TfcVJ 1 tVi" v. PoFlSXR- PAPER oFAVopcRN -TIMES w ? Vol. 4. No. 10 THINGS DULY OBSERVED. COMMENTS AND OPINIONS IN TYPE. Whut I Ifcnrili Seen, I.cnrnrit mill Perti nently Suggested to tho Multitude. AVhllo I do not think tlmt The CouitlKli ling Uio largest cli dilution of any palter In thoclty nor oven the smnllest, jet It finds Its way to tho center tnb'e of nearly every re fined homo In Lincoln n fact which Is more appreciated by tho Judicious advertiser, and tho public over that of tho soenllod "largest circulation" vi)er8. Tho steady Increase in our Mibscrlptlou department is cei titlnly very gratifying nnd coming as tho favors do, from among our very best circles, It Is clearly ovl dont that our aim to plnco for our constitu ent a clean, (.ploy jiaiier, devoid of all sensa tional or scandalous matter, is dully appro, elated by tho refined clashes. Fathers read tho paor weekly, welcoming it after reading tho Mush of politics, murders, scandals etc., thoy read every day In tho dally press, nnd find t-ollef on Sunday to read matters of gen eral interest nnd food for thought in these columns. I do not say this with egotism nnd it takes but tho moments thought of n fair inlndod person to agree with mo. After per using tho paper tho head of tho family lays The Couiukii on tho center tnblo for tho gentle wlfo nnd innocent young ones to lead, knowing that no harm can comu from such pastime but much good, as no indecent mat ter of nny sort will thero bo seen to deseaso tho mind of thoso near nnd dear Look on tho other sldo nnd tako up tho dally jwijier. It is full of news regarding vlco, debauchery, crimo etc. Tho sensations and scandals of tho day nro brought beforo tha eyo in liircii and glaring letters. Can such reading bo conduc ive to tho welfare of tho tender and Miccppt nblo minds of tho much loved fnmlly clrelo? Certainly not, Tho young mind Is ready to grasp nt anything now nnd fiom a continu ous rending of tho dally patters of todav. many a bright child receives IU first Ideas of wrong. Thoy nro certlonly worts) thnu tho yellow iinck novo, in as much us thoy only treat, as a rule, of daring adventure, while combined with this tho dally press takes up and polntu In glaring colors, every unsavory scandal it hears of and very often much that it imagines It hoars. Fathers and mother do generally do not think seriously enough on mis sutiiect and yet It is one of tho most I in porumt. Parent should watch this matter and If thoy will but stop to think of nil the slush in the press of today, I nm Biiro they wlllngreo with nil thnt I havoMild. A few nights ago n bald-headed man led mnn who lives In East Lincoln was urottsed from a deep slumlier by the aggrceslvo nudg ing or the wlfo nt his elbow. Bhosnld, "Histr nnd told him sho heard tho cries of n baby which, sho thought, had been left on their front steps. The sleepy husband attuned his drowsy ear nnd confessed tlmthodld heor tho wailing of nil Infant Then ho sneaked out of the wnrni bed nnd paddled across tho cold floor in his bare feet, raised tho front window nnd projected tho upper half of his person out Into the night. When ho brought it buck Into tho room ho said ho could seo no baby on tholr steps, but saw somothlng white on tho stei across tho way. Ho thought tho found ling was over thoro. His wlfo bogged him for tho sake of humnnlly to don his trousers nnd go over to tho child's rescue. "I will" lo said, starting for his clothes, "If you will promise fnlthfully not to adopt tho kid." The promise was given. Tim bald-headed man went over tho wny and hunted high nnd low for tho llttel stranger. No joungstor could be found. As soon as ho 8tepcd outside of Ills door tho crying stopped. No trnco of n wailing child was upiwirent. Ho wont back to his wlfo and snid ho thought it was a cat. She to him that she know n child's cry when sho heard it, and now the couple think thei els n ghostly kid haunting their precinct of the Sixth ward. Hero Is a truo story of a lucky Chicago girl. She is employed as tho motive jxwer of a tyjiowrlter In n State steer ofllco, nnd early last month shu and ono of her fellow girls chlpiHxi Inn half-dollar each and Invested in c lottery ticket. Typewriter No. 1 liee.ime tho custodian of the ticket nnd carefully Hied It away in one of tho Imieitnost iccess of her purse. A fewdas befoiotho drawing sho accidentally uropiicii tins purse, it contain ed something like eight dollars in cash, ami, as sho vvotked for n small salary, she mourn ed the loss deeply. She advertised for It, but without result. Tho loss of the lottery ticket in the Inueimoat recess did not