Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 06, 1889, Image 1

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    .SS&i grana jeM&u,-- tskfifflf
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Vol. 4. No. 17
Lincoln, Nicbuaska, Saturday, April O, 1680.
Phioic Pivic Oknto
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What U Heard. Soon, Lrned and Perti
nently Sum! to the Multitude.
Kvorylwdy know big hearted and corpu
lent Dick Miller, tho gonernl agent nt thin
point for tho Mimouri raclflo Hallway. Dick
I a good natural, wholosouled sort of n fellow
and ono vrlin likes to toll a joke, nml I might
add takes ono equally as well nil (ho bent of
mankind, llocontly w hilu in the olllce count-
ing up Huai'ce and tallying same with tho
stubs that are taken olt each couKa ticket
when Hold, ho wan indulging In nn argument
with a fellow railroad man, who was trying
to convince him that something was wrong.
The discussion became very heated and dur
ing tho talk "Dick" with his mighty fist
would comedown on tho desk with great
force to more clearly emphasize his remark,
and occasionally tho pllo of stulm in the
drawerbeside him would Iw picked up and
used to make bis assertions nioro weighty.
The other side, too, demonstrated in JesUircs
and loud talk liis cloarly delluod side of tho
question. During tho most animated part of
the conversation when Dick was wanmvt tho
telephone bell rang and turning around ho
uttered a little cuss word and apiearautly
looking for something, picked up a huge
bunch of the ticket stubs, placed them to his
ear and yelled "Wall, Hello, what in tho
deuce do jou want." This was too much for
tlio other sido of tho debate, who walked out
almost dying with laughter.
A lawyer who occupies an office in the Hun
block sent Ids ofllco boy out tho other day to
purchanofor hlniouo of tho famous "pics in
clover puzzles, aliout which ho had heard
and read so much. The boy started out and
bought ono. He, too, had heard a good deal
of the thing ho had been sent after and hu
wanted to investigate it on his own aooount,
so when he caino out of tho store ho took off
the lid Jf tho box, tucked It under Ms arm
and proceeded to manipulate tho puzclo as ho
started tar lc to tlie ofllce with It. He chased
three of the '"pigs" into the inner circle and
was beat upon getting the other onodn there.
Passers by were greatly amused at Ms preoc
cupation. -Just nbout as he had corralled tho
fourth narblo his foot struck a protuding
coal bole cover and away went lxth boy and
puzcle. The "pigs" flow In all directions and
so did the strips of pasteboard ropjontlng
the "cMver. ' Tho outer circle landed around
the boy's nook, and it was a long tiiuo lieforo
be could find it. After a twenty mlauto hunt
ho recovered tho truant marbles, patching up
the boxes and started for the oflloe, rubbing
a braised shin and sovercly critlsingthe "pigs
in clover11 game.
There was a arty of jolly boyschsttlng to
gether the other night in tho card rooun of a
promineiitclub when in came a man who said
he bad a new game. He removed tils .high
silk bat, stood It on the floor against tho waif
paoed oaT a certain distance from it, and then
offered to give any ono in the party three
times the amount of any com ho would toss
into the hat from the scratch, hu to tnko tho
coins which toll wide of the mark. It was a
new game, and every one took a crack at It,
To pitch a ooin .into the Imt ..looked easy
enough, tat ft was found to lie a dWBcult
matter, and when the boys quit tho game the
owner of the hat was PSO richer than when
he came in and proponed tho sport. He was
In high feather, aim had a great laugh on his
A few nights later the author of tho new
gamo dropped Into the club again and en
countered tlie sum crowd. After some littlo
talk ho was asked to sot hi hat slowu and
open the bank. He was not very anxious to
do so, but bo had to comply with the request.
Tho flrst few dollars flew wide of mark, and
ho began to think he was glad be came, when
"plunk" into the liat went a coin. Ho ex
amined it and grow pule. It was a 20 gold
piece. He dare not weaken, so ho (wld up.
Then coin legan to drop iuto Ids hat with
(tokening regularity, and when he quit thu
game he was (280 out. Ho could not under
stand it at all until tho porter informod him
that tho two big winners of the evening had
been at the club house since early morning.
Tboy hod (acwl oil the distance, practiced
pitching coins at a plug hat, awl had then
laid for him. Now he is looking for another
new game to get oven on.
