Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, May 04, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Mil Evening, May 4 '89
0rnr I Oth and t ttrwMs.
Dry Goods and Carpets.
The Counicn will nut I rn.onlble for
aay dent mode by any ono In It nnnic, un
lea a written order nccomMinlc tho Mine,
properly signed.
U Wkhhki,, Jr., Prop'r.
Amount of lull., I'artlea, WetlillnR
Kir., That Have Kntertalnril Society.
Herpolsheimer & Go.
AI.I. NliXT WliliK
The Courier Cnn lie Fount! At
Wlmlwnr Hotel Now Htntut.
Capital Hotel Now Hlnnd.
doll's Dining Hall Now Htnnd.
Closon A Fletcher's, HOHouth llth turret,
A.T. I-cmlnn Al'o' 11(10 OHlrceL.
The Gotham NewsHtnml. ipt Houth illli Ht.
Keith llniK., Ill Noilh llth Htrcol.
Kd. Younir, 1030 O Htreot.
Katon AHmllli, IIJOO
" Diamond Pharmacy," lith nnd N Hts
WcHcrtlelil's barber utiop, llurr block.
Now on Sale.
W. R. DENNIS, 1137 O.
l.anil nml Persona),
Whltebrcnst Coal and Lime Company.
Take Turkish nt initio street
The beet Tmi. H. 1' .Steven ft Co.
Odell't dining hall, 31 Uckel for 14.00.
Sawyer ft Mother, florists, Masonic Temple.
Mineral water used for bathing, 1010 O it.
Trlckey ft Co.,wholeale and retail Jewelers.
New line of ribbon at H. It. Nissloy ft
Ladles look at tho Le Hancy shoes at Fer
kmsllrcw. Try tome of the fine fresh fish tenred every
day at Cameron's.
Canon City Coal again at tho Whltebreast
Coal aad Lime Co.
Ask for the "Marie Stuart" collar at Well
JflSaouth llth street
A Patent Leather Soled shoes for ladies full
Are, at Perkins Bro.
Roast meaU, and vegetable of all kindsat
Cameron' Lunch House.
A French shoo hand tuniod for Infant and
Children at Perkins Bros.
Lackawana and Scrantou banl coal old
only by Hutchlm ft Hyatt,
Everyboily cats at Odell'a nowadays
Board only H00 per week.
Canon City coal delivered to all parte bf
city. Call up telephone iiil.
Only place In Lincoln that uwa mineral
water In Uths la at 1010 O street
Improved shower for Turkish baths at 1010
O street, basement Union block.
Mendota, tho most popular coal on the mar
ket, sola only by llutehlns & Hyatt,
For ticketa to Oregon or Washington ter
ritory points kpply at US Bo. lotli at.
Ashby ft MUlspaugh have the largest lino
ef apring wrap at tho lowest prices.
Fine Teas, Spices, and tho largest lino of
Fine Groceries in the city, at 8. F, Stevens.
Brown's cafe b the recogntred headquar
ters for Hue lunches and everything digest
able. Bert board in the city and at a price within
waeh of all, at Odell's. Twenty-one meals
fer4. , .
New novelties in bat and bonnets arriving
dally at Wells' millinery parlors, W south
life street
The inert luncheon in the city are served
at aU hours at Carder's Kuropeaa restaurant,
MP street.
1 Tosca umbrella, an entire new stock
w4H go on sale Monday, April 90th. Aaliby
Oasae, oysters, and all the delicasies of the
aaaaoa always to be had at Brown's cafe,
Windsor annex.
Toilet article and perfumery of all the lat
est odors at Wilson ft Green's pharmacy i:
eulh Tenth street.
Everything new and neat, finest menu and
beat cook in the city at Carder's European
restaurant, M P street.
The finest work in the city at HaydenV
photographic studio. 1314 O street. See our
flae samples of art work.
Everybody that has stopped at Carder's
hotel speaks well of it. Day board or meals
a la carte served at popular price.
New line of lace flouncing and fish net just
received and will go oa special sale Monday,
April 9Mb, at Ashy ft MUlspaugh.
Suppers and banquet served on Oiort
boUee at Brown's Cafe. Prices reasonable
aad serviea first claw la every respect.
