''Wf wwpcvwwwpw&W" n f!'-?pHfprfwrtyr- - ftf r ' thk mnu) to m saver DR. TALMAGE SAYS- -IT CAN BE DONE IN TEN YEARS. A Pitting CliiKtt 'to One of the Urnmleit Centur-lr In Dm History of tlm World. Soul flHVliiB Hh flot In llo Dono nt Short Hung. liuooKLV.N, April 14. At tho Tabernacle today, after uxpjuudlng passage descriptive o( tho world in It si mil bo when gospcllred, Sr Tntmngo gnvo out tbo tiyuint Peoplo nml realms (It ercry tonguo Dwell ou uts loro with s wrote: soug. Text, tlovclntlon xlx. 4i "Anient Alio lulu!" Tbo Nineteenth century Is departing. After It tins taken a fow moro steps, If each year bo it step, It will bo gono Into tho otornitioa. in n short tlmo wo shnll bo In tho last deendo of this century, which fact makes tho -solomnost book outsldo tho Btblo, tho nhnmiaa, and tho most suggest lvo 1 and tho most'trcmondous ploco of machinery In all tho earth, tho clock. Tho last docado of this century upon which wo shall soon xiter will bo tho grandest, mightiest and most doclslvo docado in all tho chronologic I am glad lt Is not to como Immediately, for wo need by a now baptism of tho Holy Ohost to prepare for it. That last ton years of 'tho Nlnoteonth oontury, may wo all llvo to 1100 them I Does any ono say that this division of tlmo is arbitrary I Oh, no; in other agos tho divisions of tlmo may havo boon arbitrary, biit our yoar dato from 'Christ. Docs any ono say that tho grouping of ton togothor is an arrnngumoiit nrbitraryf Oh, no; next to tho flguro sovou, ton is with God a favorito number. Abraham d wolt ton years in Canaan. Ton righteous men would bnvo naval Bodotu. In tho ancient tnberna do wcro ton curtains, their pillars ton and their sockets ton. In tho nnciont temple wcro ton lavoni and ton candlesticks nnd ton ta bles and a molten soa of ten cubits. And tho commandments written ou tho grnnlto of Mount Sinai wcro ton, and tho kingdom of God was likenod to ton virgins, and ten mon should lay hold of him that was a Jow, and tho reward of tho greatly faithful is that they shall reign over ton cities, and in tho effort to 1 take tho census of tho Now Jerusalem tho number ten swings around' the thousands, crying "ton thousand aimai, ten thousand.!' 80 I como to look toward tho closing ten yean of "tho' Nineteenth" century with on Intensity of Interest 1 can hardly describe I havo also noticed that tho favorito tlmo In many of tho centuries for great events was the closing fragmont of tbo century. Is America to bo discovered, it must bo in the last decado of tho Fifteenth century, namely 1492. Was frco constitutional government to bo woll established in America, tho tost years of tho Eighteenth century must achiovo It. Wcro throo cities to bo submerged by ono , pitch of scoria), Oerculanoum and Strabalaj 'and Pompeii in tho latter part of tho first century must go under Tho Fourth century closed with tho most agitating ecclesiastical war of history, Urban tho Blxth against Clo ment tho Bovonth. Alfred tbo Great closes tho Ninth century and Edward Ironsides tho Eleventh century with their resounding deeds. The Sixteenth century closed with tho estab lishment of religious indcixiiidenco in tho United Netherlands. Ayo, almost ovcry ccn tury has had its peroration of ovcrtowering achievement. As tho closing years of tho centuries soora a favorito tlmo for great scenes of emancipation or disaster, and as tho num ber ton scorns a favorito number in tho Scrip tures written by divino direction, and as wo are soon to enter upon tho last ten years of tbo Nlnoteonth oontury, what does tho world proposer What does tbo church of Christ iproposof What do reformer proposer I know. not; but now in tho presence of this consecrated assembly I proposo that wo mako ready, got all our batteries planted nnd all our plans well, laid in what remains of this docado, and then in tho last decado of tbo .Nineteenth century march up and tako thin iround .world, for God. When. 