Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 30, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    Vi tf
It I Not Necenrjr u llclluto Thut llm
World In Onl) 0,000 Warn Olil .folium'
Com iiiiiikI to tlio Sun mill Moon Tim
Wlinlo Sunllonlni; .loniih.
Uiiooklv.n, March !M. At tho Tnbornoclo
Uils morning, nfter oxX)uudlngKmo passages
of Scrlptura In regard to tho mysteries, tho
Kov T Do Witt Tnlmngo, D D gavo out
tho hymn Inglunlngi
How firm n foundation, yo Mini of tlio Lord,
Is laid for our full li In hi excellent Word.
Tho imbject of his tcnnoii wn "Tough
Tilings In tho IJItilo," nml his toil, tl Tutor
HI, lili "In which nrotiomo things hnnl to bo
uiidurtnod." Dr Tnlmngo witdt
Tho Illltlo Is tho most common seuso book
In nil tho world. Hut thero nro mnny things
In It which rcqulro oxplanntlou. It nil do
pouils on tho iihxmI In which you coino to this
grand old book. You mny tnko hold of tho
handloof thosnordor Its sharp odga, You
may employ on Its mysteries tho ruloof mul
tiplication or subtraction. Thero nro things,
as my toxt suggests, linrd to bo understood,
but t shall Rolvohomeof them, hoping to lenvo
upon nil honest minded pooplo tho Impression
thnt If four or flvo of them can bo explained
pcrhniw thoy may all bo explained.
Hard thing tho llrstt Tho Wblo says tho
world was created In six days, whllo geology
snys it was Imndrods of thousands of years In
proows of building. "In tho'lieglnulng, Ood
created tho heaven and tho earth." "In tho
beginning." Thero you can roll in ten
million years If you wnut to. Theio is no
particular dato given no contest between
science nnd rovclatlon. Though the world
may hnvo been In process of creation for
millions of years, suddenly and quickly, and
in ono week, It may hnvo been lilted up for
man's rcsldcnco. Just as n great mansion
mny hnvo boon many years In building, nnd
yet In ono week it may bo curtained und
rhnmlellcrod and cushioned nnd upholstered
for a brido nnd groom.
You nro not compelled to bollovc that tho
world wns mndo In our six daj s. It may not
hnvo been a day of twenty-fcur hours, tho
day gjiokcn of In tho first chapter; it may
hnvo been God's day, nnd n thouwuid years
with him aro us ono day. "And tho evening
and tho morning woro tho first day" Owl's
day. "And tho evening and tho morning
woro tho second day" God's day. "And
tho evening and tho morning wcro tho sixth
day" God's day. You nnd I living In tho
soventh dny, tho Sabbath of tho world, tho
day of gosjiol redemption, tho grandest day
of all tho week In which each day may hnvo
boon mado up of thousands of years. Can
you toll mo how a man can got his mind and
soul into such a blasphemous twist ns to scoff
at thnt first chapter of Genesis, Its versos
billows of light surging up from sopphlro
sons of glory I
Tlio Wblo represents that light was created
on Monday, and tho sun was not created until
Thursday. Just think of itl a book declar
ing that light was created threo days beforo
tho sun shownl Why, don't you know that
heat and electricity omit light Independent
of tho sun 1 Besides that, when tho earth was
in process of condensation, It wns surrounded
by thick vapors and tho dlschurco of manv
volcanoes In tho primary criod, and all this
obscuration may hnvo hindered tho light of
tho sun from falling on tho earth until that
Thursday morning. Besldo that, David
Brewster ami Hcrschcl, tho astronomer, nnd
all tho modern men of their class, agreo hi
tho fact that tho sun Is not light, that it Is an
opaquo moss, that It Is only tho candlestick
that holds tho light, a phosphorescent atinon
phoro floating around It, changing and chang
ing, so It Is not to bo at all wondered at that