Try the deUeioaa cream soda at Wilson ft
Green's 180 south Tenth street. Nothing but
pare aad wholesome flrait flavors used.
Bay your coal of the Wbttebreart Coal and
Lksa Co. , and k will always be well screexeJ,
fall weight, bestqualKv aad at right pries.
Sawyer ft Moshler's gresabousM supply cut
flowers, boquete, etc, ou short notice.
ranch feral coaservatory In MasealoTem.
kaaft aaaMflnVatttt.
Bataember you get nothing but the pure
arttele when you order your Ice froaa the Lin
wlalesCoaspaay. Telephone number 118.
oelH0O street
Aatite, Scott Co., lad., Feb. 10, 18M:-I
have gtvoa Chsaibirlsin'a Couch fUeaedy a
lairoaga trial, aad flad it to be all aad more
taaahialalsjisdlork, I would not be wkb-
tttfarlaaahl what K casta.-Fame J,
,XtmiM.iiMU by A. L. Shader, Draft,
Ktavrn Years (Mil.
Master Fred Doollttlo, son of Mr. nnd Mrs.
John Dootlttle, celebrated tho completion of
his eleventh year Wednesday by n birthday
pnrty nt Iris homo, IM0K street. The Invi
tntlons were for flvo to olRlit o'clock, nnd tho
guosU nrrlvod promptly, Tho enrly hours
wore iMimcd in game nnd n hearty romp on
tho lawn. At hnlf-nrt Mx tho keen nppo
tltesworo Nttlsfled with refrmlimonls, nnd
tho ovciitng was rounded out with dnnplmr
nudgnmc. The littlo folks enjoyed thorn-aalvi-a
hugely nnd were very reluctant to go
when pnrenta nnd friends called for thorn.
Kmlillo Doollttlo's party will tw n happy ro
membrnnco with Ilium for n longtlmo to
cotno. It an n largo an well ns n Jolly coiu
ny, thn followliiK lielng tho full lint of
tho Invited)
MlitHo Hndlo llurnham, Helen llurr, Hnttlo
HuiTmnn, Clam Hnmmoud, Anna Hnmmond.
Clara IliickstnfT, Clnrn Wntkiiis. Kntlo
Krnukllu, lllnllo MeConnlfT, Kllou Gero,
Kmnre (lore, Jewiio Iinninir, of N street.
Jiiwlu Ijinsliig, of K street, Jesslo Iolnnd,
Himln Guttlii, Hnttlo Mulr, Sydney Murphy,
KmumOutcnlt, lllnncho Hnrcronviw. Mnv
Ileolw, Iioulw MoWlitimlo, Maittcrs Joo Hum.
lioin, Arthur Ilnymond, Iiuino lbiymund
Owen Oakley, Frank HuckstnlT, Ilert AVnt
kins, Louis Sheldon, Goorgu Holmes, Johu
Hnrlvy, Frank Uustln, Halllo ZehruiiK, Nel
son Sawyer, Frwl lleelio, lSilwnnl Howey,
Krnst llemioy, Carl Hcswy, Henry lloehmcr.
lUlph Hathaway, Halney Yates, Wllllo
YaUii, Fay Htoughton, Alfred Fussey, IC
MoWhlnnle, Clinton KIiik, Wllllo KIiik,
T oil r ...
iK-auv oiuu iiiiii ueo. nniner.
ItelnrmlirrliiK Washington.
Among tho school celebrations of tho Wash
ington centennial that of the seventh grade of
tho Q sti-cct school was a notnblo nITair. Tho
room was elaborately decorated with lings,
bunting and tho K)rtralts of nil tho presi
dents, and oven Martha Washington was
given n place or honor. Tho blacklioanN
were profusely ornnmented with eagles,
canon, Hags, shields, banners, etc., grouped
in emblematic designs of well-known signifl
cance. lVobnbly tho bst was that on tho
north board, crossed flags nnd drum nnd
eagle, drawn by Miss Emma Glover. Do
slgns of masters Clydo I) wry and Harry
Everett also deservo tnontlou. An excellent
program was rendored, among which were
tho following individual numiiors:
Itecltatlon, "Sheridan1 Hide," Emma
Glover; Sketch of Washington's Life, Earlo
Leavltt; Itecltatlon, Lowe ltlckette; Trio
"Boat Song," Anna Barr, Emma McWhlnne,
May Klmerer; Recitation, "The Young
Soldier," Ettlo Parrish; Essay, Roland Phil
lips', Violin Solo, "Romance," Grace Burr:
Recitation, "Independence Bell," Florence
Stockton; Itecltatlon, "The Ferry of Gallo
way , Anna Ma wo: Violin Solo. Prof. M'.n.