worry hor Un til a few days after the drawing. Then her pattnor, who Imdmudon noUiof tho ticket's numlwr, obtained n list of the prizes nnd dis covered that tho ticket had draw $ 15,000. As boon ns sho learned this tyew liter No. 1 went to the central police station and lepoitcd her loss. Tho lottery jieople hero wei e ad vised of the circumstances and they Immediately tolo graphed to stop imyincnt on tho number. Some da a later a detective detailed on thu caso turned up the pockotbook and ticket. A mnn who had attempted to cash it was unb bod, but as ho declared ho hud found tho ticket ho Mas not detained after he had given it up. The two tyjiowrlter gli Is have l delv ed $7,500 each. Tho detective wusotfeied a reward, but ho refused to Uike anything ex cepting a $10 gold piece as a souvenir. Cleriuuii HIiikIiir lllrils. In Oermnny uud other countries of Kuroe thero nro many singing birds, beautiful in plumage and musical In song, that ai e not native to Amotion. Among these lire the nightingale, song thrush, bullfinch, skyliuk and others. A year ago a movement was tnado by citizens of Portland to import u thousand Of tllMHl, llll-ils lllll nniimn villi, tl,., expectation that thoy would rapidly (unease in numbers and soon become its plentiful us the native bit ds. They will arrive in Muy, and will lie turned loese in nnd near tho city, Tho mocking bird, bob-o-lluk ami led hi id are ulho to be taken to Oregon from the .southern stuUs. The mild climate of Oregon will to doubt be appreciated by what The Wert Shove Magazine calls "Our Fenthetcd Immigrants," which is the title of a Iiuku art supplement accompanying the magazine for .March, mis is an oloirant pleco of artlstta printing in colors, nnd shows these birds, six teen distinct kinds, In their natural ilom. Kver lover of birds will lie charmed vlth ii.ij Itcnutlful engraving. Tho tiutiiW riso con tains ft description of them, as well us ougritv lugs nnd descriptions of North Yakima, Wash., mid llalnlur nnd Ht. Helens, Oregon, and much other Interesting nnd vahmblo In forniotlon nbout tho Pnclflo northwest, l'rlco $2.50 ti year, 25 cents a copy. Addles L. Samuel, Publishers, Portland, Oregon. Peterson's New JJfl rent Merles. Mrs. Soutliworth's The Discarded Daught er. Ti led for Her Life. Cruel as tho Uru e. The Maiden Widow and Family Doom, by Mrs. Kniiiui D. K. N. Southwortli. Tho Old Homestead. Tho Old Countess and Lord Hope's Choice, by Ann 8 Stephens. Hena; or tho Snowbird nnd Marcus Norland, by Mrs. Caroline Leo Hontz. My Son's Wlfo. My Hero. Zola's 1m Terre. Nana. Loltovo The Olrl In Scarlet. Alblne. Nairn's Hroth or. L'AssotnnioIr and Nairn's daughter, by EmlloZoln. Theo. 1'ietty Tolly l'emberton and Kathleen, by Mrs. Iliirnott. Indiana, by George Hand and Run Down, by Dr. Cox. Price 20 ccttU ench. Never liororo published or sold under 1.60 each. Abovo nt o the best tho most jiopulnr, and tho fastest soiling liooks over pi Intud, nnd nro all now ready and for sale by nil now s agents overywhero and by tho publishers T. II. Peterson & Hrothers, 300 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Copies of any one, or more or nil, w 111 be sent to nny one, per mail, iost jmld, on receipt of pneo 25 cent each. "The Co.nkebhio.vh ok an Aimn," Is tho new liook by 1nils Ulbach, tho great French author, Just deceased, uud which I in tho press of T. II. Peterson & Hrothers, Philadel phia, for immedlato publication. Tho Paris paje!sseukof It in the highest Utius, and say that It is cei tainly In conception tho bold est, In plot the most Intensely dramatic nnd stlrr'ng, in execution tho most delicate, nnd In Intel est nnd fascination almost without an equal. In It tho plague hixUh of society nro exposed In a manner so skillful ns not to cnuso tno slightest reeling or dfcgust or scan dal. It will bo published In Peterson's series of new twenty-live cent liooks, o us to put It In the hands of the multitude, and le for sale by all news ogonU and booksellers nnd on all railroad trains everywhere. Commencing .Monday April 1st. Wo invite spcinl attention Ui our novelty dress goals nnd combination suits. Silks, fancy and plain "Penu do Solo" tho now black silk, for handsome costumes nothing excels It, Wo place on sale next week 10 pieces of 10 In. Henrietta cloth at 4Sc. yard, choice spring Bhuiles. Two bargiu lots of corset covers 8 do. at 33c. each, tegular price from 45 to 75c. 10 dor. at 05c., regular price front 75c. to $1.00. 