Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 13, 1889, Image 1

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" F6Fl 0R PAPER op A9PI!RM TIMl:
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Vol. 4. No. 18
Lincoln, Nicbkasi-ca, Saturday, Apkil 13, I88O.
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What U Ilrard, Seen, Lrarntd anil l'crtl
ncntly SiiRRCttPil to the Multitude.
With thtilmuo Mr. Frl BeiutlnRer, )nte of
tho Omaha ftee, Iwcomes nmoclateil with the
CouniKH n Its editor. Mr. HcnzliRcr jmlv
llshcdtho Saturday EreninyChat, tlio society
paper of Cedar Ilaplds, Iowa, In lu palmy
days, when itwasonoof thehrigliest blossonm
in tho pony garden of Hawkcyo journalism.
He was tho 1M senate correiiK)deiit during
tho late, unlamcntcd session of the Nebraska
legislature, hut turns naturally from affairs
of state to tho nmenltle of life.
Mr. Dcnzingcr has gathered nn nf.sortmiMit
of experience and reputation during a dozen
years ient In newspaper work, and is ripo
for one of those laudatory Introductions lu
which the victim is slobbered nil over with
gush and ct ceteras; but in this caso the suh
ject regretfully declines to bore the public
with his oditorlal edtgree, and ho stubbornly
refuses to have his qualities, mental or moral,
paraded like any common freak.
However, the CoUHiEH can commend Mr.
Denzlnger to tho icoplo of Lincoln as a gentle
man and n young man worthy the fullest con
fidence, and it bespeaks for him tho kindly
courtesy and assistance of its friends in speed
lly making tho acquaintance so necessary for
successful newspnjer work.
For itself tho CouniEit promises a constant
ly improving paper. A generous patronage
is tho best possible proof that it has been ap
preciated in tho past, and tho cncagcmcnt of
Mr. Ucnzlnger is an earnest of tho determina
tion to expend money and energy in giving
Lincoln the best journal of the kind in the
Apropos the subject of newspaper changes,
Mr. Hovey Barrett of tho Omaha Herald bu
reau resigned his place thlo week to take for
tune by the forelock and compel her to his em
brace. He is going to run up to Dakota and
have n little round up of the many capitals-to-be,
and when ho discovers tho king bee of
the lot he will corral it. His scheme is
double-barreled. He may jump into a real
ostate spec up to his neck, or he may become
ambitious and start the future great paper of
the new state. In the latter case he will le
backed by a Lincoln compatriot and a Dakota
politician, and he takes an early spring start
for the scene of the scrimmage in order to get
the gun loadod-both barrels of it. Barrett is
a graduate of the state university and a
young fellow of more than a vera go ability
and versatility. He stumbled into) newspap
er work almost by accident, but lias duvelo
ed a successful aptitude for it. He began
about a year ago by relieving n schoolmate
for a few days in tho Council Bluffs depart
ment of au Omaha paer. This suggested a
Lincoln bureau and overtures to the Herald
were promptly responded to by the liuslnei-s
manager. Barrett began the enterprise with
out practical experience, but by rustling
seventeen hours out of every twenty-four he
has built up a business that satisfies his em
ployers and be hav made a feature that finds
favor with the publie. Success to Hovey
wherever lie govs is the united wish of his fel
low craftsmen.
At the time of writing Barrett's successor
bad not been announced, but Mr. John D.
LIddle, the HeraUVs solicitor, stands in the
lino of promotion. Johnny has had exper
ience with Iowa papers, and his personal
qualities are too well known hero to need
In this connection it may be of general in
terest to know that Col. Smith, who retort
ed the senate for the Jotinin, is now acting
as correspondent for the Omaha Krpuhlican.
Col. Howe, former correspondet of tho lie
publican, has become attached to the Journal
It is singular that after a man once gets a
taste of office ho never knows when he has
enough. Now thero Is Representative Sweet
of Merrick county, the gentleman who achiev
ed distinction in the recent unpleasantness by
allowing himself to be held down in his seat
while clamoring for a chance to change his
vote and thereby defeat the resolution to buIh
init a prohibition amendment to tho constitu
tion. During the legislative session Mr. Sweet
was suapoctcd of lending a willing ear to tho
seductive hum of tho congressional bee. He
K'oms to have "dropped" to tho elusiveness of
that prize and is now chasing another will-o-the-wisp.
Ho was in the city the other day
on ids way to Beatrice to waylay Senator
Paddock, but was disappointed at this stage
of the journey by learning that that distin
guished Nebraska!) was still bobbing about
tho east, and mournfully took the back track.