eenuorr: itecltatlon, "Paul Rovere's Ride,"
Grace Burks; Recitation, Washington Faro
well Address, Harry Everett; Reading. "Tho
Death of Washington." Mnv Klmerer.
The Klks Honor Minister Kgan.
The cltltena of Lincoln, proud in tho fellow
ship of a man distinguished no less for his
achievements than fur his nobility of charac
ter, do not tiro of paying honor to Hon.
Patrick Egnn, On Monday ovenlng tho Elks
hold a Indies' social session in honor of their
renowned brother. It was largely attended,
particularly after tho ojiora, and closed with
n dance that lasted long after midnight. Tho
program of exercise included "Auld Long
Syne" with variations, by Prof. Glboault; a
vocal number by Mr. J. A. Kllroy; a unique
ptano arrangement of "Yaukoo Doodle" by
Miss Minnie B. Cochran; a humorous talk by
Mr. J. U. Hlganbotham and a violin solo by
Prof. Menseudorf. The lodge presented Mr.
Egan with handsomely engrossed and framed
resolutions of a very complimentary charac
ter, and Mr. Egan, although surprised, made
a happy acknowledgement. On behalf of tho
lodge Mr. W. J. Houston also presented Mr.
Egan with a beautiful gold badge of tho or
der. These exercise were f olio wod by a col
lation and dancing. Mr. a J. Daubach of.
flciated as master of ceremonies, and filled
the place with tact and ability.
Handsome Homra.
Lincoln is a city of homes. The number of
it elegant residence is the wonder of visi
tors, nnd it U a genuine pleasure to know
that tho number of well-to do people who can
afford such luxuries U growing. Mr. W. J.
Turner is about to begin a fO(ooo to 8,000
residence on L street near Sixteenth, and Mr.
J. D. Calhoun will next week let the contract
for a handMiine Home at Twelfth and Plum.
Mr. I, S. P. Weeks has plans for a house on
H,,near Thirteenth, and Mr. M. D. Welch is
malting preparations build on A, near Fif
teenth. Mr. C. E. Yatea of tho B. ft M. is figuring
on a (23,000 home, to be erected In Hillsdale
The Druggists Will Dane.
The State Puarimcoutlcal association has
secured tho legislative hall and other rooms
at tho capltol for its approaching meeting.
ine program win include a social and danc
ing reception in the unoccupied state llbiary.
If the managers will invert a few cent in
French chalk (otherwise powdered soaDstone)
and apply it to the floor Judiciously the danc
ers will rise up (from tho fioer, porhaps) and
call them blessed. The unprepared floor Is
rough and heavy and has greatly marred
previous dancing parties.
Forl'lttau anil Gym,
The First Congregational Church Young
People's society of Christian Endeavor took
possewlou of the Y. M. C A. rooms Wednes
day night and garnered dime and quarter
ror ine association by me usual methou. An
enjoyable program included a song by J, B.
Barnaby, a recitation by Mr. W. 8. Huff
man, a solo by Miss Winne'Manatt; Tec(ta-4
tlon by Mr, Fred Shepherd and a soprano
solo by Mia Latlnw:
Take that proscription to Wilson ft Green's
pharmacy 19V south Tenth street, where it
will ba acurately compounded and irioes will
be reasonable.
The choicest brand of cigars, Ute finest
fruit aad confectionery uud the various Rav
ers ot pure ice cream may be found at Mor
toa ft Lsighlya new store, 1180 N street.
"elal and Personal,
Hilltop Newman will preach at H. Paul's
Mrs, E. II. Fnwcett has gono to West Un
ion, Iowa,
I lev. h. M, Inils is sojourning at Hot
Springs, Dak,
Mrs. W, R. Cnmbrldge is homo from n
visit among eastern friends.
