p,rf7,"iwr,7TTrT; ir i jfr - V,t sr "-f1" .,""-, lh'Mmr')' f' rffijijjjiMilfciM( g ,iiiff imii i ' v " "p vfo ' n g' TTT wiiiiiihiiin r n t'i- ( iMttrrtHr- ? 'iti''1? "l?" r " - "--rM-T;t"Jtf J-fcJ,fc',t-J-t'wt-it tf -) Ji -M'? fw- y W ' TW?1 11 O l CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1889. NMMiffPliWH SS55 j. -. ' r ' i Fremont, Elkhorn it Mo. Valley HTOpcrnlc nnd con trol ll own service between .'. LINCOLN, Ni:iJ., ami OMAHA, CHICAGO, MILWAUKKE, SIOUX CITY MINNEAPOLIS AN ST. PAUL. fW Through Ticket mitt llggg Cheeked lo II point In United Wales and Canada. Vrrtlhulo 8lecions 1'aIAIIaI Pining Cr nml Union Depots. CITY TICKUT OFFICII I IIS South 10th street, - Lincoln (J CO. N. FOIH'.HMAN, Agent, U. 0. tll'nT, J. H. IIitiunak, Uenernl M'ger, Ucn'l Pn. An t OMAHA, NT.ll. ON SALE WO JhJXaJL PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH AT 1044 O STREET. FAST MAIL ROUTE ! 2 DAILY TRAINS 2 TO Atchison, Leavenworth, St, Joscph,Kann City, St. LouU nml nil point South, East and West. The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parson. Wichita, Hutchinson nml nil principal point In Kansas. The only road to the Great Hot Springs of Arkansas. Pullman Slkkpkrs and Free Kkclininm Chair Cakn an all trains. H. U. HAMNA, R. P. R City Tkt Agent, Gcn'l Agent. Cor. O and isthSts. Gfe miJWAUKEh 'SfcflrUtf SSJVl 0 A and operate MOO miles of tUorangtih aulppeH road In Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota nd Dakota. It 1 tho llest Direct Houto between all the Priuclpal mints In Ibo Northwest. Southwest ad Far West. For map, time Utiles, rates of passago and freight, etc., apply to nearest station agent ol Chicago, milwaukkk a St. Paul IUil way, or to any ltallrond Agent anywhere la the world. K.MILL.EH, A.V.H.OAnrENTEU, General MVr. Oen'l Pus. A Tkt AgU ! lUhHl, GKO. H.HKAFFOnD, w.aen' Mgr. AssU 0. 1 A T. Agt. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. jMFor Information In reference to '.amis and Towns owned by the Chicago, Milwau kee A St. Paul Hallway Compuny.wrtu to H. 11. IlAUOAK,lAnd CommlMloner.MltlwnMkKj Wisconsin. i sssnlEBsssswHn 1 11 M Ticiets HHVByjH V nMNLisBLsjwv MY LADY'S RING. FACT8 AND FANCIES CONCERNING MANY HOOPS OF GOLD. The rttgiignniriit aid Wedding King ami Hie ringer They Adorn Superstitions and Omens Connected with Them" The I'osy Itlng of Ihn Nlsteenth Century, TI10 origin of the circlet Hint ndomi my Indy's linnd Is obscure, though very ancient. Tlicro I n tradition which nsslgn tho Inven tion of tlio ring to Tubal Cnln, nnd tho old Latin author who gives circulation to tho story, In ionkliig of tho wedding circlet, sayst "Tho form of tho ring tielng circular that Is to Miy, round nnd without end lm pnrteth thl much, Hint mutual lovo nnd hearty nITocllon slintild roundly flow from 0110 to tho other, n In tho clrclo, nnd thnt conthumlly forever." Tlio linnd of fctnnlo mummies found In tho tombs of Egypt nro prof uscly decorated with riiiR, tlnu proving thnt ring wonrltig was nn established custom at a very early day. Tho nenlthy ladle of Kgypt woro rings on nearly ovcry flngor nnil costly rings they wero, too. Their iioorer Utcrs imh1 leu costly clrclota, and rings formel of bronro, glniw nnd jwttery with suitable mot toes wero their finger friend. llETHOTIIAt. AND UAIIMAnn ni.fOB. Mnrringo by tho ring Is common in ninny countries benldes our own. Tho IluMlnui havo two ring, which aro changed threo time. In tho llrst plnco, tho man iIncos tho ring on tho woman's linger, then tho priest clinnges tho mnn's ring nnd put it on her finger, mid then priest nnd nmn join and glvo her tho ring for life. When Henry VIII es poused Anno of Clove ho sent her n ring which boro tho Inscription, "Clod send mo well to keep." It wn a