Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 01, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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    1,11 UlTMUHWWfU'iHlll il WlOTil.d in..i..iw.i..infcf.ii.
m'T-e.ttm,m mt i risjssjtsjysji.y s '! - iwnwpiM i ) jj
- iwni-iif M -ifnulllWy"-"1 1'" '"
..,... .-ME- "i Ty '1
Bound to Take the Lead
Do not lull lo cc them before buy
ing. Alio my line o(
936 V Street. North Side P. O. Square.
A Popular ltir of Sfodrrn Tim.
HuMcniprWNi Oiw Year by Mall or Currier H
Six month, fl.OO, Three montln 50 Cents, On
month 9) Cent tnvarahty In Advance.
AnvxnTisxiuirrsi Rates furnished on appll atlsn
atthoofllce. Bpeclsl rates on Time Contra ts.
CoMTmnimo: Short spluy sketches, poins and
stories solicited. IVrsotmt and Hoclsl notes urn
cIoellly ilenlraM.
I'rintiwi We wake a specialty of Vine Printing
In nil Itihr ins'i m. HJir " a specialty
Aitdrou nil communications direct to the ontci.
Now llurr lllock, Cor. t'Jth nnd O HtrofU.
L. H'khsbi., .In., Editor nnd Solo Proprlotor.
Fntn Hknmnoku, Associate Editor.
Silks ami l-aee Wrapt That Am Simply
UriiIIhr Walking Gown Tlmt Are
Visions of lifelines lllcmllng Dlreo
tolro Blyles with Comninn Peine.
Special Correspondence.)
Nkw York, May 00. Of nil tlio wrnis
for very wnnn wonthor that I liavo noon,
tho two tlmt nro presented hero nro prob
ably tlio liest ndapted for tho purposo,
and thoy nro both ontlroly novel nnd can
bo tnndo very easily. Tho llttlo flhouldor
wrap Is inndo of silk nnd Inco, nnd Is ono
of tho kind tlmt gl ves graco nnd plqunnoy
lo n slender flgttro nnd makes n stout ono
look slim. Tho model Is of rich black
Ottoman silk, trimmed with rent gulpuro
lace, arranged
form of a
I'nor. A. P. Huokinm hoi gone to sing
South Dakota Into prohibition
Tiik big Indian reservation to be opened In
Dskotn contains nearly 10,000,000 acre,
enough to make nearly 00,000 farms of 100
acros each.
338 South Eleventh Street.
Hiud Hlavoiitkh says J, I. Emery of Re
ntrleo Is booked to iw a deputy United Htates
marshal, and tho old deputies will bo retained
for tho present.
Tom Cook, assistant chief clerk of tho
House or Representatives, left Monday night
(or a month's Jaunt through Oregon nnd
Washington territory.
Hox. Joimc Jenkins, labor commissioner,
v, 111 go to Franco next mouth to attend the
Paris exhibition and gather Information on
tho culture of sugar bccti.
much In tho
1 I 1 ysj
south SHona
rlsioa of
en for the
toh year.
Co.vriiAnr to all rides and precedents In
such cases made and provided, tho graduating
class of tho Lincoln high school has threo
times as ninny boys as girls.
Gov. TiiAYKii, Treasurer Hill and Auditor
Denton left Monday to represent Nebraska at
the Texas spring palaco at Fort Worth. They
were accompanied by their wUos.
AmonU the Decoration Day visitors to Lin
coln ere Senator and Mrs. Lindsay of Ilea
verClty. Their child, who died last winter
during the sitting of the legislature, Is burled
TllK Omaha llejmbllcnn has blossomed out
with a full fledged Lincoln bureau at 123
North Eleventh street, In charge of Mr. W.
Mortln Smith, who reported the Senate for
tho Journal.
ScNATOn Hoovxn of llluo Hill was in tho
city Monday on his way homo from Kansas.
Ho was accompanied by his mother, a woman
of sovonty-slx. Thoy had been on a visit to
a brother of the senator.
OAl'tTALWTM ure looking to Lincoln as a
promising place for Inv estmeut. J. M. Mill's,
an Omaha banker and a successful one, has
bought stock in tho Nebraska Savings bank
and will become Its president July 1st.
Scohk another one for Nebraska. Laud
Commisnlouor Steeu and Supt. Stone of the
Hastings hospital for tho Insane, who went to
St. Louis to buy furniture for tliut Institu
tion, found that they could save- $700 by buy
ing at home.
