$ -"in y p p" if -fn,yit ,,t WWK j-Kr-tp-B- fil.fT v- "'I, "V-Vf jfl 4f ' r)?r .' ft CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, t889 Specieil Sale Of Spring Wraps NOW IN PROGRESS, Ashby & Millspaugh. Special Sale for the Coming Week COIMMCnfG- MMDAY, APEII 8th. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY AT Eloch's Dry Goods House Ladies will find it to their Interest to call during the coining week and see what wc have to offer in our LINEN DEPARTMFNT. Special bargains in Towels of nil kinds, Turkish, Etc. Splashers Fancy Tidys, TABLE LINEN of all kinds, NAPKINS, Table Sets, DOYLES, CRASHERS, & c. & c. This department Is complete and wc have the largest selection In the city and an entirely new line, In all the latest designs. Prices reduced for this special sale to the very lowest. Ladles will liiul it to their Interest to call and examine these goods. ONE PRICE TO ALL. A. BLOCH'S Dry Goods House. 1325 O Street. GENTLEMEN OF LINCOLN! You like to dress well and like your clothes to be of the most fashionable and to fit well. WHEN IN OMAHA Drop in to see us at 141 1 Farnam Street, Paxton Hotel Building, and see our superb line of Spring and Summer Suitings, We have all the finest grades in both Domestic and Imported Woolens and as to make and finish we recognize no superiors. Soliciting an inspection, we arc yours, Etc., THE AMERICAN TAILORS. A Health Hint Plmsurn Itrsnrt. lly n days rlilo from Lincoln over tlio Kro mont Klkliorn and Mo. Valley it. lU and n ten or twelve mllo Jaunt In n stago especially adapted to the comfort of tho jMvwtngor, one can reach tlio already famous Hot Hprlngs of Dakota. Without doubt the oqual nml jwr hapft tho superior of any medical springs In this or any other country. You may say this Is exaggeration. It Is not however but tho plain truth, as many poopio testify. Tim waters of these springs, utillka any other known springs In tho world, Issuo from tho ground at from flfl to m degrees, or blood heat Just tho right temeratur for tho human body. This Is a pnrtlculm ly valuable feature as tho medicinal properties aro thus presov ed Intact and glvo to tho lather or drinker tlio highest iKMslblo Iwneflt. Tho location of tho Dakota Hot Hprlngs challenges eomiwr rlson with others In resjiect to honlthfulncs and cllmatio condition. At their altltudo of .1,'JOO feet alwvo tho sea lovol a clear dry and bracing atmosphero.alisolutely free from ma laria, Is Insured. Tho plcturesquo surround ings, tho hills, mountains and tho wonderful fowllsaud petrifactions found adjacent to tho springs, Interest all tho senses of the bo holdor while tho dally baths aro doing tholr wonderrul work. As to what thoy will euro K. II. Pratt, M. I)., L. L. D.of Chicago, says, "80 far as my ersonal observation goes thoso springs aro remarkably olllcatlous in tho euro of rheumatism (xutlcu!nr)y sciatica) nervous prostration, insomnia, bowel and bladder troubleH and various kinds of skin troubles, and all kinds of femalo troubles." A J 40,000 modern hotul and other places of less pretension, afford accommodations suit ablo to all. Tho Klkliorn lino has inado n low round trlii rata direct to tho snrlniw and pro vide sleeping car scrvlco to and from HulTato Uap, tho nearest station. Pamphlets iind other matter giving full iHirtlculars can bo had by calling on or addressing fleo. N. Foresman 115 south 10th street, Lincoln, Neb. Kuuey Nniues for Itallrnmlii. It may to n good advertising schemo to ilecornto the alleged fast trains of tho modem times with appellations such as "Kll," "Gee- Wlils," and "Cannon Hull," to catch tho eyo of tho traveller who doen not know "tother from which," but tho business mini mid con stant traveller Is not to bo caught by chair of that kind. Z Tho Chicago, Mlllwnukco & Ht. Paul Kail way runs Its own fast trains, with viwtlhuled sleeping and dining curs, from Omaha and Council UIuITm to Chicago, connecting thero with the fast trains, morning and afternoon, to all Eastern cities. Tho Chicago, Milwaukee & Ht. Paul Hall way, In connection with tho Union I'iil-IIIo Hallway, also