fatal motto, as wo know, for "bluff King Hal" ero long grew tired of her nnd liegnn to look r.round for another pretty victim. Wedding rings have not nlwnys been inndo of mutoL Necevslty ha caused tho Invention of homo singular one. On sovornl occasions 11 pleco cut from tho linger of n kid glovo hna answered for tho wedding circlet. When tho gnllnnt Dukunf Hamilton married Misa Gun ning nhnost on tho spur of tho moment, ono might say, for tho courtship wn o but two days' duration, I believe, no proper cere monial ring wn at hand. Tlio nrchblshop refused to net without n ring, nnd tho lord nnd his Indy weru for n whtlo distracted. Hut at longth tho knot was cut In an iugen-' Ions manner and tho young couple wero mar ried by tho ring of tho bed curtnln, which no doubt cut n curious flguro on the whlto linnd of tho fnlr diimocl. Among tho Armenians children nro hiib Jected to early lietrothnl by ring ceremony. ThlsUdono by tho mothers, who make tho occasion u very solemn ono, nnd nt any tiino year afterwanl tho mail can claim his bride, Ilutoncon year from tho tlato of tho bo trothal tho prooctlvo brldo is entitled to receive an Iaster ilreB from tho hands of tho futuro husband. Custom similar to thlt ono prevail In various countries of tho east, nnd tho ring 1 mado to play a very tni'iortnnt part In the womnn's Ufa In Hoinun .iioumi1s, mention Alncrollus, tho man gnvo tho woman a ring by wny of pledge, and tho woman put it on tho third linger of her left linnd, bocnuso It was bo lloved that a ncrvo ran from thnt finger to tho heart. Tho Egyptians ascribed tho potwession of this important ncrvo to tho .fourth finger of tho Hnmo hand Com ing down to Inter belief and usago, wo find that Madatno do la Tour, writing of my lady's ring, says that If tho lady is willing to marry, tho circlet should boworn on tho In dex finger of tho left hand; If engaged, on tho second linger; If married, on tho third; but if sho hns no deslro to wed, then on tho llttlo finger. Tho sign language of tho ring is varied and quaint. For Instonco, we aro told that a ring on tho forefinger indicates a haughty, bold aud overbearing spirit; on tho long finger, prudence, dignity and discretion; on thomarrlago finger, lovo and affection; on tho llttlo linger, a masterful spirit. Ono would not think that rings wero once worn on tho thumb, but such was ono of tho customs that prevailed from tho Fourteenth to tho Seventeenth century. Wo are quito familiar with FalataSVt extravagant boast that, when young, he was slim enough to "creep Into any alderman's thumb ring." But thumb rings nover camo into general use among tho ladles. Thoy preferred to koop the riuc on tho tapering lingers, whero ft could be worn with more easo and to better advantage Wedding rings in all ages havo been re garded sacred. When Mary of Modcna, ono ot tho beautiful and unfortunate heroines of history, was forced to dlsposo of her Jewel sho kept as most precious to her her wedding ring. Dr. Samuel Johnson kept his wife's ring as a sacred trcosuro, and tho keepsake most valued by Victoria is known to bo the ring placed on her linger by Albert on their wedding day. Tbcro Is a story told of a Rus sian prlnco who, on being searched previous to a llfo long extlo In Siberia, begged to bo al lowed to retain a plain gold ring which kept alivo the memory of u happy marriage. And the story goes, 1 am glad to say, that be went 'to the mines with tho treasure next to his heart. rOSV AND MOTTO RINOS. Posy rings camo into voguo with the Six teenth century. Tlieco were motto rings, and they form ouo of tho most interesting chap ters of ring lore. It Is said that tho famous ring which Ernjx sent to Queen Elizabeth by thoCountetaot Nottingham, but which the, willful woman did