Itnow seems more likely than ever that
Lincoln will within u short time, have an
other opera house. I am Inclined to believe
this from the fact that within the past week
numerous developments have causet the gen
eiul publlu to take moiu confidence in the
reports. Wednesday, a 11 r. Woods, one of
thu most successful architects of theatres, or
rived in the city In reioiiso to a call from
lion. John Fitzgutnld. .Mr. Fitzgerald's
quarter of a block, col nor tenth and M streets
was thoroughly InsHH'lcd and that gentleman
remarked tou fi lend of thu CoimiKit that hu
was looking over the giound with his visitor
with a viow of commenulng arrangements to
build a now hole) and opcia house. It it to hu
umgulllrciit structure, six to eight stories
high and to caver thu etiliru quarter of n
block. Our Pilxgerald, who 1 one of I. In
coin's host pillows, never dors things by
halves, and 1 havu gissl reason tolmllevuthut
Uku unto his various olherschemHS heretofore
perfected, this will also lulminuto in a hand
somu reulity and a big success.
For several weeks past a socret order of
this city has nlsii been negotiating and setting
up pins tor a now operu huusu. in tiwl 1 am
told that thuy hutu already entered Into thu
detuils and commenced pieliinineiy osia
tion tiiHiml starling the work at oucu. 11 Is
said th'H plans fur this house huvu liven
drawn ttd that u inajiir pai t of thu lliiuucu
him Isiuu riilseil, Thu Imltiucu Is to be liuuht
up by HiibscrlptiiiiiK, which will ho seen nil
toduy, u paper huving been iliawn up yester
day for sigiiaturi'S mid u cominlttto is now
going thu l cumin of thu business centre to sue
whatcau ho done. This houa Is to ni built
on the'eorner of fllU-onth and O streets, on
thu sK)t where thu once conteuiplntil Church
opera lumw was to have Ihvii erecUd.
Judging from tho above, with bright pros
pects on Itoth sides for n new theatm, it
seems but nvsouable to beliuvo that somu
good will iwult -of the elforts. The seTot
onler jieople are being assisted In their efforts
by cast U street cltlrens mid Influential pn
erty holders who havu Interests In that di
rection, while on the other hand the eople in
the vicinity rf Fltrgerald's proposed gnxiud
feel Jubilant. It Is only the matter of a shoi t
time until something deflnnte will ho learni'd,
and It Is not likely that lioth will build, so
thu first party that shows cle'irly that they
menu business, will undoubteilly bo privil
eged to the Held, thu other retiring.
It Is rumored in nmiiMMiieui circles that
thu Kdeii Museu will okii its doors hereafter
on Huudays. This aunouiiifineut If true.
will berecelvedwithdito gratification by those
who enjoy an hour observing tho wonders in
art, the freaks In unturu and enjoy harmless
iiniuceui. amusement, mere isuoimtigniuie
Muse that would oirend the imirnU of unv.
one, but on the contrary is couducUs! on a
pmii oi eiuii-o morniuy nun inieileci. Mt,
liouis, New York, Chicago, Hostou, Omaha
and other inutnpolitau cities havu passed
ordliiauces porinlttlng musuiims to keu) o-n
doors on Hunday, deeming them instructive
and entertaining to thu maws who cannot
get time to visit them during the week. 1
think If n fnlr trliil 1st trlvnn tint Muus,. In
o- - - - I ---
allow It to open Huudays, ns in other cities,
u win in) received ueru iiko ll lias elsuwiiero.
As yet it has not been fully decided to keep
open on Hundays, but if thu mtiingemeiit
conclude to make thu move, I think thu labor
ing clasi and those mentioned nliove in par
ticular will appreciate it.
Church Notlres go Free.
It may not be generally known, but its a
fact nevertheless that tho Common never
charges jr nover has charged, any church
in tho city for notices of meetings, sociables
etc, when given solely for tho benefit of the
church, and we tako pleasure In announcing
to all, that wo will accept and publish all
Items or notices for tho city churches
gratis. Notice of sermons will also find a
welcome space. Bring in your notices.
Sold Their Ifumlsome Huiur.
The large and elegant homo of Mr. and
Mrs. John Zohrung comer D nnd Eleventh
streets was sold to Mr. H. P. Lau, the whole
sole grocer, consideration lelng I'JOOO and
possession to bo given by April lrtth. This
includes the furnishings and everything com
plete. Mr. Zehrung left Thursday for Color
ado and thu mountains to recuperate ill
health, whllo Mrs. Zehrung and sou Frank,
will soon leave for a tsur of the south.
Mr. Lau is to be congratulated on his now
home, which is ono of tho ilnest In the city.