runs through cars botuocu Denver and Chicago, and this Is tho fnvorlta route from Colorado and Nebraska to all principal points east of tho Missouri river. This lino uses no fancy names to designate IU trains, but "It geta thero Just tho samo." Telephone at tho Couihkh olllce is SS3, Call und seo II. H. Nlsslov & Co's carnet department. Kor rent, two elegant store rooms 011 P struct enipilro nt tho olllco Capital hotel. dill 1111 filpnhniiit imiiilifT 11H ntul mln.. your Ico of the Lincoln Ico ComiMiny. Olllco IIHU u sireei. You can't miss It by buying the "Tropic" gasolino stovo. Call and see It at Wolcott's. aWbouthllth street. ExorylKxly can nITord to eat at tlio leading resort In tho city now. Tho prlco of 21 tick ota now nt Odell's is only I -reducod from 4.60. Tho grand success Wells' millinery parlor" aro meeting with Is shown by tho largo and appreciative crowd of ladles that aro in dally attendance. Prompt delivery, courteous treatment and prices as low as tho lowest uro tho Induce ments wo offer patrons. Lincoln Ico Com pany. Telephone number 118, Ofllcu KH0 O street. Lincoln Shoo Store has Just received tho celobratcvl Ludlow lino shoes for hull' in all tho now styles. Thoy combine solid comfort and economy, ltememlwr tho placo liijt O bet. mil ft lUth. John Varcoo, book-koepor for U10 San Joso Cula. Timtx, was troubled with 11 severe cold and especially at night had lmd coughing spoils. A few does of Cliamtierlaln's Cough Itemody completely cured him. Hold by A. I Sliader, Druggist. T. W. Hurr, merchant, Delma, Tex., has used, sold and heard what )eoplo haro said of Chamberlain's Pain Halm. Ho says: "It can not bo equaled," It cures sprains, soreness of the muscles, aches and wilns. Sold by A. L. Shailcr, Druggist. Turn horses out In a good pasture for 11 few weeks, wuon they get lu bad condition. If that can not bo done nso Dr. Cody's Condi tion Powders; they will put a horse In jiorfect ueaitu. A well horso don't need medicine. Hay, grain and good caro Is better. Dr, Cady's Condition Powdors aro a truo horso inedIclno,(not a doio.) thoy uld digestion, euro constlpatloii, kidney disorders and dlstroy worms, boiu uy a. u unmier, Druggist. PIANOS All the Latest and most Popular Musical Compositions may be found at ORGANS CURTICE &c THIERS, LEADING MUSIC DEALERS 207 SOUTH IIti-i STREET. SHEET MUSIC Large Stock of the leading American made Guitars, Piano Tuning and Repairing promptly attended to. NOVELTIES LOOK A T T T-I E OOZE CALF OXFORDS, The Newest Thing in Street wear, in all Sizes and Widths, AT. PERKINS BROTHERS, 1.129 O STREET. CALVARY. JWAf by tpetial arrangement uitA the Ameritan Prtu Attotiatbm, MubIo by PAUL RODNEY. Words by HENRY VAUGHAN. m&SSfm&mm - - - HUlt, fe -j i zu felll Tho pll - grlms throng thro' tho clt y gates, Whllo tho night Is all . Ins; dn St S. -J- ,-L ' ri fastt They go to watch on Cl r'ry's hill Kro tho twl light P hours., an iStliB itern 'T If 4 IFg W v SP EP post; Though dark bo tho way, with eyes... of faith Thoygazo on MsCron - ptmmm p etpreu, & p --&f J K j"j--ft f erti. mm IS3 i bovo; And, lot from.cach heart tho shod owa do-part. As thoy list to IIH wordj of &&&&& gf-MXfJn . SggsnrrTT-mg'- P -e' era. J J f S" if T' W if ' f f'f'.r- f-- t-i- ffjfWmF r ill f 3si rail. 3TT r-tiJ -r 1 -li. Ht. Andante, eon etpreu. m love. As thoy list to Ills words of lore. iS. "Host, rest to tho K 1 " f '4. "J". X TT. - p eon etpreu. rntinf m ,j. -! H I 5l 3:. m 3. 3 3 X et-r- f - zn: jj.-pY wear y. Peace, peaco to tho soul;.. Though lifo may be drear - y. Earth U not thy goal.. PPPiiMillfl KX-. -ai-i -sbzfejrrjs m jjjfc .5r 23 hr-e &TT J S. &' 5. . 3. rrf con ifiolto etpreiL 1 5 feffrg frail -32ZZ. 0 laydownthy bur - den, 0 comoun-to Me,. I' will not for-sako thee, I will not for- fegNN -lOf I - I I " . I Mi i: irhm Zfc. r -3- i jsizc CtT- zpzc b& u . 22: axs: X & 3, Zftl " sake thee, I j 43r-ii.-t-43i i rill not for-sako tbM, Though'all ohm should flool". . . . I ! a '4: 4. mv&sqw&tomae&&!g)&s'&jg2?& $2mizzmmi?wmi. zttawimmmmKX-aarxr, j.fc.L-fteiiah - - w AfMAaagvnjjfc ;mic . , D - i yp-