not until that Thursday morning Its light fell
on tho earth. Bceido that, tho rocks hi crys
tallization emit light. Thero Is light from a
thousand surfaces, tho alkalies, for Instance,
Tho metallic liases emit light. Thero was a
tlmolntho history of tho world w hen thero
were thousands of miles of liquid granito
flaming with light. Beside that, it has been
found thnt thero aro burned out volcanoes in
other worlds which, whon they were In ex
plosion and activity, must have enst forth an
Insuffcrablo light, throwing a glnro ull over
our earth. Beside that, thero nro tho Aurorn
Borcalls and tho Aurora Anohulls. A book
on Physical Science says
"Capt, Bonn castle, coming up tho Gulf of
St. Lawrence on tho 17th of September, 1820,
was aroused by tho mato of tho vessel in
groat alarm from an unusual appearnnco. It
was a starlight night, whon suddenly tho sky
bocamo overcast. In tho direction of tho
high land of Coruwallis county, an Instan
taneous and intensely vivid light, resembling
the aurora, shot out on tho hitherto gloomy
and dark sea on tho luV bow, thnt wns no
brllllnnt, It lighted everything distinctly,
oven to tho masthead. Tho light spread over
tho wholo sea between tho two shores, nnd
tho waves, which boforo hnd been tranquil,
bocamo agitated. Capt Bonnycastlo describes
tho scono as that of n blazing sheot of awful
and most brilliant light a loug aud vivid
lino of light that showed tho furo of tho high
frowning land abreast. Tho sky bocamo
loworing and moi o Intensely oliscuro. Ixmg,
tortuous lines of light showed immeuso num
bers of largo (tali dai ting aliout as if In con
sternation. Tho topsail yard and mlzzon boom
woro lighted by tho gloio us If gaslights had
been burned directly liclow them, ami until
Just beforo dnyhieak, at 4 o'clock, tho most
minuto objoets were distinctly visible." My
hearers, thero aro ton thousand sources of
light holdo tho light of tho sun.
Another hard thing: Tho story of tho del
ugo und Noah's nrk. Tlioy bay from tho nc
couut thero it must hnvo ruined eight hun
dred foot of water onch day In order that It
might bo llftcou cubits nbovo tho hills. Thoy
say tnat tho urk could not have been largo
enough to contain "two of ovory sort," for
thero would liuvo been hundreds of thousands
nnd hundreds of thousands of creatures.
Tlioy say that theso creatures would hnvo
coino from ull lands uud nil zones. Thoy say
thero wus only ono small window In tho ark,
and that would not hnvo given fresh air to
keep tho uuimals lusido tho urk from suffoca
tion. Thoy say thut tho ark finally lauded
on (i mountain boveutoon thousand feet high.
They say they do not beliovo tho story.
Neither d I. Thero U no such story in tho
Biblo I will tell) on what tho Blblo story
Is. I mut say that I havo changed my mind
hi regai d to homo mnttors which ouco woro
to mo very mysterious. Tlioy nro no moro
mysterious. Tills is tlio koy to tho facts.
This U tlio story of an uya witness, Noah, his
ttoiy iiicororated afterward by Moses In
thu account. Noah describexl tho sccno Just
as it npearod to him. llu saw tho flood nnd
ho fathomed its depth. As for ns eyo could
reach evoi ythlng was covered up, from hori
zon to horizon, or, as It says, "under tho
wholo heuven." Ho did not lefer to tho Sierra
Nevada or to Mount Washington, for
America had not been discovered, or, If it
had twen discovered, ho could not havo seen
bo for iir. llo is giving tho tcstlmouy of on
eyo w ItnoKs. God speak nf tor tho manner of
men when ho soys everything went under,
and Nonii spouU after tho manner of men
when ho eays everything did go under. An
oyo wltno-w. Thoro Is no need of thinking
that tho kangaroo leaped tho ocean or that
tho Klar liear camo down from tho lee.
