Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 06, 1889, Image 4

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yiiyyuyaUBPiwiiiw cmnnufi ito'Mwiiiainiii i.,n,uminMt n Mtnnw v0?t.-imf.imMif tnuhirtpfmimltif'lfnlwnwm"f
WM.9 HI M.HiU M.Idpy.M,iH,n.,.y,..ift. iM iinHlfcllllliwiiwJW m.i pM fclimpiiiHH'PlrW P W
, , 1 1 i. .mi i im.--- inimiiihrtaiini iihiiIiii mi" nVWMifrimaliiiiii) iHiii itrVmtlftiiriTtrtaTtrnlnrrrTTHr-rr-irr,'MBT""" " M.
Boston Store
143 ail 145 So. 10th Street,;
They Have No Equal !
Call and See Them.
936 P Street. North Side P. O. Square,
338 South Eteventli Street.
.THK ff
A lpvlar Mijmr of Moihrn Tim.
fluiwniiprum: Ont Year by Mall or Carrier $J,00
His month, 91,00, Three months SO Onts, On
month ttJ Out Inrarahlr In Advance.
ADYSSTismuKTSi ItalM furnished on appll atlii
at the nfnee. Hpeclal rates on Tlmn Contra I .
CoarataimoNst Hhort spicy sketches, poems ami
stories solicited. Personal and Hoclsl not are
aleellly iteslrahle ,
PniNTiNot Wn make ntH!li.Hy 0 Klna Printing
In all Its hranolici. Hooletr work a specialty
Ariilre al communication direct to the office,
Wicaafccr, l-'UINTINO Co.,
Now llurrlllook.C'nr. UUiatuI OHlre'U.
I Wkhhki., Jh,, Kdltnr and Hole Proprietor.
Amkmk KiVKHlsgoIng to Venice, where
alio cxim ta to collect mnterlnl for aowral
novels. Why doesn't alio go to Pails, the
wickedest city In tlio world!
Tiik ktnttlluir announcement in innde hy nn
adveitlwT that "spring has comu" while an
other n little. piTinntuie, an)) "summer In
here." Things must bo Hotting n little warm
when two sensnus como nt onco.
MaHKIX CllAWKOlll), tlio iioollt, hns eon
qured tho elgnretto habit. If American nov.
ellittshaxosuuiclcut strength of will lo con
quer such ow erf id habits, how N It that
they do not roiiqucr tho novel hnhttt
A NKW Hnhbath dny pnK'r i to he started
In Lincoln, Tho Hundnr morning (llobr
lroinlncH to mnko Itii nponrnnoe April 1 1 tit.
If tho publishers see room for It, tho CouuiKii
does not object to Its coming, hut extend) Its
liost wishes for success.
Tint on ner of tho Kngllsh yacht Thistle has
UnrtiMl RoiuethhiR from Amerlncnii ynchta.
men, It lx wild thnt ho In flttluj; out that
crnft with n couUrbonrd for another raw for
tho Amcrlcn'a cup. Tho prlto cuj Iw1oiik
nnturnlly to tho centerlKnrtl ni tlio cup which
cheer to tho nldctxvird.
Citv o!(ctlona urn over nnil Tiik Couhikh
fela pi oud of tho fnct tlmt In tho lint of olllc-
om for tho coming year who win pre
dido over tho (lextlnliH of thU fnlrclty, n ma
jority of them lire. repretHntntlo young men,
nud jut tho kind that vo lmo championed.
Now look out for genuine pwnpenty.
Ouit oteomiNl fi lend of tho Omaha AirrW
nlor MvniH to Im niuiovnl nt aomet'ilug mid
an) a after thU he will ghe. an explnuiitiou
with each of liia edltorlnls. ThU new a will
undoubtedly Imi iihi-ImmI with gi-itfflcatlon
by rmdora of tho RrcrMar and cei tnlnly the
Coiiniuu will duly nppreclate tho fa tor very
Al.l. fooln day In Lincoln pnM.-l off iih It
Miould, without anything noteworthy to
mark tho occimlon mid llko unto St, Vnleu
tluert dny, aliould keep going to decay until
within tho next fow year, both will only bo
known to tho world for what they have been.
I'ooplo of those modern times linvo no time to
lcnd in such wny.
