BltTfl "? -"V W'W'HW.1 '','- ta .wnmEnifinMmxyiiw x imiwtnwfjn;ywitfcqitJ-y. J-. iwSeitiiEVsiH "- '-, ti t.i .!... -IE.iii.hiii r" rz Jt. 1 'I'WW 7"- - StPSSWttflpsSlSfc" 1 CAPITAL ,C1TY COURIER, SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1889. D v. Et' - S R RV f fj a l a Boston Store msmhs CHOICE DRY AND FANCY GOODS. 143 ud 145 So. 10th Slral,; LINCOLN, NED. A. E. RICHARDSON & CO. A ltular li)wrof Moiltrn Timnt, Punt.isiutD Saturday rtUMcnli-:iiNl Ons Year by Mull or Carrier $1,00 Rlx month, 11,00, Three month M Cent, On montli 90 Cent Invarably In AdTsneo, DVKaTt(NNTR lUte furnUhftl OO P1I lln at thn nAlm. Ninvlil raiM on Time Contra in. OoMTKlnuTloxn! Hhortiiplcj' sketches, poem and stories solicited. Personal and Hoclal note are iwneclftlly desirable. PaiHTiiol Wo make a peclaltr of Kins Printing In all It lir.noli". tyoclotr work a peclalty Addr all communication! direct to the offlue. WlCBBlCL, PWINTINO CO., PUBLISH KIIH. New llurr Mock, Cor. I2lh nml O Hirer U. TKI.KI'linNK&Vt L. Wkmhkl, Jr., Klltor nml Bole Proprietor. Frkm Hbnzinokr, Associate Klltor. POPUUTIOK OF LfflCOLH, 60,000. They Have No Equal ! THE MONARCH. Mr. (5, A. Atkinnon hn boon choaon sec retary of tho lionrd of trad, for which lie got nil tho honor lying around loose nnd .100 In cash. Frank H. Mohhihhky It writing hi IfgU latlvn memories. The work consists of a long nrray of roast for Republican represen tative, vnnnt uy luiaomo notiery tor wio Democrat. IlKPRKRENTATlVK IlAIIN of Hastlllir I CO- Ing to show III pnrtrlotNm Ity being n speo tutor of tho centennlnl colouration of Wash Ington' innnguration. Ho wn In tbo city Wednesday on hi way to New York. IlKPUKHEklTAtvc TItiimic In nimtlmr. Hn solemnly told tho Courikh lout wook thnt it WAt lint nflinl- fnllnur. tint Im linn llMltl 111119111 ....... .....v. .v...... -. ........ ...n... In tlin net of rnrrvlnir nwav a bank oxnmin- crslilp. Wo forgivo him for tho good that lie ha ilono. Call and See Them. FRANK T LAHR, 936 P Street. North Side 1 O. Square. WELLS MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, 333 South Eleventh Street. In an amusing skit obsignating tho kind of tree to So planted on Arbor day by vnrlou men the Omnhn Herald 1111U Representative Dcrlln down for a seek-hor-more. Darling Dick's friend among tho society glrU of Lin coln will echo the sentiment with n loud nmen. Minister Patrick Koan wa given n send off, both literally and flguratlvoly, by tho Irish league nt Hunday' meeting that rollcx t the sentiments of nil Llucolnltes, regardless of party or sect. It must hnvo tocn gratifying to tho distinguished Irishman, a It assuredly N to hi fellow citizen. Bkvkral Lincoln gentlemen regret that tho legislature failed to suppress the bucket shop Homo time nco. Mr. LI brook nf Dm Lincoln concern ha closed up chop, hnvlng pocketed f.El,(XX) In prollts.'nnd ho intend putting In tho rummer where it will not bo so warm for him. Ono local character is wild to havo dropped $7,000. Among the crowd who rushed Into Okla homa were Bonator Nosbitt of North Platte and hi Inw artnor. Those gentlemen In. tend to stav ill tho territory only tointmrnrll v. They anticipated a demand for the services of niiorneys wun mi understanding or western real estate laws, mid nro counting on quite n harvest. Bk.vator Church Howe's speech In tho Bkillmnn murder trial at Auburn was his first appearance before a Jury in soventeen years. Tlio senator too-t part out of compas sion for the defendant. "He was a poor devil nnd tho other sldo was rich," ho ex plains. "I thought ho ought to hnvo a fair show. It was right don't you know It w al" was the characteristic addenda. Tiik accident to tho Danmark nnd tho tem porary uncei taluty a to tho fato of her hun dred