It Is understood the family will move Into tho
piircnasu as soon as the present occupants
Will (supply Hit, Puililork,
Messrs II. It. Nissley & Co., have Isxm
awarded the contract to J urn lull the new Pad
dock hotel at Beatrice with carpets, lieddlng,
draiiurles etc The goods will be of the very
latest and of a lino order. The contract
amounts to alwut 8,000. This speaks well
for Lincoln and tho enterprising firm who
secured tnu order are to lie congratulated
THE COUU1IKH feels confident that tho fur
nishings will lie handsome and satisfactory'
ana mat our menus or uutrlce may look for
somo nobby suites of rooms when Nissley &
uo., uavu mo work comploted.
Two Litrg-x Mirrors.
Enterprising as usual Bemmons, the popu
lar "uutuiter to Mankind" has just placed in
each of his large nnd very attractive buow
windows, a huge mirror, being nearly eight
leot square, iiiese serve to enhance the
lieauty of the artistic displays that Col.
Dan Loeb makes far the benefit of tho public
that travels O street The windows always
preseut a nobby appearanco and nuvor fail to
catch tho eye of the admirer of all that is
unique and stylish in men's attire. Take a
look at .tho windows when you next pass the
store ud note thu vast Improvement that is
made by tho addition of tho two handsome
Of Interest to Ladles,
This ran bo read without onus feeling that
uiue is lost. Lad on interested In tho follow.
Ing for the coming wock will find a great
saving fro ni usual prices at licrpolshelmer &
Co. Kino embroidered handkerchiefs usually
Mia for 25c euch, fine French Ginghams usu
ally 10 2-3 c. at 13 1-13 c, Btnlth & Augells fast
black hoso oao-quartor loss than last sea oni
prices. The most complete stock of Batteens
In Nebraska. UerpoUhelmers are agents for
the "Uest" Kant Ulack In both plain and fig
ured. Forelegaut silk and wool novelties
this house shows as complete a Hue as can be
shown in the state. Dr. Warner's Corallne
corsets at 75c A nice Misses Waist at 25c
Call on Herpolslielmer & Co., and you will
get tho right goods at tho right prices.
If tho true merits of Dr. Cody's Condition
Powders, were fully known by horse owners,
they would prefer them to all other remedies
for putting their horses in a fine, healthy con
dition. They cure constipation, loss of ap
atite, disordered kidneys, impure blood and
all disoases requiring a good tonic, stimulant
and alterative. Bold by A. L. Bhader, Drug-Jjit-
Austin, Bcott Co., Ind., Fol."lo, 188U: I
have given Chamberlain's Cough llemedy a
thorough trial, uud find it to 1m all nnd moro
than is claimed for it. I would not be with
out It for double what it costs. Fiikii J.
Nicholh. Bold by A. L. Bhader, Druggist,
Mr. II. H. Wynne, Whltcsvllle, Tenn., re
cognizes in Chamberlain's Pain Halm thu fin
est medicine ho has over handled. He is an
exMrlonceil druggist, and knows a good arti
cle and recommends Chamberlain's Pain
Ihilm for rheumatism, muscular aches ami
pains. It always helps tho suffering, dive
it u trial. Bold by A. L. Bhader, Druggist.
Ashby fie Mtllspaugh are receiving invoice
daily in both short nnd long garments; also
Jackets in nil styles.
A Hut lew of the Pint, n Word fur tlia
I'renent and Prospects for Future
A fair sited audience greetud theso gentle
men of note nt Funkes Tuesday evening. Mr.
Nyo made the Initial appearance nnd nfter n
few preparatory remark) delivered n littlo
"phuuiiylmn" and introduced Mr. James
WhiUsjiub lllley, who appeared for the ilrst
tlmu before a Lincoln audience. Tho oven
Ing was most cnjoyably pnmwsl llHteuing ilrst
to Nye's quaint humorous anecdotes, then
alternating with the smrkllnggumsof I hymn
by Mr. lllley, tho latter seeming to
meet with a heartier reception than his com
paiiion. Not only is thu oet nn exception
ally clever writer, but his delivery Is exceleut
nnd In his several selection thoroughly iirous-
M his hearers to a disp sense of admiration,
nnd while Nr. Nyo whs duly appelated, yet,
ho displayed Kor judgement or erliaps It
tuny have lieeu an oversight, iu reenting at
least one-lmlf of the saying's hu entertained
the audience with on his previous visit.
However it was an evening well put in and
Reemud to be thoroughly enjoyed by evory
otie. AimmWof unchores wen) given, but
owing to n good sized program, both gentle
men lieggtsl oir and were iermltted to retire
without further applause.
"thk miapowhoka iikkatcity."