Now for results. The Board of Trade has
Ided 114 now members and raised (10,000 to
advertise the city in the east. One of the flrst
es was to employ a Mr. J. A. inch to
atter reading matter through New England
a cost of 1,300.
About fifty promluuiit citizens have signed
I published an open letter giving 1'rof.
lank a BUliugs of hog cholera fame a flat-
Ling endorsement and a hearty God-speed.
lo list Is largely composed of cashiers, at-
lueys aud druggists.
DTHCHWOLrcNBAROERliasgone to South
1 to talk prohibition, nnd will bo ens
II the latter part of August. Tlio
rater poople nro going to make a cam-
1 to have a prohibition clause inserted In
itostltutton of tho new state.
lORXKY-GKNenAU Lxksk has decided to
law in connection with his ofllctal
land luu established a down-ton 11 olllco
uWut Jfc Rose In the Montgomery
lOt course he will not accept cases In
1 ttbte Is an Interested party.
Dcrtlio in front nnd Bet in tho shoulder
seam nt tho back, being held full over tho
shoulder. Crochet or jotted rosettes add
rlohnesii to It, nnd nt tho neck thero is a
loco frill stniidlitR, with a fnll in form of
a collar. This is tnado by taking laco
of tho Btimo width na tho rest and gath
ering it ho tlmt tho Bolvngo edgo comes
at tho top nnd tho flowered odgo falls bo
low. Tho upper edgo can lmvo a button
holing of colored saddler silk along it, and
this has a very pretty oiTect. Tho belt is
of rich black ribbon. This wrap can bo
mado of satin, volvct or plain glaco silk,
or it can bo of heavy meshed net bro
cades or oven gronadiuo. Old silk can
bo utilized, as tho silk shows but llttlo
and is really moro for tho foundation
than anything clso.
Many ladles lmvo laco laid by which
would coma in very handy for this wrap.
Thread, Chautilly, French imitation,
Spanish or gulpuro, aro all euitublo, and
it Is a most dressy, dainty llttlo gar
tnont. I asked tho quantities of materials
needed and find tlmt it requires but ono
yard and ono-olghth of silk nnd two and
ono-quarter yards of laco about nlno
inches wido nnd two yards of tho nar
rower laco, or four if nil of ono width.
Tho longth of tlio bows nnd ends govern
tho quantity of ribbon.
Tho long black lnco mantle Is mado of
tho laco woven for tho purposo, and is to
bo simply gath
ered on tonyoko
and then gather
ed in tho back to
a ribbon. Tlieso
aro wont o v o r
light oolorod
dresses, and nro
very pretty. It
is economical, ni
when tho fashion
for such n wrap
goes out, it can
bo mado over in
to a hand s 01110
dross. These nre
ho wo vor only
w o r 11 by ma
trons. Tho other
wraps nro for tho
younger ladies.
Tlio two pretty
walk lug gowns
show tho happy
blonding of tho
dircctolro stylos
with 00 mm on
sonso, and both aro entirely novel and
exceedingly elegant.
I saw yesterday a dress that h'vl just
been finished for a young girl, and it
was so pretty that I must describe it. It
was of very light gray dobcigo, a ma
terial as cheap as it is pretty, and the
skirt was plain and full in tho back,
being shirred about flvo inches deep
around tho hips.
Threo rows of black velvet ribbdn, one
inch wido, wcro sown around tho bottom
abovo tho hem. Tlio wnist was surplice
front, with black volvct ribbon on tho
edges. Tho sleeves had velvet cuffs, and
thero was a hemmed sash of tho dress
A flirting Comlilnn.
Fir soYcrnl wonks imst Hon. J. O, McDrlde
nnd Mr. Harvey Hell lmvo Iron negotiating a
pnrliif rshlp, which was finally consummated
Inst evening, under tho tltlo of Mellrldo A
Dell. Tho old firm of Cramlnll & Pell has
IwendlsKohed, Mr. Mellrldo purchasing the
Interest of the former, and tho dating of tho
now Hrni commences with tho first day of
Juno. Ofllces have lieou fitted up nt 107
South Eleventh street, under tho Whltobreast
cnmMiiiy' coal ofllco.