of passengers have Impressed many with the idea that ocean travel I exceedingly haz ardous, but a statistician has figured it out that of 100,000 people who cro-w tho Atlantla from New York to Liverpool the low of life is not a great n iimoiiii 100.000 who travel between New York nnd Pittsburg by mil. Thk lwper havo ox -Seiintor Van Vck on tho track for the covernntorlal nomination to bo uen nwny omethlnit over n vinr hence. It would bo Interestlusr reading for sonio one on tho inside to toll im nlnut the conspiracy to run the old man last fall, Tho scheme was, in the event nf Attorney (lonern) iioeoM reuominatlou slipping through his lingers, to put Van W.vck nnd Iaoso on mi uutl-monoMly ticket. The probable oftVct would have been the defeat of Oov. Tlinver nnd tln election of John A. McBhnne. Will some ono accommodate ns with the inuaiil I neM of tho cnlmli Tim Hnnltnrltim Hendjr, At Inst Lincoln Im one of the luxuries of metmiiolltaii life, for which it I imlohtal to Dr. A. II. Dotfiro. nn old eUlillsliilHiutmiiiit. able practitioner, Tho doctor hn fitted up tllO SeCOnd floor nf 1!M O llrnt n Manltnr. turn with n ytem of bnth pattenml after tho (lornimi bnth fouml In Inrgo Kuniponn hospital. Tho Hnnltirluin comprise soven room fltttNl with I Im Intmlntiit iiir. ...,.. rd nppnrntu for Turkish, mineral nnd dec- ino onm. i no room aro rurnuiioil luxnr louily, four nf thoin for Indie nml tlnm tnr Kelltlemeii. Tliern nm liniiitunnin r....ii,i nml dnwslng room for ladies with conietint ladv assistant In attninlniifn. wlm ulil . celvo iwtron from nlno In tho morning until four In tho afternoon. (Jentlcinan will Isi treatMl from nlno in tbn tnnrnliio imill .. night, nnd on Hunday morning from eight to vweivc, Tlieso Uth afford valuable nnd effective timtmontforngrrAtnumlNirof human ail ment, such n cold, catarrh, rheumatism, malaria, biliousness, trout, wnifiilnmi,! niimr skill nild lllooil diseases. For thn tnlnnral Uth tho doctor has luiortcd tho salts from Germany, Minerals, chemical nnd other medicines for special treatment aro given by aunurpuon. ur, noggo has nn onk-o in con nection with tho HnnltArlum nnd will con tllllio hi reirulnr rirnrtli-n but. will l n. Institution hi personal supervision, hlsdlreo- iiuus oeing execuuxi uy trained assistant. He ha sent many hundreds of dollars in equipping tho Kanltarium, and tho result is n surprisingly complsto establishment, , The, virtues of these bath are ore so well known that no peclnl commendation I needed here. Dr. Dogge ha displayed great public spirit in this enterprise, nnd it i to Ihi hoped Lin coln peoplo will Klvo him substantial encour oecmunt. Thn KanlLnrlum will lu ...,.,.! ,. iiiu imuiia on i uowiay noxt. A Solid, Hiircessmt Klrm. Of the sovornl clntblnir Imnu. In r.innnln nono stand hlghor or it more deserving of the public patronage than the extenslro es tablishment of T. Kwlng & Co. at 1000 O treet. Tills Is one of tho oldest and staunch est firms In that lino of trade in tho capital city. Other dottier have romo nnd gono, but Kwinc & Co. irasteailllv fnrwnnl inwll.t, .!.. ed by tho shocks nnd storm thnt. bnv rr,w.K- ed so many. It I not necessary to go far to seek tho reasons for this solidity. Kwlng & Co. havo won thn cnutldimr. nt lin i... i..i- honornble method of doing business. They have bm square, nnd that word embodies all thoro I of cammnrclnt Intatrrlfv wlm.. n.i.. of buNines transactions. Thoy have won the conlldonce of tho eoplo and have not dlsnp- i"K" "r ixjinijeti it, Another thing, they havo carried a flno lino of good. Thoy havo not rung in shoddy on tho poop'o who learned to trust thorn In order to enlnrgo their profits. Thoy hnvo sold good, serviceable wares, nnd tho buyer havo got tho woi th of tholr money. Hut nbovo and beyond these thing, tho nvorngo American buyer wnnt to bo treated well. Messrs. Ktvlno-nml rvi !.... .... .i.. demnud by courteous tieatment nnd prompt atu.