Speaking of politicians, tbore has been a
deal of speculation as to Senator Frank Han
som's motive in passing that now law requir
ing lire insurance companies to pay the full
amount expressed in tho policy In the case of
a total loss.
Ransom is credited with passing It lecause
it would not liavo run tho gauntlet without
his coaching and strategy. Ho not only in
troduced tho bill but he put in several others
to dlvldo the attention of tho Insurance peo
plo, and he watched and lobbied his pet meas
ure with persistent vigilance.
One plausible explanation of his motive has
been offerod. Twoyoarsago last fall Ran
som was a candidate, for the Republican
nomination for attorney-general. Ho had
the covotod prize all but within his grasp
whon Capt. rainier of I'latUmouth manipu
lated tho Cass county delegation and nomi
nated Qenoral Loeso.
For some reason or otlior Capt. Palmer lias
come to be recognized as tho head and front
of tho insuranco power in Nebraska, and
Senator Ransom is supposed to have thrown
discredit upon the captain's omnipotence by
proving that he had not buttoned tho state
safely iu his panta pocket. Tho presumption
Is that this will lower tho captain soveral pegs
In tho estimation of hU employers nnd os
sihly affect his jtocket lwnk. At any rato it
is a sample of the article known as political
revenge, and tho victim is upiotfd to take
all tho bitterness homo to his own tongue.
But tho lighting senator from Otoe did not
stop at that. Palmer had what tho boys call
"a snap' by getting tho Insuranco on the
stato's buildings, which ho farmed' out, pre
sumably In tho expectation of getting a hand
somo commission on tho f.H),(KX) of premium.
But Ransom helped to knock out the appro
priation, and tho captain gets left.
Such is politics.
A wedding in which many Lincoln young
pooplo will Imj interested, occurred nt Iowa
City, Iown, on Wednesday. It celebrated
tho union of Miss Addle Bloom of Iowa City,
well and popularly known here, to Mr. Hlmon
Fisher, n prosperous and prominent young
man of Omaha. A special Pullman car was
chartered lu which somo thirty Omaha
friends and relatives traveled to tho brilliant
scene, which took placo at the bride's homent
llvo o'clock. Tho ceremony was performed
in tho beautiful Jewish rites by Rabbi Ben
sou of Omaha. The brldo woro n veil of
white Illusion nnd n beautiful continue of
whlto faille, with front of crepo lrlsse, em
broidery of novelty gold. Tho gown was
entrainoaud the corsage decollete.. The groom
wore the conventional evening dress.
At tho conclusion of tho ceremony and
after a liberal shower of well wishes, the
nowly made couple lead tho march to supper,
which by tho way was one of the most elabor
ate tho Observer has ever enjoyed. It was
served in llvo courses, a dlfTeront wine finish
ing each change. Thero was present none
but Immediate friends nnd relatives of tho
contracting ixirtics, but oven theso made
quite n largo and brilliant assembly, among
them being noticeable guests from Chicago,
New York, Cincinnati, Sioux City, Omaha,
Lincoln, Rock Island, Des Moines and other
cities. To.eRrams wero received by the
score, the total number reaching nearly throe
hundred, and they woro road later in tliu
The presents wero numerous and many
very elegant and elnlcrate. Few, however,
wero sent to Iown City, most all being for
warded to their future homo in Omaha.
Among the glfta wero the following: A &00
check from the father and mother of tho
bride; hanJsomo bed room set. Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Wse, Sioux City; Ed. Bloom, brothers
ana sisters, cnecK ror :u; .Morltz Moyer,
Omaha, check for $100; Adolph Meyer, Oma
ha, check for $100; Sol. Bloom, Dead wood,
check for IS5: Mr. and Mrs. M. Hellman.
Omaha, large ebony and bronze clock; grand
ma ami grandpa Wise silver sot; Max Meyer,
parlor suit; employes of Max Meyer & Co.,
casket 01 silverware.
The bride, who is a most charming and
nccomplWied young lady of rare womanly
graces and nffectlons, is tho second daughter
of Ex-Senator Bloom. Both at homo nnd
abroad she Is widely known, admired nnd
beloved. Tho groom is one of Omaha's moht
prominent young business men, being cashier
of Max Meyer & Co's. jewelry house. Ho Is
n gentleman of excellent habits, sound bus!
net principles and withal most popular
among his lurge clrclo of friend, being vice-
pi-esiuout or tiio -Metropolitan Club of Omaha,
The couplo are both brunettes and make n
most attractive appearance. Tho slncerest
wishes of their friends are that their lives
may never Imj less happy than at present..
