Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 01, 1889, Page 8, Image 9

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Saturday Evening, Jane 1, '89
Cttnw I Oth and P ttrMt.
Dry Goods and Carpets,
The Coumkh will not le responsible, for
any debt mado by nny ono In it name, un
IfM it written order nccomjianles the same,
properly signed,
I Wkrhki,, Jr., Prop'r.
Herpolsheimer & Co.
ALI, NliXT WliliK
The Courier Ciui lie Found At
Windsor Hotel Now Stand.
Capital Holol Now Htnml.
Odell's Dining Hull Now Htnml.
Clason A Fletcher's, 140 Houth 1 1 tu Btrect.
A. T. Lemlng A Co'., U(M (1 Htrcot,
Tho Gotham NewHtand,m South lttli Ht.
Keith Ilroi., Ill Noith llfli Htrcot.
Kd. Yoiiiik, law O Htrool.
Mon AKinlth, U1MO
'Diamond Pharmacy," ISth nnd N 81.
Westcrlleld'a barber shop, Llurr block.
Children's Flannel
Silk and Flannel Blouses.
Hatter and Furnisher, 1x37 O St.
I.nciil nnd 'e rsmtal,
Whltobrent Coul mul Lime Couitauy.
Take Turkish nt initio street
The bout Tea, tl I .Steven oS Co.
Sawyer tc Mother, florists, Maeonlo Temple.
Mineral water used for bathing, 1010 O it
Trkkoy & Co, , wholesale and reuil Jeweler.
New summer tires good at H. II Nlsslsy
ft Co.
Ladle look at the Lo Sancy shoe at Per
kins Bros.
Perkins Bros, have the finest French thoea
for Infanta.
Try some of the flno fresh fish served every
Ur at Cameron's.
Canon City Coal again at the Wbltebreast
Coal and Lime Co.
Ask for the "Marl Stuart" collar at Well
SMwAith 11th street,
. A Patent Leather Doled shoes for ladles full
4reM at Perkins Bros.
.Roast meats, and vegetable of all klndaat
Cameron's Lunch House.
A French shoe baud turned for Infanta and
Children at Perkins Bros.
Lackawana and Bcranton hard coal sold
only by Hutchhu & Hyatt,
Everybody eats at Odell's nowaday
Board only 14.00 per week.
Canon City coal delivered to all parts of
city, Call up telephone 23.1,
Only place in Lincoln that uses mineral
water In baths I at 1010 O street.
Improved shower for Turkish baths at 1010
O street, basement Union block.
Mendota, the most popular coal on the mar
ket, sola only by hutchlns & Hyatt.
For choice perfumes, fine toilet soaps, go to
liaB O Street, Chapman's drug store.
Scissors, knives, purses, the finest andlwt,
1196 O street, Chapman's drug store.
Fine Teas, Spices, and the largest line of
Fine Urocerics in the city, at S. P. Btevens,
Best board in the city and at a price within
reach of all, at Odell's. Twenty-one meals
Brushes, combs, hand glasses, eye glasses,
specs, eta, at Chapman's drug store, O
New novelties in huts and bonnets arriving
dally at Wells' millinery irlors, 233 south
11th street.
The finest luncheons in tho city are served
.at all hours at Carder's European restaurant,
84 P street
Call up telephone number 118 and order
your ice of the Lincoln Ico Company. Office
1040 O street
Toilet articles and perfumery of all the lat
est odors at Wilson & Green's pharmacy 1!)9
south Tenth street
Everything new and neat finest menu and
best cook in the city at Carder's European
restaurant, 034 P street
The fluest work in the city at HayilenV
photographic, studio. 1214 O street See our
fine samples of art work.
We are selling a good solid shoe for ladies
nnd gentlemen for 3.00. Ask to see them at
Webster ft Rogers', 1043 O street
Everybody that has stopped at Carder's
hotel speaks well of it Day board or meal
la carte served at popular prices.
All the babies in Lincoln are wanted to be
at the Eden Musee the week of June 3d to
cosspete for prises. Mothers, enquire at the
Musee box office for particular.
Ashbr ft MUlavaugh began yesterday an
old fashioned quarter off sale, which will hut
until June 1st we advise anyone in neea 01
dry good to take advantage of it
When Ashby ft MiUspaugh advertise a
quarter-off sale it always means the lowest
prices that are ever made 011 fine dry goods.