Wednesday evtiulng a good houso greeted
this eliilKirut') wsmlc piisluctlou of Tlimxsill's,
who gave vent to tliolr sense of grallllcutiou
throughout the play by mimormis uuthiiists
of iipplatise. Thu show In somu particulars
isnsgisslas ever, in swnery belter, and
thei e can Is) no fault found by anyono with
such people as .Miss Amiiu Ward TllVauy, Mi,
(Seorgu lidi'Min anil Mr. W. II. Ilurtoii, all of
wiiom have hiHtii with the show for tlio past
live years, but thu chnructor of Tom (oiijh'i'
and (f(irfD fiixou do not seem to be up to
the high simulant Unit has usually Ihiii the
riiio mIHi tlio iniany. The part of.VWc
has fallen Into thu hands of Miss 11oh Tiffany
uud is done nloily with perhaps the oxceplfuu
of a lillluloo much ulismllou which remluis
the part iiuuiiturul mid nnVchsl, but for wi
young a girl Ihe trying lines are well reu
dered, As usual, the show taken altogether
pleased immensely and went away with thu
good will of all.
"a hunch ok kbyh."
Tuesday evening tho over popular comedy
"A Bunch of Keys" holds tho boards at tho
Funko This is tho ilrst ono of Hoy ts plays
to meet with such overwhelming success and
although produced hero several times before
novor fails to draw crowded houses, which
they invarlbly please. The Buffalo Courier
says: "Tho Bparks company, in Hoyt's "A
Hunch of Keys," drew a large audience at the
Lyceum lost evening. The play has been
produced in Duffalo several times, but does
not seen to lose any of its attractive qualities.
It is as hilarious as ever, and tho audiunce
was kept in roars of laughter throughout tli9
evening. There were new songs, dances and
Jokes, though tho old "two dollar'1 Joke seems
to keep its hold on the jieople as ever. Louise
Hatifonl, as Teddy Key, sings ami kicks up
her heels in clever style, and is especially
good in her impersonation of the drummer.
As Dolly Dobbs, tho domestic, Dertiu Con
way was graceful and sprightly, and Ada
Uothner and Nellie Bowers as Hose Kelly and
May Keys, respectively, sang and acted in
good style James B. Macklu, as Grimes, is
undoubtedly tho funny man of the show, be
sides being a good dancer. His grimaces and
contortions are ludicrous in tho extreme.
Charles Burke was a good Littleton Bnags,
the lawyer and hotel keeper.
Who of the stellar lights of tho stago that
comes to Lincoln is more, warmly or enthusi
astically welcomed than tho poerlcH Lottal
Who Is it that has delighted us all, old and
young, with her kittenish ways and quaint
manner and altogether dellghtfull personality
as an artist for over so many years and comes
back to us, season after season, as young and
bright and charming as of old? Why, Lotta,
of course. There is only one Lotta, and her
annual engagement at the Funko opera house
is looked forward to as eagerly by thousands
of admirers as if they were all sisters or cous
ins or aunts or some other relatives of Little
Kelt, or tho .IfarcAioness, or the Little Detec
tire or Mag or any of the other delightful
creations of Lotta that havs given the public
so much pleasure. Now tho bellghtful little
comedienne comes to us with her new play
now in tho sense that it is not quite so famil
iar as the other plays in her repertoire
"Pawn Ticket No. 210." The piece lias been
written expressly to fit Lotta's peculiar stylo,
and that means that it is brimful of Lotta
from the rise to the fall of tho curtain. It Is
a piece of general interest, full of excellent
oints, has a taking plot, good situations,
bright dialogue and all that sort of thing,
Lotta's supporting company this season is
away up in ability and comprises a numtier
of parties of recognired merit and ability, , It
is a foregone conclusion that the artlstlo re
ceptions of theactrest will draw a crowded
Three good attractions nil in ono week is
nothing new for tho Funko and the coining
weak we are to see three sterling shows with
our old friend Kate Castlotou last but by no
means least. Thursday evening she presents
to u Lincoln audience for tho ilrst tlmo hor
latest and greatest success "A Paor Doll" of
which the Chicago nlYr Ocvm says: "It
does not require much of a medium for tho
introduction of tho peculiar humors of MUs
Kate Custletou and hor comMiiy to thu pub
lie, nnd "A Paper Doll," which is certainly
an Improvement on her last year's nonsense,
quite serves tho purjiose. There is somo Idea
of plot to the piece, nnd though ono may
often losu sight of it, it cIiusch along after
somu laughable Incidents, some entertaining
music, and a deal of harmless fun. It is
much to say iu praise of Miss Castletou that
she has gathered about her a much mora liot-
tcr couqiany of frollckers than sho formerly
thought iHKisHary to her success with the ,
public. In llertiu Coote, who Is as nimble ns
a Jumping Jack nnd very much more flexible
she ha n valnnblo assistant, his songs mid
caiers provoking no small ptoKrtlon of tho
laughter throughout the livening. Miss
Denves, who represents the extreme iludlne
w Ith n multiplicity of outre signs mid antics
Is a right merry hurlesquor, and contribute
much to the entertainment of the audience.
