AROMATICS FOtt KASTBK. DR. TALMAGE DESCRIBES SCENES OF CHRIST'S RESURRECTION. The Adornments of the Tiinib Tim In niitnrrutile llit or llio Dt-ml Tliti (llo rlri of Ihn Itrmirrrctloii or tho Illght roiid Tim I.I fa llrjnml thn Tnnilt. DnooKLVN, Atirll 21. A vast inultltudo attended tlio I2iitcr services nt the ilrookrvu Tabcrnnrlo this morning. Tlio org, ttio nlsles nnd nil tlio adjoining rooms wero thronged mid multitude In tlio street could not gain nn ciitrnnco. Itov. T. Do Witt Tnl mago, D. D prenchod on tho subject "Aro aintlcn for Kiutor." Tlio pulpit nnd gfilloriw of tlio church hud elaborate flornl decora tions. Tlio congregation tang tlio opening hynim We prnlso tlipo, 0 Ood, for tho Sou of thy lore, For Jcsai ho died and Is now kodo above. Dr. Talmngo took two text, Luko xxiv, It "Drlnging tho splcoa which thoy bnd pre pared." I Corinthiani xv, KJi "Tho trumpet hall sound." lie soldi Enchanting work havo I beforo mo this Easter morning, for, Imitating theso women of tho text, who brought nromntles to tho mausoleum of Christ, I nrn going to unroll frankincenso nnd lialm and ottar of roses nnd cardatnon from tho East Indies and odors from Arabia, and, when wo can Inhalo no more of tho perfume, then wo will talk of weot sounds and hear from tho muslo that shall wako tho dead. Having on other East ts described tho wholo sccuo, I need only in four or flvo sentences sayi Christ was lying flat on his back, lifeless, amidst sculptured rocks, rocks over him, rocks tinder him, and n door of rocks all IxHindcd by tho flowers and fountairs of Joseph's country seat. Then n bright Immortal, having descended from heaven, quick and flashing ns n falling meteor, picks up tho door of rock nnd puts it nsido as though It were n chair nnd sita on It. Then Christ unwrap himself of his mortuary apparel nnd tnkes tho turban from his head and folds It up deliber ately and lays it down In ono place, and then put tho shroud in another placo, nnd comes out and finds that tho soldiers who had been on guard uro lying around, nllld and In n dead swoon, their swords bent and useless. Tho illustrious prisoner of tho tomb is dis charged and llvo hundred pcoplo seo him at once An especial congress of ecclesiastics called pny a bribe to tho resuscitated soldiers to say that thcro was no resurrection, and that wlillo thoy woroovcrcomo of slumber tho Christians hod played resurrectionists and stolen tho corpse, Tho Marys nro at tho tomb with aromntics. 8YMUOL18H Or TIIK FLOWKUH. Why did not theso women of tho text bring thorns and nettles, for theo would moro thoroughly have oxpresBcd tho piercing sor rows of thomsolves nnd their Lordf Why did they not brlag 6omo national ensign such as that of tho Roman eaglo, typical of con quest! No, thoy bring aromatics suggestive to mo of tho fact that tho Oospel Is to sweeten and ilrodorizo tho world. Tho world has so much of putrefaction and malodor that Christ is going to roll over it waves of frank incenso and sprinkle it all over with sweet mailing myrrh. Thousands of years beforo tills Solomon hod said that Christ was a Illy and Isaiah had declared that under tho Oos pel tho desert would bloom liko tho rose, but the world was slow to tako tho floral lilnt And so now the women of tho text bring hands full and arms full of redolonco nud per haps unwittingly confirm and emphosizo tho lesson of doodorlzation. When Christ's Oos pel has conquered tho earth tho last ofTcnso to tho olfactories will havo left tho world; swoot, pure air will havo blown through every homo ami churches will bo freed from tho curse of ill ventilation and tho world will become two great gardens, tho empurpled and emblazoned and emparadlsod bemls- Sheros. Sin is a buzzard, holiness is a dove. In is nlghtshodo, holiness is a flower. If you are trying to reform tho world ojien tho windows of