At nine o'clock Mr, and Mrs. Fisher left
for Chicago, New oik and tho east on uu
extended wedding tour. As thoy left the
bride's homo rice was showered upon them,
an old shoo followed, farewells nnd happy
greetings were extended and the happy
couple was lost in tho darkness driving to the
runway station.
Lieut. Governor Meikeljohn was in tho city
Thursday on his way to Crete to act as one of
ttie judges at the state oratorical contest.
The governor i in demand for judicial trusts
of this kind, but kls most thrilling exerleneo
was as one of tho Judges in a baby show at a
county rair. une or the coueutlons of accept
Ing the duty was that the Judges should be
allowed to leavo tho fulr grounds liefore their
decree was nnnounced. They awarded the
palm of beauty to tho child of a Norwegian,
and but peihaps you had better got tho gov
ernor to tell the rest of the story, Hufllco it
to say that ho escaped.
Senators Norvnl and Popo were in the cltv
Thursday, the former to attend the supremo
court nnu mo latter tor a day otr. Tlio How
ard friends of Senator Norval, by tho way,
have arranged for a complimentary reception
to him noxt Monday evening. "Dick", as he
was familiarly known among his colleacues.
was ono of the triumvirate that swayed the
senate and was one of the most jKiteut factors
In recent legislation, besides being a whole-
Bouled, companionablo man. Several sena
tors expect to attend tho reception.
Amomr tho inanr clubs which imt-n (....
formed by society women to occupy their
time during Lent, the favorite ones nro Bowl
ing, Badminton and Athletic Associations.
Badminton Is a delightful game, and tho
players always And It extremely fascinating
It is a cross between tennis nnd tho old fash
ionodgame of battlodoro and shuttlecock.
It is played over n net about twice as high as
the tennis nets, nnd with battledoors mid
shuttlecock. The trowm worn far Tt.-v.vii.,,,.
and Badminton nro simplo skirts of flonnol or
ensumere witn orignt gay blouses of India
silk, beltod iu, and broad Boled. low lie1n.l
shoes. Tea. lemonade and thin lirwul -!
butter are tho only refreshmenta allowed.
Thoathletlo exercises which have becomo
Quite tho fashion now nro fnuml t iu. n.,
cellent rocujerat!on from tho strain upon
nerves nnu inuscies which a tlireo-months' do
votion to tho demands of society have n-A.
lonod. Theso athletics take various farmu
marchlne. dumb boll oxerr-liA. ?,,. .(....
and Indian clubs are tho favorites, although
manv vounir women usa thn tmru,... .,
vaulting bar with the greatest ease. This is
au none, or course, tn a gymnastic dress,
which consists of & Innir lr nf .I...L- .i.
ings, a divided skirt, somewhat like full Turk-
uu trousers, wmen tasieu at tue Juiee, low
heeled, tan-colored pig skin shoos, nnd n
lilnnse of surah, or lino Jcrsoy .webbing, with
full sleeves and wldo turnover collar. Fenc
ing Is also n favorlto pastime, but one must
first go through gymnastic exerrlo lieforo
learning to fence. Thero are musical club,
and church club, and elocution clubs, nnd so
the days of fasting and selfdoulul go on, with
cheering visions, wo supjiose, of spring toil
ettes nnd Easter festivities.
Lent l (oaring hard on Presbyterian girls
they hnve invented n novel decoration for
their dinners. This sH-cial ono wns to wel
como n bride and groom who had just return
ed from a protracted wedding tour. Iu tho
center of the table was placet! n largo Benares
glass lxtwl filled with yellow roses, which
were surrounded with masses of dark green
live oak sprays, nnd the dellcnto yellow green
of the whlto oak's spi ing leaves. From tho
Iwwl extended to each plate n broad yellow
ribbon, to the end of which was fastened, by
on nrrowdiended silver pin, n corsage bou
quet of Mnrcchnl Nell roses nnd oak leaves.
Iu the chandelier oak leaves nnd Marchal Nell wero twined, and on tho yellow silk
shndes of the candles oak leaves wero painted.
The ribbons charmingly Intermingled lu it
crlss cross, tho young gentleman's on tho op-
MsIto side of tho table getting inextricably
iiiterwiued with that of the girl on tho other
side. The Intelligent guest soon found that
tire roses meant affection and the oak lea res
friendship, which some took advantage of In
making light nnd airy conversation. Where
the oak leaves woro obtained Is another ques
tion. They aro boxed by florists in Jackson
ville or SL Augustine, and if carefully ar
ranged reach New York In a good stnto of
Rev. Dr. J. T. Duryea of Omaha will bo in
vited to deliver tho baccalaureate addritw nt
the university iu June. Dr. Duryea Is tho
Boston minister who turned awny from sev
eral big salaries In tho east to accept two or
three thousand less at Omaha because he
thought tho west needed workers. Ho Is pas
tor of the Congregational church of that city,
and is drawing thn largest Sunday audiences
of any of tho clergymen.