Messrs. Mellrldo nnd Hell certainly form a
strong team in tho renl estate, loan and in
surnura lino. Having the advantage of long
experience nnd several yenrs of largo nnd
fnvornblonapinlutatiiv, ihoro N no reason
why tho present co-pnrtnershlp should uotlw
a big sucevtn. Their lino of Insiiriinco 1 in
braces tho strongest and most Mipu1ar com
pnnles, Itoth llfo and flro. They are genornl
agents fur the well known MIhhoiuI. Kanois
and Texas renl estate and tmst coiupnuy of
Kansas Olty. Tho company Is n boon to tho
vtell to do, ns well as tho laborer whoso moans
aro small and limited. They will build n
house for you costing any v, hero from $1,000
to 10,000, according to our own ideas, nnd
lake monthly nymeiits for tho same . This is
coitniiilyn great thing for tho hundreds of
Nebraska who want a homo nml think thoy
ciiunot nlTonl to be a pioporty holder. This
company will either build a house for you, or
loan you money to nssisi in imuuuig. 11 con
templating the erection of a building, It cer
tainly cannot lie any harm to you, to Investi
gate the plan otTered.
As to tho renl estato handled by Mellrldo &
Hell, it Is a well known fact that tho senior
partner of the old firm always had for sale
tho choicest lot of city or country property,
UKu his lists being somo of tho most valuable
slices hi Lincoln, and it may 1)9 added that in
the nflt year ho has mado larger sales than
any other real estate man In the city. Mr.
Pell also has till list of proorty, which is
largo and contains somo vnluabln pieces and
11 number of genuine largalus. Theso two
lists combined form tho largest and bot va
rloty of Lincoln lenity to bo found, and It
will pay all Intending Investors to look ovor
tho Hold of bargains that McPrldo & Poll aro
In viow of tho brilliant prospect that now
looms tin lieforo this now Arm for a long and
successful career, the CouiUKit takos pleasure
In congratulating both gentlemen, ana iur
thermoro recommends thorn to tho atronago
of tho general public of Lincoln and Nebraska.
Arc now showing the handsomest assortment of Summer
Clothing in the city.
Goods at the Very Lowest Possible Prices.
Cor. O and Tenth Sts;
J. H. Mauritius & Co.
Specialties: Hosiery, Underwear, Cloves.
131 South nth Street.
Lincoln, Nebraska,
cW tho ardor of some eoplo when
U that the lands of $he Sioux reser-
i Dakota, must be paid for at 91.23
I There will be no homesteadlug.
nmout has to buy tho land of tho
kndisnot going to give It away.
agitating tho subject of Sunday
laid it not bo a good thing If mer-
erally would follow tho example of
He crowds business for six uajs
Is ho and his clrks are entitled to
Loveuth. And ho acts out his be-
kaome danger of overdoing this
nssemblr business. Council
knees a new one labium irom
Lly 4 nnl Boutrlco will Indulge in
ItenJuno US and July a. me
will be lu session June 27 to
lucolii tho other day Mr. J. W.
LSutton Advei titer explained
Lected to have hi book of po
ready for publication Julr
L be delayed, as a bitter light
1 him In his canvas for the
L'he book is Intended to coin
iineu most prominent In
mm n
if I II lWrscc I I 1
material druped on a buckram waist
band, nnd edged with tho velvet all
around, and a f rlngo was made on tho
bottom of tho Bash by loops of velvet.
Tho young lady who will wear this will
wear pink flowers, and thus lie u thing
of beauty and a joy to her sweetheart.
OUVE Haktkr.
Tho Courier" at the Itrsorts.
Persons leaving tho city for the summer
can have TllK CouiUKH sent them without
extra charge. In case of changes of location
during tho nbsouco from home, tho address
will Iks altered whenover desired. This ap
plies to present and new subscribers. Havo
the C0UHIF.11 follow you as a means of keep
ing posted on home affairs. Its weekly np
nvurancu will Drove moro liittrestlug than a
Ounrttir OrTitn I.ntllrs' (I001W.
Commencing noxt Mondny a grand nunrtor
off snlo goes Into effect ut Foreman & Crowe's,
which includeii all whlto goods, embroideries,
dress trimmings, buttous, ladles' neckwear
etc. Theso goods are all of tho latest styles
and Indies should not fail to Inspect those bar
A Great Itlbbou Hale.