that tenement houso nnd pour through it a draught of Ood's puro atmos phoro and set a geranium or a heliotrope on tho window sill; cleanse tho air and you wilt help clcanso tho soul. How daro tho world so often insult that feature of tho human face which Ood has lnado tho most prominent foaturo in human physiognomy f To provo how ho himself loves aromatics 1 bring tho fact that thoro aro millions of flowers on prairies and in mountain fastnesses tho fra grance of which no human being over breathes, and he must havo grown them thoro for his own rogalomont. Aud for the compliment the world paid Christ by giving him a sepulchor in Joseph's garden ho will yet mako tho wholo earth a garden. Yes, ho expressed his delight with fragrance in tho first book of tho Ulblo, when ho said, "Tho Lord smollod a sweet savor;" and ho filled tho air of tho ancient tabcrnaclo and templo with swoot Incenso ; and thero ore small bottles of perfumo In heaven described in Revelations as goldon vials full of odors. I preach an am brosial gospel which will yet cxtlrpato from tho world all foulness and rancidity nnd tho lost uolsomeness and tho last tuephitlo gas. Glad am I that though tho world hud chiefly spikes for tho Saviour's feet nud thorns for tho Saviour's brow, tlio magi put frankln conso upon Ills crudlo nnd tho Marys brought fronkincenso for his grave. OHDEIt OUT Or DISCOHD. Notice also that Christ's muusoleum was opened by concussion. It was a great earth quake Unit put Its twisted koy into tlio in volved nud labyrinthine lock of that tomb. Concussion I That is tho power thut opens all tho tombs that are ojicnod at nil. Tomb of soul and tomb of nations. Concussion be tween England aud tho thirteen colonies, and forth comes froo government in America. Coucusslon between Franco and Germany, and forth comes republicanism for Franco. Concussion among tho rocks on Mount Slnal and on two of them was left a perfect law for all ages. Concussion among tho rocks around Calvary, aud tho crucifixion was made tho moro overwhelming. Concussion botwecu tho United States aud Mexico, and n vast area of country becomes ours Concus sion between England uud Franco, and most of this continent west of tho Mississippi be comes tho property of tho American Union. Coucusslon between iceberg and iceberg, be tween bowlder and bowlder, and it thousand concussions put tills world Into bliuiMj for man's residence. Concussion between David and his enemies, uud out camo tlio psalms which otherwise would nover huvo been writ ten. Concussion between God's will and man's will, and ours overthrown, wo aro now creatures In Christ Jesus. Concussion of misfortune nud trial for many of tho good, and out comes their especial consccrutlon. Do not, therefore, bo frightened when you fceo the great upheavals, tho great agitatlous, tho great earthquakes, whether among tho rocks or among tho nations or In Individual experience. Out or them God will bring best results nud most magnificent consequences. Hear tho clash all round tho Izard's sarcoph agus nud K'u the glorious reuulmatiou of its dead inhabitant. Concussion! If over a gen eral European war, which tho world has been expecting for tlio last twenty years, should coino, u concussion m wide uud n coucusslon so tremendous would uot leavo a throiio In Kuroo standing ns it uow Is. The nations of tho earth uro tired of having their kings born to them, nnd they would after a while elect their kings, and there would bo nn Italian republic mid n German re public nud n IUisslnn republlo nnd an Au'trlan republic, nnd out of tho crack and crovlow nnd chasms of Mint concussion would como resurrection for all Euroim. Stagna tion I (loathful; concussion is Messianic. Notice nlsowhnt tho angel did with tho Mono nfter ho had rolled It away from tho mouth uf the Saviour's lunuxolvtitn. Tlio book say ho