Why did tho delugo corner It camo for tho
purpoROof destroying tho outrageous inhab
itants of tho then thinly populated earth,
nearly nil iho population probably very near
tho nrk lieforo It was launchd. What w ould
hnvo been tho uso of submerging North nnd
South America, or Kurope, or Afilcn, when
thoy wcro not Inhabited? And us to tho
skeptical suggestion thnt tu order to havo tlio
water ns deep ns tho Bible stntes, It must
hnvo rained WW feet ovory day, 1 reply, tho
Blblo distinctly declares that tho most of tlio
flood roso Instead of falling. Boforo tlio no
count where It snys "tho windows of heaven
woro opened," It says, "nil tho fountain of
tho great deep wcro broken up." All geolo
gists ngreo In snj lug thnt thero nro caverns in
tho earth filled with water, and thoy rushed
forth, nnd nil tho lakes nnd rivers forsook
their bed. Tho fountains of tho groat deep
wero broken up, uud then tho windows of
heaven wcro opened. Is It n strnngo thing
thnt wo should bo asked to beliovo In this
Hood of tho Blblo, whon geologists tell us
thnt ngnln nnd ngaln nnd ngnln tho dry earth
has been drowned outi Just open your
geology nnd you will rend of twenty Hoods.
Is It not strnngo that lulldcl scientists want
ing us to liellovo in tho twenty Hoods of
goologlcnl discovery should, as soon as wo
liellovo in tho ono Hood of tho Biblo, pro
nnuiico us lion eonqios mentis
Well, then, another tiling In regard to tho
tlzoof the nt k. Instead of U'lng u mud scow,
nsbouio of these1 skeptics would linvo us nil
derstnnd, It wusu mngulHceut ship, nearly us
largo ns our Gieat lantern, threo Mint tho
slzo of an ordinary mnn-of-wnr At tho ilmo
in tho world when ship building wn un
known God hud this vessel coustiiii'tcd, which
turned out to bo almost In tho samo pro
iwrtlons ns our stuuehest model u vessels.
After thousands of years of oxierlmentlng in
navnl architecture nnd In shlponrpentory, wo
hnvo nt Inst got up to Noah's nrk, thnt ship
leading ull tho fleets or tho world on nil tho
oceans. Well, Noah saw tho animal creation
going Into this nrk. Ho gavo tho account of
un oyo witness. Thoy wero tlio animals from
tho region whero ho lived; for tho most pait
thoy wero animals useful to man, and If nox
ious Insects or poisonous reptiles went in It
wns only to discipline tho putlonco and to
keep alert tho generations nfter tho flood. Ho
saw them going in. Thero wcro u gi eat num
ber of them, nnd ho gives tho account of nn
oyo w Itncss. Thoy went in two nnd two of
nil flesh.
Yenrs ngo I wus on n steamer on tho I Ivor
Toy, nnd I camo to Perth, Scotland. I got
off, and I saw tho most wonderful agricultural
show that I had over witnessed. Thoro wero
horses and cattlosuch ns Ilosa Ilonheur never
sketched, nnd thero woro dogs such ns tho
loving pencil of ICdwIu Lnndsecr never por
traj cd, and thero wcro sheep and fowl nnd
crenturosof all sorts. Supposothut "two and
tw o" of all tho creatures of that agricultural
show wcro put upon tho Toy steamer to bo
transported to Dundee, nnd tho next day I
should bo writing homo to America and giv
ing mi account of tho occurrence, I would
havo used tho snmo gcnornl phraseology that
Noah used in regard to tho embarkation of
tho brute creatlou In tho ark I would havo
said that thoy went In two and two of every
sort I would not hao meant six hundred
thousand. A common sonso man myself, 1
would supposo that tho coplo w ho read tho
letter wero common sense pooplo.
