind Sho was married about
three years ago, before sho was fifteen, and
has two bright little jewels to 1111 tho casket
of her heart and home. Wheu asked If her
attendance at the Musee did not put her be
hind In her housework, she modestly said she
had done her washing nnd Ironing for the
wock, besides making a dross for baby while
at the Muree and it was only Wednesday
then. This little confidence was Imparted to
an interested lady, and it is unnecessary to
say that the Counun uses tho information
without Mra.AUen's knowledge. The Couiukr
is proud of Its representative and it believes
its readers will admit that Mrs. Allen Is as
smart and interesting n llttlo woman as there
is in Lincoln.
An KltKKiit Aflalr.
About sixty ladles were delightfully enter,
talned yesterday by Mrs. George H. Clark at
an afternoon leceptton and luncheon. Llttlo
Alva Clark, dressed In white swiss, acted as
page at the door, and Mrs. Clark was assisted
in receiving by Mrs. Covert, Mrs. Patrick,
Mrs. Klrker and Mrs. Bewick. The eye was
relieved with a touch of green through the
medium of sprays of smllax about the rooms,
and n boquet lay at each plate. The lunch
eon was an array of tempting dellcacles.Mrs.
Clark Is credited with having Introduced, as
an incident to her reception, a novelty for
Lincoln. Each lady brought a lemon, which
figured in a unique prise competition. Each
was marked with tho name of the lady, and
after having been put under knifo and squeex
erthe seeds were counted. Mrs. Mason
Gregg wm awarded the royal priro, a fancy
bon bon dish, for having the lemon with the
most seeds, thirty-six. Mrs. Noble received
the booby prise, a lemon squeerer, for having
a lemon with no seeds. The ladles then had
a guessing bee as to the total number of seed.
Mrs. Sheltou came nearest the number and
Was awarded a pretty flower dish. There
wero 697 seedt and her guess was 700. Mrs.
Scott and Mrs. Burton executed all the pro-
ceases judicial in tnis novel contest, and Mrs.
Goodlu entertalued tho company at the
organ. The reception was from three to six,
and the favored guests were charmingly en
tertained throughout
The ladles complimented their hostess with
a beautiful display of elaborate toilets, and
the profusion of flowers worn was particular
ly noticeable. Mrs. Clark was handsomely
attired in a pink and green striped French
chally on a cream ground and trimmed with
serpent-grained velvet and pink and green
ribbons; diamonds and flowers for ornaments.
Mrs. Covert, black silk and henrletta, dia
monds and flowers. Mrs". Patrick, cream silk
and lace, diamonds and flowers. Mrs. Klrker,
black silk and lace, diamonds and flowers.
Tba guests were:
Mesdsinr Wolcott, Williams. Criwer. Mhcl-
ton, Beeson. Klrker, Maul, Howell, 1'ouln, Hay
den, Morse, Nrsbltt, Rewtck, Lecky, KwiDK.T.E.
Ewlng.Meld, MllUiugb,Iloehmerl Btull, Noble,
Trsver, Foster, Lsrth, Uurton, Patrick, Garten,
Lowe, Appleget Dawes, Holm, Coleman, Bkln
ner, Wler, lVrrymsn, Hudson, Bltcer, UsIley.Dr.
italley, I. M. Raymond, V. V, M. HayinoncT, A.H.
Itaymoad, Alva Kennanl, C. C. Burr, I C.
Burr, Oeorge Brown, Charles I. Jones, tVm. A.
Preston, Morris Turner, M.Bcott, P. A. Newton,
B. Parker, Rot. Curtis, Hav. Williams, Mason
Ore KCi Frank Ortgg. F. A. Brown, Cha. Brown
nt the
W. H. If uffmAn and II. I). Orshnm, Misses Good
In and Htoddsrd, Mrs. Covert of Crete, Mrs.
Hcnstor TsRKirt of HnstliiRS, Mrs. Wolbnch of
Beatrice, Mrs. Htreeter of Valnsrnlso, Mr. Field
or Knit in, Ms,, Ml Alible Covert of Crete,!
anil iMiM iiruie nniiiu hi jienuicc
Minor Mention,
Vote for theCouniKH'H baby, No. 3.
Tho Union club had Its monthly reception
Wednesday evening.
Tho spring trotting races will come off Juno
10 nnd 20. Purses, 1,200.
Tho Wesleynn university commencement
ha been postjioncd a week,
Mb Clara Cannody entertained a small
company nt cards Monday ovenlug.
Mrs. Franklin's scholars hnd n picnic Tues
day afternoon on tho capital grounds.
Ml Minnie Cochran will give a mustcnle
next Thursday evening at tho Untvenlty
chaiel. All nro cordially Invited.
Tho Relief and Aid society festival Wednes
day rcallrcd about s60. Tho contribution
liox for tlio Joiimiown suirererscaugnt siu.ou.
