Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 30, 1889, Image 8

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Saturday Evening, March 3089
f fnwlOthimtlr'trtt.
Dry Goods and Carpets.
Tho CouniKii will nut bo rwiwinlblo for
any dobt mailo ly any onn In Its uniuo, un
less n written onlcr accompanies tho same,
properly signed.
Ij. Wkrhkl, Jr., Prnp'r.
Herpolsheiiuer & Co.
Account. r llitlln, I'ltrtlo, Wedding
Kte., Tluit Have Kiilnrinlned Horlety.
S ''fcVm'wfvjf'
Tim Canrler Cnn be Fount! At
Windsor Hotel Nows Htntul.
Capital Hotel Nows Htniul.
(Moll's Mnlng Hull NownBtiuul.
Claton A Fletcher's, HO Boulli 11th Btrcot.
A.T. LomlngACo'a, lHXIOHlroot.
Thoaolliiiin NewsBtaml, HI Houth lltti Ht.
Krltli limn., HI Noith 11th Btreut.
Et. Young, KKO O Htrvot.
KaIoii ABmlth, H20O
"Diamond rhannaey," 12th and N Hts.
Wostcrflold's barber shop, llurr Mock.
Now on Sale.
thecal and Personal?-
JWaltebreaat Coal and Lima Company.
Take Turkish at 1010 O street.
The bent Teas, a T .Btovcns Co.
OfelP dining hall, SI Uckets for 14.00.
Bawyer & Mosher, florist, Masonlo Temple.
Mineral water uted for bathing, 1010 O st,
Trlokey & Co. .wholesale and retail JowolorH.
The nicest fitting footwear at Perkins
For dress goods and silks, II, 11. Nlssloy
A: Co.
Ferkuis Bros., sell a shoo for tlOO thnt will
At and wear.
Try somo of tho lino fresh fish served every
day at Cameron's.
If you want comfortable shoot, or slippers
go to Perkins Bros.
Canon City Coal again at tho Whltebroait
Ceal and Lime Co.
Ask for the "Mark Btuart" collar at Well
M8 south 11th street.
Ask Perkins Bros., to show you their cheap
hoes on narrow lasts.
Roast meats, and vegetables of all klndaat
Cameron' Lunch House.
Laokawana and Bcranton hard coal sold
etriy by Hutchtns & Hyatt.
Kverybody eats at Odell's nowadays
Beard only 94.00 per week.
Canon City coal delivered to all parts of
city. Call up telephone 33ft.
Only place In Lincoln that uses mineral
water m baths k at 1010O street.
Improved shower for Turkish baths at 1010
O street, basement Union block.
Mendota, the most popular coal on tho mar
ket, solo .only by Kutchlns & Hyatt.
For tickets to Oregon or Washington ter
rkory points bpply at 115 So. 10th st.
Fine Teas, Spices, and tho largest lino of
Fteo Urocetjes in tho city, at B. P. Stevens.
Brown'o cafd Is the recognised hcadqunr
ters for fine lunches and everything digest
able. Best board in the city and at a price within
reach of all, at Odell's. Twenty-ono meals
for 4.
New novelties in hats and bonnots arriving
dally at 'Wells millinery parlors, 234 south
11th street.
The finest luncheons in the city are nerval
at all hours at Carder's European restaurant,
984 1' street.
Qame, oysters, and all tho dellcaslos of the
season always to bo had at Brown's cafe,
"Windsor annex.
Everything new and neat, finest menu and
best cook in the city at Cunlei's European
restaurant, 004 P street.
The finest work In the city at Hoyden's
photographla studio. 1-14 O street. Seo our
floe samples of art work.
Black 1'eauDtSaie, the new material in
sUk.-makes a beautiful costume. Ashby &
MUlopaugh show it in all grades.
Take the best and only one through system
Mae. C. Ss N. W. to Sioux City, Minneapolis
aadBt, Paul, office 116 80. 10th st.
Everybody that lias stopped at Carder's
hotel speaks well of It, Day board or meals
a la carte served at popular prices.
Hoppers aud banquets served on short
Mttee at Brown's Cafe. Prices reasonable
and service first class In every respect.
Call on J. C. Field, Lincoln Bcavanger, for
sreaapt work day and night. Office under
Fitet National bank. Call telephone 409.
Buy your coal of the WhJtebreast Coal an1
Lin Co., awl it will always be well screaLed,
Ml weight, best quality aad at right prices.
Threvjgh yesUbule sleeper wlthdlutag car
attache (roe Missouri valley on ell Jtu-
W-V N.-W. K K tolas to Cktoago,
Laaaat wlsaja atyUse aad tasty dressmsk-
ijsg art iavttsd to aall es Mrs. TyrraM 1M1 0
sJwmc MmwiM saake special teduesmsats
A rimuniit 1'urty.