Mn, Dkhun'h retirement to private life
In Omaha will caum a sinking- of tho young
fetnlulno heart in Lincoln the like of which
wns never known before. Omaha liejmbH
ran. Yes, that bright smile and those hand-
sonio whU'tera of Dicks will ba mi vied in theso
parts, but bh wo have been awurud that
lie will visit Lincoln occasionally, the dear
ladles tlnd comfort in that consolation.
Tiik sad Intelligence of Booth's illness comes
like a thunderbolt to tho thousands of admir
ers of this, tho greatest of our niodorn time
tragedian. Tho great actor was strick
en with paralysis WediieMlay evening in
Rochester whllo playlug Othello. It is to bo
sincerely hoped that his recovery w ill soon bo
heralded throughout tho land for the Ameri
can stage can ill ufford to loose such geulous
as Booth.
Tiik department in our socioty exchanges
entitled "Doings of Society" are short nnd
sweet. There seems to be a dearth In tho
ovonU of tho charmed circles us spring ap
proaches, nnd then again, Lent has had its
effect on anmporing the spirit of festivities.
Warm weathor being clow nt hand wo need
not look for much indoor amusement and
society will turn its attention to lawn tennis,
la cross, Imll games, picnics and outing In
Tiik prospectus for the Kobroskn Btato Fair
of 1889 is on our table, and in reading Its
pages ono is thoroughly convinced that tho
coming show will bo tho show of all shows.
Several iiewnames are noticed In tho list of of
ficers who are noted for their push and enter
prise, tho great rustler Robt. T. Furnas, how
ever, still remaining secretary. Prellmonary
arrangements as to transportation havo al
ready been completod and will be announced
in duo season. Everything points toward a
phenomlnal success this year and wo may
look for the largest attendance as well as the
finest oxhlblt ever seen at any stato fair in
the entire west.
The Krtniny Call Is now locatod in its new
quarters on P street. The new home of this
ixtpular journal I larger nud bettor facili
tates the transaction of its growing business
than the one just vacated. It would not bo
out of place, at this point, by tho way, to
congratulate our friends, I)uhucll,Fairbroth
er nud Cox on their success thus far achle ed
and to complement them on the bright pros
pects that now looms up Itefore them. Tho
Call is a live taper and for an cntcrprlxlng
evening chronicler of the djy news, such as
a growing metropolis like Lincoln demand.,
it most certainly fills the bill and that too,
very cleverly,
OUe ltarpr Says It Is a fallacy to Im
agine That Woman Suffragist Urrt. In
l'hennmetially llaITate Cottnmrs Worn
at thn llecent Meeting.
Special Oorrepondence.
New Yoiik, April -1. Much Iiub been
said nlxnit Indies' lints In thentorn, and
with icrfcct reason, nnd much also Itns
boon snld nbout men going out between
tlio ncta nftcr cloves nnd things, which
Is just as roprrhenslbls n custom, and It
Is with footings of aiuccro pIciiBUro that
I can now nay tlmt both abuses nro In
n fair way to bo alollshcd. Very fow
whito women now wear largo hats to tho
theatre, or if tlioy do tlioy havo tho graco
to tako them off, and no gontloman now
gets up and crowds his way along tho
narrow spneo In front of tho pcoplo and
after knocking every hat In roach
awry and Btopplng on oveiy body's sorest
corn nt Inst loaches tho aUlo and tiptoes
his way out with squeaky now boots, to
como back afterwards smelling of all tho
spices on tho colander, with somo un
known iii(intltic.H thrown in. So now
that tho hat nulwinco nnd tho "sco a
man" tmlxutiuo nro abated thcro It noth
ing to hlntlor any porson'H onjoynut of
tho play, except worrying over tho piol
ability of the ushers dislocating their
jaws with tho gum they chow. One
imly cured her husband of going out be
tween tho acts by talcing a big tod nppb
with her nnd threatening to ont it right
before every hotly.
Recently Sorotds had its great anni
versary convention nnd somo of tho
meetings weio held in tho Madison
Square theatre, and, I assuro you, there
was somo lino dressing dono hy ladies
who nro" supposed to have no ideas Ik
yond culture, literature and suffrage.