Nprliu; Time Millinery.
The season Is nt hand when our fair fr lends
liko to congregate and talk nbout the current
styles and no subject is inoro interesting to
them than the new spring bonnet. Mrs. Gosp
er, whoso handsome now advertisement ap
pears on pngo two of this issue, announce to
her large drch of friends and patrons that
tho now lino of fashlonahlo headwear is now
all in and reiircsenta tho most stylish attire of
the day, and not only do wo notice tho latest
patterns iu hats and bonnets, hut also an at
tractive array of lovely fans and parasols,
gloves, luces nud dozens of other pretty
things that go to make up tho dress of our
leaden of fashions. Easter is close at hand
nnd tho lady that neglects to call on Mrs.
Gosper to whs her beautiful line will surely
regret It,
In llunliies fur lllinxeir.
Another Lincoln boy has embarked Into
buisuess for himself nud this time it is none
other than Mr. Fred 8. Kelly, a young man
who has been with tho Lincoln National Bank
since tho founding of that institution. Mr.
Kelly has connected himself with Mr. O, E.
Goodell, tho worthy gentleman who conducts
tho only whole ale leather houo In tho city.
Tho firm name will now Imj Goodell & Co.,
and the Couiuun extends Its best whtlies fcr
their future success.
Deoomtlou for "ir!ii(f.
Amoiig tho new jiaper that J. A. Bailey,
the pioneer docorator is showing, is a hand
some line of Beck1s New York Ingrains nnd
Llncmsta Waltous and they represent one of
the finest assortments mode anywhere.
Mr. Bailey is at present finishing decora
tions ntilr.Jno. Doolittle's home, iu which
Deck's beautiful colorings are to be seen.
The work is being done by Bailey's nrtlnts,
which is iu itself ample guarantee for tho
satisfaction of the job. Next week Mr. A. H.
Talbal's residence iu Southeast Lincoln will
bo commenced; the decorations uro to bo very
line, comprising Ingrain juijR'rs nnd Hitters,
nnd when flulhlted will bo very attractive.
Builey is also decorating tho new residence of
Senator Norval at Soward, Neb., frescoing
and putting the finishing touches geiiornlly
on that beautiful new liome.
Mr. Bailey's work all over the city l woll
known and ho needs no recommendation to
people w ho have lived In Lincoln more limn
a year.
Church Notices so Free.
It may not be generally known, but Its n
fact nevertheless that the Couhikk never
cliurges jr never has charged, any church
lu the city for notices of meetings, sociables
etc., when given solely for the benefit of the
church, and we take pleasure lu announcing
to all, that wo will accept nnd publish nil
items or notice for tho city churches
gratis. Notice of sermons will also find n
welcome siuice. Bring in your notices,
Mr. Ed. Corf leaves Monday for New Yoi k,
from which ioint ho starts Thursday for a
threo month's tour of Europo, via steatuo
Lu Bretagne, of the French Hue, i
If you want tho blucest buriraln in nMtr
ever placed on the Lincoln market, attend
tiio sale at ::U Alonday morning at Ashby &
If tho true merits ot Dr. Cady's Condition
Powders, were fullv known bv horso nwimn
thoy would prefer them to all other remedies
for putting their horses iu a flue, hnalthvcan-
dltlon. Thoy euro constipation, loss of iqv
potite, disordered kidneys, impure blood and
nil diseases requiring n good tonlo, stimulant
and ulterauve. Hold by A. L. Bhader, Drug-
Help Witntsd.
For tho benefit of the ladle who nuv Imvn
to posh through tho common sti-iKrcln nf m
curing help, the CouniKH will receive want
ouverutieiuoiiui lor puuueaunn in tne Dally
Call want columns. Parties desiring help
situations, boarders, or to rent rooms or rent
houses can leavo their advertbwunnnt l till.
office and they will be promptly delivered to
tue uui tor publication, uno cent a word
per day is the expense.
A Hovlnw of the I'nat, n Word for the
I'reiriit mid 1'roapnet for Future
i AimiMtiiioiitt.