1,000 yards of Egyptian loco nt la ft yard, worth front 5 to 10c. 25 doz. ladies ribbed vests, just tho weight for early spt lug wear, reduced from 50 to 39c. to close a ra-o burgln, Theso ui e prices for ono week only beglnlng Monday, April 1st. ABIIIIV & MlLLHPAUOH. A Notulilo i:ent. For tho coming week, nothing will lntorost tho ladles of Lincoln ns much as tho opening of tho new Uoston dry goods house, which will niako its initial liow on Thursday next. The store is ono of tho largest in tho city, o-- cupylng two full fronts on Tenth street, and tho goods that w ill bo soon, comprise the Int est from tho finest mills of the world. Fino dress goods will be a g)ouialty. .Messrs A. U. Richardson & Co., are from Connecticut, are thoroughly experienced in tholr calling, and being posted as to values, styles etc., will bo able to do much toward elovatlug the stylo and dress of Lincoln society. Ludloi should not forgot the opening. Remember Thurs d ty next is the day and 143-1-1 south Tenth street, is the location. Turn out en tntuse and givo tho new concern a rnyol welcome. Help Wanted. For tho benefit of the ladles who tuny havo tc pass through the common sttuggloof se curing help, the Couiueii will twelve want advertisements for publication in tho Dally Call want columns. Patties desiring help situations, boatders, or to rent rooms or rent houses can leave their advertisement at this ofllco nnd they will bo promptly delivered to tho Call for publication. One cent n wonl per day Is the extwnso. The II. Art), himI the InitiiKiirutlini, Iletw ecu midnight March flrd nnd noon March 4tn, the I). & O. It. II. curried into Washington sixty thousand excursion pas sengers, in addition to Its regular local nnd through travel. Ft om three o'clock, nttur noon of tho 4th until midnight of the 5th, mi espial number was cat rled from Washington. iiuumuit mi uYL'iuKu oi ou (.uKsengers ui the car, including Sleeping nnd Passenger cats, It required 1,200 caw to accommodate the multitudes. Adding to this the necessary number of bnggago cars to take care of the baggago of passengers nnd the supplies and paraphernalia of millUtry companies, bands and inarching clubs, It will ho seen that the J I. & O. hauled atriiln of tl cars Into Wash iugton every fifteen minutes from midnight March ilrd, until noon March 4th, and cut of Washington every flfu-eu minutes from it p m. of the 4th until midnight of the 5th. In handling this lmmemese volume of busi ness lit so short a time, not n slnglo accident occurred and not u tssenger wns Injured; not a car was derailed ami not an eiigluo fail ed to pi rfonii 1U allotted task. During nil this time theto was an Incessant full of rain and all outdoor wotk was lnesUd with very depressing conditions. The satisfactory manner In which this treat movement was conducted reflects the highest ctedltiijwu the operating dep.iitmout of the li, u. uompany ami ludlcut-s the nroiiint- ness and Intelligence with which ench ineiu lier pet foi med his assigned share of the labor Involved. John Varcoe, book-keeer for tho San Jom Cala. Times, wns troubled with a severe cold ami eseclally nt night had bud coughing spells. A few dot of Cuumocrlalii's Cough Remedy completely cured him. Sold by A, I Sunder, Druggist, Telephone at the Coukikh ottlce is 253, sga7gaggai!VVg,TTr.r.y..-v,Tr-tt ?ty-r, Lincoln, Nuhiuska, Satuhday, Makoii ao, 1880. A Health uud Plenum o Itemirt. Hy n days rido fiom Lincoln over tho Fre tttont Klkhoi n nnd Mo. Vnlley H. II, and n Urn or twelve tulle Jaunt lit n stago esjMjelully ndnptisl to tho coiutoi t of the pawiiger, one can tvach the nlrendy famous Hot Springs of DnkoUi, Without doubt tho equal nnd er l'npsthosuiH'tiorof nny medical springs in tli's or nny other country. You may say this is exaggeration. It is not however but tho plain tt nth, ns many eoplu tostlfy. The waters of those springs, unlike nny oilier known spt lugs in tho w oi Id, issue front the ground nt from !H1 to OS degteos, or blood heat just tho right temperature for the human body. This Is a pattlculaily valuable fenttno its tho medicinal piojiertles me thus presev ed Intact and give to tho bather or ill Inker tho highest jtosslblo lieneflt. Tho location of the Dakota Hot Spi lugs challenges compnr risou with others hit espect to lienlthfuliiiM and climatic condition. At their ultltiido of 3,200 feet nboiu the sea level n clear diy uud bracing ntuiospheriyibsohitely frco fiom init ial la, Is Insuicd. The pictuusquo surround lugs, the hills, mountains and the wondetful fossils nnd s)trIfactlons found adjacent to tho spi lugs, Interest nil tho senses or the Ihv holder while the dally baths nro doing their wonderful work. An to what they will cine H H. Piatt, M. D.,L U D, of Chicago, sajs, "So far as my