-nut now could you get thorn Into tho
ni k" nsk Infidel scientists. "How could thoy
bo induced to go Into tho nrkl Ho would
hnvo to pick them out uud drive them in nnd
coax them In." Could not tho snmo God who
gnvo Instinct to tho nulmnl Inspire that In
stinct to seek for shelter from tho storml
However, nothing moro than ordinary ani
mal Instinct was necessary. Havo you nover
been In tho country when nn August thunder
storm was coming up, aud hoard tho cuttlo
monn nt tho bars to got In! aud seen tho af
frighted fowl go upon tho perch nt noonday,
and heard tho affrighted dog nnd cut culling
ut tho door, supplicating cntruncof And aro
you surprised that in that ago of tho world,
when there wero fewer places of shelter for
dumb beasts, at tho muttering and rumbling
and flashing aud quaking and darkening of
an approaching deluge, tho animal creation
camo moaning und bleating to tlio sloping
embankment teaching up to tho ancient
ureat kostern, and passed hit I havo owuod
horses and cattlo and sheep and dogs, but I
uovcr had a horso or u cow or a sheep or u
dog that was so stupid It did uot know
enough to como In when It rnluod. And then
that ono window in tho ark, which afforded
such oor ventilation to tho creatures thero
ttSbombled that small window in tho ark
which excites so much mirthfulness on tho
part of infidels. If thoy know as much Ho
brow ns you could put on your llttlo linger
nail thoy would havo known that that word,
translated window thero, ineaus window
courso, a wholo rango of lights. Thoso ignor
ant infidels do not known window pano from
twenty windows. So, If thero is any criti
cism of tho nrk, thero seems to bo too much
w Indow for such a long storm. And ns to
tho other charge that tho windows of tlio
ark must havo been kept shut, and eousjo
quently nil Insldo would hnvo perished from
suffocation, i havo to say that thero aro iieo
plo in this liouso today who, all tho way from
I.lvcipool to Barnegat lighthouse and for
two weeks, wero kept under deck, tho hatches
battened down bevnuso of tho storm. Somo
of jou, In tho old time sailing vessels, wero
kept nearly a month with tho hatches down
because of -onio long storm.
Then inlldols say that tho ark landed on a
mountain seventeen thousand foot high, nnd
that, of course, ns soon ns tho animals camo
forth thoy would nil bo frozen in tlioico!
Thut Is geogrnphlcnl Ignoraucel Ararat is
not merely tho nomo for a mountain, but for
a hilly district, and It may havo boon a hill
ono hundred feet high, or flvo bundled, or n
thousand foot high on w hlch tho urk ullght
ed. Noah measu ted tho depth of tho water
abovo tho hill, and It Is llftoon cubits or
twenty-soven feet
Ah I my ft lends, this story ot tho ark Is no
moro Incredible than If you should say f mo:
"Ijist summer I was among tho hills of Now
England nnd Micro enmo on tho most terrific
btonu I oversaw, nnd tho wholo country was
flooded. Tho waters camo up over tho hills,
und,to savo our lives wo;ot In a bout on tho
river, und oven tho dumb creatines wero so
affrighted thoy camo moaning nud bloating
uutiljWo let thorn In tho samo bout."
Wo nro not dqiendent on tho Blblo for thn
story of tho Hood, until ely All nges and nil
dtcraturca havo traditions, broken traditions,
Indistinct traditions, but still traditions. Tho
old books of tho Persians tell about tho flood
at tho tlnio of Ahrlmau, w ho so polluted tho
earth that It had to bo washed by n great
storm. Tho traditions of tho Chaldeans say
that In tho time when Xlsuthrus was king
thero w us n great flood, nnd ho put his family
and his friends in u largo vessel uud ull out
side of them wero destroyed, nud ufter n while
tho bit ds went forth und thoy camo back nnd
their claws wcro tinged with mud, I.uciau
and Ovid, colobrnted w rltors, w ho had nover
keen tho Blblo, described n (loo 1 In tho time
of Deucalion. Ho took his friends into n boat,
ami tho animals camo running to him in
uilrs. So all lauds, and all nges, and nil lit
eratures, seem to hnvo a biokcu and Indis
tinct tradition of a calamity which Moses,
hore Incorporating Noah's account, so
grandly, so beautifully, so accurately, so
solonmly records,
Mr prnyei Is thnt tho God who created tho
world, may create us nnow In Christ Jesus'
and thnt tho God who mndo light threo days
beforo tho sun shouo, mny klndlo In our souls
alight that will bunion long nfter tho sun
has expired, nud that tho God who ordered
tho nrk built nud kept oion inoto than ono
hundred jours that tho nutodlluvlnn might
enter It for shelter, may graciously Incline us
to accept the Invitation which this inoiiilng
raw hi muslo from tho Throne, say Ingi "Como
thou nud nil thy house Into tho ni k."