MIm Ijiurn llyom hoino'Jli) south Hiveu
tCKMith street was tho scono of a dollghtful
ovenlng party on Monday. A largo number
of tho young ladles friends Imd gathered
thriii to help M1m Laura celebrato hersovon
teenth birthday and that tlioy did so in a
way truly boAttlng tho occasion was ulteHtiHl
by tho merry crowd of young jieoplo who at
tended, Tlio'ovcnlng imsMxl ipilckly In enjoynble
games, lit Intervals mintto wns interspersed
until nt lart n halt was culled niul nf tor
purtnklug of dnllulous refioslunonts tho
young folk left for their homos wishing tho
charming honk-en a long lint of Jiut such nil
nlvorscrlcs. A Honutor to bn 9InrrUl,
Anuouncemciit has been luniln lit Lincoln
of tho engagement of Senator Y. Tnggart, of
thnt city. Tho lady Is n sister or Mrs. W. B.
Wolcott and Mrs. T. W. Crlmoy, and canto
to Lincoln from MatiuichiicttH last foil. Mr.
Tnggart and Miss 'Williams hnvo becomo ac
quainted slnco tho leglitlaturo convened It
is tho tint romance of tho leglslaturo. AVo
nuAa City News. This nunouueemeut is nil
right except tho residence of Mr. Tnggnrt,
who hnlM from Hastings aud tho CouiUKll
although uwiiro of tho fait did not want to
make It known until permission hnd lieun ol
talued from tho pnrtioM Interested. Tho date
of tho ceremony has been llxed for Tuesday
April lGth and tho enrds will tioout in a few
Tile (IcoKruplilcitl Ten.
The ladles of tho St. Paul M. IC church
held another succctaful euUirtninment Wod
nesday evening in tho church ixtrlors. This
tlmo the proceeds went toward the carpet
fund which was Increntcd somowhat on no-
'oouiit of tills delightful social. Each gentle
man who wished to iwirtlcipato In tho festl
vlties was obliged to buy a tuulgo bearing tho
nainp of a state or territory, and ribbons with
the liumos of tho capital cities were distribut
ed among tho ladles, then when tho grand
march was called for supper thero was somo
lively hustling to gut iho right couple togeth
er. Tho column then filed Into tho basement
wheronn olegaut repast awaited them after
which all present spent tho rest of tho even
ing In a delightful social. It was a grand
success and the ladles of tho church deserve
much credit for tho Introduction of tho novel
Tim I'linlor'H Welcome Home,
A delightful reception was tendei-ed Mr,
and Mrs. E. S. llulxton, in tho church parlors
by tho congregation of tho Plymouth Con
gregational church on Tueudtiy evening.
OveriXX) of tho churches members were In at
tendance and gave the pastor mid his bride a
right royal welcome home. All enjoyable
tlmo socially was had by all present and Iw
foro dispersing n lunch was Indulged In to tho
entire gratllicution of all. It Is uetxlloas to
stato that Mrs. llalston lire Kato E0K011 of
this city ronowed her many acquaintaucoj
and formod new ones. Tho affair was a
grand success and shows in what high esteem
tho pooplo hold their pastor aud his charming
The Way They Keep House.
Yesterday afternoon and evening, and con
tlnulng this afternoon aud evening, the ladles
of tho First Baptist church gave a panorama,
as it were, ot the way housekeeping should be
done aud there con be nothing that will take
as llttlo of your time and afford you as much
enjoyment as dropping In on them to seo their
entertainment. It Is a unique aud enjoyable
exhibition to say tho least aud then you know
thero is the suppor, that will amply repay
jou for calling.
The Hum! Hoy's Dane),
Temple hall last evening was occupied by
tho Military baud and their lady friends w(th
many others who were not memlers ot tho
band as It was tho occasion ot their first an
nual hop, but there was not tho number pres
ent thero should havo been by any means and
everyono knows that they doscrvod as largo
a crowd as tho hall would hold. Those who
were fortunuto enough to bo present however
were amply paid for coming out as a neatly
nrranged program of twenty numbers occu
pied the time until tho Intermission, when
supper was announced at Browm restaurant.
Earn Warner was master of ceremonies aud
tho dance was successful In all ways except
the numlior that should have turned out.