1 say .wo,. I mean tho flvo hundred 'million Christians, now alivo. But, as many of them will not havo enough heart for tbo work, dot us copy Gideon, and as ho hod thlrty.two.thousand men in his army to fight tho Mldlanitos, but many of them wcro not .made of tho right stuff, and ho promulgated .a military order .saying '(whosoever is fear ful and afraid dot ihlra return and depart early, from ailcod," and.twonty-two thousand were afraid of getting, hurt and went homo jmd .only ton .thousand wcro loft, and God tcldithem.thatovenithls. reduced number was Ux largo a number, for they might think they bod .triumphod independent of divino help, and .tho number must bo still further reduced and only .those should bo kept In the Tanks who in passing tbo .rLver should bo to In hast lor victory over .their enemies that, though very thirsty, they would without 'topping a second Just-scoop up. tbo water in the palm of their eight .hand and scoop up the water in tho palm of their left hand, and only .three hundred taen did that, and those .three hundred men with the battle suosvt, "Theswurdof.tho.Lord and of aideon," scattered .the Midianitesdlko leaves In on equinox, so out of tho Qvo ihun dred million nominal Christians of .today dot all unbelievers and cowards go home and get out of tho way And suppose we havo only 1 our hundred million left, suppose only .two hundred million left, suppose only .one hun dred million loft, yea, suppose we only, have iuiy mimon ioi i, wim luein vst u unoer tako tho divino crusade, and each one Just scooping up a palm full of the river of God's 1 mercy in one baud and a palm full of the river of God's strength in tho other, Jet us with tho cry, "Tbo sword of the Lord and of Gideon," tho sword of tho Lord and of John Knox, tho sword of the Lord and of Matthew Simpson, tho sword of the Lord and of Disbop Mcllvalno, tho sword of tbo Lord and of Adonlram Jiidsou, tho sword of the Lord and of Martin Luthor, go into tho lait decode of tho Nlnoteonth century nothing- tUrnAOTICADLEINTUBrnorOSmOX Is it audacious for mo to propositi Oh, no, a captlvo servant in tho kitchen of Noa man told tho commander-in-chief wboro he could get rid of tho blotches of his awful lip rosy and his complexion bocaiuo fair m a babe's. And didn't Christ in order t) tako tho ophthalmia out of tho oyes of tho blind man uso u mlxturo of spittle and dustf And who showed Uluchur a short cut for his army so that instead of taking tho regular road by which ho would havo como up too late, bo jcamoupin tlmo to savo Waterloo and Eu rope Was It not an unknown lad who per haps could not write his own name And so L, "who am loss than tho least of all saint,1 propouo a short cut to victory, and am will big to bo tbs expoctoratlou on sotno blind eye ami tell sumo of the brigadier geuorals of tho lonl of hosts how this leproslod world may in tho llnal docado of tho Nineteenth oontury havo its flesh como again as the flesh of a little child. Is there anything la prophecy to hinder this speedy consummation? No. Some ono begins to quote from Daniel about "tlmo, tliutM uiui a half time," and takes from Rere iattiin tho mvuii trumpets, blowing them all at onco in my ear Hut with utmost reverence I take up all tbo prophecies and hold them towurd heaven and say God never has and never will stop coiumoroted effort and holy dotei initiation nnd magnificent resolve, nnd that if tho church of God will rlwiliptolts full work It can mako Daniel's tlmo twenty years and bis halt tlmo ten jears. Neither Isaiah, nor Kzeklel, nor Mlcnh, nor Malnchl, nor Jeremiah, nor nny of tho major or minor prophets w ill hinder us n second. Btippooo tho lllblo had announced tho millennium to begin tho year !IS8l, that would bo no hin drance. InonokcnsoUod rover changes his mind, being tho samo yesterday, today and forever. Hut luatiothertionso ho docs change his mind, mul times without number, ovcry day, and that Is when his