Another hard thing to Iw understoodi Tho
story thut tho sun nnd moon stood still to
nllow Joshun to complete his victory. Inlldel
scientists declare that nn lniXKslhlllty. But
If ninnn have In alii nud strength enough to
utnko n clock, can ho not start It nud stop It,
nnd start It nga'n nud stop It again! If a
mnchlnlst havo strength and brain enough to
moko n coi u thresher, can ho not start It nnd
stop It, nud stmt It ngnln nnd stop It ngnlnl
If God hnvo strength and wisdom to mnko
tho clock of tho universe, tho groat machinery
of tho worlds, has ho not strength enough
nnd wisdom enough to start It ojul stop It,
nnd start It again nnd stop It ngntn Or stop
ono wheel, or stop twenty wheels, or stop nil
tho wheels' Is tlio clock stronger than tho
clock maker f Docathocoru thiesher know
more than tho miiehlnlsti Is tho universe
mightier than Its God i Uut-iooplo nvk how
t-ould tho moon hnvo been seen to stop In tho
iluythno" Well. If you havo uoer seen tho
moon In tho daytime, It Is liecnuso you hnvo
not Usui u ory diligent oliservcr of tho
heavens. Besldo that, It was not necessary
for tho woild literally to stop. By un
usual refraction of tho sun's rnys tho day
might hnvo been prolonged. So that, whllo
tlio earth continued on Its path In tho heav
ens, It llguratlvely stopnsl. You must pi
member that those Blhlonuthorsusod tho vcr
uacularof their own day, Just as you and i
say tho sun went down. Tho sun never goes
down. Wo simply descrilio w hat nppeurs to
tho human oyo. Besides that, tho world, our
world, could havo literally stopped w Ithout
throw Ing tho universe out of balance. Our
world has two motions tlio ono around tlio
sun nud tho other on Its own axis. It might
hnvo stopped on Its own nxls, whllo nt tho
samo tlmo It kept on Its pnth through tho
heavens. So thero w as no need of stellar con
fusion becnuso our world slackened Its n-iccd
or entirely stopjuxl In Its revolution on 1U
own axis. Thnt Is none of tho business of
Jupiter, or Mars, or Mercury, or Saturn, or
tho Dipper. Besldo that, within tho memory
of man there hnvo boon worlds thnt wero
bom nud thnt died. A few yenrs ngo asti ono
mers telegraphed, through tho Associated
Press, to nil tho world tho nstronomers from
tho city of Wnshlugton thnt nnother world
hnd boon discovered. Within n com
paratively short spneo of tlmo astrono
mers tell us thirteen worlds havo
burned down. From their observatory
thoy notlco first that tho worlds look like
other worlds, then thoy became a deep red,
showing thoy woro on flro; then thoy became
nshen, showing they wcro burned down;
then they entirely disappeared, showing that
ovon tho ashes wero scattered. Now, I say,
If God can stai t a world, and swing a world,
and destroy a world, ho could stop ono or
two of them without n greut deal of exertion,
or ho could by unusual refraction of tho sun's
rayscontluuo tho Illumination. But infidel
scientists say It would havo boon belittling
for other worlds to stop on account of such a
battlo. Why, sirs, what Yorktown was for
revolutionary times, and what Gettysburg
was In our civil contest, and w lint Sedan was
In tho I'Vunco-Gorman war, and what Water
loo was In th'j Napoloonlo destiny thut wns
this battlo of Joshua against tho flvo allied nr
miesofGlboou. It wus that battlo thatchanged
tbo entire courso of history. It was a battlo
to Joshua as Inqioi tunt us though a battlo
now should occur in which England und tho
United States and Franco and Germany and
Italy nud Turkey nud Uussln should light for
victory or annihilation. However much any
other world, solar, lunar or stellar, might lio
hastened In Its errand of light, It would bo
excusable If It lingered in tlio heavens for n
llttlo while and put down its Micaf of beams,
and gazed on such an Armageddon.