Hrsoiiul observation goes these springs nro leiuaikahly elllcatlous in the cuio of rheumutlsiu (particularly sclntlca) nerous prosttation, insomnia, iwwel nnd bladder troubles and various kinds of skin ttoubles, nnd all kinds of female ttoubles." A f 10,000 inodoru hotel nnd other places of less pi otension, afford nccoinmodations suit able to all. The Klkhoi n line has made a low round it ip into direct to tho spi lugs nnd pro vide sleeping car service to mid from Huirulo Onp, tho nearest station. Pumphlebi and other matter giving full patticulnrs can bo hud by calling on or nddiesslng Oco. N, Foresmati 115 south 10th street, Lincoln, Neb, Chinch .Nutli'cH u-u I'rcii, It may not begeueiully kmmn, but ita u iacineennciess mill tho UOUlilKll never charges jr never has charuisl. itnv chinch in llie city lor notices or meetings, soclablis etc., when given solely for the benefit of tho church, uud wo take plensuio in announcing to nil, that wo will accept and publish all Items or notices for the city chinches gratis. Notice of sermons will also find n welcome rpace. Hi lug lit j our notices. A New Tl am. Tho connecting link Itetween Nebrnskn and Knnsas has just been placed in service by tho Union Pacific railway. This train leaves Council Uluirs duily tit 4:45 a. in.: Omaha nt 5:05 a. in.; Valley at 0:20 a. in,; and ruin- through without chango to .Manhattan. Kan sas, making ilhect connections thero with the Knnsas division of tho Union Pacific railway for nil points In Kansas and Coloiado, west bound, nnd for, Law i euro, Kansas City and ioliitH?nst and south via Kansas City. Returning, trulii leaves Manhattan nt 2:2.5 p. in,, nrilvlng at llentrlco at 0:25 p. m. i.iiRoiu ui, t" ii. ui , vniiey ut :.v p. m.. Omaha nt 11:20 p. in., and Council ltluirs nt 11:40 p. in., milking dliect connection with Kansas division tialiis fiom Knnsas City, Uiw renco, ToiK-ka and the east, uud front Denver, Stllna, Abilene nnd nil points wet, enabling pnssenners to visit tho principal MInt in Kansnsand Nebraska in the shot test K)hslblo tluto. These tialus have first-class equipment, consisting of smoking cms nnd Hist class day co iches of tho latest pattern Tho now tialu will fill a long-felt want and is bound to be popular fiom tho start. Tho lliirlliiKtou I.fHiU iho Vim. Notwithstanding reiiorlH to the contrary. tho "UuiIIngtoii" Is still the quietest mid by all odds tho lest touto to Chicago uud the east. Our "ller" leaving Lincoln at 1:40, p. m dully, reaches Chicago at 8 o'clock tho next morning in nmple tlmo for wisUtii connec tions. llnotlKli Pullman palatial sleeiHim Urst-class smoking cars, sumptuous dinners and free inclining chair cars, comprising through solid Mstibulwl train, such us no oilier line pretend to run, they ain't built that way. When you haveoccuslons to travel bo sure nnd got the worth of your money. Tho "Huillngton" alone can give it to you. A. U. .IKMKll, Citv Pass, and Ticket Agent. How riMtlhiiHterlllllorTcxiisriot A, film. The telegram of tho drawing of tho Loulsi ana State Lottery, anuotiticisl that Manor, Tex., had fallen heir Ion Hjrliou of the fflOO, OOOpilze. The luckj holder of jwit of the ticket wiis Postmaster John H. Hill, n tloxei v fug man. Although a staunch deiiKK-int (his father having U-eu klllisl while servinir in tli confisleintonriny,) Mr. Hill hus the unanim ous eiidoisi'inent of the cltlz-ns of Manor for re-npsiliitment. With hii t of tho money he diew lost mouth he has bought a farm of 400 aciesfor 10,000 l imttn (Tex.,) Stnteiman, Jan. 17. C'lilriiKo, Slllnuiilifii .V ht. 1'hiiI ltnllui.j Short Line to Chicago mid t.ioiaxt. Finest dinning cars in tho world. Tlinitili sleeping cars to Chicago, The i onto of tho (ltt "flolden Gate Spwlal." Rest line to Washington for tho Inaugeiu tlon of Piesldent llnirlsou. Only dliect louto to the U. A R. rncaini meiit ut Milwaukee. Rveij thing III st -class. Flist-chuwiH-opluitronUi llit-clnss lines. Tlckit agents eeiywhere In tho west sell tickets oier thoClucin,o, Milwnukisj & St raul iUiiwny. llvoiKii T ltiiM nT lint I tilt ! hii Heir. J II. Ditkeirtonu telegiiipher, and Uootgo T. Davis ot Detroit, Mill., inch diew $15,000 onoiio-twentiitlilkkitsof No. 5.S82, which diew in the Jnntiaiy, (bH)) diluting of the 1Olllxlaiia Stute Uittei tlinirUoof itOOlHX), Mr. Davis HselMtd f 16 000 hy the Southern KxpiessCo, HeUlliti-tvo years of uge, and Is tnuisfer line unit or thu Wnliush riwid This was his thiul ilolliir iiiustinent in tho lottery, iintl hi) feeU tniicli elated. Thieo le latlMs dksl dining the ast year leaving him nil iiggtegnte of 1 1.IHXI so that now he Is rich IMrutt (Miili ) SitHihiv .Vim, Feb, !!. For lent, two elegant stoiu tootns on street enipilro ut the i.tllce CapiUil liotel. "-, ,f?jgBKaa..'r-vy. ., mmm'-zw-wnmm'-r m'j.