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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1889)
9TT r. fljfM4 '1J Myr (Mf(Ac4HfWMMWtW HrTiyi'H,.' WW ViW.MHijW( wwr"M ' imiww M iJi'iftV'9WPBWWi r CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1889. v y r i PUUUISIItCD SATURDAY BumcnirTletd 0n Yearhy MH or Carrier Jl.CO Blx monjln, tl,0 Three moiitlm W Cents, On month ft) Cents Invaridity In Advsiice, AnrmTiRBMRirrii: llnUnt fnruMied on nppll nllMi At the office HpecUlrntenu Time Contra In. Oohthiiuttions! Short spicy sketch). miii and stories solicited. Personal and HocIaI notes nrti whvImI1j lilrntite. i Pftiwmni Wn msVo n oclAliy of Kl'ne I'HiitlfiR InMU tl tinmi'ui, ttuloty work n "ijiacl illy AiMrvn nil conitmum'Atloiii direct to the offleo. Wicsaict Pkintinq Co., rUlll.lftllKIIH, Now Iliirrlllock.Cnr. I'Jthaml O Hirer.. Tltl.KIWI0MK2.YI L. W'krski., Jiu, Killtor and Solo Proprietor. POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 60,000. O.NKwcek more of March, then "April shows will bring Mny llowi rs." No more "HiirlliiRton Wyeis'1 after next vfook. Hlow trains will have to milllco. 1 , j Boon tlio Iwselwll player wilt lie tlio Idollx l tnortnl and tlio centre of nttrnctlon In aiiiucment circles. Jam km Wiiitcomii Iim written nuv crnl now poems for spring. Tins titles havo not mi yet lieen announced. "1)Y Saint Patrick but tlirro nro signs of n lioautltul 'Hovonteenth of Old Ireland' tomor row." 80 quoth tlio Omaha Kxethtor last Saturday nml 8L l'ntrlck ilny wnx n dismal, dreary, rnlny ilny, Tiik Chicago lltmlil devote 11 lirtlf oohimti to tho state law mnkcrs of Illinois under tlio following heading "Dry Hot In tlio legisla ture," Evidently Nebraska In not nlouo Iwr oil by n soro headed legislative body. At the prlmlrlc next Thursday UN to lio hoped thnt tho names of young men will l liberally placed on tlio ticket, for Rood work, honest enterprise nnd ultlumto slice., tlio young man has proven himself In matteis of munlclml government, miporlor to old for til. Olvo iih youiiR blood for prosperity. This Couhikh N tlio only ier In tlio city that prints church notices, advertisements of church affair, etc., free. Thl however N not a now arrangemnt, hucIi having been tlio rulo nt Uila ofllco since tho sturt of tho pacr. Ladle aro Invited lo brhiRnny such notice to tho olllco for publication. Title statement In nindo thnt tho jiollto cir cled of Auitralla.nro llllctl with,, a torrlblo dread. Atn juvclillo pcrrorninnco of tho "Messiah" it was noticed that tho rising gon eratlon is acquiring a naiuil twniiR. Since then much discussion linn taken plnco on tho subject, and tho schoolteachers nro enjoined to adopt vigorous measures against tho olt Jectionnblo twang, which, It is supposed by tho experts, is duo to tho Indoleiico that so Strongly characterlcei llf nt tho antipodes. Onk of tho most important nomlnatloss made by President Hnrrlson Wtxluemlny was that of Whltnlaw Hold, wlltor of tho Now York 7W6un, to l envoy oxtraodlnory and minister plcnlpotuitiiiry to Franco. Mr. Held U thoroughly qualined for tho post In overy rtojiect and ho will fill It with distin guished ability. Ho declined tho KnglUh mission tendered to him by President Hayes because at tlwt tlmo his private Intonwt rf qulrcd his jiorsonal attention. This is it com meiidablo appointment nnd shows that tho prcsldAiitUnotslowto npprectato the work of tho pretM. Eahtkrk Colorado was vl.lted by an eight hour rain storm Tuesday mid tho Donvor jwi . ers jubilantly speak of It iw a foivrunuer of prosperous time for '80 to tlio settler whom? work lost year rtaultcd in failure caused by a heretofor customary dry wason. Many farmers were discouraged und moved their homes above to spots with brighter prospects but U is MIoved many will now return. An other rain fell lhursday, New Mexico had its Unit heavy snow storm Sunday. It has always been very dry there and tho day being warm tho snow molted as soo'iiu It touched the oartli. Tho denizens regard this with prospects for a season of ample water fall. Lincoln was uevor in better