A hfuvv top houo and n fair sprinkling
down stairs assembled to sen one of Hoyt's
favorite comedies produced by an Inferior
company nt the Fuuko Tuesday evening, Tho
show evidently pleased tho gallery, who gave
ample evidence nf their appreciation by vig
orous npplaiiM nnd encouraged tho perform
ers In their usual warm stylo, Thn coiiqiaiiy
depends too much on "horse play" to render
tho show a taking one with n ground floor
nudleuco nud n good denl of questionable
buslines could well bo dUpcimod with.
Wednesday evening n fairly largo and Im
mensely fnshlonnhlenudlouco turned out to sco
Lottu, iu cplte of h pouring rain. This Is the
second tiuiu IiOttn has tteon seen hero In
"I'avynTI:ket210''but tho piece seems to
hnvo.loat none of Its attractions since It was
feu liep' last. Of course, It U tischw to at
tempt to criticize the poerlesH Lottu, tho or
ignutor ot her stylo of characters, a any at
tempt to do fo would rail short of the mark,
and hat she still continues to lay a strong
claliA on the K-ople's favor was evinced by
tho liierry 1 Kills of laughter that rang through
Funke's Wednesday evening. Thu character
of Uiicln liar rit received careful utteiitlount
tho Hands of Mr. Harris with tho exception
perhaps of tho choice dialect such nn Mr.
Anderson Invlnhed on It lnsb season. Next to
tho littlo lady herself Mr. G. C. Boniface, Jr.,
deserves much credit for the life ho Infuses
Into the play, his every move nud action be
ing hi keeping with that of Lottu nud keep
ing up throughout tho entire pleco an Irresist
ible vein of humor that takes the dull edge
off of every monotonous lino If any such
could bo found. Every member of tho com
pany seems to bo admirably adapted to his
jwirt and wo feel justified In my Ing that
"Pawn Ticket 210" Is ono of the very lest
plays Ixitta has ever favored Lincoln with.
Not an overly large, but a very enthusias
tic audience greeted Miss Ka(o Castlotou and
her agile coniMiny of comedians at the Funko
Thursday evening, "A Paper Doll" doe
not seem to have any relation to a plot, but
afrords Miss Castleton and her support ample
opportunity to produce laughter without
measure. Mr. Cooto work hard enough to
commend unlimited praUe as his break neck
business certainly entails much rink. Miss
Ada Deuves as un exaggerated "dudluo"
brought down tho house, while Miss Vlning's
singing pleased everyone. It is not as good
n play 'or Miss Castlotou, howaver, as her
" Crazy Patch " but sho gives it cloxi atten
tion and breaks us many hearts as usual.
Quite a large uudlouco greeted tho gigantic
aggregation of talent at the People's last
ovjnlng. It was tho presentation ot thu mili
tary drama "Loyalty" by n company headed
by Miss Edith Dlrstlue, Chas. T. Kill and
Frank Coy, professional pooplo who need no
comment but on the other hand deserve much
prnlbo for iho usHlstuncu they have rendered
tho K. P. boys, who huvo the sho w in charge
Noticeable among tho "homo talent," were
Walter Keens who tookhlh part to perfection,
while Chas. McMahsou kept tho Iioumo lu con
vulsions with his jokes. Dnua. Shilling look
ed soldierly in his jmrt mid In fact overy one
connected with tho entertainment tried hard
to please. This evening tho sumo bill will he re
peated nud as tho proceeds are for tho leiiellt
of the K. P. pluno fund tho house should be
tin Monday evening the Fuuko will nirnlu
prck-nt this charming nctreKN to tho umuse
ment loving iwople of our city. Piobnhly no
otta-r nctroNi of this tyo could draw larger
houvH or give such universal satisfaction us
Miss Vlckurs. Surrounding herself as she
does with au excellent company It Is no won
der she merits such just praise ns thu Dufrulo
Courier accords her when it says; "Ml
Vlckers seems to lw equally at homo lu humor
niuj sentiment, Sho has a handhomu expres
nlve face, a Mco which lights up readily, a
good voice, talent, and decided inliuetlo abili
ty, as her Imitations of Mixljexka and Aimee
unmistakably evinced, Shu ilancm well and
In imich of her work reminds one of Almee,
the Fiench comedienne, Iu the seciulty
Hceno lu the second act she was rcMtutodly en
cored, and tho audience enjoyed her perform
ance exceedingly. Her reception altogether
was n warm one and tue applause shu won
was reeatadly loud and long, at the close of
the second act she being obliged to answer
two cull lief oie tho curtain. Mr. Hurry Rich
displayed much veit-alllity us Dick Vinton.
His Imitations, ongs and dunces wero well
received nud to wiy he won his full idmro of
tho honors is to do him no more than Justice.