-,. SEEN ATTHKIMAY HOUSES. MATTERS MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC A ttevlew or Mm Past, a Wonl rir IIih Present and Trouper! rur l"nlurii Aiiiiiseiueiil, A IIOI.K INTIIKOIIOU.MI. Theiv may have Imsiii a "A Hole In tho Oiound"attho Fitnko Wislnestlny eienlng but tltetu certainly wns not a hole hi thelloor nseery seat from the stago to the door wits lined Willi u delighted ntiillenisi who gnvo way to tho Inevltahlo nnd neatly laughed themselves Into convulsions. People who had seen tho show last wasou laughed ns hem ty as those who were first introduced loj It, on this its set nnd visit to Lincoln It Is what Mr. llojt claims for it, nothing mote, nothing less, Tho nlllclous rnllroad man, ilomlneoiing over the iiufoitmintM stranger who Is waiting font train four hours late, is a happy dig at Iho railroads uud tho thouxutid nnd one nnnoinnees with which tho jsior station agent has lo contend is grnphicly do wtilied and show the other side of tho story; n slap ut tlio traveling public who cannot np picolato what the railroad Is trying to do lor them. It Is a good show uud tho company Is thobist wohnvosisjit In Hoyt's plnyK since thoihijsof Riigllahy in fact soveial pioplo who were with that coinxiny nro now with this show, Mls Fniiiilo llatehelder, us n tailor mado girl recalling the faces of tho Rag Unity Co, Mr. (leo Rlchaids as thostinnger Is In lmltnbl(t;Mr Frank Lawton.thostntlonngent tinnppronchnblo and in fact lo make monition of nil the good ones wo would have to repilut the cast. The phenomenal business they ntu doing Is only u just reward of ti no moi It. THU CHICAGO COMEDV t'OMI'ANT'H HUt'CKSH, All of this wisik the Chicago Comedy Co, has lieen doing phoiionihi'il buslnesN at the Peoples thvntru. They have prixeuted it new bill oach evening nnd every ono put on seem ed to suit the audiences present who gi.vo ample evidence or tholr uppriclatlon Tha cotiiiinuy Itself is good nnd tholr reiiertolto coiiiniussomereniiygoisi plays such as oro seldom sisjii at tho exceedingly low pi Ices they charge; 10, 20 mid !10 cents, no higher. Another feature of the show nnd by no means nsmnll ono is thu giving away of a set of ii lor furniture to the lucky ticket holder at tho close of the iKjiformanco tonight. Hy n spjclnl arrangement Manager Rrowuo has made with company they will stay hero nit other week. To do this thoy were compelled to cancel xoveral other engagements but the managers of tho company preferred iniotliur week In Lincoln to good business, than uncer tain houses ut one night stands. Among tho couiimny thoMt who ptrtlculinly attract nt teittlon nro Miss Minnie Pinker a little lady has delighted the audiences till week, Mrs. Graves and Mrs Keinpton nlxo fill their parts In giont sIiiijm) while nearly every male mem ber of thu cast is "all tiht " Hear In mind they stay another week commencing Monday In "The Phoenix" and for this week will oiler ns u premium a magnificent bod room set. Hy the way go Uinlght and see who draws the parlor sot that was offered this week. J "WKl.t. IT'H AM. OVKIl NOW'." Aftar waiting patiently for some time for the Llk's tiilnlstrels to como off, tha large tnulienceliiiitteiidanco nt tho oiwra house night left for their homes perfectly satisfied thnt thoy had got their tnonoy's worth. To eniiiiiBiatothefeatiirosnnd iinmo nil who took part would bo lniMs.sfblo nnd to critlslzu would lie unkind hut tnkon nil to gether the show went off ory smoothly nnd was an achelieineiit the order may well fin-l proud of. The singing In tho Hist part wns gol but n little solemn for a minstrel show, the jokes weiorovnrnlshed und touched up hud weie well told and thu Intro Jtictloti of Miverul professional people livened up the scene. The sharp shooting ''fake" of Capt. Ooburdus who well put on nnd so was tho Prohibition Hand. Th Wert. Hrothers guu ft neat exhibition of ground nnd lofty tumbl ing that mei itcd much uppluuso while "Doc" Ware tho "Klnof CnriU" kept tho vast aii illenco guessing. Mr. (Iixslnll of tho Omiihii cmftf llllisl n Nirtlou of the bill in good slmiKi and Ills little daughter Kvu made u dis tinctive hltln her chutaeUir song "Aim you theioMoiiarlty." Tim bill was a good one with the exception of the length foriiotwitli itniidlng tho fact that u lot of it wns cut out tho cm tain did not fall on the last act until long after eleven o'clock. Financially also the show win a success and the bos dcui usl it as they have sieut moio money enlei talu Ing their riiends ut the so sessions than one would think uud the box olllce its elms will go n long way towards replenishing then treasury. THE ATTIIAITIONK AT THE MLHKK NEXT WKhK 'tonight closes another sucessriil wisik ut the llden Musis'. Ijiigo cioi,.is have been ill ntttiidauce ueui ly all week and the success or thueliteipitse is assure! 