not deliver until after the duke's death, was a posy. These rings were common botweeu lovers nnd friends all over Europe. Thoy boro rhyming mottoes and af fectionate fccntiuicnt, and tho lady without a posy ring was looked upon as forlorn and with but fow hopes of marriage ahead. Shakcspcaro know tho posy ring, for In tho "Merchaut of Vculco" ho makes Qratlanoand NerbsKi say: Gratlniio Alut a hoop of gold, a paltry ring, Thnt sho did glvo me, whoso posy wus, For all the world like cutler's poetry Umo a knife, "Love mo, lovo me not," Kerlssa What talk you of tho poey, or the valuer You swore to mewnen I urn giro it you. That you would wear It till your hour of death. Bom of tho mottoes ou the old posy rings aro beautifully quaint. Tho list of them is entirely too long to bo embodied In this arti cle, but 1 caunot refrain from giving a fow: "In theo my choice, I do rejoice." "May God abovo Increase cur love." "Not two but ouo till llfo is done," "My heart and 1 until I din." "As gold U pure, so lovo Is sure," "As long as llfo your loving wife." "Lovo U sure whero faith U pure." "Lovo is heaven, aud heaven Is love." "Not for a day, but, lovo, for aye." "When this you see, then think of mo." "In gold I'm cast to bind two fast," "My heart Is thine, true lovo of mluo." T. a llarbaugh in Pittsburg Bulletin. Including policemen, postofilco officials, marketmen aud women, care takers, hospital nursou uud uewsviiei' writers and printers, It I estimated that fully 100,000 of tho In habitants of London aro night workers. A NAMt- FOR THE BABY. From llil list of nrnnoi you, maybe, ('nil get him to plttam the baby, ARlint. CVIIn, Ailrtnlile, Anna, IllAnche, AKAtba, Constance, Hannah, ClAiidlne, Claudia, llnrbara, llucbe, I'llralietli, MabH, FrAiicc. Ilrli ("aniline, Catherine, F.ra, Corn, C'orlcnno. Ilentrlce, Lilly, Floral AiiRtixta. iKjruthy, PorrR Helen, Ornce, ImiIm-, U-ltlee, Ulen; Georgia, (lertnule, Until, Kutrlla, Julio, IdiNnlle, Arabella; Lucy, Wliinlfred, Portia, Ijxurr, Klolse, Prudence, I'ntlence, Clara; Myrn, Myrtle, May, MaIvIiia, Ainnmla, Knld, Itoxc, Bablna; Antoinette, ItiVnllnd, Ann, Oomclln, Itowiniond, Nanette, Joan, Cordelia; Mnry. MargArvt, IMItli. Ida, PeiicloHi. Km inn, Aleen, Ada; JoliAlino, OpliellA, Ollrln, Jnne, IteKlnn, Kirah, Htiphln, Klnltio; llArrlet. liiiuKt, Knl Hlm! Pauline, I'niillnii, LiicIihIa, Alinlra; Hyimtla, I'unlce, Henrietta, Ftipliemla, Hvbll, Alfn-detta; Charlotte, Mlllloent, Maml, Matilda, Tlieniia, Adelaide, Pearl, Clotilda; Marlon, Mlrinm, Jotvihlne, Victoria, Florence, Imogvnu; Virginia, Mngilallne, Isatn-lla, i:ilta, ImiIn-I. Cimlert'llai Felicia. Alice. (Iladyn, llertlia, I'leanor, Umula, Clarissa. Martha; Juliet, Adellna, Vi mm, Amelia, (leorglnmia, IIokjuikiiuI, Violet, Adclla; Daisy, Utlivl. llrlilgeU Annie, Uve, VMm, Clothlldt-. Fanny; Angcllen, Mercy, Angelina, Nancy, (Iwcmtolyn, Christina. Arnold, Anthony, Peter, Paul, Christopher, Isaac, Ilobart, Baul; Cletncnt, Conrad, David, Bllaa, DrnnlH, lllchnrd, Francis, Cyru; Flinutid, I'dnard, (Jeorgu, Adolplm, Flgar, IaIhIii, Luke, Augustus; Ferdinand, Henry, Harry, Itudolf, Julian, Julius, Uerald, Adolph; Hiram. Kbner, Kenneth, Ollen, Nathan. Ileutien, Percy, Mile; Frederick, 1'vcrard, Felix, Justin, Kustace, nrnest, Kvan, Austin; IVIe-, Owen, (Jrovor Victor, (Iregory, Hilary, Jacob, Hector; Francis, Elijah, llcnjaiiiln, Thomas, Alplionso, Alexander, William, Morris; Augustus, Hnniiiel, Abrnham, Abram, Artiiur, Alfnxl, Albert, Adam, Mathow, Mnrk, Mathlan, John. Columbus, Cyril. JounUian; Ilasll, Itnbert, Thatlilcui, Hornco, ItapliacL Blmoti, Asa, Maurice; Timothy, Bolonion, Esau, Iwls, Oustarus Ooddanl, Harold, Lucas: Jasper, Joseph, Allan, Ellas