'They began their sale yesterday and will con
tteneit until June 1st
We have one second-hand Edward's jump,
Mtt tnttrv. leather top, doors on side, nearly
ami as new. at 1180: cost new 110, Also
two second-hand whaeton. leather tops,
'-- astd varnished over, been la use from
eMtoiwoyears,atT5ande0eaeh. These
1. . 1 j . imvvu-a daHverv
B44sWher wagon with top, turn-under
wagedMBaw.tlW. Wa also have tne
'asWsftHags work manulaetursd m this
HBHraKT mkm., oarowore.
Account of Italia, Turtle, Wedding
Htc, That Hare Entertained Horlety,
The Uoern of Fame,
Tho Indies of Ht Paul M. K. church must
linye ronllwxl n substantial betiedt from tho
presentation of tho "Queen of Fnmo" Wodnes-
dny evening, for it attracted n largo audience.
Mls Almona Parker ah tho goddcM, allied
tho noted women of history Iwforo hor to con
test the honor of being crowned queen of
tlicm nil. Each of them In n short recitation
or song presented her claim, nnd the crown
was nwarded Ixnilxn M, Alcott (Miss Grace
Huelllng) , The goddess was accotnjMinlod by
six maids of honor: Ml Oortrudo Mnr
quotto, Oortrudo Iaws, llncliel llrock, Lulu
llallontlno, Kntlo Miller and Atlco Cowdroy,
Tho contestants wore Introduced by n ixtgo
(Mlm Ilewilo Inno). Tho following famous
charnctors were repn'itontedt
Cleoatra MIm Minnie Itttn
Gall llAinllton MlmKannleltmenisu
llrldupt O'KlntilKnii ...Mm. Hollln
Ituth Mrs. K. II. HaitIsoii
Marie Van ,.Mrs.C. Llpplncott
Isabe lis. Queen of Hiioln MIm Iina Giles
Nusnti 11. Anthony,,,,, Mrs.KldrldKO
Mother House , MIm AKuesHewfll
Martha WashliiKton Mrs. Chas. Htrlcklsiid
HUterof Cliarlly, MlMMay Newton
llyivsllA , Miss Anna Funke
Mary Queen of Hcolti, Mlns Alleen Oakley
ChrUtlne Nellson Mrs. A.W. Jannen
(1 race Darling ,,..,. MIm Anna Edwards
Jeptha'sdaUKhter,,.,,,,, Mlw Hello Oakley
rocahnntAs,,,,,,, ,.,,,,, ,MIn InexDorrls
Mr. Partlnston ...Mlu Hnttlo Jyclnnd
Bcalchl Mrs,AllH-rtWatklni
Queen Kllxnbelh ... MIm Eva Loo
AtlcoCsrr,, MlmNaoma Weaver
Phwbe Cary MIm Alllo Lanl
Aanuppe mim Clara Agcy
(leorgo Klllott MlmMnbel Merrill
Joan of Arc ,, .,,.,. ,Mlm IdaUoroutto
Harriet llosuier MIm Olho Lntta
Jostah Allen's Wife Mrs. Alfred Clullo
Miriam and Iter Maldn MIm Clarkle I'tm
Happho Miss Kate BcoUiorn
Motlmr Oarllpia MIm Martha Funke
Topsy ,..,MaterlIarry Nontou
KllulK'th llarrctt Drowning,, MIm Jennie Marine
.lennlo Llnd Mrs. K.J.UIsser
HarrUtlleecherHtowo.,.,,.. MIm Mary Dixon
Florence NlRhtlngale MIm Ilochel Manly
Una Alcott MIm Clraco Knelling
Tho program closed with singing by n
chorus of fifty children, nnd n tableau. The
pianists woro MIkkcs Eva Lee, Mltinlo Coch
ran and Ella Orcuttc. The costuming and
drilling was done by Mrs. L. W. Clnroutto,
MIm 1'nrkcr, MIm Unrcutto nnd Mrs. Grifllth.
Nolo from tlio Cadets In Cum p.