-ni.iuii. it n pleasure to bo met by nt fablo nnd attentive salesmen who seem to tako Kilt Iff net Ion In sbnwlnir n iKn ..,.1.. - .....n .. aimill l)rm4l mid getting Ills fit to a nicety. iu uiese tilings havo won trnds for Ewlng & Co. from tho men and youth of Lincoln nnd Vicillltv, Thovcnirv onnnr thn lnrrrut i best stock of ready-mado clothlmr. lm- ciip and fuinUhlng gfKsls, uud Kuntlemen wnntluir nnvthliii: In their linn ii.mi.i ..i... them a call. If you wnnt your money's worth go to Kwlng's, Mills Mary's Golden Text. Mary, nged 5, waa attending Sunday school for tho first tlino. 8ho oat in tha infant clnsa Rtid Hstonod attentively to tho othor girls answer tho questions and roclto "Tho Ooldon Toxt." By nnd by it CAino her turn, nnd then tho tpnchersald to hen "Well, llttlti girl, do you know 'Tho Golden Textr " "No, ma'am," answered Mar; j "hut I know another piecoi "I had a lllllo do; and hi ntn wa llorer, And when he died ho died all ovsr." -Philadelphia Press, A fatal Ksperlmnnt. NOTICE ! liElsalllllllKlJialiWTinTiiiHM j rVT.t d Heavy Swell By Jovo, theso spring suspondcrs aro tho correct thing. Keep one's trousers in shape. No infernal bag ging nt tho kneos. Ahal We are sole agents in this city for Onyx Ingrain and dyed Black Hosiery. The line is complete in Cotton and Lisle thread, from cheapest to finest grades for men, women and children. We guarantee every pair to be perfect in color. We invite you to examine them. Respectfully, Kublier lti)e. If VOU want Itublter lirvvi. tuut In H... .. ket. i;unranteel. Hn) ltw.U r.,in Rri,.k. lers, seo Dean & Horton before buying. Get wuoiiwaio prices; tney iion't wnnt the whole etrth In one heat. rump ami Wells, Dean & HortOll hnve minl i.niilrnit wltl. well men to leave orders at tholr oltlco for Drive, llore.1 or Tubnlr wniu n .-1, guaranteed or no jwy. Hewer l'ipes. For ClllvnitniulKewvr Pliu Iwntl, f,,ll.,u or wells, Ocaii & Horton cniry all sites from f Allts Sal-A I a......A.. M S S t ft a uu. iiiiurs mj tweiuy-iour men inciiiMvo at bottom prices. Mr. C W. WluttMl. tl nuiitlat...... I.a drew five thousand dollars In the February drawing of tho Louisiana BUto lottery, n. celved n draft for tlin nninimf. lum -!..,.. . ... .... urn VA ,,UIIU lat rnday. .ianj (NeU) Jmiftf, March & Families deslrinor mini lisi nuiin nn liuu. tn- Slllldav dinner or mivntliui limn Iw. .... ea with a superior nualltv at M.irtnn Lelghty's. MOrtOn & IllffhtVB thud Ii.n.lnn.. nA O-" .. IIHUIUUIIIU loa cream parlors will servo none but strictly h-jd iud irawi, a 11110 01 nneconrectlonery will also be found fresh and at right prices. The New York l'urlor. Tliu new inilllnerv tuirlnru nf Ml... m....i.. Ullliert, I0H 1 stiwt, are now open to the piiDiic. lAHie of Lincoln are eonllull v In vited tO Cttll a.l(l illMMwt. tha linnntlr..! II. . spring bonnet, pattern lints, plumes, tips, flowers, ribbon, etc. Also a fashlonablu lloo or Imlloa' ready inndo Milts hi the InUtit deslRii. comnrislnir ilnua nt ..11 .,.t. Miss Gilbert's stock was nermnnllv selectwl in Now York and nono but tho most desirable goods were bought LnilKUaBO thnt hns 11 fnmlllnr cm...,I 1.. ... mr declares "Tho Hot Springs of Dakota to Iks winners." I'nnnlii mtm-ni.... ... .1 nnd tholr locntlon kiiv "iv mnr.ii ...,.. i.n said in their favor as n resort for tho health or pleasure seeker." The water nnd climate make now boincs of invalid nml ti. ,,..i....i. ed sconory of tho surrounding proMent ever in crtMsIng interest to tourist. Tho manager of me Hpring Is adding to the jwpulni Ity of the place by putting in a mammoth