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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1889)
" '""fT Tr"r " (7BPW jr-""Sf - - jrjri CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JUNE i, 1889. K.i ' oil t ' I tit! V' .; t .i - ' . ' r ,s. 'f,A is. H Roberts & Co, 212 North nth Street, Undertakers anMmbalmers, Telephones. Office 145. Kcsldcnccj56 Open Day and Night. E. T. ROBERTS, Manager. P AST ALL PRECLDENT! Over Two Millions Distributed. Louisiana State Lottery Comp'y. Incorporated by tho Legislature for Kdii cntlonnl nnil Clinrltnblo purposes, nnd It f ronchlso inmlo n pnrt of tha present stato constitution In 1W7U by un overwhelming pop ular voto. Its Granil Extraordinary Drawings take place Scml Annually (June and Decem ber), and Its Grand Single Number Draw ings take place In each of the other ten months of the year, and arc all drawn In public, at the Academy of Music, New Orleans, La. "Wo do lioreby certify Mint wo sunorvlso M10 nrrnnRomsnts for ull Mio Monthly and Boml-Aiinual Drawings of Tho Louisiana State Lottery Company, ami In pornon man niro and control tho Drawings themselves, nml Mint tho Biimn arc condticled with lion csty, fnlrncHs, and In pood faith toward all parties, and wo uutliorizotho Cor.umny to iiko this cortltlcntc. with fao-slmlllos of our slgna uros attaohod, In Its advertisements." Commissioners. Wc, tho itndorslgnod Hanks and Hanker will pay all prlzos drawn In tho Louisiana CJiaiO 1-jOlUjriUS, 1VIUUII Jlll.J IW iii;buiiw.u u, our counters. . K. M. WALMHLKY, Pros't Loulsaim Nat n'k I'lKIlIlK LANAUX, l'ros.Htato National ll'k A. BALDWIN, Pros. Now Orleans Natl Hank CAHIjKOHN. Pros. Union National Hunk MMOTH DMWDTG- At tho Academy of Mute, New Orleans, Tuesday, Jam 18, 1889. Capital Prize, $600,000. 100,000 Tickets at 0; Halves 20; Quarters, 110; Klghtlis, $.'; Twontloths i Fortieths, $1. LIHTOF PIIMKS. lPMZKOFWOO.OOOlH 1800.000 1 PHIZKOKa,0U0U 200,000 1P1U7.K OF 1100,000 Is 100,000 1PKI7.KOF liO.OOOlS 00,000 2 PIUZKS OF 30,000 aro 40,000 8 PRIZKS OF 10.000aro 00,000 10PKI7.EHOK fi.OOOuro 60,000 SJPIUZEBOK 2,000aro 00,000 100 PKIZKH OF 800 aro H0.0U0 -J00PIUZK8OF OOOnro 12.", MOPUIZK.SOF 400aro 200,000 I APl'ltOXIMATtON 1MUZEH. ' 100 Prizes of 11.000 aro 100,000 100 do. BOOaro 80,000 100 do. 400nro 40,009 TWO NUMIIF.ll TKllMINAI.H. 1,HW Prizes of $200 aro...,. $300,000 3,144 Prlzos nmountlng to S3,iM),noo . AGENTSWANTED. For Club Hates or any olhor desired Information, wrlto legibly to tho undersigned, clearly stating your resldonco, with Stato, County, Htroot and'Numbor. More rapid re turn mall delivery will bo assured by your en closing an Envolopo bearing your full tuU dress. IMPORTANT. Address M. A. DAUPHIN, Now Orleans, La. Or M. A. DAUPHIN, Washington, D. C. By ordinary lettor containing Money Or der Usuod by all Kjcpress Companies, Now York Exchango, Draft or Postal Nolo. Address Registered'Letters containing Currency to NEW OHLEANS NATIONAL HANK, Now Orleans, La. REMEMHEH that tho pnymont of tho Prizes Is Riiurantecd by Four National Hanks of Now Orleans, and tho ttokotsuro signed by tho Prestdontofnn Institution, whoso char torod rights aro recognized In tho highest courts; therefore, bowaro of all Imitations or anonymous schomes. ONE DOLLAK Is tho price, of tho smallest part or fraction of ntloket IHSUHD HY UH In any drawing. Anything In our namo of fered for loss than a Dollar Is a swindle MGENOW&ASCHMANN, Philharmonic Orchestra AND MILITARY BAND, Room io, Opera House Block J. II. W. HAWKINS, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT, Buildings completed or lu course of erection rom April 1, 18B0: Business