The supiwrt Is ovenly balanced nnd nuperior
to even tho uvernge,"
On Tuesday evening (he society event of
tho Mason will undoubtedly be tho nppear
nnceof Miss Fanny Daveniort In her famous
rendition of Sanlou's great piny, "I.a Toaca,'
supported by Melbourne MucDowoll ami n
carefully selected comiuiny. Tho hUtory of
"Jn Toscn" Is an interesting one. A year ngo
Inst November it was produced at thu Porto
St, Martin, Paris, before a tumultuous audi
ence, which applauded Sarah Bernhardt'
acting to tho echo, but refusal its author n
call before tho curtain. Its success, however,
was unequivocal. Shortly afterward it was
prosontod for weoks at the London-Lyceum
theorto before immousoaudlonces that, night
after night, were ovorcomo with wluit tho
London Times pronounced "tho most remark
ablo ot Bernhardt' creations." A year ago
lost month Fanny Davenport brought it to
the Broadway theatre, Now York, whoro it
faced, and may bo fairly said to have surviv
ed and tienefltted by, the stiffest storm of
hostile criticism any recent play has mot.
With a period of about seven weeks over one
hundred thounud cop1ouw tho piny In Now
York. Hlnco leaving New York Miss Dnveii
Rrt has presented "I.n Totca" In Philadelphia
lkxton, Baltimore, Washington, Chicago and
other largo centers, with tho most utiquulllted
success. That which so shocked tho delicate
scimlbllltlrM of Gotham's critics has fallen
harmlessly enough oil ears nnd eyes else
where. Miss l)avenKirt returned to New
York w ith the pleco two months ngo, nnd tho
press admitted tho grout succesi ot play and
Tho coming week Manager Brownu has se
em oil as good an attraction n hns over grao
cd tho boards of Ids opulnr resort. It Is
none less than tho "Audi ows Dramatic Co.,"
an evenly balanced coniuny combining both
talent nnd skill lu a rejiertolro of jxipulnr
plays, presenting them on tho strength of the
playwright's permission nloiio and not like tho
numberless companies now on tho roud who
promptly tako every opiwrtunlty to "pirate"
the latest eastern productions. Their leader
Is "May BIoioiii" n lienutlful drnnia nnd ono
that Is proving n drawing turd for this truly
meritorious compuiiy; thi will lie presented
during the week but the engagement ojiens
Monday evening in tho beautiful Grecian
lovo story, "Pygmalion nud Galatea," to bo
followed with "Esmeralda," "Ingomar,"
"Against tho World" mid others together
with the touching nud charming "May Blos
som." Reserved seuts nre now on sale at
Barr's and tho prices nro down, way down to
15, So nud 115 cents, no extra charge for reliev
ed seats. Watch tho Mqrs nnd ask your
neighbor If you want to Hud out what this
company i like or better still go and see them
yourself and you cannot fall to lw pleased
with them.
Commencing Monday afternoon at two
o'clock un entirely new bill goes on at tho
Eden Mum'. Now attractions Mill supplant
those now lu tho Curio Hall and In tho Bijou
Thratorium n favorite returns. Iu tho Curio
Hall, Billy the Whlttlcr will demand your
attention, the famous Yankee knife expert iu
a wonderful exhibition of wood carving with
tho aid of a Jack knife nlono; Tho Parisian
wax flower workers, forming llfo llko flower
out of dellcnto wax sheets; un exhibition of
parlor magio by Prof. Crauo; a jierfect re
production of Solomon's Temple, comploto in
overy detail and presenting In n true and llfo
like manner the house of worship as built
during tho reign of King Solomon; together
with thn new rlilo range, the steroscopio
views and n host of new attractions too num
erous to mention nnd that must bo seen to bo
fully appreciated.
Down stairs in tho cozy littlo theatre wo
will see the Keano Cotiwdy Company headed
Mr. Jweph H. Keano and his excellent sup
port. Patrons of tho Museo will remember
the company, they were here a few waak ago
lu n great bill entitled "Mr. Partington nnd
her son Ike" This tlmo tlioy present nn entire
ly now bill entitled "Solon Shingle or Old
Homespun, tho Yankee Farmer." It is useless
to comment on this company ns thoy nre too
well known lu Lincoln to need nil elaborate
introduction to our readers.
Tho price remain ns usual 10 cents; and the
best of order is still maintained. Ladles
should go In the afternoon when seclnl at
tention will bo Mild them, Friday, souvenir
day and Saturday school children's day.