Miss Castleton has returned wisely to the do
muru dress of the (Junket-ess, and thu lmwlld
erlng kick of the coquotto that Ilrst gava her
popularity, when sho sang the song she has
revived, "For Goodness' Bake, Don't Bay I
Told Vim," This is the present crown of her
Aiiecom, and it take as well as ever it did.
1 jirgo crowds have attested to the growing
popularity of tho Kdon Mnsco nil week nnd
next week the managers promlsu n bill that
will please equally ns well,
In the Curio hall Kvaleeu, the wnter queen,
will sMltlvely npHMtr, eating, sowing, paint
ing etc., under water, Prof. Kerns the glass
engraver n great card, the professor beauti
fully engraves names, monograms etc., on all
kinds of glass ware, tumbler, fruit dishes
and the like. Mons, HuIkt, tho cutaway
(winter has been retained another week; sou
him in his great act of painting with the nld
of hi tooth alone. Mllo. Heleno will continue
to mistlfy the multitudes in her alarming and
amazing act. of toying with lire mid flames.
Thu HIJoil Tlieatorlutii will present for your
notice a long list of soclalty nrtlsts, many of
them lieing thu Ismt In thu business. Thu
Aliiuvillits, broadsword combatants In an In
foresting and exciting net with thu blades.
Halter fit West the favorite musical mokes;
Itlnti! it Hently, tho kings of nil grotosquo
artists, formally of thoT. P. & W. minstrels
present their "Los Mains Omtosquu"; Lou
Bloom, tho funny dutchman In an entirely
new turn: Kphrlam & Hrook, the great
negro delineators; Herbert, who astonishes
all in his wonderful balancing act on tho
swinging traKxo; Miles & Ireland remain
over another week as they gave such univer
sal satisfaction this last week and will pre
sent entirely now business; the already long
list closing with Messrs Morelnnd Si Nixon,
aptly termed the Ideal Bketch artists.
Kvery nftornoon nt 2;!W nnd evening at 7:1(0
young Blondln will walk thu high wire in
front of the building, a free exhibition. Lad
les should remombor that Friday afternoon Is
always fouvenir day and next week each
lady attending the afternoon performances
will receive u Ji.autlful silver thlmblu and
case. Baturday afternoons, school chlldrens
day, when the small dlmo admits them to all
parts of the house and secures for them n re
served seat.
The Peoples tlientro will tie dark next week
until Friday, when the K. I. Benollt will en
liven thu place with a beautiful military
drama entitled, "Loyalty." The cast will lie
coniKjwod of the lxwt local talent In the city
nnd put on in the Isstt of style by Manager
Thu proceed are for tho pla'io fund of the
various lodges of tho city and should reach a
good high mark. Tickets may lie obtained of
any member of tho order and you should help
the Isiys all you can.
Thu Funko announces several very good at
tractions next week.
"Tlio Corsair" ono of E. E. IUoo's sucixahs
is doing a big business in Now York.
Thu Chicago Comedy Co., closes a success
ful two weeks engagement at tho Peoples to
night. Mattlo Vickers and Fanny Davenport nro
two attractions booked at Funkes for week of
April 15th.
As thu season draws to nn end, new pieces
nnd now peoplo are Isilug announced already
for next fall's work.
Illclmrd Mansfield Is in London and his
rendition of Illclmrd III is commented uon
as Issltig a meritorious and correct one.
Tho Kdon Aliiseo bos done its occustomod
large share of business this week. An inter
esting new bill goes on Monday for tho cur
rent week.
Miss Victoria Vokos, sister of Ilosiena and
ono of tho brightest of tlio once famous Vokos
family will bo seen en tour tho coming season
in a repertoire of new comedlog.
Philadelphia will enjoy Imro Kirnlfys great
outdoor spuctaclo "Nero or the fall of Home"
this summer. It is tho same piece that Klr
alfy producod at Btaten Island last summer,
Cora Tanner has boon playing" Fascination''
nt the Boyd iu Omaha nil week excepting tho
first (wo nights, to largo Iiousoh. CoL Kluii
was with tho company and expresses himself
as wull pleased with tho business being done
this season.
W. J. Bcanlon author of"Peok-a-loo"cIosH
his season tonight in Boston and sails next
Tuesday for Liverpool, where he oHns on
Easter Monday. Bcanlon plays Great Brlt
lans principal cities: threo montlis, then re
turns to America.