or more proa porous condition than at present, and today tho prospects for doubling her imputation In side of five years was never better. Such a thing as a desirable vacant house Is not n scarcity but imposslblo to find and owners cannot begin to supply tho constant demand tor rental property. There were several va cant stores in tho city lost fall, nil of them be ing In undeslrablo location, but oven theso have all boon rented and mwcomers arriving nearly every day leave Uio city falllngto secure storerooms. Even stores on south Eleventh three blocks from O street that were last year considered entirely too remote for live busi ness houses are now tenanted by prominent Arms doing large business which has caused that thoroughfare to become u dangerous rival toO street. Last year there was not a krgeflrm represented on Eleventh stre-jt, while today such prominent houses as Htrdy &: PitcLer.MUler & Paine and others are locat d there in large and beautiful stores; the two mentioned above each occupying beauti ful double premises. Tho additions In Hue! buildings the past year have been wonderful In fact, so many costly residences have been erected that riemU from Omaha have admit ted the fact that Lincoln now haa more el gant homes than the Metropolis Several raagwMirient structures are now being com pwted, notably annng them being the homo at r. J. O. Phillip, which Is entirely of tone and when completed with surroundings will cost upwards of 80,000, Theso and oth revhlnttcM are numerous thut go to con ! the most skeptical that Llnxolu's pros perity h substantial and continuous. FASHION FKUILLKTON. OLIVE HARPED HOLDS FOrtTH UPON SOME NEW 8TYLE8. A CoinforlMliln Olosk for Tro tiding--A Waist for I)IiiikIhb Inlrn IVnliirrs. Unnnrls Tlint Cnteli tlio ICye-llrlllUnro of tlio l'roarnt Colors Ijirn t'ottunip. (SHclnl OoriTpotiilciicn, Nkw Voiik, Mnrch 31. Ah tlioneitflon ndvnnccs tlio oyca nnd Firnln liccoino moro und moro bewildered by tlio nrrny of now tliliiga tlmt nro dlsplnyud, nil for tlio purposo of mnklng womuii moro lovely nml Irresistible Tlioro nro (Inn nets for hcunIiIo nnd tnoiititnlii wcur which rlvnl Joseph'H coat In brilliancy of coloring, draped nnd displayed by tlio fitilo of ex(iilslto Incca which nro for tlio dainty afternoon nnd overling dresses, which Homehow make (ho wcarcm look bo cool nnd niiRollo in tlio weather which tries inen'H souls und wilts tliolr collars. Hut tliero nro no moro of tho ilecoy mid tratmpaiont silk nnd gnuzy fabrics for ballft, for now N tho nobcr mid hcrlomi tlmo of Ijont, which gives tho girls tlmo to nitrso their corns nnd bunions after ho much dancing. Tho Lenten costumes nro sober gray, nshes of roses nnd black, thnt Is, tlioso for tho very faslilouablo young ladles. They go walking nlong now demurely, with downcast eyes and clasped hands, ns becomes such miserable little- sinners, and Homo of thorn maku a point of car rying with them n pretty llttlo bng of black morocco, with handles, containing a prayer book nml hymnal. You linvo to look twlcoat them to bu perfectly euro they aro not opera glasses. Tho most nrlstocrntlo of tho young ladles liavo pretty llttlo alcoves built up in their private rooms and draped and arranged iiko nltnra, nnd with cmhrol dored llttlo footstools for kneeling upon, and thoy mnku It n wlnt of saying their devotions thcro dally, whllo waiting for tho dressmaker to fit on their now clothes. Dear llttlo Innocent soulsl Tliev think thnt thoy nro dolnir nil that is re quired of thorn when they go through that forty dnys' formula. Thnt tlmo pnst, thoy emerge on Easter Sunday Uko so many bright, iluttcrlng llttlo butter flies from their chrysalis, nnd wo all do light in beholding their pretty flights. I noticed in ono of tlio largest estab lishments up town u dress which is now Borvlng ns u model for many others, and tho stylo will bo n very popular ono for MODKl. LACE COSTUMK. tea gowns. It is of npplo green, China crnpo, prlncesso shapo, with tho back center mado in suck n way that thcro nppears n fan plaiting just below tho waist line, which utTords