Tho sixth annual encampment of tho Uni
versity Cndet Corps wns nt lieguu Nebraska
City Thursday. Tho camp Is RltunUl about
nmllanndahalf fiom tho depot Quarter-mARter-Sergoant
Walters, assisted by Ser
geant Thurbor and halt a dozen niun, had
erected twenty-flve largo hospital touts, mak.
ing by far tho most nmplo accommodations
tho corps has yet had. Every tent is now oa
cuplcd. The camp was named In honor of
Senator Charles T. Manderson. The com
mandant, Lieut T. W. QrlflUh, has his head
quarters at the north end bf tho camp, with
Adjutant Stephens' tent on the right nnd
Quartermaster-Sergeant Walters' on tho left
The guard tents are at tho opposite end and
tho main body of tho camp Is divided into
four company streets. Co. A, Capt Webber,
Is on the extreme right forming "A" street;
Co. D, Capt Gerwlg, on the leff.Co. B, Capt
Fletcher, on tho right centre, and Co. C,
Capt Baughman, on the left center. Co. I)
has perhaps the best location and parade
ground. Major Wateon, speaker of tho House,
called at Camp Manderson on Thursday ami
kindly left directions tb ask for anything
Capt Webber was officer 6f the day Fri
day. Capt Gerwlg went on duty at 0:30 Fri
day evening. Capt Fletcher goes on at 5:30
Saturday and Capt Baughman at 5:30 Sun
day. Thursday night was perhaps quieter than the
first night of our previous encampment, but
was by no moans oppressively quiet
Everybody is enthusiastic ovor Nebraska
City and tho kindness we have met The num
ber of beautiful young ladles wasgenorally re
marked upon. Of course there will bo no
flirting; it Isn't military.
There are about 100 men in camp, nil told,
and a number more are exacted.
Prof. Luwrenco Brunor Is with tho battal-
Hon and will, togother with some of tho stu
dents, collect a number of specimens.
Another Henator Married.
The marriagu of Hon. J. D, Pope, senator
from Saline county, Is of interest to many in
Lincoln, as well as throughout tho State.
Senator Pope w8 one of tho youngest mem
bers of tho senate, but he was faithful and
consciencious and displayed jiorsonul quali
ties mat won tne esteem or all who camo in
contact with blm, Tho wedding occurred at
Friend Wednesday evening, Ilev. E. H. Cur
tis of this city officiating. The bride, MUs
Lillian MeDjugull, is a daughter of tho Into
Hon. Matthew McDougall of that place. Her
wvtiuing gown was or cream Henrietta, en
tralue, trimmed with Chineso silk, and she
woro a wreath of flowers. During tho cere
mony tho brldo and groom stood under a flor
al canopy, and the brldo was attended by four
maids of honor; Mistes Hazel MoDouimll,
Maud Kramer, Mabel Callahan and Jennie
Ferguson. Senator and Mrs. Poie loft on
the night train for a ten-day wedding jour
ney to Denver and other Colorado points.
Itecrpthm for High School Graduates.
The slxtlt annual reception of tho alumni
association ot the Lincoln high school will be
given to the claMof '69 on Monday evening,
Juno 10.
The programme includes a reception at
Temple hall from 8 to 10 p. m., a banquet and
business meeting nt Brown's at 10, and a
dance to close the festivities at tho hall. The
class graduating this year is composed bf the
following members: Harry G, Barber, John
F. Barrett, Cora Beach, P, James Cosgrove,
Wllford A. Dewoese, Frank B. DuTeil, Chris,
tine Fossler, Wlllard Hammond, Wm. Arthur
Wigglntou, Ralph E. Johnson, Alice L.
Kearns, C. Delia Klock, Hrasmus Madison,
Charton C. Marlay, Bessie A. McDIU, Ward
B.-Hlohardson, Francis F. Tucker, Raymond
M. Welch, Thomas E. Wing.
At Home to the Seniors.
Chancellor and Mrs. Bessey entertained the
members ot tho Senior class of the University
Wednesday evening. The many souvenirs
and photographs gathered by the professor
and his wife on their trip abroad furnished
Abundant material for an unusually pleasant
evening, and both host and hostess supple
mented these by store of amusing Incident
and experiences. The entire class were en
thusiastic, in their expressions of delight
Mrs. Bessey was assisted by Miss Moore, Miss
Cochran and Mr, Mensendorf.