"Jocolyii" Hose Coghlan's new piece al
though seen at thu principal theatre through
out tho country, has not as yet been presented
in New York, Tho first production in the
mctrojiolls will bo seen nt tho Btar theatre
Monday evening and great preparations have
been made for the oiwuing night.
The Coquelln-Uading American engage
ment closes tonight in New York, at the Hta
theatre.Mmo. Hading has boon quite III on sev
eral occosslons of late, detracting from the
volume of business generally done. The tour
taken from a general stand (tolut has been
very successful and tho couplo re-cross the
briny deep noxt week.
Another report of "a new theatre to bo
built at once" is lieing printed in thu news
papers. We've had ro many of them on wip
or of late years that wo will wait for further
developments beforo devoting spaou to n do
tailed account of thu pros)Rsjtu, although we
must admit them seems to lie something more
than rumor and report nbout thu present
talked of structure.
Take that proscription to Wilson fie Green's
pharmacy 1!K south Tenth street, where it
will bo ucurately comiouudod and prices w ill
bo reasonable.
' "" ' IVIIj
Tbr IIkiihI rotpmirrl of Fine Work Nolle-
able and Hevernl l'.stru (loud
TIiIiirs Noted,
The ten thousands of readers of Oolave
Thanot's short stories In thu magazines will
be greatly I uteres to I In tho ku trait of this
talented Western girl which apiears as tho
frontispiece In thu April number of the I look
lluycr. Tlio faro Is that of nn uncommonly
pretty young woman, bright, intelligent, and
with a line hero and there Indicating a sunny
spirit to which humor Is not foreign. Thu
accompanying sketch of thu lady gives much
Interesting Information nlwut her literary
career, her mothcsls of work, her ambition,
with n good dash of detail which make ono
more familiar with the iwrsonallty of Mis
French, her real name. Those who like to
read character, or try to read character, In
handwriting will lie able to exercise their In
genuity UH)n a facsimile reproduction In tho
same iiiiiiiImt of the Hook Huyer of a portion
of a mauscript page from u fothcoiuing In
stalment in Scritmer Mnyntlne of Holsirt
Louis Btovenson's story, "Thu Master of Bal
lantrne.'1 The other leading features of this
number are Illustrated reviews of Apploton'
"Cyclnpaislla of National Biography" nnd
Mm. Frances Hodgson Burnett's new story,
"Tho Pretty Bister of Juno;" nml liosldes
these there ore thu usual budget of Iioudon
and Boston gossip nlsiut Issiks and authors
by J. Ashby Btertv nnd A no Hates, reviews,
with illustrations, of the principal current
books, readings from now Isxiks, literary
notes, and the djwrtment of quorles, edited
by ltossltor Johnson. Published by Charles
Bcrlbiier's Bons, New York, 10 cents a copy
1.00 a year.
Thu .UiifliufiK o .rtnirrfruii lliitory for
April is exceptionality strong and Interesting.
Tlio features of ilrst linportniiru Is Washing
ton's letter from Philadelphia to John Lnng
don IndP-simiJ, wrilbm on his memorable
route to New York In April, 17HU, In which
he stabw when ho shall reach Trenton and
Now Brunwick, from which latter place he
exiects to drive in tho ii.ornlng to meet the
committees from Now York at Elixatiothtown
Point. 1 his In Washington's own handwrit
ing is one of tho most timely and precious
treasures the centennial uphonval ha brought
out. Thu lwiue contains two olhor of Wash
ington's letters in oc-simir, and the To
Poyster (lortrnlt of Washington, novor lie fore
published. The editors admirable article,
"Washington and somo rf his contemiornr
ies," Includes brief sketches, among others, of
John Iviudgon thu Ilrst president of the
senate, James Duane, the mayor of the city,
Geo, Clinton, tho govennr of the state, Baimiel
Osgood, thji first postinattor-genornl, r.nd
Iluf us King, ono of the prominent senators,
and Is unlquoly illustrated. General J, W.
Dn Poyster describes tho Washington portrnlt
which forms tho frontispiece. Among the
shorter articles are soveral tit bits about
Washington, together with hir Jotters on
agriculture to Blr John Sinclair, Tho de
partments are all delightfully varied, It Is a
superb number. Price, 5 a year, M Broad
way, . Y, City.
Drake Manazliu' for April Is before ns
and maintains thu high standard of excellence
that has made thu publication so popular and
prosperous. The frontispiece is n fine rpecl
men of the enirrnvor's art entitled "The Min
uet." Lieut. II. 1). Kmltb, of the I J. H. Navy
contributes the opining article, giving n
z raphlc description ot tin? "Destruction of
Ihe Confederate Him, AllMTniarle' which Is
nrofiisidy IllustraUsl. "IiimsjU as Oniaments"
'k the taklni; title of n Misir contributed bv
John 11. Corvell: "An Indian Wnlf" by
Cathlu Jewett; "Monkey Land." by T, C.