Jonah, Titus, Hugh, Tobias; Ilodcrlck, Charles, Theobald, Herman, Itoger, Holnnd, Itodney, Aaron; Bebastlan, Btcplieu, Ouy, Cornelius, Theodore, Tracy, Italph, Theopblliis; Jacob, JameM, Jcronui, Job, Otoffrey, ltcginald, Plilllp, Itaymoud, Humpbrey; Walter, Heyuold, Itandall, Josliua, Itandolph, Itlolmnl, Mlchnol, Esau; Patrick, Plillebert, Luclnn, Andruw, Ieonnnl. Orvllle, Frank, Itartholomow; Nicholas, Oliver, Martin, flodfroy, Manuel, Daniel, Elicn, Jnrfrey; Eugene, F.bene-er, Aaron, I'thcltiert, Simon, (lllbert, Hubert, Herbert, -H. a Dodgo In Detroit Free Press. I'lieoiirngeineiit. tUM?" "Whnt a pity you don't hnvo looking glasses nil along tho walls then ono could sco oncticlf n ono went round, you know. "Why, ml", If you wn to neo yourself In n looking glusw Just now, you'd nover git on h 'orso ngnlnl" ftinclt Unman Nature. Conversation twenty years henco Young Man Father, 1 supposo you witnessed the great parado nt tho tlmo of tho Washington centennial celebration I Father No, I failed to seo It, "It Kccms strango that you should have missed such a big thing. What was tho rea son r' "Because I was living In New York at the tlmo. Busy In tho ofllce that day, you see. If you want to know anything about it ask your uncle George ho camo on from Alaska and saw tho whole thing." New York Trib uno. lie Knew Her. Mrs. Hendricks Bertie, your mother is calling you. Bertlo Teaser Yesm, I know It, But 1 guess sho don't want mo very bad Mr. Hendricks She's called you seven times already. Bertie Teaser Yes, I know; but sho hasn't yelled "Albort" yet, Time, Appropriate. Fendcrson (who Is struck with an Idea) Baw Jove, Minnie, but Isn't it dooccd odd, don't ycr know, that the first president should have had tho same namo as the capital of the United 8 tn tea I And quito appropriate, too, when a fellah comes to think of It, don't ycr know, Boston Transcript fond of Flowers, Mr. B. My dear Mrs. Croesus, tu'ay I not put your name down for tickets to Professor Pundits course of lectures on Buddhism! Mrs. C Oh, by all menus! You know how passionately fond I am ot flowers. Nur sery World The Way lie Felt About It. Visitor So your sister Is off on a visit, Willie. I supposo you feel very lonesome without bcrl Fivo-ycni-old Wllllo (dubiously) Yo-es, I feel loiiesomo- but I'm good deal more com fortable, Chicago Journal. Only Three. Tho conversation turned upon a certain gentleman who (s not what you may call a brilliant speaker. "Ho has only threo faults," n friend n-Kitogotically remarked) ", bo rends lit (.-iccches; 'J, he reads them badly; S, thoy nro not worth rending." La Carlcaturo. Ton Fraternal. "You're a nico editor, Chubbs)" "What's the matter nowP "Why! you say 'tho pub lisher of The Daily Voiro U an unmitigated ass.'" "Well, ho Is!" "But you add: 'Wo ndvlso our brother Journalist to reform his stupid waykl'" Chicago lcdgcr. Speaking of Cut. Coruolln I'm undecided a to how to wear my hair. Can you suggest n liecomlng wny I Cordelia Why not originate u now roll for it, nnd call It tho "bankrupt twlstl" It's cer tainly short enough, J udge. Too True, ricnty ot men can tell you what tho score ot today's ball game was and bo at tho same tlmo utterly unable to say anything about their own scores at the corner grocery. Merchant Traveler. i. ..... ,u'. lie lletrayed Himself. J J m M Hi )K tffi i y i y toy Manager I'm very sorry, Mr. Clark, but I'm nfrnld you won't do nn my stngo mnna gcr 1 can't liuvo n man who's had no expe rience Tho Now Stngo Manager Whnt makon 7011 think I'vo had no oxior!onco, sir! Manager Why, 1 noticed that you took off your hat to tho leading lady when you camo ou thu stngo this morning. Ho left nt tlif endtf tlii.' week. Judy. The Modern Idea. For somo yenrs past there hm Ix-en 11 crnro for tho old fa-liloned tlmo pieces thnt stood