MIm Gertlo Gardner is home nfter n six
mouth sojourn in Colorado.
Mrs. I, O. WIm entertained n fow friends
Informally Tiicwlay ovenlng.
MissM. Sohlffer nnd her pupils gave n
pleasant recital 'i hurnlay ovenlng.
Mr. John C. Ilonnoll nnd daughter, Ml
Pearl, hnvo returned from California.
Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Foster, Eleventh and R
streets, are happy In tho arrival of an heir.
The Yorlco club had n well-attended and
highly enjoyed hop at Tcmplo hall last night.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. KcddUh hnvo boon en
tertaining New York friends en route to
Mrs. John M, Cotton left Thursday to
vmlt tho scenes of her girlhood nt Lognna
ort, Ind,
Missos Mnggiu Hallett and liosslo Mondou
hall loft Wednesday for n sojourn ot sovornl
woeks In Denver.
Mrs. N, C. Backus wnscnllod toOnlcnbtirg,
111., early in tho week by news of the serious
Whom of n sister.
Cashier and Mrs. Kdwnnl Green started
Thursday for Froojiort, 111., to visit nmong
relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. 1'. HIbloy of Roymer, Col.,
have boon guests this week of Mr. A. M.
Gardner and family .
Land CommUslouer nnd Airs. Joncph Scott
havo started ou nit extended trip through
Ohio and other emitern states.
Messrs. Fred Hnllott nnd Kugcno Hsaton
aro planning an excursion and dancing party
to CiiHtimnn pni k In tho near future.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C, G, Dawes have been In
Cnlllo;ie, Iown, this week, whore Mr. Dnwes
was busied settling tho ostato of an uncle.
Mrs. Perkins nnd daughter, who spout an
oujoynblo three mouths with Mwwrs Klmer L.
nnd Frank K. Peiklim; havo returned to their
Michigan homo.
Mr. Alfred T. lirown nnd Mis Lulu Ensoy
woro married Wixlucwlay by Rev. E. II.
Curtis ami Immediately loft for their future
homo In Denver.
Dr. nnd Mm. M. II. Everett left Monday
for n visit to Mendota, HI. Tho doctor's
plan wns to nttend neon veutlon of railroad
surgeons nt Ht, Louis ou his way back.
At tho Wnmor Mny nrty nt Masonic hall
Wcdnwidiiy ovonlng Mrs. Chas. CnrjHmier
and a Mr. Edgar won the prize ns tho best
waltrors. Tho former's was n brenstpln, tho
lnttor'a a jxilr of pumin.
Representative Berlin of Omnha was In tho
city Monday to ntteud tho social h-jhhIoii giv
en by tho Elks In honor of Minister Kgnn,
nnd dm lug tho early part of tho ovonlng was
a guest of tho Funko bur. nt tho opera.
Tho East Lincoln Sodal club is only nwnit
lug tho readiness ot Mr. Wlckersham'a now
home at Twenty-seventh and O streets to
have its closing mooting, which will jmrtake
of tho nature of n reception to Mr. and Mrs.
L. C. Pace.
Mrs. A. Morton, wlfo of tho senior partner
of Morton ft Lelghty, arrived in tho city yes
terday acooniantod by her two young
daughters, Tho family has taken up quart
ers on C street near Tenth. Mr. Lelghty'
wlfo Is also expected to arrive soon.
Mr. Allen Urn tcher and Miss Lizzie John
son were married Wednesday evening, Tho
ceremony was performed by Rov. J. W.
Braxton at the home of the bride's sister,
Mrs. Austin Curtis ot South Ninth street, in
tho presence of n small company ot friend.
Mlsss Wostner of Grand Island, who spent
Z short vacation with Miss Nellie White, has
returned to her studies at Brownell Hull,
Omaha. She was seen safely off by a half
dozen devoted young men, nnd Mr. Sam E.
Low of tho governor's ofllco can give tho list.
Mr. A. U. Kleiner, the Burlington's (opulur
city pa&senger agent, presented Mrs. Ziemer
with a lienutlful dark bay homo, which nr
rived yosterdny from the east. It Is a largo
and stylish animal and when hitched to Klein
er's handsome surrey will mako tin attract
ive rig.
Miss Clara M., daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs.