1 Tonight thiMO- pie who ua their last is' K.,fo,,, mnces und muke loo.i, for niTrn,.nri,,ui i ...i.. the following arnij of Uilont, who will take their pint iw. Ill the Cuilo hall Miss Stuiuism will lie fol lowed hy Mens Huls'i' 'I'lie Cutaway painter' n iiiaii without nuns or liiuids but still . iccom- pushes his everi deslio with his feet, Mile. Helen , the the queen, u lady whom the toi- tuienof heat or llaino do not effect. Coin. the HiudiMi magician In iiinuslnir It-ats ut dextetity ami skill, also CIiiin. liuthett the musical nun el. Fiiday Is iilwnjs ladles soiienu na.- and on Fililuy April 5'h null lad piesoul will icniveusastuiveuii'ii Imudstimc ha d wilut til siiotel fiom Mom. HiiIs-i. llesiiU the ;ma,;p;;:;;,;u;eVor im'uiuZgo : u''Sr.rr.rifr ",x"v rh nice, the Z.uuis ,,!,,, ,K uikii, S..ltein, a r,,w ' ''' "! 1'rtnw Apply nt lilllslciil iusti lliiiriit iimsI i the Peiuviinis ' , ' long $ ears ago, Rouuldo the king ot grout,. Tin n horses nut in it good a,ture for a few quo urtists, in Ins fiiuiou. ivuimi "u weeks, when they get lu Uid condition, ir .Mains (It oU-wuis." llukur uud est intisl- "t can not Ui done iimi Ur. Cadi's Condi cul mokes they produio from v.vvy Uo" lowdei-s; thej will put tt horse in eirect thing and every whole. MUs Kangooii, 'itio ''wilth. A will Iioi-m, don't need iiiediilim. Jiis.iiesolK-aitii, inn h-iiioiis and u,.irvi-l ""' grain nnd gsl ciro is better. Dr. Uu s'iloiiniiiiOj umi iiiitdtr ol r.iwir etlgisl ' Cnd's Condition Powders are n tutu horse rWiMU, uli Ciiiis. Sully luu iiunu isnk coin- tntvllclne,(ui.i n dos.) they aid digestion, cute tvlhiu in 111. KieatsKvi.iiiyMlslil." coiiitlMitloii. kidney disorder ,,d dlstt v I In the lll;,,tb,i, down .tali they WOrtns. Sold by A. L. Hinder, 1 1,,, gj?',. utKiut llt theio will the (larciaV Mm uel uud havo Ilalleii and Hint's llrst prlro Ideals, a givat company of twenty sjopht, nil sluis, In nn linmensit sHs'lalty bill. This is without a doubt one or the strongest sieeHy com panies now pitying on a museum circuit. Also, the !) K. Hans', Cat iillnn and IMwatd antlKslean wonders on the tuuiiliig revolv-' Ingglolm, thoH'rfoinmiicii to coneludo with tho Com uds Fred uud Hairy tho champion club swingers. All of the iiIkimi iittrnetlons beside many olhets not mentioned will jkis. tlvely nppear mid will thus tin in onu of the strongest bills ever put on by tho Museo Co.,ut any of their houses. The price temalns Iho same one dliite, ten cents, teservisl seats bii ten cents extiu. lilt.!, NVU AMI IIIH I'AUT.NKU. Tuesilny oteiilng, the only two man show on Mirth that can hold an nuillonw, Hill Nyo uud.liimesWhltcoinb Riley, will be seen ut the Fiinke Their progiuiti consists of short catchy sketches, stm les etc, uud pot n long tiresome hatuiiguo nbout some foielgu country that wo do not kiiownnythlhgnhtiut. Tim follow lug Is only one of the litany com plhueiitnry notices they have loeolved throughout tho county: "Thero was tt largu aiidiipiuecliitivu atiilleiico at the Chestnut nueubiipeiii house jesteniav nffernojii to hear Hill Nye, tho world I enow ml funny man, Insoiuenf his huiiioi ous sketches, of which ho Is tho parent, and his sldo partner, .rallies Whitcomb Riley, the Indiana pwt, In selec tions from his dialect poetry. Holh gentle men were enthusiastically received, ninl there wns continual laughter mid applause front the lieglnnlng lo the close of the enUrtniiiiiient. Mr. Nje, lit pUIn wot king clothes, nnd with ft luxuriant growth ot hair, such us would 1st found on a mock ot tinge, upM-unsl first. His "hah less iliimu of thought," us he calls the top of his head, glistcutsl like a cat buiiclu be hind thu footlights lie relatnl some funny exiM-i lences In his money iiiaklng tour, nnd then Mr, Riley emtio umiii thoscanouinl stop jhsI him with some ersoiiul nneulote. Mr, Riley Is it niuinith t,il,,ni,wi ii,. lo, uud his dialect t ccitnl Ions w ei o exceedingly clever, His illustiutloii of uu old, illlteuito furiner wns put ticului ly K(Mn, ns wus also his recltutlon of "(loml ,yo, Jim; Take Care ourhe." The closing humorous sketch. "I ho Lilucntor," wns received wllh vnelfoi-- ous applause." Philadelphia IWxii. THE HHAllOWH OK A flllKAT CITV. L. R. Showell's affis-tlng coiuisly