HnrbiiiKh, and "High Kalariivl Women," by
Messrs Falex and Curtis, are bright and In
tiTtainiug. James Connelly has a liiighabln
Irish sk itch under tho headlmr of Tangled
Ambition nnd Ivo;" E. N Litnnnt treats of
tho "Last Days of thu Nobility:" C. N. Hood
bills of his efforts to rid himself of a feline
tormentor, nnd Laura C. Holloway mentions
"Some Almtablo Fulsnnces." There are also
(stems by Mlniilo Irving and B, F. Qiilntero,
mid entertalmni; stories by Thomas P. Mont-
fort, Clarence Widgeon nnd other popular
writers. "Jottings" ileal with the leading
topics of tho day in a bright and pleasing
manner, mid the humorous department,
"Quack," Is as usual brimful of quaint and
o igimil humor. Drake? Muunsiiu- is only
II a year. Address Drake I'utillsliliig Com
pany, 21 1'ark How, New York.
The April number of Table Talk contains
much that Is fitted to the boasou, and mnch
that will console ind refresh the body as well
as tho nil" 1. In theso respect tho magazine
never seems to bo at a loss. It mixes the lit
erary and the gastronomic In a very pleasant
confusion. Wo have never had much of a
liankuring after sandwiches made up of alter
uato slices of hntn nnd literature, but Tnhte
Talk docs it iu such a palatable way that wo
are In thu habit of swallowing them quickly.
and eagerly wall for thu roll of the month to
bring us m. . i iiico. Tim success of Table
Talk has been remarkable, mid tho societ of
that success lies, no doubt, iu thu tact it has
shown iu thus serving thu dintles of the table
with a literary sauce. Tho practical aid it
gives to the housewife, through Mrs. Borer's
teachings Is another factor in its success, and
ono that ought to push ft on until no house
hold in thu country Is without its monthly
presence. PublMnsl by the Tablo Tulk Puis.
Ilshiug Co., Am, 401 & s(l Haiti street, Phil
adelphia, fl Oduyotr, lOo. slnglu copy.
All Amateur for April has fur one of
Its colurisl suiileinenis a sup rli study of nil
apples on a liouh. Full iI-'hi'Iihusiiiu given
fur copv ing this ilntw. 'iim other culmcd
supilninoul Is forcliiuii painting a fern de
sign for cup and Kiucer. PtiifesMir Kruisi
Ivimuirt gives the HiHtiud if his s,'iles of pin
fusely illustrated piHrs on "Pen Dialing
for Photo Kugiuvlug," Invaluable for the
student who uxplresto Isn an Illustrator of
Issiks nml magar.lne. Direction are given
as usual for painting thu wild flower of tho
mouth. "Is'tnrvK lo a young lady who nsks
If she can learn ctilns-Milntlng," oiii contin
ued and them Is much practical information
concerning various brnnchnsi of every day
work ot the aiuatoiir artist. Borne artlstlo
Interiors am IlluslrnUsI, and Bruce Price, tho
decorator, gives some useful hints nlsiut the
use of gulldlng, and the lighting of room.
Tho excellent writs of monogram I nwumud
and china painting mid other designs am giv
en with thu usual profusion. Price ,'15 cents.
Montague Marks, Publisher, 'X Union
Hquarc. Now York.
Friuinds ,Uiic ami Dili ma U a regular
visitor to this desk, nnd ns welcome ns It is
uuwsy and lutcrosting, which says much.
Thu various doiartmcnt are well kept up
and alwajs furnish unllinlUsI amount of sploy
matter. It Is ilisvutiit to observe that Harry
Fivmid, the genial rustler nnd manager I
meeting with merited success.
Although not altogether a literary Journal
thu 7ifr( World of Chicago finds its way each
wock to our holy sanctum, After reading
dozens of literary Journals It does ono good to
mad Mr, Holm's editorial on hotels, tho
gossip of the hotel world, mid tho menus, give
to the reader iiiinp-tlto nut equaled at our
Ilnest ImnquctH. llohli has iiindo a big suc
cess of tho H'wWif, which today is recognired
as tho jsior of nil western hotel Journals.
Of tho doAens of attractive art monthlies that
reach this desk regularly, nono are moro wel
come or perused with a greater degree uf Inter
est than Hai tlmlomuw's ,lr Wnfr. Its ar
rival is always a source of pleasure, for bo
twisMi Its covers nre always found nil endless
amount of spluy matter that is best appre
ciated by the printer and publisher. Its ty
Kigiiiihlcal nintius uud prvmwnrk nover
fall to attract attention, while the designs
nuulu by the craft, shown therein, always
call forth praise nnd admiration. Kvery
type worker and nuwssiioi man should rood
th exceleut Journal. Price tl.M) per year.