C. F. Murray, was married Wednesday even
ing to Mr, Harry Alfenbaugh. The groom is
a new comer from Illinois, but the young
couple will mako Lincoln their abiding place,
ami they repaired at onco to their future home
on P near Twentieth.
Mr. Goorgo Boaiwlmau last week looked as
though ho had lost his best friend. And Indeed
ho had, for Mrs. Bosselman and their littlo
ono woro on tho sea bound for an extended
visit to Germany. A cablegram has an
nounced their safe, arrival on the othor sldo,
but Mr. B. is awfully lonesome.
Mrs. J. II. McMurtry nnd daughter, Miss
Tote, are cxpoctal home today. They havo
been in California for nearly n year, and Mrs.
McMurtry returns with health greatly im
proved. Miss McMurtry is a fuvorlt) in
social circles, and her presence will give the
young peoplo great satisfaction.
Mis Funke's gerinau, which was announced
for last Tuesday evenlug, has lxm postponed,
and tho continuous engagement ot the opera
house from now on for' some tlmo makes its
date somewhat uncertain. Lieut Grifllth has
tendered the use ot the university armory,
and in the emergency It mny bo used.
Mrs. William A. Preston enjoyed a Sunday
visit from her grandparente, Mr. and Mrs.
Coleman ot Omaha. Mr. Coleman drove
over the city and was dollghtod with It. Ho
expressed the opinion that Lincoln has more
fine homes than Omaha and that the general
average is much better than lu that city.
Tho ladiea of the Holy Trinity conducted
a successful fair Thursday evening. A
feature of tho occasion wns a musical pro
gram excellently carried out by Mrs. Wm.
Hohmann, Mrs. C. D. Traphagen, Mr. II.
W.J, 8eamark. Mrs. A. W. Jansen, Mrs.
C. S. Llppincott, Misses Clara Funke and
Nannie LllUbrldge.
Dick Berlin was In the city between trains
on Sunday. He looked at both the opora
house and the stone block, and the Inference
from his lack ot action Is that ho would rath
er have both. He camo from Hastings,
where he has business Interests, and the even
ing before enjoyed a box with Senator and
Mrs. Taggart during Conried's performance
ot "The King'e Fool."
Tho formal opening of the now Paddock
hotel at Beatrice will occur next Friday even
ing. There will bo a ball and a banquet for
the benefit ot the Traveling Men's club of
Beatrice, which ha been given the use of the
hou e for that purpose. A large representa
tion of traveling men is oxpected from all
directions, and the affair promises to be a
memorable one iu the social history of the
fair city of Beatrice.
Mrs. Charles L Jones, who i visiting at
Cedar Rapid, Iowa, waa tendered a large re
ception last week by Mrs. Charles IL Clark,
vneof the prominent ladle of that city. Mr.
Clark is the "Co." of Jones, Douglas ft Co.,
and is a wealthy, influential gentleman. The
Clark have an elegant home for entertain'
ing, and, Mrs. Jons having been a favorite
, and, Mrs. Jons having been a favorite
ng the young peoplo, the reception waa a
sbl social event
8-10-12 and $15.
Suit Sale now going on of the 860 Suits that started last Monday
is an immense success.
Stand in our store watch the faces of pleased customers as they go
out with huge packages of spring attire on which they have saved the
wages of days.
Our sale is virtually a money EARNING sale not alone a money
saving onc--for no how can you earn a dollar easier than in the purchase
of one of these phenomenally cheap suits, of superior make and fit. The
earlier you come the better will be your opportunity of making a good
Remember these are not shop worn goods on which we make a fic
ticious reduction, but all bright, fresh, nobby suits.
The World Beaters of Low Prices !
1O20 O ST. 1031.
No Goods Sold on Sundays. Kail Orders Promptly Attended To,
& Fine Ball Bat, Belt and Cap given away FREE with every
purchase in our Boys' and Children's department.
Bed and Mattress
MaTBH A '-
Open. Closed. V J
7N . . .. -J.
Complete. 3o
f '' Act '
, A Only $22.00. ;'
V ' -7n
r nV.
sav r ' -v ' '-
... '!! 1 . . '
South llth Street, Lincoln,. Mi
'. --. or?V
Mi A
t t
' hIi.hhHk