blojlc. O R ontKoinerr, 11th and N. do do L W lllllhursley, lltll near N. Restaurant (Odells) a H Montgomery, N near liesldrnce, J J Iinhnff, J and 12th. do J D Macfarlaud, Q and 1 Ith. do John Zehniu?, I) and 11th. do Albert Watklns. I) lt lUh and 10th. do Wm it Leonaid. K iM't 0th and 10th. Jo K It fliitlirle, 87th and N. do, J E Heed, M D, F bet 16th and lTth. do L O 31 Baldwin, O bet lHth and 18th. hh.lltarlum building at Mllford. Neb, Flrrt Baptist church, Uth.niul K stnnsts. ortuary chailel and receiving .tomb at Wyuka cemetery, Oflleo Rooms 33 and 31 Riohards Bloolc v4 HIS FIRST VOTE. Hut Ha Dun Waited to Fool with ft ll'nr. It was a stato election In Alabama, and among tho crowd filling; tho llttlo town where I happened to bo stopping wero somo queer characters. Among tho queerest were an old man and his sou tho father nlxnit 00 years old, tho son about to cast his first voto. Tho boy had primed up pretty well and by 10 o'clock In tho forenoon ho was saying: "Father, git ten men to hold me, fur if I turn loo) this town won't bo nowhar'l" "Ho calm, Jonas, bo calm," ndvbed tho old man as ho putted him on tho shoulder, "Whoopl yll ytl Whar's tho critter as says ho will challcngo my fust voto!" "Thar's no critter wiyln' anything of tho sort, Jonas. J 1st bo qulot. Don't Ik) raisin' jour voice too much." Jonas circulated around for a whllonml then enmo back to tho tavern stew and saldt "Father, I'vo got to turn loose," "Bhool Jonnsl" "But I hov. I'm n-goln' to cut loose and go fur tho hull crowd, fur 1 can't hold mysolt no longer." At that moment a Turk or Bohemian or foreigner of somo sort camo up with a hand organ and a dancing bear, nml I saw n now idea striko Jonas llko a landslide. Tho father saw it, too, and ho protested: "Now, Jonas, ilonn' mako no critter of yo'solf. You jlst lot that b'ar alono." "Pop, I'm gwlno tcr clinch him, lie's alto gether too funny fur this ycro locality." "You'll git busted, Jonas. H'nrs Is oncry varmints." "Got to do it, pup. I'm bubbllti' up llko bllln' soap suds and sumpthln' has got tor bo dono or tho biler will glvo way. Stand back! Whoopee 1" Every citizen of tho town heard his yoll. Tho bear was alxmt llvo rods away, going through n waltz, and ho stopped his move ments to sco what was going to happen. Jonas mndo a beo Hub for him, and as ho camo within six foot ho rose in tho air and camo down astrido of Uruin and grabbed him by tho ears and yelled. "America ngin tho hull nlrthl Whoopl" It was in tho mlddlo of tho street and tho street was dusty. Thereforo I can't swear as to what took placo during tho next two min utes. When tho foreigner pulled his bear off thero was a bundlo of something lying in tho dust. It looked llko old clothes, but it turned out to bo Jonas. Ho wasn't saying a word. Ho didn't know it when Uio fathei and two others lifted him over against the fence and got water from tho town well to jiour over him. It was a full quarter of nu hour bofore ho opened his eyes and faintly asked: "Father, did I clean out tho hull crowd I" "No, Jonas. You tackled that b'ar agin my advice." "And kerwollotivd htm." "Skecreely. You'vo dun got tho wust inaulln' over heard of." "Licked i" "I should obsarvo. You's bit, clawed, knocked , rolled, paralyzed and broke, and you won't bo fltten to work fur a month. Jonas, you's a ciltter, u poro fulo of a critter, and if this iloan' take tho swcllin' outer your head I'm gwluo to hlro a nigger and a maul to knock it off. Bay, Baker, kin you load this critter into yvr cart and toto bint out home!" Detroit Freo Press. A Trifle Careless. Lioutcnant of Artillery (during great gun practice at Willett's