plunge bath for ladles and gentlmen nnd building cot tages, framo and lot?, to tn ii, Gocxl enmping places aliound near the springs and ns tho weather s mi rnvm-i.i.u ...!,. inoilo of living many no doubt will enjoy thnt pleasure this year. Now, later and any time, seems to be tho time to go. "Tho eorles empire of form and color, i found in Colorado," says a great artist Bo are many other very wondet f ul effects. There I that grand triumph of engineering skill the Dow Knot Loop, famed all over tho world; the pretty town of Graymont nestled against the base of Gray's Peak, tho giant prince of ho raiiKo; sunriko on .Gray's Peak a sight onco witnessed nover to bo forgotten; Idaho Springs the beautiful, n restful spot blessed with the healing waters for nil who como, within two hours ride of young lovitbnn Doner;tho storied gold camp of George town perched In the upper air of the moun tain eer fresh and cool and clear theso aro 11 few of tho delightful spots In tho "Amerl cnnAlps" leached by tho Colorado Central Division of tho Union Pacific Railway In Colorado. We hnvo a large stock or Canopy top Sur reys, Phantom, light buggies, etc., on hand nnd are making very low prices on nil our woik. If you aro coiitomp'utlng the pur crake of a carriage of any kind, como and see us. ill take your old buggy in exchango at its fair cash value. Camp Druthers, corner 10th and M. Hnvo you een those elegant Canopy top Bill revs with full fenders at Camn Tlmthnrs Tenth nnd M streets Tho latest styles out. como nnd see them. New lino of lnou Houhi'Iii? nml flli nt. received and will go on special salo Monday, April .-.nil, nt Asnuy fc uiuspaugli. Promnt delivery, courteous trnntmnnt. nml price as low as tho lowest are tho induce- inenis we oner patron. Lincoln Ice Com-' pany. Telephone number 118. Office 1040 O street. MoilOCtnlllH. crests, dies. etc.. nmnmlK- on. graved in the most artistla manner at the Courikh olllco. Don't send orders away from homo when It can be dono In tho city at me sains prices. Lincoln SllOO Btoro hns bmt mrolv.w! i, celebrated Ludlow fine shoes for ladl In all me now styles. They combluo solid comfort and economy. Remember tho place 11.'J O bet. 12th Si lath. John Varcoo, book-keeper for tho San Jose Cala. Timti, was troubled with a severe cold and especially at nhzht hail bml rvniiirl,lnr spells, A few does of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy completely cured hun. Sold by A. L. Bbader, Druggist, T""'- -X X.J Heavy Swell Half Onco a Week. nn hour later. Nut True to Life. Editor Wo can't accept this sketch; it isn't true to life it represents a messen ger lioy running. Artist But he Isn't carrying a mes sage. Editor Isn't he? Artist No: hu's running to a fire. Editor Well, thnt niters tho enso. Put in the lire nnd we'll accept It. Ynn kco Dlmlo. Ambition Foiled. Farmer's Wife Well, Joalnm, did you got things lixed to turn our Iiouho Into a summer nn' health resort? Farmer I'm afraid the plan won't work, Miranda. I went to Snrntogy and two or thn'o places an' I found out wo can't havo no health resort without Bpllin' our well water so thn cattle can't drink It. Philadelphia Record. Tho A flrnptilo Description. aro going north. How A. Leonard of Itleliiniiiid, Cniilit On Rumors about lottery drawing hereabout sometimes turn out true. Ono tenth of ticket No. SJ, 315, which drew th. capital prize of $.'100,000 In tho February drawing of tho Loulklnna State Lottery, was held by A. Leounrd, a citizen of Richmond. This week Mr. J.oouanl'g $110,000 was counted out to hint at tho Southern Express olllco In this city. The lucky individual Is rathor an elder ly num. Itichmoud (Va.) State, March 10. Good Luck. Newscomuby n.all last Saturday that a ticket held at tho Hardy