rolled nway tho Mono from tho door and Nit Uon It. All of in ministers havo preached a sermon about tho nngcl'a rolling nwny tho stone, but wo did not re mark iixni tho sublltno fact that ho sat upon It. Whyf Certainly not beenuso ho was tired. The nugels aro a fntigiieless race, and that ono could havo shouldered every rock around Hint tomb nnd carried It nwny and not boon lieswented. Ho sat ujwn It, I think, to show you nnd to show mo that wo may mako every earthly olntnclo n throno of triumph. Tlio young men who got their education easy seldom amount to much. Thoso who hud to Mrugglo for it como out atop. There Is no end of tho story of studying by plno knot lights and rending whllo tho mules of tho towpath wcro resting, nnd of going hungry aud patched nnd barefoot and submitting to nil kinds of privation to got scholastic advan tages. Out tho day of graduation camo, and thoy took tho diplomas with n hnnd nervous from night study nnd pale from lack of food and put their academic degree in tho pockot of n thrcadbaro coat. Then starting for an other enrrer of hardship, thoy entered a pro fession or n business wherothey found plenty of dlshcartcnmcnt and no help. Vet saying: "I will succeed; Ood help mo, for no ono clso will," thoy went on and upuntll tho world was compelled to ncknowlodgo nnd ndmlro them. RTUENOTII tir BTMJOOUNO. Tho fact was thut tho obstacle Ixjtweon their discouraging start nud their complete success win a rock of fifty tons, but by reso lution, nerved and muscularizcd nud re-enforced by Almighty Ood, thoy throw their arms nround tlio nlistnclu nnd with .tho strength of n supernatural wrestler rolled back tho stone, nnd, having Ixjcomo moro than conquerors, thoy sat upon It, Men and women aro good and great and useful just in proportion ns thoy had to overcome obsta cles. You can count upon tho fingers of your ono hand all tho great singers, great ora tors, great oet, groat jmtrlots and great Christians who nover had a struggle. Thnt angel thnt mado a throno of tho Iwwldcr at Christ's tomb went back to heaveu and I warrant that, having been born in heaven and always had mi easy tlmo, ho now speaks of that wrestle with tho rock as tho most Interesting chapter In nil his angelic lifetime. 0, men and women with olistacles lu tho way, I tell you that thoso obstacles aro only thrones thnt you may after a whllo sit on. Is tho obstaclo in your way sickness! Conquer it by accomplishing moro for Ood during your invalidism than many nccompiisu wno navo nover Known an all menu Aro you persecuted' By your uu rljhtness nnd courago compel tho world to ackuowledgo your moral heroism. Is it poverty! Conquer it by being happy in tho compnnlouship of your Lord and Master, who in nil his llvo owned but sixty-two cents, and that ho got from a fish's mouth and Immediately paid it all out in taxes to tho Roman assessor; nnd who would havo been buried In a potter's flold hnd not Joseph of A rlmn then contributed a placo, for ho who had not whero to lay his head during bis llfo had a borrowed pillow for tho last slumber. Thcro is no throno that you aro suro to keep except that which you mako out of vanquished obstacles. An un grateful republic at tho ballot box denied Uoraco Greeley the highest placo at tho ua tional capital, but could not keep him from rising from tho stejis of a New York printing ofllco, on which ho sat ono chilly morning waiting for tho boss printer to como that he might get a Job, until ho mounted tho highest throno of American journalism. Ho rolled back tho stono aud sat upon it, A ioor or phan boy, picking up chips at Richmond, Va., accosted by a passing Bca captain nnd in vited to como on board his vessel, drops tho chips and starts right away and is tossed from port to port, and homeless nud friend loss, wanders ono day along Tremont street, Boston, and