Point) Getaway, therol Do you want to bo blown to pieces! Long Island Farmer Lot her go, cap. I wan' ter light my plpo, on' clean forgot my matches. Judge. A Quaint Idea. A llttlo fellow, whoso fifth birthday is at hand, hoard tho question asked of a new comer i "How old is that infant!" His reply was: "She ain't old at all; she has Just begun." After bo had seen tho Infant, ho said to bis mother: "Mamma, that baby bad her hair cut in heaven. I supposo they Uiought sho would not bo strong enough to walk to tho barber's." Brunswick, Me., Telegraph. Ileule's Own Soir. Four-year-old Bcsio was having her dollio dressed and, when it came to tho bonnet, the llttlo maid called for feathers, refusing to be satisfied with tho (lowers mamma brought her. "But thoy don't wear feathers now, my dear," mamma Bald. "I can't help that, mamma; tho thinks libido of mo isn't like tho thinks inbide of other folks." Of courso the feathers won. Alton Democrat. An Ilonent Ileiuou. Drug Clerk I won't sell you tho morphlno without a prescription. I'm afraid to let you have it. Customer Do I look liko a man who would killhimsolf! Drug Clerk I don't know. It seems to mo If I looked llko you I should bo greatly tempted to kill myself. Omaha World. He UHTured from the lint el Mankind. "I would rather deliver that oration than do anything ebo in this wide world." "You always wero eccontrle," "I soo nothing eccontrle about that." "Well, thero is. Most men would rather have you do anything else in tho world than deliver that oration." Harper's Bazar. bhould Do So Lubelod. Medical Student Seems to mo theso cigars are cot very good, If you will excuse mo, old fellow. Follow Student No, thoy'ro not; but thoy aro good enough to smoko out of doors. "Ah, 1 boot For external uso ouly, eh!" Boston Herald. At tliu llucus. Farmer Wnyback If it wasn't for ono thing I'd bet a million dollars, if 1 had IL on mat bay colt o' mine, trottln' a mllo In 2:'J0. Chorus of Voices What's tho ono thing! Farmer Wuyback Tha dlstaucu Is too great for tho tlmu. Omuhu World. .V Common Trouble. 'Scrllmler ato two Welsh rarebits, throo portions of temipln, u pluto of Ico cream, a lemon mcrtuquo pie mid u lobster salad, mid now says he's got tho writer's cramp, -Iiur-por's Bazar. lie Got Left. "What Induced you to go to Oklahoma!" asked Officer Button at tho Third street depot of n ninu on crutches and his head bound up. "To start a graveyard," was tho blunt ro- pir. "Well, why didn't youl" "Becauvo a fellow bad como up from Ar kansas to start n hospital, and ho got lu on mo first." Detroit Freo Press. Ilrsiilts of the Htdlng Tour. -rft i i" KxcIUhI Natives (to shipwrecked sailor Jiut washwl ashore) For heaven's wiko, tell us, quick 1 Is a man out if ho doesn't touch first baso when ho makes a homo run! I.lfo. Mow it Matcher Dwindled. Ono morning Oplo P. Head camo Into tho Chicago Pris club rooms, whero a number of tho memliei's wero seated chatting. Oplo did not tako mrt In tho conversation, but sat by 'ono of tho open w ludows smoking his lingo plpo ruul evidently tliitikingpi-oroimdiy. "Something on your mind, Oplo!" asked ono of tho boys. "Yes. My butcher Is on my mind, nud ho Is tho blggent butcher you over saw, If I didn't havo a oudorous mind I never could hold Mint butcher on It, Look nt mo," said ho, standing up nt full height, showing a form more than six feet tall nud uuuisivo In Its proportions. "Look nt mo; I'm a pretty big innu myself, but, sir, as I camo by that butcher shop this morning tho butcher was standing out In front nud I walked right bo tweon Ids legs. Tho top of my head wasn't as high as his Instep. I should havo had to reach up to