fullness to tho train. Tho sldo broudtlw aro slashed up from tho bottom and Bhow panels underneath of whito laco flounces, ono nbovo tho other, each four inches wido, set on over palo pink Batln. Thoro is a ilounco eight inches wido', of pink satin, nt tho bottom, on which nro sot two laco flounces four inches wido. This only sliows whero tho senms nro slashed, and thoy aro all slashed up from ten to eighteen inches. Tho front is open, showing tho pink satin covered with tho ruffles of tho luce to tho waist line. Tho waist has a wido jabot of laco on tho green, interspersed with loops and fish tail ends of ribbon. Thcro is u wido laco collar fulled on, but no standing collar. Tho sleeves aro of pink satin puffed to tho elbow nnd cov ered witli laco, nnd from tliero to tho wrist green, with n full rufllo of laco at tho wrist whero tho sleovo is snug and coat shaped. Tho stylo Is plcturcsquo and graceful. I forgot to say that tho slashes nro laced up with silver cord. Ono gown, which was copied in stylo from this ono, is of whito and silver with rush green plush in placo of tho laco and satin. It would bo very pretty in any of tho summer tinted cashmeres or veilings. Tliero nro bo many variotles of laco and laco eifects that I thought best to present u dress of that always elegant and useful material, so that ladies might uiako up their own dresses alter It. Tlio model is cut low on tlio neck, but it can bo mado high when so preferred, which, of courso, It should bo for Btrcet or after noon. Many ladies havo two corsages to luco dresses, ono for day and ono for evening. It will bo observed that laco dresses rvquiro llttlo draping. Tho flounco coming forty Inches wido, nil that is necessary is to gather it to tho waist qulto full, and in tho back bring up tho end to tho waist lino on ono side, looping tho other side but slightly, Soruo make tho skirt entirely plain and very full in tho back, raising tho left sldo very slightly with a Hot of ribbons to match tho under skirt. When whito or cream colored laco is used pink, red, yel low or blue surah or satin is suitable for tho under skirt, and surnli of quality quite good enough for that can bo ob tained for CO cents per yard. It req-.Ires five yards of surah for an underskirt. Six ynrds will niiiko waist nlro, Ulack lace is sometimes mado over cherry satin or yellow, but for tho street It Is n llttlo too pronounced. Illack foun dation Bilk Is worth nbout 75 to 80 cents r III lerynrd. Old silk or satin skirts come very hnndy for under dresses. This snmo model Is very pretty In tho now embroidered muslins, which require no under dress, and also for tho laco work ginghams. Indeed, tho stylo Is adapted for any summer goods. There Is u large variety of clonks for traveling nml spring wear, and thoy nro both graceful and becoming. Tho Illus tration hhowH n model mndo up in drab, tan color, dark green nnd mixed heather ladles' cloth, and also In sev eral grades of molialr nml do belgo oh well an raw silk. Theso latter nro to be worn us dusters on railway trips and the others 111 UIO HI root. UTILITY WAI8T. Tho yoko is usunlly brnidod or trim med with velvet, chenlllo or passo metitcrle. Somo nro smocked. I Imve Been n few mado of black silk and of black and whito striped silk. Thoy nro very pretty for young folks. Tho waist is ono of tho prettiest gar ments of tho season for slight, young llg tires, nnd enn bo mado of almost any material. Light colored surah, or India, buk, is, perimps, mo uest. or Btr nod silk In light colors, though It can bo mado in, cashmere, veiling or wnshablo goods. It can bo worn with nny skirt, und tho shining under tho belt makes It so that tho lower part can, if preferred, bo worn under tho dress. Pongco silk is very durable for this kind of waist. Pongeo hns been "out" for several sea sons, but there is a decided rovival in that excellent mid durablo silk, and it will bo worn a good deal this season, in combination with Orlcnml laco nnd vel vet of (lark, rich colors. Tho ladles' cloth pattern dressess nro very handsome, and with tho ilgurcd or embroidered