sees Park Street church open, and speaking of it afterward on a great occasion and using sailors' vernacular, as was usual with him, ho sayst "I put In, I up helm, un furled sail, nnd mado for tho gallery and scud under baro ikjics to tho corner pew. Then I hovo to and camo to anchor. A NAUTICAL BEIIMON. "Tho old innn, Dr. Griflln, was justnamlnjf nis text, rretiy soon no uururled tlio main sail, raised tho topsail, ran up tho pennants to froo breeze, nnd I tell you tho old Oospel ship nover sailed moro prosperously. Tho salt spray flow In every direction, but moro especially did It run down my cheeks. Satan had to strike sail, his guns wero dismounted or spiked, his vnrious crafts by which ho led sinners captive were all beached, aud tho captain of the Ixird's hosts rodo forth, con quering nnd to conquer." Beforo that sailor boy was poverty, but ho conquered It; and orphanage, but ho conquered It; aud Igno rance, but ho conquered it; and thobcoir of tho widd, but ho conquered it; and ho roso till every sailors' bethel In tho world blessed him and greut aunlversary platforms invited him, and Daniel Webster nnd Charles Dick ens nud Frederika Bremer and ioets and ora tors and senators sat cloctrllled at his feet, uud his gosiHillzed influenco will go on until tho last Jack tar is converted mid tho sea shall give up its dead. All tho obstacles of his llfo seemed gathered into ono great bowl der, but Edward T. Taylor, tlio world re nowned sailors' prencher, rolled back tho stono nud sat upon it. Yet do not mako tho mistake that many do of sitting on It boforo It is rolled nwny. It Is bound to go If you only tug away at It, If not beforo, then I think about 12 o'clock noon of resurrection day you will seo something worth seeing. The general Impression is that tho resurrection will take plato in tho morn ing. Tho ascent to the skies will hardly occur immediately. It will take somo hours to form thu processions sky ward, and wo will all want to tako a look at this world beforo wo.leavo it forever and too tho surroundings of tho couch w hero our bodies have long been Bleeping. On that Easter morning tho mar ble, whot her It luy flat upon your gravoor Mood up In monument, will havo to bo jostled nnd shaken and rolled asido by tho angel of Resurrection, and whilo waiting for your kindred to gather nnd tho procession to lorm, your resurrected body limy sit In holy triumph tiixin thut chiseled Mono which marked tho pluco of your protracted slum ber. On thnt day what a frngllo thing will bo Aberdeen grunlto and column of basalt and tho mortar which will ruttlo out of tho wall of vaults that havo boon sealed a thou sand years, and tho Taj, built for u queen in India, n sepulchor two hundred and seventy flvo feet high, nud mndo of Jasjier nud corne lian nud turquolsaud lapis-lazull and ame thyst nnd onyx and sapphire uud din moud, which slinll that day rnln Into glittering dust on groves of banyan and bamboo nnd palm. And all under what power! Ponderous crowbars wielded by giants! No. Thunderbolt clenvlngnsimdcr tho granite! No. Battering rain swung ngainst thu walls of cemeteries! No. Dynn nil to drilled under tho foundations of eeuo laph and ubbey! No. It will bo done by CAPITAL CITY COURIER, music. Nothing but music, sweet but all Muotrntlng music. Tlio trumxt shall sound I You say that Is llgurntlvoj howdo you know! But, whether literal or figurative, It means muslcnnjhow. Thotrnmpet, tlmtMlrrlng, in cisive, mighty Instrument, with a natural compas from (1 U'low thostnlT to 1-J nlwve, blown nbovuHliinl when tlio law wns given, blown nround Jericho when tho wall tum bled, blown when OMcmi dlsooinllted tho Mldlnultrs blown when tlt undent Israel ites wcro gathered for worship, to Ihj blown for thn ruining of tho dead In the Inst great Easter. Tlio mother, who when thu child must bo nwnkcitcdi