oplo pray. Didn't ho chnngo his mind about Nine veh I Hy God's command Jonah, nt tho top of his voice, while standing on tho steps of tho merchants' exchaugo and tho palatial lesldcncos of that city, cried out, "Yet forty days and Nlnoveh shall bo over thrown." Was it overthrown In forty days! No. Tho woplo gnvo up thoir sins and cried for mercy, nnd though Jonah got mad bo causo his wholo courso of sermons had been polled and went Into a disgraceful pouting, wo havo tho record so sublime, 1 cannot read It without feeling a nervous chill running through me. "God saw thoir works that thoy turned from their ovlt way, and God re pented of tho ovll that ho had said ho would do unto them, nnd ho did it not." God is a father, and somo of us know what that means, and sotno tlmo when wo havo promised chas tisement nnd tho child deserved It, tho llttfo darling has put her amis around our neck and expressed such sorrow and Mich prom ises of doing better that her tears landed on tho ll9 of our kiss, and we held her a half hour nftcr on our kneo nnd would as soon think of slapping an angel in tho face as of oven striking bcr with the weight of our llttlo finger, God is a father, and whllo ho has promised this world scourg Ings, though thoy woro to ho for a thousand years or flvo thousand years lib would, If tho world rc)cntod, substitute benediction nnd divino caress. God changed his mind about Sodom six times. Ho had determined on Its destruction. Abraham asked him if ho would not sjiaro It if fifty righteous peoplo wcro found there; nnd, narrowing dowu tbo num ber, If forty-flvo peoplo woro found there; If forty peoplo; if thirty people; if twenty peo plo; if ten peoplo wcro found there. And each of tbo six times tbo Lord answered, Yes. Oh, why didn't Abraham goon Just two steps further and ay If flvo bo found thcro nnd if ono bo found there, for then for tho sako of Lot,1 its, one goodcitizen, 1 think Sodom would, havo been spared. Eight .times does the Dibte say that' God repented when ho hud promised 'punishments and' withheld the stroke. Was It a slip of Paul's pen when ho epoko of God's cutting short tho work in rightoousnossr No, Paul's pen nevor slipped. There Is notbipg In the way of prophecy to blndor tho crusado I have proposed for tho last decado of , tbo Nlnoteonth ceutury. PROCRASTINATION IS TlIE THIEF OK TIME. The wholo trouble is' that wo put off tho completion of tho world's redemption to such long and Indefinite distances. Tho old pro verb that "what is everybody's business is nobody's business," might bo changed a llttlo and bo mado truthfully to bay what Is tho Gospel business of all the age Is tho Gosjiel business of no ago. Wo are so constituted wo cannot get up much enthusiasm about some thing five hundred years from now or a thou sand years from now. We are fighting at too long a range. That gun called tho "Swamp Angel" wns a nuisance. It shot six miles, but it hardly crer hit anything. It did its chief destructive work when it burst .and killed thoso who woro sotting it off. 8hort rango is tho effectivo kind of work, whother it bo for worldly or religious purpose, Somo man with his eyes half shut drones oat to mo tho Ulblo quotation: "A thousand years ore as ono day;" that is, tea centuries aro not long for tbo Lord. Out why do you not quote tho previous scntenco which says that ono day is with tho Lord as a thousand yearsr That is, he could do tho work of ten centuries in twenty-four hours. Tho mightiest obstacle to Christian work Is tho impression that the world's evangelization is away off. And wo tako the telcscopo and look on and on through centuries until we see two objects near each other, and we strain our vision and guess what they arc, and wo call groat conventions to guess what thoy are, and wo get down our heaviest theological works and balanco our telesoope on tho lid and look and look and finally -con-cludo that thoy aro two beasts that