unlatch his shoos." "How much do you owo your butcher, Oplol" asked Mr. Jnmcs W. Scott, tho presi dent of tho club, and business manager of Olio Herald. "A hundred and twenty dollars, sir," said Mr. Read. That afternoon Mr. Scott sent n check for f ICO to Oplu, saying It was an ndvnncoon a story ho wished him to wrlto for Tho Herald. Tho next morning, when Oplo strode, into tho club, somobody asked: "Has your butcher grown any slnco yester day!" "Grow nl No, sir. This morning I walked Into his placo with (100 In gold clinking and jingling in my pockot. " Whoro's that butcher I" I asked. "Hero lam,' said a faint, timid, llttlo voice that seemed to como up from tho cellar, " 'Wherol' said I. " 'Hero, right hero by your left foot Don't move or you'll step on mo.' "I got down on my hands and kneos and examined a speck on tho floor. It was tho butcher." Washington Post. The Arltnim Kicker. Thanks. Judge Burrows entered The Kicker oflleo tho other day in his usual qulot and dignified manner and laid three cucum bers on our tubto and withdrew. Thoy aro of his own raising, and of superior breed and finish. Wo thank tho judgo from tho liottotn of our heart. Such things provo to tho editor that bo is not forgotten. We shall publish a two column sketch of tho Judgo next week. Unknown Fiiikndh. Somo tlmo during Mouday night somo kind hearted but un known friend left a piece of ropj about fif teen feet long, beautifully noosed, on our itotM as a present for our faithful work In this community. Wo took it in and shall treas ure it highly. Tho editors of '1'ho World, Herald, Times and other New York sheets toll from sun to sun and are hardly known by unmo. Scarce ly a day passes that wo do not receive dead head tickets and beautiful llttlo mementoes to provo that tho busy world Is not too busy to remember us. Cum soils. Which means, 'tis well. Detroit Free Fress. Freddy to tlm llescue. Children uovcr bellovo that father can by any possibility be wrong nud often construct the most ingenious excuses for him. Freddy is a llttlo ono of ouly seven years' growth, tho son of a minister, who, with his wlfo, had ar rived at a uow field of labor. Hearing his mother say to his father that sho bad been deceived by Ids saying that the houso was a three story building, when in fact it was only two, ho said: "Ma," "Well, Freddy!" "Pa is right." "How is that, Freddy!" "Tho"kItchenisone." "Yes!" "This floor is two, and that story that pa told is three." Yankee Blade. Couldn't Scare Her, Young Bllbbs That's a horriblo warning ut Now Haven to every lovi : of Ico cream, Isn't it, Flora? "I haven't heard about It," "Why, over ono hundred pooplo were taken 111 from eutlng vaullla ico cream, and many of them will die." "Too bad, wasn't it! Hero's a nice looking place. Let's go in and havo somo ico cream chocolate Ice cream." Chicago Herald. A Questionable Succes. Angelina And now that you hava visited her school, Edwin, what is your doclsiou re garding Madame Francaiso for our children! As to dUciplino, does sho glvo that projier at tention! Edwin Indeed, sho does, my dear, I was thore tho whole, morning, and madumo seemed to dovoto tho entire time to preserving order. Harjior's Mugaziuo, IUther Going to Extremes. "Aro thoy boys or girls!" asked tho moth erly lady, mooting a pair of twins In a baby carriago. "Wuu of ultch kind, mum," replied tho nurse, "What aro their names!" "Maxie, mum, nud Minnie, mum." "Oh, I see; that's t ho long and tho short of It." Pittsburg Chronicle. Wide Kiiiiii.Ii, "Mnry, do yen thluk tho men cuu got that piano through tho front door" inquired Mr. Schrugham of his wlfo. "Yes, dear," she replied, "your son Just camo in that way with Ids now spring trous ers on. It's all right, 1 guess." Minneapolis Tribune. Geomdry lu Our Higher Society. Tom-Why, Bill, don't you know May Foley! I thought sho lived In your square. Bill Very iMlbly, Tom, but yot wo may not movo lu tho same circle. Harvard Lampoon. -H" ASi'" TT iffr Hi u 3MkA 4ff B ??. cj lA f"P'4 "!? sfcf-.