kliwc Its eyen tiwnUo, doc well. TIIK (IIIKAT UKSUHIIKCTIOX, But tho truuiiet, which when the dead nro to lw aroused kl-isii tho enr awake, docs but ter. Bo not surprised If thodenduroto Ito nwnkoned by inuslo. Why, that Is tho way now wo raise the dead. Tako the statistics, if you can, of tho millions of soul thnt havo been raised front tho donUi of sin by hymns, by psalms, by solos, bynnthems, by Antra, by violins, by organs, by trutnet. Under Ood what hosts havo been resurrected by Ira D. Snnkey, by Thonin Hasting, by William D. Bradbury, by Iowoll Mason, by motherly lullnblos, by church doxologles, by orntorlo. If wo ralso tho dead now by music, lo not surprised thnt on tho last day tho dead nro to bo raised by music, Tho trumpet shall sound I And thnt Instru ment shnll havo plenty of work to do on tho day mentioned. It will havo to sound through all tho pyramid, which nro only names for sopulchers, and liberate tho burled king. And through hyjwcenn graves which wcro built In mounds nnd tho hypogcnii graves which wero dug In rocks nud through the nlno hundred winding miles of catacombs under and nround tlio Roman Campagnn, whero over seven mlllloji human Mugs sleep. And through nil tho crystal tsnrcophugl of Atlantic and Puclflo and Mediterranean nnd Caspian nnd Blnck sen deeps. And over all the battle fields of continents, until nil tho fallen troop of English nnd French nnd Italian and German nnd Russian and Persian nnd American and tho world's battlellelds nnswer the call. Marathon, como upl Aglncourt, como upl Blenheim, como upl Acre, como upl Ho hciillnden, como upl Sedan, como upl Get tysburg, como upl Near Shariisburg, during our civil wnr, when I was, with soino others, uudor tho nusplces of tho Christlnn commis sion, looking nfter tho wounded, Federal and Confederate, ono moonlight night I wns whero 1 could look down iixn tho tents of tho sleeping nrmy. Oh, what an Imposing sjiectaclol But my subject calls us to look down upon a mightier host of Midlers slumbering their last sleep in tho bivouoo of tho dust; tho soven hundred and fifty thousand slain in tho Crimean war: tho eight hundred thousand slain In our American wnr, tho fifteen million slain in tho wars of 8esostris, tho tweuty-flvo mill ion slain in Jewish wnrs, tho thirty-two mill. Ion slain in war of Ohemrls Khan, tho eighty million slain In tho war of tho Cru saders, tho ono hundred nnd eighty million slain In tho Roman wars. Aye, according to Dr. Dick, tho dead in Vnr, If each ono occu pied four feet of ground, would mako enough graves to reach four hundred nnd forty-two times nround tho earth. TIIK tN.NUMKRAULE DEAD. Tho most of (leoplu nro dead. Tlio world Is u houso of two rooms a basement and a room nbovo ground. Tho liasetnent has two to ono, three to ono, four to onu moro occu pants than tho siiKjntructure. Sickness and war and death havo boon stacking their har vests for near six thousand years. Where aro thoso who saw tho Pilgrim Fathers em bark, or tho Declaration of Iudcpcndcuco signed, or Franklin lasso tho lightning, or Wnrreu Hustings tried, or Queen Ellznbetb in bur triumphal march to Kenlluorth. or William, prlnco of Orange, land; or Oustavus Adolphus crowned, or Jcromo of Proguo burned at tho stako, or Tamerlano found his empire! Oonol Oonol But tho trumpet shall sound. Music to rako tho deniL Oh, how much tho world needs Itl You tako a torch and I will take a torch and wo will go through somo of tho aisles of tho Roman catacomlm and kxj tho exioctnnt epitaphs ou tho walls and right over where tho ilcnrted sleep. You know that theso catacombs nro fifty or sixty feet underground, aud If ono loses tho guldo or his torch Is extinguished, ho nover finds tho way out. So let us stay closo together, and with our torches, as wo wander along a small jirt of theso nlno hundred miles of underground passages, see mo inscriptions as they wcro really chlieled thero ou both sides tho way. Onyoursldo you read by tho light pf your torch i "Hero rests a handmaid of God who out of nil her riches now possesses but this ono houso. Thou wilt remain in eternal reposo of happiness, A. D. 8S0." On my sldo I read by tho light of tho torch: "Aurella, our sweetest daughter; sho lived fifteen years and four months. A. D. a25." On your sldo you read: "Hero hath been laid a sweet spirit, guileless, wise and beauti ful. Burlod In ixsaco. A. I). 