wojioo and tho ono has hair and the other has wool, and wo guess it must bo tho lion and tut lamb lying down together. In that great cradlo of postponement and somuolouo wo rock tho church as though it woro an impa tient child and say, "Hush, my dear, don't be impatient! Don't get excited by revivals 1 Don't cry I Your Father's coming I Don't get uneasy I Ho will be hero in two or three or ten or twenty thousand years." And we act as though wo thought that when Ma caulay's famous New Zcalandcrin tho far distant is seated on a broken arch of London bridge sketching tho ruins of St. Paul's his grandchild might break in and Jolt his pencil asking him if ho thought tho millennium ever would appear. Men and women of tho eter nal God I Sons and daughters of the Lord Almlghtyl Wo may havo it start iu tho de cado that is soon to commence, and it will bo dono If wo can persuade the people between now and then to got ready for tho work. What makes mo think it can bo do no I First, because God is ready. Ho needs tio long persuasion to do bis work, for if bo Is not willing that any should perish, ho is not willing that any of the peoplo of tho next decade shall perish; and tho wholo lllblo is n .chltno of bells ringing out "Come, come. como, ami jou ueea not go round tuo earth .to find. out how much bo wants the world to como.ibut Just to walk around ono stripped andibaro.and leafless treo with two branches not jtrched but horizontal. Hut ho In wait ing, ASilioKaid bo would, for thoco-oieratioii of .the.church. When wo aro ready God is readjr And ho certainly has all the weap onry ready to capture this world for tho truth, All .tho . capon of kindness ordovns .tatlnu. Ou .the one band, tho Uosjiel mid sun sHuo and jiowor to orcbardizo nnd gnrdcnlzo the earth and .fountains swinging in rainbow and CbaUtvortbian vcrduro and aromas poured out of Alio .vials of heaven, wbilo on the other hand ho .has the weaponry of do variation, thunderbolt and conflugrntloii nnd forces planetary, olar, lunar, stellar or me teoric, that wit luoho rein thrown on tho nock for a second miauld lea vo constellations and galaxies so many split ami shivered wheels on tho Louluvards of heaven. And that God U on our Ido, all ou our sido. Blessed bo his glorious iwniol Blessed was tho hour when through Jeai Christ my sin ful soul made peace with him I THK HE W KOTIIISO lUriUCTICAIlLE ABOUT IT. If you continue to ask me why I think that tbo world ran bo saved Iu the final decado o tho Nineteenth century, 1 reply, because it is not a great undertaking, considering tho number of workers that will go at It, if onco persuaded It can be dona. Wo havo slfte I tho five hundred million of workers down to four hundred million imd throo hundred mil lion and two hundred million nnd ono hun dred million and to fifty million. I went to work to cipher out how many soul that num ber could bring to God Iu ton years, If each ono brought it soul every year, and 1 each soul so brought should brln another each succeeding year. 1 found out, aided by a profemor in mathematics, that wo did not tuJ ajijrtbjn;; like such a numbjr of workers CAPITAL CITY COURIER, enlisted. You seo it is simply n question ot mathematics nnd In geometrical progression. Then I gnvo to tho learned professor tills problem t How many person would it re quire to start with, If each ono brought a soul Into tho kingdom each year for ten years, and each ono brought another each succeeding year, In onler to havo fourteen hundred million people saved, or tho Hiptihi Hon nt tho earth nt present I UN answer wns two million Foveu hundred and lltty-four thousand three hundred and miveiity-fivo workers. Ho you see that when I sifted tho llvo hundred million nominal ChrlMliuis of tho earth dou to fifty million and Mopped there, I retained for thlsuork forty-soven million people too many. There it U In glorious mathematics, quod crnt demon strandum. Do you tell mo that God