W. J. Scnnlnn paid 2o for a box nt n lec
ture nnd concert given iu Boston hist Sundny
night In nld of tho Paniell fund,
Ono of tho "Bunch f Keys" company
seemed to tako more interest lu n bunch of
the Lincoln "boys" than lu her part of the
play. She evidently thought sho was tho
feature of thu show, lu their eyes at least.
Henry E. Abbey's contract with Mrs. Pot
ter ends iu June nud will not lie renewed.
Next season Mrs. Potter will hire uu agent
and make n tour of the country lu "Antony
nnd Cleopatra" under her own management.
The Andrews Company, who appear at the
People's next week, hold the solo right for tho
production of "May Blossom" In tho west, for
which thoy pay a htavy royalty to Mr. Ous
tae Frohmsii of New York, whocoutrolsthe
Mm. J. G. Blaine's preparation for tho stage
seems to lie the nil absorbing theme in New
York society. Ono of the exchange facet
iously refers to her as a mouse colons! blonde,
nnd suy "she makes up well for u picture,
hut can she act f
In a wretched Paris garret, the at one tlmo
popular French tenor, Cntolln, was recently
found dead. Hidden awny In tho miserable
mattress which constituted his lied, the ollco
discovered over (7,000 although ho hud boon
noted of luto for hi squalid jioverty.
'the first Impression one gets of a play eith
er in tho cast or tho staging rectus to lie a
lasting one. For Instance, although several
have tiled it -and have dono remarkable well
'tis true, there has never been u fn'iirs in
tho 'Bunch of Keys" like Eugeiiu C'niilleld,
tho "h;i feet little gentleman" who made a
gnvit I'hurncter out of his jmrt.
QuIvju imthetlc Incident oecuried nt tho
Philadelphia theatre last Monday night, nud
the public accustomed te regard the lifu of un
actor as one all sunshine or all gaslight, ns
the case inny lie hud an opportunity to see
the other side of the picture. There was Miss
Prcscott playing a part lu which she wu ob
liged to appear happy nud contented, whlls
but n hhoi t time before a telegram had In
formed her of the death of n beloved child
away lu far off Flordia. Fancy that! Tho
mother causing smile and laughter by her
art, the dead weight of sorrow for her child
breaking her heart even while she laughed
and uttered tho lines of her role. Could any
thing be more pltifull
Ben Tuthlll, malinger of "The Penrl of
Pekln,"hiis lieeii advertising hi tJiow by
lueins of u Chinese uowt-papcr sent to editors
everywhere. In this nesuer was n short
article marked with a bluo pencil, nud ns It
was surmised that American editor wero not
conversant with Chlnoe, a translation of thli
article In typewriting uu furnished with
every copy. But somewhere In the country
an editor was found who did rend Chinese,
nnd he discovered that thu marked urticle,
Instead of containing a notice of tho "first
China sing piny of any kind In New York '
America," tu thu announcement by two en
terprising nierchnnt of tho expected arrival
of n consignment nf salmon from their ngonts
In Oturn. Freiind's .Uiufo unit Drama.
This week clones tho partner-ship between
ltobson nnd Crane, nud nfter today ench will
goon his own wny rejoicing, perlinis, In n
freedom thnt may provo rather exiienslva
Prior (o tho association that ha continued for
so long n tlmo neither actor had enjoyed a
substantial success. Both worn member nf
stock companies, living from hand to mouth
nnd far enough n wny-from tho attainment
of thu bauble reputation. How they liavo
fared since doubling up Is known to nil tho
world. Today thoy nro capitalist credited
with stock nud bonds In generous quantities,
nnd nhle therefore to look back Uou tliolr
hiiecunlnu period with u certain pleased In
(inference. They nro also ablo financially to
rlik nny now ventures thnt may Iw determin
ed uikiii by each iiinn lu his Individual cnwo
Ity. But the jMipulur Impression I thnt thoy
cannot exsict when separated to duplicate
their recent success. Mr, Rnbson, who fall
heir to "Tho Henrietta," for which ho has
paid tho comfortable sum of (2.5,000 will bo
obliged to labor u considerable tlmo to pay 6ft
that nniount, In addition to which ho must
earn tho 1 literal royalty that mutt ho given to
Brouson Ilownnl, An tho largo cities liavo
had nbout ns much of "Tho Henrietta" as
they require, ho will bo oli'lged to rely chclfly
uion new and lessprodtictlvo territory, whoro
profit do nut roll up so rapidly, Mr. Crano
will bo under the necessity of striking out in
a comiMirntlvely now lino, nnd n Falitaff I
understood to bo hi chief rcllnuco It may
well lio doubted whether ho ha an anchor to
windward. HI attempts in that character
are not remembered with nny special cnthus
lam. .Mr. Menu!! nf Auburn has it 10-Htrlke.