dniinu, "Shadows of iiGieatCIti" will lm put on nt the Funko Wislnesduy o oiling. The play is n llfo of which tho American public know nothing, nor is It a now play to Lincoln theutro goers, having Usui seen hero twice beforo by crowded Iioiiwm. It is lii many tesH-cts siiKTlnr to nny woik of n similar kind over produced In this city. It strong Hilnt, aside from tho fact that IU story is lnUiestlu nnd progres ses iititurnlly, m o It clever construction nnd the compleU-nes of lis chiitncler iluiwlng, The dialogue Is clearcut nnd to tho jkiIiiU Hnnllya woidlswastisl, thenction is rapid and tho climaxes effestlvo. ThoMirpilscs ore many nnd genuine, nnd Interest Incieuses us thostoiy IsdoNeloiHsl.niid the last net is by far the strongest of the ilrnina a thing not often found now ndu s nnd is a miistei piece of iiiclodrumutlu coiistructioii, Tlio character nnil cuieful sttidh-s, clenrly and forcibly doplcusl. Tho heio is n man of norm uud will and the heroine u gltl of gilt nnd action, nnd thewi two, contrnry U) cus tom of modern iiiolodiuum, uet with spltlt, btuliis nnd muscle in bringhig nbout the do Mietl (lenouoincnt, The conusl element Is ptnu nnd healthy and Is mlxisl with thu pn Ihetle in oxi client probations. It Ivldly lllustrntes nil phuses of life In New York city, and depicts their worst and best foi ins in the vices uud vli tiles of its nut uiiilly mid iireclhel.i dinwu characters. 1 1.0 plot is powel fill and louiplete, the It) iiiiiions inriii'iig, the uctlon btisk mid the ci isp ;i noun i plentifully supplied with hlch lyeujti) utile litintoi us well us touching xi. thus. Thu play will !i siis-iblv uiuiiuUsI, tho scenery being of temai kale beuuly uud the inechiinicul effis'ts n, e uud realistic. A car load of scenor,) nnd it great contNiiiy will give the show uu elegant supiort nnd theie Is no doubt but tho house, will ho puck ed, Nw Tniln horvli'r nn thti Nortliueiteiii Uy the liewaiiiingeinent Lincoln patronsof this route have the only pallor cjis In service In the west ut their fits) dlsjiosal lwtweon Lin coin uud Missouri Valley, Iown, the Junction IKiiut of tho Kll.hotii lino with tho Noithwest ern R It. projstr. These cars nro the same ns unci hy tills eoiiiniiy between Chicngn ut.d Milwaukee and nro tliu icme of lallnuul lux- my and siristlon in their iiHit nioiitx which i (insists or smoking, toilet uud curd compartments In audition to thu main saloon, to sin nothing or the imilci in limine, all of whnhuieliiiiiUhtsI with beiiutlliilli uuhol- steml mid i-oiuroi table ,iiat iitm clmirsand isiiiehei. exts pt ihep lloi whtoit fllinUldng Is III genuine elmuy. leaving Lincoln on tho afternoon tialu in one of tleMi tins the passenger arrives it) Mlraotiil Vallei ut 4:4.5. p. in. A wait or lir- f LV S.h LT'1,1'1 K'"U '" "'" ' '"'tttioucluslii the I ullroud sitv lie or si-cure tho iiieomii.islntions ii'strvnl lit the slw.iii.r tillotltsl to Lincoln put inns. Slatting again at 5 p. m , thu imssonger finds hint or herself hi uu elegant car, a pint of the Noithwestern Llmitul, a solid cstlhuled tniln iff couchtsi. shvplngiind dinning cars. Right hero we will i eiiiat I; that Hie isisseiiger is now li the finest imiii, tunning over the best lincL, und gitidtsl li thu Inst h-i vlie in theisxiutry. After n delightful tun the tniln tuns into Chicago on time ut h 25, u in , In time lo muke the morn ing comiM lions noi th, east and south. Don't Uike our word f i this hut try this line the next time on go east. s ruinUlieil ItiMHim iijf -. ,. t. Fwioic Kivic Cicnts I.orul uud l'emoniil, Mrs. K Ireland left for Denver, Sunday. Mr. and Mis. John Wiley left Wednesday for Pot timid, Oro. Miss Kntln Kluetch Is visiting her friend Hrownlu Hnimi In Omalia, Miss Daisy Keir of KiiII'h City is spomllng this wk with friends In tho city. Hadyn Myer Is In Fremont having loft for that beautiful city Thursday noon, Mrs, Smith Wlsoond MIm Nellie Wiso hor daughter left Monday for Mlunesotn. Col. Flunk I), Hoed of tho Hhellon CUpjtrr was it Lincoln visitor tho first of the wAk. Charley Hendry now mixing drugs at Syinoiiso wns seen In tho city Wednesilny, Miss Minnie I). Cochran Is entertaining her friend Mrs, S. Kngllsh of IllooiiilngUm, III, Mr. F. V. Krug of tho regular army Is in tho city visiting hi brother Harry It. Krug, Mr. 11, W, Ih own who accomimnliit Ida duughlor Chic to llosion nrrUed home Ttie day. (leo. Chrlstophere, for it long tlmo clerk at the Treinont. left Inst Sunday for Halt Laid, city. Mrs. I). L. ICtttr nccutunanliHl hv hnr daughter left for Richmond, Vn., Tuesday iiiormng. Miss Fiinulo Hlniit tins gone to Hennett U) nttentl the