does not euro for mathematlcst Then you havo never seen tho Giants' Causeway, uhero God shows his regard for tho hoxngonat iu wholo ranges of rocky columns with six side and six angles. Then you havo not studied tho geometry of a hoo's honeycomb with' six sides and six angle. Then you havo not noticed what regard God has, for tho squnro, tho altar of tho ancient tabernacle four squnro, tho breast plat o foursquare, tho court of tho temple In Ezo klol's vision four square, tho Now Jerusalem laid out four square. Or you havo not no ticed his regard for tho clrclo by making it hi throuo, "sitting on tho clrclo of tho earth," and fashioning sun nnd moon nnd stars iu a clrclo nnd sending our planetary system around other systems iu a circle aud tho wholo iinlvcrso sweeping nround tho throno of God In n clrclo. And ns to hi re gard for mathematical uumliers, he makes tho fourth book In his lllblo the Hook of Numbers, and numliers tho hosts of Israel and numbers tho troon of Sennacherib aud uumbors Solomon's bowers in tho forest unil numbers the siearinen and nuuilters the foot men nnd numbers the convert nt Pentecost ami uumliers tho chariots of God rolling dowu tho steps of heaven. So 1 havo a right to enlist mathematics for tho demonstration of tho easy possibility of bringing tho wholo world to God in tho coming decado by sim ple process of solicitation, each one only liav lng to bring ono n year; although I want to tako in forty thousand, and I know men now allvo who l think by ien or volco or both, directly or Indirectly, will tako hundreds of thousands each. So you see that that will discharge somo of tho 'J,7.VI,itT from tho ne cessity of taking nny. Another reason why I know it can bo dono is that wo may divido tho work up among tho denominations. God does not ask nny ono denomination to do tho work or auy dozen denominations. Tho work can ' bo di vided aud is lielng divided up, not geographi cally, but uccording to the temornment of tho human family. We cannot say to ono denomination, Yon tako Persia, and another, You take-China, and another, You tako India, because thcro nro nil styles of .tomjioraments in nil nations. And somo denominations nro especially adapted to work with H.oploofan gulno temperament or phlegmatic tompora ment or choleric temperament or bilious tern, pcrnuicnt or nervous teuicraincut or.iym phntlo temperament. Tho EpiNcopal .church will do its most effective work with thoso who by taste jirofer tho stately nnd ritualistic. Tho Methodist church will dolts best work among tho emotional and demonstrative, Iho Pres byterian .church will do Its best work nmong those who llko strong doctrine and the stately servlco softened by tho emo tional. So each denomination will have certain kinds of peoplo whom It will espe cially nlTect. So lot tho work bodlvideU.up. Thcro aro seven hundred and fifty thousand Christlansiof tho Presbyterian church, north, und other hundreds of thousands In tho Pres byterian church, south, and all .foreign Pres byterians moro especially Scotch, English and Irish, making, 1 guess, about two million Prcsby torlans. Tho MothodUt church .is still largor; the.church of England on .both sides the sea still largor; and many other denomi nations ns much, If not snore,. consoorn tod than auy I have mentioned. Divido .up tho world's ovangolizatton amosg these denomi nations after thoy aro persuaded .it can bo dono before .the Nlnoteonth entury is dead, and .tho lost Hottentot, tho last Turk, tho Jast Japanese, the Jost American, tho lost Euro pean, tho last Asiatic, tho last African will see tbo salvation of God before bo sees tho opening gato-af tho Twentieth century EVKUXTllI.NU IH IN CONDITIO ron TUB .CON SUMMATION. AlTflln. .1 ffVll 3llA Urlinlfl Umrlrl .fl luixanml n -, ---- w -. sv w.wu.. wvn.ivu in tho tlmo specified, because we havo all manncr.oi macmnory requisite. It is notes thoilf-1l Wn llftf! tl llllIM Him ttrlntlnw A1UAA. thev