In the hnllwnys of our gniudfnther nnd nro fn mlllnrly known n gmndfiithcr'a clock. There is some sentiment In this, of courxo, but nfter nil It 1 simply a fad In fnshlounblo cir cles thnt will hnvo It run nnd bo forgotten. Indeed wo enn already seo 11 reaction. Tho Men of n tlmo pleco in tho hall Is nil right, but jieoplo in this dny want something licttcr than tho wheezy nffiilr of two geuerntioiiH ngo. Thoy wnnt nioro stylo nnd licttcr time. Hnllot, tho Tenth street Jeweler, has with hi usttnl enterpriso brouglit to Lincoln thu first hall clock of the modern nmku. It I n stately nlfnlr with ncnruofonkthntlhnndsomolyset off with trimming in brns. It is n tiling of benuty, is easily taken enre of nnd tho woi k will keep tlmo with n regulator. Step In and seo it. llierensed I'ueltltleM for I'liNseiigers (lolnc 1'nst Over tho Iloek Island Kotite. Tho Council Bluff nml Chicago Limited Vestibule Express, In nddltion to now nnd el egnnt dny cohcIidk, I'ullmnn I'nlnco SleejicrH and dining enrs, now include Kreo Ilecllnlng Chnlr Cars from North Plntto. Neb., throuch to Chicago vln Omiilm, stopping nt nil iniior-J wint iniorvening kiiiih. yulcK time, luxuri ous accommodations, nnd prompt connections nt Chicago with limited train for Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, New York, Boston, Philni'olphln nnd all enstern point. For further Inforinntinn nddre-s 8.H.Stovens, Gen. Agt., V.VX't Fnrnuin street, Omnhn, or John Sebastian, G. P. St P. A., Chicago. Hewer I'lpes. For Culvert nnd Sewer Pipe, Iwth for dmlng or wells, Dean St Horton rnrry nil sizes from four inches to twenty-four inch Inclusive nt bottom prices. Fine Dry flood At n discount of SS per cent, until Juno 1st. Now la tho time. Ahiiiiy & Millhi-auoii. One Quarter OA" Ou nil cash sjile until June 1st. If you need dry goods It Is lower than yon cnu buy them nt wholesale. Ahiiuva Millhiauqii. Turn horses out in n good posture for n fow weeks, when they get in bad condition. If that can not bo done uso Dr. Cndy's Condi tion Powders; they will put n horso In perfect health. A well horso don't need medicine. Hny, grain and good care 1 better. Dr. Cndy h Condition Powders are a truo horso medicine, (not u do-H.) they nid digestion, euro constipation, kidney disorders nnd dlstroy worms. Sold by A. L. 8hnder, Druggist. AVo havo a largo stock of Canopy top Sur reys, Phaetons, light buggies, etc., ou hand and nro making very low prices on nil our work. If yon nro contemplating tlio pur chase of n carriage of nuy'klnd, come nnd seo us. v HI take your old buggy in exchnnge nt Its fnlr cash value. Camp Brothers, comer 10th nnd u. Morton St Lelghty at their handsome new lee cream jiarlors will serve none but strictly pure icecream. A line of fine confectionery will also bo found fresh nnd at right prices. Odell'i dining ball, SI 'tickets for $4.00. We can sell you a good hoo for less money than ever. We aro at tlio top in quantity nnd quality nnd at the bottom in prices. Call at Webster & Rogers', at 1043 O street. Telephone at tho Courier oillce is !i53, Prompt delivery, courteous treatment and price as Ijw as tho lowest aro the Induce ments wo offer patrons. Lincoln Ice Com pany. Telephone nnmber 118. OfHco 1040 O street. Drive out to Cushmuu iark Sunday and get ono Brown's famous dinners. Whlto goods and Nlssloy St Co. French sateens II. It. Buy your coal of the Whitebreast Cool and Lime Co., nnd it will always be wellscroai.ed, full weight, best quality nnd at right prices. Wo have Just received n full Hue uf the Burt & Pncknnl shoes nt Webster o. Rogers' 1043 O street. For underwonr, hosiery aud kid gloves II. R. Nlsslcy & Co. Tako that prescription to Wilson & Green's pharmacy 139 south Tenth street, where it will bo ncuratcly