Brown's refreshments at Cushman park.
Bewiko Machine for Sauc Entirely new
ot popular make, with all attachments, wll
be sold at a big bargain. Enquire at this office.
The flrtitlrnien With Horn.
Tho Elks electal new officers Monday oven,
Ing a follows! Exalted llulcr, Judge J. W.
Houston; Esteemed Leading Knight, H. It
Wlloyj Esteemed Loyal Knight, E. 11. Sloe
son; Esteemed lecturing Knight, W, 11, Ax
tater; Secretary, J. U, Hlglnlwtlmm; Treas
tirer, A, E. Hargreavos; Tyler, K II. Hels
koll; Trustees, Chas. Pitcher, K. K. Hayden,
H. J, Aloxatider; RcprcscntAtlve to Grand
Lodge, W. H. HulTman.
An Kvrnlns; Willi the Irving.
The Irving society of tho high school will
glvo n farewell entertainment nt tho high
school this evening, with tho following pro.
gram 1
1'lanoHolo, . . . Hteltn Hoyt
Honsln. llttllinvtn.
Recitation, . . May Lewis
" Hollo of Atrl."
Address, . . . . May Mcllck
Farewell to Heulor Class.
Violin Holo. . , Charles Hagenow
" Theme and Variation." lt'ergl.
Address, , , , Ward Richardson
Welcomo to Incoming HenlorClnis,
lnst'1 Duet, Misses Hnmmnnd nnd Qaylord
La Hultona. A. rt KuntiM.
Oration. . , . . Harry llnrber
Our Postal Hcrvleo and Its Development,
Address. , , , , John Lovo
Wolcoino to Incoming Junior Class.
Vocal Duet, , Misses Oaylonl nnd Decker
"The Hwnllow' Farowoll." Kwktn.
Address, . . , , Cnrlllo Tucker
Wolcoino to Incoming Kroshman Class.
Vocal Holo, .... Alice Rlahtor
' I.'Ardlln."-MiMnltf.
Minor Mention.
No, "Taken by Siege" is not a war story.
Lieut. F. A. Williams of tho national
guards has resigned.
Yes, "Taken by Slego" is a romnntia story
of rrof life. No Hctlon, but a truo story.
Mrs, K. C. Hill died Thursday noon nt her
homo, Fourteenth and A streets.
Mrs. W. A. Jones, of Rushvllle, Intl., is in
tho city, tho girnst of Mrs. J, E. Rlggs.
Tho Pleasant Hour club will hold a business
meeting nt Hardy & Pitcher's this evening.
RcprcHoiitntlvo Spccht of Omaha and Sena
tor Polk of Plattsmonth were In town Tues
Relieccn lodge of Odd Follows had n pleas
ant social Tuesday night after regular busl,
Miss Anna Cassady of Council Blutr will
visit nt tho residence of Mrs. II. W. Brown
noxt week,
Tho old settlers will moot noxt Saturday to
mnke llnnl arrangement for their outing at
Dr. W. J. P. Lnwton nnd II. It Kmg will
build hnndsomo residences at Twenty-sixth
nnd N streets.
Walt Mason, It rumor comoi true, will soon
transfer his talents nnd allegiance to tho
Omaha lltjmbltcan.
Last chanco today to 1 cad the opening chap
ter of "Taken by Slego." Tho story com
mences In this issue.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. D. Stone of Louisville,
Ky,, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. H. MoMur-
try. Tho ladles aro sisters.
M. L. Davey report that there are val
uable gas wolis on land near Furry, Iowa, be
longing to W. H. 1). Stout.
Mrs. Adelaide Dearborn, formorly in
structor in elocution at tho Statu University,
died in Boston hut Thursday.
Miss Lillian Chamberlain of Omaha has
been engaged to sing at tho commencement
exercises of tho Union socioty,
Tho graduating class of tho high tchool
have Issued elegantly engraved Invitations
for commencement, Juno 10th.
Tho East Lincoln Woodmen are to have a
new hall in a building being erected by Baker
ft Smith at Twenty-seventh and 8 streets.
E. W. McCullough of this city will be mar-
ried next Thursday at tho Bethany Congre
gational church, Chicago, to Miss Clara J,
Rev. F, S. Stein ot Milwaukke is tho now
pastor of St Paul's and will preach his first
sermon tomorrow. He was a college mate of
Postmaster Watkln.
