i- VrVJ'1T--T --'- tri-ffHf " 'v"WKe -itt np-f"-,V 'trf mtn- . rr-rit -' --) " tii rtsrrw vp' ' CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1889 a tempo. STREW FLOWERS ABOVE Tl NOBLE DEAD. a tempo, p 3 3ilSEH "jcx (Wis on llln - t'rj'n pago of famo. I'or ov or innro shall lout I moru tho drums shall boat for them, Their U bora now aro donoj bright cti'dhuM of tttix . j flow'r Ho. nxitk fond Nat- uro's trlso All For So NATIONAL ODE FOR DECORATION DAY, fj j H 4CT:t3pjnn H-J5SppdCTJpH 3 533r Ha:3: .Published through Tho American Press Association, by especial penmsiion of T J), JTanns d- Co., 819 Broadtcay, Now York. 6 a temjto. rlt. ' ' - a iw. Pfi 3?: 1 Words by JOHN KEYNTON. Music by GEO. W. MORGAN. cim (tntma. ereta. 3S mm m it. Cj' 7KX wr -rtr Andtmtt. rfcy: PBfiNfeirim w p ffff3ff n -rtt. iSPjT r kl 3 hon or'd bo each gin rlous nnmo, Whoso doodi II lumo tho past, thorn tho glo rlous dl . a dom, Tho no bio vlo . t'rjr won. fresh bo thojr In hoarut of ours, Thro nil tho poaco ful day. n u 0m epret. sf o eolla coce. erese. li jIasjigfcj.a -ajg-a.EL, 1 ie5- r. v 1 it - 1. Strow flow're a - bovo tho no . bio dead, Swoot with tholr tears of dow Let 2. Btrow flow're bovo tho no bio dead. And In each heart on shrin'd. For 0. Strow flow're a bovo tho no bio dead. A llko tho Dluo, tho drey; And $ ononus. At f H feE5S Strow flow're a . Iwvo tho no - bio dead, Bwoot with tho team of dowj Let plfpE rit. f3 P rj i .-01 1 ra- j J . 1 p- !Sy---IH3-iEsEE2 ( 7 p trtte. f - 1 1 1 3 " 3 pIIl 1 1 1 i "i 1 dim. Jl rr I t ft fpp- -fd gar lands ev . or bright bo spread For theso ev cr more with hon or wod, Keep them in oar hearts, all an ger fled, Do both tho good, tho truol In heart and mind; cn-shrln'd to day. Their No Tho ml 0 5: $$&m m rit. ate W d-jtbb-3--a--- gar lands or or bright bo spread For thoso tho good, tho truo I -1- J P f- ' - z- j j- m -T t, jt4--g-t : gg-jgjygp A A . f g - , j) Ooprricfat, M80, b Jokn Kajntoo. All buy their Footwear of PIANOS ' I, I, PERKINS BROS II29Q STR9ET All the Latest mid most Popular Musical Composition may be found at ORGANS CURTICE & TI-IIERS, LEADING MUSIC DEALERS 207 SOUTH Htm STREET. "! - .Hf SHEET MUSIC Large Stock nf the leading American made Gultarx, I'lano Tuning ami Repairing promptly attended to. NOVELTIES To the Ladies of Lincoln and Vicinity. On MAY 27th, 28th, 29tti, 30tt and 31st, We will take Orders for Repair Work and Remodeling FURS, FUR GARMENTS AND FUR TRIMMED GARMENTS. We will have in attendance one of the best Fur Cutters in this country. He will take measures and draft patterns, thereby insuring a perfect fit. This is an opportunity to have work done and garments delivered early in the season. Also an opportunity to have GAR MENTS SAFELY CARED FOR DURING THE SUMMER. We will show all the Latest Styles in New Garments from Paris and London, for the season of 1889-90. Seal Jackets, Walking Coats, Sacques, Mantles and Newmarkets. We will be prepared to take orders for New Garments for early fall delivery. By placing an order now you are assured of the LOWEST PRICE, CHOICE SKINS, BEST WORKMANSHIP, PERFECT FIT AND PROMPT DELIVERY. The Cut ter will take correct measures and draft perfect patterns. The line is from the strictly from the reliable house of HENRY A. NEWLAND & CO., Detroit. Inspection is urgently solicited. Remember the Dates. MIIBOUR R. DGNNIS 1137 O Street. Matter, Furrier eincl Fur:qislner. Jgp Please bear in mind that we will sell Fur Goods at strictly wholesale prices on dates named Only. r i ;& S.HJIWMM-'1T-'HW-MWS1M--. M WMHW lllll-glW f wi 9 wa-jmiwirW iiwii II lmPW' WiaiIPp wn