College Place, Now York.
Mr. and Mrs. B. l)avoiis)rt nro once more
among their Lincoln friends, after an ab
sence of over a year in California, They
speak In ploaseant terms of their visit, but
like most everyono who leaves I glad to get
bank homo.
It I to 1st regretUsl that owing to continu
ed Illness Itiv. Dr. Marine has found it ini
tiosslble to longer continue hi (Mistoraga of
Ht, Paul M. K. rl.urch, and that worthy
gentleman has resigned thu iosltlon much to
the regret ot his loving flock.
J. A. 1 1 ay den the photographer has re
turned and is again hard at work as usual.
Whllu homo ho hod the exquisite pleasure of
Iwlng present at his (mron's Golden wedding
which wns uolebrnhsl Iu a Uicomliig manner
nt Mt. Vernon, Iowu, im Thursday of last
The Burlington and Union Paclllo-Jlnc w
inaugurate n now tlmo card taking effect to
morrow. It is also thought Hint the Elkhorn
will come in with n change. If you am in
tending to travel tomorrow or next week, it
may lie well for you to look up the matter of
train leaving time beforo date of deirture,
iy enquiring nt the city ofllce of eltlier of the
Frank McDonald the new associate "Minn
host" nt tho Capital hotel I making things
lively nlsiut that popular resort. Tlio office
has been given a coat ot snowy white ami
now the entire exterior of the large bulkliug
is lieing covered with thesame. Frank isarus
tlr and lias only begun improvements. When
hu has finished, former patrons nnd Lincoln
lto will not recognize the Capital as Iwlng
thu hotel of eld.
Tim Ismnlers at the Windsor I otel who re
ooivo their dully ino'ils from thu h-i-ids of the
isillte waitress, .Miss Cilly GiM'steulsirgur,
ireseiitl her yesterday with u beautiful
liniaU'h, with dlamoiid Hotting. Bliu has
carefully siippliisl tho wants of the Isiys
dully and iiuiv iisshu Isalsiiit to go to lloat
rlce toiict as headiiitucss In the uuw Pad-dis-'k
hotel, Hie hoarder foiirUsm In number
hsik this niutholof showing their appiwlu
tion. Billy Walker, ono of thu Jolliest of thu
numerous traveling mo.i that call Liu ola
their home, has during tho week lieeu and Is
yet exceedingly gay and frlskey. Billy says
IU a now girl n perfect daisy, look just like
mpa and for ls-auty boats Mrs. lingtry and
nil the other celebrities, The littlo one ar
riveil Batunlay and has lieeu chrUtemxl,
HnzeL Mrs. Walker and liaby am doing
well nnd It Is clalnusl bv friends uf the father
that with a littlo care hw will soon recover.
Thk Couiiikh extend congratulations.
General Passenger Agent "Jack" Francis
of thu II. tc M. was a "flyer" visitor to Lin
coln Thursday. He came down on the noon
train and returned on thu fast ex prows to
Omaha. Mr. Francis at the bead of thu s
seuger deMirtmeut Is making an enviable re
cord tor himself and one that any one might
well bo proud of. He is young and energetic,
ever alive to tho Interest of tho great Burling
ton system and being of a genial spirit is not
only (topular with thu railroad fraternity but
the public generally'ns welL
Sawyer fie Mushier.' greenhouses supply cut
flowers, boqucts, etc, on short notice.
Branch floral conservatory in Maxmlo Tem
ple liasemeut.
Ladies will Uud at Wells new millinery
store W south Eloveuth street, thu tiiut and
latest assortment of hats, bonnets, kid gloves
ami fancy goods Iu general.
Moimgiaius, crests, dies, etc., promptly en
graved iu the most artlstlo maimer nt tho
CoimiKH olllce. Don't send orders away
from homo when it can Im done In the city at
thu sumo prices.
Helrt' Wanted.
For tlio Umellt of jthu ladles who may have
U pass thiough the common struggle of se
curing help, the CoruiKit will receive want
advertisements for publication in tlio Dally
Cull want columns. Putties desiring help
situations, boulders, or to rent rooms or rent
house can leave their advertisement at this
olllce and they will fsi promptly delivered to
the Call tor publication. One cent a word
(or day Is tho excuse.
SS"'iitiitj .iv.ii.JL
..,4.tAJKwSA-s Wi,ils, JCt.JfW