are all built nnd mnnlmrilnvnnrl nlrlit hone printing religious papers K,cf those religious papers in this country) , those print ing religious tracts and tlrase printing re- iiiuuk uuuks. iuiu inousauus oi printing grosses no w.ui the service of Ibodovll .could i uruiiKiuianu Bet u woric ou tue service af God. Why was tho printing press Inveutodf To turn out billheads and circulars -of paiuit medicines and tell the news which in throo wicks will bo of .no Importance? From the old time Franklin 'printing presou up to th Lord Stauhopo's ipress and tbo Washington prcssaud tliu Victory proes to Hoo's (lorfect lug printing jireM that machine has been Im proving Xor its best work and Its final work, namely, tbo publication of the glad Uiiingsof peat Joy which skall bo to all iiooplo. We havo tho presses, or can have them before the first of Jumiary wheu tho new decade Is to begin, onough to put a Bible in tbo hand o I or v son anil l litMiti.r if Ailnm nnd Eve now living, and Jf such penou can- nocreau wocau nave arolpoitour, uintvan gellstor a missionary to read it to him or tn-r But this brings mo to Uxo adjoining thought, namely, we Lave the money to do the wivk. I menu tho fifty mllliou of ''hi Istlani bar It. Aye. tbo two million seven hundred and fifty four thousand Christian havo it, nnd live dam which U beginning to leak will soon break aod thero will bo rushing floods of bun dress and millions mul billion, nt Inllnm I.. holy contribution when you uudo tho t uiuiv men oi tue iunguom oi uod tual the cnerdv con vemtnnf f tiii nni-lil t. fww,il.iii and that Isaiah and Ezeklcl and Daniel mid Joan will uot stand In tho way of it but help it on. I havo no synijiathy with Ibis bom bardment of rich men Wit urnnl.l ..nnl. o bo worth flvo million dollar if wo could, aud oy iinru persuuwou ieriiaps inlglit Uo Induced ui .uk' imceu iiiiiuou. Almost very (taper . h.v Hi. .. . b..u ,itit tij muu nuu I11UI i-uuuiveu n cunt-go or nunc a cuurcu or n hospital or n free library, nnd that thing Is going to multiply until tho treasury of nil our denominations mid rofoi matory organizations will bo overwhelmed with munificence if w, can iicrsuado our men of wealth that tb. woild's evnngellzntiou I possible mi'i tho thoy may livo to poo it with their own eyes. Ilmoulways cherished tho Idea that when th i world Is converted wo would boullowed to como out on tho battlements of heaven and sco tho bannered procession and tho bonfires of victory But I would llko to see tho pro cession closer by and Just lie jiermlttcd mjsclf to throw on a fagot for a bigger bonfl'e Aud if you persuade our men of wraith that there is a povdblllty for them to Join on earth in the uuiversul glee of a redeemed planet, Instead of laborious beseeching for fund and arguing aud flattering In order to got n contribution for Chrlstiau objects our men of wealtth will stand In Ium a nt a postofilco window or n railroad ticket office, but lu this com) waiting SATURDAY, APRIL 20, for their tutu to mako uhnrltnhto deposit. The Gent Hi's nro not long going to allow themselves to ho eclliwod by Mr. Hirscb, Uio Jow who hns ust given forty million dollars for school In Franco, Germany and Uiissln, I rejoice that mi much of tho wealth of tho world Is coming Into tho hwmw.Ioii of Chris tian men nud women. And although tho original chin th wn very poor aud its mem ber weiii IMi dealer on tho bank of Galileo nnd Imd only such stock ou hniidn thoy could tako lu their own net, today in the hands of Chrlstnln men and women thero I enough money to print lllhlcsnud build churches nnd tupKirt missionaries under God in ten years to savo the world, Again, I think that tho world' evangeliza tion can bo achieved lu tho tlmo icclliod bo cituso wo hnvu already tho theological Insti tutions necessary for this work. Wo Ao not have to build them( thoy nro built nnd thoy aro filled with ten of thousands of young men, nud thcio will bo three