- . . t-" Hulling the Artlnn to the Word. Tho following la extracted from an nddrcm by tho BMioput Peterborough (Dr, Mngec) to n cIojh of cnudldatui for ordlnntlont "Most of you," ho said, will do well to avoid action In tho pulpit, I shall never for get a raw boned curnto I onco had, with bands llko legs of mutton, I can sea him still preparing for a grand iwrumtloii, and lean ing over tha pulpit with outstretched do tieudent pnhus, ns ho exclaimed, Taws, mo brethren, paws!" London Kxchango, A Srimlbln NilBKeiMoti. kV jTW nntnr Restaurant Proprietor (to waiter) Well, John, Is tho noon rush nil over! Waiter-Yes, sir. R, 1 Well, lets you and I go out somo where nud get somothlng good to eat for din ner. Boston Courier. llnd nil Oldrrt. "My friend," ho said, as ho entered a shoo maker shop on Gratiot nvonuo, "I should llko to sing you u song," "How much you charge I" "Not a ml cent." "Vlins It n nice song!" "Very nice. I nm sure you will bo pleased with It," "Vhcll, go ahead." Tho man drew n long breath and started off. It wasau nwful tiolso. It was intended to Bft tho shocmnkcr right oir his bunch. It did so, nud after tho first verso ho said: "MnyHi you hnf somo object!'' "I lme, my dear sir, Whllo I don't chargo anything for singing, I do chargo twenty (lvo cents to stop." "I see; vhcll, I vhos going down to Spring wolls for dls afternoon. Whllo I doan' shargo you to como lu, I make you pay feefty cout to got out." And ho stepped out and locked tho door, and for two hours tho itinerant talked with an inquiring public through a broken iano of glass, and freely acknowledged that thero wore better games than his. Detroit Free Press. A Had Case of Triolet. Wo have our opinion of triolets in general and of this one, by William Wallace Cook, in particular: Wlicn I am dead I do not cans To lie In state 'ncath pulseless stone. My soul v, III not bo lying there. When 1 am dead I do not caro For marbles cold. Just make my lair A grave, with brambles overgrown. When I am dead I do not care To lie In stato 'nesth pulseless stone. Indeed, if wo wero to express our opinion of triolets in general, and of this one In par ticular, it would run somewhat thus: Don't fret your gizzard, Wllile, dear. filuco we hare road your triolet, We'll ralso no stone, above your bier, Don't fret your gizzard, Willie, dour, But Just lie down without i fear And let us, if 'a can, forget. Don't ret your gizzard, Willie, dear, For we havo read your triolet. Washington Post. Our Idiomatic KnglUh. Miss Loiigham (reading an American pa per) What a btrango country yours is, to bo sure, Mr. Do Yank I Mr. Do Yank (of Boston) I don't think it much stranger than yours. But why! "Well, this paper gives an account of a gaiuo of baseball (I think thoy call it), and It says that 'Chumpy saw u red hotball coming for him in center' Bold, but ho promptly frozo to it.'" Lawrence, Mass., American. Ye Proper Costume. Boston Swell I understand, Miss Bangor, that you had a Maypolo celebration in your town this spring. Maino Girl Yes, and I was quoeu of tha May. Boston Swoll You must have looked charming. What did you wear! Maine Girl A Mackintosh and rubber boots. Burlington Free Prcu The Wanderer lleason. First Tramp Golu' in that houso over there, pard! Second Tramp I tried that houso