compounded and prices will bo reasonable. "Taken by Blegoi will begin In tho Courier ot June 1st and continue through several is sues. It is a love story of Kiwer fill Interest, written by a New York Journalist from his own experiences. Tlio herolno is supposed to bo Clara Louise. Kellogg. . Call aud look throuuh tho shoo depaitment. nt II. II. NUsley & Co. Try the delicious cream smln nt Wilson & Green's 1311 south Tenth street. Nothing but pure nnd whoWomo llrr.lt flavors used. Brown has secured the refreshment privi lege nt Cukhinan'e k, nnd the publiu will be intelligently served by nu experienced ca terer. Families desiring pure Ico cream or ice tor Sunday dinner or any other time can be serv ed with u superior quality at Morton Sz Lelghty 's. Sawyer St Moehler's greenhouse supply cut flowers, boquots, etc, on short notice. Branch floral conservatory In Masonic Tem ple basement. Remember von got nothing but the pure artlcls when you order your Ice from the Liu ooln Ice-Company. Telephone number 118. Odlce 1040 O street. The choicest brand of cigars, the finest fruit and confectionery und the various flav ors ot pure ice cream may bo found nt Mor ton Sz Lelghty" new store, 1130 N btreet. FOUR OF THE' WON. Col.Tunner Tells How Four of Vive Ticket In the Louisiana State Lottery Drew 1'rlies. "Ye," snld Col. XV, A. Tanner, nt 1108 Nic ollet! avenuo thl morning, n he Invited all callers to partake of n splendid lunch which wn spread out on the tables o'f hi toro, "this cornea from the Ioullnna Htnto Lottery." "You see," ho went ou, "I liouglit flvo tickets In tho April drawing and all but ono drew money, I hnvo been thinking of making com plaint hccnuMj tho other one didn't draw n prize, too. The prliK'Ipnt one wiisn slice of tho big prlre, nnd I received n my shnro $15,000. Tho money I now In tho First Nntlounl bank, through which It wn collected, The prize drawn by tho other numbei wero -S5, $15 nnd $10." Col. Tntiner I the well known proprietor of tho "Elite," nnd tnke hi good fortune with out any more ado tlimi ho would display in bcntlng John FJnnuignn nut of n clear nt n fgnmoofdlco. Ho snld this morning thnt ho had bought lottery tickets nt various times during hi life, but doubted it liolmd Invented $yoo In nil hi life. He Is therefore Incline 1 to bolluvo thnt tho lottery I a good thing to pntronize. "I never had any doubt of its MUiircnetN,n ho went on, "or I should not hnvo bought tickets. Hut If I hnd been n (lis lHjlloverthloxierIeue" would ceitnluly have convinced me of my mistake. It's n stpinro denl uud every innii I likely to lo struck by the favorable lightning a I wn. Yep, I'm going to Invest In tho nextdrnwlng, In fact, I hnvo already n half dozen diffoicnt limn tors. Mlnnrajmlh (Minn.) Mar, May 1. rumps nnd Wells. Denn St Horton hnvo mado contract with well men to lenvo orders, nt their olllce for Drive, Bored or Tubular welk All work guaranteed or no my. Help Wanted. For tho lieiicflt of tho Indies who may lmve to pass through the common stiuggloof so curing help, the CouilIKli will receive wnnt advertiseuieuts for publication In tho Dnlly Cull wnnt columns. I'm tic desiring help situations, bonrdcrs, or to rent rooms or rent houses can lenvo their ndvertNement nt this olllco nnd they will ho promptly delivered to thu Cnll for publication. One cent n word per dny 1 tho expense. Horace Greeley's Allude. It wn-i ninlntnlni'd by tho lato Horace Grecloy, that "nothing succeeds llkosueces!" If this botruo. Chnmlierlnlu'ri Cough Heme dy will nlways lio popular, n It nover falls. It 1 intendod especially for coughs, cohls, croup and whooping-cough, nnd U undoubt edly the best nnd most reliable medicine in uso for tlio'o diseases. It Is decidedly it suc cess. For sale by A