sols of students who will graduate Into tho ministry before tho closo of this century, and onco havo them understand that Instead of preaching thirty or forty years ami taking Into tho kingdom of God a few hundred souls, right boforn them is the Sedan, h the Ariuageddoii, and these young men, instead of entering tho ministry timid nnd with apologetic nlr, will feel llko David, who camo up Just ns tho or mle wcro set iu array and ho left Ids carriage and shouted for tho battle aud crledi "Who Is this uncirciimcisod Phllistiuo that ho should defy tho nrmle of the living Godi" nud with flvo gravel stone skillfully Hung sent sprawl ing tbo bragging ten footer, Ids mouth Into the dust and Id heels into tho nlr, WUAT NO 11 1. til OLOSK TO A OUKAT UK.ITUIlYf My friend, what but such a consummation could Iwn fit climax to this century t You notice a teodenoy in history nud all about us to u climax. The creation week rising from herlwto fish and from fish to bird nnd from bird to qimilrued nnd from quadruped to Immortal man. The New Testament rising from qutot genealogical table In Matthow to apocalyptic doxology in Ilovelatloii. Now what cau bo an appropriate climax to this century, which has heard tho pufT of tho first steamer nud tho throb of tho first stotho tcopo nnd tho click of tho first telegraph nnd tbo clatter of the first sowing machine, and saw tho flash of tho first electric light and tho revolution of tho first steam plow; nud tho law of storms wo written; nnd tho Ameri can Bible society aud American Tract socloty woro born; nud instead of Tin nudlouco laugh ing down Dr Carey for advocating foreign mission, a was dono at Northampton in Eng land in tbo last century, now all denomina tions vying with each other a to w ho shall go tho furthorest nud tho soonest Into tho darkest of tbo Now Hebrides; and throo hun dred thousand souls have been born to God In tho South Bea Islands, nnd Micronesia nnd Melanesia nud Malayan Polynesia havo been sot in tho crown of Christ, and David Living btono has unveiled Africa nnd tho Inst bolted gato of barbaric nations has swung wldoopcu to lot tho Gospel In. What, I ask, with n thousand Interrogation points uplifted, can bo a lit, nu appropriate and sulllclent climax except It boa world rcdcomtslf Yen, I bellovo it can bo dono if wo got pre pared for It, liecauso tho wholo air and tho whole heaven is full of willing holp. "Aro thoy not all ministering spirits sent forth!" Wo mako an awful mistake if wo calculate only on tho forces wo can sec, Tho mightiest army I In the air. My brethren, so much of selfishness: and prldo and rivalry aud bad mo tives of all kind got into our work hero that 'wo aro hindered. Hut tho mighty souls that .havo gono up to tho flying nrmlo of tho sky havo.lcft nil imperfection behind; nnd these souls nro with us and without n fault and witli perfect natures nro on our sldo. You ennnot make mo boliovo that after tolling hero fonlong years for tho redemption of tho world, until from exhaustion somo of them fell .Into their graves, thoy havo ceased their interest .in tho stupendous con flict now raging, or that thoy aro going do docllno thoir help, Irenrcus Prime Honored on earth but now glorified in heaven, havo you forgotten tho work toward which you gavo for more than half n century your gracious life, your loving volco and your matchless pen J No I Then como .down and help. Alexander Duff I Havo you .forgotten tbo millions of India for whoso sal ivation you suffered In Hindoo Jungle and thundered ou missionary platform I No I Then como dowu nnd help. David Rraluardl Havo you forgotten tho aborigines to whom you preached und. for whom you prayed until you could preach nnd pray no more, lying down delirious amid tho miasmas of tho swamp Nol Thon como down and helix Moticricff und Freeman and Campliell I Have you forgotten Lucknow nud Cawniorof Nol Then como dowu and help. I rub out of my eyes tho stupidity and