lost week. I ain't goin' thero any more. First Tramp 'Fraid on account o' tho dog! Second Tramp Mo pants ore. First Tramp rants are what! Second Tramp Frayed on account o' tho dog. Detroit Freo Press. A Competent Man. Cowboy Say, you I Do you run this en gine! Locomotivo Engineer Yes. What can I do for you! Cowboy I want a situation as cowcatcher. Pro been on a ranch for the last ten years. Boston Herald. They Want More Ilouni. It Is rumored that tho dudes of Dearborn avenuo are going to etitiou to havo that thoroughfare widened no that theymuy prom enade, on it lu their Sunday trousers without causing inconvenience to vehicles In tho street. Chlcugo News. A Sueustlon. Mrs Golightly (to eminent musical critic) What do you think of tho uow opera, Mr. Crochet I Eminent Musical Crltlo Well, it wouldn't bo bad If somebody would set it to music Plck-Mo-Up. A Sum Sln. When a girl holds hor breath a moment aud then says sweetly, "Oh, no, smoking Is not at all dlsugreeublo to mo, Mr, Prico," you may bo sure that Mr. Prico is not at ull tlisagrocahlo to her, whnhur smoking U or not. Somervllto Journal. fixed on lll-her Thing. "Wlfo, you tiro too vain ulwut that dress. You should tlx your mind on something higher." "I have, dear on a $.V) bonnet 1 saw in a window today." Hurpur's Bazar. Come to May, A Kanvis utter is not certain about it, but ti of tlio opinion that Tho Poking, China, Gazette has coma to stay. It has Just cele brated Its l,(XX:h blrthdsy. j y -ft, w (0J CLEARING SALE) MKY 27 TO JUNE 1. We have ninny short lengths of Carpetings running from io to 35 yds. We will give special prices on all these this week. In our drapery department on all odd pairs and pieces in Curtains, Coverings, etc, we will do the same. Remember, we shall give prices that will posi tively sell these goods. A. M. Davis & Son, 1 1 1 2 O Street. KE-iy5s t RiK-53hGBm l ! l -ftv-fti W"wW-P'"iBC3BiM A HulHHfllL xiB. HIIvIv,l IiATK OF BROOKLYN, N. Y Tailor and Qraper . GENTLEMEN: I shall display for your Inspection a new and very carefully selected Stock, comprising many of the latest and newest designs of the European Manufacturers, and I am now prepared to take all orders for making up garments for gents In the latest styles. LADIES TAILORING: Having for seventeen years met with great success In Brooklyn, N, Y., In cutting and making Ladles Jackets and Riding Habits, shall be pleased to receive patronage front the ladles during the coming season. I ntn also prepared to receive orders for all kinds or Uniforms and Smoking Jackets. 1230 O Street. Most Popular Resort in the City. ODELL'S DINING HALL, MONTGOMERY I1LOCK, 1 1 19, 1 121 and 1 1 23 N Street. Meals 25 cts, $4.00 per week. Steam and Hot Water Heating. k iit"S'Mi------M-l--l-l---B-Bi 4lM. Buggies, Carriages or Saddle Horses, Can be had at anv ne, Day or Night, on short notice. Horses Boarded and .. kaken care of at Reasonable Rates Call and see us, 1027 Q street, or give all orders by Telephone 147. For Late Styles and Immense Satisfaction, GO TO THE Liricoln Shoe Store They make a Specialty of Ludlow's Celebrated Fine Shoes For Ladies. They combine Service, Solid Comfort "and Economy. 12S8 O STRKBT, THEY TAKE THE LEAD I -THIS- ALASKA'S In durability, neatness of finish and construction these refrigerators have no equal, Prices .'.Reasonable Call and sec tho line, livery Refrigerator fully guaranteed to give sat isfaction. S. C. ELLIOTT, CHINA HALL 1212 O STREET. LINCOLN, NEB. Plumbing F. A. KORSMEYER & CO. Telephone 53d. .15 S. Eleventh St. FINEST LIYERY RIGS In the City alt come from the Graham Brick Stables 1027 Q STREET, Where all kinds of L,INOOL,N, NEB.