Tho theatre was so full of ladies that I
don't know whero another ono could
have found room, und strong minded
women in tlier.odays are not all dawdv,
nor ugly, nor old. Tho now president, '
Mrs. fc.lla Liletz Clymcr, is very pretty
and graceful, with a charming manner,
and she woro a bcrpcnt giocn faille with
high puffed sleovcs, and a daiuty close
bonnet with pink roses in it. Mis. Croly
(Jennie Juno) wore n kind of bronrle
greon faille dlrectoiro drebs, with three
puffs to tho hIcovcs, and a bonnet of
Binoko colored tullo with dolicato sprays
in it. Sho is vico president now.
Mrs. Julia Ward IIowo woro a black
silk dross with whito laco around tho
neck, and a black laco bonnet framing"
her noblo old faco with Its crown of silver
hair. Mrs. Todd, from Wichita, Kan.,
woro an "old Bago"gremi falllo francaiso,
mado to fit her handsomo form beauti
fully, and a bonnet of tlio somo Bhado in
tullo, with bcarlot sage blossoms. Sho
woro also a jabot of point laco hold with
rosebuds. Her speech was tho brightest
and host and tho best delivered of any.
Mmo. Dcmorost woro a silver gray ar
muro silk, mado in simple but graceful
stylo, and trimmed with flno eteol passe
menterie. Her bonnet was of gray vel
vet and steel laco, with somo tiny,
fluffy plumago In front. It is hard to
bcliovo that this bright, actlvo woman,
with her dark hair, tier snapping black
eyes, rosy checks and trim, girlish figure,
can actually bo tho Mmo, Dcmorost
known for over a quarter of a century to
tho reading public
It is lm)Sttiblo to tell what all tho la-
dies wore, bo I will only say that Mrs.
A. M. Palmer, tho wlfoof the manager
of tho thcatro, was tho most beautiful
woman present, among many handsomo
ones. I sat watching tho play of her
lovely features and trying to keep track
of two dimples In her checks as she
united, until 1 almost forgot to notice
how sho was dressed; but I remember a
dainty black lace bonnet full of blush
roses, a pair of Hashing earring, a stnl
skin wrap, nnd that Is all.
I was at n reception last week whore
thcro was somo flno dresntug, nntl of tho
very latest stylos, so that I present tlio
gowns, ono worn by Mrs. Ormo Wilson
(nco Cnrrio Astor). It was of Blato gray
falllo, with poppy red vcloutlna over
dross and train. A dross for n young
lady, r loco of Consul General Charlton
Way. of irt'sla. Miss Fanny Williams
woro a high lurked silk and vcloutlna
costume in tobacco bro.,? nntl Inilgc
Two other hnndsoiuo gowns; one, n
tea gown, Is of pale green crepe do chlno,
with dark green collar and trimmings,
and the other an exquisitely embrol
dored house and reception ilr'hs of pink
cashmere, embroidered in Persian shawl
I wish to say a word about those now
vclotitiniiH, which havo displaced so sud
denly all the velveteens on tho market.
Tlioy aro mado with a short pilo llko tho
Lyons velvet, nntl resemble that material
closer than any other goods Tlioy aro
largely used In Bklrtsnnd garnitures, nnd
nro very durable particularly for chil
dren, and thoy look richer than any
other matctlnl that can bo employed.
1 dou't know anything nicer or moro
princely than a Fauntlcroy suit fora boy
or an cmprcsi dross for a little girl mado
of this goods. All tho newest shades aro
represented. Tho light grays, greens and
golden shaded browns nro really beauti
ful, and the navy blues, wluo color and
dark greens tiro certainly ns beautiful as
tho Lyons velvet at one-llfth tho cost
and with better wearing qualities.
I remarked among tho "newest" col
ors a sort of n color llko crushed straw
berries and cream, with a llttlo pink and
bluo thrown in nud tho wholo overshad
owed with a flesh color, and a bo ft green
with all tho delicacy of sago green nnd
all tho hazy softness of moss, und those
aro to ho combined. Tho llrst is called
"Tripoli" and tho secoiul "Vesper."
Scparato thoy aro tho ugliest nud most
unsntisfaotoiy colors I over saw. To
gether they uto beautiful.
A rich cloth of tho green has a wido
bordering of tho other and together thoy
make a gown so pretty that any ono
might envy It.