iinliollof, nnd I, tho servant of these great Clhmas In tho Gospel, see tho mountains all round about aro full of horses or Hro and .chariots of fire, and thoy head this way Hovered over aro wo by great clouds of wltuesscs anil hclpersl Clouds of aiiostle In the air led on by Paul I Clouds of martyrs in tho air led on by .Stephen I Clouds of prophets in the air led en by Isaiah I Clouds of jiatrlareh In tho air led ou iy Abrahnml Clouds of ancient wnr rlors in the nlr led on by Joshua, and that Blblo warrior nt .whose prayer Astronomy once bolted over AJulon and Glboon seems mow to lift one hand toward the descending tun of this century and tho other hand toward the moon of tho last decade saying: "Stand thou still till tho church or God goU the final victory I" THE WOIUJ1 13 HOUND TO DS iUrm Then let us tuko what remains of this decado to get ready for I lie final decode or the Nineteenth century You und 1 may uot live to o thnt decade or may not live to see IU closo, but that shall not hinder mo from declaring tho magnificent possibility 1 con fuss that tho inNtako or my llfo Jin been, not that I did not work hard for I could not bavo worked harder and lived, as God knows and my family know but that 1 Iiavo not worked under tbo realization that tbo salva lion of this world was a near by jiosslblllty But whether wo see It, tho beginning or tho closing of that decado is of no importance. If only that deendo can get tho coronation nnd then all decades shall kneel before this eu throned decode, nnd oven tho gray grown centuries w 111 cast thulr crowns bofoi o It and It will bo tho most honored decade between tbo tlmo wh;u tho moiulu stars sanir to gether as tho libretto of world was opened and tbo tlmo when tho mighty nngel, rolled in cloud and gurlauded In niliiliow, shall with one foot on tbo ea and tho other foot on tho land swear hy him tlmt llvvtli forever and ever that tlmo shall bo no longer Alle luia I Amen I The Illio Lily. A lovely flower, called tho rico Illy, grows thlcUly lu parts of soutlnetci 11 Georgia. It U extremely sensitive to tho light, Tho hlos tonu fold up at night, but open In tho morn lng. At night, whllo tho lovely nhlto blos soms aro closely enfolded In their purplo eov wing and tlio fli wers nro itleeii, if a lamp I placed nearthcia they n III gradually open and turn towards It. If n strong light Is placed on ono side of tho caw containing thoin, tho half of tho bouquet tlmt faces tho lump will bo unfolded, whllo tho other half that Is lu tho shadow will remain tightly closod. De troit Freo Pre 1889, SBKSSBBBBsflsffiV 'VPissY' IsCsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnifi S0C .BTBSSBsY WHITEDRESS GOODS s - BeautifuipSpring Patterns in Embroideries CDC3 T1IE CELEllllATED HSSSsflsl T? . !'. ' -T" iSjjlIh P. D. and Thompson Glove Fitting Corsetsin 'Summed Weights. FOREMKN iM South St cam and HotJWatcr Heating. ff urn. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT We lieu lenvc to Inform our Lincoln patrons and the public In general that our Importation of FINE Novelties for Spring and Summer Are now ready for Inspection. We lme a much larger nnd finer assortment than ever before. Call and sec our latest novelties from London and Paris. Dress Suits a Specialty. guckert & Mcdonald; 315 S. 16th St., Omaha, Nob. HUMS KEW ART STUDIO A COMPLETE SUCCESS ! ELETE STUDIO ONLY GROUND FLOOR STUDIO IN THE CITY. FINE ART WOIK. J2fi South Klcxcnth Street 1 I I I i ForlBSlrTlrTBSTl , wf gam y I Mustang Liniment s B . . o M Refrigerators in all sizes and a full line of the Famous QUICK MEAL Gasoline - Stoves, Builders' Hardware, k At Lowest Prices. RUD6E & MORRIS, naa N STUKIIT. ami -j rmzt SflBLMv.'&l-fwaWi (St CROWE- -- 1 2th Street. Plumbing vr mFfHRVwmrmmmm MM."..vr F. A. KORSMEYER & CO. Telephone 536. 315 S. Eleventh St. 1. W. TOWNSEND, Proprietor. tttow ftttlf. -J.v sfif,iw t3fiM:iU l TJrftf.vi .irtitoisiwftsAwMwiiii j.asw ,;L f,Tt