fiinerul of her grandmother who dltsl theio Thtirsthty, C. O. llurr, J. II. Hurley and J. W. Mc Donahl nro n trio of LlnchlnlteH now on ti visit to Hot Springs, Ark. (1 II. Teislrick, traveling passenger agent of the Pennsylvania lines was a vWtor to the railroad cenU-r of thu state Tuesday. Mm MiieDonld of Iillnburg, Scotland loft for her homo Wislnesduy. Sho has licen vis iting her daughter .Mrs. II. C. Hartley. MlMsKlllnMcIntyio formally of Lincoln now living In Hustings spent tho llrst tt t of the week with Dr. mid Mm. J. O. Cutter. Messrs A. M. Davis & Son havo nn now ad veitiseinent in Ushty's issue. Thoy offer soiiie extiuonllimry biirglnsin laco curtains. Look it up, Tho family of Col, AI. Kwnii, of tho Omaha if, has been materially Inereused bv thunr- rlvnlofa bright bnby kIiI. weltthlnir ulirht mid onu half k)iiiii1s. Mr, Alfnsl (laytoti, a cousin of Mrs. A. O. Colmor, left Sunday for Denver. Ho had l,eoii visiting here a short while mid was greatly pleased with Lincoln. Miss II. II. Wnldhrook who has been visit ing her uncle J. L. Rynns of this city has ro ttit nisi to her homo in Ontario. Tho sudden Illness of her mother undo her stay hero a lit ief onu. Mr. W. W. RolHirtsoii for some tlmo con necUsl witli the .oiinuti has resigned to no cept tho'postlon of edlUtr of the Sideny Tele, tiruph, the Couiiieh wlshet him success lit his new field of lnlior. Mr. W. J. Lntnb nnd Will Oreeii nnd wlf leave Lincoln niiotit tiilddlo of Juno on their trip Ut Kngliind etu., leaving New York Juno 22nd via the Ctinnrdor "Rtruila" Zletnur has ticketed them ultendy for thu round trip. John Fitzgerald, n relative of our capitalist lef t Tuesday In eompuny with Dr. O'Uonimn for Qiieemtowii via tho Hurllngton and tho Ciintinler "Ktrtirla" front Now York hnviiiB left (Mitt this morning ut :'M and nro now on thu briny deep. Mrs. S. Heischler nnd daughter, fntnlly of our now clothing man Mr. Snut Herschior of the Globe, will nrrlvo hi Lincoln to locnto pennnneiitly. Sain will now feci tnoro "nt homo" und life will be plensanter to hint than since his llrst arrival heiu. MlssChlo Hrnwn who Is now in Lowell, Muss,, with her Aunt w i lies home that sho ii.hsdowii to "Hosting" twlcon week to tako j her iiiiihIc lessons and is progresslmg flnelv. nnu iu io joimst suortiy oy Mrs. tunny Kellogg Huchtitnnd will then remain in Bos ton until she has completed her course. Mr. and Mrs. K. P Rwlng woro called upon Wednesday U perforin the sad ceremony of burying their infant son I). Mil nny. Tho little fellow had Just l cached tho ago whore he was the ot of everyone mid .Mr uud Mrs. Rwlng have tho syinpethy or hosts of friends. A novelty wnntecelvwl at this olllce, this week, in the sliiiie of a copy of the Now York Win Id of the 18th Inst., prltitid on green jiup er in honor of St, Patrick's day, on which wo discovered wtltteit III n bold hand the name of J. I Hopkins, the genial fx-ttiieriuteiidwit of the Lincoln olllce of tho Well's, Fargo Ex press Co. Thero Is nothing that improves the looks of a room like tasty t-iitg nnd (minting. This is Jut the llinu ol ieai whin the Ltiy housewife Is preisiilng for thusiirlinrcleaiiliii? nnd you should hulp her by having the houtoi Mieiisi mill paintisl, uud 1st sure to get J. A. imiiey, tho pioneer, to do your wotk us he novel ilNnpulntH vou elthei In qiiahtj or pi Ice. and his vvoiktituhshipis unexcelled, Dojouuvei piny liillliinUf Theie Is h nlcei phuelii the city In which to Indulge hi tills fusclimtlng giinio than the Capital hotel lilliuiil purloin isinducUsl by Mr. W. A. Ab-botliiiiox-tuivellng limit uud ono who teck ons his friends by the score. Drop in (m hint uud he will se that J on get the Ust of It. 0kjii till ntltliiiglituvei eve lug, Wohxitt, tho Kloveuth sttisit lunlwaft ineixhant wants to Inrorni you th it he hand les the eelebiiitul"Tropli" gaoll io stove, mid as ho has the exclusive silu of It in Lin coln, Invito ymt to call and see it. L ncolu Shoe Store m Jui ucehisl thu celebiuted Ludlow lino slns lot Initio m Hu tho new st les. The couilihiu solid i-oittfuit uud eviiuuiiij. Reiueiiitvi the t'lai-u pijS O U't. I'Jlll CC lth Tho griiiul sit Aitss Wens' iiimmvry wtlois aremisjtlng with Is slu.wu t.y ilw fg0 ami apprectativu crowd ol ladles that tue lu dall.v attendance. Kxeribodyeiiu uffoul touit i.t the hading tesot t in the ctt now. The pi ice or 21 tick u no v ul Odfli's is only i -reduced Irom 4.Ml. You't iiiiHt it by iiuylug the "Tiopio" iliisolliio stove. Cad and ssi it at Wolentt's, VUmiiiiIi lhi stiivt. Call uud sco H, t(, i epartinoiil. .tlwle; ,V Oo ciirH)t. . rsSAMW rf,,l f i ,1&S& . 1. I