borders nro mndo up in di rcctolro and empire styles, n mixturo of both, with Mimo Nineteenth century ad ditions. It strikes tho lioholdcr ns somo what Incongruous to seo n lady tripping ulong with u costumo alleged to bo dl rectoiro style, with a bustlo, a parasol of decidedly modern nppenranco, with Biiedo gloves nnd a pocket book Uko n roll', of music, un eyeglass und u pup, and! with n lint of no particular period. Iti Inapt lo shako one's henso of the eternal Utiles of things, but so it is nnd wo inustlj lienr it with becoming fortitude It mlghtl oo worse. " Oouncts nro as various ns tho shells of j ocean. Just ns ono thinks this stylo is settled und fixed lol thcro nro twenty moro styles all just us stylish demanding attention. I do not mean twenty bon nets vnrying slightly, but so many dis tinct styles. Among them I choso three of tho prettiest for my friends to boo. One of them is of pearl gray Mllnn braid, dead line, lined with dark bluo velvet nnd with a band of brocaded bluo ribbon n round tho low crown and a bow standing up In front, Tho brim turns down in ti very ancient Btylo rcnowed for this season. Another Isn clamshell poko of lino black braid trimmed with black laco, Iwrdcred with gold threads nnd trimmed with Blinded feathers from cream to dark green. The faco trim ming nnd strings nro of dark green, which cannot bo worn by a brunette. Tho other bonnet is of velvet laco and feathers, among which nro perched threo or four tiny humming birds. The pre vailing color Is n rich purplish bluo. with silver daisies embroidered along tho lace. Theso daisies havo hearts of gold. I saw at the theatre tho other ovenlng a very pretty bonnet mado of pink tulloj and creiun colored Spanish laco. Tho laco and tullo wero gathered hero and puITcd there, nnd tho pollings wero hold in places by dragon files mado of Rhino stones or possibly they wero real dia monds, for extra vaganco In dress is now carried to such n point that it isnsnpt to bo ono ns tho other. SOMU MOHK LATEST STYLEa. A very pretty stylo is now coming out j or wcarliiK deon linen turn down collars and culfs full six inches wido that turu ' backward. Thoy aro very ucat looking nnd becoming. Also laco collars nnd cuffs in deep vnndyko jiolnts aro seen. Handkerchiefs in largo sizea, with fluted rufllcs of batiste, aro shown, und others with laco rufllcs. Thoy ure eighteen inches bquarc. Tliero aro imitations now of Brussels point and Chantilly thut nro so perfect that none but an eH!i t can tell thum iiiart, tho only difference being that tho one costs from $4 to $20 u yard and the other from SO to 75 cents. And yet there Isn't a living woman who would not prefer tho real, oven though you can't tell tho dUTercnco. Such is life! Olive Haiu-er. IHII fl'ulll 111 II 11 1 III Irl n LI BaBatf LLLlJf'TOvtl TItAVKl.t.Sd lHBllvi CI.OAIC. tHWJ i 1 1 A A Ilmuo full of Coiiiinny, Thursday evening, according to neat Invi tations which wero sent out the first of tho week, tho jHipulnr furniture linuso of Hardy & Pitcher eiiU'itnlncd m imiltltudo of their frleuils with n spring oiieulug and It was an os'iilng tlint tlm limy well feel proud of. From seven o'clock until ten a steady crowd ciiiuoiiiiit went, but not until they bud viewed tho iimnimoth CNtiiblishiuont from top to bottom nnd innnv could not resist tho wel come nnd charming npmrtun!ty afforded thorn to stop nnd lest themselves in tlm do llghtful easy chairs which abounded hi pro fusion, to listen to the sweet muslcdlscoursod by tho Phllliniinonlc Orchestiu. When Hmdy it Pitcher first ojicned this new and commodious plnco of business hist full, It was an acknowledged fact that they hud thn largest In Lincoln mid that the rooms occupied would eui tnliily Ihj amply largo to accomodate tho linn's business for u long tlmo to come. Such however wnS not tlm enso and within tin eo short months It was found necessary to seek moro room and no ronllngly thn two lloors of the Htiihhlcflold Hlock over Curtice & Thiers tniislo di'isit weio leased for a term of years. Tho visitors wero accordingly gieatly surprised on