38&" On my sldo I read: "You well deserving one, lio in pence. You will rlso. A temiwrury rest la granted you. Plaucus, her husband, mado this." On your sldo you rend: "Nlcephorus, a sweet soul, in tho placo of refreshment," On my sldo I read: "In Christ, Alexander is uot dead, but lives beyond tho stars, and his dead Ixxly rests lu this tomb." On your sldo you read: "Here, find rest bowed down with years." "Irene sleeps In Ood." "Valeria sleeps in )cnce." "Arethusa sleeps In God." "Nnvlra In jieac-o, a sweet soul who lived sixteen years, a soul sweet Honey; this epitaph was mado by her pa rents." the oumioL'H But let us como out from theso catacombs nnd extinguish our torches, foruxui ull these longings nnd oxpectntloun of all nations tho morning of resurrection duwns. The trum pet shnll soundl And tho sooner it sounds tho better. Oh, how wo would liko to get our loved ones liuck again) If wo nro ready to meet our lrd, our siusall pardoned, what a good thing If this moment wo could hear tho resounding and roverberntliig blastl Would you not liko to seo your father again, your mother again, your daughter again, your boy ngnlii und all your departed kin dred again! Roll on, sweet day of resurrec tion nnd reunion Under tho hoofs of tho whito steeds that draw thy churlot wo strow Easter flowers. Would it not bo craiul If wn could ull rlso togethor! You know that tho Blblo bays wo shall not nil sleep, but wo shall all bo changed. Whnt If wo should Ikj among tho favored ones who nover huvo to seo death, and that whllo In tho full llfo of our Ixxly wo should hear that trumpet sound nud these mortal bodies tako on immortality Oh, how I would hasten to two places beforo tho close of such n day, jx-acoful Greenwood und tho villngo cemetery back of Bomervlllol And 1 would cry aloud: "Tlio hour bus como, the trumpet has sounded, tho resurrection isliora Futhor and mother, you wero tlio Ixsst of nil thejgroup, now lead tho way I" Thocarth sinks out of sight. Clouds uudor foot. Oilier worlds only mllestoiieson tho King's highway. Wo rlsol Wo rlsol Wo rise! to bo forever with tho Ijrd nnd forever with each other. May wo ull huvo part In that first resurrec tion I In Hits dark world of sin and pain J o niily meet lo art again: Hut when wo reach thu litavenly shore v thuitt shall meet lo irt no mora. The huH) that wn shnll see thnt ttay BUouluj.uaio oarDrweot crlofs awnx SATURDAY, APRIL 27, Hlmrlrr Hrtln. Notice Is hereby kIvpii, thnt by vlrtuo of nil order of MilolsRiiinl by tlio clerk of tho dis trict court of thn second Judicial dlstrlet of Nebraska, within nnd fur I.iincnster county, In nn action wherein John d. Knrwell I philntlir, and Kmll Hchullx ct nl dcfondnnlN, 1 will, nl!l o'clock p.m., on tho IfWtny of May A, 1). IKXO, at tlio front entrance to tho dlstrlet court rooms In tho city or Lincoln, Lancaster county, Notmikn, oiler for sale at puhllu nut:. lou tho following described real estate to wit l Tho north west quarter or section No. I.M township Nn. 7 north or rniuo No. n east or tnelltli ! M Lime lister count v. Nebraska. GlMii under my hand this tut li day or April A. l. IRSIf, l-n-nl h, M, Mcllok, Hherlir. Chuttlc AtorlKHK)' Hiilr, in nn wnoin ii may concern. You urn Hereby notlilcd thut on tun'JUtli day or April, last), nt !1 o'clock p. in. at thn