Mrs. V. R. Dennis exiects to loavo noxt
week for Chicago and after a visit thoro will
In company with relatives loavo for the lakes
to pass tho heated term.
Gen. McBrlde had been married twenty-two
years last Monday and celebrated tho annN
versary by presenting Mrs. McBrlde with a
crayon portrait of himself.
The musical program at tho Sunday meet
ing of tho Irish league was sustained by Miss
May Fltrgerald, Mrs. J, A. Ktlroy, Messrs.
Thos. Cnrr, Dayid Fitzgerald and N. Lawlor.
Tho ladles ot St. Paul's took In about 100
of net revenue Wednesday ovonlng with "The
Queen of Fame." Thoy are selling copies ot
the play at 5 each, Hastings, Holdrege nnd
Genova having already Invested.
C. 8. Porry, formerly of Porry ft Harris,
tho jewelers, is now special correspondent of
the Watch Vial, published nt Cincinnati, and
to judge from a marked copy is doing big
share ot tho editorial work on it.
Mrs. McConift-Van Dusen was thrown vio
lently from her buggy while out driving yes
terday afternoon, the horse becoming fright
ened and running away. Although badly
shaken she wns not dangerously Injured.
Mr. H. E. Berry and Miss Allco Shlpp were
married Thursday morning at tho home of
tho brido's sister, Mrs. F. P. Convorso, on
North Twentieth street, nnd thoy at once lo-
gan housekeeping at 010 South Nineteenth,
The groom is iv well known barlior at N and
Eleventh streets.
The Eleventh Annual Tournament of the
Iowa Firemen promises to be a big success.
According to the Council Bluffs papers quar
ters for over forty teams have been secured
and every day increases tho lht There will
be ten or more teams from Nebraska, one
from Colorado and probably one from Demi
wood. Miss Chic Brown is enjoying life at Nan
tasket, a summer resort near Boston. While
nt the beech tho lady is also studying her
favorite art, i. e, music, both vocal and in
strumental. Mrs. Brown expects to leave
for Boston the latter part of tho month and
Loaded to the muzzle and the lirst gun will explode MONDAY, and no
doubt will scatter competition North, South, East and West. Every stitch of
Clothing of every description marked down. Our method of doing business is
to turn our stock into ready cash and sell at a smaller profit than to wait until
late in the season.
and everything else get the " razzle dazzle " as well as Clothing. The best
chance you ever had or will get again to purchase your Spring Suit from our
Tremendous Stock.
Remember it bips Toi7day Tyorpip.
Not Open on Sunday. Mail Orders receive Prompt Attention.
Business Men-Attention !
Mr. Brown will follow in July, and together
tho party will return in August
A gay party of young folks spent Memorial
Dvy in the woods near the penitentiary
known as Levitt's Grove. It was a basket
picnic and the day assod without an incident
to mar it An accident seemed inevitable,
however, for while tho party were seated on
a branch susponded ovor the creek the branch
broke, but the gallant Mr. Blake's timely as
sistance saved the picnickers from a ducking.
Tho party consisted ot Misses Canfleld, Hyde,
Becker and Harper, Messrs. Waokerhagen,
Blake, Ryon and Flak.
A well known lover ot horse flesh has been
snortlmr a bia diamond stud for tho past week
that has been the envy of everybody In sport
ing circles. The stone is of great purity ana
cost an even fS50, It has a, handsome gold
setting and 1 one of tle finest stones in the
city. It is said that be bought It ofHallett
the jeweler on Eleventh street just north of,
O, which brings to mind the Interesting fact
that Hailett lias the biraett line of diamond
brought to Lincoln, Not only are these stones
the acme of towelrv. feat they can always be
converted into cash, aud these facta make
them the most prised ot alt precious stones.
Mr. Hailett will no doubt be glad to show hi
diamonds to visitors.
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LRwP'PniiiMiiBtfH xft , jJJJLLlSHfjKsssH
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W!Mjasiiiai nBfii lr1B1'B'1WWjM
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r rljVPPfssHHPBK L
ONLY $36 OO,
Curtain Desks from .$27 to $84.
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