Sleovei to many of tho warm weather
dresses mo to boquito short, reaching
scarcely to the elbow, and looso or tight,
as may pletiso tho wearer. There will
bo eight button gloves esjiecially for
them, und ommi work mitts which will
just turn the elbow. Laco of nil kinds
w ill bo very fashionable, moro so than
ribbon for tho lighter dresses lis trim
ming, though nothing can ever fully dis
place ilhbou for ornamental purposes.
Tho black, white und cream coloicd laces
will be worn, nnd there nienUo pink,
blue nntl lll.ic laces used, also brown
ones, all in ilcllcato tints
I came across two of the daintiest llttlo
frocks for two llttlo darlings, nnd I cap
tured them for thoso patient mothers
who aro always tiyiug to find something
simplonnd pretty for their children. Tlio
first is of white llauncl and is trimmed
with thrco narrow velvet riblxm bands,
and a Hash of the saino with a knotted
Bilk fringe,' Tho llttlo brctellca are also
of tho velvet, which I should say is car
dinal. Tho other ono is of cream col
ored coshmcro with whito surah sash
and vest front. Tho brctellos und upier
puffs to tho sleovcs aro of shrimp pink
surah. Doth theso charming llttlo cos
tumes frocks I meant to say can easily
bo dovoloped in any summer goods, and
in that case tho sashes, etc., aro mado of
wash fabric. For instunco, a whito nain
sook dress has a sash and trimmings of
turkoy red or Indigo bluo, or somo other
olor which will wash without fading.
Tho other can 1k of narrow stripo or
hocked gingham or piquo or other sum
mer fabric. Nankin is excellent for
wearing qunlity, and bo Is pique, which
is bo very pretty this summer. Tho
models on sweet, clean littloglrls will al
ways bo charming, and I send a loving
kiss to all who uro both.
Hosiery, ono might think, would bo
tho same always, but it isn't. Tlio spring
fashions In this necessary line of goods
show a groat variety, from tho now white
ones to the black, and from that through
an endless number of colors and combina
tions. I saw somo yesterday that had
stripes two inches wide round and round
of red nnd yellow. Tho whito ones havo
nover been so flno and soft as now, for
thcro has tccn a now Invention in weav
ing that makes them as soft and lloxiblo
as floss silk. There is also a now wcavo
which has Sea Island cotton inside and
silk surface, which uro very pllahlo and
soft and cry beautiful. Thoy do not
cost as much as all silk, wear longer and
aro fully as handsome. There are others
lit Llslo thread in laco effect, so very del
icate that it is enough to make one ro
grot so much labor lost. Children', stock
ings nro almost invariably black except
for parties, when thoy uro of p.ih pink,
bluo or to match tho simile of tlio dross.
The Afrlcun'Sloi.
Tlio king of tho Belgians, us sovereign
of tho Congo state, has instituted an
order for rewarding services rendered to
tho progress of civilization in Africa.
Tlio order is called tho African star, and
the decoration consists of an enameled
star with live points, surrounded with
palm leaves and having in the center a
gold star nn u blue ground. The ribbon
Is axure with u yellow stripe. New York
Homo Journal.
We arc splc agents in this city for Onyx
Ingrain and dyed Black Hosiery. The line
is complete in Cotton and Lisle thread, from
cheapest to finest grades for men, women and
children. We guarantee every pair to be
perfect in color. We invite you to examine
hv iii nt- a-fegsaasigaygn hch
ibbV'vIv fBIwNhHHNMIS!bbbbHI
H'wmliBrM'yvflLHHHHHBHBIi inc.
THE TROPIC Gasoline Stove has Powerful Generator, Hot Ulast Burner
Coics, Folding Arm Shelf, Automntlc Safety Tank , and all parts of the Stove can be
casllv reached and cleaned bv nnv one.
230 South llth Street.
' THE.ITAjfmKrlAT.LEAn 4
Sewing MachineParlor
JThe Only Authorized Agent in Lincoln.
Successors to J, E. MILLER,
In durability, neatness of finish and
construction these refrigerators have
no equal.
Prices .'.Reasonable
Call and see the line.
Lcry Refrigerator fully
guaranteed to gUe sat
isfaction. S. C. ELLIOTT,
1212 O STREET.
i m. ftttfci&? , Utetf&fc ,wvv iu
. .