post olllco in the February drawing of the Louisiana S.nte Lottei-y lina drawn live thousand dollars but until Monday no ono appeared holding tho ticket und it was about concluded that some transient person hud pui-ihased it. Miss Iresnlo Wo list or camoover to town Monday iiiuiiiiiiliauuniniii wjiu ul lilt) met SlflUXl taat her father held ftfteon tickote in tho draw lug and she thought ono of thorn wns close to the liumlnir that drew tho inonoy but did not reuicmW the exact number oi his tickets. ho took tho numliec, it being 04,. tl)0, down on a slip of piqmr and uKn com. iail)ii at home found ihey held the lucky tlcki-t which iliow 0110 twentieth nf one hun dred thousand dollars. Mr. Webster s. on came to town and exhibited the lucky ticket to Ills friends nnd placed it In the Hard v bank' for collection. Ho is ono of tho pioneers of Jnckson township, Jowell Co . ICunsns, eight miles south of town having homestetukxi his present farm in lbTJ, and is u linnl working, Industilouscltlzon. who will appieclato this luck. Ho says ho began buying tickets nlsiut three years ago nnd nt tho tlmo of purchasing these fifteen tickets had drawn tlvo nollnrs more than ho had invested. The Ilemltl, with his many friends, congratulate him on IliS irfMUl fill tlllln llllll lit.l irliiil (.1 Irtmiv .1.... tho money fa IN Into good hands and will not rauKii extra vacation and troublo to follow, Manly (Neb.) Herald, Feb. 'J3. A lleuutlrul New Itnnurt. Tho now lco cream and confectionory estab llsbinent of Morton .t' Ij.I rl.r v llimN cr.u. accoiiling to announcement 0tened Its doors vj inn puiiuo monuay inoriung, ami tho pa trouace thus far extended is certainly enemir. anitlOr tO tllPHA f7entln11n.ll mill HlinMru fmnMii- slvely that Lincoln neoiled such a re-rt. The nan pariors aru iinnuiioiiieiy luruisiieu, serve thn very tieut nml fliiAHt i-i-mmiiih ntnl im nml endeavoring as they do to please all, dekervo the success that is being accorded them by an appreciativo public. I hn lino of confectlou ery on sale comprises tho daintiest and most delicious products of not only America but Europe as well, and tho prices are certainly very reasonable. Messr. Morton & Lelzhtv mo both com paratively young mon, full of the proer business spirit to make a success or their cull ing and tho Courier extends congratulations 011 the bright prospoete at hand. They are pleasant gentlemen, enterprising and thor oughly awako to tho interests of not only themselves but tholr patrons as well, and wo are pleased to extend them a haurty welcome to our midst. Ashby & Millspaugh have th largest line of spring wraps at the lowest prices, Successors to J. E. MILLER. LxINQQUN SHOE STORK. We are now receiving our spring goods in all styles of Ladies', Men's and Boys' fine foot-wear. Will be sold at pop. ular prices. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. 1228 O STRPJET, Lj'friJ.. .'1 . jl ""' TBIP--UImfK THE TROPIC Gnsollnc Stove has Powerful Generator, Hot Blast Burner Cores, Folding Arm Shelf, Automatic Safety Tank , nnd all parts of the Stove can be easily reached and cleaned by anv one. W. B.' WOLGOTT, 230 South llth Street. a-COT'O-tt- S. B. MOORE'S roia Wall Paper 1134 O STREET. J. F. LANSING REAL ESTATE Fire Insurance and Loan Broker. Room 20 lUchnrd'sItloclcJIupATU Mnh Cor. lltli and O Htroots, lilfltULfl, N6D. Ulids Ilouuliliind Hold, Houses Routed, Abstracts Furnished, Taxes Paid for Non-Itesldents und nil other business portnlnlnii to itcnl Kstato promptly attended to. uesll,0IUB JBpMSJBIjlanSHSJBJBJSJ' THETARwBHATlADS ' 'u iF-THEM ALL "DOMESTIC" Sewing MachineParlor LINCOLN OFFICE, 42 NORTH Uth ST. W. A. DOGGETT, The Only Authorized Agent in Lincoln. -f (! 'J gprv.vr ;ro HSMWfriM' wtWE&rlm, , nifiiimm.