Mr. Oeorgo W. Sewnll of Auburn Pnrk,
III., lu the Inst drawing of thu LotilslnniiA
State lottery held ouo-tenth of ticket No.
40,7b1 tho second capital prize of (100,000.
Ho said: "I wu asked Incidentally by a
friend to purchase a ticket In this drawing.
I did so, xiylng one dollar for tho xnuio, and
gave the matter no thought until I received
my money through tho Adams Expres com
nuy. Mr. Sewall ha already invested tho
proceed of hi lucky draw In Cook county
(Ills.) bonds. Vhlcayo (Ills) Arkansas Drav
tier, Feb. 0.
Attain Iteaily ror the Public,
Having decided to reopen hi restaurant,
Mr, L. L. Lindsay ha leased tho cottage on I
street two door east of ElevnUi. Tho place
ha boon handsomely furnished, and will
have au air of privacy that many will appre
ciate. He, has engaged one of tho best of
cooks, and 1 open today for the reception of
For elegant novelties in European dreaa
stuffs, fancy silks, braid novelties Uiown' thk
year HerKlhelnior fc Co., show tho moat
complete line. Their all wool Camelottes
worth 7ric. for 60c. are one of tho mnny bar
gain they have lu dress goons, lu black goods
tho famous weave of Kurojo and America
nro so well represented that thoy 'vlo with any
lnrgeclty house. Their flouncing in laco
nnd embroideries nro Ml less than last year's
prices. Seo their immense variety of French
sutteons, challles, German linens and napkins,
fast black hosiery, knit underwear, laco ca
nprtms domestics, linen sheeting nnd pil
low casing. Call on Herpolsholmer & Co.,
and inspect their price lieforo buying.
Mr, II. 11. Wynne, .WhlUsvilie, Tenn., re
cognizes In Chamberlain's Pnln Balm tho lln
iitt medicine ho has over handled. Ho 1 nn
oxericnced druggist, and know a good arti
cle nnd rtcouimeiids Chamberlain's Pain
Balm for rheumatism, muscular ache and
pains. It always heljw the suffering. Give
it n trial. Sold by A. L. Bhader, Druggist
Notwithstanding thu Inclemency of the
weather, hundred of jieoplu availed them
selves of the bargains offered by Summons,
the outfitters to mankind. At tho prices they
sold hosiery yesterday tlicrd Is no excuse for
any man or boy not having n stock laid in
for the svason.
Austin, Scott Co., Ind., Feb. Ill, 168a; I
liavo given Chamberlain' Cough Remedy a
thorough trial, nnd find it to bo nil nnd more
than is claimed for it. I would not Ik with
out it for double what it cimts. Fkkii J.
NiciioiJi. Sold by A. L. Bhader, Di-uggist,
We hnve tho finest lino of Ladle flue hand
turned shoe and all tho newest designs iu
color lu line foot wear. Tho best of every
thing In shoes ciiii always lie found at our
store. You can make money by buying at
Webster & Rogers, 1WU O r trout,
Thu multitude thnt crowd Seniiiions' store
on Saturday evening purchasing tho thous
and nnd one nrtlclus thnt havcaimllurliig effect
on the mole sex makes the lookers on think
of our eastern metropolitan cities i.isteud of
tho woolly west.
Foreman tc Ciowo's art furnishing store Is
hendqnurters for the moot eleguut wedding
present In Hhiiw of dainty laco 'kerchiefs,
kid gloves, delicate faiu and the chief per
quisites of a bride's trousseau.
Monograms, ciests, dies, etc., promptly en
graved In the most artistic manner nt the
CouniKH tllce. Don't seud order awuy
from home when it can bu dono in the city at
tho same price.
Ladles will tlnd at Well new lullllnory
Uru && south Eleventh htreet, thu finest and
latest assortment of hats, bouiiti, kid glovou
uud fancy goxi In general.
Tako thnt prescription to Wilson & Green'n
pharmacy 11W south Tenth street, where it
will bu uctirutely comKiuiidcd uud prices will
bo reasonable.
If you want the biggest tuirgaing In silks
over plucod on the Lincoln market, attend tho
wile at 8:JW Mouduy morning at Ashby Sr
II. R. Nissley & Co, have just put another
handsome, new delivery wagon on the streets.
Perkins Bros. Indies' Bright Dougola, good
style, f l.t.
Special sale it our dress good and silk du
puitmeut. H, R, Ntssley ACo,
. &ASi