TlielJ.&M. KugliieeniRiul Firemen,
The crowd in attendance at Temple lifldl,
Tuesday ovenlng all speak of tho royo'.,way
In which tho engineers and firemen of the li
&, M. railroad eiitertalued thom ad their
friends. About eighty couplo wero Su attend
ence and danced through tho long program
of twenty-two dances, only stopping' long
enough to repair to the famous hosUrr of
caterer Odell where an elegant spread w.a In
readiness far them. Tho tables were decoiU
ed with cut flowers and potted plants and the
good thlugs to eat in way ot refreshments
wero too numerous to mention. 'lUo I'tul
harnionlo orchestra furnished the music aud
the ball was decorated in tho finest style.
Huge headlights, colored lanterns and flags,
bunting and evergreen hung around the hall
iu profusion while a large floral bell suspend
ed from the celling was ono ot tho most at
tractive features of the deooratous.
It was well on toward morning when the
merry dancers took their way homeward and
the occasion was one that will loug be re
membered by each ono present
Spring Wraps.
Ashby & MiUspaugh are receiving invoice
daily in both short and long garments; also
Jackets In all styles.
Hosiery aad kid glove aalaH. R. NUsley
T.onW nt the
Thn publisher will dull tho CAPITA!, Oitv
CottitiKU Willi any reputable paper, lurnl.h
Ing two papers at a very small lulvaneo oer
tho prleo usually churned for ono. Arrnnco
mnnts huvn been nmdo to club with Iho fol
lowing publications: iikoulau with
1'iitOR. couiimt
HAItl'Kll'H MAriARINK l W) 1 W
HAIll'Kll'H WKKKI.Y 4110 ft )
HAItrKlt'H UAZAAIl ,4 00 ftU)
HAIll'Kll'H YllUMH PKOI'I.H..,. 2 U) Sffl
HT. NlClllll.AH n() 40)
Cosmopolitan,,,, 'J ro HW
Dkmohkht'h am an;
ht. Unnn Maoazink aoo ooo
"OUTINO" HOI) 4 00
1U0K. fiOO 0 00
JUIIUK 00 000
YouTit'n Companion. ......... a oo :tu)
Hoikntikio AMKIUOAN HUP-
PI.KMKNT ft 00 0 00
AaTAMATKlln 4 00 ft 00
Atlantic Monthly 4 a) ooo
TA1H.KTAI.K 4U) ft 00
KimKHTANIlHTUKAM.,.. 4 00 ft (O
Tim N. Y. Wkkki.y Would., l oo 2 oo
Notk Clubbing rates similar to tho ahovo
may also bo had In connection with any of
thoothorlcadliiKiuiiKnzlnes nud periodicals.
Another (Iraiul Upniiliig.
AVodnesdny nlUrnoon mid ovenlng tho now
dry goods houso of Jlr. A. Block 1,'fcM O street
had their opening. It commenced at two
o'clock and such n jnml When tho doors
waro opened tho erond on tho sldowalk was
so deimo that It wns luiiosstblo for tho travel
ing ptibllu to pirns on their way along the sldo
walk and It seemed as though no ono cared to
go any farther. It wa not long until tho
whole stoio was filled and It becntno necefl
snry to cbso thodoois forn whllo until tho
mass of humanity could Ihi got Into lino and
started on their way out. No wo.ider they
wanted to tarry for tho houso has on exhibi
tion ns lino u lino of dry goods ns has over
como to Lincoln and their elegant stock taito
fully arranged lu their beautiful store was
tho attraction that held tho largo crowd.
Ono of tho most prominent feature", ot tho
owning, howover, was tho distribution of
tic kets entlttllng tho holder to n clmnco on n
silk dicss imttcrn. this of courso drew many
nsdld tho liundsomo souvenirs thnt ore
irlven onch ono. Tho orchestia statloni-d In
tho i ear of tho room kept tho crowd In good
splrlta by n delightful concert and to sum tho
whole thing up, Air. diock nn liinno 11 intiing
Impression on tho ladles of Lincoln nud can
very reasonably exjiect a largo snaro ui men
Fancy Nuiues lor Itnllroiid.
It may bo a good advertising schoiuo t
decornto tho alleged fast trains of tho modern
times with appellations such as "Ell," "Oeo
Whlx," and "Cannon Ball," to catch tho eyo
of tho traveller who does not know 'tother
from which," but tho business mun and con
stant traveller Is not to bo taught by chaff of
thnt kind.
Tho Chicago, Mlllwaukeo & Ht. Paul Hall
way runs Its own fust trains, with vestlbuled
sleeping nud dining cars, from Oiunlia aud
Council BlulTs to Chicago, connecting thoro
with the fast trains, morning aud afternoon,
to all Eastern cities.
Tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Hall
way, In connection with tho Union Paulilo
Hallway, also runs through cars between
Deliver and Chicago, and tills Is tho favorite
routo from Colorado aud Nebraska to all
principal points east of tho Missouri river.
This lino uses no fnncy names to designate Its
trains, but "it gets thero just tho samo."
Two Good Stories.
Congressman John Alien, of Mississippi,
says that tho mendicants of Washington
amuso him vory much, and that, whllo thoy
do not often "got uway with him," ono did
provo too much for him tho other day, "I
was sauntering down Pennsylvania avonuo,"
said, tho humorous Allen "1 always lovo to
saunter when tho weather will permit and I
was tackled by four beggars beforo 1 had
walked eight blocks. Tho first ono addressed
mo as 'captain ' But ho didn't roach mo.
Tho uoxt ono, who looked awfully troubled,
and who sworo ho hadn't had a mouthful to
eat all day, addressed mo as 'major,' But
that wouldn't work. Tbon a follow touchod
mo on tho ami aud called mo 'judge;' but ho,
too, failed complotely to roach my pockot
book. Finally, just as 1 was wondering
whothor 1 should go into tho senato chamber
and find out who wero gottlng tho big plums
under this administration, a seedy looking
fellow stepped right in front of mo and saldi
" 'Senator, l won't dotaln you but a mo
ment 1 am in hard luck'
"And beforo Iknew It that little piece of
flattery had yanked a quarter of a dollar out
of my pocket."
"Thlsoblsodo," continued the Mlsstsslpplon,
"reminds mo of a llttlo colloquy between the
famous Ulshop Polk of Tennossoe, after bar
ing taken his scat at a table in a Washington
hotel, and tho waiter who was ever on the
alort for tips, and who knew he had a dis
tinguished man to servo.
'"What kin 1 do for you, cap'nf be in
quired. " '1 am not a captain,' said the bishop.
" 'Well, Is you a majah, sahP
" 'No; 1 am not a major.'
" 'You mils' bo a gcu'ral, doaP
" 'No; I am not a general.'
" 'You docsnt look like a judge, boss.'
" 'I am not a judge, either.'
" 'Well, fo' do Lawd, boss, what U you any
" 'I nm a bishop,'
" 'I know'd you was on do top of the pile,
somo where, fo' su'ah.' "Washington Cor.
New York Tribune.
You Will Be Agreeably Surprised
In finding so large an assortment of new spring styles of
Clothing as we handle. What's the use of paying high prices,
to tailors when you can buy superior made garments and
save from 33 1-3 to 50 per cent on every purchase. No
house hereabouts ever attempted to carry half so elegant or
large an outlay of Clothing as ours.
Nothing Loose There.
At a sldo track and water tank between
Greensboro and Salisbury, tho hour being
about 0 o'clock at night, a man boardod the
troin and took a soat directly ahead of mo.
WlWi the train started tho conductor came
tor bis fare, and as he bad no ticket tho offi
cial askttij
' "Why didn't you get a ticket at Blank
viller "lladlVtlme.',
"Why didn't you get on tberor"
"Ilryin't time."
"How for are you going P
' "As far as this fifty cents will take mo."
"You ain't loose In tho bead, are you I"
"Not If the court knows herself I The people
of Blankvtlle rodo me on a rail and gavo me
ten minute in which to loavo the town. I got
out In live. That shows a level head, doesn't
ltf 1 want fifty cents' worth of more dls
tanco as fast as I can got it." Detroit Free
Ad Apt Neat,
IX we were to choose the most appropriate
symbol of tho Ousting, the evanescent, the
perishable, the decaying, the bere-today-and-gooe-to-morrow,
ptrrbaps It would bo a pair
ot boy's boot. Springfield Union.
la Favor of Aaaeaatlaa.
Handsome Young Canadian Are yoa is)
favor ot annexation, Mks Oldmatdl
His Okla-ld-)b. this bsosuddssit Y-
I as youra fallnaelyyi.
A special feature of our stock is our colossal line of Tailor Made Trousers hand
some in pattern perfect fitting and superb in every detail, and at much lower
prices than you ever bought them before.
Our Furnishing Department contains innumerable bargains in seasonable under
wear this week. Take a peep at our show windows for styles and prices. Re
member that we carry the celebrated Youmans' hats in Silk and Derbys to fit any
style head -Youmans' silk hats blocked free at our store on Tuesdays and Fridays.
aaai .'
"Outfitters to Mankind"
1 p.
1029-1031 O STREET.
Only $8.00
Largest Stock in the City '
11 NSpSbSSxvW J
211 S. Eleventh St.
Largest Store in the City.
1 ,i
Ifa '
pm&mwmm fs wri-tfci
1 " AJ nt