In tho early jmrt of this century Micro was
what was called iho Dirk Day. Somo of
theso aged muii p.'rhups may remouib-r It,
u is Known in History as tho "Dark Day."
Workmen ut noon went to their homes, nud
com is aim icguialuic adjourned. .No ns
tronomers have over Ikjou nblo to explain
that Dark Day. Now, if God con ndvnnco
tho night earlier than its time, can ho not
adjourn tho night until after Its tlmo? I
often used to hear my father describe u night
I think ho wild it wus In ltfi.1 when his
neighbors uroused him In great alarm. All
tho heavenly bodies boomed to bo In motion.
People thought our earth wns coming to Its
destruction. Tens of thousands of stars shoot
ing. No astronomers havo ever lie-cn ablo to
explain that star shooting. Now, docs nX
your common senso teach you that If God
could stmt and stop tens of thousands of
worlds or meteors, ho could sturt nml stop
two worlds If God can engineer n train of
ten thousand worlds or meteors, und stop
them without accident or collision, cannot
ho control two carriages of light, nnd In
putting down u golden brake stop the sun,
nnd by putting down u silver brnko stop tho
moon i Under Mils explanation, Instead of
being skeptical about this sublime passage of
tho Bible, jou will, when you lend It, feel
moro like going down on your knees beforo
God ns you read: "Sun, stand thou still
abovo Glbeou, nnd thou moon In tho vnlloy
of AJalou."
Then thoro Is tho Blblo statement Mint a
whalo bwallnwed Jonah nud ejected him u(on
tbo dry ground in threo days. If you will
go to tho museum nt Nantucket, Muss., you
will Uud tho skeleton of a whalo hrgo enough
to swallow a man. I said to tho Janitor,
whllo I was standing In tho museum, "Why
It does not Heom from tho looks of this skele
ton that Mint story In tlio Book of Jonah is so
ery iiniuobuuie, (uai ict"' -Oh no." ho ro-
piled, "It does not" There Is u cavity in the
mouth of tho co nmon whalo largo enough
for a man to llvo In. Thero have been sharks
round ugaln and ngaln with un entire human
body In them. Besldo that, tho Blblo says
nothing aliout a whalo. It says, "Tho Ijnl
prepared a great llsh;"nnd thero nro scion
tlsts who tell us Mint thero wero sea monsters
hi other dajsthut mako tho modern wlmlo
seem vcr)1 Insignificant. I know In ono placo
In tho New Testament It sKnks of tho wlmlo
ns upieariug in tho occurrence I hnvo jLst
montlonod, but tho word may Just ns well bo
translated "so i monstor" uny kind of a wu
inoustur Procoplus says In tho year
KJ n sea monster was slain which
had for fifty years destroyed ships.