Mr. Edgar A. Rogers and Mis Corn M.,
daughter of Mr. Ersklno, will bo married
next Wednesday, it will bo a morning wed
Tho senior Pleasant Hours will picnic nt
Cushmnn park next Thursday, Thoy will
drive out late In tho afternoon and close with
a hop.
Rov. F. S. Stein, tho new pastor of St.
Paul's, will uinko hi homo In Dr. Simmon's
G street house, which mny bocomo tho per
manent Methodist parsonage.
Prof, llngenow nnd Mrs. Hmma
were mnrrlcd Wedncsdny evening
formers' homo, Twentieth and M
Judge Stewart tied tho huptlal knot
Tho first nnnunl brlgado encampment of
Uniformed Rank of tho Knights of Pythias
of Nebraska will lie held at Columbus July
1-8. Prizes aggregating 11000 nro offered.
Tho junior Pleasant Hour club hn n trip to
Cushmnn inrk planned for this afternoon.
Tho program calls for a liaskct plcnlo nt four
o'clock and nn Informal hop In tho evening at
tho music hall.
It 1 not too late to begin that Intensely in
foresting story of New York life; "Taken
by Siege." The oNnIng chapters were pub
lished in last week's CoUHIKli, and copies
may bo had nt tho oflice.
Mndam Weber has been engaged as tho so
prnuo artist for the Columbus Sacngerfcst
concert, Tho bni Itono will lie Hcrr Conrad
Schmidt, who has figured prominently in
Now York musical circles,
Ellsworth McCullough nnd his bride, who
wero married In Chicago Thursday evening,
will bo nt homo In Lincoln after July 1st
Tho bridegroom is with Cadmnn & C"., and
his friends will have n hearty welcomo for
Students nt the Stato University wishing
copies of next week's Coimitcn with nn ac
count of commencement exercises written by a
fellow student can have them mailed postage
free to nny address by leaving their orders
nt IhlsoDlcv.
M. L. Roedcr nnd A. L. Roeder, composing
the firm of M. L. Roeder & Bro., general
western agents Nntlonnl Life Insuranco com
pany of Vermont, wero in the city tho early
part of the week and opened their South
Platte headquarters In rooms 103 and 100
Burr block.
The CouniEU has received a copy of the
directory of Quebec recently published by
Mr. A. B. Cherrler, who Is now in Lincoln.
It I a handsome work nnd It mixture of
French and English strikes us as very odd
After each name Is tho occupation In both
language, thus fitting the work for the con
venience of both people.
F. W..Kruse has been appointed receiver
of the Hart Hardware Co., and It has re
sumed operations. Mr. Kruso is an old and
experienced hardware man. He is ono of the
best known buyers In eastern markets. He Is
said to bo n capable, manager, and under his
direction the business ought to bo carried to
a successful conclusion. Tho Hart Hardware
Co. had established a flno trado, nnd there Is
now good reason to believe that It will con
tinue, though the namo may bo changed.
There Is a big territory tributary to Lincoln,
nnd tho company has a magnificent prospoct
Llncolnltes will bo glad to know that tho bus
iness lias been taken out of the Influence of
personal dlssonslon, and that the house will
be a permanent and, as reorganized, a solid
institution. Mr, A, L. Havens, the gonlnl
secretary, occupies his accustomed place in
charge of the counting room.
People who marry need not think they are
the only persous confronted with the difficult
task of making a selection. Tho friends who
wish to give substantial and lasting evidence
of their esteem And It no easy task to mako
a suitable selection of wedding presents. If
they want tho assistance of a competent judgo
thoy ought to go to Hallett, tho jowelcr, who
has a largo lino of elegant articles just the
thing for such gifts.
The Best Chance
Spring Suit
In Sack or Frock, is at
the Tremendous
M ark-Down Sale
jovu (rai?y lxeIIt features
The Courier now Contains?
Here they are nnd they comprise the best nnd most lntcresllng line for Sunday
rending to be found In nny western paper.
Talmage's Latest Sermon, Page 3
Regular New York Fashion Letters, Page 4
Washington - Society Correspondence, Page 6
Music, Selection from "Pearl of Pekin," Page 5
11 Bye the Bye's" Interesting Gossip, Page 1
AirU.sem.eiit Notes, Peige 5
Women's Ways and Personals, Page 1
"Taken by Siege," Our Great Story, Pages 940-11
Architectural Reviews and Designs
At this season f tho year our ninuscmont nnd soclnl departments nro low, owing to the
mengro movement of society nnd nearly tho close of tho thcntrlcnl season.
Look this copy over carefully and note how many interesting features the Courier
regularly contains. Wc are always on the alert for novelties nnd Improvements, and our
renders mny depend on our serving them with the choicest nnd best matter obtainable.
We Print Ho Scandals or Sensations
But Glean, Pure and Spicy Matter !
If you are not already n subscriber, we should be pleased to place your name on our list.
Business Men-Attention !
ONLY $36 OO.
Curtain Desks from $27 to $84.
211-213-215 South Eleventh Street.
1 '
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