llaltor block In West Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, by authority or n ehntlln tuorlKHKO executed by 0. W. Welsh and U. H. Grant to mn dated November nth, IrWH nnd tiled for reconl lu Ihn ollleo of thn county olerk of Lancaster County Nebrnskn, November, iltti 1NW, as No. i,H70 or ohaltln lunrtKHKC I will sell Ht public miction to tho blithest und best bidder foreaMi tho following article of personal properly, to wltt i pool table, 1 billiard table XI pool halls, 4 Ivory billiard balls, a cuo ruck 'J)cues,ni)rldKe( 'i bull ruck, 'J strliiK of liead, l plu pool linitrri, I chalk holders, 13 billiard room chairs, 1 round walnut tabic, 4 Ijimp with shades nud banning altclmicnt", 1 colinter.tlll nud buck shelf, I looklUKRluns, 'I pictures, II Kohlets, A kIsscs, stove, lOJolntsof plpo, tobacco cutter, small Iron stove, bnxiin 8 screen door with IiuiikIuk, I hoard partit ion, bed stend, sprliiK and mattress and bod clothes, wash stniul, tnbln cover, loo tank and nil other articles tif personal properly used In connection with tho billiard hall nil of said articles alxivodlscrlbcd being situated in mo iiiillnnl Hall formerly occupied by until morlKUiree In Hatter' block In WcsL Lin coln, Nobrasku. Default hax been made In Ihn term of snld mortgage uud the inortKUKCu feel lilinnelfilii safe nnd Insecure thoro Ik now duo this 30th day of March, instl thosuin nriKM.OO. J. H. lUitwiCK, MorlKitiico. By Talbot ,fc ltryun hi Atty'. CHICAS 1 Milwaukee i 'tPAUl Own and operate oXOO mile of thormiKlily quipped road In Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota and Dakota. It I tlio Host Direct llouto botwcnnll tho Prluplpui Points In tho Nortliwest, Southwest and Far West For maps, tltno tables, rate of pnssnico nnd frelKht, etc.. npply to nearest station uncut l ClIIOAUn, MIL.WAUKICK A HT. 1'AWl. ItAtl. WAY, or to any Ha It road Auont nnywhere lu the world. U.MILLKU. A. V. H.OAUPKNTKU, fnerul M'gT. don't Pus. A T'kt Agt. I It (Kill, GEO. II. HKAKKOHD, Uf. Oen' Mk-r. Asst. O. P. A T. Agt. Mllwuukeo, Wisconsin. MTFor Information In reference to .'.amis and Town owned by tho Chicago, Milwau kee A Ht. Paul Hallway Couipuny.wrta to II. (1. IlAunAN.Uuid UomniliHiioncr.MlllwiiMkrc Wisconsin. Roberts & Co, 212 North nth Street, Undertakers andEmbalmers, JhMl Telephones. Office 145. Residence 156 Open Day nnd Night. E. T. ROBERTS, I can cheerfully rccomtnani Dr. Beth Arnold's Couth Killer as belngaflrst-elass remedy for Couclis and Colds, hav Incusodlt In mjr own family with very great satis f action. U H. Iluth, Dos Moluss, Iowa, DraggisU, 3Ca, COc, and 91.00. IM We are the Leading Carriage Manufacturers ! Our Stock is very Complete and Prices are Low. Come and Sec us. Old Buggies taken in Exchange for New Ones. CAM I Telephone 604. 1889. QUICK MEAL RUDGE & 1 122 N WHITE DRESS GOODS AND Beautiful Spring Patterns in Embroideries THE CISLKIIKATKI) P. D. and Thompson Glove Fitting Corsets in Summer Weights. r-OREMHN 114 South SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Wc lK leave to inform our Lincoln patrons nud the public In general that our Importation of FINK Novelties for Spring and Summer Arc now read;- for inspection. We have a much larger and finer assortment than ever before. Call nnd sec our latest novelties from London nnd Paris. Dress Suits a Specialty. guckert & Mcdonald, 316 S. 15th St., Omaha, Nob. LINCOLN'S NEW ART STUDIO A COMPLETE SUCCBSSI ELITE STUDIO ONLY GROUND FLOOR FINE ART WOIK. 226 South Eleventh Street. IBsLH m lsllslHLH'ZiiLsisllllllllvx x 3 BROS., "!S HAKMTABE, STOVES -ANI- TINWARE, Leonard Mrigorators, Hot Air Furnaces, Van's Wrought Iron Ranges. MORRIS. Street. St CROWE, 13th Street. STUDIO IN THE CITY. 1. W. TOWNSEND, Proprietor. Cor. Tenth and M Sts. i f"'s. s S A. ' ' '-"r'1 ' i " ' ' " t - v&jmMbi' iitea. Jif4$SrW!S!Th"r -t