During the week the new storo of J. H.
Mauritius & Co. has onjdyed an Immense pat
rouge in tho ribbon department. A special
sale has been going on and the ladles of Lin
coln not being slow to appreciate such bar
gains as havo been offered turned out In largo
numbers to tako advantage, of the opportuni
ty. Next week the sale will bo continued nnd
nil colors, widths and qualities will Is? sold
at prices that cannot fall to attract tho at
tention of every lady in Lincoln. Ask to te
some of these bargains.
A Orrut flucce.
Our quarter off sale has proved such a nrnnd
lucceus that no havo decided to continue it a
few davB loncer. Pear In mind that the
discount is only allowed on cash sales.
Ammv tc Mii.usi'AU(iu.
l'uper for Sheltes.
Wo have just received a ery protty line of
iapers for covering pantry anil closetsuelves,
eve. They sjo in cream, salmon, orange,
mandarin, heliotrope, royal purple, slty blue,
Nile ureen and other colors. Ladles should
call and see these papers. Thoy are tho now
est thing out nnd add greatly to the appear
ance of shch es.
A Grout .Success,
Our Quarter off salo has proved such a
grand success that wo havo decided to contin
ue It a few days longer. Bear In mind that
the discount Is only allowed on cash sales.
Asnnv & Millsi-auoh.
Ituuuey Now-lias 15,000 In III rocket.
It is a singular thing that two residents of
Providence, It. I., nro richer today than they
were a week ago. The ticket 3,887, which
drew tho first capital prlzo of f300,000 In the
drawing of March IS, brought one-twentieth
part of the pi lie to Mr. John Hoonoy, ho hav
ing paid $1 for that share In its chances.
Protldence, It. I., Ttlegram, March 30J
McArthur & Sons will open another drug
store next week at 10111 O street. It will
make a specialty of preset Iptlons and fancy
111 tides, and will also liave a handsome soda
Ludles should not fall to take advantage of
the Ouarter-Off Salo at Foreman & Crowe's.
If you have a card plate wo will furnish
you 100 cards from same tor only $1.50.
McAithur&Sons, the reliable druggists,
will be In their new store, 1010 O street, next
Families desiring pure lco cream or Ices tor
Sunday dinner or any other time can be serv
ed with n superior quality at Morton &
Leighty's, i
McArthur & Sons nro branching out. Their
now O stieet store will be open noxt week.
A New Mine.
On Mondav, May 20th, tho Union Pacific
"The Overland Itoute," opened Its now Sioux
City Itouto, and runs dally, except Sunday, a
through train between Lincoln and Sioux
City via David City, Columbus nnd Norfolk,
leaving Lincoln at 2; p. 111., David City 4:'K)
n. in.. Columbus M0 11. m.. Norfolk 7:40 p.
in., arriving at Sioux City 100 p. in. Ue
turning, will leavo Sioux City 7 n. 111., Nor
folk fliSOn. in.. Columbus 11:25 11. m., Duvld
City 12;15 p. in., arrlvingnt Lincoln 1:50 p.m.
Will ulso run a local train hetwouu Columbus
and Sioux City, leaving Columbus 0:20 a. m
arriving Sioux City 3 p. in. Returning, leave
Sioux City 10 a. in., and arrive at Columbus
nt 8:40 p. m.
That the union racuioiiesirwi iu so
patrons tho best service to bo found west of
tho Missouri river is clearly demonstrated by
the new moves made In this direction during
the past few weeks.
IIFor Information In ruganl to this train ln
(Tulre of your nearest Ticket Agont.
Y-"-" E. L. Lomax,
- -L General Passenger Agent,
"" Omaha.
Neiirsoolv gind.
Sviss Rlou.rcirg:s,
In 22 and 45 inch widths is exceptionally large.
We show some of the finest goods Imported In very handsome new designs.
Tbe One Price Cash Dry Goods and Carpet House.
New Perfection Refrigerator
Keeps air pure, dry and
cold. Easily kept clean
as there are no slides or
s't't't't'tMl j J I j lit WCslliiB
's't't't't't't't't't't't't't't'Uf iflHM7 "
corners where dirt
Tropic Gasoline Stoves
230 South Hth Street.
s. e. MOORE
1134 O STREET.
Read 'Taken by Siege' Today
Jtlcs of the state.
A-k w