reach ing tho second and thltd floors to find hugo doorway cut through tho walls and a mug- nlllceiit display or furniture to greet their eyes, Tho firm Is enjoying nn enviable reputation and tliero con 1h no reason why they should not bo titled tho lending furniture Iioumj In the state, hart lug none. They are cntei pris ing nnd popular nnd thnt their past success will follow then hereafter, was certainly evi dent nt tho oH)iilng. Tlio lino of spring novelties exhibited com prise tho latest In furniture thnt could Is) pur chased In tho eastern markets by Mr. Hardy whllo on his recent trip cast, and patrons of this impulnr house may feel assured that nothing newer can Ihi purchased In Now York Ulty or any where cIho, today, thou thoy now carry In their vast stock. Little Lite l.ociiln. Telephono at tho Couiiieh olllco Is !&1, Perkins Ilros., should fit your feet If you want comfort. Seo the now spring wrat just oponM at Ashby & Millspaugh'. Florida oranges from tho celebrated In dian river country, at Ctimmlugs & Morris. Clniue, oysters, and all the dellcnslcs of tho season always to Imi had at Hrown's enfo, Windsor annex, lllack Win DeSitlr, tho now material In silk, makes a beautiful continue. Ashby & Millspaugh show it in all grades. SupjicrM and bnnqtieU served on short notice at lirowu's Cafo. Prices reasonable and service llrst chiiH In overy respect. Kxcrybodycau alford to cat nt tho leading tesortlntlioclty now. Tho price of 'J 1 tick ts no'V at Odell's Is only 1 1 reduced from M.M. Sawyer & Moshler's greenhouses supply cut flowers, hoqucts, etc,, on short notice. Ilrauch llornl conservatory In Masonic Tern plo linsemeut. Ladles will find nt Wells now millinery store 1S18 south Eleventh street, tho lluest nnd latest assortment of lints, bonnets, kid gloves and fancy goods In general. Foreman & Ci ow havo made a specialty of glove for tho coming week and havo placed UK)u tlielr eouutcis a line that they "aro not ashamed for any ono to see." Without a doubt tho business In men's mid Isjy's wearing apparel and flue hul ordahery Ii Mug done by tho now at'd cnttrprislng firm of Summons & Co., wIiomi elegant store ttlwayB.presontHnscenoof bustling nativity. John Vnrcoe, book-keeper lor the Han Joso Cain. Times, was troubled with a severe cold and especially at ulghl had bad coughing sI1h. A few does of Cham ocrlalu's Cough Itemed)' completely cured him. Sold by A. Ij. Sbader, Dragglxt. Mr. II. I). Wynne, Whltesvlllo, Teitn., ro cogulzs In Chamberlain's Pain Dnlm the fin est medicine ho has over handled. Ho is an expel lenced druggist, and knows n good arti cle and recommends Chamberlain's Pain Halm for rheumatism, muscular aches and pains. It always holps tho suffering. Give It u triul. Sold by A. L. Shader, Druggist. MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, 238 South Eleventh Street. They Have No Equal ! Call and See Them. FRANK E. LAHR J36 P Street. Nurlli Side P. O. Square. Mouojr urn, costs, dies, etc,, promptly en graved in ill" most nillt(u inanner at tho JouuiKH olll '0. Don't send orders away rouih'iiim l('ii It can lie ilonwla the elty nt the same pi his ijjk&fe NOTICE! We arc sole agents in this city Ingrain and dyed Black Hosiery. is complete in Cotton and Lisle thread, from cheapest to finest grades for men, women and children. We guarantee perfect in color, them. . We Respectfully, 9 : : I mS 1 1 l yt y y I j,wrsL -trl V J SxDecieil Spring NOW IN Ashby & ilif9t COOKIIG- EXHIBITION -OF Charter Oak Range, WITH TIIK Wire Gauge Oven Door. Hot Biscuits, Roasted Eggs, Broiled Meats, Roast Beef, Etc., served in style. Ladies invited to witness this novel Exhibition, at PL . HAEE & BRO. 1126 O STREET. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, March 25, 26, 27, 28. THsvlTA5mgffriAT,lAD tMEM a3!L DOMESTIC" - mmxts"" Sewing MachinePar lor LINCOLN OFFICE, 42 NORTH llthST. W. A. DOGGETT, The Only Authorized Agent in Lincoln. for Onyx The line to b( every pair invite you to examine Successors to J. E. MILLER, Sale Of Wraps PROGRESS, Millspaugh. THE WONDERFUL '.5 .';mv:( i'."ii WJ s ' r ' 1 i .f