I bupjxtoo this sen monster that took coroof
Jonah may havo lioeu ono of tho great sea
monsters that could havo easily taken down
a prophet, and ho could havo lived thero
threo days If ho had kept in motion so us to
keep tho gastric Juices from taking hold of
him uud destroying lilr.i, and ut tho end of
threo days tho monster would naturally bo
sick enough to regurgitate Jonah. Besldo
that, my friends, thero is imoword which ox
plains tho w nolo thing. It bujss "Tlio Lord
prejiurrdugieutHsh," If a ship carpenter
propan a vessel to cairy Texan boovesto
Olnssow, I suppose it can carry Texan
beeve If u ship carpenter pronro a vessel to
carry coal to ono of tho northern xrw, I
MipiKwo It can carry coalt If a ship carpenter
proiiaro n vowel to enrry xtiweitgor to Liver
pool, 1 eupHM) It can enrry nsMugcni to
LlverHKili und If tho IxipI prcinrvd a llsh to
entry ono passenger, I Mipxmo It could carry
a jsujger nud tho ventilation hnvo tieen nil
Bo nil tho sti nngo thing In tho Blhlo enn
bo explained If jouwlsh to havo thorn ex
plained. And you can build them Into a
iHWitlful mid healthful lire or your hearth,
or you can with them put your humoilnl In
terests into conflagration. But you hnd hot
ter decide about tho veracity of tho Blblo
verywsiu. 1 want this moinlng to caution
you ngalust putting oil maklngupyour mind
aliout this Ixxik. IJver slneo I7TJ thero has
Ut'ii great discussion ns to who wns tho nn
thor of Junius' U'tters, those letters so full
of NircnMiiuiMvltu'icriiMouniul power. Tho
wholo nugllsh' nation stirivd up with It
Moro than a hundred wiluiuc written to dis
cuss that iiuestlon," Who wus Junlusf" "Who
wroto tho letters of Junius"" Well, It Is nn
Interesting question to discuss, but still, nfter
nil, It makes but llttlo practical dllfeieueo to
you nud to mo who Junius wus, whether Sir
Philip Francis, or I.011I Chatham, or John
I lor no T(Miko,or Horneo Wnlpolo, or Henry
Grattan, ornny ono of tho forty-four men
who wvro seriously charged with tho au
thorship. But It Is nn absorbing question,
it Is u practical question, It Is nil overwhelm
ing question to ou and to 1110, tho author
ship of this holy Blblo w bother tho lird
God of heaven and earth or n pack of diqios,
scouudiels, or IniiHwtoiK, Wo cannot nlfoid
to adjourn that question 11 week or n day or
nn hour any moro than n sea captain can
nirord to say, "Well, this Is a very dark
night I hnvo pally lost my bearings; thero
Is n light out there, I don't know whether It
is n lighthouse or a false light 011 tho shore, 1
don't know what It Is, but I'll Just go to
sleep, nud In tho moinlng I'll llud out" In
the morning tho vessel might lie 011 tho rocks
and the bench stiewu with tho whllo faces of
the (lend crow Tho tlmo for that sen cap
tain to llud outnbout Iho lighthouse Is lieforo
ho goes to sleep. Oh, my friends, I wnut j 011
to uiidcrstund that In our delllieratlons nbout
this Blblo, wo nro not nt calm nnehoingo,
but wo nro rapidly coming toward thocoast,
coming w ith all tho furnaces nblnzo, coming
nt tho rnto of son enty honrt throlw n inluuto,
nud I must know whether It Is going to bo
hnrbor or shipwreck.
I wns so glad to read In tho palters of tho
fact thnt tho steamship Kdnm had como
safely Into hnihor. A week lieforo, tho Per
sian Monarch, plowing Its way toward tho
Narrows, n bundled miles out, saw signals of
distress, boro ilow 11 iqion tho vessel, nud found
it wus tho steamship IM11111. HI10 had lost her
propeller. She had two bundled passengers
on boapl. Tho merciful captain of the Per
sian Monarch endeavored to hi Ing her In, but
the tow lino broke. Ho fastened It ngaln, but
the sea was rough nud tho tow lino broke
again. Then tho night camo on uud tho mer
ciful captain of the Persian Monarch "lay to,"
thinking in tho morning ho could glvo rescuo
to tho (tasseugers Tho morning camo, but
during tho night tho steamship fclnm hnd
dlsnpjK'nred, nud tho captain of tho Persian
Monnrch brought his vessel Into hurbor, say
ing how sad ho felt because ho could not glvo
complete rescue to that lost ship. I am glad
thutuftcrwurd another vessel saw her nud
brought her Into snfety. But when I saw
tho story of that steamship Dduiu, drifting,
drifting, di if ting, I do not know whero, but
w ith no rudder, no lighthouse, no harbor, no
help, I said: "That Is a skeptic, that
Is un Inlldel, drifting, drifting, drift
ing, not knowing whero ho dilfts." And
then whon I thought of the Poislati Monarch
anchored in Inn bor, I said: "That is a Chi Is
tlnn, thnt Is n man w ho does nil ho can 011 the
wny, crossing tho sea to help others, coming,
pet haps, through a very rough voyago Into
tho harlior, thero safo nnd safe forover."