L. Shrnder, druggist. Cleaulliies Next to ('odllnenM, To tho resident of Lincoln, Neb.: This is to notify you thnt the undei signed hnvo pur chased tho 1 Ight and title to the business heretofore conducted under the unmu of tho Crystal Steam Inundiy, nnd organized Into a corporate body in nccordnuco with the laws of the state of Nebraska, under tho title of the "Capital Steam Laundry nnd Olllco Sup ply Compnuy,"of Lincoln, Nebraska. Mr. J. W. Wilder has Ijccii employed iih mnnnger nnd we guarantee that nil work entrusted to our enro will bo dono sntlsfnctorily. It. P. Macdonald, J. W. ItAHNHDALZ, W. C. Lorn A Jlnschul! Man Hum n Victory. Ralph Staples, first linscmnn for the Green stockingF, nnd Mnudo Keen, n dining room girl nt tho Reynold house, bought n twentieth ticket in the Ioulslnnn Statu Lottery in part nership, nnd nt Inst Tuewlny's drawing got $15,000, or $7,500. each, South BennV Ind., Weekly Timet, April 10. Sewino Machine koii Sale Entirely new of popular make, with all attachments, wll bo sold at a big bargain. Enquiro nt this of fice. HEYMAN & DEICHES, lMS-lJUO Karn a 111 Ht.,'.New l'uxton Block, Omaeca, - ZETttb- THE LARGEST CLOAK, SUIT and FUR HOUSE. In The West We nro now Introducing mnny now novel leh In Hprlng und Hummer Wear, nnd re- spectAilly Invlteour Lincoln friends to call and seo tho now lluo Just opened. ARE DIRECT IMPORTERS And ns such can oiler later styles ut lowor prices than any hnuso west of Chicago 11 fact wo'll tuke pleasure In pniviiiRto Llncolnlte. GALL AMD SEE US WHEN IN OMAHA. Wo cnu h'iow you a lino lino of Clonks, Drosses aim Kurs that lurpnss anything you hnvo ever seen In the entire west. It will pay you to tako 11 trip to Omnha to see us, Ifyou want anything nice In our Hue. Mall Orders Receive Prompt Attention. SBBBBBBBBBBsV SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBsl SSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBaVsV SaBBHBBBBBSSBBBBBBBBB SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtBBSVflslBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1 ssBBBHsflB HsssssssisisssssssssssssHlst 1 H iBsflslssssssssssssssssl I ti,i,HBsBBMBsHsWcTl"rT ' vmHil M SHBsHsIbbbbbbbbIUHHsb wm LADIES Should cnll and sec our Goods nnd Spring Novelties nnd Ornaments for the head. All the latest shimcs In Unngs Swftclics, etc. 1114 0 St. Just what Lincoln Needs Oliver Mnj-gnrd with hi customary en tcrprlsc lins put on his Transfer Line, n huge Furniture Van! For moving Household Goods nnd other Goods Hint require careful handling. The best care is nlwnys tnken nnd all orders entrusted nre'nttendcd to by experienced workmen. Leave Orders, or Call up Telephone ill Oflkc with L. D. T. Co., Cor. Tenth nnd O Streets. 2 Missouri Valley Fuel Co. I Hell the bestunllty of Hard and Soft COAL Satisfaction Guaranteed. OFFicn : 6 Richards' Block, cor. 1 ith nnd O. & INSTRUCTOR ON Piano 1 Organ OFFICK WITH Curtice & Tillers' Music Store, 207 South 1 tth Street. fflss Ethel Howe. Teacher of Singing Room 131 Burr Block. Hours, 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. R. O'NEILL, dealer in Diamonds, : Jewelry, AND OPTICAL GOODS. Repairing and Engraving a Specialty. 16 No. Tenth Street. N. R. HOOK, M. D., DISEASES OF WOMEN. Jrinary and Recta j Diseases a Specialty. Treats rcctnl dlsenscs by BRINKEKHOFF PAINLESS SYSTEM. Onice, rooms 122, 123 and 121 llurr Block. Twelfth and O streets. Office telephone MS. Residence 1029 Q street. 'Phone, 682 Office hours, 9 to 12 a.m. 2 to 5 and 2 to fl p in bundays, 10 to 11 o. m. C.A.SHOEHAKER.M.D. Homceopathist Physician, Telephone No, 'iS; 161 South nth Street, Lincoln Neb WESTERFIELD'S Palace Bath Shaving PARLORS. Ladies - and - Children's - Hair - Cutting. ASP.SJ.AI.TY. COR 1 J & CI STS., NEW BURR BLK' '1