Would God that there might bo somo one to
day who would go forth and bring in those
souls that uro drifting. In this nssemblago
how many a scoio shall I say, or a hundred,
or n thousand! notqulto certain aliout tho
truth of tho Blblo, not certain about any
thing. Drifting, drifting, drifting. Oh, how
I would like to tow thorn In. I brow jou
Mils cable. Lny hold of that cable of tho
Oosiel. Lay hold nf It 1 lultoiou nil In.
Tho Inn Iwr Is w ido enough, largo enough for
all tho shipping. Coino hi, O ou wanderers
oulhoiuop. Drift 110 more, drift no more.
Como into tho harlmr Heo t ho gloilous light
house of tho Gospel. "Peace on cnith, good
will to men." Como Into tho harbor. God
graut that it may bo said of all of you who
aro now drifting In your untiollef, as It might
havo been said of thojiusseiigcrsof the steam
ship Kdam, uud as It wus said centuries ago
of tho wrecked com ship of Aloxuudrla: "It
camo to uss that they all cscaiiod safo to
Homes llmt Are No Monica.
Charles Iimb says tho children of tho very
)oor do not prattle. It Is nouo of tho least
frightful features I", thut condition, that
thero Is no childishness in Its dwellings. Poor
pooplo, said n sensible old nurso to usonco, do
not bring up their children, thoy drag them
up. Tho llttlo careless darling of tho wealthy
nursery, iu their hovel is transformed be
times into a reflecting person. No 0110 has
time to dandle it, 110 ono thinks it worth
whllo to coax It, tOMiotho It, to toss It up and
down, to humor it. There Is nono to kiss
uwuy its tears. If it cries. It can only bo
lieaten It has prettily said that u baby
Is fed with milk and piulso. But tho uliiucnt
of this jioor bubo was thin, uunourishliig
Tho return to Its little baby tricks and efforts
to engage attention, wus bitter, ceuselets ob
Jurgution. It nover bud n toy. It grow up
niMiout tho lulluby of uurses. It was 11
stranger to the patient fondle, tho hushing
caress. It was never sung to. No ono over
told it a uuibory tale. It had no jouug
dreams. It broke nt ouco Into the lion reuli
ties of life, Tlio chlldicu of tho very ioor
havo no young years. It makes tho heart
bleed to overhear thu cnsnnl ttr.f tnll.-!..
iween 11 poor woman and her littloglrl It is
not of toys, of nuisery books, of summer
holidays (fitting that ago; it is of mangling
and clear starching, of tho piico of coals or
of potatoes. Tho questions of tho child, that I
should lie tho cry outpouring of cm loslty in
((lioness, ore marked with a foiecast nnd
melancholy pio Idcuco. It bus como to bo u
woman lieforo It wusu child. Tho homo of
tho very ioor Is no homo. Good HouscLocn
Ing. III. Iji.I Trip.
Out in rjuglunood thoro jw a oiiug boy
tho sun of a preacher-who n -rood homo
tlmo ngo to cno a certain niuduut toward
tho building of u now church llo ktirtod i.i
bi uvoly by Mivlirj nil of hid onuius, uud Iu
caruodcoiikldei ublo by doliu; odd Jubs mound
tlio town. An tlmo woro on liu found that
howiu not rcuc'ilas hi promt-! mar . bo
ho icholrcd to mid to Iiin llttlo noro bj hollu
niKrs. To thlx plan liU moilier reluctantly
coav!iited, though tho did not quit liko tho
Idea of hiy runnln'j about tho train nt tho
ttotion. After n tlinu hUinoilier nsUil him
to i;ivo up thin practice, and ono morning ho
told her ho had Jui nbout enough money,
and would maLo hU dual trip that day. It
wiw his Una) trip, Indeed, for he bllp;il lie
tween tho cars and wo brought homo a
mangled corn. Chicago Herald.
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FOREMAM-& CROWE, Proprietors.
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